[HN Gopher] Writing an Engineering Strategy
       Writing an Engineering Strategy
       Author : kiyanwang
       Score  : 94 points
       Date   : 2023-02-19 17:53 UTC (5 hours ago)
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       | sublinear wrote:
       | Isn't this usually called business process management?
       | officialchicken wrote:
       | For those contemplating this, it would be helpful to understand
       | who is the audience? And in one sentence, what is the purpose of
       | this document?
         | thenerdhead wrote:
         | Engineering teams, leads, and directors that are clueless as to
         | what they are building and why. For engineering leaders to
         | practice actual "leadership".
         | norrsson wrote:
         | Will Larson wrote two books about Engineering Management and
         | Staff+ Engineers, based in part from articles from his blog.
         | Now I suspect he's preparing something for Engineering
         | Executives (CTOs and such).
         | The article is to guide Executives on how to write a company-
         | wide Engineering Strategy document for medium and large
         | organizations.
       | claytonjy wrote:
       | I'm glad to see this. I love Will's An Elegant Puzzle, but it's
       | very clear when reading it that it's missing examples and
       | guidance on how to write these documents he posits are so
       | essential.
       | He says here that most companies/orgs don't actually write this
       | stuff down, and he himself only did it at his most recent gig.
       | Has anyone seen this done well in their own companies? Are there
       | well-known companies with a culture of this kind of writing, that
       | is generally agreed to be effective?
       | jk3000 wrote:
       | In that context, I can recommend reading 'Technology Strategy
       | Patterns: Architecture as Strategy'
       | msoad wrote:
       | I feel like these are the type of documents that are written to
       | be written and not to be read. Naturally a "strategy" document is
       | read (and more importantly followed) by everyone. But I've never
       | seen something that happen in a large organization. Team do their
       | own thing disregarding most of what the leader on top decided
       | should happen. The leader is too busy to involve themselves with
       | actual everyday work.
       | The only actionable item is resource allocations coming out of
       | those strategy documents. The rest is pretty much fluff.
         | seb1204 wrote:
         | Well, in my view the leader you described is a manager and not
         | a (servant) leader that is supporting his team.
         | ketzo wrote:
         | I think another, underrated benefit is having something to
         | point at for new people.
         | When an engineer joins the team 6 months into the project, it's
         | important for them to have context on why you're doing what
         | you're doing.
         | Even if you have to qualify it with a bunch of "oh yeah, we're
         | not doing X and Y, and we're doing a different version of Z,"
         | it's really nice to get an overview.
         | [deleted]
         | simonw wrote:
         | My favourite piece of writing about engineering management,
         | bizarrely, is this: The Eleven Laws of Showrunning
         | http://okbjgm.weebly.com/uploads/3/1/5/0/31506003/11_laws_of...
         | It's about running a TV show - which has to be one of the most
         | challenging management exercises out there: you have a limited
         | budget, a hard deadline, activist investors ("the network"),
         | you need to recruit 100+ different people in a very short
         | amount of time... and you're also expected to write the first
         | and last episode of the series too!
         | The reason this document is relevant here is that the it talks
         | about the importance of having a clear vision. If you can
         | express a clear vision for the show, you can then distribute
         | that vision amongst your lieutenants - who are then empowered
         | to go and make good decisions without you having to micromanage
         | every step.
         | To my mind, this is the value of strategy and vision documents:
         | they're about helping people in your organization make good
         | decisions independently of top-level leadership.
           | bcherny wrote:
           | This is a cool document! I love when fields overlap like this
           | -- project and product management aren't completely different
           | in tech vs. TV shows.
           | That said, the advice is for a very specific situation: when
           | there is time pressure to get something done, staff to do it,
           | and the end product has to be thought through more upfront
           | than iterated towards.
           | You'll recognize this isn't always the case in tech. Your
           | startup may not know what to build yet and is simply
           | exploring the problem space as quickly as possible; your team
           | may not be staffed up yet; your team may be staffed and very
           | senior, which requires a peer relationship instead of
           | delegation; etc.
           | The skill of a good leader is to match their approach to the
           | situation.
           | jfoutz wrote:
           | That is a fantastic doc. It's thoughtful and kind hearted. it
           | puts the focus and responsibility for work right where it
           | needs to be. You could almost say, it's just express the
           | vision and delegate. But the devil is in the details, and
           | there is a deep fear details are what kills you. This
           | actually provides a path to responsibly delegate those
           | details.
           | Great great write up. Obviously it's about making a tv show,
           | but pretty much all of that is applicable to any leader.
       | thenerdhead wrote:
       | Now that I come to think about it, I have never seen an
       | engineering strategy document.
       | I think one of the key principles he's trying to say here is that
       | having a bad strategy is similar to no strategy. Aligned with
       | Rumelt's wonderful book.
       | The big challenge for said good strategy is how certain decisions
       | have been made. Most people just see a resulting backlog and ask
       | questions accordingly. But if you knew the underlying strategy
       | going into these backlog decisions, you'd focus more time on
       | assessing if that strategy matches with the business and product
       | needs.
       | I think many groups would benefit from hearing about their
       | engineering strategy from their leaders. Which seems non-existent
       | in most places.
         | Spartan-S63 wrote:
         | This point dovetails nicely with the idea of a "Commander's
         | Intent." In this case, a strategy document is the intent being
         | spelled out. If it's written well, a rank-and-file engineer can
         | read it and understand why certain allocations are made, why
         | certain priorities are pursued, etc without having to ask too
         | many questions or feel like a cog in a machine.
       | valenterry wrote:
       | I'm a bit confused, the strategy reads more like tactics to me. I
       | had expected something a bit more high level, with "values" and
       | "philosophy" and so on.
         | sorokod wrote:
         | Taxonomy is tricky but I agree that this is a level in between
         | strategic and tactical. In the military this level is called
         | operational.
         | [deleted]
         | underwater wrote:
         | In my opinion values and philosophy would fit with a vision
         | document.
         | That said, the actions section does feel too tactical to me.
         | Strategy would be more about the goals and targets.
       | trashtestcrash wrote:
       | Ugh another leader with their "resource allocation".
       | webosdude wrote:
       | I like Will Larson's most of the articles but this one seems all
       | over the place. Shouldn't engineering strategy be defined by 1.
       | Customer's needs first and then 2. Internal stakeholders like
       | developers, marketing, product, analytics etc. needs 3. Company
       | values and principles could be the next guiding principle.
       | I think if you work backwards engineering strategy should become
       | more clear. That's the part I found strongly missing in that
       | article.
         | Terretta wrote:
         | The tail shouldn't wag the dog.
         | But if you don't let the tail wag the dog you'll find you have
         | a very disaffected tail.
         | Turns out putting those three circles at the same table solves
         | this.
         |  _Much_ easier said than done.
       | kodah wrote:
       | > Maintain 4:1 product engineer to infrastructure engineer ratio.
       | This has been our ratio for the past several years, and it's
       | worked fairly well, so we intend to maintain it.
       | Really weird, as someone who works as a Software Engineer in
       | systems. The number of infra programmers you have is not a ratio
       | to be kept with product developers. It's dependent on the
       | versatility, modularity, reliability, and performance of the
       | platform you have internally. More plainly put, if you want only
       | VM orchestration with very minimal features, that's a different
       | head count that support virtual machines, FAAS, and container
       | orchestration.
         | threeseed wrote:
         | The only reason I can see you tying product engineers to infra
         | engineers in that way is if the infra engineers are supporting
         | them with DevOps activities. For example building CI/CD
         | pipelines, assisting with deployments etc.
         | Otherwise it really doesn't make much sense at all.
         | andrewem wrote:
         | A fixed ratio makes sense in the context of how a particular
         | company operates at a particular time. Given the example
         | strategy you're quoting is about one company (real or
         | hypothetical), and it doesn't say that the infrastructure teams
         | are going to gain or lose a bunch of responsibilities from what
         | they currently have, it seems pretty clear. When you add in
         | "Particularly we will avoid hiring that grows our current
         | headcount." the result is that they're aiming to keep about the
         | same number of total engineers, and therefore about the same
         | number of infrastructure engineers.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | You could read that ratio as a limit on infrastructure overhead
         | that one should have. Unless you're in the IaaS business, I
         | guess.
       (page generated 2023-02-19 23:00 UTC)