[HN Gopher] NAT between identical networks using VRF
       NAT between identical networks using VRF
       Author : ytch
       Score  : 66 points
       Date   : 2023-02-20 13:03 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.oddbit.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.oddbit.com)
       | d-z-m wrote:
       | Related: https://www.netfilter.org/documentation/HOWTO/netfilter-
       | doub...
         | hummus_bae wrote:
         | [dead]
       | ryanschneider wrote:
       | If each network also had unique dns services, then I think in
       | theory you could run a split horizon DNS server on the middleman
       | that rewrites results from the other network as the "alt"
       | address.
       | E.g. in the example middleman could rewrite a query for
       | `outernode0` that comes from the inner node network to resolve to
       | (instead of .2.10).
       | I'm not sure which dns servers allow rewriting logic like that
       | though.
         | zamadatix wrote:
         | The usual suspect, BIND, has a feature called Response Policy
         | Zones that can serve different responses to different ACL
         | matches (such as source IP). It can even autogenerate the
         | modified records if you ask it politely.
         | Of course a screwdriver also has a feature called Quick Eyeball
         | Removal which may be preferable. That or I'm just bitter about
         | having done this :).
       | supriyo-biswas wrote:
       | I am piggybacking my question on this discussion: as a beginner
       | to Linux networking, are there good resources one can learn from
       | (such as the use of ip link for route management as discussed in
       | the article?)
         | faragon wrote:
         | Check the FRR project.
         | https://frrouting.org/
       | KaiserPro wrote:
       | So, whilst possible to do, and this blog is a brilliant guide to
       | doing it, but there are better ways.
       | if this is a network you own either end, then if you really do
       | have the same subnets issued to different sites, then you would
       | be better served having virtual interfaces/VLANs to have a second
       | IP address.
       | Or, just use ipv6, and you have enough IPs to do what you want.
       | You can use 6to4 or nat64 to get IPv4 connectivity. most modern
       | networks terminated services on the edge with loadbalancers, so
       | you can use them as 6->4 bridges.
       | andix wrote:
       | Who are this powerful sorcerers that implement those network
       | features? It's one thing to figure out how to do that, but there
       | must've been somebody who crafted all those components first.
       | Truly impressed.
         | suprjami wrote:
         | Network providers have been using VRF for decades. I was doing
         | Cisco admin of VRF networks in the 2000s.
       | tarasglek wrote:
       | This is a very real problem when using a VPN into another network
       | with same ip-space.
       | Though I'm not sure the complexity is worth it. Suppose it would
       | be nice if tailscale implemented this type of substitution-
       | routing-NAT this for users.
         | zamadatix wrote:
         | Another possible option for the VPN use case, depending on what
         | you're trying to do and how you're doing it, is to just put the
         | VPN into the VRF (or a netns) and only bind connections you
         | intend to run through the VPN to that context. It's not
         | particularly fantastic either but it's a little more
         | straightforward.
         | dilyevsky wrote:
         | I mean they kinda do by assigning each node a cgnat space IP?
           | tarasglek wrote:
           | They have NAT routing support for exposing nodes that
           | don't/can't run tailscale. Meant that ip space
         | bob1029 wrote:
         | > This is a very real problem when using a VPN
         | I've been really careful about selecting virtual network IP
         | spaces throughout due to this concern.
         | The hardest part is accounting for the point-to-site VPNs on
         | top of everything else (i.e. employees connecting from
         | home/Starbucks/airport).
         | For internal corporate networks, I typically will provision
         | smaller targeted networks in order to get around this. Lopping-
         | off all of 10.0/16 or 192.168/16 for your internal LAN will put
         | you at a fairly high statistical likelihood of overlapping
         | domestic ISP address spaces. Smaller, odd networks like
         | 192.168.111/24 are much easier to plan around.
           | zamadatix wrote:
           | For virtual network IP space you can go with the
           | space (sometimes called "zeronet") as long as you are using
           | kernel 5.4+ everywhere you want that network. Obviously
           | is still excluded.
           | Windows (and probably macOS?) still block that as of today so
           | it can be an extra safe (and large) space if your only worry
           | is "I don't want my virtual network space to collide with
           | outside or client sourcing networks".
           | justsomehnguy wrote:
           | There is an extremely low chance what you find a collision
           | with 30/8.
           | m463 wrote:
           | One network I used allocated from -
           | but then docker wouldn't work if you were in 172.17
             | jrockway wrote:
             | I ran into this problem a long time ago with EKS. I picked
             | a network for EKS, but it also needed a network for docker
             | running on each node, and this happened to conflict with a
             | network that we had peered to AWS (we were an ISP, this was
             | our internal management network).
             | I learned on that day to put everything in our IP address
             | management system (netbox). Allocate private networks like
             | we allocated public networks to our customers. (It would
             | have been nice if I allocated Docker's defaults before they
             | had been allocated to an internal network, but ...
             | hindsight 20/20. At least with that network in the IPAM
             | system, people could figure out why it broke though.)
             | rzzzt wrote:
             | For me, this was WSL2's virtual machine and (IIRC) not the
             | default bridge network, but the next one created by docker-
             | compose.
             | rudasn wrote:
             | Ah what a fun issue to figure out and resolve 10 minutes
             | before endofday,especially if you are the one handling
             | docker and some dude in another country is handling the vpn
             | that wants access to said docker.
       | staringback wrote:
       | Can we let IPv4 and NAT die already?
         | groestl wrote:
         | This will never happen, I'm afraid :/
         | ok123456 wrote:
         | Just give it another 25 years.
         | greyface- wrote:
         | No. Even in IPv6-only-land, multihomed networks without PI
         | space will have good reason to NAT.
           | ArchOversight wrote:
           | If you generate a ULA address using the algorithm that is
           | recommended the likelihood of a collision in IPv6 addressing
           | space in networks is absolutely miniscule.
             | greyface- wrote:
             | If you're using ULAs, you don't NAT to avoid addressing
             | collisions; you NAT so that your traffic is routable on the
             | Internet. If you try to pass traffic sourced from a ULA to
             | your upstream without NAT, it or its response is going to
             | get dropped on the floor.
               | ArchOversight wrote:
               | You wouldn't route traffic over the NAT using ULA to the
               | outside world. You'd use GUA space for that.
               | Collisions between two private networks is very low was
               | my primary point, and thus NAT is not a thing that needs
               | to exist.
               | greyface- wrote:
               | Yes, exactly. And if you have two upstreams, there's no
               | single GUA prefix that makes sense to use in all
               | situations. You make your routing decision, then you NAT
               | (er, sorry, NPTv6, which is Totally Not The Same Thing As
               | NAT) to the GUA prefix corresponding with the network
               | that you're egressing from.
               | If you don't need Internet connectivity, yes, NAT-free
               | ULAs work fine.
               | akira2501 wrote:
               | NAT requires kernel connection tracking. NPT explicitly
               | does not. There's a lot of useful implications to this.
               | greyface- wrote:
               | _Stateful_ NAT requires kernel connection tracking.
               | Stateless NAT does not, and is still a form of NAT. It 's
               | sometimes used in IPv4 networks, even!
               | akira2501 wrote:
               | Didn't you mean stateful NAT when you were making the
               | comparison?
               | greyface- wrote:
               | That wasn't my intent, but I see how it reads that way
               | now. The parenthetical was me griping about naming, not
               | meant to update the meaning of the sentence. In the dual-
               | upstream scenario, I'd use stateless NAT with a single
               | on-link prefix (GUA or ULA).
               | labcomputer wrote:
               | > you NAT so that your traffic is routable on the
               | Internet
               | Erm... why the hell would you use NAT for that?
               | One of the features of IPv6 is first-class support for
               | multiple IP addresses on a single interface. Your
               | interface should have a one (or more) routable IP
               | addresses that should be used for packets traveling to
               | the public internet and one (or more) ULAs for reaching
               | internal networks.
               | greyface- wrote:
               | This is how it was envisioned, yes, but in practice there
               | are issues with source address selection when you have
               | multiple prefixes on-link for multihoming purposes. See
               | https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5220 for a description
               | of the problem.
               | throw0101c wrote:
               | > _If you 're using ULAs, you don't NAT to avoid
               | addressing collisions; you NAT so that your traffic is
               | routable on the Internet._
               | Note that "IPv6 NAT" really should be NPTv6:
               | * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6-to-
               | IPv6_Network_Prefix_Tr...
               | It allows for 1:1 mapping of external IPv6 addresses to
               | internal IPv6 addresses, without the silliness of port
               | mapping and such.
               | Of course your firewall/network device can still have a
               | default-deny rule so that only responses to internally-
               | initiated requests get through. Stateful firewalls are
               | still effective (and were invented before NAT).
         | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
         | IPv6 started rolling out... let's call it in 2000, which is
         | probably a touch late but close enough, and
         | https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html puts it at
         | 43% of traffic, but that's positive biased (because it's only
         | traffic on the public internet). So... I'm going with no, as a
         | society we can't and/or won't.
       | dilyevsky wrote:
       | Tl;dr: remap each side to a different /24 using iptables and vrf
       | device. If you dont want to mess around with iptables this can
       | also be trivially achieved using OVS
       (page generated 2023-02-20 23:00 UTC)