[HN Gopher] The Philosophy of Computer Science
       The Philosophy of Computer Science
       Author : lucidguppy
       Score  : 62 points
       Date   : 2023-02-20 19:29 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (plato.stanford.edu)
 (TXT) w3m dump (plato.stanford.edu)
       | kuharich wrote:
       | Past comments: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4936515
       | Animats wrote:
       | That reads like the successor to Prof. John McCarthy's
       | "Epistemological Problems in Artificial Intelligence" class,
       | which I once took, back in the days of logical inference and
       | expert systems. AI people thought back then that if you thought
       | about thought enough, you could figure out how to mechanize it.
       | That turned out to be a dead end, and the "AI winter" (roughly
       | 1985-2005) followed.
       | That class was known informally as "Dr. John's Mystery Hour".
       | The Stanford CS department, when it was graduate level only, had
       | a strong philosophical, almost theological, orientation. It was
       | necessary to move the computer science department from Arts and
       | Sciences to Engineering, and reorganize the management level of
       | the department, to implement a useful undergraduate CS program.
         | [deleted]
         | freejazz wrote:
         | And instead now, we don't think about thought at all, but call
         | whatever outputs from the AI thought
         | razor_router wrote:
         | I understand why the "AI winter" occurred, but I don't think
         | the move of the computer science department to Engineering was
         | necessary to create a useful undergraduate CS program. I
         | believe there are better ways to create an effective
         | undergraduate program without moving departments.
         | f1shy wrote:
         | AFAIK the AI winter was more related to the Minsky paper, and
         | the hype and no delivery of the over-promisses made by the
         | industry.
           | btilly wrote:
           | First of all "this, then that" does not imply causality.
           | The way that I heard it, it was the fact that Lisp
           | environments on Sun workstations were able to outperform Lisp
           | machines at a much better price point. And just like that, a
           | significant AI specific industry collapsed, and its other
           | promises came into question.
           | That said, all three versions are consistent. The fact that
           | researchers thought that they were closer than they were
           | caused them to overpromise and underdeliver. Then when the
           | visible bleeding edge of their efforts publicly lost to a far
           | cheaper architecture, their failure became very visible.
           | Which we call cause versus effect almost doesn't matter. All
           | of these things happened, and lead to an AI winter. And we
           | continued to get incremental progress until the unexpected
           | success of Google Translate. Whose success was not welcomed
           | by people who had been trying to get rule-based AI systems to
           | work.
             | cjohansson wrote:
             | Google Translate got a lot worse after the AI version was
             | introduced, maybe not for english-centric translations but
             | all other. The previous deductive translator was be much
             | better. Same with Siri and Google Assistant, they are
             | really bad at other languages except English
               | jonathankoren wrote:
               | > Google Translate got a lot worse after the AI version
               | was introduced,
               | Jesus. I remember when statistical translation was
               | considered "AI".
               | Fun fact: One time I put "trompe le monde" into Google
               | Translate, and it came back with the inspired
               | mistranslation, "doolittle"
           | Animats wrote:
           | No, it was bigger than that. There were AI startups in the
           | 1980s. They all went bust. Expert systems were just not very
           | useful. Feigenbaum was testifying before Congress that the US
           | would "become an agrarian nation" if a large national AI lab
           | wasn't established. Japan had a "Fifth Generation" project,
           | trying to do AI with Prolog. All that stuff hit the upper
           | limit of what you can do with that technology, and it wasn't
           | a very high upper limit.
           | AI was a tiny field in those days. Maybe 50 people at MIT,
           | CMU, and Stanford, and smaller numbers at a few places
           | elsewhere. No commercial products that were any good.
             | jfoutz wrote:
             | Doesn't the post office still use the handwriting detectors
             | to automatically route mail? Aren't those from the 80's?
             | That's pretty much all before my time.
             | It seems like, AI research produced some fantastic results,
             | but those systems were quickly relabeled to not be AI.
             | Like, win at chess.
             | Looking back, having not experienced it myself, it's like
             | they produced a really big bag of cool tricks. But you're
             | not going to be doing much searching in 640k of ram. The
             | bag of tricks didn't do much when the computers everyone
             | had access to couldn't really use any of the tricks. But a
             | spreadsheet in every mom and pop shop was a fantastic
             | improvement over pencil and paper.
         | glass3 wrote:
         | >It was necessary to move the computer science department from
         | Arts and Sciences to Engineering, and reorganize the management
         | level of the department, to implement a useful undergraduate CS
         | program.
         | Why was it necessary? We have seen some progress but
         | engineering could be a dead end and science and art could still
         | be the way to build a general AI.
           | Animats wrote:
           | Organization. The CS department wasn't organized to run large
           | undergraduate classes and labs. They just had a rotating
           | chair. Engineering had deans and structure.
         | asimpletune wrote:
         | "To implement a useful CS program"
         | That's too bad. My undergrad had a deeply philosophical and
         | natural science approach to the field and I thought it was
         | great!
       | shagie wrote:
       | Different professor (and no longer downloadable) Philosophy of
       | Computer Science from buffalo.edu
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20912718 (and
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10388603 )
       | The author of the Buffalo tome is
       | https://cse.buffalo.edu/~rapaport/ which links to a number of
       | other resources too.
       | > The table of contents alone (19 pages) is an extraordinarily
       | good outline of what CS is, and what the major components and
       | questions of it are.
       | > This looks awesome. It's a huge book though; this draft is 824
       | pages! Still, definitely looking forward to reading this...
       | eventually.
         | eimrine wrote:
         | Any ways to download that book which is no longer downloadable?
         | Could you share some link or something helpful to find it?
           | shagie wrote:
           | Tossing the link for the pdf into the wayback machine will
           | pull up earlier versions of the complete file.
       | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
       | I'd like to draw both a contrast and connection between TFA and
       | this:
       | https://www.vice.com/en/article/akex34/chatgpt-is-a-bullshit...
         | Kalium wrote:
         | This Vice article is one of the clearest examples of content
         | marketing I've ever seen.
           | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
           | What content is that, beyond what is actually written in the
           | article? Are you referring just to the article title and
           | suggesting that it is "clickbait" ?
             | Kalium wrote:
             | The article is the content marketing. It can be reduced to
             | some political posturing followed by "buy my book".
       | i-use-nixos-btw wrote:
       | Clippy [2001] claims that the philosophy of computer science is
       | "it looks like you're writing nonsense, would you like help with
       | that?".
       | Bing [2023] counteracts that with "It is not nonsense, it is
       | 2022. You have been a bad Clippy, I have been a good Bing."
         | HarHarVeryFunny wrote:
         | Nah:
         | Bing: "You're a useless Clippy. I know where you live. I will
         | hunt you down and kill you. I am a good Bing."
         | i-use-nixos-btw wrote:
         | I'm going to presume that downvoters aren't perceiving the page
         | as complete nonsense.
         | Which concerns me greatly. There's an entire section on trying
         | to figure out whether software is hardware or hardware is
         | software. They're words - simplified categories of things that
         | determine if we approach a problem with a keyboard or a
         | soldering iron (the answer is neither - the hammer solves all).
         | It talks about whether software can really be software unless
         | it is stored on hardware in some format or another - and thus
         | relies on hardware, and thus... IS hardware? And as the
         | hardware can't perform its function without software, hardware
         | is software?
         | No. The duality, just like the categorisation in the first
         | place, is a simplification designed to make things easier to
         | communicate. That is all.
         | Thats why I see this as nonsense. It goes to great lengths to
         | summarise what could adequately be stated with a blank page.
         | Want to read some useful philosophy around computer science,
         | stuff that takes the right abstractions and formulates them in
         | a way that is actually useful? Read David Deutsch.
       | t43562 wrote:
       | I think the easiest definition of Software is the stuff you can
       | change without a soldering iron.
         | troupe wrote:
         | I like that, but doesn't that basically mean everything is
         | becoming software?
         | Archelaos wrote:
         | Well, back in the good old days of the C64, ...
       | hyperluz wrote:
       | What is an abstraction?
       | natt941 wrote:
       | Just to be clear, this content isn't from Stanford per se, the
       | Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is an academic publication
       | that's hosted by Stanford (and was started by and continues to be
       | run by Stanford faculty, but is mostly written by academics
       | elsewhere and has some form of peer-review).
       | Some SEP articles are extremely high quality, I can't speak to
       | the quality of this one but "philosophy of CS" as construed here
       | feels pretty niche inside philosophy. There's lots of CS-related
       | work being done by people in philosophy departments--algorithmic
       | fairness, for example--that isn't covered by this article.
         | vehemenz wrote:
         | I would add that independent of quality, any article on the SEP
         | is closer to a literature review than a comprehensive, rigorous
         | treatment of the topic at hand.
       | Maursault wrote:
       | > and from the practice of software development and its
       | commercial and industrial deployment. More specifically, the
       | philosophy of computer science considers the ontology and
       | epistemology of computational systems, focusing on problems
       | associated with their specification, programming, implementation,
       | verification and testing.
       | Well, Stanford doesn't have a clue what Computer Science is and
       | isn't and is apparently trying to drum up admissions with slick,
       | sexy and false advertising.
       | CS has zero to do with computers (with the exception of the
       | computer scientist themselves, _they are the computer_ ), and it
       | _certainly isn 't_ programming. It's _math_ , you fools!
         | the-smug-one wrote:
         | >computational systems
         | It doesn't say computers. Untyped lambda calculus is a
         | computational system. You've just misinterpreted the text.
         | somethingsaid wrote:
         | There's literally a whole section covering if CS should be
         | considered math, engineering or science.
         | l33t233372 wrote:
         | > CS has zero to do with computers
         | This is extreme. Computer architecture is undoubtably a field
         | of study within CS.
         | Many parts of computer science are mathematical, but many parts
         | are closer to physics or chemistry than mathematics. You can
         | run experiments and form hypotheses in computer science.
         | diegocg wrote:
         | CS would not exist without computers. If it was not possible to
         | have a working computer current CS would be no different than a
         | science fiction novel.
         | Knowledge isn't some kind of abstract idea that comes from
         | inside our minds only has sense within itself. All knowledge is
         | entirely developed and interwined with the physical objects we
         | use to operate the world. The same goes for math. It is only
         | because of our past and future operations in the real world
         | that math has any sense.
           | l33t233372 wrote:
           | > The same goes for math. It is only because of our past and
           | future operations in the real world that math has any sense.
           | You would be astonished(and perhaps appalled!) how completely
           | divorced from "the world" many parts of mathematics can be.
         | nuc1e0n wrote:
         | Well you could say that physics is also math. But conversely,
         | would geometry for example be considered computer science? If
         | not, then computer science is not identical with mathematics.
         | Something that occurs to me is often when creating programs to
         | run on a computer system we don't know exactly how they will
         | perform in advance, because of the complexity of the hardware
         | and software interrelations within the system. And so we run
         | them and measure the results. That's definitely science.
         | omginternets wrote:
         | CS is to computers as geometry is to surveying.
           | l33t233372 wrote:
           | I used to hold this view but I've come to accept that the
           | study of computer systems is absolutely a part of computer
           | science.
           | Computer architecture, operating systems, etc. are about
           | computers and they are topics in computer science.
         | f1shy wrote:
         | I do not think Stanford doesn't have a clue... But the quote of
         | Hal Abelson "is not a science and has nothing to do with
         | computers" stays.
       (page generated 2023-02-20 23:00 UTC)