[HN Gopher] Haiku package management
       Haiku package management
       Author : julicen
       Score  : 182 points
       Date   : 2023-02-21 10:29 UTC (12 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.markround.com)
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       | haunter wrote:
       | Honestly that's incredible. Is there anything close to it in the
       | Linux world? Or I guess, I'm not an expert, that's what NixOS is
       | trying to solve?
       | >Just because they never got wide adoption doesn't mean they were
       | wrong
       | This is actually something that I was thinking about recently,
       | applies to a lot of topics not just OSes
         | outworlder wrote:
         | Yeah, although Haiku seems to solve this problem more elegantly
         | than Nix(the package manager) does(aka without a billion
         | links). It is still great and I use it across many machines,
         | including on OSX.
         | Another thing BeOS did well (and it's still ahead) was the
         | filesystem. The mail program was implemented directly in the
         | filesystem: https://arstechnica.com/information-
         | technology/2018/07/the-b...
         | At one point in history, there was a chance that BeOS would be
         | adopted as the Mac OS. I wonder how that fork in the road would
         | look like.
           | pxc wrote:
           | > Haiku seems to solve this problem more elegantly than
           | Nix(the package manager) does(aka without a billion links).
           | It is still great and I use it across many machines,
           | including on OSX.
           | If Nix's solution were more elegant in this sense, you
           | wouldn't be able to use it on macOS because macOS lacks the
           | required sandboxing features.
         | alxmng wrote:
         | You're right. That's what NixOS is, a Linux distro where all
         | software is managed by Nix, so the users environment is fully
         | compartmentalized, declarative, and reproducible.
           | MuffinFlavored wrote:
           | > so the users environment is fully compartmentalized,
           | declarative, and reproducible.
           | I have a question about this, please forgive my ignorance. I
           | see this statement repeated a lot about NixOS and I've kind
           | of had some "success" in the comments section being
           | "critical" / "asking hard questions" about NixOS.
           | If I have a build script that pulls + compiles + validates
           | with hashes/checksums say, Linux kernel, some userspace
           | tools, init system, etc. for a boring ol' distribution like
           | Alpine or Debian, why isn't that classified as "reproducible"
           | the same way NixOS is?
             | edgyquant wrote:
             | It would be, the problem is that you can not write such a
             | script at the moment. As far as I know those checksums are
             | almost always for the source code/file itself and not the
             | compiled binary.
               | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
               | The situation has improved, actually - you'd still have
               | to do custom scripting to check the output checksums
               | AFAIK but ex. https://tests.reproducible-
               | builds.org/debian/reproducible.ht... tracks Debian's
               | attempts to make it _possible_ to reproduce packages
               | perfectly. It 's just that nixos made it pervasive and
               | normal through the whole system.
               | mikepurvis wrote:
               | I think the main thing to understand is that Debian is
               | reproducible as a consequence of significant unenforced
               | contracts around what the pristine build environment will
               | be, what the state of the package repo will be when
               | dependencies are fetched and installed, and so on (see:
               | https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-
               | source.html#repr...). Your local dpkg-buildpackage
               | invocation has pretty much a 0% chance of being a bit-
               | for-bit reproduction of what you pulled from the archive
               | unless you cooperate with all this ceremony.
               | Nix, on the other hand, is reproducible _by default_. If
               | you `nix build  <nixpkgs/gitsha#pkgname>` you are
               | automatically getting a local build that takes place in
               | the same hermetic sandbox as the build you pulled from
               | cache.nixos.org, and will be identical or very close to
               | it. (Contrary to popular belief, not _all_ of nixpkgs is
               | reproducible-- many packages require patching for various
               | sources of nondeterminism, and this is an ongoing effort:
               | https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/labels/6.topic%3A%20repr
               | odu...)
             | pxc wrote:
             | > If I have a build script that pulls + compiles +
             | validates with hashes/checksums say, Linux kernel, some
             | userspace tools, init system, etc. for a boring ol'
             | distribution like Alpine or Debian, why isn't that
             | classified as "reproducible" the same way NixOS is?
             | It might be! Nix uses that very same strategy for enforcing
             | reproducible outcomes when dealing with non-reproducible
             | operations, like fetching things from the great mutating
             | mass of the internet.
             | I would say that Nix differs from that approach mainly in
             | the way it divides up the problem. So-called binary package
             | managers like you use on Alpine and Debian perform runtime
             | dependency resolution against a mutating global namespace
             | that usually lives on the internet-- the binary repos
             | themselves. Generally, those repos include only one copy of
             | each package. So to halt the forward march of all those
             | versions, you have to mirror each repo of binary artifacts
             | you're interested in using.
             | With Nix, outcomes also depend on the state of the repo,
             | but the repo is just a collection of build recipes which
             | are the mapped onto their outputs in a single, huge binary
             | cache. Every new build gets added to the same binary cache,
             | for every Nixpkgs/NixOS release. It just grows and grows.
             | And of course, Nix builds work even without enabling the
             | binary cache at all.
             | So to get the same kind of reproducibility out of many
             | other package managers, you generally have to set up
             | additional infrastructure.
             | But if you do everything right, you can certainly have a
             | fully reproducible OS image based on Alpine or whatever
             | else.
             | duped wrote:
             | It's only reproducible if you can actually reproduce it in
             | a different environment (different
             | time/locale/machine/etc).
             | yepguy wrote:
             | Nix's main innovation with regard to reproducibility is
             | that it actually fully specifies the dependency graph. I'm
             | not going to say anything about bit reproducibility as
             | that's another thing entirely, but virtually every other
             | package manager and build system has holes in its
             | dependency graph, coming in 2 main forms:
             | 1. Implicit dependencies that are needed to build the
             | software but not managed by the package manager or build
             | system itself. For example, if your language package
             | manager depends on a C library that it can't build itself.
             | Or Linux distribution package managers that implicitly
             | assume the presence of a "base system".
             | 2. SAT solvers for version selection. Using one of these
             | usually introduces an implicit dependency on the clock
             | time, because your dependencies will resolve to different
             | versions at different times.
             | The reason your script wouldn't classify as reproducible is
             | simply that you would probably fail to fully specify your
             | dependencies. It's harder than you'd expect once you start
             | moving up the software stack to complicated high-level
             | applications.
             | sparkie wrote:
             | The problem might not be your script, but that the system
             | is stateful. Users can access and mutate the /usr
             | directory, and some software will do this outside of the
             | system's built-in package manager. You can also compile and
             | link against a shared library in /usr, but then later this
             | library may be updated, so now your app links against a
             | different library than the one you built against.
             | Older package managers use a "name-version" scheme to try
             | and avoid package conflicts, but in practice there can be
             | different binaries which have the same "name-version"
             | identifier and they're not always compatible.
             | The way Nix solves the issue is to store everything in a
             | content-addressible store `/nix/store`, where multiple
             | concurrent versions can be installed without naming
             | conflicts (the directories are named with the content
             | hash). When an app is compiled, it is linked to specific
             | shared libraries in the nix store which will always be
             | present on the system. The `/usr` directory then, is just a
             | collection of symlinks to the actual content in the nix
             | store (most recent versions), for compatibility.
             | Because derived packages are reproducible, they will always
             | have the same content hash on every system on which they
             | are deployed. As a developer then, you can target very
             | specific shared libraries when building your software, and
             | you know that when you deploy them, users are going to have
             | the exact same dependencies you had when you built it.
             | odo1242 wrote:
             | many compilers aren't guaranteed to be fully deterministic
             | tho (e.g. __DATE__ macro)
         | iveqy wrote:
         | See my comment about apkovl
         | Gordonjcp wrote:
         | It's kind of what snap is trying to be, but it's not there yet.
         | pxc wrote:
         | > Honestly that's incredible. Is there anything close to it in
         | the Linux world?
         | Yeah, this is similar in spirit to what Flatpak and Snap do.
         | The latter even uses SquashFS images it mounts for every
         | package.
         | I have a feeling, though, that this is more similar to Distri1,
         | where the package manager is a bit more traditional. That is to
         | say, packages are fine-grained (not packaging large runtimes
         | into single chunks, like Flatpak and Snap) and there's not as
         | much special tooling as Flatpak has for redirecting inputs and
         | outputs, sandboxing, etc.
         | Distri also eliminates all hooks and triggers from packages,
         | leading to super fast installs, which is pretty cool.
         | > Or I guess, I'm not an expert, that's what NixOS is trying to
         | solve?
         | From the article, three key features highlighted are:
         | >  - Immutable system directories       >  - Rollback to
         | previous states       >  - User-managed packages separated from
         | system packages
         | And, going by those criteria: yes. NixOS and GuixSD are two
         | Linux-based operating systems which meet all three criteria
         | today. One key difference is that Nix and Guix don't require
         | namespacing at the filesystem, since they install everything to
         | those wacky store prefixes with the leading hashes. Put another
         | way: /boot/system on Haiku is a mountpoint, but /run/booted-
         | system on NixOS is just a symlink, even though both serve the
         | same function2.
         | But spiritually I'd say the basic idea (avoid dependency hell
         | through lightweight package isolation) is similar and so are
         | the results, at least in terms of capabilities.
         | PS: If you're interested in another example, RedoxOS' package
         | manager also has a very similar design to Haiku's and Distri's,
         | IIRC.
         | --
         | 1: https://distr1.org/
         | 2: Because NixOS allows you to switch to a new system without
         | booting it (i.e., it lets you upgrade without rebooting), it
         | actually has two symlinks here: booted-system and current-
         | system. The current-system symlink rotates as soon as you
         | switch configurations, but booted-system gets set only on a new
         | boot.
         | guipsp wrote:
         | > Is there anything close to it in the Linux world?
         | Check out (as you mentioned) NixOS or Fedora Silverblue
           | tmtvl wrote:
           | And Guix and OpenSUSE MicroOS. There may be others, but those
           | are the ones that immediately come to mind.
           | seized wrote:
           | Also Fedora Kinoite, the KDE flavor of Silverblue.
       | ofalkaed wrote:
       | Been watching Haiku for around a decade now, install it every
       | year or so to give it a go and it is getting very close to being
       | my primary OS. Great project with a good community, devs are very
       | helpful.
       | secure wrote:
       | My Linux research distribution "distri" works the same way :)
       | (I learnt about Haiku's similar approach after building distri.)
       | https://michael.stapelberg.ch/posts/2019-08-17-introducing-d...
       | https://distr1.org/
         | pxc wrote:
         | I'm a big fan of distri! Really enjoyed your blog posts on its
         | design and development. Hopefully I didn't misremember too much
         | about it in these comments. :)
       | [deleted]
       | iveqy wrote:
       | Looks a lot like apkovl
       | https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Alpine_local_backup for Alpine
       | linux. Not the most easy to grasp documentation but it's
       | basically a package (apk, similar do rpm or deb) that each has
       | its own overlayfs.
       | supriyo-biswas wrote:
       | Interestingly, some niche Linux distributions, such as Puppy
       | Linux and Porteus mount packages which are SquashFS filesystems
       | at runtime, implementing exactly this paradigm long before Nix
       | and the likes were around.
       | faefox wrote:
       | I'm genuinely so grateful that Haiku exists. The fact that a band
       | of enthusiasts has managed to keep the spirit of BeOS alive after
       | all these years is really inspiring. To me it's an echo of what
       | felt like a more hopeful era in computing, when the internet
       | still felt like a magical place.
         | user3939382 wrote:
         | I remember installing BeOS as a bare metal dual boot on my box
         | circa 2001-2. My impression was: wow, this OS is fast, fun, and
         | somehow endearing. I've not since had that experience with
         | another OS.
         | I'm also super excited to see Haiku mature. Especially once it
         | passes that breakaway threshold where it's not primarily being
         | run as a VM and the third-party ecosystem starts getting
         | traction.
       | mark_round wrote:
       | Author of the article here. Thanks for posting this! There's also
       | a really interesting thread on lobste.rs [1] where a Haiku
       | developer talks more about some of their less user-visible
       | innovations, compares the Linux development model to Haiku, and
       | gives some background on the drama[2] caused by the adoption of
       | their package management system.
       | Well worth a read and fascinating (to me, anyway!) to see new
       | ideas and approaches from the Alt-OS scene.
       | [1]=https://lobste.rs/s/j9decl/haiku_package_management
       | [2]=https://lobste.rs/s/j9decl/haiku_package_management#c_owqi3t
         | sleepycatgirl wrote:
         | That was good article :D
         | Definitely going to look into Haiku more myself :)
           | mark_round wrote:
           | I highly recommend it! Even if you haven't had the experience
           | or attachment to BeOS it's a refreshing and fun take on a
           | desktop system. It just "clicks" with me in a way that
           | Linux/Windows/Mac never did. It's truly impressive that
           | they've been going for over 20 years now (I still remember
           | the first screenshot of app_server drawing a window in the
           | early 2000s) and have accomplished so much from scratch.
           | Can't wait to see where the project will go next!
             | HeckFeck wrote:
             | Haiku and Serenity
             | Two founts of hope
             | For computing's future
               | edgyquant wrote:
               | Serenity is just a Unix clone and not one written in an
               | interesting language either. Id put redox above it simply
               | for being Rust based. Haiku is an entirely different
               | paradigm.
               | dmacvicar wrote:
               | Serenity's starting point is very well described:
               | "SerenityOS is a love letter to '90s user interfaces with
               | a custom Unix-like core. It flatters with sincerity by
               | stealing beautiful ideas from various other systems.
               | Roughly speaking, the goal is a marriage between the
               | aesthetic of late-1990s productivity software and the
               | power-user accessibility of late-2000s *nix."
               | I think in terms of paradigm, Serenity has a stronger
               | ideology than RedoxOS. It brings BeOS and Mac concepts
               | like a consistent and fully integrated monorepo system
               | and development kits, and a very strong and defined user
               | interface paradigm.
               | From that perspective I find Redox much less of a
               | paradigm for the end-user, if the main feature is the
               | language the developers used. Orbital does not look
               | remarkable.
               | The level of productivity of Andreas himself, his videos
               | and the community he managed to built, including growing
               | a few individuals of to major contributors to the point
               | they created a whole browser stack is just outstanding as
               | an open-source case study. Also to me, much more
               | interesting than a programming language used to built it.
               | Haiku is written in the same language as Serenity, btw.
             | pbowyer wrote:
             | As a teenager reading "PC Pro" magazine BeOS was the
             | operating system I was convinced was going to be the next
             | thing and take over. Sad times!
       | cmrdporcupine wrote:
       | Is the package system there something that Haiku invented, or was
       | BeOS like this as well? I had a BeOS install at one point in the
       | 90s, but don't remember how that worked.
         | mark_round wrote:
         | It's a Haiku thing. Added around 2018 if I recall correctly -
         | see the linked lobste.rs thread in another of my comments where
         | a Haiku developer gives some (really interesting) background on
         | the development and effects on the community.
       | hbbio wrote:
       | Another great feature of Haiku!
       | I love playing from time to time with it. If there would be ARM64
       | support (I wish I could find time to contribute...), combined
       | with the progress of Asahi Linux, it would be fun (and a pun to
       | history) to run Haiku on Apple M1s!
       | threemux wrote:
       | This reminds me of TinyCore Linux, which distributes packages as
       | squashfs archives and dynamically mounts them at runtime with
       | symlinks to the system directories. Pretty neat.
       | dmacvicar wrote:
       | Something few people know about: Haiku adopted openSUSE libsolv,
       | built for zypper, to solve dependencies even before Fedora.
       | libsolv, created by Michael Schoeder at SUSE, has two
       | innovations:
       | - a memory optimized format to represent packages and its
       | dependencies, using hashed string pools - a SAT solver able to
       | operate directly in this representation, battle tested in this
       | particular scenario of complex upgrades, including hundred of
       | testcases.
       | Haiku uses mainly the solver only, as far as I saw in the source.
         | darksaints wrote:
         | Do you know anything more about the solver? The GitHub page
         | doesn't really talk algorithms or anything. Does it use DPLL
         | under the covers?
           | dmacvicar wrote:
           | You can start here:
           | https://github.com/openSUSE/libsolv/blob/347200107f0f17a3697.
           | ..
         | [deleted]
         | bravetraveler wrote:
         | Keep in mind that 'even before Fedora' was ~8 years ago
         | Not sure what my point is, I was just confused - I know
         | SUSE/Fedora people are close
       | mouse_ wrote:
       | I swear, pet project operating systems like Haiku and SerenityOS
       | are the only things that still fill me with hope and keep me
       | going these days. I could go on for hours writing love letters to
       | Haiku.
         | 09284421980 wrote:
         | the hacker me
       | akshayjaggi wrote:
       | Haiku was my first experience writing code for a real world
       | software organisation, as part of Google Summer of Code.
       | Glad to see it still thriving and making the news every once in a
       | while.
       (page generated 2023-02-21 23:01 UTC)