[HN Gopher] Zig's multi-sequence for loops
       Zig's multi-sequence for loops
       Author : kristoff_it
       Score  : 213 points
       Date   : 2023-02-27 13:55 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (kristoff.it)
 (TXT) w3m dump (kristoff.it)
       | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
       | Ranges for for loops was a long time coming. Some C programmers
       | just completely lost their shit at having to use a while loop for
       | some reason. It was such a common complaint that we invented
       | stuff like the following as a joke, that of course became
       | something people actually used because internet gonna internet:
       | for(@as([10]void, undefined)) |_, idx| {         _ = idx;       }
       | Which, for those unfamiliar with Zig, has `for` iterate over an
       | 'array' of 0-bit values and capture the index while throwing out
       | the value (which would always be 0 because that's the only value
       | a 0-bit type can represent).
       | The implementation of this proposal brings with it the additional
       | benefit of making index capturing less mysterious.
         | gonzus wrote:
         | I suspect the real reason behind "some C programmers losing
         | their shit" was being forced to introduce a new variable into
         | the outer scope, or to use extra braces around your loop --
         | both are distasteful hacks, according to some.
       | Decabytes wrote:
       | I've been curious about Zig. I find its cross compilation story
       | using zig cc interesting. I like its focus on simplicity instead
       | of debugging your knowledge of the language. On the surface it
       | looks like a better C, that isn't as complicated as Rust.
       | I'll admit though the syntax is a little off putting. But that is
       | a minor complaint. I know it's not 1.0 and there are still lots
       | to do, but I'm curious if they do more for memory safety. With
       | companies trying to avoid starting new code in memory unsafe
       | languages if they don't have to , I wonder if that will hurt Zig
       | adoption. Right now it just seems like their approach is, reduce
       | Undefined Behavior as much as possible, make the "correct" way of
       | programming the easiest, and have array bounds on by default.
       | Will this be enough to make the language "memory safe" enough?
         | throwawaymaths wrote:
         | If zig includes tags or annotations (there are a few proposals
         | in the issues tracker) and surfaces this information at an
         | exportable zir level, it seems likely that data provenance
         | tracking (this includes memory safety and file descriptor,
         | socket closing, thread spawn/despawn etc) would be able to be
         | checked by a static analysis system. If zig supports compiler
         | hooks, then it could conceivably halt compilation unless these
         | invariants are satisfied.
         | I'm not convinced that this _needs_ to be in the type system.
         | Nonetheless it's not there yet.
           | matu3ba wrote:
           | > If zig supports compiler hooks, then it could conceivably
           | halt compilation unless these invariants are satisfied.
           | Can you sketch out why hooks are necessary on the proposals,
           | like 14656 ? So far I have not read a justification, what the
           | advantage of coupling it to the compiler provides as
           | performance gains on concrete examples. Afaik, Rust has
           | lifetime checks decoupled to parallelize compilation and I
           | have not seen research or a list of the possible
           | optimizations with synthetic benchmark results.
           | > I'm not convinced that this needs to be in the type system.
           | If you want to prevent static analysis semantics becoming an
           | incompatibilty mess like C due to 1. unknown and 2.
           | untrackable tag semantics, then you have to provide a at
           | least an AST to ensure annotations have known + unique
           | semantics as I explain in https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issu
           | es/14656#issuecomment-143.... I would say that this is a
           | primitive quasi-type check decoupled from main compilation
           | and could be kept very flexible for research experiments by
           | having an uri + multihash (so basically what Zig uses as
           | package).
           | More concretely: Stuff to look out for is RefinedC and
           | related projects to have more strict C semantics + how to
           | compose those things outside the regular Zig type system.
             | throwawaymaths wrote:
             | The only advantage to coupling to the compiler is that it
             | gives a tighter feedback loop for the developer, versus,
             | say, statically checking as a part of CI.
         | rwbt wrote:
         | I would suggest you to checkout Odin[0]. It's very similar to
         | Zig but has much better ergonomics and probably the closest to
         | a 'Better C' replacement in my experience. It does array bounds
         | checking by default (which you can turn off if you choose to)
         | [0] - https://odin-lang.org
         | brundolf wrote:
         | I would guess there will always be a niche for languages that
         | make C's overall set of trade-offs. Rust will shrink that
         | niche, but it'll still be there. I see Zig as targeting that
         | niche specifically: "we can strictly improve on C in a whole
         | bunch of ways, without changing the fundamental bargain"
           | throwawaymaths wrote:
           | There is a market for statically checked c, as evidenced by
           | the existence of something like SEL4 (though to be fair it
           | technically checks assembly code)
           | It seems like statically checked zig has a chance to be
           | strictly easier to implement relative to statically checked
           | C, and that's I think something to shoot for, especially
           | since it could require very little on the part of the zig
           | developers proper.
       | Y_Y wrote:
       | Is this different from good old `zip`?
         | Yoric wrote:
         | Apparently, it's zip, except with an UB if sizes don't match.
           | helloworld23443 wrote:
           | Hilarious. I was evaluating Zig, I took a look at Bun,
           | probably the most well known Zig project. Multiple issues
           | related to seg faults.
             | saagarjha wrote:
             | Those are safe depending on what kind they are.
             | kristoff_it wrote:
             | Take a look at TigerBeetle which is also written in Zig, if
             | you find segfaults there they even give you money :^)
             | https://github.com/tigerbeetledb/tigerbeetle
               | rosetremiere wrote:
               | It's hard to understand what tigerbeetle is about. Can
               | anyone ELI5 it for me? As far as I can tell, it's some
               | kind of a library/system geared at distributed
               | transactions? But is it a blockchain, a db, a program ?
               | (I did look at the website)
               | eatonphil wrote:
               | Hey thanks for the feedback! We've got concrete code
               | samples in the README as well [0] that might be more
               | clear?
               | It's a distributed database for tracking accounts and
               | transfers of amounts of "thing"s between accounts
               | (currency is one example of a "thing"). You might also be
               | interested in our FAQ on why someone would want this [1].
               | [0]
               | https://github.com/tigerbeetledb/tigerbeetle#quickstart
               | [1] https://docs.tigerbeetle.com/FAQ/#why-would-i-want-a-
               | dedicat...
               | rosetremiere wrote:
               | The faq helped, thanks! So, an example of typical use
               | would be, say, as the internal ledger for a company like
               | (transfer)wise, with lots of money moving around between
               | accounts? But I understand it's meant to be used
               | internally to an entity, with all nodes in your system
               | trusted, and not as a mean to deal with transactions from
               | one party to another, right?
               | jorangreef wrote:
               | Great to hear! Joran from TigerBeetle here.
               | Yes, exactly. You can think of TigerBeetle as your
               | internal ledger database, where perhaps in the past you
               | might have had to DIY your own ledger with 10 KLOC around
               | SQL.
               | And to add to what Phil said, you can also use
               | TigerBeetle to track transactions with other parties,
               | since we validate all user data in the transaction--there
               | are only a handful of fields when it comes to double-
               | entry and two-phase transfers between entities running
               | different tech stacks.
               | The TigerBeetle account/transfer format is meant to be
               | simple to parse, and if you can find user data that would
               | break our state machine, then it's a bug.
               | Happy to answer more questions!
               | eatonphil wrote:
               | Yes that's a good example!
               | And you can model external accounts that have their own
               | confirmation process using our two-phase transfer
               | support.
               | https://docs.tigerbeetle.com/FAQ#what-is-two-phase-commit
               | ngrilly wrote:
               | It's a distributed database for financial transactions,
               | using double entry accounting, written in Zig, and with a
               | very innovative design:
               | - LMAX inspired
               | - Static memory allocation
               | - Zero copy with Direct I/O
               | - Zero syscalls with io_uring
               | - Zero deserialization
               | - Storage fault tolerance
               | - Viewstamped Replication consensus protocol
               | - Flexible Quorums
               | - Deterministic simulation like FoundationDB
               | Yoric wrote:
               | Zero deserialization? That sounds rather scary. This
               | means absolute trust in data read from disk or received
               | from other nodes?
               | rom-antics wrote:
               | What is the threat model you're worried about? If an
               | attacker can write data to your disk or authenticate to
               | your cluster, aren't you already screwed?
               | Yoric wrote:
               | Yes, these are exactly my threats.
               | First, because I'm a strong believer in defense-in-depth.
               | Secondly because both disk corruption and network packet
               | corruption happen. Alarmingly often, in fact, if you're
               | operating at large scale.
               | jorangreef wrote:
               | Ours too!
               | For example, our deterministic simulation testing does
               | storage fault corruption up to the theoretical limit of f
               | according to our consensus protocol.
               | Details in our other reply to you.
               | jorangreef wrote:
               | Great question! Joran from TigerBeetle here.
               | "This means absolute trust in data read from disk or
               | received from other nodes?"
               | TigerBeetle places zero trust in data read from the disk
               | or network. In fact, we're a little more paranoid here
               | than most.
               | For example, where most databases will have a network
               | fault model, TigerBeetle also has a storage fault model (
               | https://github.com/tigerbeetledb/tigerbeetle/blob/main/do
               | cs/...).
               | This means that we fully expect the disk to be what we
               | call "near-Byzantine", i.e. to cause bitrot, or to
               | misdirect or silently ignore read/write I/O, or to simply
               | have faulty hardware or firmware.
               | Where Jepsen will break most databases with network fault
               | injection, we test TigerBeetle with high levels of
               | storage faults on the read/write path, probably beyond
               | what most systems, or write ahead log designs, or even
               | consensus protocols such as RAFT (cf. "Protocol-Aware
               | Recovery for Consensus-Based Storage" and its analysis of
               | LogCabin), can handle.
               | For example, most implementations of RAFT and Paxos can
               | fail badly if your disk loses a prepare, because then the
               | stable storage guarantees, that the proofs for these
               | protocols assume, is undermined. Instead, TigerBeetle
               | runs Viewstamped Replication, along with UW-Madison's
               | CTRL protocol (Corruption-Tolerant Replication) and we
               | test our consensus protocol's correctness in the face of
               | unreliable stable storage, using deterministic simulation
               | testing (ala FoundationDB).
               | Finally, in terms of network fault model, we do end-to-
               | end cryptographic checksumming, because we don't trust
               | TCP checksums with their limited guarantees.
               | So this is all at the physical storage and network
               | layers.                 "Zero deserialization? That
               | sounds rather scary."
               | At the wire protocol layer, we:                 * assume
               | a non-Byzantine fault model (that consensus nodes are not
               | malicious),       * run with runtime bounds-checking (and
               | checked arithmetic!) enabled as a fail-safe, plus       *
               | protocol-level checks to ignore invalid data, and       *
               | we only work with fixed-size structs.
               | At the application layer, we:                 * have a
               | simple data model (account and transfer structs),       *
               | validate all fields for semantic errors so that we don't
               | process bad data,       * for example, here's how we
               | validate transfers between accounts: https://github.com/t
               | igerbeetledb/tigerbeetle/blob/d2bd4a6fc240aefe04625138210
               | 2b9b4f5384b05/src/state_machine.zig#L867-L952.
               | No matter the deserialization format you use, you always
               | need to validate user data.
               | In our experience, zero-deserialization using fixed-size
               | structs the way we do in TigerBeetle, is simpler than
               | variable length formats, which can be more complicated
               | (imagine a JSON codec), if not more scary.
               | Yoric wrote:
               | > Where Jepsen will break most databases with network
               | fault injection, we test TigerBeetle with high levels of
               | storage faults on the read/write path, probably beyond
               | what most systems, or write ahead log designs, or even
               | consensus protocols such as RAFT (cf. "Protocol-Aware
               | Recovery for Consensus-Based Storage" and its analysis of
               | LogCabin), can handle.
               | Oh, nice one. Whenever I speak with people who work on
               | "high reliability" code, they seldom even use fuzz-
               | testing or chaos-testing, which is... well, unsatisfying.
               | Also, what do you mean by "storage fault"? Is this
               | simulating/injecting silent data corruption or
               | simulating/injecting an error code when writing the data
               | to disk?
               | > validate all fields for semantic errors so that we
               | don't process bad data,
               | Ahah, so no deserialization doesn't mean no validation.
               | Gotcha!
               | > In our experience, zero-deserialization using fixed-
               | size structs the way we do in TigerBeetle, is simpler
               | than variable length formats, which can be more
               | complicated (imagine a JSON codec), if not more scary.
               | That makes sense, thanks. And yeah, JSON has lots of
               | warts.
               | Not sure what you mean by variable length. Are you
               | speaking of JSON-style "I have no idea how much data I'll
               | need to read before I can start parsing it" or entropy
               | coding-style "look ma, I'm somehow encoding 17 bits on
               | 3.68 bits"?
               | jorangreef wrote:
               | > Also, what do you mean by "storage fault"? Is this
               | simulating/injecting silent data corruption or
               | simulating/injecting an error code when writing the data
               | to disk?
               | Exactly! We focus more on bitrot/misdirection in our
               | simulation testing. We use Antithesis' simulation testing
               | for the latter. We've also tried to design I/O syscall
               | errors away where possible. For example, using O_DSYNC
               | instead of fsync(), so that we can tie errors to I/Os.
               | > Ahah, so no deserialization doesn't mean no validation.
               | Gotcha!
               | Well said--they're orthogonal.
               | > Not sure what you mean by variable length. Are you
               | speaking of JSON-style "I have no idea how much data I'll
               | need to read before I can start parsing it"
               | Yes, and also where this is internal to the data
               | structure being read, e.g. both variable-length message
               | bodies and variable-length fields.
               | There's also perhaps an interesting example of how
               | variable-length message bodies can go wrong actually,
               | that we give in the design decisions for our wire
               | protocol, and why we have two checksums, one over the
               | header, and another over the body (instead of one
               | checksum over both!): https://github.com/tigerbeetledb/ti
               | gerbeetle/blob/main/docs/...
               | Yoric wrote:
               | Alright, I'm officially convinced that you've thought
               | this out!
               | So, how's the experience of implementing this in Zig?
               | jorangreef wrote:
               | Thanks! I hope so! [:raised_hands]
               | And we're always learning.
               | But Zig is the charm. TigerBeetle wouldn't be what it is
               | without it. Comptime has been a gamechanger for us, and
               | the shared philosophy around explicitness and memory
               | efficiency has made everything easier. It's like working
               | with the grain--the std lib is pleasant. I've learned so
               | much also from the community.
               | My own personal experience has been that I think Andrew
               | has made some truly stunning number of successively
               | brilliant design decisions. I can't fault any. It's all
               | the little things together--seeing this level of
               | conceptual integrity in a language is such a joy.
               | ngrilly wrote:
               | I can't stop being amazed by TigerBeetle's design and
               | engineering.
               | jorangreef wrote:
               | Thank you Nicolas!
               | [deleted]
               | laserbeam wrote:
               | It's a special purpose DB. No relation to blockchains.
             | speed_spread wrote:
             | Well, Zig would not be such a good C replacement if it did
             | not also allow segfaulting all over the place.
             | jeroenhd wrote:
             | Looking at the bugs themselves, I don't think any low level
             | language would've caught those. C/C++ would've crashed as
             | well (hopefully, at least, many of these problems would be
             | UB and the compiler might just ignore the problem or patch
             | out the offending code) and Rust would've panic'd. There
             | are a few cases where Rust wouldn't have allowed the code
             | to panic but the surrounding code would be pretty
             | unreadable in safe Rust (without stacking types like
             | Box+RefCell+Rc and clone()ing a bunch) so it's hard to
             | compare the two.
             | The advantage of Rust would be a nice and readable stack
             | trace to the crashing method, but a core dump would've
             | included even more information for the person debugging the
             | binary, so I think it ends up quite even.
               | jjnoakes wrote:
               | A panic (deterministic, guaranteed, immediate, and worst-
               | case a dos) is an order of magnitude better than memory
               | corruption (non-deterministic, not guaranteed, eventual-
               | if-at-all, and worst-case-rce).
               | cormacrelf wrote:
               | I don't know what's going on in this thread where
               | encountering UB has somehow been morphed into some kind
               | of guaranteed immediate core dump that's basically better
               | than panicking anyway. Yes, people are talking about
               | segfaults. But it's memory corruption. Maybe you get a
               | crash at some point, maybe you do not.
               | A reminder for all that have forgotten: UB is the one
               | that can email your local council and submit a request to
               | bulldoze the house you're in. It is not a free core dump.
               | sfink wrote:
               | You appear to have particularly vengeful nasal demons.
               | AndyKelley wrote:
               | A sementation fault is well-defined behavior. If you look
               | at Jarred's comment nearby he reveals that the pointers
               | in question are special pointers, e.g. 0x0, 0x1, 0x2,
               | etc.
               | It is 100% well-defined behavior to dereference these
               | pointers. It always segfaults, which as Jarred mentioned
               | is a lot like a panic.
               | Rust evangelists need to be careful because in their zeal
               | they have started to cause subtle errors in the general
               | knowledge of how computers work in young people's minds.
               | Ironically it's a form of memory corruption.
               | adwn wrote:
               | > _If you look at Jarred 's comment nearby he reveals
               | that the pointers in question are special pointers, e.g.
               | 0x0, 0x1, 0x2, etc._
               | Is that guaranteed by the language semantics, or could it
               | possibly change at some point in the future? If it's the
               | latter, then yes, it is very much Undefined Behavior, and
               | not guaranteed to segfault before opening the door for
               | potential exploits.
               | rom-antics wrote:
               | I can buy that dereferencing null is a special case, but
               | why is 0x2 special? Is 0x20 also special? What about
               | 0x20000? Are the invalid non-null pointer values listed
               | in a reference somewhere? If 0x2 is an invalid pointer,
               | what do I do if my microcontroller has a hardware
               | register at 0x2?
               | jeroenhd wrote:
               | On many platforms, the zero page is set up so access to
               | it will always segfault. This isn't a language guarantee,
               | but it's a guarantee in most modern operating systems
               | (Linux, FreeBSD, Windows). This is set up for pointers
               | all the way up to the end of the first page.
               | On Windows and Linux this is the first 4KiB so range
               | 0x0000 up to 0x1000, unless large pages are on (then it's
               | even more).
               | On macOS in x64 this is the entire 4GiB memory space,
               | probably a method to help developers port their 32-bit
               | software to x64. I don't know what the zero page size on
               | ARM is.
               | If your microcontroller doesn't have this guarantee, you
               | can't make use of this feature.
               | rom-antics wrote:
               | That's a guarantee on the level of the hardware/OS, but
               | hardware semantics are not the same as language/compiler
               | semantics. Even if according to the _source code_ you 're
               | dereferencing a pointer value 0x0 or 0x2, that doesn't
               | mean the compiler-emitted machine code will end up
               | telling the hardware to do the same.
               | Remember this gem?
               | https://kristerw.blogspot.com/2017/09/why-undefined-
               | behavior...
               | Once you trigger UB, all bets are off and your code could
               | do anything. A segfault just means you spun the roulette
               | wheel, bet it all on red, and got lucky your house wasn't
               | bulldozed.
               | Zig also uses LLVM under the hood, right? So it's subject
               | to these same semantics. An LLVM pointer value cannot
               | legally contain arbitrary non-null non-pointer integers
               | such as 0x2. That's a dead giveaway of UB. And I doubt
               | the emitted Zig code safety-checks every pointer
               | dereference for a value less than 0x1000 before
               | performing the dereference.
               | kristoff_it wrote:
               | > An LLVM pointer value cannot legally contain arbitrary
               | non-null non-pointer integers such as 0x2.
               | 0x2 is a perfectly valid pointer value, it just happens
               | to never be a good _virtual memory_ address on modern
               | systems where virtual memory is setup by the usual OSs,
               | hence the fact that you can rely on it segfaulting.
               | jeroenhd wrote:
               | The semantics are actually operating system and even
               | compiler flag dependent. On macOS you can choose the size
               | of your zero page during build. The numbers I've listed
               | are just the defaults.
               | Zig UB is not C UB. There is an entire language built on
               | top of it. Just because something behaves a certain way
               | in C, doesn't mean the same thing is true in Zig. Zig is
               | no longer a code generator for C, it has switched to a
               | self hosted compiler a while back. In fact, the language
               | is rapidly progressing to the point where LLVM is a mere
               | optional dependency.
               | I don't know the semantics around LLVM pointers. I don't
               | see why 0x2 would be invalid, there are plenty of
               | platforms programmed in C(++) that have a flat memory
               | model. It would be quite painful to have a
               | microcontroller where you can't send data to the output
               | pin because LLVM decided that 2 is invalid (but 0 isn't).
               | I've never seen LLVM complain about invalid
               | dereferencing, though, it always ends up doing what the
               | compiler tells it to do as far as I can tell.
               | Zig pointers will definitely cause UB but most Zig code
               | shouldn't need them. Slices are actually bound checked
               | and should probably be preferred in most cases of pointer
               | arithmetic. Simple pointers can't be increased or
               | decremented so you need to manually go through @intToPtr
               | if you want to do real pointer arithmetic, which is quite
               | unusable.
               | I haven't used Zig much so I don't know how many Zig
               | semantics are copies of C semantics and how many are
               | translated by the Zig frontend. However, "this is a
               | bad/undefined thing in C so it must be a bad/undefined
               | thing in Zig" is simply not true.
               | rom-antics wrote:
               | I know Zig is not C, that's why I specifically mentioned
               | LLVM. It's fine if Zig has different opinions about UB
               | than LLVM does, but in that case ReleaseSafe builds
               | should not use LLVM, not even optionally. If Zig says
               | some operation is defined, but LLVM says it's undefined,
               | well, LLVM is the one optimizing code so it's LLVM's
               | invariants that matter. Right now it looks like Zig is
               | playing fast and loose with correctness, shoving
               | everything through LLVM but not respecting LLVM's
               | invariants. And hey, if something is observed to segfault
               | under some conditions today on the current version of
               | LLVM, we'll just say segfaults are guaranteed. It's
               | disappointing to see.
               | AndyKelley wrote:
               | A lot of people have the same misunderstanding as you.
               | LLVM has rules about what is legal and what is not legal.
               | If you follow the rules, you get well-defined behavior.
               | It's the same thing in C. You could compile a safe
               | language to C, and as long as you follow the rules of
               | avoiding UB in C, everything is groovy.
               | Likewise, this is how Zig and other languages such as
               | Rust use LLVM. They play by the rules, and get rewarded
               | by well-defined behavior.
               | rom-antics wrote:
               | Is not one of the LLVM rules, pointers must be valid and
               | have a valid provenance in order to be dereferenced? If
               | 0x2 ends up in a pointer that is dereferenced (or 0x0 in
               | a nonnull pointer), has that rule not been broken? And if
               | the rule is broken, does that not trigger undefined
               | behavior?
               | avgcorrection wrote:
               | > On many platforms, the zero page is set up so access to
               | it will always segfault. This isn't a language guarantee,
               | but it's a guarantee in most modern operating systems
               | (Linux, FreeBSD, Windows). This is set up for pointers
               | all the way up to the end of the first page.
               | Then I guess it could be a language guarantee if Zig only
               | supports/targets those platforms. However, considering
               | how low-level Zig is, I doubt that _that_ is the case.
               | jeroenhd wrote:
               | First of all: Zig is not C. The rules for undefined
               | behaviour can be found here:
               | https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/#Undefined-
               | Behavior
               | TL;DR: Zig injects checks and aborts the program at
               | runtime unless you specify that you wish to ignore the
               | problem. This can be done explicitly within the code or
               | by compiling under a build mode that ignores checks
               | (unless specified manually).
               | Programs compiled as Debug and ReleaseSafe will terminate
               | at runtime if UB is triggered. Compiling for ReleaseSmall
               | and ReleaseFast will cause traditional C-style UB. If you
               | care about your program doing what it's supposed to do,
               | you use ReleaseSafe. Doing Release[Fast|Small] will do
               | something similar to -O3 in other languages, which will
               | often change behaviour.
               | Note, however, that you can compile your code under "just
               | allow UB and see what happens" mode but still benefit
               | from checked UB by setting @setRuntimeSafety(true); this
               | will introduce the assertions despite the unsafe build
               | modes you may specify.
               | It's like introducing a C++ compiler flag* telling the
               | compiler "ignore exceptions and just continue". You know
               | you're in for a bad time the moment you specify it, but
               | it makes your program blazingly fast because it greatly
               | reduces the amount of code to generate/checks to execute.
               | The main advantage of checked UB is that well-tested code
               | can make use of the unchecked nature of these features
               | for speed without having length check code blocks that
               | need to be wrapped in debug #ifdefs or similar. Assuming
               | you don't run test builds with checks enabled (and why
               | wouldn't you) you'd catch these problems in your build
               | pipeline.
               | This is different from the normal way of working with C
               | and friends, where UB remains in debug/-O1 builds but
               | just acts a little differently. Some compilers will
               | insert breakpoints, others will ignore the problem like
               | in release mode, nobody knows what will happen and your
               | compiler can't detect this problem for you.
               | * note that -fno-exceptions exists, but that aborts the
               | program rather than let it continue.
             | Jarred wrote:
             | Most of what manifests as a segfault in Bun have been due
             | to assuming a JSValue is a heap allocated value when it is
             | (the JavaScript representation) "null", "undefined",
             | "true", "false" etc. These are invalid pointers, the
             | operating system signals the memory access was invalid, Bun
             | runs the signal handler, prints some metadata, and exits.
             | This is a lot like a panic
           | naikrovek wrote:
           | safety-checked UB; an important distinction. I assume.
             | Yoric wrote:
             | Could you elaborate? What's a safety-checked UB?
               | codethief wrote:
               | https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/#Undefined-
               | Behavior
               | Yoric wrote:
               | Thanks.
               | So, if I read this correctly, barring the simple cases
               | that Zig can detect at compile-time, this means that
               | whether it's a UB (in the C++ definition of the term)
               | depends on the flags specified by the author of the
               | library and the person who compiles the final binary.
               | That's definitely much better than C++ UB. Still a bit
               | scary, though.
             | planede wrote:
             | Not very. It really just means that "there is a sanitized
             | mode for building", which already exists in many C and C++
             | compilers (for language UB) and standard libraries (for
             | library UB).
               | naikrovek wrote:
               | I think of this case as an assert() that both lists are
               | the same length. if they're not, I want to know about
               | that via a crash.
               | oconnor663 wrote:
               | I think Zig's ReleaseSafe mode is intended to be suitable
               | for production, which IIUC isn't really the case with
               | ASan, UBSan, and friends. Those have some performance
               | problems and also some attack surface problems.
               | planede wrote:
               | OK, but is "safe" in ReleaseSafe any kind of guarantee,
               | or is it just safer than ReleaseFast?
               | I can enable lightweight assertions in libstdc++ and
               | libc++ and it makes C++ safer, but not in any way "safe".
               | There are some flags that can be enabled to trap on some
               | language UB too, without bringing in the heavy weight
               | sanitizers.
               | oconnor663 wrote:
               | Last time I checked (more than a year ago) there were
               | major open questions about what could be guaranteed. My
               | impression was that you could expect e.g. all array
               | accesses to be bounds checked, but that use-after-free
               | and dangling pointers were still issues, especially if
               | you use the C allocator.
             | [deleted]
           | randyrand wrote:
           | Is it UB?
           | I thought it was defined as an OOB access in non-safe modes,
           | or a panic in safe-modes.
         | Laremere wrote:
         | As much as a concept can be translated from one programming
         | language to the next, they're conceptually pretty much
         | identical. However for Zig there are two important differences:
         | 1. It's simpler syntax than reaching for a zip function. I
         | personally like this design because the conceptual load is
         | pretty low as it feels like a natural extension of simple for
         | loops. Eg you could teach someone simple for loops, then later
         | go "hey, you could do this the whole time!"
         | 2. Zig doesn't have support for custom iterators. Zip is doable
         | using the existing metaprogramming features, but it's not as
         | simple. Support for iterators also likely violates Zig's `No
         | hidden control flow.` maxim. Plus I imagine it's a lot easier
         | for the compiler to perform optimizations this way.
         | Both points combined are related to Zig's design goal for being
         | good at writing code that can run fast on modern CPU
         | architectures. Being able easily to loop over multiple arrays
         | is a good step for making that practical.
           | kps wrote:
           | > No hidden control flow.
           | Off-topic, but... I very much like this idea, but I think Zig
           | shares one wart with languages like C++: it's impossible to
           | tell syntactically whether `f()` is a direct or indirect
           | call. An indirect branch is a _conditional_ branch, where the
           | condition can be arbitrarily far away in space and time, and
           | it 's invisible. Dynamic control flow can be tricky to reason
           | about even when you know it's there.
             | rom-antics wrote:
             | iirc there was a proposal to have Zig used `funcptr.()`
             | syntax (with a dot) for indirect calls, but it was
             | rejected.
           | Jayschwa wrote:
           | While with optionals enables some iterator-like behavior.
           | https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/#while-with-
           | Optiona...
             | malcolmstill wrote:
             | To expand on the parent and grandparent:
             | Laremere is correct in that there is no "magic" built-in
             | understanding of iterators in the language, i.e. under the
             | hood calling a `.next()` method, without explicitly having
             | to call it. That _would_ violate the no hidden flow control
             | maxim.
             | However, as Jayschwa points out, Zig's `while` loop will
             | bind the result of its expression (in its own block scope)
             | if it is non-null and otherwise exit the loop. This gives
             | you essentially the same as a for loop that has some
             | language-level knowledge of the iterator pattern, except
             | there is no hidden flow control (I have to explicitly call
             | `next`).
             | And indeed the Zig standard library is replete with
             | iterators (and in most of the Zig code I write I will will
             | write iterators for my own collections). For example,
             | `mem.split` returns an iterator:                   var it =
             | mem.split(...);                  // it.next() returns null
             | after we run out of         // split text and the while
             | loop exits         while (it.next()) |substr| {
             | // In here we have a non-nil substr         }
             | > Plus I imagine it's a lot easier for the compiler to
             | perform optimizations this way.
             | That's an interesting point: does Zig miss out on some
             | optimisation possibilities with iterators given they are
             | not a language-level construct? I don't know.
         | jeroenhd wrote:
         | It's zip with an arbitrary amount of array parameters. Quite
         | useful for the purposes provided by the article.
         | I do wonder about performance, though, as multiple array
         | derefences may not be captured well by the L1 cache like a
         | well-rounded struct might.
         | An L1 cache line is often 64 bytes long, enough to fit one of
         | the "monster" example structs but never two. Performance in
         | real life scenarios may actually increase if these structs are
         | padded with an additional 16 bytes so none of the structs are
         | on a cache line boundary.
           | masklinn wrote:
           | > It's zip with an arbitrary amount of array parameters.
           | So... zip?
           | Python's does that, and for most other langages you could use
           | overloading, basic macros, or traits trickery to get there if
           | you really wanted to support unreasonable widths (IME you
           | almost never need more than 3, and combining two zip/2 works
           | fine then).
             | klyrs wrote:
             | Zig's "zip" is purely syntactical, where Python's zip is a
             | generator. This is significant both in terms of performance
             | (Zig wins) and flexibility (Python wins).
             | Unlike Python, you can't pass a zip generator around. It's
             | just a for-loop. While zig loops are expressions, they only
             | return a single value.
               | masklinn wrote:
               | > This is significant both in terms of performance (Zig
               | wins)
               | Does it, actually? Does Zig's built-in pseudo-zip
               | outperform Rust's? Or C++23's?
               | > It's just a for-loop.
               | Except it's not "just" a for loop, it's a weird special
               | case for a for loop. And one which is actively dangerous
               | too.
               | klyrs wrote:
               | Please check the context, I was comparing to Python. And
               | please chill out. It's only "dangerous" when you decide
               | to run it that way.
               | masklinn wrote:
               | > Please check the context, I was comparing to Python.
               | Ah yes, that's very honest, no shit zig is faster than
               | Python, what's the next one, thrustscc may be faster than
               | polio-johnny down the road?
               | klyrs wrote:
               | Hi, no need to be so abrasive about it.
               | > Please respond to the strongest plausible
               | interpretation of what someone says, not a weaker one
               | that's easier to criticize. Assume good faith.
               | Python's zip function returns a generator. A generator in
               | zig would look like a function pointer with a closure. If
               | zig were to implement the Python-style "zip" function,
               | constructing the closure, and iterating over the
               | generator, would be significantly slower than the naked
               | "just a for loop" that we see in TFA. And that's not even
               | considering the tuple construction (oops, now we need an
               | allocator) & unpacking.
               | Ergo, the zig-style "syntactical zip" is higher
               | performance than the Python-style "functional zip". Even
               | when you cut through the baseline performance differences
               | between the languages.
               | masklinn wrote:
               | > Hi, no need to be so abrasive about it.
               | That's just projection.
               | > Please respond to the strongest plausible
               | interpretation of what someone says, not a weaker one
               | that's easier to criticize. Assume good faith.
               | I'll get right on that as soon as you extend the same
               | courtesy, which you have refused to do at every
               | opportunity.
               | judofyr wrote:
               | > Except it's not "just" a for loop, it's a weird special
               | case for a for loop.
               | You could also argue that a for loop which can only
               | iterate over a _single_ sequence is a special case of a
               | multi-sequence for loop.
               | > And one which is actively dangerous too.
               | In safe builds (ReleaseSafe, Debug) it will cause a
               | controlled panic if the sequences are not of the same
               | size. Most likely it's a logical bug if you iterate over
               | two sequences of different sizes. In ReleaseFast the
               | compiler will make assumptions to improve performance. If
               | it's very important for your code you can force a certain
               | code block to always have runtime safety. Yes, there are
               | trade-offs, but I don't feel it's _unreasonable_.
             | jeroenhd wrote:
             | There is no single "zip". Java's .zip() will work on two
             | sources, as will C#'s Zip(). Haskell's zip is no different,
             | only accepting two parameters. I don't know any language
             | other than Python that shares Python's iterator zip()
             | implementation.
             | In implementation, Python's zip will return a generator
             | that is iterated over using the iterator functionality,
             | while Zig's .zip is compiled as a loop. Python's iteration
             | may be turned into a loop, it may be interpreted, or it may
             | be turned into some other kind of bytecode, who knows. The
             | standard cpython implementation is much more complex,
             | though: https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/main/Python/
             | bltinmodu...
             | Concatenating zip()s is an unnecessarily complex solution,
             | both in terms of syntax and in code generated. In Python
             | this may not matter because it's a relatively slow
             | programming language in general (the language often being
             | "glue between fast C methods"), but in Zig this can easily
             | become untennable.
             | I also disagree that you don't need more than 3. As the
             | article states, if you leverage array-of-structs rather
             | than struct-of-arrays you can use this to "deconstruct"
             | objects without paying the memory usage penalty of struct
             | padding. The 15% wasted RAM in this example is relatively
             | small compared to some real use scenarios; something as
             | common as a 3D vector will often have a whopping 25% space
             | waste.
             | Other languages allow this as well (and often using such
             | iterations are much faster than zip()ing lists together)
             | but the lack of guarantees and repetitive syntax becomes a
             | pain.
               | masklinn wrote:
               | > There is no single "zip".
               | Which means you can implement yours to fit your needs.
               | > I don't know any language other than Python that shares
               | Python's iterator zip() implementation.
               | https://docs.rs/itertools/latest/itertools/macro.izip.htm
               | l
               | > In implementation
               | Which is hardly relevant. Python's entire implementation
               | has aims, means, and purpose with no relation to Zig's.
               | > I also disagree that you don't need more than 3.
               | Which is not what I wrote.
               | > As the article states, if you leverage array-of-structs
               | rather than struct-of-arrays you can use this to
               | "deconstruct" objects without paying the memory usage
               | penalty of struct padding.
               | Sure? And the article uses an example with 3 values.
               | > The 15% wasted RAM in this example is relatively small
               | compared to some real use scenarios; something as common
               | as a 3D vector will often have a whopping 25% space
               | waste.
               | It also could hardly be less relevant: it's an issue in
               | an AoS structure because all your objects have that
               | overhead, therefore that's your total overhead.
               | Here it's 15 or 25% padding _in a single value within a
               | stackframe_. You 're probably wasting more stackframe
               | space due to the compiler not bothering reusing
               | temporally dead locations.
               | And that's if the compiler reifies the tuple instead of
               | eliding the entire thing.
               | > Other languages allow this as well
               | OK?
               | > (and often using such iterations are much faster than
               | zip()ing lists together)
               | Until they are not.
               | jeroenhd wrote:
               | > Which means you can implement yours to fit your needs.
               | Which this doesn't, as zip is an expression and multi-
               | sequence loops aren't.
               | > https://docs.rs/itertools/latest/itertools/macro.izip.h
               | tml
               | External libraries aren't part of a language.
               | > Which is not what I wrote.
               | I admit, I read over the "almost" in "you almost never
               | need more than 3".
               | > It also could hardly be less relevant: it's an issue in
               | an AoS structure because all your objects have that
               | overhead, therefore that's your total overhead.
               | > Here it's 15 or 25% padding in a single value within a
               | stackframe. You're probably wasting more stackframe space
               | due to the compiler not bothering reusing temporally dead
               | locations.
               | That's not true: arrays are byte-addressable so inside an
               | array the alignment can be shorter. An array of 121
               | 33-byte values is 3993 bytes in size, an array of 121
               | usizes is 968 bytes in size, and assuming enums resolve
               | to 32-bit values an array of 121 enums is also 484 bytes
               | in size. There is no overhead here.
               | This has advantages and disadvantages. Unaligned access
               | is slower in general but in many cases and unaligned
               | array can be faster because of how many of its entries
               | can be loaded into the CPU cache. There's no definite
               | advantage here in terms of CPU performance, but in terms
               | of RAM usage there is.
               | > Until they are not.
               | When does a for loop ever become faster than a generator?
               | The values being mapped over are already evaluated, there
               | is no lazy loading+early stopping to take advantage of
               | the generator.
       | senkora wrote:
       | Nit: It should be "Air Nomads" instead of "Wind Nomads".
       | (I know this doesn't matter but I figured the author would
       | appreciate the heads up!)
         | kristoff_it wrote:
         | thanks, fixed, I started by thinking about the last example
         | (the one about pokemons) and then it stuck
       | planede wrote:
       | In C++23 with zip it looks something like:                 for
       | (const auto& [x, y] = std::views::zip(a, b)) {         /* ... */
       | }
       | A notable difference is that the ranges don't have to match in
       | size, the loop will run until the end of the shorter range is
       | reached.
       | If it is required for optimization to not check for reaching the
       | end of one of the ranges then it can be achieved with something
       | like:                 for (const auto& [x, y] =
       | std::views::zip(a, std::ranges::subrange(std::ranges::begin(b),
       | std::unreachable_sentinel))) {         /*...*/       }
       | I guess it's hard enough to bump into this by accident.
         | WalterBright wrote:
         | D has std.zip:
         | https://dlang.org/phobos/std_range.html#zip
         | Sorting two arrays in parallel:                   import
         | std.algorithm.sorting : sort;              int[] a = [ 1, 2, 3
         | ];         string[] b = [ "a", "c", "b" ];         zip(a,
         | b).sort!((t1, t2) => t1[0] > t2[0]);              writeln(a);
         | // [3, 2, 1]         // b is sorted according to a's sorting
         | writeln(b); // ["b", "c", "a"]
         | edflsafoiewq wrote:
         | In Common Lisp it's                 (loop         for x in a
         | ; on each iteration, steps x to next element of a         for y
         | in b   ; same thing         do ...)
         | This is like the Zig in that it's a hard-coded feature of the
         | looping construct instead of being a general combinator like
         | C++/Rust, but I think it's neat that by allowing multiple
         | clauses, zipping falls out completely for free.
           | Someone wrote:
           | > This is like the Zig in that it's a hard-coded feature of
           | the looping construct
           | I think lisp's _loop_ isn't hard-coded in the language, but
           | defined in the standard library. See for example the _loop_
           | implementation at
           | https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl/blob/master/src/code/loop.lisp
           | (about 2,000 lines because _loop_ is a monster /very flexible
           | (pick whatever you prefer. I would pick both))
             | edflsafoiewq wrote:
             | LOOP isn't hard-coded into the language, but the possible
             | clauses are hard-coded into LOOP. This is in contrast to
             | ITERATE, which is an extensible CL looping macro, or the
             | generator/iterator style popular in C++/Rust/Python/etc.
         | netr0ute wrote:
         | As someone who is using a lot of C++20, I can't wait to use
         | this feature when C++23 is finally ready :)
         | noobermin wrote:
         | God, C++ even today is still horribly verbose. I get that being
         | "explicit" is being "better" but there are limits. Even after
         | auto removed a lot of verbosity there still is a lot there just
         | to get it to do exactly what you want.
           | nikbackm wrote:
           | What is verbose about that? (The first case, not the second,
           | special case)
           | Seems hard to make it any shorter. Well, I guess you could
           | remove "const" if you want.
           | jeroenhd wrote:
           | Here's how it looks when you write readable C++:
           | for (const auto &[x, y]: zip(a, subrange(begin(b),
           | unreachable_sentinel))) {             /* Do something with x
           | and y */         }
           | I'm not sure why C++ programmers don't like using `using`,
           | it's as if Java programmers insist on typing out
           | java.util.ArrayList every time because you may have an
           | ArrayList of your own in the future.
           | So much C++ code can become readable by adding `using
           | namespace std::something`.
             | twic wrote:
             | C++ doesn't have a lot of namespacing below 'std', so if
             | you go around using everything you need, you end up with a
             | lot of short, possibly conflicting names in scope.
             | Java avoids this somewhat because functions are always in a
             | class, so there is a little bit of extra namespacing, even
             | if you've imported the class.
               | winrid wrote:
               | You can still import fully qualified static method on a
               | class:
               | import someclass.doThing;
               | Or maybe that's what you meant by somewhat :)
             | cmovq wrote:
             | The reason is header files. If you do `using namespace
             | std::something` in one file and it gets included in
             | another, the other file now has std::something in the
             | global namespace which it may not have excepted.
             | Other languages like Java have imports scoped a to a single
             | file, so this is not a problem.
               | titzer wrote:
               | The word "antiquated" comes to mind, but it's worse than
               | that. An age-old self-created fractal hell of dumb
               | problems created by a _simplistic_ view of code reuse
               | based on the _simple_ mechanism of text inclusion that
               | constantly restrains future evolution. It 's antediluvian
               | and just plain backwards.
               | twic wrote:
               | We are at least getting modules real soon now:
               | https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/modules
               | duped wrote:
               | The only compiler that seems to care about implementing
               | modules is MSVC. It'll be "real soon" when GCC stops
               | crashing.
               | xigoi wrote:
               | We've been getting them real soon for... about 5 years
               | now?
               | tragomaskhalos wrote:
               | Using in a header file => complete no-no.
               | Using in a cpp file => absolutely fine.
               | jcelerier wrote:
               | > Using in a cpp file => absolutely fine.
               | definitely not as soon as you want to do unity/jumbo
               | builds (which are in my experience the ndeg1 thing to do
               | to get fast CI builds)
               | jeroenhd wrote:
               | I see, but that's only a program in header files, isn't
               | it? Most code will end up in .cpp files which don't get
               | included (usually).
               | It makes sense to use std::vector in a .h(pp) file, but
               | in the .cpp you should be able to `using namespace std`,
               | right?
               | chongli wrote:
               | _Most code will end up in .cpp files which don 't get
               | included (usually)._
               | Not if a lot of your code is in the form of templates.
               | You have to put those in headers.
               | dcow wrote:
               | At this point, just use a modern language already d=
           | pdntspa wrote:
           | I don't do C++ but if it's anyting like my Java IDE most of
           | that stuff pops up in autocomplete and you just tab through
           | it all
       | codethief wrote:
       | While this solves one of the issues I've had with Zig, it doesn't
       | seem very flexible. I would love to the same thing for (tuples
       | of) variable-length arrays, arrays of different lengths etc. Now
       | my implementation will still look completely different in
       | slightly different situations.
       | Yes, a flexible solution (a zip function) would probably need
       | iterators but why would introducing them be such a big problem?
       | (FWIW, I know that one can emulate looping over iterators with
       | while() and optionals[0] but it feels a bit dirty.)
       | More generally, my biggest gripe with Zig has been a lack of
       | expressiveness: Things like deep equality checks between structs,
       | arrays and optionals; looping over different kinds of containers;
       | ... should just work(tm). Sure, I understand that Zig doesn't
       | want hidden control flow but OTOH explicit control flow
       | everywhere often just gets in the way of readability and of
       | implementing business logic. I usually follow the approach
       | "Implement first, optimize later" but with Zig the implementation
       | will look completely different depending on which optimization or
       | data structure I choose, so I need to think about optimizations
       | from the start if I don't want to rewrite everything later. I
       | should mention, though, I'm very used to Python these days and
       | haven't written C or C++ in ages, so maybe that sort of culture
       | shock is somewhat expected.
       | Anyway, I'm still excited about the language and my impression is
       | that Andrew Kelley is very open to new suggestions and new ideas,
       | so things will certainly still change in one way or another till
       | v1.0.
       | [0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34958051
         | AndyKelley wrote:
         | There is no "just work" for deep equality. The standard library
         | would have to make decisions on behalf of the application that
         | it has no business making.
         | I can tell you right now that while there will be many upcoming
         | language changes, none of them will be comfy to Python
         | programmers. Zig is very much an imperative language. Or
         | perhaps think of it as a declarative DSL for outputting machine
         | code.
           | _a_a_a_ wrote:
           | > a declarative DSL for outputting machine code
           | and thanks for the laugh
           | codethief wrote:
           | Thanks for your message, Andrew!
           | Just to be clear, I didn't mean any offense and maybe my
           | critique wasn't as well-balanced as it could have been. So
           | far, coding in Zig has been a fun ride, despite the
           | occasional obstacles I've run into!
           | > There is no "just work" for deep equality
           | Say I have two variables A and B of the same struct type.
           | Each points to a finite region in memory of the same size.
           | Why can't I just compare these two regions using `A == B` to
           | make sure they are equal? Yes, one can obviously come up with
           | alternative definitions of what equality might mean for
           | structs (only compare certain subfields etc.) but wouldn't
           | the aforementioned definition be a good default that would
           | work in the majority of cases?
           | Alternatively, there is `std.testing.expectEqualDeep()` which
           | walks through all fields but as far as I know there is no
           | equivalent for production code(?)
           | > none of them will be comfy to Python programmers
           | Oh I think the multi-sequence for loops feature already makes
           | Zig more comfy! :)
           | Just to be clear: I wouldn't want Zig to be another Python.
           | While I like Python from a developer experience POV, it is
           | dictionaries and magic methods all the way down and often
           | unnecessarily slow and complex.
           | I still think one could find a good balance between DX and
           | full low-level control, though. One could e.g. have one
           | convenient way to express a certain problem that gives you
           | medium control over performance (e.g. the `==` example above)
           | and one or more fine-tuned, but possibly less concise ways of
           | expressing the problem that provide full control but require
           | more lines of code. In the struct equality example the latter
           | would mean defining some kind of `eql()` function that would
           | be optimized to the struct type (e.g. compare certain fields
           | first as they are more likely to differ etc.). Would this
           | violate the Zen of Zig?[0]
           | > Only one obvious way to do things.
           | After all, there is also
           | > Favor reading code over writing code
           | Right now, at least, I often run into situations where I
           | don't know of any obvious way to solve my problem. Then I end
           | up writing lengthy code to tell Zig what I want and end up
           | with code that's so-so on the fun-to-read scale.
           | [0]: https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/#Zen
             | munificent wrote:
             | _> Why can 't I just compare these two regions using `A ==
             | B` to make sure they are equal?_
             | Why is shallow equality useful?
             | You could have `A == B` be true, but then as soon as you
             | wrap pointers to them in C and D, now `C == D` is false.
               | shagie wrote:
               | It gets into even more fun if A has a pointer to C has a
               | pointer to B, and B has a pointer to D has a pointer to
               | A.
             | [deleted]
       | Existenceblinks wrote:
       | Probably a good signal for potential O(n^2) when reading the
       | code.
       | EDIT: Nope. I was wrong. This is not a list comprehension.
         | tuukkah wrote:
         | Right, it's not an ordinary list comprehension. It's a parallel
         | list comprehension though:                 zip as bs = [(a,b) |
         | a <- as | b <- bs]
         | https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/latest/docs/users_guide/ex...
         | loeg wrote:
         | Why do you say so? It's equivalent to iterating indexes from 0
         | to N-1 of two (or more) lists with N elements and providing
         | syntax sugar for those lists' elements at that index. This is
         | O(N).
           | Existenceblinks wrote:
           | True. I misread it, it's a zip pattern. I thought it was a
           | fancy list comprehension.
       | dan00 wrote:
       | I think the naming of the 'else' branch in the loop could be more
       | telling, like using the name 'finally' or 'finish'.
         | Someone wrote:
         | I agree, but 'finally' or 'finish' IMO aren't good choice
         | because that code doesn't always execute.
         | I think I would go for something expressing 'default', but
         | would first look at existing code to see how common this is,
         | and if I decided I wanted this feature, look hard for
         | alternative syntax.                 const match: ?usize = for
         | (text, 0..) |x, idx| {          if (x == needle) break idx;
         | }
         | could return an optional int, for example. If so, you would get
         | a 'null' for free, and if you didn't want a null, you could
         | tack on a _.getOrElse(NOT_FOUND)_.
         | I guess they picked this because Python has it, too.
         | https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/controlflow.html#break-
         | an...:
         |  _"Loop statements may have an else clause; it is executed when
         | the loop terminates through exhaustion of the iterable (with
         | for) or when the condition becomes false (with while), but not
         | when the loop is terminated by a break statement."_
         | masklinn wrote:
         | `finally` hints at a very different behaviour because in most
         | languages' context a finally clause is executed whether an
         | exception is raised or not.
       | puffoflogic wrote:
       | Sorry, but using new syntax to accomplish something other
       | languages have as library code is not clever.
       | When reading zig code you have to stop and think, "wait does this
       | syntax mean zip or direct product?" But when expressed as a
       | _function called zip_ , the meaning is clear.
       | (Obligatory reminder that zig devs think that sometimes running
       | code inside `if (false)` is a minor bug of no consequence, and
       | after all what are the _real_ motives of anyone pointing it out,
       | eh?)
       | Kukumber wrote:
       | Kinda nice to have, D can do it aswell:                   import
       | std;              void main()         {             int[] a = [1,
       | 2, 3];             string[] b = ["a", "b", "c"];
       | foreach (e1, e2; zip(a, b))             {
       | writeln(e1, ":", e2);             }         }              1:a
       | 2:b         3:c
       | hota_mazi wrote:
       | Question for Zig experts:                   for (elems) |x| {
       | std.debug.print("{} ", .{x});         }
       | Why is the .{x} necessary here? What happens if I just write "x"?
         | Laremere wrote:
         | Zig doesn't have variable length args. The .{} syntax is for an
         | anonymous struct with no field names (which are named tuples in
         | Zig.) Print takes the struct's type info at compile time to
         | check the validity of the statement, and also produce optimal
         | code. This is implemented entirely within Zig's standard
         | functionality that's available to all users.
         | So, if you just type X, you're getting an error about it not
         | being a struct. That's unless X is a struct with one field,
         | where it'll just print that field. I find Zig meta-programming
         | to actually be fairly readable, here's the function that does
         | the formatting:
         | https://github.com/ziglang/zig/blob/master/lib/std/fmt.zig
         | anonymoushn wrote:
         | `std.debug.print` and similar fmt-like functions take 2
         | arguments. The first argument is a format string, and the
         | second argument is a tuple. I think a tuple is an anonymous
         | struct whose members are named 0, 1, 2, etc., but I'm not
         | completely sure on this. If you just write "x", it won't work,
         | since you needed to pass a tuple containing 1 thing, and x
         | probably isn't a tuple containing 1 thing.
         | quic5 wrote:
         | The print function is implemented in the std library[1] not the
         | compiler and Zig does not have varargs
         | [1]
         | https://github.com/ziglang/zig/blob/f6c934677315665c140151b8...
         | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
         | Zig doesn't have varargs anymore. Instead, it has anonymous
         | structs/arrays/tuples. The second argument to `print` here is
         | expected to be a list of the values referenced by the `{}`
         | placeholders in the string in the first argument.
         | `.{a, b, c}` is the syntax for an anonymous struct/array/tuple,
         | and a single element still needs to be wrapped in it.
       | noobermin wrote:
       | >In the multi-sequence for loop version it's only necessary to
       | test once at the beginning of the loop that the two arrays have
       | equal size, instead of having 2 assertions run every loop
       | iteration.
       | So, I'm assuming zig generally cannot be used with multi-threaded
       | code? Can the underlying arrays not be modified during the whole
       | loop execution?
         | int_19h wrote:
         | Arrays can be modified, but their size is a part of their type,
         | just like C.
         | For slices, length is only known at runtime, but it's immutable
         | once the slice is created, so there's no issue there, either.
         | [deleted]
         | masklinn wrote:
         | That's broken in every language, except for the few which just
         | don't allow doing it. So I'm not quite sure what the question
         | is about.
       | spullara wrote:
       | I'm not sure zip is used enough to add it to the language but
       | since they are also using it for tracking the index maybe that is
       | the primary use case.
         | kristoff_it wrote:
         | The example of using SoA memory layout is not there just as a
         | random example. We hope for Zig developers to employ DOD
         | principles whenever appropriate, which is not going to be that
         | rare in a low-level programming language like Zig.
         | Andrew has a full talk about how the Zig compiler benefits
         | tremendously from DOD:
         | https://vimeo.com/649009599?embedded=true&source=video_title...
           | spullara wrote:
           | Honestly working with them in a column oriented way makes a
           | lot of sense. I wonder though if that should just be handled
           | at the struct level? i.e. ask for row vs column layout.
       | conaclos wrote:
       | Is there other rationale behind this `for` and `while` syntax?
       | Why not:                  for x in elms {}             for x in
       | elms, i in 0.. {}
       | In my view, this seems simpler to read and understand. In
       | particular, the iteration variable is close to the iterated
       | structure. In the Zig proposal you have to think about the
       | position of the iterated structure and the position of the
       | iteration variable.                  for (elms, 0..) |x, i| {}
       | ^^^      ^                   Ok it is in second position
       | I still don't get why `||`. Is this a lambda? Can I write
       | something like:                 fn func(x: i8, i: i8) void {}
       | for (elms, 0..) func
       | In the same vein I do not understand the rationale behind the
       | `while` syntax. Why `:`?                  while (condition) : (i
       | += 1) {
         | messe wrote:
         | Because it's consistent with the rest of Zig's capture syntax:
         | if (foo()) |result| {              while (it.next()) |elem| {
         | bar() catch |err| ...
       | kazinator wrote:
       | Here is Awk with C99 preprocessing: cppawk!
       | Loop macro for parallel/nested iteration featuring a (user-
       | extensible!) vocabulary of clauses:                 $ cppawk '
       | #include <cons.h>       #include <iter.h>            BEGIN {
       | loop (list(iter0, item, list("alpha", "charlie", "bravo")),
       | list(iter1, ltr, list("a", "b", "c")),                range(i, 1,
       | 3))          {            print item, ltr, i          }       }'
       | alpha a 1       charlie b 2       bravo c 3
       | This is a tiny shell script plus a collection of header files in
       | a small directory structure. It requires an Awk such as GNU Awk,
       | and the GNU C preprocessor.
       | Preprocessed programs cam be captured, to run on systems that
       | don't have the cppawk script or a preprocessor, and with less
       | startup overhead.
       | https://www.kylheku.com/cgit/cppawk/about/
       | stephc_int13 wrote:
       | I have absolutely no problem with the good old C-style for loop
       | syntax.
       | I think that a separate foreach or for-each loop, made for built-
       | in or extended containers could be a nice addition.
       | Not seeing much value there.
       | titzer wrote:
       | Regarding the lengths must match:
       | > (i.e. you will get a panic in safe release modes)
       | Should I take that to mean there is an unsafe release mode
       | without the bounds check? But UB is mentioned too. Is there UB!?
       | It's 2023; I think we can afford a single branch to avoid UB,
       | even in release mode.
         | conradev wrote:
         | it is one of the build modes:
         | https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/#Build-Mode
           | titzer wrote:
           | Interesting, thanks for the link.
           | I think that disabling safety checks is a thing you should
           | only do if you are studying the cost of safety checks (i.e. a
           | compiler switch only available to compiler engineers). IMHO,
           | the _whole point_ of safety checks is to find the bugs that
           | are in your program[1]. Crashing it safely with an exact
           | source stack trace is the nice way of both motivating you to
           | fix it and also _helping_ you fix it.
           | [1] And there _are_ bugs in your program. Right now. Bugs.
           | In. Your. Program. Running without safety checks is like
           | closing your eyes and rolling the dice.
             | quic5 wrote:
             | There's also the compromise of only disabling safety checks
             | per block e.g. in your hot loop with `@setRuntimeSafety`[1]
             | where you are confident that they aren't needed.
             | [1]
             | https://ziglang.org/documentation/0.10.1/#setRuntimeSafety
             | laserbeam wrote:
             | Most software should probably release with safety checks
             | on. Certain software shouldn't (i.e. games). Toolchains
             | like zig give you that option and respect that you can
             | decide what's most appropriate for whatever you ship.
             | Arguing that safety checks should always be enabled doesn't
             | really make sense. Context matters.
         | kristoff_it wrote:
         | > Should I take that to mean there is an unsafe release mode
         | without the bounds check?
         | Yes, it's called ReleaseFast.
         | > It's 2023; I think we can afford a single branch to avoid UB,
         | even in release mode.
         | Zig has 3 release modes: ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast,
         | ReleaseSmall. If you want the safety checks, just use the
         | first.
         | It might even be $currentYear, but many of the latest AAA games
         | still don't always run at more than 60fps on my fairly powerful
         | machine and I sincerely hope they were built with all the
         | optimizations enabled.
           | Maken wrote:
           | That's probably because of the DRM.
           | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
           | And 60fps is the low end in an era where many monitors are
           | 120-240hz. 4ms/frame is a pretty tight budget.
           | titzer wrote:
           | > I sincerely hope they were built with all the optimizations
           | enabled.
           | Sure, but I don't agree that disabling safety checks is an
           | "optimization". It is a regression in functionality that is
           | betting on nothing going wrong.
           | Bounds checks do not cost much[1]. Maybe if a bounds check
           | disables vectorization[2].
           | [1] https://blog.readyset.io/bounds-checks/
           | [2] https://github.com/matklad/bounds-check-cost
           | There are a lot of techniques to remove bounds checks, e.g.
           | in counted loops [3][4].
           | [3] https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5381765
           | [4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bounds-checking_elimination
             | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
             | If that's what you believe, you are free to enable them as
             | the programmer. Programmers who disagree are likewise free
             | not to.
             | This can even be decided on a scope-by-scope basis if so
             | desired.
               | titzer wrote:
               | If it's a program you wrote to run on your on hardware,
               | feel free. But in reality most programmers write programs
               | for other people's computers, or just write programs
               | because it's fun or pays well, and then their work gets
               | integrated into a larger whole at a much later date, and
               | then it's run in contexts the original author never
               | imagined, long after they move on. Safety checks catch
               | the base-level logic bugs that would otherwise cause
               | programs to go silently wrong and misbehave in complex
               | and inscrutable ways. Disabling them is not just living
               | dangerously, it's a moral hazard; the programmer doesn't
               | suffer the consequences, users do. It's not your program
               | or computer at risk, but someone else's. I don't know how
               | as a profession we're so cavalier with shipping exposed
               | whirling knives, but we are.
               | verdagon wrote:
               | If we go so far as to say that using anything unsafe is
               | dangerous and a "moral hazard" then we would also have to
               | disqualify Rust, C#, and any other language that allows
               | unsafe escape hatches (especially in dependencies).
               | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
               | > the programmer doesn't suffer the consequences, users
               | do.
               | The same is true of poorly performing programs. My
               | computer's resources are not the programmers' to waste,
               | yet they routinely do waste it to save themselves
               | time[0].
               | > I don't know how as a profession we're so cavalier with
               | shipping exposed whirling knives, but we are.
               | That's a separate problem than not handcuffing
               | programmers and forcing them into safety checks. Why
               | should Zig force this?
               | Like, I just don't even get what you're complaining about
               | here. The default build mode _and_ the recommended
               | release one insert the check. Checks can additionally be
               | enabled and disabled on a scope-by-scope basis. What
               | exactly do you want? Just eliminate ReleaseFast as an
               | option and give people more reasons to go back to
               | footgun-laden C because it 'll be the only way to
               | eliminate a bounds check in a tight loop hot spot?
               | [0] Yes, I know this isn't due to safety checks in the
               | vast majority of circumstances, that's not the point. I
               | have nothing against safety checks, my problem is with
               | the mentality that it should not be possible to disable
               | them. Even Rust has `unsafe`.
               | adamrezich wrote:
               | the mere naming of the keyword `unsafe` has been a wholly
               | unintentional disaster for programming in general as more
               | and more people use Rust, because
               | "safe"/"safety"/"unsafe" are sort of emotionally-loaded
               | words in English, and it's led to people to build mental
               | heuristics about the pros and cons of "safe" and "unsafe"
               | code which may be subtly incorrect. the language feature
               | itself is completely reasonable of course, given the
               | design decisions of the language, but as Andy said
               | elsewhere in this comments thread:
               | > Rust evangelists need to be careful because in their
               | zeal they have started to cause subtle errors in the
               | general knowledge of how computers work in young people's
               | minds. Ironically it's a form of memory corruption.
               | I'm not even a zig user or fan or anything and I don't
               | have any real opinion about Rust, either, except for
               | completely agreeing with this analysis based on how I've
               | seen Rust evangelists talk online. I'm not sure what the
               | solution to this is, but it seems like it's just going to
               | get worse over time as Rust becomes more popular and
               | gains market share.
               | Gene_Parmesan wrote:
               | So isn't it on the programmer to ensure the safety checks
               | are enabled if appropriate? I agree with the gist of your
               | statement, I'm just not sure how this is the
               | responsibility of the language itself. It ships with the
               | option to build via a safe mode. I don't think it's a
               | moral imperative of the language designer to ship without
               | an unsafe mode. Even rust has unsafe blocks.
               | In most engineering professions, it's the engineer's
               | responsibility to ensure appropriate levels of safety,
               | not the CAD software used to build the blueprints. But
               | every situation doesn't have the same level of safety
               | required; backyard sheds don't have the same needs as
               | skyscrapers.
               | titzer wrote:
               | Most engineering disciplines are considerably more
               | regulated than software development, and for good reason;
               | bridges and skyscrapers falling down can kill people.
               | Even electrical engineering and device manufacturing have
               | to fit in with standards that address shock hazard and
               | EMF interference.
               | I actually _do_ think it is the responsibility of the
               | language and runtime system to ensure some base-level
               | safety of programs. The one constant over the years is
               | that programmers keep making mistakes. No matter how much
               | they keep yelling  "trust us", they (we) just keep
               | screwing up. That's not to pillory us programmers. It's
               | just the facts that everyone screws up. In some sense,
               | engineering is putting processes and procedures and
               | checks in place that move human fallibility out of the
               | critical load-bearing situations so that a simple whoops
               | or memory slip doesn't kill people or ruin things.
             | krona wrote:
             | Without bounds checks: game crashes, core dump.
             | With bounds checks: game crashes, meaningless error message
             | given to the user.
             | What am I missing?
               | gaganyaan wrote:
               | The meaningless error message can be entered into Google
               | and the user can find a thread about how to fix their
               | specific problem instead of wading through endless
               | threads of similar-but-unrelated problems.
               | ekimekim wrote:
               | With bounds checks: game crashes, meaningless error
               | message given to the user.
               | Without bounds checks: I join a multiplayer lobby, and
               | the next thing I know my computer is part of a botnet.
               | This isn't an imaginary fear, it has happened many times.
               | Some examples from a brief search:
               | https://gridinsoft.com/blogs/rce-vulnerability-in-gta-
               | online... https://www.polygon.com/22898895/dark-souls-
               | pvp-exploit-mult... https://security.gerhardt.link/RCE-
               | in-Factorio/
               | I am not claiming all of these would've been prevented by
               | bounds checking arrays, or even memory safety in general.
               | The point is that security is not optional just because
               | it's a game.
               | dxhdr wrote:
               | Now suppose your game runs in a WASM sandbox and re-run
               | those scenarios. What do you gain from bounds checks?
               | I'm not suggesting that shipping without bounds checks is
               | wise or leads to a better product. However I do think
               | with /some games/ security is basically not a concern.
               | Arnavion wrote:
               | Heartbleed still happens inside a sandbox, because it's
               | the sandboxed memory that leaks. For multiplayer games
               | specifically, that can be a client auth key that can be
               | used to impersonate you.
               | adgjlsfhk1 wrote:
               | the bounds check can sometimes catch the error before it
               | corrupts your save.
               | titzer wrote:
               | > Without bounds checks: game crashes, core dump.
               | I think it's more like (assuming it does actually go out
               | of bounds at some point):
               | 30% chance of core dump right away
               | 20% chance of core dump at some point after errant write
               | 40% chance it never crashes in testing
               | 5% chance it doesn't crash the first year after shipping
               | 5% chance it never crashes
               | With an explicit bounds check, all of these scenarios
               | result in a crash at the exact location where the program
               | first violated safety[1]. The developer gets a source-
               | level crash and doesn't spend the first 20 minutes just
               | trying to figure out what the crash dump even means.
               | [1] Hopefully with a complete stacktrace, maybe even the
               | index and length values!
               | It's time we recognized that _all_ our tooling should be
               | designed to help us programmers who _do have bugs in our
               | program_. Like, this crashing part is the normal part
               | that all the tools should help deal with.
               | nordsieck wrote:
               | > What am I missing?
               | Sometimes without bounds checking you get an exploit
               | instead of a crash.
             | kristoff_it wrote:
             | btw note that you're arguing this point in a the thread of
             | a blog post about a feature that is all about maintaining
             | safety while not paying for it at runtime. There's an
             | entire section dedicated to explaining this point.
       | tuukkah wrote:
       | > _The new multi-sequence syntax allows you to loop over two or
       | more arrays or slices at the same time_
       | In Haskell, this is called a parallel list comprehension:
       | [x+y | x <- xs | y <- ys]
       | In a normal list comprehension, you have a single pipe, in a
       | parallel one you have as many pipes as how many lists you are
       | zipping.
       | https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/latest/docs/users_guide/ex...
         | masklinn wrote:
         | No, your list comprehension is a product (it iterates ys for
         | every x). The feature here is zip.
           | tuukkah wrote:
           | I'll quote from the documentation link I referenced:
           | > _For example, the following zips together two lists:_
           | [ (x, y) | x <- xs | y <- ys ]
           | That's precisely the difference between a normal list
           | comprehension (one pipe) and a parallel list comprehension
           | (multiple pipes).
           | For clarity, here's your normal list comprehension (with one
           | pipe) that produces all the combinations instead:
           | [ (x, y) | x <- xs, y <- ys ]
           | And here's the full example from the article converted to
           | Haskell and producing the exact same output:
           | {-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}            import
           | Control.Monad (mapM)            elems = [ "water", "earth",
           | "fire", "air" ]       nats = [ "tribes", "kingdom", "nation",
           | "nomads" ]            main = mapM putStrLn           [ show
           | idx ++ " - " ++ e ++ " " ++ n               | e <- elems
           | | n <- nats               | idx <- [0..]           ]
           | EDIT: I suppose an explicit zip with an anonymous function
           | looks more idiomatic though:                 main = forM
           | (zip3 elems nats [0..]) $ \(e, n, idx) ->           putStrLn
           | (show idx ++ " - " ++ e ++ " " ++ n)
           | EDIT2: Best of both worlds with the list monad?
           | main = mapM putStrLn $ do           (e, n, idx) <- zip3 elems
           | nats [0..]           [ show idx ++ " - " ++ e ++ " " ++ n ]
       | arethuza wrote:
       | I was fond of the Common Lisp loop macro that handled iterating
       | over multiple things quite nicely:
       | https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook/iteration.html#lo...
       | Edit: 27 years since I was paid to write Lisp....
         | masklinn wrote:
         | This is very strange, because it looks like a comprehension
         | (https://wiki.haskell.org/List_comprehension), which would be a
         | product iteration.
         | Most languages have a function called zip or something similar 
         | (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
         | .) which handles pairing sequences, to be composed upstream of
         | the iteration proper.
           | tuukkah wrote:
           | It's a _parallel_ list comprehension, as linked from the wiki
           | page you referenced: https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/9.4.4/
           | docs/users_guide/ext...
       | MrBuddyCasino wrote:
       | Is must say this looks pleasant, coming from Kotlin. Also ranges
       | seem to work very similarly.
       | Not sure how I fell about the UB - is it really necessary to
       | optimise away a single length check per loop (not iteration)?
         | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
         | That's up to the programmer. Zig's default build mode is Debug,
         | and ReleaseSafe is recommended if you don't require extreme
         | performance. Both modes will insert the check.
         | Safety checks can also be enabled or disabled on a scope-by-
         | scope basis if desired.
       | carterschonwald wrote:
       | Zipwith is a great iteration api to have available.
       | andrewstuart wrote:
       | Off topic, but I was weighing up trying Zig last night for a
       | project.
       | No doubt Zig has changed alot and is better than it was only a
       | year or two ago.
       | Is anyone here willing to say if they have experienced success
       | and satisfaction using Zig? I'm wanting to do some C library
       | interfacing.
         | blameitonme wrote:
         | Hey Im just a student and cant even think to build stuff of
         | complexity most of the guys here make rn, but I made a json
         | parser in zig and it was fun.
       | marmada wrote:
       | I really like that for loops can be expressions. It seems obvious
       | in hindsight, but hindsight is always 20/20 :)
         | masklinn wrote:
         | > It seems obvious in hindsight
         | It's not, because most languages don't have an `else` clause in
         | their for loop (and in my experience with Python that clause is
         | quite confusing so its use is not common).
         | And a for loop can be executed 0 times, so without a mechanism
         | for a fallback it might not have a value _to_ yield.
           | Someone wrote:
           | > And a for loop can be executed 0 times, so without a
           | mechanism for a fallback it might not have a value to yield.
           | I would think that and the similar case where no iteration
           | hits _break_ are solvable by having a _for_ loop return an
           | optional type.
       | avgcorrection wrote:
       | Special-casing (same-length) zip and iteration+count might make
       | sense for an imperative language which doesn't want to go down
       | the rabbit hole of implementing efficient, lazy iterators. It
       | doesn't make sense in a language where you want the flexibility
       | of switching between (as in: compiling to) serial loops and
       | paralell code, but it makes sense for a language which leans more
       | towards what-you-see-is-what-you-get rather than sufficiently-
       | smart-compiler.
         | noobermin wrote:
         | Tbh, there are limits to how much any language that does
         | "wysiwyg" compilation that would have for loops. For example,
         | any "for" loop can be a "while" loop in asm, the one
         | optimization is you can use the index registers as long as the
         | number of arrays is less than the number of index registers you
         | have. If it is more, which the language does not constrain of
         | course, you just go back to a loop with memory locations for
         | pointers. But of course, in that case then, you _must_ have a
         | "smart compiler" that can decide that which case it is and thus
         | compile to the right code.
         | That said, this likely will be an esoteric case on most modern
         | machines (like x86_64 has 16 regs that can be used for indexes)
         | and I doubt people want to use this for like avr.
       | nemo1618 wrote:
       | This is a gripe I have about Go -- a very minor gripe, to be
       | sure, but it's still there. If you want to iterate over two
       | arrays/slices that have the same length, you have to choose
       | between:                   for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
       | fn(foo[i], bar[i])         }              for i := range foo {
       | fn(foo[i], bar[i])         }              for i := range bar {
       | fn(foo[i], bar[i])         }              for i, x := range foo {
       | fn(x, bar[i])         }              for i, y := range bar {
       | fn(foo[i], y)         }
       | But none of these are satisfactory; what I _really_ want to write
       | is:                   for _, (x, y) := range (foo, bar) {
       | fn(x, y)         }
         | maxmcd wrote:
         | This is pretty ugly and add the overhead of a function
         | callback, but just for fun:                   func multiLoop[X,
         | Y any](x []X, y []Y, cb func(i int, x X, y Y)) {             if
         | len(x) != len(y) {                 panic("invalid slice
         | lengths")             }             for i := 0; i < len(x); i++
         | {                 cb(i, x[i], y[i])             }         }
         | func foo() {             multiLoop([]int{1, 2, 3},
         | []string{"a", "b", "c"}, func(i int, x int, y string) {
         | fmt.Println(i, x, y)             })         }
           | masklinn wrote:
           | FWIW this is often called `zipWith`, or sometimes just `map`
           | (some `map` implementations can take a variable number of
           | sequences to map over).
       | rcme wrote:
       | This kind of syntactic sugar used to appeal to me, but now I
       | think it's a pretty weird feature to add to a language. Using zip
       | / enumerate primitives feels a lot more flexible.
         | cryptonector wrote:
         | To me this looks a lot like closure syntax w/ non-local exits.
         | Seems quite reasonable for a functional programming language.
         | moomin wrote:
         | I think it matters what your target use cases are. This makes
         | me think quite a few people are running ECS systems.
         | cgh wrote:
         | How cache-friendly are zip/enumerate implementations? Zig is
         | influenced by the ideas behind Data Oriented Design, mentioned
         | in the article (and a buried lede, if you ask me). Explicit for
         | loops like this are generally cache-friendly and ideal for eg
         | game programming, as shown in the structs of arrays example.
           | [deleted]
           | steveklabnik wrote:
           | I tossed together a simple function using enumerate
           | https://godbolt.org/z/PKsEdKvKK
           | You get the same exact asm as the manual loop.
           | Of course, the idiom recognition seems to kick in, in both
           | cases, as there's no actual loop here. I tossed in a +sum,
           | which makes that fail, so you get some loops, check it out:
           | https://godbolt.org/z/1ddf5ded7
           | They are one instruction different in length, which is kind
           | of amusing to me. Some small differences.
             | cgh wrote:
             | Thanks, that's exactly what I was asking. I don't write
             | Rust so it's informative to see this.
               | steveklabnik wrote:
               | Any time.
           | vore wrote:
           | As cache-friendly as advancing two pointers and a bounds
           | check.
         | [deleted]
         | pmontra wrote:
         | I don't know how common working with ranges is in Zig. Ruby
         | would iterate on multiple ranges by converting them to arrays
         | one = (1..3)       seven = (7..10)       (one.to_a +
         | seven.to_a).each {|n| puts n}
         | I suppose that if it was common they would have added a +
         | method to Range. Actually I think that's possible to implement
         | it with a refinement on the Range class.
         | Yup, it works. First time I ever used refinements.
         | module JoinRanges         refine Range do           def
         | +(other)             self.to_a + other.to_a           end
         | end       end            using JoinRanges       one = (1..3)
         | seven = (7..10)       (one + seven).each {|n| puts n}
           | kdmccormick wrote:
           | This is different. You are concatenating the arrays, whereas
           | the article & discussion are about zipping arrays.
         | laserbeam wrote:
         | Depends on what you mean by flexible. If you want to use them
         | outside of loops then they could cause magic data copies behind
         | the hood. Zig really hates hidden control
         | flow/allocations/copies. Within the for syntax it's pretty
         | straightforward what gets assigned to what variables and how
         | copies can be avoided.
         | Doing things like `a = @zip(some_list, some_other_list)` can be
         | reasoned about in multiple ways, some of which involve silently
         | calling malloc. It's particularly unclear what could be done
         | with `a` afterwards. Zig hates that kind of ambiguity and is
         | happy to err away from flexibility at times.
           | brundolf wrote:
           | Rust also hates hidden allocations, and its iterator system
           | can do all of this without them
           | Although- thinking about it, that may rely on the borrow
           | checker (move semantics specifically)
             | gpanders wrote:
             | >Rust also hates hidden allocations
             | Does it? Rust seems happy to allocate silently all the
             | time.                   let x = String::new("hi");
             | let y = vec![];
             | Do either of these allocate? As the writer or reader of
             | this code, how do I know if either of these statements
             | result in a heap allocation, or if the data is strictly on
             | the stack?
             | Zig's requirement of explicitly passing around an Allocator
             | type removes any ambiguity completely.
               | steveklabnik wrote:
               | (You're forgetting a "new" in the string example)
               | gpanders wrote:
               | Thanks, I fixed it :)
               | brundolf wrote:
               | Sure, any arbitrary function (or macro) logic can
               | allocate. It's more a philosophy, not something that's
               | language-enforced[0] in Rust- if you're creating a
               | mutable, variable-size data structure like a String or a
               | Vec or a HashMap you're not going to be very surprised
               | that it allocates at some point (though technically zero-
               | length Vecs don't allocate on construction, they wait
               | until an item is added)
               | But closures don't require allocation, iterators don't
               | require allocation, async doesn't require allocation.
               | Copy semantics also don't allow allocation- implicit
               | copies can only happen for data structures that are
               | bitwise-copyable, which is enforced by the compiler. For
               | copy-with-allocation you have to implement the Clone
               | trait, and then invoke it explicitly with the .clone()
               | method
               | But the original context was a question of philosophy, so
               | I was only speaking to Rust's overall philosophy
               | [0] Technically I think if you're using no_std you won't
               | have access to any standard constructs that allocate
               | (which obviously will prevent their use at compile-time),
               | though I believe you're still allowed to eg. call out to
               | foreign functions manually that would allocate. And of
               | course, this still isn't as granular as Zig's allocation-
               | control.
               | [deleted]
             | masklinn wrote:
             | That's nothing special though, `zip` just takes an item
             | from each iterator, packs them into a tuple, and yields
             | that. It has no weird bounds or requirements or anything:
             | https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/fn.zip.html
             | The impl of the default `next` is:                   fn
             | next(&mut self) -> Option<(A::Item, B::Item)> {
             | let x = self.a.next()?;             let y = self.b.next()?;
             | Some((x, y))         }
             | So completely straightforward.
               | defen wrote:
               | Can that zip more than two iterators? And does it perform
               | a bounds check on each call to `a.next()` and `b.next()`?
               | brundolf wrote:
               | It stops when one of the two iterators ends
               | It can't zip more than two per se, but you could zip the
               | result of the first zip into a third and get ((item1,
               | item2), item3). You could then map these if you wanted,
               | to flatten them into a single tuple .map(|((item1,
               | item2), item3)| (item1, item2, item3))
               | Of course there's a trade-off here between ergonomics and
               | generality
               | masklinn wrote:
               | > It can't zip more than two per se, but you could zip
               | the result of the first zip into a third and get ((item1,
               | item2), item3). You could then map these if you wanted,
               | to flatten them into a single tuple .map(|((item1,
               | item2), item3)| (item1, item2, item3))
               | FWIW that's more or less what `itertools::izip!` does for
               | you, it just chains `zip`s then "splats" them using a
               | `map`.
               | defen wrote:
               | > It stops when one of the two iterators ends
               | Right; my question is, suppose you're iterating over two
               | slice iterators - won't each call to `a.next()` and
               | `b.next()` have to check whether that sub-iterator is
               | done? One of the benefits of the Zig approach is that you
               | can iterate over an arbitrary number of slices and do one
               | check before entering the loop, followed by the compiler
               | emitting unchecked index access in the loop. So it
               | basically compiles down to the equivalent of a C `for`
               | loop.
               | masklinn wrote:
               | Rust's zip has a specialisation for iterators with a
               | trusted length. Such as slice iterators.
               | `zip` yields exactly the same assembly as a loop over the
               | index range with an unsafe item access:
               | https://godbolt.org/z/7ebfxbhxc
               | brundolf wrote:
               | Interesting, are "trusted-length" iterators something
               | that might ever make it into userspace? Maybe as const
               | generics?
               | masklinn wrote:
               | It's already in userspace, though nightly (and unsafe,
               | obviously), so whether it'll be stabilised, and in what
               | form, is an open question: https://doc.rust-
               | lang.org/std/iter/trait.TrustedLen.html
               | the8472 wrote:
               | For Zip it's TrustedRandomAccess[0] instead of
               | TrustedLen. Imo the most radioactively unsafe trait in
               | the standard library and will likely never be stabilized
               | in its current form.
               | [0] https://github.com/rust-
               | lang/rust/blob/f540a25745e03cfe9eac7...
               | kristoff_it wrote:
               | You have to pass -O though, the point of Zig's for loop
               | syntax is to get fast compile times and good performance
               | also in debug mode :^)
               | defen wrote:
               | That's cool. At the same time though, it almost feels
               | like a distinction without a difference in some ways -
               | Zig has a special built-in syntax; Rust doesn't use
               | special syntax, but it does use complex special-cased
               | unsafe code in the stdlib in order to implement a safe +
               | performant API.
               | masklinn wrote:
               | On the other hand, the "special cased unsafe code" is
               | applicable to more than just zip, more than just the one
               | array type, and is available in userland (though
               | currently unstable so nightly only, both to implement it
               | on a bespoke type and to rely on it).
               | brundolf wrote:
               | Rust's is built on top of (and exposed to) Iterators,
               | which are a very general concept that can be rooted in
               | all kinds of data structures, composed in all kinds of
               | ways, and collected/processed in all kinds of ways (i.e.
               | the user's code might not even contain an actual loop).
               | The code continues to work in many situations, even where
               | the optimization doesn't apply
               | You trade some special-case syntax and ergonomics for
               | that generality, but it is very general even if not all
               | of it is optimized in the same way
               | brundolf wrote:
               | I was thinking about the fact that whatever you're
               | iterating over has to be copied around throughout the
               | process. Rust can guarantee that eg. deep-copies (clones)
               | of allocated structs will never happen implicitly, if
               | your iterator owns the values being iterated. But in
               | languages where copying can trigger allocations, this
               | could be a problem
               | I don't actually know whether that applies to Zig though
         | hryx wrote:
         | In general Zig foregoes syntactic sugar and requires
         | implementing higher-level APIs by composing primitives. But a
         | new language feature is a candidate when it solves a use case
         | that can't otherwise be solved, or opens up a path to more
         | efficient code.
         | Loris' blog post points out that the new for loops address the
         | latter:
         | > In the multi-sequence for loop version it's only necessary to
         | test once at the beginning of the loop that the two arrays have
         | equal size, instead of having 2 assertions run every loop
         | iteration. The multi-sequence for loop syntax helps convey
         | intention more clearly to the compiler, which in turn lets it
         | generate more efficient code.
         | It also builds on existing properties of slices/arrays, rather
         | than adding a new "enumerate primitive".
         | travisgriggs wrote:
         | This is my take as well. The older and more travelled I get the
         | more I disdain these kinds of things. Your language syntax
         | should do whatever the "thing" is that your language model is
         | all about. Syntactic sugar should be for the things you do
         | LOTS.
         | I watch language after language add sugar to maintain the
         | appeal of their product, one niche group or application at a
         | time. It turns into a death by a thousand cuts, or by a
         | thousand sugar cubes. Most languages start out simple and
         | appealing and understandable, an increasingly short amount of
         | time later, they've layered on "helper" after "helper" to the
         | point it takes a bit of expertese to consume the language
         | effectively.
         | I dream of a world where we'd measure languages by the
         | complexity of their ASTs rather than their popularity on a
         | TIOBE or StackOverflow index.
           | AndyKelley wrote:
           | Arguably this change to the zig language is overall a
           | simplification because the loop index capture is no longer a
           | special case.
             | travisgriggs wrote:
             | Could be. I think you're more the expert here than me? :D
             | To me, the followin is a bit of syntactic sugar that I
             | think is the kind of transcendental "go big/basic with it"
             | that I hint at.
             | Some time ago, I worked in a language that had this idea
             | that any composable block of code could be captured as 0-N
             | statements between the characters [ and ]. They thought
             | they were being clever and called it a "block of code".
             | Which I thought was cool, because it looked like a block.
             | Pedants called it a BlockClosure. If you wanted to pass
             | parameters to one of these, they used a colon denoted list.
             | So a two arg block might look like
             | [:a :b | <code goes here> ]
             | So yay, pass a closure to a service, and it "captures" the
             | values be invoking said closure with arguments.
             | And then the authors thought, okay, enough sugar for a few
             | days, let's just use this. I mean really really really use
             | this.
             | You can use a two arg block like that for a zip function of
             | course, but why limit it to iteration? Use it in the
             | standard library to implement the "for each" function.
             | Which when you looked at was just that "how dare they not
             | have a for syntax" while implementation. But because it
             | wasn't embedded in the syntax, you could copy/paste/modify
             | to come up with a filter iteration. Or a reduce. Or a map.
             | Or all kinds of interesting compositions
             | "selectAndCollectAndReject" with 3 closures.
             | And why stop there? They decided, "let's just do boolean
             | logic with these block things too". So where as most
             | languages has special syntax for conditionals (and once
             | they start, they're in competition with their peers to keep
             | adding more and more of them (do while, case, if, if with N
             | elses, on and on). But they just wrote it like
             | <condition> ifTrue: [trueBlock] ifFalse: [falseBlock]
             | Sure they optimized it, but from a linguistic point of
             | view, it was the same thing as above. No new sugar was
             | needed.
             | Whereas many languages have added sugar for optionals
             | (usually involving ?s), this language, 20 years ago, was
             | doing it with closures already. Someone noticed they could
             | implement the following family of "functions"
             | ifNil: [nilBlock]
             | ifNil: [nilBlock] notNil: [:notNilValue | notNilBlock]
             | ifNotNil: [:notNilValue | notNilBlock]
             | Sure, not as terse as ? (which some endeavoured to deal
             | with), but the language semantics didn't have to change
             | each time there was a new thing to do.
             | I'm sure there's a Lisper out there that can write their
             | analog to the above. Because it too, is was one of these
             | "do much with little" langauges.
           | duped wrote:
           | "Sugar" is implemented by converting an AST into itself, so
           | it wouldn't change its "complexity" at all.
           | Bekwnn wrote:
           | Working on low level performance sensitive code in games,
           | this is something I see in code LOTS.
           | As mentioned in the article, data oriented design runs into
           | the pattern of wanting to iterate over parallel arrays of
           | data frequently.
       | Terretta wrote:
       | coming from total unawareness of zig: in the for (1..5)
       | construct, these integer ranges consistently not including the
       | upper limit element when lists do include the last element, seems
       | surprising. i guess it's a range boundary (1 TO 5), not a list (1
       | THROUGH 5), but the other behavior feels like a list, so it feels
       | like 5 should be in.
         | throwawaymaths wrote:
         | It's consistent with (some) other languages, for example iirc
         | in ruby .. is exclusive of the last item and ... Includes the
         | last item.
         | cmoski wrote:
         | I completely agree with you on the madness of not including the
         | upper limit. However, I don't see how the phrase "one to five"
         | would not include five. "Rate this film on a scale of one to
         | five" does not mean four is the highest rating.
         | It translates to "increment from one, stopping before you get
         | to five". Ridiculous.
           | kzrdude wrote:
           | It's not ridiculous, "1 to 5" translates into it starts with
           | 1 and ends with 5, and both versions are ambiguous on the
           | point of including the endpoint or not. In a programming
           | context, it seems "clear" that it's ambiguous or down to
           | convention.
       | andrewstuart wrote:
       | Hang on, I was reading last night that Zig has no for loop? That
       | you have to use while.... is this not correct?
         | messe wrote:
         | It has no "for (init; cmp; step)" type loop, and instead you
         | had to use:                  var i: usize = 0;        while (i
         | < sz) : (i += 1) {            ...        }
         | Meaning that the scope for i would leak.
         | It did have a foreach-style for loop, as seen in the article
         | though.
           | kzrdude wrote:
           | Looks like they have the most important part in place, the
           | increment before the next iteration.
       | tialaramex wrote:
       | > Ranges can only exist as an argument to a for loop. This means
       | that you can't store them in variables
       | I am confident this is a mistake. Every time you make a new kind
       | of "thing" in your language somebody will want to do all the same
       | stuff with it that they did with the other things, such as
       | integers, ie in this case store a range in a variable. Ideally
       | you'd just always be able to do that, see Lisp, but it can get
       | very unwieldy, thus this is a reason to avoid making new kinds of
       | thing so the issue doesn't arise.
       | C++ chooses to actually do the heavy lifting here, which is why
       | std::format (and its inspiration fmt::format) was such an
       | enormous undertaking -- C++ can express the idea of a function
       | which takes a variable number of arguments and yet all those
       | arguments are independently type checked at compile time, not via
       | compiler magic but just as a normal feature of the language. This
       | is an enormous labour, and because they don't have any way to fix
       | syntax issues the resulting problem accumulate forever in their
       | language so I cannot recommend it as a course to other languages.
       | It's like the Pyramids, do not build giant stone tombs for your
       | leaders, this is a bad idea and your society should not copy it -
       | however, the ancient Egyptians already did build giant stone
       | tombs and they're pretty awesome to look at.
       | Anyway, Rust chose to make its half-open range type
       | std::ops::Range an actual type which you can store in a variable,
       | pass to functions, modify etc. as well as using it in a for loop.
       | Obviously don't copy Rust here exactly, for one thing Range
       | should probably be IntoIterator, not an Iterator itself if they
       | had it over, but you will wish this was an ordinary type in your
       | language, so, just do it now.                 let a = 0..4; //
       | The Range starting at zero and (non-inclusively) ending at four.
         | masklinn wrote:
         | The problem is that zig's designers apparently don't want to
         | introduce an iterator abstraction, hence the frankenstein-ing
         | of the for loop instead.
         | Though in fairness getting an iterator abstraction to the same
         | efficiency as a for loop requires pretty brutal optimisations,
         | frankensteining your for loop, a lot less so.
           | matu3ba wrote:
           | Yes, this makes debug builds bloated and slow.
           | throwawaymaths wrote:
           | I don't know how ranges are implemented now (and I'm too lazy
           | to check right now) but It's entirely possible zig's ranges
           | could wind up as comptime-only values.
           | Then you _could_ pass them around, but only at comptime,
           | which will achieve many of the things you expect.
           | There's also nothing stopping you from creating an iterator
           | interface in userland.
           | xigoi wrote:
           | > Though in fairness getting an iterator abstraction to the
           | same efficiency as a for loop requires pretty brutal
           | optimisations
           | How about Nim's inline iterators?
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