[HN Gopher] Launch HN: Defer (YC W23) - Zero-infrastructure back...
       Launch HN: Defer (YC W23) - Zero-infrastructure background jobs for
       Hi HN! We are Charly and Bryan, founders of Defer
       (https://www.defer.run/). Defer is a zero-infrastructure background
       jobs platform for Node.js developers. As a managed platform that
       brings modern development standards to background jobs (ex: multi-
       env support, zero-API design), we enable Node.js developers to
       build products faster and scale without effort and infrastructure
       knowledge.  Background jobs, while being used in all web
       applications (processing webhooks, interacting with 3rd party APIs,
       or powering core features), did not benefit from the developer
       experience improvements that arose in all other layers of the
       Node.js API stack: quick and reliable databases with Supabase or
       easy Serverless deployment with Vercel.  Today, even for simple use
       cases, working with background jobs in Node.js necessarily requires
       some infrastructure knowledge--either by deploying and scaling an
       open source solution (ex: BullMQ) or using an IaaS such as AWS SQS
       with Lambdas, which comes with complexity and limited features (no
       support for dead letter queues, dynamic concurrency, or
       throttling).  At a large scale, you will need to solve how to
       handle rolling restarts, how to auto-scale your workers, how to
       safely deploy without interrupting long-running jobs, how to safely
       encrypt jobs' data, and how to version them. Once deployed, your
       background job's code lives in a separate part of your codebase,
       with its own mental model (queues and workers). Finally, most
       solutions provide technical dashboards which are not always helpful
       in debugging production issues, so you end up having to build
       custom dashboards.  Most companies we talked to try to handle those
       different aspects, building custom similar solutions and using
       developers' time that could have been used on user-facing features.
       Bryan and I are technical founders with 10+ years of experience
       working at start-ups of all stages (e.g. Algolia, home of HN
       Search!), from tech lead to CTO roles. Like many developers, we got
       asked many times to work on background job stacks and invest time
       into tailoring and scaling them for product needs.  I even
       dedicated most of my time at Algolia to building a custom
       background jobs pipeline to power the Algolia Shopify integration:
       ingesting partial webhooks from Shopify, enriching them given
       customers configuration, in FIFO order per shop, with the Shopify
       rate limited API, for thousands of shops and the equivalents of 3
       millions of jobs per day. Given the complex and unique product
       requirements of the Algolia Shopify Ingestion Pipeline, the only
       solution (at the time and context) was to build a custom background
       jobs stack combining Redis and Kubernetes.  When consulting with
       some startups, we witnessed some developers choosing to keep some
       slow API routes calling 3rd party APIs synchronously instead of
       investing time in setting up background jobs. When looking back to
       the recent increase of productive zero infrastructure solutions in
       the Node.js ecosystem, we were surprised that the experience with
       background jobs remained unchanged. We decided to build Defer, so
       working with background jobs, CRONs, and workflows would match the
       current standard of Node.js developer experience.  Inspired by
       Next.js, Remix, and Netlify design, background jobs in Defer become
       background functions that live in your application's code, with
       direct access to all configuration options: retry, concurrency, and
       more (https://docs.defer.run/features/retries-concurrency/) , and
       no specific mental model to learn. Your background functions get
       continuously deployed from GitHub with support for branch-based
       environments, allowing you to test new background jobs in no time,
       before safely moving to production.  Defer works for all kinds of
       Node.js projects, not only serverless ones. It does not require you
       to learn any new architectures or adapt your system design--you
       just turn your code into background functions using coding patterns
       you already know, ex: map-reduce, or recursion. Defer brings
       features such as configurable retries (advanced backoff options),
       throttling, and concurrency at the background job level, which
       other solutions either require you to implement yourself or are
       simply not available. Finally, the Defer Dashboard is the only
       background jobs Dashboard to allow developers to quickly find
       executions based on business/product metadata, ex: "Show all
       executions for `user_id=123`) to quickly debug product issues.
       Defer's infrastructure, written in Go, is composed of 3 main
       components: a Build pipeline, a Scheduler, and a Runner. The Build
       pipeline enables us to build any Node.js project without requiring
       any configuration file (https://docs.defer.run/platform/builds/).
       The Scheduler relies on Postgres for persistent storage of your
       jobs (no risk of losing some)--all jobs' data is encrypted--and on
       Redis, as an atomic counter to handle features such as concurrency
       and throttling (https://docs.defer.run/platform/executions/). Our
       infrastructure runs on AWS EC2 - leveraging auto-scaling groups,
       using the containerd API directly from Go.  We run a progressive
       deployment approach to enable uninterrupted long-running jobs (some
       of our customers' jobs run for more than 5h) while releasing
       updates multiple times a day. Once your application is up and
       running, the Defer dashboard gives you all the essential
       information to operate background jobs: activity histograms,
       performances, and Slack alerting upon failures. The executions list
       comes with rich filters, allowing you to quickly find all the
       executions linked to a specific customer or other business
       metadata.  In short, we ensure that you get all the essential
       features, with the best developer experience, and with a fully
       managed infrastructure and observability tools so you can focus on
       building your product.  All of this would be meaningless without a
       free plan for small and side projects and usage-based pricing, so
       that's what we offer: https://www.defer.run/pricing. If you want to
       give Defer a try, you can get started with a simple GitHub login,
       without any credit card information required, and our docs are at
       https://docs.defer.run.  We would love to get to read about your
       experience with doing background jobs in Node.js and feedback on
       what we've built. We look forward to your comments!
       Author : wittydeveloper
       Score  : 147 points
       Date   : 2023-03-10 16:16 UTC (6 hours ago)
       | anikdas wrote:
       | I think BullMQ with deployment in kubernetes gets people off the
       | ground quite quickly and scale out quite well without needing to
       | worry about fine tuning the solution. Also RabbitMQ has also
       | worked pretty well for us handling around 150k RPM messages with
       | delayed exchange enabled while running in kubernetes without any
       | tweaks. As a dev working on solution that is used in the industry
       | of customer support, I am more worried about,
       | 1. Data locality
       | 2. Privacy
       | 3. SLAs and Uptimes
       | While SaaS solutions like these can get us MVP/PoCs fast but a
       | home grown solution is more preferable when SLOs are tight and
       | security is a huge concern.
       | [edit: formatting]
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | I agree with you, as mentioned in the article, I've built
         | similar solutions as yours at Algolia, using Redis and
         | Kubernetes. However, not all developers know and want to do
         | Kubernetes or RabbitMQ and not all companies can afford to
         | invest time to set up and manage it
         | (https://docs.bullmq.io/guide/going-to-production).
         | We address privacy by encrypting all the data on our side
         | (doing a second pass with a symmetric PGP key for tokens such
         | as GH tokens, and environment variables) and advise companies
         | that want to keep their data on their infra to push as minimum
         | data in arguments while leveraging a dedicated SSH tunneling
         | setup between our infra and theirs.
         | When it comes to the SLA/up-time of home grown, my POV would be
         | that, again, achieving good results on those often requires SRE
         | engineers, which is an investment.
       | fernandopj wrote:
       | This is an awesome value proposition. Congratulations on
       | launching!
       | I have a project that I've been dreading on how I would tackle
       | its background processing. It is a long-running process that
       | should start and scale based on a user starting his work. I'm AWS
       | certified and still wasn't thrilled about setting this up. Defer
       | would solve this for me.
       | I can see myself suggesting this solution to clients who want to
       | run complex jobs without the hassle from cloud infra.
         | secondcoming wrote:
         | you've not even used it yet
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | Thank you for your feedback! Can't wait to onboard you on Defer
       | benatkin wrote:
       | _Checks to see if it uses export or module.exports in the
       | example_
       | OK, tell me more...
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | We support both CJS and ESM but showcase examples in ESM in our
         | docs and landing
           | benatkin wrote:
           | Not about that haha. I mean I'm still interested in Defer
           | because if your example had archaic js I'd think you didn't
           | get me as js developer. :)
       | ianhmacartney wrote:
       | [flagged]
       | debarshri wrote:
       | Is it comparable to sidekiq or a more complex orchestration
       | framework like temporal?
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | It is actually comparable to both.
         | We aim to provide a similar feature set as Sidekiq (throttling,
         | unique jobs) but with a complete hosted solution.
         | While Defer and Temporal can both be used for writing
         | background jobs, workflows, and CRONs, there are some core
         | design differences.
         | Temporal has been created as the Kubernetes of highly
         | distributed systems, enabling developers to write code that
         | runs on multiple regions without worrying about possible
         | termination of the program and interruption of workflows
         | spanning across multiple steps.
         | While Temporal can be used for background jobs, workflows, and
         | CRONs, its main goal is to ensure that highly distributed tasks
         | will reliably be executed. That's the main reason why Temporal
         | API is so verbose, with many concepts to deal with.
         | Defer, on the other hand, provides comparable reliability while
         | focusing on the developer experience.
         | You can write workflows, CRONs, and jobs that run for hours
         | without worrying about them being terminated.
         | All this, with a simple API that enables you to write some
         | workflows (background functions calling other background
         | functions) in plain TypeScript, with no mental model to fit in.
       | mart1 wrote:
       | Awesome! Love it!
       | bluelightning2k wrote:
       | If we all have at least one cloud, why would we seperate out this
       | one piece and run it in Defer instead?
       | I don't mean to be unkind it's a legitimate question not sarcasm.
       | It just seems like a subset of Cloud Functions or a subset of
       | Lambda - without being connected to the rest or any of our
       | existing workflow, monitoring, secrets, etc.
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | We primarily focus on helping Node.js developers to build
         | products without investing time in infrastructure while keeping
         | it configurable.
         | As @thdxr mentioned, our goal is also to provide top-notch
         | queueing/scheduling features that are complicated to achieve
         | with Lambda/SQS/Cloud Functions, such as dead letter queue
         | support, throttling, or a product-oriented dashboard. In the
         | same idea, we plan to provide better integration, for example,
         | as you mentioned on secrets management by integrating with
         | Doppler, AWS Secrets Manager, and more - the same goes with
         | linked deployment pipelines.
         | thdxr wrote:
         | think we see a lot of unbundling happening right now (I work on
         | https://sst.dev/ so see a lot of different setups)
         | a lot of times these specialized services can really nail a
         | more narrowly scoped feature set to the point where it's worth
         | having stuff running outside of your primary cloud
         | it always depends, for me personally that bar is very high
         | because like you said, now you have to copy paste secrets into
         | yet another service among other things
         | some services are so good, like planetscale, especially
         | compared to the cloud option that I'm willing to do that
       | consequential wrote:
       | What gets run on your infrastructure and what gets run locally?
       | This is imporant as I'm not sure I'd want to trust yet another
       | service provider with my customers' data, especially one that is
       | VC-backed and therefore inherently less trustworthy in the long-
       | term than others.
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | When deployed in non-local environments, background functions
         | get executed on our infrastructure with their (securely stored)
         | arguments, spawn in a dedicated isolated temporary container.
         | For our users concerned about data locality, we recommend
         | pushing the minimal data as arguments (ex: ids or external ids)
         | and fetching the data during the execution on our side, if
         | needed, through a dedicated SSH tunneling setup. Once an
         | execution is done, its associated isolated container - gets a
         | dedicated VPC and disk - gets destroyed permanently. We will
         | also provide on-premises solutions for Enterprises.
         | In local environment (dev), background functions run completely
         | synchronously and locally, no call is made to Defer.
       | netfortius wrote:
       | This reminds me of the jobs where I had to come in, "post-
       | mortem", identify source(s) and fix performance, outages, costs
       | and - most importantly - security issues, post "agile" work, in
       | some DevOps orgs, which had no consideration to / interest in at
       | least understanding what was "underneath". In my opinion adding
       | yet another level of abstraction, and asking the creators of the
       | high(est) tier to not [have to] know what's running their
       | "stuff", is like giving chatGPT the task to architect your next
       | app(s).
         | gearnode wrote:
         | I can see your point; sometimes, there is little
         | consideration/interest in such issues. We created Defer to try
         | to fix that gap and make it easier to understand and identify
         | problems related to your long-running tasks, not the other way
         | around.
       | codegeek wrote:
       | This may be a bit simplified take but is this sort of like Lambda
       | functions/serverless functions as a service where you can also
       | build the code (nodejs only) ?
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | The Builder part is clearly a differentiator; however,
         | background functions are different from Serverless functions on
         | many points - on top of being natively integrated with our
         | Scheduler.
         | First, they allow a maximum execution time comparable to "pure
         | server" environments, instead of 15min.
         | Then, the code-first approach allows configuring the execution
         | parameters (concurrency, retries, and more) from the function's
         | code and enables to write workflows by applying well-known code
         | patterns such as recursion or map-reduce (calling child
         | background functions is a workflow).
         | Finally, you can write a background function that requires any
         | kind of dependencies, whether they be internal, external, or
         | even native.
           | johtso wrote:
           | Oh interesting! So say if you wanted to call 3rd party API in
           | your function, with some exponential backoff retry, without
           | blocking your concurrency allowance, would you model that as
           | recursively calling the same function with an attempt
           | argument?
           | Does this look nice in the observability layer?
             | wittydeveloper wrote:
             | Yeah, that will be the way to go. This is actually how on
             | of customers is achieving this behaviour for polling
             | analytics.
             | Right now our Executions list is not ideal for such pattern
             | but we will soon release filtering based on arguments which
             | will help to get all the executions linked to a specific
             | sequence.
       | lucasfcosta wrote:
       | I'd be curious to hear about how you've got your first customers.
       | Would you be willing to share that?
       | I can't think of a top-down approach working for technical folks,
       | especially cold outreach.
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | Sure!
         | We got our first customers from both channels: network (sales)
         | and inbound (twitter discussions, etc). I agree that top-down
         | is not working well for a newcomers but getting better at a
         | later stage.
       | carlosdp wrote:
       | Really nice API design! Also love the way you're handling
       | workflow jobs, super intuitive. Definitely going to try this out!
         | gearnode wrote:
         | Can't wait to have you onboard!
       | futhey wrote:
       | This is really amazing from my perspective: few or almost no
       | background jobs that would justify building my own flavor of this
       | setup. Love the API design around this.
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | Thank you!
       | KRAKRISMOTT wrote:
       | Congrats on the launch! Temporal.io needs more competition. They
       | won't even talk to you unless you sign a sales contract first.
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | We couldn't agree more!
       | johtso wrote:
       | This looks really exciting! This is a space that's desperate for
       | innovation. Will be interested to have a play and see what the
       | dashboard looks like. Other options in this field like Temporal
       | have a high learning curve and DevOps cost. Something like
       | Cloudflare Durable Objects are also a very tempting option but
       | require rolling your own visibility / dashboard stuff.
       | I'm guessing this is a "just make sure everything you do is
       | idempotent" approach? Is there any kind of state between
       | attempts?
       | Also how would you have a task with a unique id / parameter so
       | that when you call it it will only be scheduled once and returns
       | the result of the existing scheduled job?
       | Another question, how would you have custom retry logic in your
       | job without blocking your concurrency? Or if using the platforms
       | retry mechanism, how can you run some logic when the job fails?
       | Can the job know what attempt it is on? Is there context of any
       | sort? The only solution I can see from the docs would be to
       | execute jobs recursively but that seems like it would be ugly and
       | mess up the observability? I'm looking for a feature like
       | Temporal's sleeping that actually does a delayed reexecution of
       | the job (I think).
       | Also I can't get the discord link to work, it seems to link to a
       | discussion rather than being an invite link (I'll give it another
       | try on desktop)
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | Thank you!
         | Right now, you will need to ensure that your background
         | functions are idempotent but we plan to introduce an API for
         | "retried execution" so you can clean up. Also, by default retry
         | is an opt-in configuration option to avoid any unwanted side
         | effects, the same goes with concurrency.
       | chipgap98 wrote:
       | This looks awesome. I'm really excited about trying this.
       | I'm curious who your target customer for this? As someone who
       | likes to work on side projects, this seems ideal for me, but I
       | would imagine people will graduate to more mature solutions once
       | they have decent volume. The concurrency limit is something that
       | seems especially concerning in that regard.
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | Thank you, good question!
         | We want to enable developers working on a side project to build
         | apps faster and new startups to have a faster time to market by
         | avoiding spending time on infrastructure and building custom
         | layers of API and dashboard.
         | We also want to help bigger companies to take back control of
         | their custom background jobs stack and to be able to ship new
         | features or sub-products quickly. Again for growing companies,
         | we provide Custom Pricing which comes with degressive pricing
         | with custom concurrency to support, for example, high
         | throughput needs.
       | pseudostem wrote:
       | >As a managed platform that brings modern development standards
       | to background jobs (ex: multi-env support, zero-API design), we
       | enable Node.js developers to build products faster and scale
       | without effort and infrastructure knowledge.
       | Can you please elaborate more on the modern development standards
       | bit? I've always been intrigued by changes on development
       | forefront from early 90's time.
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | Sure, please note that was referring to "modern development
         | standards" in the Node.js ecosystem.
         | Node.js, with the flexibility of the JavaScript language,
         | allowed the rise of great abstraction and other domain-oriented
         | API designs, a bit like Ruby on Rails did with Ruby.
         | The arrival of React.js Server Components pattern enabled the
         | isomorphic pattern (first applied to mobile and front-end apps)
         | to reach the server side of things with patterns such as Server
         | side rendering, popularized by frameworks like Next.js or
         | Remix.
         | Those new patterns and abstractions allow Node.js developers to
         | move faster while building more complex applications to match
         | users' requirements: real-time, performant apps, richly
         | integrated with third-party products.
         | Beyond code, those new coding habits came with new products
         | such as Vercel or Supabase that help them to get the
         | infrastructure done in no time, without any DevOps knowledge
         | (good article on this topic: https://vercel.com/blog/framework-
         | defined-infrastructure).
         | "modern development standards", applied to Node.js, do not only
         | apply to coding experience and productivity (ex: the rise of
         | monorepos, TypeScript, SSR) but also to enabling developers to
         | configure their infrastructure from the code.
         | [update: typo]
       | numinoid wrote:
       | Not sure if this is intentional, but your blog posts seem to be
       | ordered alphabetically rather than by time. Having that as
       | default behavior feels a bit weird.
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | The first blog post is actually pinned but an icon or label to
         | highlight this is missing, you're right! I'll fix it soon.
       | johtso wrote:
       | How do I test my jobs?
       | Is there a local runtime a-la miniflare?
       | Or do I have to deploy and then run my unit tests against your
       | APIs?
         | gearnode wrote:
         | Locally (without `DEFER_TOKEN` environment variable), your
         | functions run synchronously, but apart from this, you get the
         | same API behavior (arguments serialization, execution id,
         | etc.).
           | johtso wrote:
           | This is fantastic! I was hoping it would "just work" and
           | seems like it does! Unless I missed it I think the docs
           | should explain this. It would definitely be a selling point
           | for me compared with having to run a local server like with
           | Temporal.
       | fswd wrote:
       | Why a company with VC backing for something so simple? I am
       | confused why somebody would think this is so important, they
       | would need funding. Anybody with 1-2 years development experience
       | should be able to hack something up in redis or even just crontab
       | and flag files.
       | I use postgraphile graphile-worker
       | https://github.com/graphile/worker for this.
       | For example, every month we roll over credits. For each user,
       | when they signed up, 30 days from that, check. If they are
       | available for roll over, reset and email. Then we have drip
       | campaigns for alerts like running low on credit.
       | Also, if you upgraded your account, then pause payment, it uses a
       | worker to schedule the date they are paid up to run the SQL to
       | downgrade. With a simple API called 'addJob' that looks for a
       | JavaScript file in a folder called task.
         | programmarchy wrote:
         | With your solution you need to manage infrastructure. Why not
         | abstract that away?
           | atleta wrote:
           | Because it's one more service that you have very little
           | control over and one more service that you have to manage
           | over a web interface or (maybe) their own command line tool.
           | It's on a separate network so they may go down and cause
           | outage in your own app, go out of business, etc. (Yes, your
           | IaaS service provider can go down as well, but that's a much
           | larger operation and something that's very-very likely to
           | have a much better uptime than what you could do on-site. And
           | whatever the case is with that, it's still on top of that.)
           | Abstractions aren't free. (BTW, I don't see it as an
           | abstraction, it's simply outsourcing. You'd use some kind of
           | API anyway even if you hosted the job queue yourself.)
         | revskill wrote:
         | Because i guess you've never been worked in a company with VC
         | backing ;)
         | andrewmcwatters wrote:
         | _Pointing Rick Dalton_ This is the bookmark comment.
         | Something something Dropbox, something something rsync.
         | Charly, Bryan consider yourself flattered.
         | intelVISA wrote:
         | Simpler is better for VC funding: easier to demonstrate the
         | value prop.
         | anon223345 wrote:
         | Most corporate developers don't really, really suck, but
         | they're really bad at new things
         | I could see this selling fast to corporate
       | brap wrote:
       | I only skimmed through the landing page so maybe I missed it, but
       | the value proposition isn't clear to me.
       | If you're going to `await` for the contacts import to finish
       | anyway, what's the advantage of separating the import logic from
       | your main API? It's blocked, so might as well be part of the same
       | service, no?
       | I could see maybe if the API returned right away with a pointer
       | the user can later poll for task progress, but it doesn't seem
       | like this is the case?
       | Side note: I like this type of web design, is it an in-house job
       | or did you hire someone external?
         | ntonozzi wrote:
         | Designers sure love gradients+noise. And dang does it look
         | good.
         | gearnode wrote:
         | > I only skimmed through the landing page so maybe I missed it,
         | but the value proposition isn't clear to me.
         | > If you're going to `await` for the contacts import to finish
         | anyway, what's the advantage of separating the import logic
         | from your main API? It's blocked, so might as well be part of
         | the same service, no?
         | > I could see maybe if the API returned right away with a
         | pointer the user can later poll for task progress, but it
         | doesn't seem like this is the case?
         | As you suggest, the API returns right away with a pointer the
         | user can later poll to get the function result. Also, using
         | `await` ensures the function is enqueued on our system.
         | > Side note: I like this type of web design, is it an in-house
         | job or did you hire someone external?
         | Happy to hear this! We are working with a friend who is a
         | professional designer.
           | brap wrote:
           | I see, makes perfect sense then. I would clarify that in the
           | example (maybe add another snippet for querying the status).
           | If your friend is open for business, maybe give them a
           | shoutout ;)
             | gearnode wrote:
             | > I see, makes perfect sense then. I would clarify that in
             | the example (maybe add another snippet for querying the
             | status).
             | It is true that we don't elaborate on this point on our
             | landing page. We will take that into consideration, thanks.
             | > If your friend is open for business, maybe give them a
             | shoutout ;)
             | Again, glad you like his work! He's not available at the
             | moment, but we will stay in touch :)
         | johtso wrote:
         | Yeah it's not clear how you uniquely reference a task, a super
         | core feature and something that the Temporal documentation for
         | example covers very early on.
           | gearnode wrote:
           | When enqueuing an execution, you get back a unique ID
           | referencing it. We will make that clearer in our
           | documentation, thanks.
             | johtso wrote:
             | Often you want to specify your own unique id based on some
             | property of the job, like a transaction reference, or just
             | a unique combination of parameters. This means you can
             | later refer to it without having to store the reference
             | somewhere. Is this possible?
               | gearnode wrote:
               | We specify our unique ID based on KSUID specifications.
               | In addition, we are soon releasing the tag feature, which
               | will enable you to store your references on your Defer
               | executions to identify them your way.
               | johtso wrote:
               | Just ideally the dev experience should be `result = await
               | somethingThatMayHaveBeenCalledBefore(id=txnref, params)`
               | You shouldn't need to first do a check to see if the task
               | already exists using a different api, and then choose
               | whether or not to run a new task.
               | At least this is my preference.. a-la Durable Objects.
               | If you don't specify a custom unique id when calling the
               | task it would then be treated as a task that can (and
               | would make sense to be) run multiple times (i.e. not
               | idempotent).
               | gearnode wrote:
               | Completely agree with you on the importance of
               | idempotency. We will release our implementation shortly
               | with a pattern close to the following:
               | ``` const somethingThatMayHaveBeenCalledBefore =
               | idempotent(myFunc, txnref); const result = await
               | somethingThatMayHaveBeenCalledBefore(params); ```
       | chronicom wrote:
       | A couple of days ago, I was actually thinking about the impact
       | long-running analytical queries would have on the costs when
       | using edge functions that are billed by GB-s, so this is a rather
       | interesting solution.
       | Just a small note that on the landing page, the snippet under
       | Define has the file path `defer/helloWorld`, while the snippet in
       | Enqueue is importing `importContacts` from
       | `defer/importContacts`. As I was reading it, I thought it seemed
       | as if the Enqueue snippet was supposed to be importing from the
       | snippet written under Define. Just thought I'd mention it in case
       | that's what it's supposed to show.
         | gearnode wrote:
         | Thanks for your interest! Also thanks for the side note on the
         | snippet, we just fixed it.
       | g_delgado14 wrote:
       | Your logo is awfully-close to sequoia capital's logo:
       | https://www.sequoiacap.com/
         | andrewmcwatters wrote:
         | Sequoia: Up and to the right
         | Defer: Down and to the right
         | Not a good look. Calling it now.
           | benatkin wrote:
           | Either you're mistaken or that's the quickest ninja-edit I've
           | ever seen.
           | Sequoia's has a diagonal line through it. Defer's does not.
             | andrewmcwatters wrote:
             | I'm teasing of course. :)
               | benatkin wrote:
               | Haha, I fell for it. Nice :)
               | Thanks for pointing that out g_delgado14 but I still
               | think it could work as their logo, because with a simple
               | logo it's hard to not make it look a little bit like some
               | other logo.
       | baudic_julien wrote:
       | Very useful, We are using Defer to run our background tasks
         | gearnode wrote:
         | And we are happy to have you onboard!
       | jsnk wrote:
       | Not fully related to this post but ...
       | I think there's a huge opportunity for whoever that can create
       | Spark or Flink like framework that works in Node.js or at least
       | has Node.js API.
       | It's a huge challenge to create a tool like that, but I believe
       | there's an appetite for such tool. JS community is huge. JS is a
       | flexible language that can conceptualize distributed computing
       | well. JS community and developer ecosystem generally has superior
       | emphasis on developer experience, outreach and education than the
       | communities around existing tools.
       | Given how economically valuable companies that exist around big
       | data distributed computing are, I think a company that can create
       | an open source Node.js distributed computing tool will be like
       | the next MongoDB, Elastic and Databricks.
       | bastawhiz wrote:
       | I don't understand how the example on this page works:
       | https://docs.defer.run/features/delay/
       | Does the "defer" directory make the exports of those modules
       | special? Because the defer function isn't called until the
       | endpoint is hit, there's no way to really know (without static
       | analysis, which is a can of worms) which functions will actually
       | get deferred.
       | Moreover, how does the defer function know, at runtime, which
       | function on the Defer platform needs to run? I could pass any
       | arbitrary function to defer(), which surely can't be run
       | externally. How does the defer platform know which function it
       | can see (by importing my code) is the function my application has
       | called defer() on?
       | Without knowing exactly the constraints of this, I have a lot of
       | FUD.
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | Here's how our Builder works: When a commit is pushed, we fetch
         | your application's repository from GitHub and compile (if
         | TypeScript) all the files in the first `defer/` folder found.
         | Then, we require each of those files to retrieve the metadata
         | exposed by the `defer()` helper, on the `default` export (is it
         | a CRON function or not, a function name, concurrency, retries,
         | etc).
         | When a background function gets a call from your application,
         | the `defer()` wrapper intercepts this call and pushes an
         | execution to the Defer API with the function's name and
         | serialized arguments.
         | I hope it makes thinks clearer, let me know!
         | [update: grammar]
           | bluelightning2k wrote:
           | Oh that's cool. You should make the type safety thing clearer
           | on your lp
             | wittydeveloper wrote:
             | You're right! We will update them soon.
       | pastacacioepepe wrote:
       | Is this built on top of Bull? Interesting idea.
         | gearnode wrote:
         | Our product is not built on top of Bull. Instead, as briefly
         | explained in the post, our scheduler is coded in Go and
         | leverages Docker, PostgreSQL, and Redis.
       | krashidov wrote:
       | This is awesome! Congrats on shipping. Can't wait to use this in
       | a side project
         | wittydeveloper wrote:
         | Thank you! Join our community so we can help you onboard and
         | get updates on the upcoming features (more is coming soon):
         | https://discord.gg/x2v84Vqsk6
       | pphysch wrote:
       | Where are the encryption keys stored? Is this CronAAS suitable
       | for sensitive workloads?
         | gearnode wrote:
         | > Where are the encryption keys stored?
         | We use AWS KMS to perform data-at-rest encryption on all data
         | we store. We perform another encryption pass for sensitive data
         | (e.g., Github Token, Secrets, etc.) before storing the data
         | with a symmetric PGP key.
         | > Is this CronAAS suitable for sensitive workloads?
         | It should be. Could you elaborate?
       | bluelightning2k wrote:
       | I'm kind of perplexed by this.
       | It's very clearly infrastructure. Putting "zero infrastructure"
       | in the title and using the same API as Lambda invoke etc. doesn't
       | make it true.
       | I also get double the risk of downtime, security as it's a third
       | party running on top of AWS vs. just running on AWS.
       | The API looks nice - but no mention of typescript at all in this
       | post or the website, so presumably type-safety isn't the thing.
         | gearnode wrote:
         | > It's very clearly infrastructure. Putting "zero
         | infrastructure" in the title and using the same API as Lambda
         | invoke etc. doesn't make it true. > I also get double the risk
         | of downtime, security as it's a third party running on top of
         | AWS vs. just running on AWS.
         | You are right. We provide an infrastructure service. We mean by
         | "zero infrastructure" that you don't have to implement and/or
         | manage your own. Our service could run on a platform other than
         | AWS, though, as we are not relying on AWS-only specific
         | services (e.g., lambda, SQS, etc.). Of course, like any other
         | cloud or on-premises service, we could have downtime.
         | > The API looks nice - but no mention of typescript at all in
         | this post or the website, so presumably type-safety isn't the
         | thing.
         | Glad to hear this. Although we don't mention it, our client is
         | written in Typescript. If you want to know more, you can check
         | out the code: https://github.com/defer-run/defer.client.
           | johtso wrote:
           | I do wish people had less of a tendency to be shy about
           | Typescript in their product documentation. It's a selling
           | point, show it off! Examples end up being a little more
           | verbose, but they actually end up being useful for people
           | that are writing Typescript (probably a closely overlapping
           | group with those that care about their background jobs not
           | disappearing).
           | bluelightning2k wrote:
           | Simple type safety from front end to long running jobs is
           | actually a big deal. You should highlight this.
           | To achieve type safety normally involves a shared interfaces
           | folder and has to be specifically implemented
       (page generated 2023-03-10 23:00 UTC)