[HN Gopher] How Python virtual environments work
       How Python virtual environments work
       Author : amardeep
       Score  : 211 points
       Date   : 2023-03-13 05:10 UTC (17 hours ago)
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       | cozzyd wrote:
       | The "global" vs. "directory" dichotomy seems... off. Haven't
       | PYTHONHOME and PYTHONPATH been supported since approximately
       | forever?
       | josteink wrote:
       | All other languages: use whatever packages you like. You'll be
       | fine.
       | Python: we're going to force all packages from all projects and
       | repos to be installed in a shared global environment, but since
       | nobody _actually_ wants that we will allow you to circumvent that
       | by creating "virtual" environments you can maintain and have to
       | deal with instead. Also remember to activate it before starting
       | your editor or else lulz. And don't use the same editor instance
       | for multiple projects. Are you crazy???
       | Also: Python "just works", unlike all those other silly
       | languages.
       | Somebody IMO needs to get off their high horse. I can't believe
       | Python users are defending this nonsense for real. This must be a
       | severe case of Stockholm-syndrome.
         | frou_dh wrote:
         | Python is over 30 years old so it's hardly surprising that it's
         | got plenty baggage in at least some areas.
         | rad_gruchalski wrote:
         | Yeah, how does it go? There's at least one obvious way to do
         | something? Python... makes me anxious. I don't mind writing
         | Python but setting it up is crazy.
       | Max_Limelihood wrote:
       | Answer: they don't
       | (Seriously, I've gotten so fed up with Python package management
       | that I just use CondaPkg.jl, which uses Julia's package manager
       | to take care of Python packages. It is just so much cleaner and
       | easier to use than anything in Python.)
         | birdstheword5 wrote:
         | It sounds mean to say it, but it's 100% true. I moved away from
         | using python wherever I can. I've had colleagues struggle for
         | days to install well used packages like pandas and numpy in
         | conda.
           | prds_lost wrote:
           | Your colleagues should consider skipping conda and stick to
           | using venv. It will make life much easier. Given pandas/numpy
           | is huge in data science, moving away is not much of an option
           | unless you are working on a personal project or already have
           | a dedicated team comfortable with using a different stack.
           | There is also the Docker option which is great but much more
           | involved.
           | zelphirkalt wrote:
           | My advice would be to not use Conda or other such "extra
           | tooling". More trouble than benefit. Stick with venv and
           | poetry.
             | zzzeek wrote:
             | poetry is "extra tooling"
           | justinsaccount wrote:
           | Things like pandas and numpy are not python packages. Yes,
           | they are packages FOR python, but they are not python.
           | https://hpc.guix.info/blog/2021/09/whats-in-a-package/ does a
           | good job of explaining why installing packages like that is a
           | complete shitshow.
           | danielvaughn wrote:
           | I just began writing Python a few months ago. For years
           | prior, I'd been a JS dev, and while NPM can be frustrating at
           | times, I never encountered so many issues as I have in
           | Python. It's crazy.
           | I'm now curious whether there are languages out there that
           | _do_ have a really nice packaging system.
             | dvlsg wrote:
             | Cargo (Rust) is pretty solid. Most of my minor complaints
             | (like being unable to add packages from the CLI) have been
             | resolved with time, as well.
             | Nadya wrote:
             | Personally, zero complaints about Cargo (Rust) and very
             | minimal complaints about NuGet (C#/.NET). My issues around
             | NuGet are probably self-created because I refuse to learn
             | the CLI [0] for it and I've had occasional issues with
             | Visual Studio's UI for managing things.
             | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/reference/nuget-
             | exe-...
               | evntdrvn wrote:
               | In a lot of ways, Paket is significantly better than
               | NuGet, if you ever want to try something new :) It uses a
               | lockfile approach like Cargo, has better dependency
               | resolution, etc
               | https://fsprojects.github.io/Paket/index.html
             | hot_gril wrote:
             | I can't think of any package/dep systems I actually like
             | other than npm. And they're even starting to screw that up
             | with the `import` weirdness instead of the `require` that's
             | been so simple and easy.
             | Rust's system is probably the next best.
             | ObjC/Swift packaging is a flaming disaster in practice,
             | unless it's improved since I jumped that ship. Last time, I
             | remember every single project having to rely on Cocoapods.
             | throwawaymaths wrote:
             | Elixir's packaging system is quite good. We went from empty
             | project to working stable diffusion in 2h. 1.75 of those
             | hours was installing CUDA.
             | cstrahan wrote:
             | FWIW, I find Cargo to be one of the biggest reasons I like
             | Rust so much -- maybe even more than anything to do with
             | Rust itself or safe code.
             | I'll often look for command line tools written in Rust, but
             | not because of Rust fanboyism, but because I know I can
             | just git clone the project and immediately start hacking on
             | a new feature I need or a quick bug fix. In almost every
             | other language I have to jump through one million hoops
             | before I can build and run whatever it is, let alone have a
             | nice developer experience (autocomplete, go to definition,
             | etc).
               | adgjlsfhk1 wrote:
               | Yeah, one of Julia's best decisions was taking heavy
               | inspiration from Rust for the package manager. Rust was
               | 100% the first language to get dependency management
               | right.
               | okeuro49 wrote:
               | > Rust was 100% the first language to get dependency
               | management right.
               | In my experience, Java, Go, PHP, NodeJS have all got
               | similar package management that works.
               | justinsaccount wrote:
               | See my above comment, there's a reason why all of your
               | examples work:
               | Java package managers tend to install packages written in
               | java
               | Go installs packages written in go, and maybe C using cgo
               | Cargo installs packages written in rust
               | php package managers install packages written in PHP,
               | extra extensions are rare
               | etc
               | People having trouble with python are NOT having trouble
               | with python. They are having trouble because they are
               | trying to use packages that are just python bindings to
               | absolutely massively complex c++ and Fortran libraries.
               | Often people using python don't even have a C compiler
               | installed (let alone a fortran one for the scientific
               | stuff), so pip blows up the first time they try to
               | install a package that hasn't been pre-built for their
               | system+python version.
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | Yeah, npm was the first good package manager. It gets a
               | lot of hate but my experience is that its strategy is the
               | optimal solution for the problem it solves. And, I think
               | a lot of things people complain about (lots of trivial
               | packages, huge dependency trees, etc.) are an effect of
               | solving the packaging problem well: if you make it easy
               | to add dependencies, people will take advantage of that
               | to add lots of dependencies.
             | cpach wrote:
             | IMHO, Go's packaging system is very pleasant to use.
             | ChancyChance wrote:
             | Same here, I've been using yarn for years, and when I
             | started using venv, I didn't understand why it had to be so
             | complex. Even after reading this article, I still don't see
             | why it is so complex! Yarn/npm has the right idea:
             | dependencies go in the working folder and expect that
             | hierarchy/protocol. Problem solved. The only problem I have
             | with yarn/npm is the problem any package manager has and
             | that is the attrition of dependencies and how to rank their
             | security risk.
         | dangerlibrary wrote:
         | I hate python package management - I really do. But I've never
         | actually had a problem with virtual environments, and I think
         | it's because I just use virtualenv directly (rather than conda
         | or whatever else).
         | I have these aliases in my .bashrc, and I can't remember the
         | last time I had a major issue.
         | alias venv='rm -rf ./venv && virtualenv venv && source
         | ./venv/bin/activate'
         | alias vact='source ./venv/bin/activate'
         | alias pinstall='source ./venv/bin/activate && pip install . &&
         | pip install -r ./requirements.txt && pip install
         | ./test_requirements.txt'
         | I don't have all the fancy features, like automatically
         | activating the virtualenv when I cd into the directory, but
         | I've always found those to be a bigger headache than they are
         | worth. And if I ever run into some incompatibility or duplicate
         | library or something, I blow away the old venv and start fresh.
         | It's a good excuse to get up and make a cup of tea.
           | spprashant wrote:
           | I might steal these aliases, thank you.
           | Using virtualenv directly has also been my approach, and has
           | not failed me yet.
           | I also used Poetry for one of my personal projects, and I
           | liked what I saw.
           | rewgs wrote:
           | This is similar to what I do, except my "new environment"
           | alias executes a function that takes a python version,
           | installed/specified via pyenv.
           | Never had a single problem, venv + pyenv is a great combo. As
           | far as I can tell, like so many sources of frustration in
           | tech, the issue typically lies with user error/not fully
           | understanding the tool you're using. That isn't saying that
           | there isn't room for improvement -- most notably, package
           | management in Python flies in the face of "there should be
           | one -- and preferably only one -- obvious way to do it" --
           | but the tools we have work quite well.
           | Joker_vD wrote:
           | > source ./venv/bin/activate
           | To this day I'm not quite sure why the venv developers
           | decided that sourcing was a good idea; all it does can be
           | effectively replaced with                   #!/bin/sh
           | export VIRTUAL_ENV="path to venv"         export
           | PATH="$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH"         unset PYTHONHOME
           | exec "$SHELL"
           | Just run this script to get into an "activated" shell. To
           | deactivate, just press Ctrl+D. If you're really fancy, you
           | can replace the last line with                   exec
           | "${@:-$SHELL}"
           | to run a command directly in the activated environment (and
           | then deactivate it immediately).
           | pottertheotter wrote:
           | I use pyenv[1] and the pyenv-virtualenv[2] plugin and I've
           | not had a problem. It's so easy.
           | [1] https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv [2]
           | https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv-virtualenv
             | Karrot_Kream wrote:
             | pyenv needs to have its shims in place by running the pyenv
             | init. You can run it when your shell starts but I find it
             | kind of slow and for a while it used to be wonky in fish.
             | But once I run the init, pyenv does work.
             | That's just for managing your python installation and
             | virtualenv though. You still need to manage your packages
             | and for that you have options like requirements.txt, pipenv
             | (not pyenv lol), Poetry, and others.
           | Izkata wrote:
           | > virtualenv venv
           | That would be python2, in 3 it's "python -m venv venv" (first
           | venv is package to run, second is directory to put it in)
           | Otherwise yeah, it's the same and I also use it manually.
           | Never had any problems.
             | jvolkman wrote:
             | `virtualenv` still exists and is still actively developed.
             | It's true that Python 3 ships with `venv` but I think
             | `virtualenv` offers some additional features.
             | https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv
           | danielvaughn wrote:
           | A few weeks ago I spent about a week debugging my Poetry
           | environment. Turns out, their latest release (which I believe
           | was a patch bump!) brought in some breaking changes. And on
           | top of that, a bunch of stuff was forcing python3.11 under
           | the hood, whereas I was on python3.10.
           | It was a nightmare.
             | silverwind wrote:
             | Poetry seems to break compatibility with every release of
             | either itself or Python, double the fun.
           | albert_e wrote:
           | I have struggled with conda and the huge space it usually
           | eats up
           | I should learn to use venv properly
           | Thanks
           | jimnotgym wrote:
           | Agreed. I tried the new package manager combined with venv
           | and using venv directly seems best. A lot faster for a start.
           | kgodey wrote:
           | I use virtualenvwrapper[1] and can't remember any problems
           | with virtual environments either. It sets up human readable
           | aliases for you like "mkvirtualenv" to create a virtualenv
           | and "workon" to activate a virtualenv.
           | [1] https://github.com/python-
           | virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrappe...
         | swyx wrote:
         | also there's like 3 different flavors of virtual env now and me
         | being 8 years out of date with my python skillz i have no idea
         | what the current SOTA is with python venv tooling :/
         | i dont need them demystified, i need someone smarter than me to
         | just tell me what to do lol
           | dwringer wrote:
           | > and me being 8 years out of date with my python skillz i
           | have no idea what the current SOTA is with python venv
           | tooling :/
           | It doesn't really matter, by the time you sit down and use it
           | you'll find whatever that is, has also been deprecated and
           | replaced by 2 more.
             | billforsternz wrote:
             | The problem with software development in 2023 in a
             | nutshell, well played sir.
           | hot_gril wrote:
           | > i dont need them demystified, i need someone smarter than
           | me to just tell me what to do lol
           | Dockerfile ;)
           | gosukiwi wrote:
           | It also makes it very hard for new devs willing to learn
           | Python. Coming from Ruby and JavaScript, you just use bundler
           | or npm, but Python is so strange, even the way it runs files
           | is different, with the module thing.
           | ollien wrote:
           | The reality is that if you ask 3 different people you're
           | going to get 3 different answers. They're fundamentally the
           | same, just a matter of package management. As far as I'm
           | aware, the current "SOTA" is Poetry. I liked Pipenv for quite
           | some time, but Poetry is just so much faster IME.
       | buildbot wrote:
       | I personally hate Conda with a firey passion - it does so much
       | weird magic and ends up breaking things in non obvious ways.
       | Python works best when you keep it really simple. Just a python
       | -m venv per project, a requirements.txt, and you will basically
       | never have issues.
         | insane_dreamer wrote:
         | I'm the opposite. We have to maintain a lot of different
         | environments for different projects, and with conda things
         | "just work" (esp now with better PyCharm integration). Venv is
         | much more of a hassle.
         | pbronez wrote:
         | Until you want to use anything with a c extension..
           | wheelerof4te wrote:
           | Why would you want to use Python with a C extension?
           | If you need performance, just use native code.
             | peterhil wrote:
             | Numpy and Scipy are good reasons. Unfortunately Scipy does
             | not even compile on FreeBSD lately, and I have opened three
             | issues about it against Scipy and Pythran (and the fix was
             | with xsimd).
             | https://github.com/serge-sans-paille/pythran/issues/2070
           | buildbot wrote:
           | I use it all the time for things with c extensions?
         | bobbylarrybobby wrote:
         | If it were really that simple, surely all these other solutions
         | wouldn't exist?
           | zzzeek wrote:
           | it really is that simple
           | conda exists because it deals with an entirely different
           | package registry and is a whole distro on its own (I dont
           | know why people need that either, my vague impression is that
           | scence-y types want complete pushbutton installation, typing
           | a command == fail, I guess, I dont know).
           | poetry exists because it does some kind of automated version
           | management thing (as did pipenv), that I'm sure is nice but
           | not something I've ever needed, but the buzz got out and it
           | took over, people who have never typed "virtualenv" use
           | poetry and they have no idea why.
             | squeaky-clean wrote:
             | Conda is very nice for people who just want to write some
             | python and not need to learn about the ecosystem or weird
             | issues like some Visual Studio dependency not being
             | installed to get scipy to compile on Windows or whatever.
             | Like someone coming from R to Python. But aside from that
             | situation I agree with you.
             | zzzeek wrote:
             | so there's four responses here and 100% of them refer to a
             | single Python package, Scipy, as the source of all the
             | problems, where they had bad experiences over ten years ago
             | with Python 2.
             | the Python package index now supports binary wheel files
             | for all platforms and Scipy is there
             | https://pypi.org/project/scipy/ with a few dozen distros.
             | is the problem solved yet ?
               | Filligree wrote:
               | You can't install the CUDA base libraries with pip. You
               | can with Conda.
               | So no, it isn't solved yet.
               | buildbot wrote:
               | Good? I don't want my package manager messing with my
               | cuda toolkit setup!
             | jayvius wrote:
             | > (I dont know why people need that either, my vague
             | impression is that scence-y types want complete pushbutton
             | installation, typing a command == fail, I guess, I dont
             | know).
             | Essentially, yes, and justifiably so. Try installing
             | science-y Python packages on Windows written in C. When
             | conda was created in 2012 this meant installing Visual
             | Studio 2005 (for Python 2.7) which was hard to find on
             | Microsoft's own website even back then.
             | teruakohatu wrote:
             | > vague impression is that scence-y types
             | Because often python is only one part of the puzzle, we
             | also need a variety of third party libraries and maybe R as
             | well (along with R packages). And we would rather not have
             | to explain to another researcher how to install it all.
             | crabbone wrote:
             | > (I dont know why people need that either, my vague
             | impression is that scence-y types want complete pushbutton
             | installation, typing a command == fail, I guess, I dont
             | know).
             | It started in a way similar to how Active Perl started. An
             | attempt to build a reliable, curated and "batteries
             | included" solution. (But it went downhill very quickly).
             | So, what were the problems:
             | * Most importantly, using Python on Windows is a pain (it
             | still is, but less so). Many Python packages rely on native
             | libraries which they don't provide. Even if they ship with
             | some binary blob, that blob is often just a wrapper to the
             | actual library. But, at the time Conda was created, even a
             | binary blob was not an option. If you wanted to install
             | stuff, you had to compile it. And, compiling on MS Windows
             | is a world of pain. Especially, if you compile something
             | for Python. Again, credit where it's due, Python sort of
             | fixed some of these problems... but just a tiny bit. It
             | still sucks a lot. So, conda is more of a MSYS2 really:
             | it's a Linux user-space in Windows (firstly), and Python on
             | top of that. But, it kind of also doesn't want to admit it,
             | so, it still pretends it's Windows... but with a bunch of
             | Linux-ey stuff...
             | * Secondly, pip was a joke until about a year ago. It was
             | not really a package manager (it still isn't) and it
             | couldn't properly solve dependencies (it sort of does
             | today, but poorly because of source-distributions). Conda,
             | when it worked, was at least somewhat consistent. (But
             | usually, it just hangs). Also, conda is a package manager
             | (however awful). I.e. with pip you can run install once,
             | and then you can run a different install command again in
             | the same environment, and god help you to make sure you
             | have consistent dependencies between packages. Conda, in
             | principle, should always keep your environment consistent.
             | (But it hangs more often than not). Also, there's no such
             | thing as installing from source with conda. If you want to
             | use source: git clone, install conda-build and suffer
             | through non-existent documentation and get help from non-
             | existent community of people building conda packages.
             | * Conda provides a curated set of packages (a.k.a default
             | channel). Anyone worth their salt ditches that channel the
             | moment they install conda and installs everything from
             | conda-forge (cuz its got more stuffs!) So, they tried
             | curated. Didn't work.
             | ---
             | In a sense, I think that what happened is that conda was
             | too ambitious of a project, using wrong technology to
             | implement it. It also didn't have good enough planning for
             | the kind of ambition they had. So, every time they came to
             | solve a real problem, they didn't have time, human
             | resources and system resources to solve it well. They've
             | accumulated technical debt at close-to-light speed and
             | ended up being a huge mess nobody knows how to deal with.
             | Some of the obvious mistakes would be: creating too many
             | releases of conflicting packages. They should've worked on
             | some sort of LTS solution, where they release a set of
             | packages with very permissive dependencies of very few
             | versions that had been proven to work well together.
             | Instead it's very common for conda packages to be very
             | peculiar (and without real need to do so) about the
             | versions of their dependencies.
             | Conda people didn't build good CI. They often release
             | absolutely broken packages, and only discover it
             | retrospectively from community input. (Tensorflow would be
             | a great example). This creates a lot of problems with
             | automatic updates.
             | Conda gave in to community pressure and decided to build
             | integration with pip. It doesn't work well, and it's not
             | possible to make it work well, but they added this and a
             | lot of people instantly created dependencies on this
             | feature.
             | Conda picked a bone with some of the infra tools outside of
             | Python ecosystem. In particular with CMake. This just adds
             | an extra aspect of pain trying to build conda packages /
             | work with native libraries / wrappers. It might seem like a
             | minor thing, but it prevented a lot of people who might
             | otherwise release packages both for conda and PyPI from
             | doing so. Often package that is released to conda is ported
             | by someone who's not the package author. It also means that
             | sometimes the names of packages differ between conda and
             | PyPI for the same package.
             | ----
             | NB. In terms of amount of commands you need to type when
             | working with conda vs with PyPI tools is not noticeably
             | different. Conda is, perhaps, more organized, but is also
             | more buggy due to trying to integrate with various shells
             | in special ways, and failing quite a bit.
             | pletnes wrote:
             | Before conda, you needed a C and a fortran compiler, a BLAS
             | and LAPACK installation, and various build tools, to
             | install scipy. Scipy is one - 1 - dependency used in
             | science and engineering. The pain used to be massive. Now,
             | we're complaining about the existence of 2 high quality
             | (not perfect) alternatives, and pip (part of the official
             | python distro) can install tensorflow etc, GPU libs
             | included, with a oneliner.
           | schainks wrote:
           | If software were that simple, surely all these other
           | languages wouldn't exist?
             | bobbylarrybobby wrote:
             | Right, software is anything but simple
           | crabbone wrote:
           | Any program with real world application solves some problem.
           | That's not the point. The point is in _how_ does it do it.
           | And when it comes to conda... it 's like MS Outlook on
           | steroids. I cannot really think about a better way to
           | describe it. It's like a movie that can be so bad that it's
           | actually good.
           | hot_gril wrote:
           | Idk, I still have no idea why yarn exists when there's npm.
           | buildbot wrote:
           | Not saying Conda et. al don't solve problems, especially in
           | specific cases, but they also add them in my opinion.
           | Spivak wrote:
           | So there's two notions of simple.
           | Simple in the sense that it's actually simple, the software
           | you need can be installed with pip install with precompiled
           | binaries for your platform when necessary it supports Python
           | 3.something+, and all it's dependencies are either >= version
           | or the version is >= x.y <= x+1.0
           | Then there's simple as in the software is actually incredibly
           | useful but is an absolute nightmare of complicated dependency
           | trees where only specific pinned minor versions work
           | together, you need multiple incompatible compiler toolchains
           | and distro packages, it only works if you have CUDA,
           | precompiled binaries exist for some but not all and if you
           | use the precompiled binaries then it changes the dependency
           | story, if you want jupyter support that's a whole different
           | thing AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
           | In that case some people with more time than sanity said fuck
           | it we'll make it work and conda was born. For me it's a
           | lifesaver when you want to use a piece of software but I
           | wouldn't ever dare deploy production software with it without
           | it being strongly isolated from everything else.
         | crabbone wrote:
         | I remember when Conda just appeared... I was so high no
         | hopium... well, the word "hopium" didn't exist yet...
         | Anyways. Today I have to help scientists to deal with it.
         | And... I didn't think it was possible to be worse than pip or
         | other Python tools, but they convinced me it is. Conda is the
         | worst Python program of note that I had ever dealt with. It's
         | so spectacularly bad it's breathtaking. You can almost
         | literally take a random piece of its source code and post it to
         | user boards that make fun of bad code. When I have a bad day, I
         | just open its code in a random file, and like that doctor who
         | was happy running around the imaging room exclaiming "I'm so,
         | so, so happy! I'm so unimaginably happy that I'm not this guy!
         | (pointing at an X-ray in his hand)" I'm happy I'm not the
         | author of this program. I would've just died of shame and
         | depression if I was.
         | jstx1 wrote:
         | With plain venv it's hard to maintain multiple different Python
         | versions on the same machine; conda makes this much easier.
         | Also on M1/M2 Macs some libraries (especially for ML) are only
         | available through conda-forge.
           | dragonwriter wrote:
           | > With plain venv it's hard to maintain multiple different
           | Python versions on the same machine
           | Ironically, given the usual software dev experience on
           | Windows vs. Unixy systems, this is not a problem with the
           | standard install on Windows with the py launcher.
           | zzzeek wrote:
           | I have like seven pythons on my machine, and I use virtualenv
           | all over, there's no issue, what's the issue? I have to type
           | the path of a specific interpreter when i make a virtualenv,
           | is that the problem? I bet that's the problem
           | crabbone wrote:
           | > With plain venv it's hard to maintain multiple different
           | Python versions on the same machine;
           | plain venv never advertised itself as a solution to this
           | problem... I don't like this tool, but, sorry to say so, you
           | are barking on the wrong tree.
           | Also, it's not hard to maintain different versions of Python
           | on the same machine without conda. I can literally do this
           | with my eyes closed w/o touching the mouse: it boils down to:
           | cd ~/src/cpython         git checkout 3.8         git fetch
           | --all         git reset --hard origin/3.8         git clean
           | -Xdf         ./configure --with-ensurepip=install --with-
           | system-ffi=yes         make         sudo make altinstall
           | Sorry. I've done this from memory and I kept one eye open.
           | So, I kinda lied. But not really.
             | [deleted]
             | [deleted]
           | buildbot wrote:
           | Is it? I just install different version with brew, and choose
           | which python3.X to create a venv with. The ML packages issue
           | is much more of an issue, but now that the ARM transition is
           | well underway more and more packages work via normal pip.
       | Already__Taken wrote:
       | Been really enjoying trying out pdm in PEP 582 mode. I've just
       | found it behaves when used across multiple devs, not necessarily
       | that used to working with python.
       | gt565k wrote:
       | Just setup a django project with pipenv, works just fine.
         | aniforprez wrote:
         | Pipenv has never once worked just fine personally. The
         | dependency resolution is a joke and the slowest of any project
         | in this space, they have tons of bugs and the project is
         | languishing
         | I prefer to use a combination of pip-tools and pyenv for my
         | projects
       | PhysicalNomad wrote:
       | I don't bother with venvs anymore and just use podman instead.
       | sakex wrote:
       | It feels like it is one of the reasons experienced devs are
       | ditching Python for production systems. Besides horrendous
       | performance and lousy semantics. The cost of setting up,
       | maintaining the environment and onboarding people is just not
       | worth it.
         | ggregoire wrote:
         | Experienced Python devs run their projects in docker, which
         | solves the 3 issues you listed at the end.
           | lucb1e wrote:
           | Experienced Python dev checking in here. I use neither
           | containers nor virtual environments. Honestly not sure what
           | all the fuss is about.
           | Maybe everyone has come to think we need layers on layers on
           | layers because management tools (like venv) are blogged and
           | talked about, whereas it's a bit dull to write/talk about
           | nothing (i.e. not using/needing such tools)? I genuinely
           | wonder
         | phonebucket wrote:
         | Are experienced devs really ditching Python for production
         | systems? I wasn't under this impression.
         | lucb1e wrote:
         | > The cost of setting up, maintaining the environment and
         | onboarding people is just not worth it.
         | I have yet to come across a situation where I need a virtual
         | environment at all. A lot of projects use it, but then lazy me
         | just runs git clone && python3 clone/main.py and it works just
         | fine, sometimes after an apt install python3-somedependency or
         | two.
         | It always seemed weird to me to depend on such a specific
         | version ("package foo can't be older than 7 months or newer
         | than 4 months"), how even does one manage to use such obscure
         | features that they were removed and so you need an older-than
         | version?
         | And then there's the people in this thread (seemingly a
         | majority when judging by top level comment loudness) that have
         | trouble with virtual environments and so _add another layer on
         | top_ to manage that virtual environment thing. The heck. Please
         | explain
           | hot_gril wrote:
           | Do you deal with the scientific libs? I remember that whole
           | MatPlotLib/Scipy/Pandas/Jupyter/whatever stack having weird
           | requirements on dependencies, with Py2 vs 3 confusion added
           | to the mix.
             | lucb1e wrote:
             | I've used matplotlib and pandas fairly recently because
             | applicants used it in their code, don't remember any
             | specific problems with that. Well, with the dependency
             | installation that is. The applicant loading all data into
             | RAM so that Pandas can operate on it _was_ an issue. (The
             | whole point was that the data was too big to reasonably
             | load into RAM, and would constantly grow as more sensor
             | readings come in, and the questions are such that you can
             | easily stream it and keep a few KB of state in a dictionary
             | to find the answers needed... alas.)
             | I do remember python2-only being a problem back in the day,
             | but this was solved... hmm, maybe in 2017 somewhen? At
             | least for the packages I used then that had py3 issues
             | before, like sklearn, numpy, and scapy come to mind. I
             | think it more or less coincided with Debian deciding the
             | next release was not going to ship Python 2. Somehow that
             | made everyone 2to3, fix a few remaining bugs, release,
             | done. I'm too young (I'm 30) to really have done much with
             | Python 2 so I didn't have this legacy in my own code
             | (besides a few early files), I've ~always just tried to
             | find and install Python 3 versions of everything.
             | analog31 wrote:
             | I think the problems have been resolved. For my last few
             | installations of Python, I've just used pip install for
             | those packages, without any issues. Linux and Windows,
             | can't comment about Mac. And the important libraries are
             | all in Py3 now.
         | lockhouse wrote:
         | Excuse my ignorance, but aren't Virtual Environments something
         | you setup once per project? Why would that be a dealbreaker?
         | How is it any more difficult than putting everything in a
         | docker container like all the cool kids are doing these days?
           | tmpz22 wrote:
           | * Local state is changing such as brew updates or new
           | dependencies are added.
           | * External state is changing such as project contributions
           | So its not a one-off unless the project and dev environment
           | is static. The real problem is different tooling doing
           | different amounts of hand holding and automation. Your editor
           | may configure some things automatically, brew may configure
           | some things automatically, and so a set of instructions for
           | setup or problem fixing could be voided without the end user
           | knowing. So now you're off on a adventure of unknown duration
           | wading through internet forums trying to find the resolution
           | that works for you.
           | Ironically using Docker to isolate the environmental changes
           | is a approach some people use to avoid some of this esoteric
           | crap.
             | groestl wrote:
             | > Ironically using Docker
             | I'd even dare to say that Docker _is_ the answer to the
             | Python's packaging problems, and might have never taken off
             | without that "killer app" that is the Python packaging
             | sh*tshow.
               | hot_gril wrote:
               | Yep. Any big Python repo is gonna have a Dockerfile. "Fix
               | your mess or we'll fix it for you."
               | crabbone wrote:
               | Docker is not the answer to any packaging problems
               | because it's not a packaging tool. I have no idea how
               | people don't understand this... oh wait! I'm talking to
               | _Python_ programmers!
               | But... I'm not going to hold you in the dark: the reason
               | and the major drive to have a packaging system is that
               | you can define dependencies between packages s.t. users
               | installing package can coordinate and install the stuff
               | they need. Docker simply doesn't do that. You get images.
               | They are completely independent. Whether any two images
               | will work with each other is anyone's guess.
             | lockhouse wrote:
             | Isn't it considered best practice not to use brew to
             | install Python for exactly this reason?
             | I've always seen it recommended to use pyenv or just
             | download directly from Python.org instead.
               | hot_gril wrote:
               | I avoid brew whenever possible, partially because it does
               | weird stuff just to avoid installing things as root.
               | Something like Python with a convenient .pkg download
               | directly from python.org makes the choice obvious.
               | That said, some Python packages rely on native code that
               | you might find yourself brew-installing. That can be a
               | nightmare.
               | PaulHoule wrote:
               | Python has always struggled with distribution maintainers
               | that just don't get it.
               | Python barely survived becoming the default scripting
               | language on Red Hat and other Linux distros which was a
               | major obstruction to the Python 3 transition. If the new
               | cohort of pandas and scikit-learn users had not been such
               | a force of nature we"d be talking today about Python the
               | way we do about Perl.
               | Not installing venv is a serious crime on the part of
               | Debian as beginners don't need any more excuse to trash
               | their system with site-local directories and other wrong
               | answers for how to manage packages in Python.
               | dima55 wrote:
               | What's the crime in Debian? The "right answer about how
               | to manage packages" is "apt install package". Anything
               | else (including venvs) is a hack
               | PaulHoule wrote:
               | The word package is overloaded. There is a Debian package
               | and there is a Python package.
               | If somebody wanted to package a modern Python application
               | as Debian package they'd have to make a Debian package
               | that contains several Python packages maybe as a venv or
               | executable wheel, it is a solvable problem but a bit like
               | comparing tic tac toe to 12d chess with supersymmetry in
               | terms of the ambition of Linux distros if not the
               | difficulty.
               | tmpz22 wrote:
               | People just want to get things done. If they can get away
               | with two commands instead of six they will, which is why
               | I think poetry has gotten more adoption.
               | antod wrote:
               | _> Isn't it considered best practice not to use brew to
               | install Python for exactly this reason?_
               | The only time I've ever had a big mess with broken Python
               | installs was after using brew on Linux - luckily killing
               | off brew brought the system Python back fine. I'll
               | grudgingly put up with brew on a Mac out of necessity,
               | but keep it away from Linux.
           | crabbone wrote:
           | > but aren't Virtual Environments something you setup once
           | per project?
           | My typical count is 2-3 per project per machine I work on
           | (could be anywhere from one to one hundred). Then there's a
           | different number of people who need to set up these
           | environments on different machines too (and sometimes require
           | my support).
           | So, the answer is: who knows?
           | > putting everything in a docker container
           | I think, you meant image, not container, but that's an easy
           | mistake to make. And the answer is: both options are
           | terrible. It's a choose your poison kind of thing.
           | > cool kids
           | My impression from working with the cool kids is that our
           | industry selects for particular taste in t-shirts rather than
           | knowledge or experience. I'm afraid that the correlation
           | might swing into the negative, if we take either knowledge or
           | experience vs coolness.
           | ---
           | Most importantly: venv is not the problem. It's a bad fix for
           | a problem. Bad as in it doesn't fix the problem actually, it
           | pretends to. I mean, maybe it covers some 90% of the problem
           | -- who knows, I didn't count. So, it kinda works for a lot of
           | people. But, honestly, I'd prefer that the problem was fixed
           | s.t. it doesn't require venv. It's kind of like discussing
           | various dental prosthetics options: it's better to just have
           | healthy teeth.
         | [deleted]
       | _coveredInBees wrote:
       | I'm surprised at the number of people here complaining about
       | venvs in Python. There are lots of warts when it comes to package
       | management in Python, but the built-in venv support has been rock
       | solid in Python 3 for a long time now.
       | Most of the complaints here ironically are from people using a
       | bunch of tooling in lieu of, or as a replacement for vanilla
       | python venvs and then hitting issues associated with those tools.
       | We've been using vanilla python venvs across our company for many
       | years now, and in all our CI/CD pipelines and have had zero
       | issues on the venv side of things. And this is while using
       | libraries like numpy, scipy, torch/torchvision, etc.
         | black3r wrote:
         | > Most of the complaints here ironically are from people using
         | a bunch of tooling in lieu of, or as a replacement for vanilla
         | python venvs and then hitting issues associated with those
         | tools.
         | That's because the vanilla python venvs feel like a genius idea
         | but not thought out thoroughly, they feel as if there's
         | something missing..., So there's naturally lots of attempts at
         | improvements and people jump at those...
         | And when you think about it in bigger depth, venvs are
         | themselves just another one of the solutions used to fix the
         | horrible mess that is python's management of packages and
         | sys.path...
         | The "Zen of Python" says "There should be one-- and preferably
         | only one --obvious way to do it.", so I can't understand why
         | it's nowhere near as easy when it comes to Python's package
         | management...
           | JohnFen wrote:
           | Honestly, virtual environments are one of the reasons why I
           | prefer to avoid Python whenever I can.
         | Jackevansevo wrote:
         | Likewise, I think people have a negative first experience
         | because it doesn't work exactly like node, throw their toys out
         | the pram and complain on HN for the rest of time.
         | Guess in taking this stance we're both part of the problem...
         | \s
         | hot_gril wrote:
         | I've never used anything but vanilla Python venvs, and no they
         | don't work reliably. What does is a Docker container. I keep
         | hearing excuses for it, but the prevalence of Dockerfiles in
         | GitHub Python projects says it all. This is somehow way less of
         | an issue in NodeJS, maybe because local environments were
         | always the default way to install things.
           | neuronexmachina wrote:
           | > This is somehow way less of an issue in NodeJS, maybe
           | because local environments were always the default way to
           | install things.
           | There's also NodeJS's ability for dependencies to
           | simultaneously use conflicting sub-dependencies.
             | hot_gril wrote:
             | Yeah, you can't have two deps use different versions of the
             | same sub-dep, cause they flatten everything instead of
             | having a tree. In practice I rarely have issues with this
             | except in React-Native, where it's a common problem, but
             | then again RN is doing some crazy stuff to begin with.
         | TheRealPomax wrote:
         | Except when you try to move it, or copy it to a different
         | location. This _almost_ made sense back when it was its own
         | script, but it hasn't made sense for years, and the obstinacy
         | to just sit down and fix this has been bafflingly remarkable.
         | ("why not make everyone install their own venv and run pip
         | install?" because, and here's the part that's going to blow
         | your mind: _because they shouldn 't have to_. The vast majority
         | of packages don't need compilation, you just put the files in
         | the right libs dir, and done. Your import works. Checking this
         | kind of thing into version control, or moving it across disks,
         | etc. etc. _should be fine and expected_. Python yelling about
         | dependencies that _do_ need to be (re)compile for your os
         | /python combination should be the exception, not the baseline)
         | 9dev wrote:
         | Oh, yeah? It's working great? Like figuring out which packages
         | your application actually uses? Or having separate development
         | and production dependencies? Upgrading outdated libraries?
         | Having taken a deep-dive into refactoring a large python app, I
         | can confidently say that package management in python is a pain
         | compared to other interpreted languages.
           | peterhil wrote:
           | I strongly agree with this, and I have been actively using
           | Python since 2009.
           | Trying top keep a Pygame/Numpy/Scipy project working has been
           | a real struggle. I started it with Python 2 and ported to
           | Python 3 some years ago. The whole Python 3 transition is a
           | huge mess with every Python 3 point release breaking some
           | things. No other interpreted language's packaging system is
           | so fucked up.
           | On a positive note: Lately I've liked using pdm instead of
           | pip, and things seem to work quite a lot better. I evaluated
           | Poetry, Flit and something else also.
           | I just commented about this on Twitter, when someone asked
           | "Which programming language do you consider beginner's
           | friendly?"
           | https://twitter.com/peterhil/status/1633793218411126789
           | rowanseymour wrote:
           | Virtual environments aren't package management. For example
           | we use Poetry for package management - it supports separate
           | dev and prod dependencies, upgrading etc. It _generates_ a
           | virtual environment.
             | 9dev wrote:
             | The distinction feels entirely academic to me. Managing
             | packages means having a sane way to define the dependencies
             | of software projects, so they can be checked into version
             | control and be installed reproducibly later and/or
             | elsewhere.
             | I don't know which problem python intended to solve by
             | separating the two, but it doesn't occur often in
             | contemporary software engineering work.
             | Having said that, the point you make is valid and Poetry is
             | a good option, but it feels so maddening having to learn
             | about like seven different tools which all do more or less
             | the same but not quite, and everyone and their mother
             | having an opinion on which is the best. Doesn't help that
             | there's an arbitrary yet blurry line where package managers
             | end and environment managers begin.
         | winrid wrote:
         | Because even with --copy it creates all kinds of symlinks, and
         | if you're using pyenv, hard coded paths to the python binary
         | which can break from CI to installation.
         | If you're using docker then it's a lot easier I guess.
           | mikepurvis wrote:
           | It also quietly reuses the stdlib of whatever python you
           | start from. Which _mostly_ doesn't matter in real world
           | usage, but can be quite surprising if you ever get into your
           | head the idea that that venv is portable.
         | whalesalad wrote:
         | I've been using Python since like 2006, so maybe I just have
         | that generational knowledge and battlefront experience... but
         | whenever I come into threads like this I really feel like an
         | imposter or a fish out of water. Like, am I using the same
         | Python that everyone else is using? I echo your stance - the
         | less overhead and additional tooling the better. A simple
         | requirements.txt file and pip is all I need.
           | coldtea wrote:
           | Is it "generational knowledge and battlefront experience" or
           | just "getting used to the (shitty) way things have always
           | been" and Stockhold Syndrome?
           | anongraddebt wrote:
           | Twice bricking my laptop's ability to do python development
           | because of venv + symlink bs was the catalyst I needed to go
           | all-in on remote dev environments.
           | I don't drive python daily, but my other projects thank
           | Python for that.
           | crabbone wrote:
           | Lol. You put "simple" and "requirements.txt" unironically
           | next to each other...
           | I mean, I think you genuinely believe that what you suggest
           | is simple... so, I won't pretend to not understand how you
           | might think that. I'll explain:
           | There's simplicity in performing and simplicity of
           | understanding the process. It's simple to make more humans,
           | it's very hard to understand how humans work. When you think
           | about using pip with requirements.txt you are doing the
           | simple to perform part, but you have no idea what stands
           | behind that.
           | Unfortunately for you, what stands behind that is ugly and
           | not at all simple. Well, you may say that sometimes it's
           | necessary... but, in this case it's not. It's a product of
           | multiple subsequent failures of people working on this
           | system. Series of mistakes, misunderstandings, bad designs
           | which set in motions processes that in retrospect became
           | impossible to revert.
           | There aren't good ways to use Python, but even with what we
           | have today, pip + requirements.txt is not anywhere near the
           | best you can do, if you want simplicity. Do you want to know
           | what's actually simple? Here:
           | Store links to Wheels of your dependencies in a file. You can
           | even call it requirements.txt if you so want. Use curl or
           | equivalent to download those wheels and extract them into
           | what Python calls "platlib" (finding it is left as an
           | exercise for the reader) removing everything in scripts and
           | data catalogues. If you feel adventurous, you can put scripts
           | into the same directory where Python binary is installed, but
           | I wouldn't do that if I were you.
           | Years of being in infra roles taught me that this is the most
           | reliable way to have nightly builds running quietly and
           | avoiding various "infra failures" due to how poorly Python
           | infra tools behave.
         | aflag wrote:
         | It's incredibly lacking in features. PyPI doesn't even properly
         | index packages, making pip go into this dependency resolution
         | he'll trying to find a set of versions that will work for you.
         | It works for simple cases with few dependencies/not a lot of
         | pinning. But if your needs are a bit more complex it certainly
         | shows its rough edges.
         | I actually find it amazing that they python community puts up
         | with that. But I suppose fixing it is not that pressing now the
         | language is widely adopted. It's not going to be anyone's
         | priority to mess with that. It's high risk low rewards sort of
         | project.
           | Groxx wrote:
           | What does that have to do with venvs?
           | I agree the _packaging and distribution_ setup in python is
           | an absolute mess, but that 's entirely unrelated to venvs.
           | It's like bringing up how python uses whitespace instead of
           | curly-braces.
             | oneepic wrote:
             | I think the GP comment might have caused some confusion
             | since it mentioned both package management and venvs very
             | close together.
             | [deleted]
           | whalesalad wrote:
           | I've been writing Python for a looong time. I have pushed out
           | thousands and thousands of deployments across probably 40+
           | distinct Python codebases and only once or twice have I ever
           | encountered a showstopper dependency resolution issue. At the
           | end of the day you should _want_ to have fine grained control
           | over your deps and frankly there are many times where a
           | decision cannot be automatically made by a package manager.
           | Pip gets beat on _hard_ but it puts in work all day every day
           | and rarely skips a beat. It 's entirely free and developed
           | with open source contributions.
           | Areas where I _have_ felt a lot of pain is with legacy Ruby
           | projects /bundler. Don't get me started on golang.
           | Can pip be made better? Sure. Should we have an attitude of
           | disgust towards it? Heck no!
             | rxhernandez wrote:
             | > only once or twice have I ever encountered a showstopper
             | dependency resolution issue
             | I've encountered them with other languages and they're the
             | sort of thing where one time is more than enough to make me
             | feel like it could get me fired; they're Never (with a
             | capital N) okay imo
             | crabbone wrote:
             | > once or twice have I ever encountered a showstopper
             | dependency resolution issue.
             | Hahaha... (rolls on the floor) Do you want to know why that
             | is? No seriously? I'm not laughing at you as much as I'm
             | laughing at Python now, but hey, well, anyways, do you want
             | to know why that happened to you? I know you don't. But
             | I'll tell you anyways!
             | Until quite recently, pip didn't give a rat's ass if the
             | dependencies it installed were consistent. It would blink a
             | message in the long stream of vomit it spills on the screen
             | saying something like "you have package X installed of
             | version Y, but package Z wants X of version Q, which will
             | not be installed". And happily streamed more garbage to
             | your screen.
             | It was an issue that was filed against pip for something
             | like 12 years until it got resolved about a year or so ago.
             | Even after it got resolved a lot of people tried to
             | upgrade, saw that that would "break" their deployment, and
             | rolled back to the latest broken version.
             | Things are sort of improving gradually since then, but we
             | are light years away from the system working properly, and
             | I know you don't want to know why, but I'll tell you
             | anyways!
             | So, when for whatever reason pip doesn't find a dependency
             | it thinks you need, a lot of packages, when they roll out
             | their "releases", they upload also what Python calls
             | "source release". Which should have never been treated as
             | an installation option, but it is, and is treated like that
             | by default. So, what will happen once pip finally gives up
             | on finding a match, right, you guessed it! -- It's going to
             | try to build it! Installing build dependencies along the
             | way. What you get in the end is anyone's guess, but most
             | likely, it's something broken because the developers who
             | made this release didn't make a release specifically for
             | your version.
             | Don't despair. There's a flag you can use with pip install
             | that should prevent it from trying to build stuff. But two
             | bad things will happen to you if you use it: in any non-
             | trivial project your dependencies will irreparably break.
             | And, who knows if that flag is implemented correctly...
             | nobody in the real world is using that. So, who knows,
             | maybe it'll format your hard drive along the way.
               | muhokutan wrote:
               | It behaves like a kid you send to the store with a 100
               | dollars
               | kapilvt wrote:
               | I moved to poetry (ergonomics) and publishing wheels with
               | frozen requirements, at least for apps, here's the plugin
               | I used https://github.com/cloud-custodian/poetry-plugin-
               | freeze .. readme has details, tldr freeze the graph for
               | repeatability regardless of tool, Ala pip install works
               | years later.
           | crabbone wrote:
           | I hate PyPI probably even more than you do, but venv doesn't
           | do that. All it does is write a handful of files and make a
           | bunch of symlinks. It doesn't deal with installation of
           | packages.
         | crabbone wrote:
         | The most important part about venv is that you shouldn't need
         | it. The very fact that it exists is a problem. It is a wrong
         | fix to a problem that was left unfixed because of it.
         | The problem is fundamental in Python in that its runtime
         | doesn't have a concept of a program or a library or a module
         | (not to be confused with Python's modules, which is a special
         | built-in type) etc. The only thing that exists in Python is a
         | "Python system", i.e. an installation of Python with some
         | packages.
         | Python systems aren't built to be shared between programs
         | (especially so because it's undefined what a program is in
         | Python), but, by any plausible definition of a program, venv
         | doesn't help to solve the problem. This is also amplified by a
         | bunch of tools that simply ignore venvs existence.
         | Here are some obvious problems venv doesn't even pretend to
         | solve:
         | * A Python native module linking with shared objects outside of
         | Python's lib subtree. Most comically, you can accidentally link
         | a python module in one installation of Python with Python from
         | a "wrong" location (and also a wrong version). And then wonder
         | how it works on your computer in your virtual environment, but
         | not on the server.
         | * venvs provides no compile-time isolation. If you are building
         | native Python modules, you are going to use system-wide
         | installed headers, and pray that your system headers are
         | compatible with the version of Python that's going to load your
         | native modules.
         | * venv doesn't address PYTHONPATH or any "tricks" various
         | popular libraries (s.a. pytest and setuptools) like to play
         | with the path where Python searches for loadable code. So much
         | so that people using these tools often use them contrary to how
         | they should be used (probably in most cases that's what
         | happens). Ironically, often even the authors of the tools don't
         | understand the adverse effects of how the majority is using
         | their tools in combination with venv.
         | * It's become a fashion to use venv when distributing Python
         | programs (eg. there are tools that help you build DEB or RPM
         | packages that rely on venv) and of course, a lot of bad things
         | happen because of that. But, really, like I said before: it's
         | not because of venv, it's because venv is the wrong fix for the
         | actual problem. The problem nobody in Python community is bold
         | enough to address.
       | cmcconomy wrote:
       | My personal approach is:
       | - use miniconda ONLY to create a folder structure to store
       | packages and to specify a version of python (3.10 for example)
       | - use jazzband/pip-tools' "pip-compile" to create a frozen/pinned
       | manifest for all my dependencies
       | - use pip install to actually install libraries (keeping things
       | stock standard here)
       | - wrap all the above in a Makefile so I am spared remembering all
       | the esoteric commands I need to pull this all together
       | in practice, this means once I have a project together I am:
       | - activating a conda environment
       | - occasionally using 'make update' from to invoke pip-compile
       | (adding new libraries or upgrading), and
       | - otherwise using 'make install' to install a known working
       | dependency list.
         | nose-wuzzy-pad wrote:
         | This seems simplistic and low drag. Do you have an example you
         | can share?
         | Thanks!
       | its_over_ wrote:
       | I use poetry or docker or nixpkgs
       | I've given up.
       | EDIT: also just finding myself reaching for go in most cases
       | 89vision wrote:
       | I haven't used these since docker
         | foooobaba wrote:
         | With docker, do you use debugging in pycharm/vscode, or just
         | for compiling/shipping?
           | 89vision wrote:
           | Both. Setting up the editor took a little doing, but it works
           | well.
           | https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/containers/quickstart-
           | pyt...
         | ginko wrote:
         | That's just giving up.
           | epgui wrote:
           | But it's giving up correctly*! :)
           | rad_gruchalski wrote:
           | That's being pragmatic.
           | chao- wrote:
           | Yes it is giving up, but not only. It is giving up _and_
           | being able to get back to the actual work you want to be
           | doing.
             | PaulHoule wrote:
             | I worked at a place where people tried using Docker to
             | manage Python and wound up with a bunch of twisty little
             | images that were all misconfigured in a different way.
             | (E.g. default charsets that I'm not sure anybody uses.)
               | cpach wrote:
               | Learning to make sound container images is tricky, but
               | once you got it figured out it is, IMO, a very nice way
               | to distribute software.
           | frgtpsswrdlame wrote:
           | Sometimes that's the best option.
       | Havoc wrote:
       | These days I'm just throwing each project into a fresh LXC on a
       | server.
       | All these different languages have their own approach and each
       | then also user/global/multiple versions...it's just not worth
       | figuring out
         | bagels wrote:
         | Same, but with Docker. I don't like conda, was fine with
         | virtualenv, but using docker there's only one python and you
         | can just pip install and not worry about multiple environments.
         | spyremeown wrote:
         | Question: what makes you choose LXC over Docker?
           | wyufro wrote:
           | IMO, while their use cases do overlap, LXC is more geared
           | towards a user installing things while Docker is more geared
           | towards a developer creating a ready to use package.
           | LXC creates environments, while Docker creates apps, is
           | another way to say it.
           | Havoc wrote:
           | Much of a sameness really but I prefer the more persistent
           | disk style of lxc plus ssh plus vscode ssh remote extension.
           | Depends on task though I've got dockers and VMs in use too
       | Supermancho wrote:
       | This writeup needs work.
       | > So while you could install everything into the same directory
       | as your own code (which you did, and thus didn't use src
       | directory layouts for simplicity), there wasn't a way to install
       | different wheels for each Python interpreter you had on your
       | machine so you could have multiple environments per project (I'm
       | glossing over the fact that back in my the day you also didn't
       | have wheels or editable installs).
       | This is a single run-on sentence. Someone reading this, probably
       | doesn't know what "wheels" means. If you are going to discount it
       | anyway, why bring it up?
       | > Enter virtual environments. Suddenly you had a way to install
       | projects as a group that was tied to a specific Python
       | interpreter
       | I thought we were talking about dependencies? So is it just the
       | interpreter or both or is there a typo?
       | > conda environments
       | I have no idea what those are. Do I care? Since the author is
       | making a subtle distinction, reading about them might get me
       | confused, so I've encountered another thing to skip over.
       | > As a running example, I'm going to assume you ran the command
       | py -m venv --without-pip .venv in some directory on a Unix-based
       | OS (you can substitute py with whatever Python interpreter you
       | want
       | Wat? I don't know what venvs are. Can you maybe expand without
       | throwing multi-arg commands at me? Maybe add this as a reference
       | note, rather than inlining it into the information. Another thing
       | to skip over.
       | > For simplicity I'm going to focus on the Unix case and not
       | cover Windows in depth.
       | Don't cover Windows at all. Make a promise to maintain a separate
       | doc in the future and get this one right first.
       | > (i.e. within .venv):
       | This is where you start. A virtual environment is a directory,
       | with a purpose, which is baked into the ecosystem. Layout the
       | purpose. Map the structure to those purposes. Dive into
       | exceptional cases. Talk about how to create it and use it in a
       | project. Talk about integrations and how these help speed up
       | development.
       | I also skipped the plug for the mircoenv project, at the end with
       | a reference to VSCode.
         | ianbutler wrote:
         | I expect most everyday python users know what these things are.
         | I also expect this was targeted at python users who use these
         | things but haven't thought deeply about them.
         | Charitably, I will assume you are a non python user, and that's
         | why this is a miss for you.
       | hkgjjgjfjfjfjf wrote:
       | [dead]
       | warner25 wrote:
       | > One point I would like to make is how virtual environments are
       | designed to be disposable and not relocatable.
       | Is the author saying that relocating them will actually break
       | things, or that it's just as easy to recreate them in a different
       | location? Because I've moved my venv directories and everything
       | still seemed to work OK. Did I just get lucky?
         | Helmut10001 wrote:
         | I have my whole conda env folder symlinked to my second drive.
         | Impossible to store 120GB of environments otherwise.
         | Falell wrote:
         | Relocating them will actually break things in many cases,
         | especially when native code is involved.
         | korijn wrote:
         | Depends if any of your packages use absolute paths (generated
         | at install time for example).
         | JamesonNetworks wrote:
         | I've had problems with symlinked python bins not existing in
         | the same place requiring relinking as one example of a problem
         | noisenotsignal wrote:
         | There's also relocating across machines. For example, maybe
         | your build environment has access to internal registries but
         | your release environment does not. I naively thought you could
         | build your venv and just copy to the new machine (both
         | environments were Ubuntu) but ran into errors (due to links
         | breaking). We also used pex for a bit, which is kind of like
         | building a binary of a venv, and _that_ eventually stopped
         | working too when the C ABI was no longer the same between
         | environments. There didn't seem to be an easy way to pick the
         | ABI version to target when creating the pex file, so I gave up
         | and just downloaded the wheels for internal packages in the
         | build.
         | Izkata wrote:
         | By default when you activate a virtualenv, it uses hardcoded
         | absolute paths (determined at the time the environ was
         | created), so moving the directory will break it.
         | acomjean wrote:
         | I've tried to move things and broken everything. (Conda
         | environments). I tried replacing the paths in the files and it
         | didn't work. We run a bunch of different tools with various
         | python requirements and would like to be able to duplicate them
         | for the next tool.
         | We ended up making a new environments for each. Honestly it's a
         | bit of a mess.
         | senko wrote:
         | > relocating them will actually break things
         | Yes, absolute paths are hardcoded in several places.
         | I actually have a use case for copying/relocating them (for
         | https://apibakery.com), and simple search/replace of paths
         | across the entire venv works, but I wouldn't recommend that as
         | a best practice approach :-)
         | jszymborski wrote:
         | It's a gamble to move venvs.
         | The real way to move venvs is to freeze the venv (i.e. make a
         | requirements.txt) and then pip -r requirements.txt to recreate
         | the venv.
         | This process is really the only thing about venvs that ever
         | causes me trouble.
       | asicsp wrote:
       | See also: Virtual Environments Demystified
       | (https://meribold.org/python/2018/02/13/virtual-environments-...)
       | Discussion from 2021:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25611307
       | rekahrv wrote:
       | That's insightful.
       | It seems that a virtual environment created by Poetry looks very
       | similar, except that it doesn't contain an `include` directory.
       | It contains:
       | * `bin` directory
       | * `lib/<python-version>/site-packages/` directory
       | * `pyvenv.cfg`
       | tomalaci wrote:
       | I would highly recommend Poetry for python package management. It
       | basically wraps around pip and venvs offering a lot of
       | convenience features (managing packages, do dist builds, etc.).
       | It also works pretty nicely with Tox.
       | I would recommend using virualenvs.in-project setting so Poetry
       | generates venv in the project folder and not in some temporary
       | user folder.
         | nerdponx wrote:
         | I prefer Hatch over Poetry. I don't have any strong reason for
         | that preference, I've just use both and I feel more comfortable
         | with Hatch. It feels a little more seamlessly integrated with
         | other Python tools, and I appreciate the developers'
         | conservative approach to adding features.
         | davidktr wrote:
         | 100% this. I've always struggled with creating packages, but
         | now simply do poetry init and I am done. Magic.
         | winrid wrote:
         | Thanks. I recently spent a whole afternoon learning how to
         | package a new python project. Was really surprised at the
         | difficulty even with venv, compared to node and java.
         | peterhil wrote:
         | I just compared and evaluated Hatch, Flit, Poetry and Pdm and
         | found Pdm to be most robust and slimmest. Hatch was a good
         | second option, and Poetry and Hatch are easy to use, but have
         | too much bloat and magic.
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