[HN Gopher] Bitwarden PINs can be brute-forced
       Bitwarden PINs can be brute-forced
       Author : aborsy
       Score  : 299 points
       Date   : 2023-03-19 14:29 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (ambiso.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (ambiso.github.io)
       | dathinab wrote:
       | A rule of thump: Nearly everything which is called PIN can be
       | reasonably brute-forced as long as it doesn't get locked after a
       | few attempts (and only unlocked through another factor e.g. a
       | PUCK).
         | throwaway742 wrote:
         | What is a PUCK?
           | dathinab wrote:
           | PIN unlock Key (PUK)
           | if you mistyped the PIN to often the thing is locked until
           | the PUK is entered, often followed by resetting the PIN to a
           | new potentially different value.
           | most often know from SIM cards
             | throwaway742 wrote:
             | thank you
       | billconan wrote:
       | the more I see hacked password vaults (lastpass for example), the
       | more I want to build a p2p password vault that only lives on my
       | own devices.
         | danieldk wrote:
         | It doesn't have to be P2P, as long as the vault items are
         | encrypted using device-specific secrets that are in a secure
         | element (like iCloud Keychain). As long as there is no secure
         | element in the loop, the security is limited. Secure elements
         | can rate limit requests, require biometric authentication, etc.
         | Without such limitations, you are only one upstream compromise
         | away from exfiltrating all passwords.
         | Diggsey wrote:
         | I built my own that does this :) Just working on improving the
         | UX now...
         | It has some cool features too, like not injecting anything into
         | pages until you activate it (so no performance cost or risk of
         | breaking sites) being less reliant on perfect detection of
         | fields when it is activated, etc.
         | CMCDragonkai wrote:
         | We've been building a p2p password vault called Polykey.
         | https://GitHub.com/MatrixAI/Polykey.
           | lucb1e wrote:
           | > No server is currently available to service your request.
           | Found the SPOF! But also, "AI"? And "we've been building"
           | doesn't sound like it's production-ready yet. I don't know,
           | lots of red flags here to me.
         | krab wrote:
         | KeePass plus Dropbox. Or Syncthing for really using only your
         | devices.
         | neandrake wrote:
         | Codebook might be suitable. You can sync to Dropbox or google
         | drive, or instead only sync between devices on the lan.
         | https://www.zetetic.net/codebook/
         | IceWreck wrote:
         | It already exists: keepass and sync your DB on all your devices
         | with syncthing (which is p2p).
         | Or host vaultwarden on your homeserver and access it only
         | through wireguard/nebula self hosted VPN.
           | Macha wrote:
           | Note the KeePass's resistance to the attack mentioned depends
           | on the security of .NET's secure string, which, here's what
           | Microsoft has to say about it
           | (https://github.com/dotnet/platform-
           | compat/blob/master/docs/D...)
           | As for KeePassXC, last I checked it didn't even bother.
         | tete wrote:
         | Wouldn't it be enough to use something like Keepassxc and sync
         | with whatever you use for syncing?
           | lucb1e wrote:
           | It would, so long as you're aware that the password has to be
           | strong.
           | Let's quantify that. The default KDF that keepassx uses is
           | iirc ~50ms seconds of computation on modern hardware. It
           | might dynamically determine the KDF rounds based on your
           | system, but it never updates it (hmm, is that a vuln as
           | well?) so it'll be old either way. A GPU gets a ~thousand-
           | fold speed-up compared to CPU for pbkdf2, so let's say 20k
           | guesses per second per GPU (note: this is just a ballpark
           | number). An attacker might have a dozen GPUs available and
           | care to spend a month on your vault (does that sound like a
           | fair upper bound? Tweak it for your personal threat model),
           | which means they run through some log(20e3 guesses_per_second
           | x 12 gpus x (3600x24x31) seconds)/log(2) [?] 40 bits of
           | entropy.
           | If you pick random words from a diceware-sized dictionary
           | (7776 words), you need 4 random words to be secure (because
           | log(77764)/log(2)>40). If you pick random characters from
           | a-z,A-Z,0-9, you need a 7-character randomly generated
           | password (because log(627)/log(2)>40).
           | Edit: it looks like KeepassX has stopped development and says
           | to use KeepassXC now. Their source code has some mentions of
           | Argon2id so this may be outdated advice! Your
           | password/-phrase may be able to be shorter than this, but
           | it'll be hard to quantify because all Argon2 crackers suck
           | ("For Argon2, the fastest cracking software that I can find
           | is a CPU implementation." I wrote two years ago in
           | https://security.stackexchange.com/a/249384/10863).
         | badsoftware wrote:
         | You can host Bitwarden yourself, look into Vaultwarden.
         | Wowfunhappy wrote:
         | I like self-hosting things, but for something as sensitive as
         | my passwords I trust a professional company much more than I
         | trust myself. Yes, companies can and do screw things up all the
         | time, but that doesn't mean I would do better, and I'm a single
         | person with other responsibilities in my life.
           | lucb1e wrote:
           | Or you don't host it but just keep it tight to your chest. No
           | risk of any server being compromised then.
           | Professional companies that care about security (I do IT
           | security consulting so that's the group I deal with the most)
           | are not perfectly secure. I'd argue that it's less likely
           | that a password database is abused when hosted on a random
           | average-security system (assuming the person is not being
           | targeted, like if you're not a public figure or have a
           | stalker) than if you've got it hosted with some bigcorp that
           | has a huge target painted on their back. Some are really good
           | at security and others a bit less, but none are perfect, and
           | scale dictates compromises between security and usability.
           | Not everyone in the firm will be a security expert, and much
           | as you try to isolate the vaults / source code / other
           | security-relevant systems from them, they're how ransomware
           | and other groups gain a foothold to work with.
           | I wouldn't trust my mom to set up a server secure enough for
           | a password manager to be hosted on, but if you are
           | comfortable around servers at all and follow normal
           | guidelines, or use normal syncing software that is only
           | encrypted to the server (so you pick and rely on a strong
           | password for your vault file), you're more secure than when
           | you use a third party and type that password into their
           | website (even if, on a good day, the key stays local in your
           | browser).
       | hedora wrote:
       | The article and comments don't really answer the most important
       | question here: Most modern hardware supports access to secure key
       | storage via biometrics or pins that lock after a few attempts.
       | Is the issue that bitwarden fails to use these properly (e.g., by
       | storing a short pin in the touch id enclave), or that the person
       | reporting the bug is using a machine without such an enclave, and
       | enabled pins anyway?
       | quickthrower2 wrote:
       | This is logical right?
       | 1. You can access the passwords if you know the PIN.
       | 2. All state is local.
       | All you need to do is guess the PIN and restore state, and
       | repeat. Any code in Bitwarden to prevent (obscure) you from doing
       | this is just a cat and mouse game.
       | Perhaps a way around this is to not have all state local. Have
       | the PIN + separate authenticating private key go to their server.
       | You get 3 attempts before you need the full password.
       | chiefalchemist wrote:
       | The moral of the story here seems to be: if you want convenience
       | you'll compromise your security. This is not exclusive to BW.
       | Or if you want a moral of the story specific to the article:
       | Don't use the PIN feature in BW. And perhaps, instead of a PIN
       | use a physical key (e.g., YubiKey).
         | juve1996 wrote:
         | Most people have been told that even though you're centralizing
         | passwords (meaning if hacked you're in big trouble), the
         | benefits gained from being able to generate strong passwords
         | overcome this.
         | Is this no longer true, for most people?
           | lucb1e wrote:
           | I would say this is definitely true for the common Joe, but
           | of course it helps to not run much arbitrary software from
           | the web and keep your browser up-to-date to avoid drive-by
           | malware. If you've got a habit of pirating games, you may
           | want to keep your princess in another castle.
           | My mom doesn't have any reason to download and run untrusted
           | software ever, and she'd call me if she needs something, so
           | for her it's definitely better to have secure passwords with
           | the risk of having all eggs in one basket. The risk of her
           | being tricked into running software that steals the vault is
           | lower than the guessable and reused passwords that she used
           | before.
           | If you are more like me and regularly download software to
           | try it out, pull random github repos to toy with them, etc.,
           | then it might be wise to keep the password database on an
           | Android/iOS device which have app isolation. You can download
           | all the malware you want, but if you don't grant it root, it
           | won't be able to access the database stored in
           | /data/data/com.example.keepass/database/.
           | chiefalchemist wrote:
           | The idea is...centralize your PWs but "harden" them behind a
           | single longer and less brute-forceable master pw. And since
           | the PW manager is doing the fill in, those can be longer and
           | more random as well.
           | Perfect? No. 100x better than what most people do? Yes!!!
           | Moi? For the important stuff? I add in a YubiKey. Perfect?
           | Again, no. But closer than no YK at all.
           | As a side note: I do contract web dev work for various
           | agencies. Generally, talk about a lazy approach to clients'
           | PWs. They think 1PW makes things secure. Meanwhile I
           | generally have access to all vaults, even projects I'm not
           | working on. Good sec is bases on less trust, not too much
           | blind trust.
           | Dalewyn wrote:
           | I can count on one hand the number of services that are
           | important/crucial enough to warrant unique, strong passwords.
           | All the rest I just reuse simple passwords because they
           | simply aren't important and aren't worth the time to care.
           | Someone wants my Discord? Go for it, I don't care. My Reddit
           | goes with it? Sure, I don't care. My HN account too? Daring
           | today, aren't we.
           | So no, personally I haven't felt a need nor desire for a
           | password manager. Arguably it will cause me more grief than
           | convenience.
         | SparkyMcUnicorn wrote:
         | I think TPM and secure enclave provide the convenience without
         | compromising security?
           | cryptonector wrote:
           | They provide the security without compromising convenience
           | (but you do need backup options).
       | RyeCombinator wrote:
       | Everything can be brutce-forced https://xkcd.com/538/
       | qainsights wrote:
       | I disabled it for purpose :)
       | markstos wrote:
       | It's practically game over if an attacker has access to your
       | laptop. They can for example install a keylogger and capture your
       | master password for any password manager.
         | SparkyMcUnicorn wrote:
         | 1Password requires a secret key that is rarely (if ever) typed.
         | And there's documented steps on what to do if you've lost
         | physical access to a device.
         | https://support.1password.com/lost-device/
         | ris58h wrote:
         | Don't confuse access to working laptop with access to encrypted
         | data [upd: that was] stored inside it.
           | prophesi wrote:
           | To clarify for those that jumped straight to the comments;
           | the threat model this article is talking about is extracting
           | the encrypted database stored locally on your machine to
           | brute-force the PIN.
           | Personally, I'd agree with Bitwarden on this that it's an
           | attack that requires physical access to a user's device, or
           | worse, remote admin privileges.
           | > Using a PIN can weaken the level of encryption that
           | protects your application's local vault database.
           | > If you are worried about attack vectors that involve your
           | device's local data being compromised,
           | > you may want to reconsider the convenience of using a PIN.
           | https://bitwarden.com/help/unlock-with-pin/#enable-unlock-
           | wi...
             | waboremo wrote:
             | Using the PIN is outdated anyways when it comes to
             | convenience, all reasonable user OS now support biometrics
             | and those offer better risk mitigation in comparison.
             | It is something they should remove entirely in an upcoming
             | version after giving users enough warning.
               | mt360 wrote:
               | I wouldn't put too much faith in biometrics either, a
               | real shame considering their convenience.
               | https://blog.kraken.com/post/11905/your-fingerprint-can-
               | be-h...
               | Personally I advocate using BitWarden for commonly used
               | logins that, if they were compromised, would not be
               | catastrophic; perhaps in some cases because 2FA provides
               | another, tautologically, factor, and KeePass secured with
               | a FIDO2 device in challenge response mode, a passphrase,
               | and possibly setting a higher key stretching work factor
               | to further blunt any brute force attempt, in which more
               | important data is held.
               | waboremo wrote:
               | That's an absurd amount of effort to bypass fingerprint
               | biometrics, nice.
               | However, it's important to note here that biometrics
               | isn't just about fingerprints and every OS handles their
               | available biometrics options differently. For example, I
               | would recommend face authentication on apple devices,
               | however I would avoid using face for windows, and instead
               | recommend a windows hello PIN (yes, it's handled
               | differently than the PIN in the above article).
               | Ultimately, you're just trying to create a balance
               | between the layers of protection and reasonable attacks.
               | There's only so much you can protect against, nobody can
               | withstand someone who is cloning fingerprints, stealing
               | devices, has access to your separate device 2FA, etc.
               | without severely affecting their lifestyle.
               | NoZebra120vClip wrote:
               | PINs can be changed. How many fingers ya got?
               | waboremo wrote:
               | I'm pretty sure you can register the same finger over and
               | over again for new "keys". Assuming you go through the
               | tedious process of disabling, restarting, etc whatever
               | each one of the underlying OS demands. It's an additional
               | layer that Bitwarden (and other apps) do not get direct
               | access to.
               | So no excuse if you value convenience, PINs are not good.
               | Short easy to remember and enter PINs are also the reason
               | Apple is under fire due to how easily you can avoid
               | biometrics and just use the 6 digit PIN.
               | renewiltord wrote:
               | Ten. I don't get why this is a constraint.
               | If they're rubberhosing me, I'll just give them the
               | master pass. They won't have to take my finger.
               | If they get my fingerprint some other way, I can just
               | switch to my next finger. And when I'm done, I can use
               | PINs.
               | I don't think it's mutability that matters. It's just
               | that I leave fingerprints everywhere.
             | yazzku wrote:
             | Then why encrypt it in the first place? That's the point
             | the author makes (text in bold).
               | prophesi wrote:
               | It's a choice on the user to weaken the encryption. I
               | don't use Bitwarden, but if they communicate that
               | properly to the user, it's a valid compromise for
               | convenience-versus-security.
               | yazzku wrote:
               | This doesn't answer the question. Why is there a choice
               | to encrypt something when it's completely unnecessary
               | (according to their threat model)? No point in building
               | unnecessary complexity into software, especially software
               | meant for security.
               | prophesi wrote:
               | The client-side lock of 5 PIN attempts solves the much
               | more common threat model the layman is concerned with.
         | asmor wrote:
         | Different threat model. If someone steals your laptop, your
         | hardware is seized or your employer wants their backdoored
         | machine (but not backdoored in this specific way) back, you
         | probably do not want to leak your password manager contents
         | either.
       | eviks wrote:
       | The name is part of the problem You can have shorter alphanumeric
       | password per device for frequent unlocks, it doesn't have to be
       | your typical 4 number PIN that jumps to mind It would not offer
       | the same protection as your main much longer password, but then
       | that longer password protects against a bigger threat than local
       | access, and it's still much more convenient (and not much less
       | inconvenient vs the 4 digit PIN, like on a full computer keyboard
       | typing a longer word is faster than shifting your fingers to the
       | top numbers row)
       | And it would be nice if password managers explains the much much
       | bigger risk of these very short numbers-only poorly named PINs so
       | that users can make an informed decision
       | neilv wrote:
       | > _However this 5 guesses limit is enforced completely within the
       | client 's logic: it relies on the attacker using the official
       | Bitwarden client._
       | I'd guess a software engineer working on that part of a security
       | system would probably consider that, while the implementation
       | approach for that part was being decided.
       | If so, why did it happen anyway? Did they communicate the
       | weakness to users?
       | Waterluvian wrote:
       | On the spectrum of security, I think a PIN is closer to a privacy
       | lock than a security lock.
       | gowings97 wrote:
       | Suddenly getting Error Code 7 (unusual network detected -
       | https://bitwarden.com/help/unusual-traffic-error/) when
       | attempting to login. Googling and looking on Twitter - people
       | have been complaining about this happening to them as well.
       | - https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitwarden/comments/110gpkt/traffic_...
       | -https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitwarden/comments/11vplwv/network_...
       | - https://twitter.com/lazminutes/status/1624946344564781056
       | Locking me out of 2FA because of you don't like my network
       | traffic? Yeah, I will be immediately leaving your service, bye.
       | That's Google like bro, lol. Clown stuff. Insane that they would
       | even think of doing this.
       | ddtaylor wrote:
       | > Now, granted, the key derivation function is PBKDF2 with 100000
       | iterations
       | FWIW on a GPU using SHA1 or SHA256 this is not very much time-
       | protection.
         | sneak wrote:
         | Someone should tell them!
         | https://github.com/bitwarden/jslib/issues/52
       | t-writescode wrote:
       | The attacks went from LastPass and over to BitWarden.
       | After the attacks and smear campaigns, shall the people unwilling
       | to use KeyPass and other high-lift/high-risk pieces of software
       | move on to using tiered password strategies for their hundreds of
       | sites again?
       | subeadia wrote:
       | "Bitwarden does not warn about this risk."
       | This is wrong. The Bitwarden client very clearly warns about
       | storing your encryption key locally via a mandatory popup window,
       | as seen here: https://i.imgur.com/BzXJmos.png
         | shiftingleft wrote:
         | It looks like this is a popup for a different setting. Did you
         | watch the video outlined in the post?
         | The author is arguing that such a popup should also exist when
         | locking a vault with a PIN only.
         | IshKebab wrote:
         | That's about as unclear as I could imagine. "If you use this
         | option please ensure you take the appropriate precautions."
           | Wowfunhappy wrote:
           | That's not what it says though. How would you phrase it? I
           | don't think they do a _great_ job but this is pretty hard to
           | explain in two sentences if you 're targeting a non-technical
           | person.
         | Wowfunhappy wrote:
         | I'm pretty sure that comes up only if you disable vault timeout
         | entirely, not if you enable a timeout but allow unlock with
         | PIN.
       | iLoveOncall wrote:
       | This posts reads like "Hey guess what, if you store your
       | passwords in a file called passwords.txt on your desktop and
       | install a virus, people can steal your passwords.".
       | Water is wet.
       | upofadown wrote:
       | >If accessing device-local data is outside of the threat model,
       | why are we encrypting these data at all? We might as well store
       | them in plain text.
       | The PIN is still potentially useful in that it prevents anyone
       | with access to the device from getting access to the secret
       | information without having to perform an overt act. The
       | difference between leaving a piece of paper with the passwords
       | laying about and locking it in a drawer.
       | nabakin wrote:
       | Yes, pins can be bruteforced when they are stored locally, on
       | device. That should be pretty obvious to those of us who know
       | anything about security. However, the average user doesn't know
       | about security. They shouldn't be expected to understand the
       | nuance of security. So many people in this comments section are
       | saying 'well obviously a pin can be cracked' but it's not obvious
       | for the average user! Stop blaming the user here when Bitwarden
       | should only offer features which are secure or at the very least
       | provide a warning when a feature is unsecure.
         | hedora wrote:
         | Local pins can't be brute-forced on the majority of my
         | machines. The exception is a decade+ old intel desktop, and,
         | even then, I think it has a wonky tpm slot (or I could buy a
         | yubikey. They support locking pins after too many retries,
         | right?)
       | FfejL wrote:
       | "Let's now assume that the user enables the PIN unlock and
       | configures Bitwarden so that it doesn't require the master
       | password on restart."
       | If the user has setup Bitwarden so the master password is not
       | required, then the user gets what they asked for, namely a
       | password database secured by a 4 digit PIN. Not clear to me why
       | this is a problem Bitwarden needs to fix.
         | e12e wrote:
         | With a secure enclave of some kind, there could conceivably be
         | a three attempt limit before the temporary key associated with
         | the pin is deleted, and full pass phrase is required. In such a
         | setup pin might make sense.
         | As it is - I'm not sure if pin makes sense even if there's user
         | demand? Then again I do use biometric unlock - and that's not
         | really great either.
         | At least the bitwarden installs are behind fde (macOS) - and
         | possibly (?) file based encryption (Android 13+).
           | Eisenstein wrote:
           | If the user setup the PIN and uses it every time the chances
           | that they know the master password is about 50/50.
             | e12e wrote:
             | 50/50 chance the pass phrase is secure against keylogger!
         | eviks wrote:
         | Why did you jump to a 4 digit PIN instead of a 10 letter word?
         | (which is still faster than the full 20 letter master password
         | with many special symbols)
         | Is it because of the name PIN? So there is your simple answer
         | of what problem Bitwarden needs to fix
         | SV_BubbleTime wrote:
         | They could make the pin process intentionally slow... maybe
         | with some number of iterations... and as computers get faster
         | they can just update the number of iterations required...
           | nebulous1 wrote:
           | It already is intentionally "slow". However, for a 4 digit
           | pin there are only 10 thousand combinations. It is not
           | practical for it to be so slow that 10000x it is an
           | infeasible amount of time. Not only would the user have to
           | way too long on each entry, the attacker could just use
           | faster hardware.
             | pmontra wrote:
             | Or multiple machines. There are about 31k seconds in a
             | year. 3.1 seconds per iteration seems already slow as a
             | response time to unlock a db so it's about one year for
             | those 10000 attempts. Split it between 10 machines by first
             | digit, it's down to a little more than one month. Split it
             | between 100 machines by the first two digits and it's down
             | to half a week.
             | A four digit PIN is poor security. What Bitwarden could do
             | is removing that feature.
               | warkdarrior wrote:
               | Uhm, 31k seconds is about 8.7 hours.
               | usefulcat wrote:
               | 31.5 _million_ seconds in a year
               | chrisandchris wrote:
               | Split it to 5000 machines, which will be "quite easy to
               | get" for a computation that takes a single line in most
               | languages. Then we're talking about 6 seconds and 50%
               | success on first try.
           | morpheuskafka wrote:
           | If the PIN is local, only a secure element type of chip could
           | meaningfully enforce this restriction. Otherwise, whatever
           | memory or disk stores the secret encrypted only by the
           | 4-digit PIN could still be brute forced. Just disabling
           | entering a PIN in the UI would not be enough for security.
             | [deleted]
             | 0xdeafbeef wrote:
             | You can use pbdkf2 with 200k iterations or argon2 to derive
             | key from pin
               | barsonme wrote:
               | This has very limited benefit for weak passcodes, like
               | PINs.
               | gengkev wrote:
               | Suppose it takes 2 seconds of 100% cpu usage to compute
               | the password hash (you probably wouldn't want to wait
               | much longer).
               | Then brute forcing a 4 digit PIN will take 20000 seconds
               | [?] 6 hours maximum. There's no way around that, no
               | matter what hash function you use.
               | chrisandchris wrote:
               | Which will still be ... nothing?
               | > [...] As a comparison baseline, a 2.4 GHz Core2 CPU can
               | perform about 2.3 millions of elementary SHA-256
               | computations per second (with a single core), so this
               | would imply, on that CPU, about 20000 rounds to achieve
               | the "8 milliseconds" goal.
               | So you'll need something that takes at least as long as
               | entering your full password, at which point you basically
               | could enter the full password (from a UX perspective).
               | They PIN is here to make it faster and it will always be
               | security vs. ease-of-use.
               | [1] https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/3959/rec
               | ommende...
               | TJSomething wrote:
               | An Nvidia RTX 4090 can crack a 4 digit pin using PBKDF2
               | with 200k iterations in less than a quarter of a second.
               | Argon2 is definitely the better option, but even at 1
               | hash per second, that's less 3 hours.
           | 8ytecoder wrote:
           | And add other defensive mechanisms like lockout after n
           | retries.
             | mmis1000 wrote:
             | Unless you are using a hardware based pin. Lockout is
             | useless. I can just backup the file before lockout and
             | restore
             | Or... I can just stop the software, change computer time.
             | And the timeout is over.
             | sowbug wrote:
             | That's a bit like putting a website password check in the
             | client-side JavaScript. Attacker removes lockout, continues
             | brute-forcing.
             | There really isn't a solution if the entropy is low and the
             | enforcement mechanisms are in the hands of the attacker.
             | Even a TPM or secure element is just a financial obstacle
             | to a sufficiently motivated attacker.
               | cryptonector wrote:
               | > Even a TPM or secure element is just a financial
               | obstacle to a sufficiently motivated attacker.
               | For sure, but _currently_ it 's a fairly big step
               | function for an attacker to have to teardown a TPM (or
               | find a vulnerability in its firmware).
         | nabakin wrote:
         | You're assuming the average user understands security when that
         | is definitely not the case. The job of Bitwarden is to help all
         | users (even ones ignorant of security) to secure their data. If
         | Bitwarden has no warning explaining that pins are unsecure,
         | then the fault 100% lies with Bitwarden.
           | abraae wrote:
           | Some things fall into the "obvious" category, users should
           | just know them, and it's not 100% on Bitwarden to make the
           | world a safe place.
           | Is it a good idea to leave your password on a piece of paper
           | under your keyboard? No, and you shouldn't need Bitwarden to
           | tell you that.
           | Is it a good idea to use your name and date of birth as a
           | password? No, and this should be obvious, not something
           | Bitwarden needs to educate you about.
           | Is it safe to rely on a 4 digit PIN? Obviously not, when
           | there are only 10000 possible combinations. You shouldn't
           | need Bitwarden to tell you that though.
           | Are there people out there who do need this education? Of
           | course. But that's a job for someone with infinite patience
           | and understanding. Not some words on a web page from a
           | supplier.
           | Case in point, my step dad belonged to a "computers for
           | elders" group and one day he learned about antivirus
           | software. Next time I watched him, he was googling for anti
           | virus software and downloading any he could find, from
           | anywhere on the internet. He ended up with 6 different AV
           | packages, some very dubious looking indeed. I tried to
           | explain the dangers but he couldn't understand how antivirus
           | could actually harm his computer. And he was a practicing
           | doctor of medicine before retirement. It really highlighted
           | the challenges of protecting some people in the brave new
           | digital world.
             | twblalock wrote:
             | > Is it safe to rely on a 4 digit PIN? Obviously not, when
             | there are only 10000 possible combinations. You shouldn't
             | need Bitwarden to tell you that though.
             | Most people really don't know that. It is not obvious to a
             | normal user.
               | brewdad wrote:
               | I realize math education in the US sucks but are really
               | suggesting most people can't figure out that 0 to 9999 is
               | all the possibilities you get from 4 digits?
       | waselighis wrote:
       | The problem is these password managers are lucrative targets,
       | especially being able to gain access to a person's financial
       | accounts. Simply disregarding the issue and categorizing it as
       | "Attacks requiring physical access to a user's device" isn't good
       | enough. Yes, there's only so much Bitwarden can do from the
       | software side of things, without hardware support to back it up.
       | But Bitwarden should still do what it can to mitigate such
       | attacks, such as significantly increasing the number of PBKDF2
       | iterations for PINs (at least stored on disk; a key could be
       | cached in RAM with fewer iterations because RAM is far less
       | likely to be compromised than files on disk), and discouraging
       | (or even preventing) users from using short PINs that could be
       | quickly brute forced.
         | SV_BubbleTime wrote:
         | BW is/has switched to Argon2 over PBKDF2, fwiw. Although Argon2
         | trades the iterations field for an allocated amount of memory,
         | so time will tell if there isn't a "BW accounts with 16MB of
         | argon2 allocation are no longer considered secure".
       | Operative0198 wrote:
       | Glad I transitioned my passwords from Bitwarden to an offline
       | password manager that doesn't have a similar "easy PIN password
       | mode" feature.
       | I used to use Bitwarden with this feature though, just that I
       | recently came to the conclusion that the product probably isn't
       | the most secure offering and it has some issues on Android with
       | native autofill when you aren't using Google Services.
         | stockhorn wrote:
         | What issues are you talking about on android? Using e/os/ here
         | with native autofill and yes this seems to have some issues :/
         | (mainly keyboard not auto-closing I think)
       | d-z-m wrote:
       | The author mentions this finding was marked as out-of-scope when
       | they reported it to Bitwarden. A couple of categories that are
       | considered out-of-scope are listed, namely: attacks requiring
       | physical access to a user's device, and "other side of airtight
       | hatchway"[0] type issues.
       | The latter seems reasonable, if the assumption is that the device
       | is fully compromised, and ongoing surreptitious monitoring of
       | user activity by an attacker is occurring.
       | However, users probably have the reasonable expectation that if
       | their laptop is stolen, their device-local vault data(supposedly
       | encrypted on disk) is not compromised as a result. Bitwarden
       | should either disallow weak pins/pin-access altogether, or they
       | should caveat more clearly the weaknesses of pin-only access to
       | device-local vault data.
       | [0]:
       | https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20060508-22/?p=31...
         | LorenPechtel wrote:
         | A PIN is a de-facto very weak password. Of course it can be
         | brute forced!
           | jeron wrote:
           | If you limit number of attempts, can it still be brute
           | forced?
             | KMnO4 wrote:
             | How can you enforce a limit when the decryption is done
             | client side?
               | folmar wrote:
               | Using a smart card or compatible, nowadays often a TPM
               | chip/SecureZone/Secure Enclave or similar.
               | ericpauley wrote:
               | Using a TPM:
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trusted_Platform_Module
               | intelVISA wrote:
               | TPM interdiction is readily possible.
               | lucb1e wrote:
               | I web searched it and found a dedicated wikipedia page
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interdiction but I still
               | can't figure out what TPM interdiction is supposed to
               | mean
               | Anyway if a TPM was trivially bypassable then there would
               | be no point to having them so I'm doubtful of whatever
               | this off-hand comment is supposed to mean
               | bkettle wrote:
               | I think they are talking about the definition under the
               | Espionage section, i.e. a hardware supply chain attack:
               | > The term interdiction is also used by the NSA when an
               | electronics shipment is secretly intercepted by an
               | intelligence agency (domestic or foreign) for the purpose
               | of implanting bugs before they reach their destination.
               | monocasa wrote:
               | I read the original comment instead about sniffing the
               | data path between the TPM and the user to get the PIN.
               | e12e wrote:
               | Which is just one way of _circumventing_ the pin
               | (keylogger will work on pass phrase too!). But that 's
               | not brute forcing the pin.
               | cryptonector wrote:
               | You can encrypt sessions to the TPM. To do that you need
               | to securely know a public key for the TPM.
               | The protocol spoken to a TPM is like a micro-TLS. You get
               | to encrypt, or not. You get to authenticate the TPM (like
               | a server), or not. You get to do ephemeral-static key
               | exchange (unlike TLS 1.3, which wants ephemeral-ephemeral
               | key exchange). And you get to do PSK (password), and you
               | get to do it in ways that are not subject to off-line
               | dictionary attacks by eavesdroppers.
               | But you don't have to do encryption or authentication of
               | the TPM, and the easiest thing to do is not to do either,
               | which is what much software does. There's been this
               | assumption that if it's on the motherboard, you can't
               | mount active -or even just passive- attacks, but _that_
               | is very much not true.
               | I really did not know what to read into the "TPM
               | interdiction" comment in the context of bitwarden, but
               | I've left comments elsewhere in this sub-thread.
               | macrolime wrote:
               | There was a comment on another hacker news thread the
               | other day that a difference between secure element and
               | TPM is that the pin code is entered on the keyboard and
               | passes through memory while with secure enclave, at least
               | the biometric stuff is connected directly to the secure
               | enclave instead. Maybe that's what
               | cryptonector wrote:
               | TPMs are not 'trivially' bypassable. There's attacks on
               | how they're used, naturally, but those wouldn't apply in
               | this case. In this case the main issue is that once
               | you've unlocked your storage keys you get to use them,
               | and since storage keys need to be software keys to
               | perform acceptably, you could even steal them. But if
               | your device is off, a TPM would be more than adequate to
               | protect local storage.
               | intelVISA wrote:
               | Some early/naive attacks in this category would be serial
               | bus interposition.
               | cryptonector wrote:
               | If you have a key object that is not extractable and can
               | only be _used_ and it is password protected, then you can
               | 't bypass the TPM. Once the key is unlocked (if you have
               | access to the relevant session, which, you would) you can
               | use it, which is bad enough if the rest of the system is
               | compromised. There's also a concept of restricted keys
               | that can only be used for things like quote signing (for
               | attestation), or credential activation, which means the
               | user doesn't get to specify exactly what to sign or
               | decrypt.
               | If you couple all of that with running golden/blessed
               | firmwares and OS, and you do secure boot, then you can be
               | pretty certain (early in boot time anyways) that you're
               | not running firmware/software you didn't want to assuming
               | those are not themselves compromised.
               | Now, for local storage keys you really need those to be
               | in software as a TPM can't perform well enough (not even
               | an fTPM), and even if they did, an attacker could just
               | decrypt local storage w/o having access to the raw keys
               | as long as they can compromise your OS.
               | So, in a way you're right. But a TPM would still give you
               | something that software-only solutions wouldn't: you get
               | to refuse to enter the password and then the attacker has
               | no choice but to apply rubber hose attacks or mount more
               | expensive attacks on the TPM itself.
               | sudosysgen wrote:
               | Require a backup password when the TPM is offline.
           | d-z-m wrote:
           | Indeed, which is why Bitwarden should disallow pin-only
           | access for offline vault data altogether. Admittedly, I'm
           | valuing a safe interface for users much more highly than one
           | that is convenient or ergonomic.
             | poisonborz wrote:
             | It's the user's choice.
               | mynameisvlad wrote:
               | I mean, sure, but if the user isn't appropriately
               | informed of the risks (such as this attack) how would you
               | expect them to make a good choice?
               | d-z-m wrote:
               | Currently it is, yes. In this case, I'm arguing that it
               | should not be.
               | poisonborz wrote:
               | That would go against the nature of such software. Let's
               | treat users as adults. There should be warnings. But this
               | is a feature. Users shouldn't be able to eg. select weak
               | crypto algos, there is no additional functionality in
               | that. But setting whatever pin is a convenience, and
               | users should be able to decide what threat vectors they
               | accept.
             | nicoburns wrote:
             | If it's n or convenient then users won't use a password
             | manager at all:
           | NoZebra120vClip wrote:
           | In the case of Windows Hello, a PIN is very different from a
           | password (such as your live.com password). PINs are encrypted
           | per-device, and are never transmitted from the device. They
           | are resilient against rainbow table brute-forcing, and they
           | generate asymmetric cryptographic key-pairs by using the
           | device TPM.
           | So forget what you know about ATM PINs; this is a markedly
           | different concept.
             | generalizations wrote:
             | Does the TPM limit retries or something? If it's a 4-6
             | digit number, you can just count upwards and try them all
             | in a trivial amount of time.
               | kadoban wrote:
               | > Does the TPM limit retries or something?
               | Yes.
               | TPMs have weaknesses, so this probably isn't a 100%
               | guarantee depending on the attacker and the exact
               | hardware, but it's pretty reliable (and very reliable if
               | your attacker is reasonably small).
               | cryptonector wrote:
               | It can. TPMs have a "dictionary attack" (DA) protection
               | feature.
               | You can't set the number of bad attempts that trip
               | lockout, or how long to lock out for differently for
               | different objects -- those are global configuration
               | parameters. But you can configure which objects /
               | policies require DA protection and which ones don't.
               | mynameisvlad wrote:
               | Yes.
               | https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000142311/tpm-
               | failu...
             | duxup wrote:
             | TIL
             | Thanks, when windows moved to the PIN I was wondering how
             | that worked/ they kept it secure but still easy to login.
               | jvdvegt wrote:
               | Indeed! They should have explained this much better when
               | it was introduced.
               | But of course, Windows PIN was only needed when they made
               | a local login a login to your Microsoft account, so your
               | local password was suddenly transmitted to the internet.
             | sohtym wrote:
             | > So forget what you know about ATM PINs; this is a
             | markedly different concept.
             | I mean it's actually the same concept (something you have,
             | something you know) with a different implementation.
         | grapesurgeon wrote:
         | [dead]
         | hnarn wrote:
         | > However, users probably have the reasonable expectation that
         | if their laptop is stolen, their device-local vault
         | data(supposedly encrypted on disk) is not compromised as a
         | result.
         | If you're using a four-number pin to encrypt your data with no
         | additional "padding" around that PIN, that is not a reasonable
         | expectation.
         | However, I also don't think that it's reasonable that Bitwarden
         | allows weak passphrases to begin with.
         | tomxor wrote:
         | > users probably have the reasonable expectation that if their
         | laptop is stolen
         | Yes, there is a significant difference between compromising a
         | device with physical access and stealing the device. Disk
         | encryption for example is very effective against the latter,
         | but useless against the former. Having devices stolen is also
         | far more common than targeted physical attacks.
         | Kwpolska wrote:
         | If you're using full-disk encryption (and you should be), this
         | is less relevant, since the FDE is protecting you in case of
         | theft. If you aren't, the attacker can do anything, including
         | copying the Bitwarden file and using a GPU farm to crack the
         | master password.
           | Semaphor wrote:
           | > including copying the Bitwarden file and using a GPU farm
           | to crack the master password.
           | That should still take essentially forever, or did I miss
           | some advances in brute forcing?
             | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
             | Lots of people, perhaps the majority, still use master
             | passwords that don't have a ton of entropy. For example,
             | the bad guys that stole the LastPass vaults have
             | _definitely_ cracked a lot of the vaults that were
             | protected with weaker master passwords.
             | 1Password's approach is definitely the right one here,
             | where the master key is basically a combination of the
             | user's master password _and_ a random 128 bit (I think it
             | 's 128) value, which _does_ make cracking impossible. The
             | user has to print out this value so that if they need to
             | sign in on a new device that they can enter the value, so
             | it adds a little friction, but 1P has the right idea that
             | humans just can 't be relied upon to generate and memorize
             | high entropy strings, in general.
               | Semaphor wrote:
               | I'd bet (though in all fairness, only a low amount ;))
               | the intersection between a user that has both a weak
               | master password and attackers willing to spend a ton to
               | rent a GPU farm is pretty low, though.
               | organsnyder wrote:
               | Eh... plenty of people with weak security hygiene also
               | have high-value credentials.
               | yunwal wrote:
               | My guess is that most people who have high value
               | passwords also have weak passwords. CEOs and CFOs can
               | probably authorize huge financial transactions with
               | little oversight and tend to be security illiterate.
               | bastawhiz wrote:
               | Yet, people stole LastPass vaults. Why bother stealing
               | them if you don't plan to actually crack them? At least
               | someone saw the potential for some ROI.
               | Semaphor wrote:
               | LP had an issue with weak encryption for old accounts.
               | [deleted]
           | macrolime wrote:
           | FDE does not protect against malware
             | Kwpolska wrote:
             | I never said it does. If you've got malware, you should
             | consider all your credentials fully compromised.
         | nabakin wrote:
         | Exactly. So many people in this comments section are saying
         | 'well obviously a pin can be cracked' but the point is, the
         | average user does not know this. Once they give their
         | information to Bitwarden, they expect it to be safe. They
         | shouldn't have to understand the nuances of security in order
         | to keep their data safe. If the pin can be cracked, Bitwarden
         | should not offer it as an option or at least explain to users
         | how vulnerable they will be before they enable it.
       | surfsvammel wrote:
       | If I am not using a PIN code, need I be worried?
       | 1attice wrote:
       | Well, there goes my trust in another old friend. That's a
       | downgrade attack for sure.
         | lucb1e wrote:
         | > That's a downgrade attack for sure.
         | "... is a form of cryptographic attack on a computer system or
         | communications protocol that makes it abandon a high-quality
         | mode of operation (e.g. an encrypted connection) in favor of an
         | older, lower-quality mode of operation (e.g. cleartext) that is
         | typically provided for backward compatibility with older
         | systems." from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downgrade_attack
         | Guessing a 4-digit number with unlimited attempts available is
         | not a downgrade attack but a brute-force attack
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brute-force_attack
           | 1attice wrote:
           | Allowing people to choose an insecure means of securing their
           | work just is a stochastic downgrade attack.
           | Think it through.
             | [deleted]
             | ThatPlayer wrote:
             | Not allowing people the convenience they want means they'll
             | switch to a method that does. Worst case: a passwords.txt.
             | Wouldn't that be a worse downgrade attack?
       | bobleeswagger wrote:
       | Convenience is the enemy of good security.
       | forty wrote:
       | Of course the PIN can be brute forced. It feels like reporting "I
       | can walk over the lawn fence". That PIN is probably here to
       | prevent your kids from messing with your vault when you grab your
       | coffee with your computer unlocked.
       | Protecting from an attacker with your laptop locked should be
       | done at the OS level with FDE and secure boot. Protecting from a
       | real attacker with access to your unlocked computer is a bit
       | hopeless (as someone mentioned, they probably can install some
       | key logger and steal the master password and everything else
       | later).
       | It never hurts to be clear on the threat model (And they should
       | probably go with the option 1. suggested by the author), but I
       | feel in that case the behavior matches reasonable expectations
       | and the author is a bit of bad faith.
       | For solution 2. if you want to check a pin server side without
       | trivial access to the PIN from the server you can do it a la
       | signal using secure enclaves https://signal.org/blog/secure-
       | value-recovery/
         | ar9av wrote:
         | Bitwarden argues that the finding is out of scope because from
         | what I can gather the claim that exploiting this requires
         | access to the device. If that were the case, I'd agree with
         | them. But having access to the Bitwarden database is not the
         | same as having access to the device. There are plenty of
         | vulnerabilities that give you limited read access. Simply
         | selling your hard drive without erasing the data first would be
         | a very common scenario.
         | That's why SSH keys or GPG keys are typically protected by a
         | _pass phrase_. Not a PIN, not a password, a _pass phrase_. At
         | least that 's the wording that OpenSSH uses, and Bitwarden
         | should do the same. Secure your database with a pass phrase,
         | not a PIN, or else you might be vulnerable. That's how it
         | should be communicated to the user. These details matter.
           | ddulaney wrote:
           | I really like the way 1Password and MacOS work together for
           | security [0].
           | Even if my laptop is unlocked, each 1Password interaction
           | needs my fingerprint. That unlocks a secret stored in the
           | Secure Enclave, which I trust. (Security is hard and flaws
           | are possible, but Apple has done a reasonably good job here
           | from what I can tell.) I only have to mess around with typing
           | a long string of nonsense in when I'm registering a new
           | device, rather than every time I want to use my SSH or GPG
           | key (or trusting an agent to hold it in memory, which... I'll
           | do it, but I won't like it).
           | I wish I could rely on similar things from Linux, but the
           | user experience just isn't there on the desktop. A previous
           | employer issued laptops that had both a fingerprint reader
           | and some kind of HSM, so the hardware was there, but I
           | remember both of them missing drivers at the time, and even
           | with drivers the userland software support would've been very
           | hacky.
           | [0]: https://support.1password.com/touch-id-apple-watch-
           | security-...
             | KennyBlanken wrote:
             | KeepassXC does the same thing. Once you enter your
             | password, you can unlock with your fingerprint.
         | jeremyjh wrote:
         | It's one thing to offer a pin for quick unlocks, and quite
         | another to allow that pin to be the only key required to
         | unencrypted the files stored on the disk. A pin should only
         | secure the master key in memory; it should not even be possible
         | to write passwords to disk with such weak encryption.
         | nabakin wrote:
         | > Of course the PIN can be brute forced.
         | This is obvious to those that know anything about security, but
         | it is not obvious to the average user. It is Bitwarden's job to
         | keep the user safe within their platform and if they provide a
         | pin option, the average user knows no better than to use it. If
         | Bitwarden does not explain how insecure pins are, then the
         | fault 100% lies with them. Blaming the user is rarely ever an
         | effective or useful argument.
           | andrewxdiamond wrote:
           | The user does not need to be aware of the threat model.
           | OPs point was the pin isn't protecting much at all because it
           | doesn't really need to. The user isn't making a risky
           | decision, because if the attacker gets as far as _being able
           | to put the pin in_, the whole thing is toast regardless of
           | guessing the pin or not
           | teekert wrote:
           | I always wonder, with a keylogger on my device, I'm probably
           | more f-ed using my master password all the time, right? Isn't
           | that a large threat? Larger than the one from op?
         | mcronce wrote:
         | I agree with you. Short PINs are for preventing well-
         | intentioned people from accidentally using the wrong account
         | (which I do consider quite valuable, for the record) - not for
         | keeping bad actors out.
         | badrabbit wrote:
         | Ugh..no it does not work that way.
         | You are thinking in hypotheticals like many developers do.
         | Most infostealer malware just exfiltratr your data and
         | disappear before being detected do they can hit a lot of
         | targets before commom av starts detecting them. People also
         | accidentally disclose data, back it up on a usb drive and lose
         | that drive, have their pc stolen,etc...
         | If you have keepass2 with a memory argon2 and a
         | password/passphrase none of that is a concern.
         | Yes, the malware could also be a keylogger/RAT and you'd be
         | screwed then. One the most important security mindsets to have
         | is "perfection is the enemy of good", specific security
         | controls exist to address specific threats/risk not to address
         | arbitrary and and an unbounded number of possible threats.
           | forty wrote:
           | I agree with the mindset and that's why I think it's good the
           | data is still encrypted even if, as the author mentioned,
           | they might as well have left the data in plaintext.
           | Sure entering a passphrase each time is better for security.
           | But if the user chooses to set up a PIN instead, I feel the
           | current behavior is reasonable.
             | badrabbit wrote:
             | If it is not the default behavior then I agree with you.
               | flxy wrote:
               | This is not the default behaviour and it has to be
               | enabled per client/platform. The first unlock after a
               | reboot still requires the master password as well.
               | aidenn0 wrote:
               | I've been using bitwarden for years and didn't know this
               | feature existed, so it at least wasn't the default in the
               | past.
           | femto113 wrote:
           | There really needs to be another standard class of
           | vulnerability besides "physical access to the device" along
           | the lines of "access to a copy of the on disk data". There
           | are so many paths to this and some never required physical
           | access or even an accidental exposure on the part of the
           | user, it could be a breach of a provider (ala LastPass).
         | foobiekr wrote:
         | FDE doesn't matter at all since a running system is going to
         | have the volume mounted.
         | Secure boot also doesn't matter because the boot time root kits
         | are a rarity and trojaned downloaded SW (npm, homebrew, etc.
         | nearly completely unprotected from malicious actors beyond the
         | bare minimum) or the massive browser attack surface are what
         | are actually used.
         | What would be nice is proper layered sandboxing at the OS
         | level, always on, but obviously the kernel-userland ABI is not
         | actually very secure in practice, and has been the source of
         | recurring escapes. But at least it would be something.
         | Consider this: as it is, sophisticated users on, say, the MacOS
         | platform, who download SW such as homebrew, youtube-dl,
         | whatever, or do local development with npm and other package
         | managers, are actually in a much worse place than
         | unsophisticated users who run with "only from the app store"
         | enabled.
         | This is not a good place to be.
         | d1lanka wrote:
         | Where's my KeePassXC gang at.
         | asveikau wrote:
         | They could make it take more time to derive a key from a pin.
         | That would make it more difficult to brute force.
           | IshKebab wrote:
           | Consider how long you need to make it before it is infeasible
           | to brute force a 4 digit PIN.
           | lyu07282 wrote:
           | They do that already:
           | > This brute-force will very likely be successful, since PINs
           | are usually very low-entropy. Now, granted, the key
           | derivation function is PBKDF2 with 100000 iterations (+
           | HKDF), but that won't help with a 4 digit pin.
           | It would be better to not have that feature at all, that
           | convenience feature goes a bit too far. But nice to see
           | that's the only thing they found, I'm sure they looked for
           | more severe issues but found none.
             | [deleted]
           | progbits wrote:
           | The pin space is just too small. What's the longest an user
           | is willing to wait? 10 seconds?
           | Times 10k that is just 27 hours. Spend a couple of bucks on a
           | few beefy EC2 instances and you crack that in an hour or two.
             | eviks wrote:
             | It's not too small, your not limited to just numbers in
             | your PIN on a computer
         | [deleted]
       | Veliladon wrote:
       | The silly thing is that Windows already has Windows Hello and its
       | accompanying APIs which can be used to guard something like it
       | with anti-hammering protections. Ditto for macOS and the Secure
       | Enclave. I know it's not 100% of its market but using those two
       | features could drastically improve security for the vast majority
       | of people who pay no mind to things deep down in the weeds such
       | as this.
         | fortran77 wrote:
         | I think that's why the POC was on Linux.
         | cma wrote:
         | Weirdly chrome seems to prompt for windows hello pin to view
         | passwords but not to auto fill them. Is it using the TPM to
         | store them securely in any way?
         | jeroenhd wrote:
         | Windows Hello and TouchID are supported according to this blog
         | post: https://bitwarden.com/blog/introducing-desktop-
         | biometrics/
         | Not every device has the necessary hardware, though; most
         | desktops don't have it, so they would need to rely on external
         | hardware such as USB keys. Furthermore, the demonstration video
         | is clearly running on some kind of Linux/BSD system, where
         | support for trust hardware is distinctly lacking.
         | I don't know why you would bother with a PIN on your password
         | manager. My guess is that it's a feature designed for mobile
         | devices, where access to the underlying key store is near
         | impossible so brute-forcing is much less of a risk. Biometrics
         | are usually available there as well, but if you don't trust
         | them with your most secure passwords (you probably shouldn't)
         | or if you want a backup, a PIN would be an excellent defence
         | mechanism for when you've left your phone unlocked and a
         | stranger is trying to steal your passwords.
           | kayson wrote:
           | Bummer that its not usable on the browser extension though. I
           | used to have the desktop app but it ended up being mostly
           | useless. 99% of my passwords go into the browser where I want
           | autofill, and for the rest I almost always have a browser
           | open anyways so I can just as easily copy/paste from the
           | extension as the app.
             | jeroenhd wrote:
             | You can use biometrics in the browser app, but you have to
             | run the application and unlock _that_ with biometrics after
             | enabling browser integration in the settings. You also can
             | 't use the Windows Store version of the Bitwarden app.
             | https://bitwarden.com/help/biometrics/
           | Wowfunhappy wrote:
           | > I don't know why you would bother with a PIN on your
           | password manager. My guess is that it's a feature designed
           | for mobile devices.
           | Note that on desktop Bitwarden allows PINs to be
           | alphanumeric, and any length. I use a PIN because my master
           | password is more than 20 characters and I don't want to type
           | it every time I restart my browser. My PIN is a decently
           | strong password in its own right, but shorter than my actual
           | master password.
           | Veliladon wrote:
           | >Not every device has the necessary hardware, though; most
           | desktops don't have it, so they would need to rely on
           | external hardware such as USB keys.
           | How?!? There's been an fTPM built into CPUs since Haswell on
           | the Intel side and on the AMD side since before Ryzen. If you
           | OEM it's enabled automatically if you bought a machine after
           | July 28, 2016. If you DIY you literally have to flick one
           | switch in the BIOS if it's not enabled automatically.
             | jeroenhd wrote:
             | I know it has been, but Windows Hello doesn't seem to be
             | available for my 7700k after explicitly enabling the fTPM.
             | I think it requires TPM 2.0 support, which hasn't been
             | supported for all that long.
               | waboremo wrote:
               | Windows Hello doesn't require 2.0, it works on 1.2.
               | There is something interesting regarding the 7700k though
               | on windows (especially 11), users have been claiming
               | windows reports it as supporting TPM 2.0 but they still
               | can't upgrade to windows 11 due to failing requirements.
               | So I wonder if something else is happening there that
               | also seems to be affecting windows hello for you, because
               | on paper at least for windows 10 you should be able to
               | use Hello no problem.
               | jeroenhd wrote:
               | My CPU doesn't support TPM 2.0 with fTPM (and the
               | motherboard manufacturer stopped selling TPMs for my
               | motherboard years ago) so I'm sticking with Windows 10.
               | It told me I could upgrade at some point but that was a
               | false positive. Maybe my install is just broken in some
               | way.
               | However, I do know that I had to manually enable the fTPM
               | functionality on my motherboard and I highly doubt the
               | average consumer is going to enable such features in
               | their BIOS. I don't know when manufacturers started
               | enabling fTPM support by default, but it's definitely not
               | enabled by default in most 7th gen Intel boards and I
               | doubt 8th gen changed much in that sense.
               | Veliladon wrote:
               | You're thinking of HVCI which requires Mode Based
               | Execution Control only available on 8th gen Intel or
               | later and Zen 2 or later.
             | asmor wrote:
             | Intel only added PTT - their soft TPM - with Coffee Lake.
             | Macha wrote:
             | With that said, after a nasty experience with the zen 2
             | fTPM repeatedly resetting, I have a hard time trusting the
             | reliability of the AMD fTPM.
             | cryptonector wrote:
             | I'm not sure if fTPMs have endorsement key certificates. I
             | should know, but mostly I work with dTPMs and vTPMs. Not
             | that an fTPM not having an EK certificate is a big deal --
             | if you bootstrap a public key for it early enough in OS
             | installation, you can just trust the fTPM.
           | capitainenemo wrote:
           | I'm not sure what qualifies as "lacking" but fingerprint
           | unlock is definitely a thing in Linux. I set it up on my IBM
           | laptop over a decade ago.
           | These days, the interface even appears to have improved
           | somewhat, to the point where there's nice GUIs and
           | everything.
           | https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/session-
           | fingerpri...
           | Also, dongle support is pretty good for things like java PIV
           | cards and yubikeys. I've successfully used a java chip card
           | with website authentication in Firefox, and with VMWare view
           | client. This has also worked for at least a decade or more -
           | my main issue was with process in Firefox being a little
           | convoluted and VMWare using out of date libraries and having
           | a set of installer instructions that actually require
           | explicit symlinking of the a system library. But that's not
           | really linux's fault.
             | jeroenhd wrote:
             | Fingerprints work great in modern Linux distros (I use them
             | for sudo and sometimes unlocking my display), but the
             | fingerprint hardware and the TPM don't seem to talk to each
             | other. Windows Hello (and I presume TouchID) is set up to
             | handle authentication and authorization together in one
             | well-secured kernel blob with all kinds of TPM trickery to
             | ensure security.
             | The Linux version of this process, at least as far as I
             | could find so far, consists of identifying and authorizing
             | the user alright, but the TPM's secret management seems to
             | be handled by an entirely different system.
             | This means that brute-forcing or other attempts at access
             | don't need to go through the biometric system on Linux
             | whereas Windows Hello is more tightly protected against
             | malware like that.
             | Dongles do work great! With WebAuthn/FIDO(2) we can
             | hopefully soon start to let go of password managers
             | completely. Passwords are useful but passwordless
             | authentication is just better for most single factor
             | authentication mechanisms in my opinion.
               | capitainenemo wrote:
               | I had no particular desire to use TPM thus far, but
               | you're right, searching briefly on this, it seems the
               | tcscd daemon written by IBM provided by the "trousers"
               | project does not seem to have any PAM integration. That
               | said, presumably you could plug the 2 together (pam and
               | tcscd) with some random script, right? Sure, that doesn't
               | avoid the brute force scenario, but if it's just to store
               | some ridiculously long random key so you don't have to
               | type it in, it's not going to get brute forced anyway.
               | (although in that case, why bother with the TPM?)
               | As for eliminating passwords, while I love the idea of
               | hardware dongles, I'm always going to want to have a
               | password on it.. I assume you mean eliminating having a
               | ton of passwords as opposed to one good strong password
               | on the dongle. But then, that's the same situation I'm in
               | with the password managers anyway. It's not like I
               | actually type my password into most websites anymore...
               | jeroenhd wrote:
               | I think it could work, but I wouldn't want to protect my
               | banking passwords and credit card details behind some
               | random script.
               | What I mean is eliminating passwords on most services at
               | all. For everything but real important stuff (banks,
               | email, business accounts, that kind of stuff), I reckon
               | my devices are protected enough that if someone can gain
               | access to my devices unlocked enough, 2FA wouldn't
               | prevent any threads anyway. Passwords are easy to brute
               | force, but device-bound keys aren't.
               | Using the security chips inside my devices for
               | authentication as a single factor is more than enough for
               | most of my purposes. Today, most websites offer
               | FIDO2/WebAuthn/U2F as a second factor, but I'd rather see
               | them as a first factor with an optional password as a
               | second factor.
               | My password manager protects me against nothing more than
               | brute forcing and password reuse. Switching to TPM-first
               | moves the protected bastion from a piece of software
               | running in userland to either a kernel level-protected
               | component or a dedicated piece of hardware. There's only
               | so much you can do as a desktop application to protect
               | your users' keys, after all.
               | I wouldn't want to force anyone into this system, but I
               | do think with the hype FIDO2 was released with, I imagine
               | browsers are going to push more for using FIDO2 as a
               | primary factor where available.
               | capitainenemo wrote:
               | Yeah, I understand... but follow me here. If I'm using a
               | 50 character randomly generated password on a website
               | using my typical ({a..k} {m..z} {A..H} {J..N} {P..Z}
               | {2..9}) token generation, then they are going to be brute
               | forcing 6x1087 combinations right? That's not happening.
               | So. Randomly generated passwords for sites, managed by a
               | password manager, are much like device bound keys, but
               | with the added advantage that I can still type it into
               | something that doesn't support the device if I really
               | need to... I still like the _idea_ of dongles especially
               | to enhance the master password. I just don 't see what it
               | wins me over a random site password.
               | And, I'm absolutely going to have a password on my dongle
               | or laptop in case of loss. I don't really trust
               | biometrics in that scenario either really. Especially
               | fingerprints that would be all over the laptop.
               | Biometrics are just a convenience that I recognise offers
               | some modicum of security. That's why hooking it up to TPM
               | seems to not add much.
               | ... I do get hardening where the passwords are stored
               | though... although, if the disc is encrypted using TPM
               | (which linux definitely supports), I guess the main
               | attack you'd be concerned about would be the OS being
               | compromised while running, but aren't we just back to
               | loggers then?
         | waselighis wrote:
         | Maybe unrelated to the original article, but I tried Windows
         | Hello once. Upon reboot, my PC couldn't connect to the internet
         | for some reason, so I wasn't able to login. I got locked out of
         | my own PC because it couldn't connect to Microsoft's servers to
         | verify my password, and there's absolutely no workaround to
         | this problem. It won't use a locally cached password to login,
         | it verifies your password with Microsoft's servers. Every.
         | Single. Time. There's no way to use another device either. I
         | recall, back in the day, you could activate Windows XP without
         | internet by calling a number which would give you a long code
         | to type in and would activate Windows. But nothing like that
         | exists for Windows Hello. No internet? Tough luck.
         | In the end, I had to reinstall Windows and I'm never touching
         | Windows Hello again.
           | waboremo wrote:
           | I think you're confused. Windows Hello works offline. You
           | were probably trying to sign into your Microsoft account,
           | which IS online.
           | Mind you, the forced Microsoft account for new Windows 11
           | users is a huge problem. But it's a different one.
             | jjeaff wrote:
             | I am using my Microsoft account to login to my windows 11
             | systems. And they do seem to cache for offline access.
             | Because I am still able to login without internet access.
               | waboremo wrote:
               | Thanks for letting me know, I couldn't find any reputable
               | sources on if they cache for offline when used with a
               | Microsoft account.
           | vel0city wrote:
           | I've been using Windows Hello and Microsoft accounts for
           | login on devices for a few years. Its worked for offline for
           | me literally many thousands of times across several devices.
             | GordonS wrote:
             | I've never had the problem the GP had, but I have had
             | Windows Hello "forget" biometrics were even configured -
             | it's happened at least 3 times now, I guess after a Windows
             | Update. Each time I go to login with a fingerprint, but it
             | gives an error message and insists on the password instead,
             | and then I have to setup Windows Hello from scratch.
             | It's mind-boggling how shit Windows Hello is :-/
           | Dalewyn wrote:
           | Security enthusiasts will scream bloody murder, but fact of
           | the matter is nothing beats a simple password for balancing
           | security and practicality.
           | SparkyMcUnicorn wrote:
           | I remember some of the piracy tools activated windows by
           | generating these phone codes.
         | willis936 wrote:
         | KeepassXC does this on Windows (and is free). Strongbox uses
         | secure enclave for master password storage on iOS.
       | Wowfunhappy wrote:
       | It's a tricky problem, because on devices without biometric
       | authentication I _really_ don 't want to type in my long master
       | password every time!
       | I think I'd appreciate an option such that:
       | 1. If I'm online, I can unlock with a pin. Some critical piece of
       | information would be kept server-side, and the server would limit
       | unlock attempts.
       | 2. If I'm offline and need access to my vault--which happens but
       | not _too_ often--I need to use my full master password.
       | I think this should be doable? Could you retain enough end-to-end
       | encryption such that if Bitwarden itself is hacked, my vault
       | couldn't be decrypted via only my pin?
         | asmor wrote:
         | You don't actually need biometrics, you just need a TPM to
         | handle your pin-to-password function with an attempt limit.
           | Wowfunhappy wrote:
           | Okay, but my laptop doesn't have that either.
             | cryptonector wrote:
             | How old is your laptop?
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