[HN Gopher] Tinker V: Single-board RISC-V computer
       Tinker V: Single-board RISC-V computer
       Author : nixcraft
       Score  : 81 points
       Date   : 2023-03-20 14:50 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (tinker-board.asus.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (tinker-board.asus.com)
       | whitehexagon wrote:
       | Did I miss the pricing? I quite fancy the "StarFive's VisionFive
       | 2" that was mentioned here a while back (assuming software
       | improves a bit), but once again not clear what this new board
       | offers in terms of RISC-V extensions/level of support. btw I
       | noticed today that Pine64 are also planning a cheap RISC-V board
       | maybe next month.
         | [deleted]
         | CharlesW wrote:
         | > _Did I miss the pricing?_
         | If you follow the "Where to Buy" links for the United States,
         | it's available from Amazon for $280.
           | microtherion wrote:
           | No, that link goes to the Tinker Edge, a board with a
           | different CPU and a TPU. As far as I can tell, Amazon does
           | not carry the Tinker V at all.
           | metaphor wrote:
           | Nope...the Amazon page that ASUS redirects to[1] is a
           | different SBC[2].
           | [1] https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-Tinker-1-5GHz-Graphics-
           | Motherboa...
           | [2] https://tinker-board.asus.com/product/tinker-edge-t.html
           | whitehexagon wrote:
           | Thanks, I only scanned Europe. But anyway that is quite a
           | premium over the SV2 at around $70? And I got the impression
           | Star64 will also be in that lower price bracket, but lets
           | wait and see.
         | FullyFunctional wrote:
         | It adds a much slower CPU /s
         | The VisionFive 2 is currently the best RISC-V SBC option, at
         | least until TH1520 becomes available (next month?), depending
         | on the price.
         | I can vouch for the VF2 hardware - works well. Alas PCIe is
         | oddly slow, but I'm hopeful that firmware will improve that.
         | EDIT: The Pine Star64 is (should be) the exact same SOC, so it
         | should be basically the same as VF2 (small differences like
         | PCIe edge connector instead of an M.2 slot, etc).
           | whitehexagon wrote:
           | Thanks. I saw there is a pine64 EU store now, so fingers
           | crossed they will stock it, although a working PCIe would
           | also be very nice! I hadn't heard of TH1520 until now, 2.5GHz
           | is going to give the Pi4 a better run for it's money.
             | brucehoult wrote:
             | It looks like they're going to be running the bare chip at
             | 1.85 GHz stock. Will probably need to add a heatsink and
             | maybe fan to get to the rated 2.5 GHz.
             | And, yes, with its OoO CPU cores it should match a Pi 4 at
             | the same MHz, but do more MHz.
           | brucehoult wrote:
           | People are getting around 250 MB/s from an SSD on the PCIe
           | (M.2) on VisionFive 2. Ok, so you'd ideally like 400 MB/s
           | from 1 lane, but it's still 10x better than SD card.
           | It's probably being limited because the RAM to RAM copy speed
           | isn't much more than that! I get 475 MB/s memcpy() speed for
           | 64 MB copies on my VisionFive 2. The much slower CPU on the
           | AllWinner D1 manages 1100 MB/s n the same code. Somehow the
           | SiFive-based SoCs have never been good on RAM speed -- the
           | HiFive Unleashed and Unmatched were even worse than this.
           | Hopefully the Horse Creek SoC has some good Intel DDR IP in
           | it.
             | FullyFunctional wrote:
             | I'm getting ~ 180 MB/s on a Samsung SM8?? which hits around
             | 3 GB/s on a desktop. I'm using a 5.1V 3.5A supply so that
             | ought not be the issue (but I'll try another PSU now).
             | Horse Creek would be nice - should it ever become available
             | for purchase.
       | rektide wrote:
       | Pretty cool seeing a RISC-V chip from a longstanding well known
       | name in chipmaking, Renesas.
         | chunk_waffle wrote:
         | Wish the SuperH stuff would have panned out, the open source
         | stuff seems to be dead on the vine :(
           | rektide wrote:
           | Agreed. The j3 & especially j4 cores would have been very
           | interesting baselines to compare against. https://j-core.org/
       | peoplearepeople wrote:
       | The first RISC-V single-board computer.... from ASUS that is
         | pinewurst wrote:
         | The real title actually says that - HN submitter chose to chop
         | there
         | dang wrote:
         | We've fixed it now. Thanks! (Submitted title was 'Tinker V: The
         | first RISC-V single-board computer")
       | jerrysievert wrote:
       | (from Asus).
       | there are other SBC's available, like the mango pi mq pro, which
       | is in the form factor of a raspberry pi zero.
       | Reitet00 wrote:
       | Looks nice! Too bad it's not PoE powered. That'd be great for
       | simplifying IoT provisioning.
         | johnwalkr wrote:
         | Would be nice but it's easy to add with an external adapter.
       | chunk_waffle wrote:
       | > The first RISC-V single-board computer
       | > from ASUS
       | The "from ASUS" part is pretty important to that headline IMHO...
         | msla wrote:
         | Hey, if Apple can be recognized as the inventor of the GUI...
           | garbagecoder wrote:
           | Apple didn't "invent" the GUI and Columbus didn't discover
           | America, but they popularized it, at least among a certain
           | set.
           | No one was popularized RISC-V yet. Maybe Asus will be the
           | one!
           | rocket_surgeron wrote:
           | Are they?
           | As far as I'm aware, there are only categories of people when
           | it comes to "the invention of the GUI":
           | 1. People who know it was a long and involved development
           | process involving many people starting in the 1960s.
           | 2. People who don't care.
           | edit: Lol y'all some bitches.
       | uticus wrote:
       | I'm confused. When I click on "Where to Buy" it sends me to an
       | Amazon page with these specs:
       | > CPU and GPU: Quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 and integrated GC7000
       | Lite Graphics
       | > CPU Socket Quad-core ARM Cortex-A53
       | > Chipset Type Quad-core ARM
       | ...am I right to expect something _not_ ARM?
       | [edit] nm, apparently the SBC series also offers ARM
       | st3fan wrote:
       | Unobtainium? Doesn't actually seem to be for sale anywhere?
       | fortysixdegrees wrote:
       | In my work I have had to evaluate a whole bunch of SBCs, and the
       | Asus Tinkerboard is a cut above all the others.
       | I expect the quality of this board to be similar
       | aacid wrote:
       | > Micro-USB
       | Honestly??
         | tlavoie wrote:
         | I see people complain about Micro-USB in various places, and am
         | not quite sure what the problem is. You're connecting to some
         | relatively small, low-power device, not powering a beefy
         | laptop. Is it problematic to have too many cables in the drawer
         | that fit?
           | kube-system wrote:
           | It's an older standard, and if nothing else, the
           | reversibility of type-c is worth the 10 cents.
           | And because one of the ports is USB OTG, one of the intended
           | uses is for a micro B connector as the host connector. Which
           | is a misuse of the originally intended function of that
           | connector anyway.
             | tlavoie wrote:
             | Thanks, just seems like much ado about nothing, other than
             | that last part.
             | I know I've got a wealth of devices that have the various
             | formats, mostly micro. Their functionality still seems
             | fine, so the anguish that pops up from time to time seems a
             | bit much.
         | wolrah wrote:
         | Amen to this. I wish the USB-IF would officially deprecate the
         | entire mini and micro line, stating that they are not allowed
         | to be used and will not be certified compliant in new hardware
         | designs unless the new design is intended to be a physically
         | identical drop-in replacement for an older design that used
         | those ports.
         | There is no good excuse for these ports' continued use in new
         | designs, just penny pinching nonsense.
         | Host-side ports can be full size A or C, device side ports can
         | be full size B or C, anything else is just being cheap.
           | kube-system wrote:
           | USB-IF should be forced to use PCs equipped only with Micro A
           | and Mini A ports. And to connect their peripherals, they must
           | first dig through a large bag of Micro/Mini B cables to find
           | a single Micro/Mini A cable.
           | Although that might be so cruel that it violates the Geneva
           | Convention.
         | wyldfire wrote:
         | Probably saved a good $0.45 using a cheaper header. :(
           | thrown123098 wrote:
           | Or it was the only one they clild get in volume. The last 3
           | years have been merry he'll on supply chains.
             | johnwalkr wrote:
             | Connectors, especially ones made by multiple manufacturers
             | in the same footprint (including usb-c)really weren't hit
             | hard by this.
             | bayindirh wrote:
             | This is an enterprise/industrial IoT board with CANBus and
             | RS232. These people carry RS232 over Ethernet and call it a
             | revolution.
             | I'm sure that finding MiniUSB is much more easier on that
             | setting and ecosystem.
             | wolrah wrote:
             | > Or it was the only one they clild get in volume. The last
             | 3 years have been merry he'll on supply chains.
             | This is Asus. They make a phone that has two USB-C ports,
             | plus a variety of mobile accessories that all have one.
             | They also make laptops, desktops, and motherboards that
             | generally have 2-4 of them.
             | I'd be shocked if the sales of the entire Tinkerboard line
             | added up to even the mobile products alone, much less the
             | PC lines.
       | unusual-name wrote:
       | Apparently the CPU in this SBC violates the RISC-V ISA pretty
       | badly. [1]
       | [1]
       | https://lore.kernel.org/all/CA++6G0Do001Bo+kxhUNz5T937TYU-K5...
         | pclmulqdq wrote:
         | Keep in mind the spec being violated is the privileged spec,
         | not the core instruction set (which is what people think of
         | when they think of an ISA violation). Personally, I think the
         | privileged spec is a little too overzealous about the
         | implementation-specific details that it specifies, and a little
         | more should have been left to chip vendors.
           | cdcarter wrote:
           | On the other hand, the privileged spec is also designed to
           | provide process isolation and other security features. It may
           | not seem as drastic as if a core instruction were
           | misinterpreted, but this is IMO not the layer you want
           | unexpected deviations from spec in.
           | Pet_Ant wrote:
           | For the uninitiated, what kind of things? I mean are these
           | things that are necessary for desktop operating systems, but
           | overkill when used as a DSP or something like that? I mean
           | these aren't dumb people working on this so I wonder what
           | this trade-off is.
             | pclmulqdq wrote:
             | Exactly that - they specify things that you need for an OS
             | on a desktop/server system but complete overkill for
             | embedded applications. I think the goal was to have one
             | version of "RISC-V Linux" without vendor-specific
             | extensions, but the chip vendors are used to their
             | extensions, and there are good reasons to allow them to
             | have some more customization (to allow design tradeoffs).
             | Also, in the ARM ecosystem, some of the things that the
             | RISC-V spec specifies (like MMU details) are vendor-
             | specific, leading to a minor headache for OS writers, but
             | give chip manufacturers more freedom. Renesas may have
             | assumed they had the same freedom.
           | pm215 wrote:
           | On the other hand, it sounds from the thread like the result
           | of the deviation from the spec is "you can't run userspace
           | binaries unless you built them with a binutils that's working
           | around this", so it's not just a "weirdness the kernel has to
           | deal with" kind of thing.
             | brucehoult wrote:
             | If everyone is understanding it correctly then that appears
             | to be the case. Apparently user-space addresses from
             | 0x20000 to 0x3ffff are not mapped by the MMU in the
             | expected way, but are directly mapped to the same SRAM for
             | every program.
             | A statically linked "HelloWorld" on my VisionFive 2 starts
             | from 0x10000 and runs up to 0x4ea8e, so smack through that
             | whole memory region.
             | The only way to make programs compiled with a standard
             | binutils (or on another RISC-V machine, or a standard OS
             | running in a VM) work would be for the kernel to memcpy()
             | that 128k region in and out on every address space switch.
             | It's really an awful bug (or design decision) if you want
             | to run standard OSes and standard code on it.
       (page generated 2023-03-20 23:01 UTC)