[HN Gopher] A world to win: WebAssembly for the rest of us
       A world to win: WebAssembly for the rest of us
       Author : nsm
       Score  : 132 points
       Date   : 2023-03-20 18:27 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.wingolog.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.wingolog.org)
       | kumarski wrote:
       | cloudflare did a piece on how WASM supports it. ~18% of all
       | websites on the web run through cloudflare.
       | https://blog.cloudflare.com/big-pineapple-intro/
       | (I'm not a software developer)
       | Animats wrote:
       | Rust targets WebAssembly, which apparently works well because
       | Rust is not garbage-collected.
       | When will WebAssembly get real threads, not just shared memory
       | between processes? I've seen articles from years ago talking
       | about it as a future feature. Current status?
         | dheera wrote:
         | Could one just treat WebAssembly as virtual bare metal,
         | implement a multithreaded OS in WebAssembly and then spawn
         | threads inside that?
           | paulgb wrote:
           | Technically you could, but they'd all be run on the same CPU
           | core.
           | You could spawn a Web Workers for each core, in theory,
           | although some browsers will lie about the number of cores.
           | wahern wrote:
           | That's basically how the Go WASM runtime works[1], except
           | when calling outside the WASM virtual machine (e.g. invoking
           | a JavaScript function) the entire Go runtime must block.
           | [1] The Go compiler inserts yield calls (preemption
           | opportunities) at various points in the emitted code, such as
           | at function invocations and within loops.
         | harikb wrote:
         | Half of the article is entirely about GC.
         | > Support for built-in GC set to ship in Q4 2023
           | dboreham wrote:
           | Parent is asking about threads not GC.
         | duped wrote:
         | What is a "real" thread? A POSIX thread?
         | The entire notion of processes and threads is a bit weird
         | inside of a WASM module. Arguably a WASM module shouldn't care
         | about them at all - the host runtime should be managing
         | parallelism.
         | fsckboy wrote:
         | what do you see as the important difference between real
         | threads and interprocess shared memory?
         | brigadier132 wrote:
         | Never because real threads can be used to break out of the
         | sandbox using spectre.
           | RealityVoid wrote:
           | Can what now? I was under the impression spectre gave you
           | access to data, not arbitrary code execution.
           | Also, I imagine that web assembly is a bytecode format and
           | that should be _less_ susceptible to spectre.
           | Can you expand? This seems wrong to me.
           | Edit: read some papers, I'll be damned, it can. I don't
           | understand how tho'. Would love to try playing with a POC
           | that does that.
             | flohofwoe wrote:
             | See
             | https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2018/01/03/mitigations-
             | lan...
           | flohofwoe wrote:
           | SharedArrayBuffer had been disabled for exactly that reason
           | but has been enabled again for cross-origin isolated pages
           | (https://developer.chrome.com/blog/enabling-shared-array-
           | buff...) - which in turn allows to have 'proper' pthreads in
           | Emscripten: https://emscripten.org/docs/porting/pthreads.html
       | tjoff wrote:
       | > _the initial version of WebAssembly is a terrible target if
       | your language relies on the presence of a garbage collector._
       | Lack of GC was one of the appealing parts of WASM to me. Keep it
       | simple. It is good to be careful about utilizing memory on your
       | visitors machines, so you better spend a lot of thought on memory
       | management.
         | wahern wrote:
         | If the WASM module has no GC'able objects, then there'd be no
         | reason for the GC to run. At least in theory. Certainly the 0
         | GC'able object case seems like an easy optimization.
           | tjoff wrote:
           | Yeah, but once GC is an option 99% of the sites you are going
           | to visit will utilize it and use as much resources that they
           | could ever "get away" with.
             | remexre wrote:
             | Isn't it more likely that if there never was first-party
             | GC, everyone who wants GC is just going to bundle a bad one
             | instead, making those sites _slower_?
             | wahern wrote:
             | Maybe. Everybody assumes that once WASM gets a GC framework
             | that their favorite language, e.g. Python, will become a
             | first-class citizen. But I suspect this won't come to pass
             | for two related reasons:
             | 1) There's no such thing as a universal GC. GC semantics
             | differ across languages because the semantics matter;
             | language developers make different choices. For example,
             | some GCs support finalizers, others don't. Some with
             | finalizers support resurrection, some don't; likewise, some
             | languages specify a well-defined order for finalization
             | (e.g. Lua defines it as the reverse order of allocation).
             | 2) Similar to GC, there are other aspects that will prevent
             | popular languages with complex runtimes from being compiled
             | directly to WASM without altering language semantics or the
             | runtime behavior relative to the standard, native
             | environment. For example, eval.
             | So even with GC, the choices will likely remain the same as
             | they are now: if you want the full experience of your
             | favorite, rapid-development language within the WASM
             | virtual machine, you must incur runtime overhead, up to and
             | including double virtualization. Or, alternatively, you
             | must contend with a bifurcation in a language ecosystem--
             | native semantics vs WASM semantics. This will all be
             | compounded by how programmers typically treat even the
             | slightest differences, compromises, or concessions in
             | behavior or performance as ritual impurities to be shunned.
             | Ultimately, I don't expect the current status quo changing
             | --languages other than statically compiled, strongly typed,
             | non-GC'd languages like C, C++, Rust, or similar seeing
             | much more usage in WASM environments than they already do,
             | either browser-side or server-side.
             | aseipp wrote:
             | Existing compilers for GC'd languages that target
             | WebAssembly today have to use inefficient schemes to make
             | their runtimes work, making the website slower than they
             | would be otherwise, which is pretty much the entire point
             | of OP.
             | And anyway, regarding "lack of GC in WASM made it
             | appealing" -- support for high level languages with GC
             | semantics was always a long-term goal for WebAssembly and
             | GC was thought about by the relevant parties long before
             | the 1.0 spec was even ratified (the initial placeholders
             | were added as early as 2017, 2 years before 1.0
             | ratification); it was just not within scope for the earlier
             | versions because it's a pretty big topic, including many
             | things that aren't even wholly GC related e.g. value types.
             | But this isn't surprising either; most of the earliest
             | implementations and concerned parties were browsers, and
             | the interactions between WebAssembly and JavaScript's
             | memory models, along with the popularity of Javascript-
             | targeting compilers (which suffer from many similar
             | contortions), meant that GC was always a pretty obvious
             | "This is a thing we need to think about in the long run"
             | feature.
         | quickthrower2 wrote:
         | Not sure how that follows since JS exists and a lot of people
         | are going to just build on a runtime anyway.
         | haberman wrote:
         | I'm one of the biggest GC curmudgeons, but as long as it's an
         | opt-in thing that you do not pay for when you do not use, I am
         | happy.
         | I speak as the kind of developer who wants to optimize the
         | memory management.
           | tjoff wrote:
           | As a developer, absolutely!
           | But as someone who uses the internet for browsing, strong
           | disagree.
       | FpUser wrote:
       | >" Where are the F#, the Elixir, the Haskell compilers? "
       | I think it makes a lot of sense sense to target WebAssembly with
       | high performance "native" languages like C/C++/Rust/Zig/etc for
       | certain types of apps looking for high performance computations.
       | As for the rest it is simpler to just use JavaScript as the
       | browser already makes a great platform for it.
         | chrisco255 wrote:
         | WASM isn't just for the browser though.
       | syrusakbary wrote:
       | This is awesome, always great to read Andy Wingo blogposts. Eager
       | to see what the future of Scheme in Wasm looks like!
       | Here's a bit more or info on the Spritely side on why they want
       | Scheme in Wasm (it's both funny and great to see how the money on
       | decentralized/web3 projects is leaking back to the real world!)
       | https://spritely.institute/news/guile-on-web-assembly-projec...
       | DeathArrow wrote:
       | Blazor had to ship the whole .NET runtime to have support for
       | garbage collector and threads.
         | qclibre22 wrote:
         | How big is it?
           | HideousKojima wrote:
           | I think it's currently around 2 MB, they've been working on
           | shrinking the download with each new .NET release
       | mrbonner wrote:
       | One question that really bugs me the the sandbox security model.
       | I'm sure the model protects us from memory and IO hazards. But,
       | what about CPU-time sharing protection? I have yet to know if
       | WebAss (or any abstract machine out there) could provide
       | protection from a rouge module, running at 100% CPU in an
       | infinite loop. I'm sure a true virtual machine could limit such
       | thing.
       | Edit: spelling
         | flohofwoe wrote:
         | It's the same as running a Javascript infinite loop. The
         | browser will kill the tab if a WASM module doesn't yield back
         | to the browser's event loop after a few seconds.
         | pphysch wrote:
         | What's the difference between                   <script>WebAsse
         | mbly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("cpu_waster.wasm")...</script>
         | and                   <script>while (true){};</script>
         | ?
         | nerpderp82 wrote:
         | It isn't built in but you could mitigate this by rewriting the
         | wasm module to only execute for a certain number of iterations
         | and then return to the outer context. This isn't currently
         | handled in Js either. For Wasm engines that run outside of the
         | brower, some do have the notion of cycle counting.
         | Wasm is a true virtual machine.
         | jayd16 wrote:
         | Can you perhaps rephrase your question? It seems like you're
         | asking if the language will handle scheduling priority of a
         | library?
         | Isn't this the job of the browser/OS? Isn't this already
         | handled in most browsers where each tab is its own process?
           | mrbonner wrote:
           | I still stand by my question, though. If I consider WebAss is
           | a VM, which I think in some extend, it already is given that
           | it let the process owner control/limit memory and IO sandbox.
           | But, my understanding is that a true VM also needs to provide
           | CPU sandbox, right? To answer another question in this thread
           | related to JS "while (true) {}", most browser would already
           | warn about the script CPU time and allow us to terminate/stop
           | the long running script. I could say the same for a true VM
           | that would limit the number of CPUs to use or even execution
           | time out. Even with the JVM, where there is no mechanism to
           | limit the execution of the entire process, I can run JVM
           | plugins/modules in a separate thread and set execution time
           | limit in that contained thread.
       | DeathArrow wrote:
       | My question is when will web assembly able to access the DOM
       | without the need to call Javascript to jump back and forth.
         | rektide wrote:
         | This depends chiefly on the component-model work shipping.
         | https://github.com/WebAssembly/component-model
         | At the heart is an longstanding wasm "interface types" idea
         | (WIT), defined by a IDL,
         | https://github.com/WebAssembly/component-model/blob/main/des...
         | Once we know how bits of wasm talk to each other we can have
         | browsers expose web platform "host objects" via this standard
         | inter-module means.
         | While an interesting topic to most app developers, this is
         | pretty off-topic for language nerds. It will greatly level
         | implementations when it becomes available, as opposed to those
         | willing to pour in enormous effort writing their own
         | serializing bridges... but it doesnt really alter what the
         | language can do and how it will work in wasm. This talk is, to
         | me, more about languages. WIT & host objects will be an
         | enormous boom but they overall won't much affect language
         | design.
           | syrusakbary wrote:
           | I disagree that the component Model or WebAssembly Interfaces
           | (WAI) is what holds a standardization to the DOM access from
           | Wasm.
           | All those things can already be done via WebIDL (and in fact,
           | is the standard that wasm-bindgen in Rust already uses to
           | generate the Rust bindings)
             | [deleted]
             | rektide wrote:
             | None of that is standard though.
             | wasm-bindgen goes away after this. Objects just become
             | usable directly. wasm-bindgen is a monstrously complex
             | layer, and it doesn't allow wasm direct access to the DOM.
             | It very cleverly installs a complex bridge that translates
             | on the fly between js and wasm, making wasm think it has
             | transparent access, but it's quite clear if you actually
             | start debugging what's happening in the browser, there is a
             | huge middle layer of code wasm-bindgen has built for you to
             | present that illusion.
             | And again, none of it is standard. There I think may be a
             | creative language or two who has built atop Rust's
             | painstaking cross-serialization... but these techniques are
             | far from standard.
             | The actual standard makes a raft of these ugly unsightly
             | slow intermediary translation layers go away. It makes an
             | actual standard for cross language communication. Not just
             | rust<->js, but rust<->go or scheme<->f# or whatever else.
         | flohofwoe wrote:
         | That's how all browser APIs are accessed from WASM, the DOM is
         | nothing special in that regard. The only way for WASM to
         | interact with the 'outside world' is through import and export
         | function tables, and at least in the browser all functions in
         | the import table will be Javascript functions.
         | The only alternative would be for all browser Javascript APIs
         | to get a separate "native C-like API" which could be plugged
         | into the WASM import table and circumvent Javascript. That's
         | basically how NaCl worked, with the downside that it only
         | exposed a very small slice of browser APIs, for everything else
         | one had to interact with Javascript via messaging, and _this_
         | was a massively royal PITA. WASM does everything right in that
         | regard.
       | sinistersnare wrote:
       | Andy Wingo's blog is awesome. A great resource for those
       | interested in PL design and development. I learned a bunch of
       | stuff about delimited control from this blog, among other things.
       | Also, Andy implements delimited control in this post! What a
       | legend
       | [deleted]
       | Aleklart wrote:
       | TIL assembler for web will have garbage collector and can't
       | access web.
       | acqq wrote:
       | It seems this is the current doc about the GC:
       | https://github.com/WebAssembly/gc/blob/main/proposals/gc/MVP...
       | Looking at the "instructions" section... is it going to be slow
       | again, bringing back the speed of interpreted code to the WASM?
       | RjQoLCOSwiIKfpm wrote:
       | All I hear when someone writes "WebAssembly is coming" is "more
       | RCE exploits are coming - via the thousands of lines of new code
       | I have to hook up to the Internet by using a browser".
       | The industry has barely finished debugging the monstrosity that
       | was browsers before - XML, JavaScript, CSS, WebGL, WebRTC, ... so
       | now let's add another giant source of security issues to them!
       | When will this madness stop? When will browsers actually be
       | capable of doing _enough_ and be moved into maintenance-only mode
       | where only security issues are fixed and no new code is added?
       | Surely some will say "well, WebAssembly will deliver that
       | precisely - browsers now can run _all_ the code ".
       | But wasn't this the promise with JavaScript already, a Turing-
       | complete language in the browser to end the need for more
       | features of HTML?
       | Anyway, to deliver some value by this comment:
       | To disable WASM in Firefox, set "javascript.options.wasm = false"
       | in about:config.
       | Some websites say you also need to set
       | "javascript.options.wasm_baselinejit = false" and
       | "javascript.options.wasm_ionjit = false" but I don't understand
       | what the point of disabling JIT would be if the whole of WASM is
       | disabled anyway?
         | ajkjk wrote:
         | I feel like you're pretending like there's no value to it? If
         | there was no value then yeah it would be stupid to do it. But
         | it is valuable, because people want within-10%-of-native
         | performance.
           | RjQoLCOSwiIKfpm wrote:
           | If people want native performance, they could just publish
           | native software instead of websites :)
             | flohofwoe wrote:
             | Distributing native software is a PITA nowadays. You're
             | either at the mercy of a random App Store review process,
             | or you can't run the software you just downloaded outside
             | an app store because the operating system doesn't allow it.
             | easrng wrote:
             | native gui dev sucks, and the web does a way better job of
             | sandboxing than native things do.
             | hutzlibu wrote:
             | Yes they can, if they have the time and skills to port it
             | to the many plattforms desired. But maybe you do see the
             | point, that it is a bit easier to develope and test for
             | only one plattform, as opposed to ... many?
             | (have you ever released something cross plattform?)
             | Point being, the web is a plattform now (since quite a
             | while) and not anymore a static site displayer. Provide a
             | technologically better alternative and people will use
             | that.
             | ajkjk wrote:
             | And lose all the value of distributing their software via
             | websites! Again, if you ignore all the value of solutions,
             | then yes, the solutions seem bad.
               | RjQoLCOSwiIKfpm wrote:
               | Perhaps that is just the tax they ought to pay for
               | wanting to squeeze out more performance? :)
               | The alternative of not paying that tax by using WASM
               | means "I want native performance but I don't want to pay
               | the price of having to do native development."
               | So what developers are doing here is creating an
               | _externality_ - external cost which other people have to
               | pay:
               | Browsers for the average internet user who just wants to
               | read some news get worse in terms of security because
               | some people want to distribute their software more
               | conveniently at zero cost.
               | The cost is paid by the users who _all_ now have WASM in
               | their browser, even if they don 't need it.
             | remexre wrote:
             | Then I'm running their code outside of the world-class
             | sandbox the browsers provide.
             | indy wrote:
             | The web is the best distribution platform we currently have
             | and increasing performance via WebAssembly means a wider
             | variety of programs are now viable on the web.
         | shortrounddev wrote:
         | > But wasn't this the promise with JavaScript already, a
         | Turing-complete language in the browser to end the need for
         | more features of HTML?
         | The problem is javascript sucks. We want to be able to write
         | any kind of application, but we don't want to have to do it in
         | javascript. Ideally, this would mean that you pick Java or C#
         | instead and use one of several cross-platform UI frameworks,
         | but I've never found a native UI framework that was as easy to
         | work with as HTML. If C# would just let us write native UI with
         | HTML and CSS (and not just using electron), then I would never
         | write a webapp again
           | illiarian wrote:
           | > We want to be able to write any kind of application, but we
           | don't want to have to do it in javascript.
           | To make "any kind of application" on the web you need the web
           | to provide sensible APIs for those applications. And
           | Javascript has nothing to do with it. E.g. lack of controls
           | listed over at https://open-ui.org/ has nothing to do with
           | Javascript.
           | > If C# would just let us write native UI with HTML and CSS
           | Good luck implementing anything beyond the most basic
           | controls with HTML and CSS.
           | tijsvd wrote:
           | Would it not be feasible to turn electron inside out, and
           | have chromium as a library, with bindings for various
           | languages?
         | pfoof wrote:
         | Rather, wasn't that the promise with Flash, Java, Sliverlight
           | RjQoLCOSwiIKfpm wrote:
           | Oh right, and ActiveX!
           | h4x0rr wrote:
           | They were all proprietary though
             | [deleted]
           | remexre wrote:
           | The improved sandboxing model is supposed to be why this
           | one's going to turn out better (and why it's worth losing
           | some of the ease of development of the old ones...)
         | hyperhello wrote:
         | There's a cycle where something gets big because people use it.
         | Say, a mushroom picker puts up a document about picking
         | mushrooms. Now he can enjoy his hobby most excellently!
         | Next the programmers get interested. They help the mushroom
         | picker upgrade his site with maps and a spreadsheet you can
         | search and everything. Now the programmers can enjoy their
         | hobby most excellently!
         | Then the overengineers take over and insist that it run Linux.
         | Now you can compile Linux to Wasm, and it works if you just
         | configure the endpoints according to an elegant scheme! The
         | overengineers can enjoy their hobby most excellently!
         | But the mushroom picker who started this thing isn't going to
         | come back. No one ever picks up the thread of development
         | again, and there's nothing to do except "be online." The ride
         | is over.
         | j-pb wrote:
         | WASM makes browsers simpler, not more complex. It's much easier
         | to get the implementation of a 20 page spec correct, than the
         | combinatorial monster that is 200 highlevel language specs and
         | APIs. The more we can push into a small formal core, the
         | better. Formal verification tools call this the de Bruijn
         | criterion. You create a small formal core for your proof
         | system, and everything highlevel just compiles to that.
           | illiarian wrote:
           | > It's much easier to get the implementation of a 20 page
           | spec correct
           | JS spec was also 20 pages. Until we got modern Javascript.
           | wasm spec _will_ grow. Just look at the roadmap:
           | https://webassembly.org/roadmap/
           | RjQoLCOSwiIKfpm wrote:
           | Surely that is a noble goal!
           | But isn't it a case of XKCD 927? https://xkcd.com/927/
           | I.e. I would say the probability is zero that because WASM
           | exists other existing complexity of browsers will be removed.
           | Because the web is so vast, if you once add a feature to
           | browsers you can never remove it because that would break an
           | unknown amount of websites, or even intranet sites.
           | So now we have wasm + N other subsystems, so N+1, and the
           | security of N+1 systems is less than that of N.
             | j-pb wrote:
             | We break/deprecate the web all the time. Web backwards
             | compatibility is a myth, it's just that wo don't get any
             | calls from the 90s complaining that their dogs website
             | broke.
         | pphysch wrote:
         | The current webdev paradigm is "treat JS as bytecode". We have
         | enormous build processes that compiles high-level languages
         | (TS, JSX, SASS etc) into "low-level" and unreadable
         | JS/CSS/HTML. The latter were _supposed_ to be the high-level
         | language interfaces to the browser. It 's a mess.
         | We'll be much better off with an actual compilation target i.e.
         | WASM, full stop.
       (page generated 2023-03-20 23:00 UTC)