[HN Gopher] So you've installed `fzf` - now what?
       So you've installed `fzf` - now what?
       Author : hiAndrewQuinn
       Score  : 561 points
       Date   : 2023-03-21 16:01 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (andrew-quinn.me)
 (TXT) w3m dump (andrew-quinn.me)
       | jonfw wrote:
       | FZF is a great ad-hoc UI. Let's say I want to run an operation
       | against a cluster- it's way better to use fzf to select clusters
       | from a list than it is to have to copy/paste a particular cluster
       | name
       | tetha wrote:
       | I recently setup something simple, but I've been falling in love
       | with it - `goto`. Not as in the funny programming thing, with the
       | even funnier `comefrom` variant in intercal, but as a simple
       | shell script.
       | My issue is that at work, I tend to work with a lot of projects
       | and repos, and I work a whole lot in a couple repos. And
       | honestly, even if its short, typing `cd
       | ~/Pro<tab>/an<tab>/main_<tab>` becomes old after 2000 times or
       | more. And then there are ~80 - 90 repos in ~/Projects/terraform,
       | and a couple dozen legacy repos in ~/Projects/chef, a dozen
       | different config repos in ~/Projects/config, an automatically
       | rotating scratchpad in ~/Stuff, ... I don't know if it's a messy
       | workstation, or I'm just dealing with a boatload of stuff.
       | That's why I wrote goto. goto works in 2ish phases. The first
       | phase just uses fzf -1 to give me a selection of the broad
       | strokes I tend to navigate to. In case there is a prettier way to
       | make fzf give me a static list of choices, let me know. It's
       | basically:                   DESTINATION=$( echo
       | "ansible\nterraform\nchef\nconfigs\n..." | fzf -1 "$1" )
       | This way I can either launch goto to get a list of 6-7 things I
       | can select with arrows, by typing, or I can just be like `goto
       | tf` and it directly selects `terraform`.
       | After that, it's a big switch-case selecting where to `cd` to, as
       | well as possibly doing some normal init things. `ansible` as a
       | destination for example just CDs and that's it.
       | `terraform` on the other hand does a bit more:
       | case terraform)             DESTINATION2=$( ls
       | ~/Projects/terraform | fzf -1 "$2" )             cd
       | "$DESTINATION2"             git pull --rebase             # more
       | stuff         ;;
       | This way I can either say `goto`, select `terraform`, select a
       | project and get moved there. Or I go `goto terraform` and type
       | `prj2 foo` and usually fzf gives me the right thing, or I can be
       | like `goto tf 'p2 fo'` and it drops me into the right place. Or
       | something like `goto config infra-logaggregation` (or rather,
       | `goto c ilg`). Or `goto stuff ticket-id` to get into some older
       | scratchpad.
       | I'll just have to consider if I want to stick with ohmyzshs alias
       | of g == git, which I don't really use much. Then I could achieve
       | the entirely readable `g c ilg` to go where I need to, hah.
       | All of this is then wrapped into an alias, which basically
       | aliases `goto` to be `source ~/goto`.
       | IDK, thanks for listening to my TED-talk on how to use fzf to
       | juggle way too many hats at once. It's just saved me a lot of
       | keystrokes getting around and mashing incomprehensible spells
       | into the shell so coworkers are confused is always fun.
       | bilalq wrote:
       | I love how people share their fzf scripts whenever a new post
       | comes along. I'll share some of my own.
       | First, some env variables for setting defaults:
       | export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='fd --type f --hidden --exclude .git'
       | export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--layout=reverse --inline-info'
       | And some neat commands:
       | 1. A command for fuzzy jumping between workspaces with tree
       | previews (depends on `tree`):                   export
       | WORKSPACE_ROOT="$HOME/whatever-your-root-is"         ws() {
       | cd "$WORKSPACE_ROOT/`ls -a $WORKSPACE_ROOT | fgrep -v .DS_Store |
       | fzf --preview '(cd $WORKSPACE_ROOT/{1}; pwd; tree -C -L 1 -I
       | node_modules -I .DS_Store)'`"         }
       | 2. A command to be able to fuzzy search files with previews and
       | syntax highlighting. Depends on bat being installed.
       | alias fzp="fzf --preview 'bat --style=numbers --color=always
       | --line-range :500 {}' --border --height='80%'"
       | 3. A command to fuzzily run npm scripts with previews and syntax
       | highlighting. Depends on bat and gojq, but you can sub gojq with
       | jq. It does have a bug where it doesn't handle ":" characters in
       | script keys well, but I'll fix that at some point.
       | npz() {           local script           script=$(cat
       | package.json | gojq -r '.scripts | keys[] ' | fzf --preview 'cat
       | package.json | gojq -r ".scripts | .$(echo {1})" | bat -l sh
       | --color always --file-name "npm run $(echo {1})" | sed "s/File:
       | /Command: /"') && npm run $(echo "$script")         }
       | 4. A command for rapidly selecting an AWS profile. As a user of
       | AWS SSO with many accounts/roles, this is a life-saver. I combine
       | this with having my prompt show the currently selected role for
       | added value.                   alias aws-profile='export
       | AWS_PROFILE=$(sed -n "s/\[profile \(.*\)\]/\1/gp" ~/.aws/config |
       | fzf)'         alias ap="aws-profile"
       | 5. A command for fuzzily finding and tailing an AWS cloudwatch
       | log group. I didn't come up with this one, and I can't remember
       | where I read about it, or I'd attribute it properly.
       | awslogs() {           export AWS_PROFILE=$(cat ~/.aws/config |
       | awk '/^\[profile /{print $2}' | tr -d ']' | fzf)           local
       | log_group=$(aws logs describe-log-groups | gojq -r
       | '.logGroups[].logGroupName' | fzf)           aws logs tail
       | "$log_group" --since 3h --follow --format=short         }
       | I also have a few other commands related using fzf, but they're
       | more bespoke and probably not useful to others.
         | bloopernova wrote:
         | That AWS logs one is fantastic.
       | campground wrote:
       | Here's a little function that I use pretty often when I want to
       | install a package but I'm not sure what the exact package name
       | is. Give it a keyword and it searches apt-cache and dumps the
       | results into fzf.                 function finstall {
       | PACKAGE_NAME=$(apt-cache search $1 | fzf | cut --delimiter=" "
       | --fields=1)           if [ "$PACKAGE_NAME" ]; then
       | echo "Installing $PACKAGE_NAME"               sudo apt install
       | $PACKAGE_NAME           fi       }
       | sigmonsays wrote:
       | I havn't seen it mentioned yet, you can also do fuzzy completion
       | like cd * <tab>
       | After pressing <tab> you get sent into fzf to make the decision
       | This works for ssh too
         | hiAndrewQuinn wrote:
         | Crap, I forgot to include the whole *<TAB> thing! Man, good
         | catch.
         | Grimm665 wrote:
         | Did not know that worked for ssh, nice!
       | EamonnMR wrote:
       | I use fzf for all of my searching needs, especially on Mac where
       | the default search is hot garbage.
       | bloopernova wrote:
       | I have ctrl-r and alt-c assigned to macro keys on my keyboard,
       | they're so danged useful.
       | Something else you can try in your `~/.gitconfig`
       | [alias]           fza = "!git ls-files -m -o --exclude-standard |
       | fzf -m --print0 | xargs -0 git add"              git fza will
       | quickly let you add files if you've changed a lot.
       | I alias `git fza` to `ga` and it gets used _a lot_
       | Oh, and another useful shortcut is this:                   export
       | FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND="mdfind -onlyin . -name ."
       | Obviously only useful for MacOS, but fzf plus spotlight is pretty
       | useful. You can use it to find that lost file that you only
       | remember part of the name!
         | andelink wrote:
         | I'm not super familiar with spotlight/mdfind. What are the
         | benefits it offers over using the default `find` command with
         | fzf?
           | pi-rat wrote:
           | `find` has to traverse the filesystem, which is pretty slow.
           | `mdfind` looks up in an indexed database, which is very fast.
             | andelink wrote:
             | Good to know! Thanks
       | dandanua wrote:
       | I've made a simple tagging solution based on fzf and don't know
       | how to live without it anymore.
       | You just name your folders and subfolders by tags. And then
       | search it via fzf (I prefer the exact search) launched by a
       | hotkey.
       | To exclude a subfolder from the global search I use a trick. You
       | add the stop symbol " #" at the end of the subfolder name. A
       | custom fzf configuration (see below) then excludes what's the
       | inside. Though, you still can cd into the excluded folder and
       | make fzf search in it. So, in fact it gives you an hierarchy of
       | tagged folders with stop symbols. This helps to avoid search
       | pollution and unnecessary disk reads:                 export
       | FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND="fd -E=**/*#/**"
       | I also use hotkeys to open items in default programs and to
       | preview files in fzf UI:                 export
       | FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--exact \       --bind 'ctrl-/:execute-
       | silent(xdg-open {} &)' \       --bind 'ctrl-p:toggle-preview'"
       | Of course, it still requires a strong discipline to tag
       | everything appropriately. But the profit is immense - you can
       | find everything you remember and open it in the default program
       | in a matter of seconds.
       | wetpaws wrote:
       | Just spend entire morning setting fzf and this is lifechanging.
       | agumonkey wrote:
       | dont forget ` -m` for multiselect ;)
       | synergy20 wrote:
       | with rg I rarely need fzf in practice, I would say for every
       | 10,000 rg usage I need fzf once
       | effnorwood wrote:
       | [dead]
       | vcdimension wrote:
       | I wrote a couple of shell tools based on fzf:
       | https://github.com/vapniks/fzfrepl: Edit commands/pipelines with
       | fzf, and view live output while editing. There's a cool example
       | using ffmpeg, graph2dot & graph-easy for displaying ffmpeg filter
       | graphs.
       | https://github.com/vapniks/fzf-tool-launcher: Browse & preview
       | contents of files, and launch tools/pipelines to process selected
       | files. You can use fzfrepl in sequence to process each part of a
       | dataprocessing pipeline with different tools.
       | waynesonfire wrote:
       | have no need for this, plenty fast without it. these two have
       | been sufficient for all my needs:
       | ctrl + r for most things
       | history | grep for searching when i forget the exact command or
       | want to see related commands.
       | I don't want pull downs, pull ups, drop downs, expanded hamburger
       | menu, hot dogs, another set of key strokes to remember how i
       | started some service last month.
         | csdvrx wrote:
         | > I don't want pull downs, pull ups, drop downs, expanded
         | hamburger menu, hot dogs, another set of key strokes to
         | remember how i started some service last month
         | You seem to be stuck in your ways, so that even when new better
         | alternatives are created, you dismiss them unceremoniously,
         | possibly without having taken the time to evaluate them.
         | It's something I've noticed with quite a few linux users, and I
         | find that super interesting!
         | May I ask what's your age range? (just curious)
         | Do you think the time spend in an exploratory phase for new
         | tools (ex: getting familiar with fzy) would not be recovered by
         | time gains in the exploitation phase? Or is it because of a
         | fear of the unknown, or a belief that old habits may be hard to
         | change?
         | It's a very serious question BTW, I hope it's not too personal
       | joemi wrote:
       | Maybe I'm just getting old, but I found most of the animations in
       | this article to go too fast. I couldn't tell what was happening,
       | couldn't tell what I was supposed to be looking at.
         | grimgrin wrote:
         | okay ignore everything you saw and just conceptualize:
         | 1) list of text 2) input to filter the list down. see: list
         | gets tinier
       | kbd wrote:
       | To show off the power of fzf, I should share my fzr ("fzf repl")
       | script:
       | https://github.com/kbd/setup/blob/master/HOME/bin/fzr
       | Basically, prefix any jq command (or rg, or anything you can
       | think of) with fzr and it'll give you an interactive interpreter
       | for your query. People have written a number of dedicated jq
       | interactive repls, but not much is needed beyond fzf.
       | leo-mednet wrote:
       | If you are like me and cannot get any of these goodies working in
       | zsh on Mac OS, do this:
       | $(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install
       | assuming you've installed fzf with brew.
       | shmerl wrote:
       | fzf lua is a cool plugin for neovim:
       | https://github.com/ibhagwan/fzf-lua
       | So you don't need to do stuff like                   vi $(find .
       | '/' | fzf)
       | And instead can use fzf from inside the editor.
       | It also supports integrating it with fdfind and ripgrep.
       | elAhmo wrote:
       | jump (https://github.com/gsamokovarov/jump) is something I use as
       | I didn't know about Alt-C. Highly recommended
         | noloblo wrote:
         | Jump's database is empty. This could mean:
         | 1. You are running jump for the first time. Have you integrated
         | jump with your shell? Run the following command for help:
         | $ jump shell             If you have run the integration, enter
         | a few directories in a new shell to        populate the
         | database.             Are you coming from autojump or z? You
         | can import their existing scoring        databases into jump
         | with:                 $ jump import
         | Doesn't work afaik / Tried all doesn't work how do you set this
         | up @elAhmo
         | BeetleB wrote:
         | I use autojump (very similar).
         | Now combine the two: autojump and fzf. Basically look at all
         | the directories in the jump database and pass that to fzf
         | (sorted by frequency). You'll be amazed at what an improvement
         | that is. I've bound it to Alt-j on my shell. I use it a ton
         | more than Alt-c.
         | rocketbop wrote:
         | I'm exactly in the same boat, after using both programs for
         | years. Now I wonder if I can or should unlearn my j muscle
         | memory.
           | noloblo wrote:
           | how does it work, where do you use it
           | does not do anything useful on my mac m1
           | j '' '' '' '' ''
       | spearman wrote:
       | Thanks for this. I didn't know about the built-in-cd. For anyone
       | on macOS trying to get Alt-C to work see
       | https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/issues/164.
         | trufas wrote:
         | If any other alacritty on macos users were looking for a
         | workaround:
         | https://github.com/alacritty/alacritty/issues/93#issuecommen...
         | Apparently an option_as_alt option should also be introduced in
         | the next release.
         | baq wrote:
         | TL;DR - Esc+C works (yes you read that right, Esc+C)
       | ww520 wrote:
       | Quick question. How do you set up the key bindings for the
       | command prompt window on Windows? The control-r, alt-c, etc.
         | BeetleB wrote:
         | I use xonsh on Windows, and set up the keybindings there. It,
         | frankly, is messy to do so in xonsh.
         | thunderbong wrote:
         | In my PowerShell profile I have the following -
         | Remove-PSReadlineKeyHandler 'Ctrl+r'       Remove-
         | PSReadlineKeyHandler 'Ctrl+t'       Import-Module PSFzf
         | All other shortcuts worked out of the box!
       | endorphine wrote:
       | Am I the only one that tried fzf as a replacement to the default
       | Ctrl+R behavior, then switched back?
       | I'm perfectly satisfied with the default Ctrl+R functionality, to
       | the point that fzf seemed to add visual clutter without any
       | value.
       | I guess I was never let down by inverse search.
       | Context: I'm using Linux and doing SWE and SRE work, and
       | constantly live in the terminal.
         | bloopernova wrote:
         | Imagine you have a bunch of different for loops and you want to
         | get the one that ran a specific command. You can use something
         | like "history | grep for | grep command" or you can use fzf.
         | Ctrl-r, type "f o r <space>" then type "c o m m" and you'll
         | quickly narrow down the search results.
         | It's the fuzziness that really beats ordinary ctrl-r, being
         | able to search on multiple fragments of text is just fantastic.
         | andelink wrote:
         | The default ctrl+r behavior doesn't allow me to scroll up
         | through my history of matches, which is always disappointing.
         | Often it's some random incantation I'm trying to search for
         | that shares a prefix with other more common commands and the
         | default ctrl+r requires me to type out far enough to be unique,
         | which defeats the purpose of history search. Maybe I'm missing
         | some essential behavior that I'm not familiar with.
           | babuskov wrote:
           | I don't know if the version I have is somewhat special, but I
           | can simply keep pressing ctrl+r to search "up" for the next
           | match.
           | So, type: ctrl+r, prefix, and then keep pressing ctrl+r to
           | find everything that matches the prefix.
         | kubanczyk wrote:
         | Not a hard choice. So far I stick to the vanilla C-r, same as
         | you.
         | But I also remember that I can C-r /fzf/ and it will search
         | back to the command:                  source
         | /usr/share/doc/fzf/examples/key-bindings.bash
         | which will instantly upgrade my search capabilities, if I'm
         | stuck. Which doesn't really happen that much.
         | I think the main part of my vanilla C-r experience is that I
         | trained myself to remember commands differently. I somehow
         | remember exact char-to-char tokens, like the "/fzf/" substring
         | above. Or for a more extreme example "ose -p d" when I try to
         | find:                   docker compose -p devenv exec myservice
         | /bin/sh
         | Weirdly, I kinda know that if used "se -p d" instead (shorter)
         | it would land me on a wrong command (so, not shorter).
         | jnsaff2 wrote:
         | For me (in a similar role to you) Ctrl+R is the main reason of
         | having fzf. Quality of Life improvement is immense.
       | jrm4 wrote:
       | I don't think this article goes far enough into what a game-
       | changer fzf can be.
       | Combined with some clever "preview" functions, and a pop-up
       | terminal function (which, that part is admittedly harder than it
       | ought to be) it can be an across the board a better _general
       | purpose_ script menu creator than most command line AND GUI
       | tools, namely due to
       | - instant previews AND
       | - the ability to either arrow up and down OR fuzzy type what you
       | want.
       | For me, it renders, e.g. "select in" and "case" functions in Bash
       | completely obsolete. At any time, if I want quick selection of
       | anything that can be a list, my first thought is, can I do this
       | with fzf?
         | rakoo wrote:
         | I have ~200 lines of scripts that use fzf and mblaze
         | (https://github.com/leahneukirchen/mblaze) as the ui for my
         | very own mua. It's all Unixy and lovely. I should write a page
         | about that
         | grimgrin wrote:
         | agreed. preview rips
         | i was confused how to adjust the width and figured it out,
         | here's where i asked, learned, and shared my figlet script
         | fzfont
         | https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/discussions/3211
         | https://asciinema.org/a/grALSk2M1tkVPiiyrAGCbdX5J (without
         | width adjustment iirc)
       | wanderingmind wrote:
       | The article talks about rg (ripgrep) but not rga (ripgrepall)[1]
       | which extends rg to other file types like pdf, tar, zip. The rga
       | website provides a function on integrating it with fzf[2] to
       | interactively search documents from terminal.
       | [1] https://github.com/phiresky/ripgrep-all
       | [2] https://github.com/phiresky/ripgrep-
       | all/blob/master/doc/rga-...
       | E39M5S62 wrote:
       | fzf is fantastic. We use it to generate the entire interface of
       | ZFSBootMenu -
       | https://docs.zfsbootmenu.org/en/latest/_images/v2.1.0-multi-... .
       | It's leagues ahead of any other fuzzy finder in terms of
       | scripting and layout capabilities.
       | enriquto wrote:
       | The interface is really cool. But is it possible to globally set
       | the default "fuzziness" to zero? I'd like to get only exact
       | matches in all circumstances.
       | spapas82 wrote:
       | > And I found myself asking: Where the heck is nginx.conf?
       | The author lists some ways but misses the _standard_ Unix way:
       | simply use locate https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locate_(Unix)
       | Using locate maybe piped to grep is good enough for all my
       | finding needs
       | gregopet wrote:
       | We have an IoT command server and connecting to one of the
       | devices (for maintenance, logs or whatever) involved two manual
       | lookups in the output of two commands and then finding your match
       | in both. I was sick of this one day and with some grep, sed, awk
       | and finally fzf, you could just sort of type the device's name
       | and press "enter" to connect.
       | People's reaction when I showed them was basically WHAT IS THIS
       | MAGIC?!?
         | jon-wood wrote:
         | This is fantastic - I'm in a similar situation, and just threw
         | together a quick FZF incantation to look up a device's ID for
         | use in other commands.
       | atemerev wrote:
       | So, just like what fish shell gives out of the box :)
         | streb-lo wrote:
         | I'm a recent fish convert (from zsh) and I love it.
         | The only thing that annoys me is working with Android AOSP
         | requires sourcing a bunch of bash functions that I don't feel
         | like porting to fish so I'm occasionally required to drop into
         | bash whereas with zsh and it's POSIX compatibility I could just
         | source the bash functions and it would work fine. But fish's
         | completions work much better out of the box and they have some
         | useful features like being aware of your history in each
         | directory.
         | wkdneidbwf wrote:
         | i love and daily-drive fish, but i don't think fish does
         | everything fzf does. did you stop reading the article at
         | ctrl-r?
           | mattgreenrocks wrote:
           | I like this: https://github.com/PatrickF1/fzf.fish
           | It's one of the few packages that I think genuinely enhance
           | fish versus merely adding a bunch of cruft.
       | spyremeown wrote:
       | Alright, you convinced me. Damn great article!
       | BeetleB wrote:
       | Other uses for fzf:
       | - Combine it with autojump[1] and quickly navigate to any
       | directory you've navigated to before (sorted by frequency). This
       | is crazy helpful.
       | - Use it for git branch names
       | - Use it for ssh locations
       | [1] https://github.com/wting/autojump
         | wetpaws wrote:
         | how do I use it with autojump?
           | BeetleB wrote:
           | autojump -s gets you the entries in the database.
           | You have to parse it to extract the directories without all
           | the metadata it spits out.
           | Then you probably need to write a shell function in your
           | preferred shell to tie the pieces together, as well as assign
           | it to a keybinding. It's not too hard.
           | I use xonsh for my shell, so my config probably won't help.
           | And doing it in xonsh is probably a lot messier than doing it
           | in Bash.
       | jpe90 wrote:
       | if anyone is interested, here's a blog post about using fzf's
       | file preview feature to preview grep results:
       | https://jeskin.net/blog/grep-fzf-clp/
       | rjzzleep wrote:
       | fzf actually has a huge list of functions for the shell to use on
       | their wiki
       | https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/wiki/examples
       | m47h4r wrote:
       | I had no idea about alt+c, that's a game changer for me. great
       | intro.
       | [deleted]
       | ursuscamp wrote:
       | I've been using fzf for a long time, but I didn't even know about
       | Ctrl-R. Since I use fish, I've been used to just typing some
       | random part of an old command, then hitting the Up key to cycle
       | through old commands with that snippet. I'm going to have to give
       | this a real shot.
       | jraph wrote:
       | I've been seeing mentions of fzf for some time but this article
       | might make it try it.
       | Zsh's H-S-MW plugin [1], which provides multi word CTRL+R to
       | search the history + a couple of half-assed tools I wrote [2]
       | seem to cover most of the think I would need fzf for, but maybe
       | fzf would work better or be a useful addition to my toolset.
       | Maybe it could replace those half-assed tools.
       | Of course I intensively use ripgrep.
       | [1] https://github.com/z-shell/H-S-MW
       | [2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34495070
       | ryanbigg wrote:
       | I also like a Ctrl+T for finding a file in the current directory.
       | For example:                  bundle exec rspec <Ctrl+T>
         | grimgrin wrote:
         | i use it a lot but want an accompanying binding just for
         | directories
         | edit: okay done
         | http://i.imgur.com/n12DYUu.png
         | Two examples in case you have a preference w/ or w/o the
         | preview:                   fzf_insert_directory_preview() {
         | local dir           dir=$(find . -type d -not -path '*/\.*' |
         | fzf --height 40% --reverse --preview 'tree -C {} | head -200')
         | if [[ -n $dir ]]; then
         | READLINE_LINE="${READLINE_LINE}${dir}"
         | READLINE_POINT=$((${#READLINE_LINE}))           fi         }
         | fzf_insert_directory() {           local dir
         | dir=$(find . -type d -not -path '*/\.*' | fzf --height 40%
         | --reverse)           if [[ -n $dir ]]; then
         | READLINE_LINE="${READLINE_LINE}${dir}"
         | READLINE_POINT=$((${#READLINE_LINE}))           fi         }
         | bind -x '"\ey": fzf_insert_directory_preview' # alt-y
         | bind -x '"\et": fzf_insert_directory' # alt-t
         | http://ix.io/4rtn/sh
         | Sent from a LLM
       | 1-more wrote:
       | Two things I use fuzzy finder for:
       | 1. flog: go to git branches I had checked out in the past quickly
       | 2. pr: preview and check out PRs I've been assigned to review
       | flog () {          branch="$(             git branch
       | --sort=-committerdate --format="%(committerdate:relative)%09%(ref
       | name:short)%09%(subject)" \             | column -ts $'\t' \
       | | fzf \             | sed 's/.*ago \+\([^ ]*\) .*/\1/'
       | )"           git co $branch || (           echo -n "git co
       | $branch" | pbcopy          )         }              errcho() {
       | echo "$@" 1>&2         }                  jq_query=$(cat <<- EOF
       | map(               { key: "\(.number)"               , value:
       | { line: "\(.number):\(if .isDraft then "" else " "
       | end):\(.author.login):\(.title):\(.headRefName)"
       | , body: "# \(.number): \(.title)         ## \(.headRefName)
       | \(.body)"                 }               }             )
       | | from_entries         EOF         )                  pr () {
       | local gh_user=${1:-}                    if [ -z "$gh_user" ];
       | then             gh_user="@me"           fi
       | tmpFile=$(mktemp /tmp/prs-XXXXXX.json)                    cleanup
       | () {             rm "$tmpFile"           }
       | trap cleanup EXIT           gh pr list -S "review-
       | requested:${gh_user}" \           --json
       | number,title,headRefName,body,author,isDraft \           | jq -r
       | "$jq_query" > "$tmpFile"                    preview_command="\
       | jq -r '.[\"{1}\"].body' $tmpFile \             | pandoc -f gfm -t
       | markdown      \             | glow -s light -           "
       | pr_number=$(             jq -r \               'to_entries |
       | map(.value.line) | join("         ")' \               "$tmpFile"
       | \             | column -t -s: \             | fzf
       | \                 --ansi                       \
       | --delimiter=' '              \
       | --preview="$preview_command" \                 --preview-
       | window=up:80%      \             | grep -o '^[0-9]\+'           )
       | if [ -n "$pr_number" ]; then             errcho "checking out
       | #$pr_number"             gh pr checkout "$pr_number" && gh pr
       | view --web "$pr_number" && git pull || echo -e "gh pr checkout
       | $pr_number && gh pr view --web $pr_number && git pull"
       | else             errcho "canceled"           fi         }
       | phforms wrote:
       | I really like the suggested command `<my editor> $(fzf)` to
       | quickly open files in <my editor> relative to the directory I am
       | in. However, when I abort the fuzzy find with esc, it still opens
       | <my editor> without a file input, which is not what I want, so I
       | wrote a little script for my shell config to prevent this:
       | fuzz() {         file=$(fzf)         if [ ${#file} -gt 0 ]; then
       | nvim "$file"  # or any editor you prefer         else           :
       | fi       }
         | hiAndrewQuinn wrote:
         | I hope this article along with this comment serves as a gateway
         | drug for people to realize fzf is also really useful in
         | injecting some interactivity into their shell scripts. It
         | _feels_ different to write scripts which call down fzf from the
         | heavens for a split second.
           | phforms wrote:
           | I am very new to shell scripting and as I wrote the script, I
           | actually just realized that I can plug anything into fzf that
           | is split into lines of text and that I can use the selected
           | output for further processing, since it's just text.
           | I just love how simple it is to stick anything together via
           | the universal plain text interface in the shell and even pipe
           | this text/dataflow through interactive tools like fzf, as you
           | just mentioned.
       | _dain_ wrote:
       | For me the killer feature is fuzzy tab completion.
       | https://github.com/Aloxaf/fzf-tab
       | Install this, get an instant improvement to anything you do on
       | the terminal. It works with any existing program with tab
       | completion.
       | MayeulC wrote:
       | Interesting, I'm of the first kind, who uninstalled it quickly.
       | I use ctrl-r a lot, though I have no issue remembering exact
       | portions of the commands, but that may just be me.
       | I'll give it another try.
       | In the same vein as ripgrep (rg), I recommand the author (and
       | everybody else) to give fd-find (fd) a try as a replacement to
       | find. It's much, much faster (multithreaded search), and has
       | better defaults to use from the shell (doesn't complain about
       | these permissions issues, and `fd abc` is equivalent to `find.
       | -iname ' _abc_ '`.
       | A few comments here mention it already, but I wanted to recommend
       | it.
         | vonseel wrote:
         | I loveeee fd! About the only time I reach for find is if I need
         | to do something with printf.
         | I've noticed a bunch of CLI tools recently released written in
         | rust that are along this same line of being snappy and well-
         | written. Fclones, ripgrep, paru, fd, exa, to name a few. This
         | probably has more to do with the type of developers the rust
         | platform attracts, rather than the language itself (many
         | awesome tools have been written in go recently as well). But
         | yea, devs who have an interest in Linux and command line tools
         | tend to be great IMO :)
       | djcannabiz wrote:
       | That blew my mind, thanks so much for sharing
       | lumb63 wrote:
       | I've never used fzf before and live in a shell all day, but the
       | capabilities shown in the article doesn't seem very useful to me.
       | Am I missing something?
       | For Ctrl+R, how many times are people running similar variants of
       | commands that they 1) don't know what they typed and 2) didn't
       | think to simplify their workflow to not be running duplicated
       | commands?
       | For Alt+C, are peoples' file and directory layouts such a mess
       | that they need to search entire directory trees to find what
       | they're looking for?
       | I'm confused.
         | wahnfrieden wrote:
         | it's simple: search can be a better interface than manual
         | tagging and organizing
         | BeetleB wrote:
         | Regarding Ctrl+R: Forget fzf for a moment and ask if you _ever_
         | use it or some similar history command. If you do, then fzf is
         | automatically a better interface than the default one.
         | If you don't, then yes, I use it all the time to find the exact
         | command I typed in a few weeks ago. I'm not going to memorize
         | all the options I passed in, etc.
         | For Alt+C: Useful even if you organize things very well. I'm in
         | my home directory. I have
         | /home/me/media/video/youtube/channel_name. I want to go in
         | there. That's a lot of typing (even with Tab autocompletion).
         | When I can just press Alt+C and type perhaps 4 characters of
         | the channel name and I'm instantly in that directory. Do this
         | 100 times over for different directories and the benefits
         | become obvious. In the past I would put convenient symlinks to
         | get to deeper directories quickly, and I now realize that
         | approach is just a hack due to a poor navigation interface.
         | Timpy wrote:
         | > For Alt+C, are peoples' file and directory layouts such a
         | mess that they need to search entire directory trees to find
         | what they're looking for?
         | Have you ever joined a new project? Usually they're both messy
         | and you don't know where anything is.
         | Besides, even now with plenty of familiarity in my current
         | legacy code base I can use fzf to type filenames or directories
         | without typing the full path.
         | Ctrl+R is great for those repeat commands in your shell history
         | that you want to use right now but don't want to add to your
         | .bashrc, like repeatedly running a script with some arguments.
         | I think the value of searching your history is self evident.
           | mrguyorama wrote:
           | >Have you ever joined a new project?
           | Shouldn't your new team members work to help onboard you
           | instead? Shouldn't you get ample training in your job?
             | csdvrx wrote:
             | You dropped your /s
         | vlunkr wrote:
         | For Ctrl+R, suppose you ran 'curl' against a bunch of API
         | endpoints on a single domain name 2 months ago. I can now
         | easily find one without knowing too much detail by fuzzy
         | searching curl+part_of_domain_name+part_of_path.
         | For Alt+C, yes files and directories are often a huge mess. It
         | may be no fault of your own. Maybe you're working with a giant
         | legacy codebase or digging into node_modules. Now you can type
         | 'vim Alt+C', to find and immediately open whatever you're
         | looking for.
         | Of course this can all be done other ways, but it's very
         | convenient and very fast when paired with ripgrep especially.
           | spapas82 wrote:
           | I usually do a `history | grep something | grep
           | somethingelse` to find stuff in my history
         | Topgamer7 wrote:
         | I use Ctrl+R profusely. I don't like hitting up to cycle
         | through recent commands.
         | Also sometimes I want to run something I haven't run in several
         | days.
         | akira2501 wrote:
         | Not often, and when that does happen a 'grep .histfile' seems
         | more than adequate for finding these one off's.
         | Likewise, if you get your directory layout rationalized, good
         | tab completion and disambiguation feels like all you would
         | need.
         | agumonkey wrote:
         | fuzzy matching is honestly vastly superior to any sequential
         | search, the few times where the match is incorrect still feels
         | a better time investment as a user
         | dharmab wrote:
         | I use Ctrl+R instead of hitting my up arrow key until I find a
         | command I want to reuse.
       | gajus wrote:
       | How is fzf different from hstr?
       | itchynosedev wrote:
       | You can also go to the specific line you pick from fzf search
       | nvim $(rg . --vimgrep | fzf | awk -F: '{print $1, "+" $2+0}')
       | mrzool wrote:
       | I loved this article since I was one of those who installed fzf,
       | didn't get it, and walked away (at least twice).
       | conradludgate wrote:
       | I love fuzzy shell history. Game changer in terms of shell
       | productivity.
       | I use atuin[0] instead of fzf as I find the experience a bit
       | nicer and it has history backups built in (disclaimer, I am a
       | maintainer)
       | Some of our users still prefer fzf because they are used to how
       | it fuzzy finds, but we're running an experiment with skim[1]
       | which allows us to embed the fuzzy engine without much overhead -
       | hopefully giving them back that fzf-like experience
       | [0]: https://github.com/ellie/atuin [1]:
       | https://github.com/lotabout/skim
         | noroot wrote:
         | I wanted to like atuin. The idea is great. But it just could
         | not match the instant search that ctrl-r with fzf offers sadly.
         | There is always a noticeable delay that annoyed me and made me
         | revert back to fzf for search.
         | For me another issue was that I needed to do more keystrokes
         | for the same behaviour (search a previously ran command and
         | execute it).
         | Fuzzy shell history search is just one of those mind-blowing
         | things. I love my history, it's such a trove and I can trust it
         | to work as some kind of external memory (it's enough to vaguely
         | know the kubectl command, or that I want to "du -h | sort" to
         | see what is using disk space, etc).
           | psYchotic wrote:
           | I also had a rather noticeable delay when launching atuin. As
           | it turns out, this was because it checked for an update every
           | time it launched! You can disable that update check: add a `
           | update_check = false` to your `~/.config/atuin/config.toml`
           | [1]. That made the delay pretty much disappear for me.
           | [1]: https://atuin.sh/docs/config/#update_check
             | MayeulC wrote:
             | What? I don't expect any tool to interact with the network
             | if it's not made specifically for this (curl, netcat, etc).
             | This would betray my expectations, I find it unacceptable.
               | conradludgate wrote:
               | It's one of our key features
               | > backup and sync encrypted shell history
               | But it's up to you. You can disable any sync features by
               | installing with `--no-default-features --features client`
               | set. Your application won't have any networking features
               | built into the binary then
             | ellieh wrote:
             | Yeah we accidentally had this blocking :/ It does only
             | check once an hour though, and can totally be disabled!
             | We introduced this as we found a lot of people reporting
             | bugs that had already been fixed + they just needed to
             | update, or users on the sync server that were >1yr behind
             | on updates (making improvements really difficult to
             | introduce).
             | conradludgate wrote:
             | We actually fixed the delay issue, but since you disabled
             | update checking you wouldn't have known to update!
             | It was quite annoying so we're sorry for that
               | psYchotic wrote:
               | Oh, it's nice you fixed it, thanks! And don't worry, I
               | updated atuin, as it's in my distro's repository (which
               | is why I wasn't worried about disabling the update
               | check).
               | pmarreck wrote:
               | How would you compare this to, say, McFly?
               | https://github.com/cantino/mcfly
               | conradludgate wrote:
               | Not too different.
               | * We use heuristic based searches whereas mcfly trains a
               | neural network * We offer a sync functionality to share
               | history on multiple machines
               | mcfly is a great project, although they are looking for
               | new maintainers apparently!
               | reddit_clone wrote:
               | Intrigued by local-directory-first feature of McFly (It
               | brings up commands you previously executed in that folder
               | first). I tried it for a bit. But there was noticeable
               | lag compared to FZF and also the UI was a bit shaky.
               | Went back to FZF (in Zsh).
               | I have a seven year zsh history. That may be a
               | contributing factor for the issues ?
           | conradludgate wrote:
           | As I put in a child reply, that delay should be fixed.
           | But if you can't get past the double-enter, then I
           | understand.
           | I think there was some work to fix that, I'll check up on it.
           | Thanks for the reminder
         | pmarreck wrote:
         | I'm a fan of McFly https://github.com/cantino/mcfly
         | tasuki wrote:
         | I love fzf because it's so much more than a shell history
         | explorer!
         | xxxtentachyon wrote:
         | If that's your use case, here's another game changer (one line
         | bashrc change to make bash_history changes immediately, rather
         | than upon shell exit, e.g. when you end your tmux session):
         | https://web.archive.org/web/20090815205011/http://www.cuberi...
           | drekipus wrote:
           | Oh wow thank you for this.
           | CuteDepravity wrote:
           | Meta question : do you keep the archive.org link of the
           | article in your favorite or did you manually look up the link
           | before posting? Or maybe an extension that does that
           | automatically?
           | yesenadam wrote:
           | Thank you!! Why on earth isn't that the default. It always
           | seemed weird that with multiple bash windows open, the
           | commands from most of them weren't added to the history.
             | noxvilleza wrote:
             | My guesses are that it's on-close so you can follow the
             | per-shell history slightly easier (rather than it being
             | interleaved from multiple shells?), or reducing disk
             | writes?
         | larschdk wrote:
         | Fuzzy history is nice, but the real game changer for me was the
         | ability to pretty much stop remembering paths in big projects.
         | The default keybindings provide the Ctrl-T shortcut to insert a
         | path/filename on the command line using fuzzy search and Alt-C
         | to fuzzy-cd. No more tedious completion - just search + enter.
           | reddit_clone wrote:
           | Same thing with Emacs with Projectile.
           | I can't believe people still using a tree view of a deeply
           | nested project and clicking though directories and finally
           | finding a file.
           | I am not willing to type more than a few characters for any
           | file in the project. Fuzzy finding with quick narrowing FTW.
         | totetsu wrote:
         | Fuzzy find would have been great with discworld mud
         | nathanwh wrote:
         | Something I've always wanted from my shell history is to be
         | able to record relative filepaths as their absolute equivalent
         | in the history, is that supported in atuin?. If you do a lot of
         | data munging on the CLI, you end up with a lot of commands like
         | `jq 'complicated_selector' data.json`, which if I want to
         | remember the selector is good, but if I want to remember which
         | data I ran it on is not so good. I could do it with better
         | filenames but that would involve thinking ahead. I also run
         | into this a lot trying to remember exactly which local file has
         | been uploaded to s3 by looking at shell history.
           | reddit_clone wrote:
           | I sometime use a #a-text-comment at the end of long/complex
           | command line incantation. Easy to find using fzf at a later
           | date. Also can provide you with a quick context.
             | sodapopcan wrote:
             | So scrappy and simple-I love it!
           | ryanianian wrote:
           | File paths are just strings from the shell, though, and each
           | tool can handle relative paths differently. So `./` can mean
           | relative to your shell's cwd or the program could interpret
           | it as relative to something else. Moreover something like `go
           | test -v ./...` is...ambiguous.
           | I think what would be more useful is to record `env` or some
           | similar context along with the time and command. That would
           | probably get weird pretty fast, though. Maybe just a thing
           | that could insert some useful bookmarking/state into the
           | history record on-demand? `history-set-checkpoint` or
           | something would save your pwd and local vars or something.
           | asdff wrote:
           | Issues like this are why I write everything into scripts and
           | pipelines, even the munging. This way everything is
           | documented: the environment, the input, the output, the log
           | file, what ran, and longform comments with why I was doing
           | it.
             | darkwater wrote:
             | Good choice but that for me breaks the "carpe Diem" part of
             | the inspiration that can go away in a whim, that it's what
             | I have when I'm writing (complex) one liners in the shell.
             | Or maybe I'm just lazy.
               | asdff wrote:
               | Just have two windows open, your console and your editor.
               | If you ran a command that worked just copy and paste it
               | into the editor. There's your script if you didn't want
               | to get fancy. If you copied your initial cd command or
               | whatever you'd know what the relative paths were
               | referring too as well (although this issue is why I have
               | gotten into the habit of using a path variable instead of
               | relative or anything hardcoded).
           | conradludgate wrote:
           | Technically. For every command you run, atuin stores the
           | current directory, the time, the duration, the exit code, a
           | session id and your user/host name.
           | With the current directory you should be able to get the
           | absolute path from your relative paths
         | nidnogg wrote:
         | Thanks for the atuin reminder, I knew fzf reminded me of a
         | crate I had on my backlog to try out but I completely forgot
         | the name. I should probably just get to it now.
       | VoodooJuJu wrote:
       | Most useful fzf thing for me is this: history | fzf
         | elAhmo wrote:
         | This is basically what CTRL-R does
           | Topgamer7 wrote:
           | This is exactly what Ctrl+R does.
       | Orangeair wrote:
       | Is there a preceding blog post I could read here? Something like,
       | "So you've just heard of fzf for the first time, what even is
       | it?" I was kind of surprised that the author doesn't even make a
       | passing attempt to define or explain it.
         | petepete wrote:
         | There isn't, but this one provides a good overview.
         | https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/fzf-linux-fuzzy-finder
         | The tl;dr is that it provides terminal fuzzy finding that can
         | be plugged into just about any task that involves finding
         | things.
         | I use it many times an hour, it's the main way I navigate files
         | and buffers in nvim, it's how I find files in my projects, it's
         | how I select sessions in tmux.
         | I'd be lost without it.
           | Orangeair wrote:
           | Thanks for the link!
       | calmoo wrote:
       | fzf is super useful for navigating and switching git branches I
       | realised today [1]                   function gbll(){
       | local tags branches target         branches=$(           git
       | --no-pager branch --sort=-committerdate \             --format="%
       | (if)%(HEAD)%(then)%(else)%(if:equals=HEAD)%(refname:strip=3)%(the
       | n)%(else)%1B[0;34;1mbranch%09%1B[m%(refname:short)%(end)%(end)" \
       | | sed '/^$/d') || return         tags=$(           git --no-pager
       | tag | awk '{print "\x1b[35;1mtag\x1b[m\t" $1}') || return
       | target=$(           (echo "$branches"; echo "$tags") |
       | fzf --no-hscroll --no-multi -n 2 \               --ansi
       | --preview="git --no-pager log -150 --pretty=format:%s '..{2}'")
       | || return         git checkout $(awk '{print $2}' <<<"$target" )
       | }
       | [1]https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/wiki/Examples#git
         | kbd wrote:
         | Agree I use fzf _extensively_ in my git aliases:
         | https://github.com/kbd/setup/blob/master/HOME/.config/git/co...
         | Perfect example: my "cherry pick" alias:                   cp =
         | !git pick-branch | xargs git pick-commits | tac | xargs -t git
         | cherry-pick
         | Those "pick-" aliases pop up fzf to let me choose a branch,
         | then commits to cherry pick. No more copying hashes anywhere.
         | Similarly, my alias for git add lets me fzf-select a list of
         | files to stage based on what "git status" reports.
         | agilob wrote:
         | https://github.com/bigH/git-fuzzy
       | sva_ wrote:
       | If anyone who uses i3 needs an fzf application launcher in their
       | lives, adding the following two lines to your config will make
       | $mod+d open it as a floating window in the middle (uses rxvt-
       | unicode):                   bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id
       | urxvt -title "fzf-menu-random123" -e bash -c 'i3-dmenu-desktop
       | --dmenu=fzf'         for_window [title="fzf-menu-random123"]
       | floating enable
       | guestbest wrote:
       | I wish we still had Perl one liners since it is installed
       | everywhere vi and gawk is installed. I've never seen fzf in the
       | wild.
         | roomey wrote:
         | I know, I am so used to ending up on different servers, I am
         | worried about installing this on my own workstation, and
         | getting used to it!
         | I find myself getting tripped up even with zsh missing.
       | [deleted]
       | kelnos wrote:
       | I'd never heard of fzf before! It looks like there's a lot of
       | cool stuff you can do with it, but honestly, I think it's worth
       | it even just to replace the frustrating ctrl+R search in bash,
       | which I use a lot, but constantly dislike.
       | I feel like with a lot of these kinds of tools, if I have to
       | actually actively use them, I forget that they exist ('z'[0]
       | ended up being like this for me) and eventually remove them, but
       | something that directly replaces something I use regularly (but
       | hate the UX of) is perfect for me.
       | Another bit that helps is that I'm not having to learn/remember
       | something new that I'll only have on my laptop. I'll continue to
       | ctrl+R and get a nicer experience, but if I'm ssh'ed into some
       | random box without fzf, ctrl+R will still work, just with a worse
       | experience.
       | [0] https://github.com/rupa/z
       | strangelove026 wrote:
       | I've got a couple git aliases that are nice.
       | Use tab to select multiple git branches that are deleted when you
       | hit enter
       | alias gbD="git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)'
       | refs/heads | fzf -m | xargs git branch -D"
       | Lists git branches and checkouts the selected
       | alias gcof="git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)'
       | refs/heads | fzf | xargs git checkout"
       | mickeyp wrote:
       | If you're an Emacs user, then why not use Emacs as your fuzzy
       | finder on the command line. I wrote about this a while back:
       | https://www.masteringemacs.org/article/fuzzy-finding-emacs-i...
       | Yoofie wrote:
       | So I might aswell ask here: I want to search for a string using
       | ripgrep, select one of the files from the result list using FZF
       | and then open the selected file with VS code.
       | > rg . | fzf
       | How do I do this on windows (NOT Linux)??
       | *Note:* Assume I already have ripgrep, FZF & VS Code installed.
         | BeetleB wrote:
         | Use xonsh in Windows (seriously!)
         | https://xon.sh/
         | thunderbong wrote:
         | The exact same command worked for me on Windows in PowerShell!
         | In fact, I went and tried the other shortcuts and they worked
         | as well e.g. Alt+C
         | Didn't know about this all this while and I had fzf installed!
         | Joker_vD wrote:
         | You open Total Commander in that folder, press Alt+F7, put your
         | string into the lower search box and press search. It will give
         | you the list of matching files, with F3 available for quick
         | preview; then you right click the file you need and choose
         | "Open with VS Code" from the context menu.
         | Sadly, you don't get the "context" (the content of actual
         | matches) out of the box, you'll have to resort to double-
         | tapping F3 while manually going down the file list. That's a
         | downside, I fully admit that.
           | BeetleB wrote:
           | I use orthodox file managers heavily (mc, FAR, etc). Your
           | approach was my norm for over 20 years. However, fzf is the
           | first tool I've found that far exceeds the file managers in
           | speed of navigation.
           | Yoofie wrote:
           | I appreciate your answer but the whole point is to do
           | everything from the command line. If I need to use another
           | application, I can just open VS Code in the directory and
           | search from there directly.
           | In the article, they provide this:
           | >rg . | fzf | cut -d ":" -f 1
           | What would be the easy windows equivalent of
           | > cut -d ":" -f 1
           | ??
             | spapas82 wrote:
             | cut is a part of git for windows. It should be inside
             | "c:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\" folder. So after adding
             | this folder to your path `rg . | fzf | cut -d ":" -f 1`
             | should work. However I wasn't able to actually use that to
             | open that file in vscode or vim because the application
             | started immediately without waiting to pick a file ...
       | pdntspa wrote:
       | > I reviewed my options. I could > Use my half-remembered
       | knowledge of the FHS to guess around, with trees and greps, or >
       | Just know and commit it to memory and feel superior to everyone
       | else, or > Just pipe find . '/' to fzf and start searching.
       | Or you could have just typed find / -name nginx.conf
       | Maybe an extra 2>/dev/null if you dont want to do it from sudo
         | hiAndrewQuinn wrote:
         | Notice in that section I called it within a subshell. If I ran
         | `vi $(find / -name nginx.conf)`, and there happened to be
         | multiple files named nginx.conf lying around my system, my
         | guess is `vi` would try to open all of them as different
         | buffers, which is not generally what I want.
       | renewiltord wrote:
       | I have `,fv` running `nvim $(fzf)` and it's actually a little
       | annoying because afterwards I can't find the filename that I had
       | open. I wish there were some way to expand it into my history.
         | themadsens wrote:
         | You can: Help for bash 'history -s args': The args are added to
         | the end of the history list as a single entry
           | renewiltord wrote:
           | Thank you. I must find the equivalent zsh command.
       | BiteCode_dev wrote:
       | Fantastic article.
       | I was exactly in the situation the article describes, I installed
       | it, then, didn't find a use case.
       | But that's because Ubuntu doesn't come with completion enabled by
       | default.
       | You have to add in your bashrc:                   if [ -e
       | /usr/share/doc/fzf/examples/key-bindings.bash ]; then
       | source /usr/share/doc/fzf/examples/key-bindings.bash         fi
       | The fzf and ubuntu docs don't mention you have to.
       | Couldn't find easily how to do it with google, but chatgpt saved
       | the day once again.
         | AiAi wrote:
         | Thanks fore sharing. I was also lost reading this article,
         | because I installed with apt (Debian). After searching for "fzf
         | + Ctrl+R" I found about the keybindings part.
         | zokier wrote:
         | Strictly speaking the ubuntu/debian docs do mention it, but
         | yeah its not super discoverable: https://salsa.debian.org/go-
         | team/packages/fzf/-/blob/master/...
         | triyambakam wrote:
         | The default install script asks if you want to install key
         | bindings and adds that to your bashrc. How did you install fzf?
           | sickmartian wrote:
           | Not parent but on pop-os, using sudo apt install zfz I got
           | the same behavior, had to add it myself to .bashrc
             | acka wrote:
             | Pretty much par for the course, Linux distributions don't
             | do per user configuration of tools beyond appending to PATH
             | or setting some essential environment variables using
             | scripts in in /etc/profile.d/. They will most certainly not
             | mess with login scripts.
               | sophacles wrote:
               | Yeah sure, that makes sense. I'm surprised that the .deb
               | doesn't install the stuff from `$upstream/shell` into
               | `/usr/share/fzf` though. That's the sort of thing
               | `/usr/share/$prog` is _intended for_.
               | Then it would just be (in bash anyway):
               | source /usr/share/fzf/keybindings.bash
           | Steltek wrote:
           | apt install? There's no way I'm integrating a core tool like
           | that with a crude "curl | zsh" hack. How and when would it
           | get updated? Am I expected to stick that in an Ansible
           | playbook?
             | turboponyy wrote:
             | A shoutout to home-manager, where it's just
             | programs.fzf.enableBashIntegration = true;
             | tough wrote:
             | https://github.com/gantsign/ansible-role-oh-my-zsh
             | https://github.com/dotstrap/ansible-fzf
             | I don't see why not
             | stevenhuang wrote:
             | Yes. It's a shell hook, it's expected for you to add it to
             | your bash/zsh .rc yourself. How else can it work?
               | 5e92cb50239222b wrote:
               | Packages can place init scripts into /etc/profile.d and
               | those get autoloaded by shells.
               | Steltek wrote:
               | For an article titled "You've installed fzf. Now what?",
               | I would've expected step 1 to be "how to add the shell
               | hook for your particular shell". Especially since people
               | here are referencing extra integrations that the bundled
               | shell hook doesn't setup.
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