[HN Gopher] How to start a React Project in 2023
       How to start a React Project in 2023
       Author : antidnan
       Score  : 92 points
       Date   : 2023-03-23 19:57 UTC (3 hours ago)
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       | wouldbecouldbe wrote:
       | If you enjoy productivity on all levels (also performance) just
       | go with Next. If you are a purist go vanilla js.
         | bmikaili wrote:
         | If you genuinely care about productivity go with Svelte. React
         | is unproductive and unintutive.
           | bottlepalm wrote:
           | Tried it, went well for awhile, but when you get stuck it's
           | tough to find support. Very small community. Probably 1000x
           | less content/resources/references out there for it.
           | On the other hand NextJS/React have been both productive and
           | intuitive. There are so many examples out there and people
           | are constantly talking about the nuances of both here and on
           | other sites.
           | It'd be great to see Next integrate something like
           | TRPC/OpenAPI into it so calls to the backend could be
           | statically typed. That would really polish up the end to end
           | experience.
             | jrsj wrote:
             | You might be interested in this if you weren't already
             | aware of it https://blitzjs.com/
             | I've been using their superjson library with Remix & its
             | pretty much solved all of my client/server type issues.
         | jrsj wrote:
         | Remix is worth checking out as well. I've had a great
         | experience with it so far.
       | stickfigure wrote:
       | Create-react-app is deprecated? And the recommended replacement
       | for SPAs is from the guy that makes Vue? What on earth?
         | ppseafield wrote:
         | It started out as one of his projects - an experiment to see if
         | esbuild and native JS modules support in browsers could be used
         | for development instead of webpack. It's become it's own
         | project and has a large plugin ecosystem. The project doesn't
         | involve vue, although it's the currently prescribed way to
         | build vue projects now.
         | pcthrowaway wrote:
         | Yep, see
         | https://github.com/reactjs/react.dev/pull/5487#issuecomment-...
         | aobdev wrote:
         | It seems crazy, but it's true. Also consider that Vite is a
         | wrapper around 2 tools that are impressive in their own right:
         | esbuild and rollup (and the latter was created by the guy who
         | made svelte!)
       | hoofhearted wrote:
       | I'm currently working on a free open source framework for React
       | developers and I'd love some feedback!
       | It's a batteries included React framework for scaffolding out a
       | Stripe level frontend, complete with a blog and documentation.
       | It's built on top of Next.js, and is essentially free to host. :)
       | Please check out my minimum viable prototype and tell me what you
       | think: https://elegantframework.com
       | ggregoire wrote:
       | I'd add to the article that Vite allows to make React components
       | libraries too. Same tool to build your apps and your libraries.
       | blowski wrote:
       | > However, since SSR is becoming a more important topic these
       | days
       | Is it? This is the first I've heard of this fantastic news.
       | What's changed to have caused the increased importance?
         | chrisfosterelli wrote:
         | IMO the community shifted from SSR to SPA initially very
         | rapidly due to the huge benefits over entirely SSR apps, but it
         | came with some notable pain points and some new frameworks that
         | incorporate parts of SSR have been attracting a lot of
         | attention for solving those pain points.
         | A lot of leading maintainers now feel that the best solution is
         | more of a middle ground where frameworks support both server
         | side and client side rendering with the developers given the
         | flexibility to choose what renders where (or on both) depending
         | on the app's needs. React is driving a lot of this now with
         | server side components, but there's a lot of frameworks that
         | were doing it beforehand which has inspired much of what
         | they're doing now.
       | jcoletti wrote:
       | npx create-next-app@latest myapp
       | joemi wrote:
       | As someone who just decided to learn React (and modern
       | javascript, after 1.5 decades or so of not programming in
       | javascript at all) in the past month or two, I've been extremely
       | frustrated by the documentation (in particular) and the whole
       | state of flux that it's in (in general). When I started with
       | React, all the tutorials/guides on the site said "this is the old
       | documentation, it's about to be replaced" on every single page.
       | Still I worked through it and learned a bit. But by the end of
       | working through it I figured "well, I might as well click the
       | link that's on every page and see what modern React is like". So
       | I tried to follow one of their guides and had issues with the
       | very beginning. But I knew enough React to know what to do to fix
       | the issue, so I did, and proceeded with the new guide, only to
       | hit more problems immediately after that. So I gave up, and just
       | stuck with the "old" way to do React. But then just 1 week after
       | all those issues, the new docs were switched over to be the main
       | docs. I'm honestly kind of afraid to try to work through them
       | again and see if they fixed them already.
       | And now I just read this article, and, well, I'm even less
       | motivated to get into this stuff. Is this just a really bad time
       | for React? Or is it always such a chaotic changing climate around
       | it?
         | ldoughty wrote:
         | I completely agree with this..
         | I have been trying to get into front end JS development and it
         | feels like every guide is broken within 6 months... When I
         | actually succeed at one part, I then realize that to add
         | testing, or bundling, I need to follow this other guide, which
         | isn't stable anymore, and then breaks the whole project. I have
         | tried 4 or 5 times now trying different frameworks and "quick
         | start" features or following recent YouTube videos, giving it
         | 3-5 hours each time, and I can't get a working typescript based
         | UI + test + bundler to work.
         | Edit: I should say, I'm open to any _working_ guides that go
         | from start to bundle that you all know about...
         | pcthrowaway wrote:
         | > As someone who just decided to learn React (and modern
         | javascript, after 1.5 decades or so of not programming in
         | javascript at all
         | Sorry you're experiencing this. It's not "just React" though,
         | it's pretty much all Javascript (or Typescript) now. Especially
         | front-end, but I swear, JS/TS on the front or back is like
         | trying to learn to drive a car in heavy traffic while also
         | repairing the brake lines which are malfunctioning
           | keyle wrote:
           | Saying it's not "just React" is normalising the problem,
           | which I think really doesn't benefit React trying to set
           | itself as the de-facto standard for front-end code.
         | robear wrote:
         | I write React but don't look at the docs much so I am not
         | familiar with all the changes there. The basic concepts of
         | React haven't changed much over its history. Hooks are newer
         | than class components, etc but class components still work.
         | Hooks have been out since 2019 so they aren't exactly new (and
         | they were in the old documentation). React itself has been
         | quite backwards compatible.
         | The Javascript ecosystem tends to have lots of flux with new
         | libraries and ways of doing things coming out all the time. I
         | have found React to be one of the most stable libraries around.
         | I can update versions of React and my code continues to work as
         | before. Libraries that I depend on tend to have more issues
         | with this and version updates can mean changes in the API for
         | the library or a newer version of React not being supported.
         | My suggestion for someone learning React would be to start with
         | the simplest way of getting started and learn React before
         | learning concepts brought in with frameworks, etc. If I were to
         | start learning React today, I would start with Vite.
         | _hao wrote:
         | For context I'm a specialized back-end (but with a lot of
         | experience in desktop GUI/game engine stuff) dev and I also
         | wanted to learn React recently to round off my skills and be
         | more marketable in the job market.
         | Like yourself I also prefer written docs, but trying to find
         | such structured info was an exercise in futility. At the end I
         | used my existing Pluralsight subscription and went through the
         | React 18 path they have which is around 18 hours or so in
         | total. The courses covered different topics around React like
         | components, hooks, testing etc. Good thing is the courses also
         | have full transcripts! I followed them along and created some
         | small apps myself in the process. Now I'm pretty much sure I
         | can handle working with React in a normal job setting. You
         | might want to consider that option. To be honest FE seems like
         | programming on easy mode compared to some of the things I'm
         | used to working on in my day to day. If you are an experienced
         | programmer you should have no problem getting caught up to
         | speed on that relatively quickly.
         | firecall wrote:
         | I've had a similar time reading the Firebase docs for Swift and
         | SwiftUI!
         | ggregoire wrote:
         | > is it always such a chaotic changing climate around it?
         | The old doc was like 10 years old, they just officialized the
         | new one this week.
         | Create React App was the recommended way to build a React app
         | for like forever but Facebook stopped maintaining it 2 or 3
         | years ago. The drop-in replacement is Vite.
         | danlugo92 wrote:
         | Start with The Tao of Redux
         | schwartzworld wrote:
         | It might seem chaotic to you, but the docs change has been a
         | long time coming, and isn't a surprise to anybody.
         | > Is this just a really bad time for React
         | There are some concepts you may struggle with. That's to be
         | expected.
         | But the new docs don't represent negative change. The old docs
         | were not representative of how most react is written today.
         | That was really confusing for newcomers. There's nothing
         | "wrong" with doing it the old way, but most jobs that use React
         | are going to require you to work with hooks in some capacity.
       | rzzzt wrote:
       | An incomplete sampling of the projects/frameworks/libraries
       | mentioned in the article:                 - create-react-app
       | - React       - Vite       - Webpack       - esbuild       -
       | TypeScript       - ESLint       - Vue       - Remix       -
       | Next.js       - OpenNext       - Astro       - Gatsby       -
       | Parcel       - Turborepo       - React Native       - Expo
       | - Tauri       - Electron       - SvelteKit
         | nextaccountic wrote:
         | It comes close, but it isn't mentioning Turbopack [0], the
         | thing I'm using right now to replace webpack. Really happy with
         | it so far. (Turborepo is a sister project, but I'm not sure how
         | the two are related - if Turborepo depends on Turbopack or
         | vice-versa - and in any case I don't need it)
         | [0] https://turbo.build/pack
         | nicoburns wrote:
         | The article does a pretty good job of telling you which ones
         | you need to care about and which ones you don't need to care
         | about. And it's only 4-5 of these for a given project, which
         | would look something like:
         | - TypeScript (langauge) - React (framework) - Vite (build
         | tooling) - ESLint (linter)
         | That's not really any different to any other language. Maybe
         | you have one extra tool in there for the build step.
         | aaronrobinson wrote:
         | What's your point?
           | rzzzt wrote:
           | It's ridiculous.
             | [deleted]
             | nwienert wrote:
             | Can you name another industry in tech that doesn't have a
             | lot of options? Lets try backend, database, infra, ML, data
             | science.
               | rzzzt wrote:
               | I feel there is a difference between all the domains you
               | mention and frontend in that once you have made your
               | choice regarding a single vendor or technology, very few
               | vastly different avenues are left for _starting_ a
               | project. One example:
               | 1) "How to start a Java project" - very vague, the
               | article will arrive at your doorstep in book form as
               | there are tons of possible ways depending on the use case
               | 2) "How to start a REST API backend in Java" - a handful
               | of bigger contenders are left on the table; some feature
               | and performance comparisons could be handy
               | 3) "How to start a REST API backend using Spring Boot" -
               | a focused set of steps that leaves you with a controller
               | class that will happily greet the user when a GET request
               | is sent towards its general direction. I don't really
               | want to explore the possibility of creating an
               | application using NetBeans Platform or whatever at this
               | point.
               | Here the casual reader might think that we are at level
               | 3, but it seems that it's closer to level 1.
         | keyle wrote:
         | I've stopped chasing front-end and fullstack roles and I know
         | happily bang out PHP, because of this mess. PHP, think of the
         | irony.
         | 8note wrote:
         | I think this would be more useful as a tree structure than as a
         | list.
         | Eg. Why would I need to care about electron and react native
         | for a web app?
           | rzzzt wrote:
           | I dove into the article expecting some advice on "How to
           | start a React Project in 2023", got a compendium of the JS/TS
           | framework landscape instead.
         | digdugdirk wrote:
         | I'm a non-programmer, and recently I've been trying to turn a
         | bunch of various time-saving scripts I've created over the
         | years into a vaguely cohesive GUI. I figured aiming for a
         | modern web gui framework (run locally) would be the way to go.
         | This comment encapsulates the experience so, so well. I have no
         | idea what is going on, everyone tends to have a _very_ strong
         | opinion on which way to go, but no one can provide an
         | explanation of the baby steps in how to get started. Or even
         | why to get started. It 's maddening.
           | headphoneswater wrote:
           | [dead]
       | agrippanux wrote:
       | I just built a ChatGPT-powered Spanish tutor for my son using
       | Fresh from Deno and it was overall an enjoyable experience. Once
       | I grok'd how islands worked it was pretty smooth sailing.
       | I do love NextJS but I will try a few more Fresh projects soon.
       | yieldcrv wrote:
       | I love Next.js and don't find Vercel vendor lock-in from it. I've
       | deployed a next app on github pages and it understood my folder
       | based API structure fine
       | aerzen wrote:
       | A bit unrelated, but what happened to Angular?
         | blowski wrote:
         | I learned Angular with v1. When v2 came out, it was so
         | different I had to learn a new framework either way. I went
         | with React because it was the one gaining the most traction. I
         | think that's what happened writ large.
         | wetpaws wrote:
         | Same thing that happens to every JS framework after a few
         | years.
           | candiddevmike wrote:
           | Not sure what your definition of few is, but there are plenty
           | of old, boring, stable frameworks out there that run
           | perfectly fine, like Mithril. You don't have to constantly
           | rewrite your frontend if you stick as close to raw JS/TS as
           | possible.
         | swsieber wrote:
         | Angular doesn't play well with newer build tools - esbuild,
         | vite, etc., making Angular quite isolated from the other
         | frameworks. So a plug for vite is a plug for most frameworks
         | except Angular (and others not on the radar).
         | But also Angular has egregiously big build times as your
         | project scales up, and that sucks.
           | Bellend wrote:
           | What about your developers though? Our company pays for 5
           | days a week 8 hours a day of talented humans in a medium
           | team. I can throw compute for 1/10000th that.
           | A 56 module Angular 15 codebase `npm start` takes 10 seconds,
           | and compiles after change faster than a browser refresh. The
           | build takes 67 seconds.
           | What scale up are you talking about so that I know in the
           | future what to look out for?
         | pictur wrote:
         | Probably few people use it, but it is probably very useful for
         | those who use it. I like angular's philosophy of trying to
         | solve every issue in itself.
         | robopsychology wrote:
         | Angular 14 is the latest version, last I looked it was 5.
         | Things move so fast in FE world!
           | iamsanteri wrote:
           | And soon quite a bit of us FE devs or any devs for that
           | matter are nailed out anyhow, just look at the LLMs
           | developing. Give it some time, haha.
         | Bellend wrote:
         | I still love it, after 6 years I don't really know what problem
         | it isn't solving and I mean 10 versions later! Also keep it to
         | yourself but RXJS, my old hatred is now responsible for some of
         | the best code I have ever written as far as being proud is
         | concerned.
         | jrsj wrote:
         | Angular is basically headed down the same path that Ember went
         | down IMO. A stable & mature but declining framework.
         | The same could ultimately happen to React as well. I'm working
         | on a new project right now using Remix, which is great, but
         | I've also realized that really nothing I've done wouldn't have
         | worked just as well without React. Fortunately I really enjoy
         | Remix, but if SvelteKit or SolidStart provide a similar
         | experience I don't really see why I would stick with React.
       | pictur wrote:
       | Although I don't like some features of nextjs, it works for me.
       | (things like server side prop management)
       | leerob wrote:
       | (I'm on the Next.js team)
       | Something we haven't done a great job of, so far, is talking
       | about how you can use Next.js for SPAs or client-only React
       | sites. You can start with basic HTML/CSS/JS, deploy and host
       | anywhere, and then optionally opt-into features that require
       | using a server (and host somewhere like a Node.js server or
       | through a Docker container). Next.js can generate an HTML file
       | per route, rather than having one large SPA bundle.
       | There's been a lot of feedback around CRA no longer being
       | recommended and folks looking for a replacement[1]--and
       | uncertainty if Next.js is the correct solution. We've been
       | working on some better docs[2] that help explain how to use
       | Next.js without a server.
       | [1]: https://twitter.com/dan_abramov/status/1636886736784457734
       | [2]: https://beta.nextjs.org/docs/configuring/static-export
       | earthnail wrote:
       | So we're back to the old pre SPA web and even have a term for it:
       | MPA
       | If I build an MPA, why should I choose Astro if I can choose
       | Rails? That's a serious question to the HN community, not a
       | rhetorical one - would very much love to learn if there's
       | something new here.
         | gregors wrote:
         | I'd definitely choose Rails or Phoenix over Astro.
         | j-krieger wrote:
         | Because Rails is awful. You do not need to choose JavaScript.
         | Just don't go with Rails.
           | WJW wrote:
           | Which parts of Rails do you dislike? It can be terrible if
           | done poorly but overall Rails is pretty good for fast
           | iteration.
         | hoofhearted wrote:
         | We're using typescript to create static html like it's 1996
         | again! Complete with inline styles and everything.
         | In the web browsers eyes, a Next.js app is just a plain old
         | html page load when you navigate within the app. I believe the
         | days of SPA's and mounting on the bang# sign are dead. Some
         | smart folks realized that it was more computational efficient
         | to output plain old html like back in the days.
         | deepsun wrote:
         | As I see it, basically the inertia that JS devs don't want to
         | switch from their beloved horrors of NPM.
         | Rails, Django/Flask or even Apache Struts or Java Spring would
         | do good in this use case.
         | iamsanteri wrote:
         | After watching all this for a while, in order to get MVPs up
         | and running while holding the IP and other things under control
         | I've worked through RoR docs and did some projects in Django
         | and I'd like to know more too. I'd bet on a re-emergence of
         | traditional monoliths quite soon. That is if pocketbases and
         | supabases aren't going to be the new default which I'm not sure
         | about right now. Recently built a site in NextJS and Nuxt
         | though and I got to say it wasn't that bad at all. But there's
         | something people are not considering enough and that is
         | bringing value fast. That's why I'm going deeper into Django
         | (stability, reliability, value).
           | SCUSKU wrote:
           | The other thing that keeps me in the Django ecosystem is
           | frankly Django Admin. If any of the JS backend frameworks
           | would provide these out of the box things that basically
           | everyone needs, I would be much more open to using them.
           | For example, an admin panel for changing your models (like
           | Django Admin), performance monitoring like Phoenix's
           | LiveDashboard.
         | withinboredom wrote:
         | And you can use something like htmx to do everything on the
         | server and use jquery to do fancy things. It's a thing,
         | especially for small one-off projects.
         | EduardoBautista wrote:
         | TypeScript.
         | Rails is faster for building an MVP. But it's significantly
         | worse than a project built with a typed language when it comes
         | to extending and maintaining.
         | I thought I had misconfigured Sentry (for error logging)
         | because the type of errors that plague Rails, or any language
         | that is not typed, just don't happen with a typed language
         | (unknown method called on NilClass).
         | We can decide to make a column in the DB to no longer allow
         | NULL values, and we are immediately notified by the TypeScript
         | compiler about every line that needs to be updated.
           | ch4s3 wrote:
           | > Rails is faster for building an MVP. But it's significantly
           | worse than a project built with a typed language when it
           | comes to extending and maintaining.
           | I'm not sure that the academic work on software engineering
           | really bares this out. Th Static vs. Dynamic debate is far
           | from settled and increasingly looks to me like a matter of
           | preference.
       | chatmasta wrote:
       | If you're interested, this is the "absolute minimum" React
       | project I was able to create, using esbuild (see `dev.mjs`) and
       | some .html files. [0] It's a sub-package in a larger workspace,
       | so there is some complexity inherited from the monorepo in terms
       | of `tsconfig.json` and dependency management, but you can ignore
       | that; the esbuild part was pleasantly simple to implement, and it
       | pretty much "just works," such that each file in `www` is an
       | entrypoint with one corresponding script from `pages/` that calls
       | `createRoot(container).render(<App />)`.
       | Note that's also a "sandbox" for development purposes. If I were
       | creating a new production app today, I would probably use Vite,
       | which uses esbuild under the hood anyway. It's super easy to get
       | started [1] with not only React, but also Lit or Vue or any other
       | number of pre-configured templates, and it takes care of all the
       | drudgery of bundling and tests for you so that you can get
       | straight to work.
       | [0]
       | https://github.com/splitgraph/madatdata/tree/main/packages/t...
       | [1] https://vitejs.dev/guide/#trying-vite-online
       | twodave wrote:
       | I was fully expecting to see a one-liner for this article: npx
       | create next app. I think this article overstates the
       | disadvantages of using a framework like NextJS.
       | If you don't want to work on the bleeding edge, then don't
       | upgrade right away. That's true of literally every library out
       | there.
       | And IMO it's trivial to host a next app just about anywhere.
       | Vercel has done a much better job with portability than you would
       | typically expect from similar companies.
       | The docs for NextJS are also just... rock solid. It really feels
       | like they cover everything.
       | I'm not affiliated, just a happy developer using their framework.
       | nwienert wrote:
       | If you are targeting native and web, I think the Tamagui + Solito
       | starter that lets you share code between Expo/Nextjs is unbeat
       | (disclaimer, I made Tamagui):
       | Just `npm create tamagui@latest`
       | See: https://tamagui.dev
       | Happy hacking!
       | drinchev wrote:
       | > bleeding edge tech solves many problems ...
       | > which day to day tech workers working on internal B2B do not
       | face
       | That's so true. Good luck explaining to management that the
       | front-end app needs additional cloud resources, such as a server,
       | so we are on the edge of the trend with SSR.
       | Most apps behind a login face tough architectural / security
       | meetings, defending SSR for their use-case.
       (page generated 2023-03-23 23:00 UTC)