[HN Gopher] Why are developers expected to estimate tasks at all?
       Why are developers expected to estimate tasks at all?
       Author : zikohh
       Score  : 223 points
       Date   : 2023-03-26 17:09 UTC (5 hours ago)
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       | vasco wrote:
       | Get your bathroom remodeled in your home and have the worker tell
       | you it'll be done whenever and you'll understand why developers
       | (or any hands on worker) is lacking in their skill and practice
       | if they have no clue how long it takes them to perform their
       | work.
       | "Management" or a PMs job will then be to aggregate those
       | estimates so they can estimate at a higher level than you,
       | similar to a project management in a construction site. But each
       | person needs some semblance of an idea of when their part will be
       | done.
       | The same way if you were remodeling your bathroom and your garden
       | and want to tell your kids when the construction around the house
       | will be done, you'll need the gardener's estimate and the
       | plumber's estimate, plus maybe some buffer at the end, plus some
       | time to go with the wife to get a new shower curtain, etc.
         | ResearchCode wrote:
         | We're doing applied mathematics, not bathroom remodeling. Try
         | telling a mathematician to "story point" the conjectures
         | they're working on.
           | reikonomusha wrote:
           | I work in an industrial physics and mathematics domain, and
           | in that domain specifically, I must say it is very charitable
           | to describe a majority of software engineers as doing
           | "applied mathematics", if we are to interpret that as meaning
           | "software engineers are participating in the practice of
           | doing research mathematics." Except perhaps in some extremely
           | reductionist view of what it means to "write a program"
           | (e.g., programs are proofs, Curry-Howard, or some other
           | idea), I don't think "applied mathematics" truly
           | characterizes the work of, say, someone writing out a GitHub
           | Action or adding a new RESTful endpoint to list a company's
           | product catalog.
           | There's a pattern amongst software engineers in these and
           | other discussions. When it comes to discussing management and
           | resource estimation, some people describe software as the
           | most arcane, idiosyncratic craft to exist. In other
           | situations (e.g., where actual research mathematics or
           | computer science is proposed to be used to solve a problem),
           | software engineering has to be "simple", "aligned with best
           | practices", and almost anti-intellectual.
           | The pattern of discussion (here and elsewhere), to me,
           | indicates a survival instinct of sorts, if that makes sense.
           | To this end, there's a sort of hypocrisy if it means being a
           | software engineer is as unrestrained as possible: software is
           | purported to be like applied mathematics in situations where
           | it's advantageous to describe it as such (e.g., "we can't
           | estimate because proving conjectures is intrinsically
           | unpredictable") , then when the proposition is brought forth
           | to engage with software as applied math (e.g., "team, we can
           | bound the 99%ile perf by proving this recurrence on resource
           | usage, and that'll give us evidence to modify our search
           | algorithm with an adaptive radix tree."), software engineers
           | push it away for something satisfactory to a CS101 student
           | (e.g., "we can just implement auto-completion of our product
           | catalog by searching a sorted array of item names, why
           | complicate it?").
           | I understand the troubles of estimating resources for tasks
           | and projects, and indeed the requests can sometimes be
           | unrealistic and overbearing--I don't mean to suggest
           | otherwise--but even the most technically sophisticated pieces
           | of software are flush with "ordinary" kinds of programming
           | tasks.
             | ResearchCode wrote:
             | In my experience just working by priority works better than
             | endlessly estimating tiny chunks of a project, that doesn't
             | actually give any real predictability. Workplaces that go
             | heavy on estimation and "agile" methodology produce bad
             | software and not very reliably.
           | drstewart wrote:
           | Plumbers are doing applied physics, not rendering a button on
           | a webpage. Try telling a physicist to provide an "estimate"
           | for the cost of proving the big bang theory. Why should you
           | expect an estimate for fixing your leaky bathroom faucet?
           | Half this site is crapping its pants over being replaced by
           | AI being able to do their jobs with a prompt yet it thinks
           | their work is sooo novel and unknowable.
             | ResearchCode wrote:
             | If a computer scientist is doing completely routine tasks,
             | they should be automating them, not estimating them every
             | two weeks.
               | yibg wrote:
               | Most of software development is not computer science.
               | Building a login page is a routine task.
           | justeleblanc wrote:
           | You're not seriously comparing research mathematics with
           | software development, are you? You think you're expanding the
           | breadth of human knowledge with your CSS tweaks of the
           | shopping cart implementation? Give me a break.
             | peteradio wrote:
             | > applied mathematics
               | justeleblanc wrote:
               | Applied mathematics is a branch of mathematics. It's
               | research. Someone studying solutions of the Navier-Stokes
               | equations is doing applied mathematics. An accountant
               | uses mathematics, but their work isn't "applied
               | mathematics" any more than a plumber is an "applied
               | physicist", or a veterinarian is an "applied biologist".
           | remkop22 wrote:
           | We're performing applied mathematics, but we're performing
           | that task as engineers. The key is in 'applied'. Going from
           | theory to practice takes planning and is not as unbounded as
           | performing science in my opinion.
             | ResearchCode wrote:
             | I think it's about balance, and a lot of software
             | engineering projects would do better by steering more
             | toward the academic research group model than the current
             | fad of two week "sprint", plenty of non-technical pseudo-
             | managers and endless micro-estimations.
               | remkop22 wrote:
               | What ever model works for a group of people producing
               | software I'm fine with.
               | But as someone else said in this thread: If the question
               | is more about who provides the estimate and less about
               | why is there an estimate (also plenty of opinions about
               | that in this thread) then I would say that time
               | estimation is a integral part of an engineers job.
               | What makes someone an engineer is being able to provide a
               | weighted solution towards the needs of a client or
               | consumer. Not the best solution in the world, but the
               | best solution for that client. If the requirements are
               | that it should be delivered fast, you understand that the
               | quality goes down. If the client wants high quality, it
               | takes more time.
         | voxl wrote:
         | What a funny analogy because these projects almost always run
         | over the estimate.
         | dieselgate wrote:
         | Thanks for taking this avenue, the comparison to carpentry
         | really annoyed me because all bathrooms or cabinets, or
         | e-commerce/CRUD apps are the same right? (just because we're
         | all tired of working on them doesn't mean our work is all copy
         | and paste)
         | The most difficult part of any "hands on" job is time
         | estimation - two people could give estimates of 3 days or 3
         | weeks on the same project and both be right.
           | JumpCrisscross wrote:
           | Also, commissioner artists and authors are also asked for
           | estimates. This is just basic professional courtesy when
           | working with others.
           | srj wrote:
           | I would assume the individual jobs could be fairly different,
           | e.g. the plumbing doesn't come into the necessary places,
           | shutoff valves not working.
         | eikenberry wrote:
         | They best contractors I've worked with do just that, that is
         | they don't give time estimates. They will say when they will
         | start and how they will proceed but they never give estimates.
         | They don't for the same reasons, they don't know. In their case
         | it mostly revolves around sub-contractors and supply issues but
         | the outcome is basically the same. There is to much noise to
         | make an remotely accurate estimate so it is better to not do
         | it.
           | siva7 wrote:
           | I have a hard time imagining how such contractors would ever
           | get a contract in the real world. I certainly wouldn't think
           | of a contractor as highly skilled if they can't give an
           | estimate.
             | peteradio wrote:
             | Word of mouth. If someone you trust says they are good and
             | get shit done then you hire them.
               | ris58h wrote:
               | It's OK if you don't have money or time restrictions.
               | Imagine that you have them.
         | rqtwteye wrote:
         | If you tell your bathroom remodelers that you want green tiles
         | after they have already done half of it with red and by the way
         | you want the bathtub in a different place and you also aren't
         | sure yet if if you need a toilet bowl then their estimates will
         | get out of hand pretty quickly. And your bathroom should be
         | able to handle a 200 person family just in case although right
         | now there are only two people in the house. And to save money
         | you hire people from the street who don't speak your language
         | and have no experience but we all know one worker is one
         | worker. They are all the same so when you hire cheap workers
         | your cost is less without loss of productivity.
           | UncleMeat wrote:
           | Of course. If management expects precise estimates then they
           | need to provide precise requirements and be okay with
           | adjusted timelines if they change the requirements. But
           | that's fine. They can do that.
             | cardanome wrote:
             | > then they need to provide precise requirements
             | > They can do that.
             | Yeah, no, they can't. Not at all.
             | While some, or a lot of that, is due to incompetence, it is
             | also due to the nature of the beast: Software Development
             | is an iterative process. You have to prototype and figure
             | out what works and what not.
             | So regardless on how tight your processes are, whether you
             | use agile or waterfall, it will never be possible to give
             | perfect time estimates. You can only improve your risk-
             | management.
           | ycombobreaker wrote:
           | Why would you change plans and expect the construction crew's
           | prior estimate to remain unchanged? Estimates change if the
           | project changes. A commercial developer's job includes
           | recognizing that and communicating changes upstream. Usually
           | that leads to a negotiation, collectively determining how
           | much to (try to) spend and which boondoggles are trutly
           | important.
           | If a hired software developer told me up front, "I can't
           | estimate because you will change things and then the old
           | estimate will be wrong," all I can conclude is that this
           | relationship is already dysfunctional.
             | mumblemumble wrote:
             | > I can conclude is that this relationship is already
             | dysfunctional.
             | Here's the thing, though: you wouldn't be wrong.
             | It may be different for contract development. For in-house
             | development though, everywhere I've worked we've all always
             | known that the relationship is dysfunctional. We also know
             | that the dysfunction is everyone else's fault, not our own.
             | So we just put up with it, because those assholes will
             | never consent to fixing it, anyway, and just try to shift
             | the blame to us instead.
             | rqtwteye wrote:
             | In most companies it works this way "Give me an estimate
             | based on what I am telling you now. I haven't really
             | thought it through and there are a lot of unknowns I view
             | this estimate as a commitment that should be kept although
             | I will probably make a lot of changes during development"
               | scruple wrote:
               | I think this is close. IMO, the problem is that we're
               | talking about a group of concepts using vague language.
               | Is it an estimate, a target, or a deadline? "Estimate"
               | gets used in place for targets and deadlines all of the
               | time and it sets up situations where expectations aren't
               | properly managed.
           | booleandilemma wrote:
           | No no no a bathroom isn't going to work anymore, we need a
           | kitchen now.
             | rqtwteye wrote:
             | "For competent people it should be pretty easy to convert
             | the bathroom into a kitchen"
         | wvenable wrote:
         | When a contractor is remodeling your bathroom or your garden,
         | the amount of time spent _planning_ the design is insignificant
         | compared to the cost of labor and supplies.
         | But in software, the _planning_ is the entire project. The
         | closer the plan is to covering every single possible case, the
         | closer the software is to being done. In construction, the work
         | doesn 't even start until the plan is done.
         | Every one of these comparisons that involve a physical product
         | whether it's contracting, bridge building, or manufacturing all
         | completely miss the mark.
         | If you compare with other industries where the plan is the
         | product, you'll start to see more similarities with software
         | development. And the less the planning is cookie-cutter the
         | more trouble those industries have with estimates as well.
         | jowdones wrote:
         | Totally agree with you.
         | Looking at the comments only makes more obvious the
         | snowflakeness and detachment from reality of the "software
         | artists" bunch.
         | If they hire a guy to (re)model their bathroom, they expect it
         | for free done yesterday. What I mean is that there's usually a
         | complete turnover effect on the demands they have on people
         | working on THEIR money and the lax and forgiving way they
         | expect to be treated on OTHERS people money.
         | roflyear wrote:
         | Well, much easier for a bathroom. It isn't like you have to
         | have meetings, planning, interact with third parties, etc..
         | when redoing a bathroom!
         | If a client asks me for "an endpoint that accepts a text file
         | and gives me a PDF" I can let them know how long it will take.
         | Most software projects can't be described like that!
         | Trasmatta wrote:
         | I've worked in construction. Estimates from contractors are
         | notorious for being wrong. Almost every time.
           | mardifoufs wrote:
           | But they are still expected to provide one, and to have some
           | contractual requirements attached to said estimate.
             | Trasmatta wrote:
             | So are software developers, especially ones doing contract
             | work
       | tclover wrote:
       | Time roughly estimated to complete 1 task - 2 hours. Time it took
       | - 22h. Sometimes I just hate my life
       | yk wrote:
       | The question is certainly naive, but the answers read like satire
       | of the worst project managers I ever had.
       | ResearchCode wrote:
       | Because of non-technical micromanagers.
       | haha69 wrote:
       | Lots of good answers which add a lot more value than mine. I'd
       | like to answer it with an xkcd comic - https://xkcd.com/1425/
       | that hopefully gets the message across as to why we estimate.
       | nitwit005 wrote:
       | > It would then be the manager's responsibility to extrapolate my
       | likely completion date, learn my accuracy over time, adjust to it
       | and manage expectations of upper management.
       | That is something that should be happening for job evaluation
       | anyways. I've also never seen it happen.
       | Seems to be an unfortunate trend in management in general. My
       | mother worked as a nurse and complained the managers didn't
       | bother to walk the halls to check up on things.
       | chrsw wrote:
       | I rarely see projects finish on time and on budget. I don't think
       | I'm unlucky. I wonder who is at fault for this, developers and
       | engineers or project management. Or both.
       | hkpack wrote:
       | The work developers do varies, so this question in general makes
       | little sense.
       | Sometimes, developers literally do R&D without knowing, whether
       | they will be able to solve the task at hand at all. Other times,
       | they use proven solutions for typical problems.
       | I saw the most issues arises, when management starts to confuse
       | between the two.
       | From the business perspective, you definitely have to balance the
       | ratio of the two.
       | r_hoods_ghost wrote:
       | Whenever I read something like, "Software development is not
       | carpentry. Almost everything a developer writes is unique, they
       | have never built that particular thing before. We are not cabinet
       | makers repeating a variation of something we've built hundreds of
       | times before." I just assume that the person is trolling, or a
       | child.
       | Virtually all software developers are building minor variations
       | on thing that have been built hundreds if time before. Sure,
       | maybe not by that particular software developer, but by a
       | thousand others at some point, and half of those have probably
       | stuck their code on GitHub so you can look at how they did it.
       | This idea that software developers are somehow cranking about
       | beautiful snowflakes of such uniqueness that it is impossible to
       | ever estimate how long something will take is nonsense. It is
       | delusional.
       | I really wish as a profession we could get over ourselves and
       | acknowledge that, hey, it is possible to learn from others, that
       | much of what we do is repeatable, and that if you're really
       | struggling with estimating it probably isn't because you're
       | engaged in ground breaking work that has never been done before,
       | but rather that you haven't bothered to think things through.
         | barrysteve wrote:
         | Scrolling through a thousand others' code on GitHub, is not
         | what a cabinet maker does.
         | You want a standard for all programs you could build, put it in
         | the CS degree or a 1 week training course that gives you a
         | license at the end. Like a forklift guy goes through and
         | happens to come out the other side knowing all the basic rules.
         | The forklift guy doesn't have to scroll through thousands of
         | GitHub projects to infer from studying, what could be taught in
         | a week with some decent management and/or training.
         | When there's no standard, literally of course everybody's a
         | beautiful snowflake who comes to their own conclusions. We have
         | trained people to be that.
         | Of all the suggestions I could make why not cut to the deepest
         | one. We're not going to have standard programming patterns
         | understood by your average-joe-coder fresh out of university,
         | until those patterns have been integrated into the English
         | language like Greek drug terms and Latin legal terms.
         | You can learn and build a entity component system for a video
         | game in a week, come back after a month of exciting holidays
         | later, and discover you've forgotten what an ECS even is. But
         | the biological concept of evolution (or contract law, or
         | anything else) is learnt-once and stays with you forever.
         | It's time that the basic programming concepts have fixed names
         | that don't change. That are embedded in the English language,
         | taught at school from grade 0 and are distinguished from normal
         | English words with some ancient-yet-familiar dialect. Ancient
         | Americana if it were possible.
         | I'll make a standard. The next generation of children won't
         | even realize they already know "how to program" by the time
         | they are 9 years old, and they won't argue about the existence
         | of these concepts, nor forget them, they'd just argue the style
         | of them. We'd skip generic English words like "game loop" and
         | acronyms like "ECS" and have real identifiable phrases in a
         | familiar-but-old language that refer to powerful concepts.
         | /soapbox
         | Groxx wrote:
         | I generally think the plumbing analogy is a pretty good one.
         | It even works for estimates! We're often asked the equivalent
         | of "how long will it take you to hook my sink up to my
         | toothbrush for my Thursday home parties" and...
         | well it's nothing new. It's just pipes. Anyone can do it. But
         | _estimating_ it requires an absurd amount of context which is
         | not always available. How far apart are those two things? Is
         | there enough water flow to power the toothbrush, or will you
         | need to upgrade the piping to the sink too? Sometimes the house
         | has everything made of marble and it 'll cost millions of
         | dollars to replace the holes you need to make to put those
         | pipes in, though piping itself is only like 30 minutes.
         | Sometimes the toothbrush is a legacy model that only works with
         | deionized water from Uruguay that has been flown within 50
         | meters of the south pole in the middle of March, do they have a
         | reservoir available for that or can you convince them to just
         | buy a modern one from Walmart to replace it? Does a DWUSPM50
         | water supplier even _exist_ any more? Oh, you meant _only_
         | during those Thursday parties? Is there a way we can tell when
         | those are happening, or can they just pull on a lever to change
         | the system? Does GPRD require the pipes to physically separated
         | by 1m when turned off, or is a valve good enough? Why in the
         | world does the customer require all horizontal pipe runs to
         | only go North unless they 're underground?
         | None of which is hard, and the plumber doesn't have to build it
         | all in many cases. But how long is it going to take? ....
         | somewhere between an hour and the end of the universe, most
         | likely, unless there's proof the request is impossible.
         | It's not a perfect, beautiful snowflake, but it is a snowflake.
         | lossolo wrote:
         | > Virtually all software developers are building minor
         | variations on thing that have been built hundreds if time
         | before.
         | Speak for yourself. I build distributed systems and unique
         | solutions that you can't find anywhere open source, which makes
         | estimating very difficult.
           | tailrecursion wrote:
           | Exactly. Many commenters are making up rules for software
           | engineering and think the rules ought to apply universally.
         | bbojan wrote:
         | You're saying we've been calling it "Software Development" in
         | error, and it should really be called "Software Production"?
         | wvenable wrote:
         | > Virtually all software developers are building minor
         | variations on thing that have been built hundreds if time
         | before.
         | I've never written a piece of software that has already existed
         | that could do the job -- why would I -- that's why we have a
         | thriving software market of purchasable software. The market of
         | reusable software is massive.
         | > This idea that software developers are somehow cranking about
         | beautiful snowflakes of such uniqueness that it is impossible
         | to ever estimate how long something will take is nonsense.
         | Your argument is that you can estimate minor variations. But
         | how do you know the consequence of adding feature X is a one
         | hour job or a one day job? If you have 50 minor variations or
         | 500 minor variations that are each maybe one hour or one day
         | jobs, how long is that project going to take? I've got a unique
         | snowflake here.
         | In most other industries, they can estimate quite accurately
         | because they've spent the time planning all the details. The
         | cost of construction and labor absolutely dwarfs the cost of
         | planning. With software, the planning is the entire project.
         | The closer the plan is to covering every single possible case,
         | the closer the software is to being done.
       | Mizoguchi wrote:
       | Producing estimates is a necessary evil for multiple business
       | reasons. A fundamental skill of any experience Software Engineer
       | is to be able to make decisions under lots of uncertainty, and
       | that includes allocating resources to a task for which a lot of
       | information is not yet available. Yes it sucks but it needs to be
       | done.
       | osigurdson wrote:
       | If you want to see an engineer squirm, ask them to estimate how
       | long something will take. If you want to see a manager / product
       | person squirm, ask them what the net present value of the
       | deliverable is.
       | We should just accept that significant uncertainty exists in both
       | situations. If you can't handle risk, liquidate company and
       | invest in t-bills.
       | sarchertech wrote:
       | I agree that time estimates are a necessary evil, but I disagree
       | that story points are useful for anything really.
       | This comment from the article was interesting and it matched my
       | experience:
       | > The law of large numbers only applies if a) the population is
       | sufficiently large, otherwise outliers will dominate b) the
       | estimates are at least mostly independent, otherwise systematic
       | bias will skew the result and c) the estimate is in fact the
       | expected value (mean average) of the probability distribution of
       | time taken. If the estimate is a mode of the probability
       | distribution, then you can not meaningfully add the estimate
       | directly and be able to meaninfully say anything about the
       | resulting distribution.
       | bdangubic wrote:
       | Why are plumbers/carpenters/roofers... expected to estimate their
       | tasks?!
       | And if you say "oh there is a BIG difference" there really isn't
       | (other than that overwhelming majority of developers are terrible
       | at their craft, not their fault there is just entirely too many
       | developers)
       | lowercased wrote:
       | Worked in a position as a nominal 'team lead' for a couple years.
       | Small group, as they got funded and grew, more management and
       | ceremony kept creeping in, and... we had more planning/estimating
       | meetings.
       | I was asked a few times "when will this be done? We need to know
       | when X will be done".
       | So... already, I'm bristling because we don't have a shared
       | definition of 'done'. My pushback was... probably seen as not
       | helpful/aggressive/whatever, but I responded with something like:
       | "I can't tell you specifically, because I don't have control over
       | all the people and processes that get us to 'done', meaning it's
       | tested/reviewed/deployed".
       | At that point in time, I already had code developed locally with
       | tests, and had pushed up something sitting on an ephemeral dev
       | branch for others to poke/test/verify.
       | "What do you mean you can't be specific? We need a date".
       | "OK... Oct 28" (at the time, it was 2 calendar weeks away).
       | "Well... I can't trust anything you say at this point - I'm going
       | to say Nov 9".
       | Pissed me off to no end because... why ask if you turn around and
       | say "I do not trust anything you say"?
       | I tried explaining further:
       | "We have to have an internal code review, some internal testing,
       | some testing with the client on this feature, some testing of it
       | merged in with everything else, then a deploy. All of these
       | involve other people. I've _asked_ multiple times for the people
       | responsible for these to pick up the task and give me any
       | necessary feedback. 3 of them have told me  'Not now, MrX told me
       | ABC is my highest priority', so... short of you, MrX, telling
       | them to cooperate with me ahead of the other items, I have no
       | ability to move this forward. It's been ready/sitting/waiting for
       | 3 days already, but without some explicit authority from you
       | telling other people to take this task seriously, and prioritize
       | it and cooperate with me, I can not give a date when it will be
       | 'done', because I don't control 'done'. The entire group does,
       | and they're all politely telling me it's their lowest priority,
       | on your order."
       | I got some reply along the lines of "now you're just being
       | argumentative and pedantic!"
       | Me: "I could roll it out now - I'm relatively confident in the
       | code, docs and tests I have in place, but our process is steps
       | ABC, then XYZ, and other people who are not me are tasked with
       | that. If I roll it out now, I'm violating the group
       | process/agreement, and this will be seen as aggressive, or
       | passive-aggressive, or 'non-team-player', etc. So... it could be
       | 'done' tomorrow, but not through normal processes."
       | "No, we have processes in place for a reason, we have to follow
       | those".
       | Me: "OK... so, if my code is dependent on people who can
       | deprioritize or skip over or ignore any requests I ask of them
       | (many were documented in tickets as 'waiting on personX')... how
       | can I both follow the process, and give you a specific date when
       | something will be 'done'? I can not."
       | I was so frustrated here because the 'process' was brought in to
       | 'make things better', but it spread everyone too thin. We (group
       | of 4-5) had routinely been missing estimated delivery dates for
       | months - it got worse after new processes, not better (but we put
       | more in jira, so there were nicer charts showing how bad it was
       | getting week to week!).
       | We just went around in circles for another 5 minutes or so then I
       | left the meeting. It was a constant state of feeling like I'm
       | being talked down to, and "I can't trust anything you say".
       | I get it - people need some degree of estimates/delivery dates.
       | Extra 'agile' processes along with spreading people too thin,
       | siloing people, then ignoring the day to day impact - none of
       | this was good.
       | This was a few years ago - I've thought some more about how I
       | might handle that differently if it comes up again, but I keep
       | coming back to "avoid projects/teams/processes like that again"
       | as the easiest path. I'm not sure there's any productive way to
       | get out of the logical 'rock and a hard place' that ended up
       | being (from my POV).
       | It boiled down to "give us a specific date on something which
       | requires multiple other people who you have no control/authority
       | over, and whom I've also told to ignore you and/or deprioritize
       | your requests". The only options seemed to be
       | a. give me control over those other people needed to follow the
       | process
       | b. bring in more people to help follow the process
       | c. allow me to bypass the current process
       | FWIW, someone else got wind of this on the client end and we
       | collaboratively did option C a few days later, and it was just
       | rolled out (to the client's satisfaction) well before the end of
       | October.
       | m3kw9 wrote:
       | Cuz proj managers need some fall guy when they estimate a project
       | timeline and submitting it to upper
       | newswasboring wrote:
       | In all these discussions, what I pick up the most on is the
       | adversarial type of relationship people have with their managers.
       | I don't get it. Everyone is pursuing the same goal; aren't we
       | partners in this? I have only ever worked in big companies (20k+
       | employees), and its rampant there. Perhaps I have been incredibly
       | lucky, but I have thrived in my career by actually forging a
       | partnership with my managers and leaders. Work acquaintance does
       | not have to be a cold, cutthroat relationship. There is usually
       | enough to go around, and you win more as a team.
       | birdymcbird wrote:
       | every business exist to make money or something of value to its
       | shareholder.
       | You can hire contractor to modernize you kitchen or paint wall..
       | you need some understanding of exactly what is scope of work,
       | what is $ cost, what is the quality, and any other constraint.
       | the contractor cannot just say i have no idea how long it will
       | take. there has to be some start and end date.
       | why some programmer think they do not have to provide any
       | estimate at all is perplexing. is your paycheck an infinite money
       | stream? does your employer not have commitment to deliver
       | something by specific date? or do you want someone else to go
       | create estimate of how long YOU need to complete some work?
       | this is why tools like scrum come in. estimates not a perfect
       | science..so break down scope of work into small and small chunks
       | until we can say "ok...this piece take 3 days".
       | r2b2 wrote:
       | Money now is more valuable than money later.
       | As someone who has both built and sold software, it's simply to
       | be able to sell software before it's complete. Without estimates,
       | you can't sell something that doesn't exist yet.
       | This doesn't change the fact that requiring estimates is a bad
       | idea if you want great software. The best software is built well,
       | then sold.[0]
       | Great software later is more valuable long-term than bad software
       | now.
       | --
       |  _[0] The best case is actually to sell software without a
       | timeline. But most organizations are not able to operate this
       | way._
         | tsimionescu wrote:
         | Still, some level of estimates can always be given. I have
         | never embarked upon a programming task, even a very novel one,
         | where I couldn't say whether it will take two hours or two
         | years. Now, whether it would take two weeks or two months has
         | sometimes happened.
       | austinjp wrote:
       | I've been on all sides of this issue. Producing code, managing
       | teams, providing estimates, negotiating deadlines, pre-sales,
       | small teams, large orgs, the works.
       | Deadlines and estimates are all smoke and mirrors, all bullshit.
       | Sometimes that can be fine, but it becomes a problem when the
       | stakes are high (for some definition of "high") and when
       | negotiating power is removed from some group -- and frankly that
       | group is always the one shovelling coal in the engine room.
       | I'd love to see the coal-shovellers in a position to apply as
       | much pressure to the sales/whatever teams and upper management. I
       | mean, it would surely be a disaster, but an entertaining one.
       | Milgram's prison experiment all over again.
       | bazmattaz wrote:
       | As a product manager I often ask for and estimate for a piece of
       | work but it's not so I can hold the engineer to their estimate.
       | It's often so I can understand capacity in the team and plan
       | accordingly. I often just need to know; is this a week or two of
       | work or a few days.
       | Sometimes I might need an estimate if another team is dependent
       | on the work being completed but i understand that most estimates
       | are very rough and that I might likely need to go back to
       | external teams and manage their expectations.
       | I think the problem that OP highlights is not necessarily a
       | problem with estimations it's a problem with management holding
       | engineers to account. This sounds like a company with poor
       | culture.
       | The solution to this is not to give estimates any more, the
       | solution is to fix a toxic culture of management requiring
       | accurate estimates and then holding engineers to account
       | [deleted]
       | xupybd wrote:
       | I get the feeling they're asking why can't management estimate
       | for me based on current velocity.
       | docflabby wrote:
       | Because the budget is not infinite - there is normally a limit of
       | time or money and it will determine the decision making process.
       | This doesn't mean the project will finish on time or within
       | budget it just enables that part of the decision making process.
       | asdff wrote:
       | I can see of course why clients want deadlines, but I can't help
       | but imagine that deadline-based work is somehow antithetical to
       | who we are as humans. We are supposed to go out and make what we
       | can of the daylight, then retire satisfied that any work towards
       | foraging or the homestead is good work. You don't set out to
       | forage x amount in y days; you forage for a period of time and
       | see what you end up with by the end. There is no deadline or
       | quota to meet for this sort of work, nor can one provide any
       | estimates because things are often well out of your hands,
       | controlled by the forces of nature.
       | Not all that many jobs grant you the opportunity to work like
       | this in the modern knowledge worker domain, unfortunately, so we
       | are constantly stressing ourselves out with these self imposed
       | "deadlines" that go against the sensibilities of how our species
       | evolved. Of course you end up grey haired and stressed out before
       | long, we aren't built for this. Maybe a job that allows you time
       | to venture into the woods and come back at your own pace so to
       | speak is the kind to have for a low stress life, perhaps one a
       | little better suited to our underlying biology.
       | black_13 wrote:
       | [dead]
       | OJFord wrote:
       | I _wish_ I was asked to estimate a time deadline. I 'd prefer
       | that I think to the current situation where we pretend to
       | estimate 'complexity', and then say we can only fit X amount of
       | complexity in a two week sprint, or it's not a very complex
       | ticket why's it taking so long.
       | Not that I want to be held to time-estimates, I just think at
       | least call it what it is. You can't schedule your sprint on time,
       | and the amount of points in it on complexity, you have a
       | dimensional error.
       | 0x69420 wrote:
       | the top voted answer lectures OP about ackshually having an X/Y
       | problem, coupled with with a cheeky boomer pull-yourself-up-by-
       | your-bootstraps "you're part of the problem; be part of the
       | solution" to downplay any responsibility on the part of
       | management
       | this is such hilariously distilled peak stackoverflow that it
       | belongs in the hall of fame
         | siva7 wrote:
         | There is some reason why so many people upvoted this comment
         | and not yours to the top. Many readers here are highly
         | experienced developers and know that there is always some
         | responsibility on the part of management but this question also
         | strongly tells a lacking responsibility on the developer side.
         | rendall wrote:
         | I agree that the top-voted answer is obnoxious, and right off
         | the bat:
         | " _Most of your question is really a rant about how things work
         | at your workplace. Discussions about toxic workplace practices
         | per se are out of scope for PMSE._ "
         | Not a friendly, charitable answer, and it is right at the top.
         | As to the question itself, crowd-source the estimation, is the
         | best approach, in my experience. Get the team together, each
         | member write down an estimate, and reveal all the estimates at
         | once. If there are outliers, have a discussion, otherwise round
         | up and move on to the next estimation. If you're in a scrum
         | shop, you can abstract the estimation by one level and call
         | them "stories" and you're estimating "complication" not "time",
         | which is even better.
         | sergiotapia wrote:
         | I agree with you on this being peak stackoverflow. It's a shame
         | how these people install themselves as mods and just run amok.
         | What a shame. The first year or two of stackoverflow was the
         | best times. You could actually have great conversations with
         | professionals.
         | thih9 wrote:
         | This didn't read cheeky to me; how I understood it is: it's
         | pointless to convince the management to prioritize dev needs in
         | this scenario, either throw the management some bone or find a
         | better workplace.
       | the_gipsy wrote:
       | In my current company we don't estimate, and that's the best perk
       | I've had, ever.
       | It removes so much pressure and anxiety and negative feelings.
         | reikonomusha wrote:
         | Where is accountability introduced? Who makes the judgment that
         | something is taking too long?
           | the_gipsy wrote:
           | We're accountable on an individual level with our direct
           | managers. The team lead, his boss, and product managers make
           | judgements of priority when something takes longer than
           | expected.
       | treis wrote:
       | Most of us are carpenters since carpenters don't build literally
       | the exact same thing over and over either. They build similar
       | stuff like decks and houses over and over. But they're all
       | different to some extent. Programming is the same. The exact
       | functionality is the different but they're all accomplished using
       | more or less the same techniques.
       | jjluoma wrote:
       | If only the task that the estimate is for would not change much
       | after the estimate has been given.
         | cratermoon wrote:
         | 'Walking on water and developing software from a specification
         | are easy if both are frozen.' - Edward V. Berard
           | commandlinefan wrote:
           | And remember - the people asking for estimates want the
           | estimates _right now_. I could give you an amazingly accurate
           | estimate of how long a software project will take - it just
           | might take me longer to produce the estimate than it will to
           | produce the software.
       | manv1 wrote:
       | Let's take a step back to the real question: is the developer
       | upset because
       | 1. they don't know how to estimate, 2. because their estimate is
       | always wrong, 3. they are being held accountable for an estimate
       | that was incorrect, or 4. they feel that it's not their job to
       | estimate the duration of their work?
       | Most people here assume that the issue is #4.
       | However, it's not like they teach estimating skills in school.
       | And the abilities of people vary so much that you'd think
       | estimating would be impossible.
       | But let's go back to the old apprentice/master model for a
       | minute. How much time would it take a master builder to build,
       | say, a classic roll-top desk with a bunch of little drawers out
       | of oak? I think if you surveyed 10 furniture makers their
       | estimates would be within a few days of each other. Then you'd
       | ask them how long would it take for an apprentice to do the same?
       | And I'm sure their answer would balloon tremendously.
       | What's the point of that exercise? Experience matters. When
       | you've done lots of things, and you've paid attention, it's
       | easier to estimate how long it takes to complete things - even if
       | you've never done those things in your life. How long does it
       | take to build an OS? With the right team, it should take about 4
       | years to build version .9. How long does it take to build a
       | telemetry back-end that scales to a few million clients? Maybe 3
       | weeks to a month. For someone new who's never touched any of the
       | technologies before? Maybe 4-6 months at a minimum, and that's
       | assuming they're good at integrating things together.
       | So let's get to #1. If you don't know how to estimate, well, you
       | estimate by first trying to figure out the amount of work it
       | takes, then looking at how long it took you to do something of
       | the same complexity/work, then adding some extra time because
       | it's new. You can use your bug tracking system to figure out how
       | long it takes you to fix a bug.
       | What about #2? Well, if your estimate is always wrong you need to
       | find that delta and exploit it. If it took 2 weeks and you said
       | it would take a week, well, try and figure out why. Were you
       | waiting on other teams? Ran into some problem? Couldn't get
       | resources? Or it was harder than you thought? You ran into some
       | unexpected weirdness? Next time, double your estimate.
       | There's a PM rule of thumb that says take your developer
       | estimate, double it, then move it to the next time unit. It
       | actually sort of works when you move it up to the next level ie:
       | include testing/QA, documentation, training, deployment.
       | #3. Are you really going to get fired because you gave a bad time
       | estimate? Then you either need to get better at it or leave. The
       | fact is, anything of any complexity is going to require more
       | people to do, and more people = more time = worse estimates. But
       | it's really up to you to keep people up to date. If you estimate
       | 3 months and you're not even close after a month, well, maybe
       | it's time to tell people and reset expectations. But what the
       | heck are you doing that requires 3 months of work?
       | leepowers wrote:
       | OP is working in a dysfunctional workplace and has conflated that
       | with "developer estimates are bad":
       | > 1. Give a very wide estimate with a lot of padding > 2. Get
       | pressured to be more accurate and to bring the estimate down > 3.
       | Get pressured to work unpaid overtime to meet that estimate > 4.
       | Watch management get congratulated by upper management for
       | running a tight ship
       | Imagine I had plumber at my house and he gave an estimate of 3 to
       | 4 hours to replace a rusted pipe. And I responded with "I think
       | it should only take you 1 hour". He would look at me like I was
       | crazy. That's because trying to substitute my layman's estimate
       | for a professional estimate _is_ crazy.
       | OP is providing estimates - that's a reasonable ask. The problem
       | is management is ignoring the professional estimate and using
       | their position to substitute in their preferred estimate. OP is
       | being used to launder management's expectations. So of course
       | they're patting themselves on the back. If the plumber ignored
       | his own professional experience and only charged me for 1 hour of
       | labor I would think of highly of myself as well, even though in
       | reality I had no idea what I was talking about.
       | The solution is to set estimates that you can explain and
       | justify. If management ignores your professional opinion you need
       | to make it clear it's their decision and not yours. If you don't
       | respect your own opinion no one else will.
         | asdff wrote:
         | I think what is hard with a lot of tech is that developers are
         | often not plumbers. We are not encountering similar sets of
         | problems nor are able to use similar solutions or even refer to
         | familiar tooling all of the time. It's more akin to when the
         | plumber crawls below your house with nothing more than a
         | flashlight, then recoils in horror that your sewer is plumbed
         | in 200 year old rotten wood pipe, then they start digging and
         | hit more pipes that aren't on any map and shouldn't be there,
         | then things get expensive and timelines enter the unknown as
         | the problem gets seemingly bigger the more of it that you
         | solve. Of course the client never sees this, they think you
         | just twist a wrench, so we have these deadlines and talented
         | people burning out over the stress they cause them.
           | mynameisvlad wrote:
           | > We are not encountering similar sets of problems nor are
           | able to use similar solutions or even refer to familiar
           | tooling all of the time.
           | Frankly, yes we are. There's only so many ways to solve a
           | problem and there's only so many problems to solve in a
           | particular field.
           | A senior engineer should have had enough experience to at
           | least have a high level understanding of what is going on,
           | and to correlate that experience with approximate work. If
           | that's not possible, the work is just not scoped down enough.
           | A team of engineers, given their combined experience and
           | business knowledge should pretty easily come up with a story
           | point estimate based on existing completed work. And that's
           | the entire point of the refinement and estimation process:
           | getting enough information about a piece of work, then
           | working together to come to a decision on an estimate.
           | Will that be right all the time? No. But that doesn't mean
           | the value is useless, it provides plenty of information on if
           | a piece of work is small, medium or large, as well as if it's
           | expected to take a few hours, days or weeks. And who better
           | to come up with that number than the people actually working
           | on the issues?
       | JustSomeNobody wrote:
       | The only time I get irked about giving an estimate is when I
       | don't get time to think about it. I need to be able to think
       | through the request, jot some questions (and jot down what I
       | anticipate the answers to be and how it affects the estimate),
       | make some notes and think about what impact that feature will
       | have.
       | It's not a good look for a manager to ask for an estimate in a
       | meeting and expect a reply immediately. But, it happens.
         | WastingMyTime89 wrote:
         | > It's not a good look for a manager to ask for an estimate in
         | a meeting and expect a reply immediately. But, it happens.
         | The only time I ask this question is in meetings where a
         | project is late and we are talking remediation or someone is
         | proposing to do something new. I don't do it because I expect
         | people to deliver estimate instantaneously. I do it because I
         | expect professionals to come to meeting prepared after having
         | done their job.
       | cntainer wrote:
       | I expect a plumber to give me an estimate of time and cost for
       | his "tasks" before starting work. Even if he doesn't tell me the
       | exact cost upfront he'll still be able to tell me roughly if
       | he'll be done in 2-3 hours or less/more.
       | If I have a big project and I'm dealing with a plumbing company I
       | might not be talking directly to the plumbers but to their
       | manager. The manager will usually ask for time/complexity
       | estimates from his plumbers before sending me a quote. The
       | manager will usually factor into the quote any risks plus the
       | company's profit margin.
       | There's a lot of talk about agile, scrum, no-estimates and so on,
       | but a big part of the software industry still works with time
       | estimates and budgets communicated up front.
       | csours wrote:
       | How much will the team have to learn as individuals and as a
       | team? How many components can you enumerate and in what detail?
       | How many tries will each component take?
       | How many interconnects to "external" systems are there? Risk is
       | time, how much risk is there?
       | What are the non-functional requirements? These will be dropped
       | when time is short.
       | How motivated will your team be? What will make them depressed
       | about this project? What will de-motivate them?
       | =====
       | Don't ask a developer for estimates in terms of time. It's not
       | useful to them, and it's not informative to management.
       | pizlonator wrote:
       | Manager here. I ask everyone for estimates. Then I track how long
       | shit actually takes. I find that:
       | - Some folks are scary precise in their estimates. I'd say this
       | is like 10% of engineers. You ask them for an estimate, they tell
       | you, and then it takes exactly that long every single time. In
       | other words, I have confidence that if I ask one of those folks
       | for an estimate, I can take that shit to the bank.
       | - Some folks always overestimate. This is rare. Maybe less than
       | 10% of folks. When I find that someone overestimates, I know that
       | I can take that shit to the bank as an upper bound, which is
       | still useful.
       | - Some folks say they don't know. That's fine. Those folks are
       | even rarer, so I don't have to do anything smart for them.
       | - Most folks underestimate, sometimes hilariously so - they are
       | always one day, or one week, or some other too-short amount of
       | time, away from finishing their multi month effort. That's fine.
       | Once I know you underestimate, I know that I can take your
       | estimates to the bank as a lower bound. For more than half of the
       | underestimaters, I find that there's some formula that works:
       | like if Steve says he needs just one more day, he always means he
       | needs five more days. So if suddenly Steve says he needs another
       | week, then I know he probably needs over a month. That's still
       | useful to me and I'm totally fine if Steve then tells his friends
       | (or HN) how dumb it is that I ask him for estimates. They may be
       | dumb to him but I've got my napkin math that turns his BS
       | estimate into something that I can take to the bank. (I don't
       | actually manage anyone named Steve but I was a Steve as an IC.)
       | So yeah. When I ask you for an estimate, I expect it to be wrong
       | and then I look for patterns in your wrongness. For most people,
       | there's a pattern that allows me to turn something that looks
       | like a nonsense estimate at first into something I can then plan
       | around. That's why developers I work with are "expected" to
       | estimate.
         | VFIT7CTO77TOC wrote:
         | If your mechanic gave you a 1 month estimate to fix your flat
         | tire, they'd deliver on time every time
           | pizlonator wrote:
           | The precise estimaters are doing more than fixing a tire and
           | they are doing it in less than a month. Empirically, these
           | people are often more than average productive.
           | It helps that I also know how to program. So I know that the
           | task in question is hard and I know that the patch they
           | submitted is the real deal.
         | okdood64 wrote:
         | > like if Steve says he needs just one more day, he always
         | means he needs five more days. So if suddenly Steve says he
         | needs another week, then I know he probably needs over a month.
         | That is a beyond frustrating even if you have gotten used to
         | adjusting the time in your head. It also probably means it
         | affects other work that Steve is doing and his sanity. (Steve
         | thinks he'll finish Task A in a week, and has already allocated
         | time for Task B in a week's time, but he's not even close to
         | finishing Task A a week later, and now he has to work on both
         | at the same time. Which is fine, we're all expected to multi-
         | task, but if he constantly isn't prepared for this then it's
         | not sustainable.)
         | In these scenarios do you talk to Steve about what is up with
         | his estimation skills and time management?
         | vsareto wrote:
         | >Some folks are scary precise in their estimates. I'd say this
         | is like 10% of engineers. You ask them for an estimate, they
         | tell you, and then it takes exactly that long every single
         | time.
         | It's possible they are hiding their true skill and sitting
         | inside their comfort zone, so they are really over-estimating
         | based on what they can actually do, but are keeping that truth
         | to themselves. A good reason to do this is to avoid being
         | assigned more work for no real gain and pushing the work-life
         | balance more towards life. This situation annoys some managers
         | when they find out they weren't getting the maximum effort
         | possible from someone for their compensation.
           | justeleblanc wrote:
           | If the manager's happy with the employee's output, and the
           | employee is happy with their task and compensation... Then
           | how is that a problem?
           | pstorm wrote:
           | I came here to say the same thing. It's either that or
           | Parkinson's Law [0], usually expressed as: work expands so as
           | to fill the time available for its completion. I find that
           | for myself it is true, when I have more time, I take my foot
           | off the pedal. When I am running late, I work harder to meet
           | the deadline.
           | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkinson%27s_law
           | mumblemumble wrote:
           | This was roughly my first thought, too. It may not be
           | nefarious, though. In many software projects, if you know
           | what you're doing, there's a lot of work that's useful-but-
           | optional that can be delayed to the end stages of the
           | project. So then you front-load all your hard requirements so
           | that you can minimize the risk that you'll miss any of them.
           | Once that's sorted, you can just knock your way down the rest
           | of the to-do list until you run out of time.
           | This is actually how Scrum is _supposed_ to work, and most
           | the Scrum rituals are just a formalized process for doing
           | that in a collective ownership setting. But at some point we
           | forgot that and started confusing the means for the ends, and
           | it all kind of fell apart.
           | pcurve wrote:
           | Manager here. Managers know this too. As long as the estimate
           | falls somewhere between over-estimator and under-estimator,
           | most managers don't care.
           | Good managers understand slack capacity is needed.
           | pizlonator wrote:
           | Nah. The people I'm thinking of are fucking magicians.
           | If they are hiding their true skill then OMFG.
             | Izkata wrote:
             | Back when I was on product teams I could do this. The trick
             | is knowing the codebase and problem space well enough that
             | you're doing all the planning upfront in your head*, so the
             | estimate given is basically just implementation of an
             | already-existing plan, with few unknowns - just some
             | padding for testing and bugfixing near the end.
             | Nowadays I'm on a maintenance team with products I'm not
             | very familiar with, so when something needs fixing I have
             | to spend time investigating it before being able to come up
             | with that plan. I can usually still give vague estimates
             | based on guesses of where the problem is, but nothing like
             | I used to be able to.
             | * Okay maybe not _all_ all, but enough that you have an
             | outline of the entire solution where you can fill in the
             | details as you go. Some details will increase the overall
             | estimate as you get to them, others will be simpler than
             | you thought and reduce the overall estimate - for me it
             | tended to balance out.
             | engineeringwoke wrote:
             | I am 100% one of these people. Unless something really
             | unexpected comes up, then I choose whether I'm working that
             | morning (which is less than 50%) and will usually finish
             | the work after a few hours, then commit it either at EOD or
             | next morning. I am still considered an over-achiever by a
             | vast margin.
               | pizlonator wrote:
               | Good for you. I don't mind working with such people. I
               | have zero interest in knowing how much of your 40 hours
               | you actually spent working, only whether you did the
               | thing you said you were going to do. An engineer that is
               | more productive than everyone else but only works 5 hours
               | a week still deserves to be rewarded the same way as an
               | engineer who worked 40 hours but achieved the same result
               | in the same calendar duration.
               | If you really can overachieve while working very little
               | then all it means is that you could have achieved more in
               | your life if you spent more time working. And that's none
               | of my business.
               | engineeringwoke wrote:
               | > If you really can overachieve while working very little
               | then all it means is that you could have achieved more in
               | your life if you spent more time working.
               | I mean, not really right? That's the whole thing with the
               | totem pole systems we create. You are only rewarded for
               | over-achieving so much. Anything above that causes
               | problems, because we are jealous creatures. There are
               | daggers in mens' smiles.
               | I have other interests in life and don't care that much
               | about work, which is why I understand how it works in the
               | first place. If I didn't like philosophy and speak four
               | languages and lived around the world, then I wouldn't
               | know that. Most engineers don't.
               | If my company were willing to make me a principal and
               | comp me with a big chunk of equity, then hell yeah. But
               | almost no one is, and until I have kids, I don't want to
               | start my own company or put too much effort into office
               | politics. C'est la vie, c'est la mort.
               | pizlonator wrote:
               | Causes problems because of jealous creatures?
               | Sounds like a really bad work environment. I tend to stay
               | away from those.
         | doctor_eval wrote:
         | I just don't accept that accurate estimates are actually
         | possible _unless_ :
         | - the requirements are well written and complete
         | - they never change
         | - the duration of the project is very short
         | - the number of interruptions is minimal
         | - there are no other priorities
         | - it's a simple change to an existing, well defined system
         | If all of the above is true then sure, it's possible to come up
         | with accurate estimates.
         | But most of the time accuracy problems are not (only) due to
         | the inability of the engineer to estimate, but also the overall
         | uncertainty of the requirements and productive time available.
         | The narrative around estimates is that the engineer is
         | responsible for things being late, but in several places I've
         | worked, it's largely the externalities that cause estimates to
         | be wrong.
         | When I was able to control these factors, my team and I were
         | able to make good estimates most of the time. But it's really
         | rare to be able to control them.
           | pizlonator wrote:
           | There is no narrative around estimates that engineers are
           | responsible for things being late.
           | Strictly speaking I don't think any of your conditions have
           | to be true for estimates to be accurate, though obviously all
           | of those things help.
           | I'm reporting empirical results here based on my experience.
           | Your theory doesn't change the facts of my experience.
       | benjaminwootton wrote:
       | It's a very naive question even if I try to be charitable. I
       | assume most developers would be more business aware?
       | A few obvious reasons:
       | - The buyer has to make commitments externally, for instance to
       | customers, partners, finance, marketing, his boss;
       | - The buyer has dependencies on those external resources and
       | needs to plan for them;
       | - The buyer has a limited pool of resources and needs to know
       | when they are free for the next task or project;
       | - The buyer needs to get an idea of costs to complete the feature
       | and secure the budget;
       | - The buyer needs to make priority calls. If feature X is
       | significantly more effort than feature Y then we can prioritise
       | accordingly;
       | - The buyer is paying and simply wants to know when he will get
       | his shit.
       | I wonder if the person asking the question would be happy to let
       | someone do a job in his home with an uncapped budget and
       | timeline?
         | yarg wrote:
         | - The manager needs someone else to blame.
         | DeathArrow wrote:
         | > - The buyer has to make commitments externally, for instance
         | to customers, partners, finance, marketing, his boss;
         | Usually a business person makes some promise to the buyer or
         | his/her boss that a certain feature will be done in X amount of
         | time without consulting the team who does the work. The result
         | might be overworking, resentments, stuff not being done in time
         | and technical debt.
           | justeleblanc wrote:
           | You can't have it both ways. Either you ask the developers
           | for an estimate and you get ridiculed because how can
           | developers _possibly_ have any clue how long it 's going to
           | take them something? A day, a month, a year, who knows how
           | much time this CRUD service will take! Or you don't consult
           | with your developers, but then you've made an unrealistic
           | promise with a number pulled out of your pants and you're the
           | cause of all the suffering in your team.
             | DeathArrow wrote:
             | No. Realistic is talking to your team exposing all the
             | knowns and unknowns, refine the feature as realistically
             | possible, while keeping the client in the loop, and once
             | the feature is decently refined you ask the team for an
             | estimation, take the higher limit and add a buffer for
             | things that are not development related.
             | In the best case the feature will be done earlier, in the
             | worst case you won't look like an idiot which promised
             | things and didn't deliver and you won't compromise your
             | relationship with the team. Compromising relationships with
             | either clients or tech teams aren't good for your career.
             | More simply put, try to be as honest as possible. Not over
             | promise, not under deliver.
             | One of my former girlfriends went to a business school and
             | worked in banking. She thought people in IT have better
             | salaries and she thinked tech people are a bunch of idiots
             | and it's easy to push them to do things and extract a fat
             | paycheck. So she did some courses on IT management and
             | applied to lots of product owner and product manager role.
             | After tens of interviews she hadn't had one success. To add
             | insult to the injury, I showed her I make more money as a
             | team lead than the product owner. Of course, the reverse is
             | true and I've seen product owners being genuinely useful
             | and having lots of business knowledge, some even programing
             | knowledge.
             | Some people are just after the money, no matter what role
             | they occupy in an IT company. And they tend to be the least
             | useful persons who are blocking others to reach full
             | potential.
         | [deleted]
         | fnordpiglet wrote:
         | And giving people a precise and inaccurate estimate makes this
         | better? A capped time and budget won't make it take that amount
         | of time or money. It takes what it takes. The complexity and
         | amount of randomness in these processes mean any expectation
         | has wildly large variance, with a long tail in the wrong
         | direction. If you want home builder like estimates, build a
         | home, not software.
         | alwaysbeconsing wrote:
         | > I wonder if the person asking the question would be happy to
         | let someone do a job in his home with an uncapped budget and
         | timeline?
         | Huh? Every major contract job on my house and my friends'
         | houses that I have heard of has taken longer than originally
         | "planned". More often than not unexpected expenses come up
         | along the way. The same is true for commercial
         | construction/remodeling. That's just how these things work;
         | pretending otherwise is going to be a huge source of friction.
         | dzhiurgis wrote:
         | Every project I ever worked on was more like "okay we already
         | building it" and estimate was the last step after spending
         | hours of discussions. My manager was typically had enough clue
         | to estimate themselves too.
         | tdrgabi wrote:
         | I do wonder if developers would accept the same from people
         | they "employ" to do a task.
         | I imagine sometimes I renovate my kitchen, an expensive task,
         | within my budget but with not a lot of leeway, I can't renovate
         | the kitchen twice for example. If the workers say they don't
         | know how long it will cost and they won't provide an estimate
         | to when ... I would not be happy.
         | Even creatives, writers, musicians, graphic artists have
         | deadlines and must estimate their work.
         | But we feel that our work is special and should not be asked to
         | give an estimate.
         | tyingq wrote:
         | This is also hard to agree with:
         |  _" Software development is not carpentry. Almost everything a
         | developer writes is unique, they have never built that
         | particular thing before. We are not cabinet makers repeating a
         | variation of something we've built hundreds of times before."_
         | Some software development fits this description. Quite a lot of
         | it does not.
         | HardlyCurious wrote:
         | I'm not sure why you feel the need to falsely frame the point
         | as a request for a blank check.
         | I get all the reasons you provided, but at the end of the day
         | an honest discussion needs to ask is estimating tasks
         | effective.
         | Do developers get more done or less done when estimating tasks
         | vs not estimating tasks? The only claim estimates would
         | increase productivity is the extent they are deadlines. But I
         | think you will see that when developers take meeting their
         | estimates seriously their estimates tend to get more
         | conservative. And then there can be a desire to not over
         | deliver on the estimates to lend those estimates legitimacy.
         | Without estimates, you still have a performance metric to use,
         | individual velocity. If one developer isn't getting stuff done
         | as fast as others, you don't need estimates to know they aren't
         | performing as you would like.
         | Are estimates reliable? This of course varies greatly by the
         | project and the team but I my experience estimates are
         | typically no more precise than 50% of their length. So a 6
         | month project probably shouldnt take longer than 9 months. Your
         | mileage may vary, but is there a way to crudely estimate a
         | project without asking for estimates? I would say probably. Why
         | not just measure the teams velocity and project it?
         | I would argue estimates were a first guess at a way to run a
         | development team which has survived mostly because of a refusal
         | to consider the first guess might not have been the best guess.
         | AtlasBarfed wrote:
         | And your response naively suggests the business people are
         | being above board.
         | The real reason is to provide a scapegoat for the 50% of times
         | it fails (ratio from Mythical Man Month)
         | "But but but but OUR organization isn't like that!"
         | Sure.
         | BillyTheKing wrote:
         | this assumes that there's a buyer of software, and that the
         | buyer decides which software to build. In those cases estimates
         | might make sense But in many other instances
         | (product/engineering led companies, start-ups) software isn't
         | built for a buyer, it's build for a user - and a user doesn't
         | care if it took 5 days or 15 weeks to build their favourite
         | feature. What they care about is that you build features those
         | users actually want.
         | In those cases estimates form part of a whole basket of
         | mechanisms and rules designed to 'shield' developers from users
         | and vice versa, which imo is among the biggest mistakes one can
         | make in such software companies.
           | justeleblanc wrote:
           | A user doesn't care. Your boss cares if the competing company
           | built the feature in half the time as you and snatches half
           | your user base.
         | peteradio wrote:
         | I wouldn't hire someone to do a job in my home that they've
         | never completed before.
         | adamredwoods wrote:
         | Give them a break, they're venting but they're raising valid
         | problems within the workplace (don't go by the headline alone).
         | I've personally been in this spot and had to seek outside help
         | to identify issues within my workplace!
         | They key is negotiations, and both parties being able to
         | balance a moving target of requirements and scope. Large
         | software development is not a determinable thing as much as we
         | would like. Perhaps ChatGPT will solve this?
         | >> I wonder if the person asking the question would be happy to
         | let someone do a job in his home with an uncapped budget and
         | timeline?
         | Even this is not always accurately determinable! If you've had
         | work done in your home, or heard anecdotes from others, you
         | would realize this.
         | pmarreck wrote:
         | agreed with this. it's almost like this person has never had to
         | pay for labor before
           | commandlinefan wrote:
           | You're all acting like he does know, he's just not telling
           | you. Step back for a moment and consider how things change if
           | he actually doesn't know and not even a water boarding
           | session will get him to tell you how long it's going to take.
           | Now what? You either live with the uncertainty or fire him
           | and replace him with somebody who can conjure up estimates -
           | which, presumably was what you were trying to do when you
           | hired him in the first place.
             | highwaylights wrote:
             | I mean I would _definitely_ give you the estimate before it
             | got to waterboarding.
             | The quality of the estimate would be unaffected.
         | heisenbit wrote:
         | Absolute estimate done right force scoping decisions which can
         | be very valuable.
         | Relative estimates like planning poker can reveal hidden
         | assumptions.
         | Commercial estimates can reveal risk appetite, desperation and
         | more.
         | All estimates create insights but imho. it is best to burn the
         | paper with the number after writing.
         | a_t48 wrote:
         | Yeah I'd hate to be working with this guy. Your coworkers care
         | about when things get done, too. Nothing more frustrating than
         | to sit on your hands because of a dependency on some other
         | team.
           | hgsgm wrote:
           | You've identified the problem but missed the solution: don't
           | bet your business on a dependency that doesn't exist yet. Be
           | useful enough to work on a different project, or take a
           | furlough until you are needed.
             | a_t48 wrote:
             | Sure! We agree - though it would be nice to know if I can
             | come back to it tomorrow or in six months.
           | gghffguhvc wrote:
           | Agreed. Having human dependencies who have competing
           | priorities or unknown competencies on the critical path is
           | such a big risk on timelines.
           | In some cases I've got agreements up front that if the
           | dependencies aren't done or being worked on by particular
           | dates my team gets access to the codebase or systems and can
           | take over. That type of consequence/potential embarrassment
           | can set up potential adversarial positions but it has helped
           | a few times.
         | commandlinefan wrote:
         | > The buyer has to make commitments
         | Not surprised this discussion devolved into this bizarro world
         | point so quickly. The developer says "there are too many
         | unknowns to provide any sort of estimate". The manager retorts
         | "but we need estimates!" As if they expect the developer to say
         | "oh, you _need_ them? You didn't say that. In that case, the
         | unknowns are now known and it will take four days, three if you
         | remove this inconsequential detail that nobody cares about".
         | Unfortunately this bit of illogic is so common that I know it's
         | a waste of time to argue, so I've learned how to figure out
         | what they want the estimates to be, give them that, miss them
         | (just like everybody else does), and then get to work on
         | actually providing the feature.
           | idopmstuff wrote:
           | See in this case the manager has done a bad job, but the
           | developer has also done a bad job, both in the exact same
           | way.
           | The correct solution here isn't just to insist estimation is
           | impossible and be offended that someone would ask for it -
           | that just misunderstands how businesses work.
           | The correct thing is for either of those parties to say,
           | "Okay, I understand it's not estimable at the moment. What
           | are the steps that we need to take in order to get a
           | reasonable estimate?"
           | A good PM will do this, but where there is a bad PM, a
           | developer can step in and say the same thing. In your
           | scenario, "The developer says "there are too many unknowns to
           | provide any sort of estimate"." What the developer could say
           | is, "There are too many unknowns to provide any sort of
           | estimate - let me give you a few examples. <examples>. What I
           | can do is come back to you after <amount of time> with a list
           | of the unknowns and an explanation of the work required to
           | evaluate them, so that we have enough information to
           | estimate. Once you have that list, then you can decide if we
           | want to proceed with the work to understand those unknowns."
           | I totally understand why developers get frustrated when
           | they're asked to give estimates for things that can't
           | reasonably be estimated with the current information
           | available. But the flip side is it's also very reasonable for
           | PMs to get frustrated and ignore developers who insist that
           | estimation is an impossibility, because that's virtually
           | never true - maybe it's impossible to do now, but there is a
           | path to make it possible. If you work proactively to expose
           | that path to the PM, it'll generally result in everyone being
           | happier.
             | VyseofArcadia wrote:
             | > The correct thing is for either of those parties to say,
             | "Okay, I understand it's not estimable at the moment. What
             | are the steps that we need to take in order to get a
             | reasonable estimate?"
             | Ah, that would be nice. In my experience it's more like,
             | "Okay, I understand it's not estimable at the moment. Just
             | make your best guess and we can revise it later. (Psych! I
             | will hold you to this estimate like you were under oath in
             | court!)"
             | This leads to things like the Scotty rule. Since management
             | will always misuse, misunderstand, or misrepresent your
             | estimate anyway, might as well look out for number one and
             | inflate the estimate, just in case.
               | idopmstuff wrote:
               | Let me genuinely encourage you to try to find a job at a
               | very early stage startup. I hear these horror stories
               | about PMs/managers/etc., but I've yet to really
               | experience them. I suspect that's because I usually join
               | companies of <50 people. The engineers care about getting
               | things right, the PMs care about getting things right,
               | and management is well aligned with everybody, because
               | there's little to no hierarchy.
               | The only time I've really had management "misuse,
               | misunderstand, or misrepresent your estimate" is once
               | they got past the point of being several hundred people
               | with the bureaucracy that entails. Then I leave and go to
               | a startup that's <50 people.
             | myshpa wrote:
             | > There are too many unknowns to provide any sort of
             | estimate - let me give you a few examples. What I can do is
             | come back to you after amount of time with a list of the
             | unknowns and an explanation of the work required to
             | evaluate them, so that we have enough information to
             | estimate
             | Sometimes we don't know what we don't know. If we don't
             | know what we don't know now and if we don't know what we'll
             | find we don't know later, then we don't know how long we
             | will need until we'll know.
             | Uff. Sorry. If I had more time, I would have written a
             | better comment.
               | idopmstuff wrote:
               | Let's put it this way, then - either you're totally
               | incapable of building whatever we're talking about under
               | any circumstances, or, even if it has unknowns, there are
               | steps you can take in the right direction to get started
               | and move things along. You will learn things that will
               | help you understand the problem better along the way.
               | If it's the latter case, then a good developer can
               | describe the immediate steps they'll take and what
               | questions they expect to answer. Whatever the case, there
               | is always some concrete next step you can take to which
               | you can assign a reasonable estimate of time. That might
               | just be that you'll spend one day perusing some
               | documentation, and the only outcome you expect from that
               | is that you'll develop a reasonable enough understanding
               | of how large/complex the documentation is, such that you
               | can come back with an estimate of how long it will take
               | to find and carefully read all the relevant sections of
               | the documentation.
               | That's totally fine - if it's the sort of wildly unknown
               | problem that you're describing, then I recognize we'll
               | have to take steps to understand the problem. There's
               | still never a case where it's impossible to create an
               | immediate plan of action and understand roughly how long
               | that will take (unless you are simply unqualified to take
               | on the problem).
               | I had a boss loved the phrase, "a date for a date." He
               | just meant that if you can't give me a date for when the
               | thing will be done, then you need to give me a date for
               | when you can give me a date for when the thing will be
               | done. Can't do that? Date for a date for a date. However
               | many levels we have to go, you're not getting out of
               | whatever meeting we're in until you can give me a date by
               | which you'll be able to come back and give me another
               | date.
               | jiggawatts wrote:
               | The problem is that in programming the discovery part is
               | often 90% of the task. There can be situations where
               | there is no 10% discovery phase and the rest of the time
               | we're banging out predictable code.
               | Right now I'm replatforming a legacy app. It's
               | undocumented, developed by dozens of staff -- all of whom
               | are gone, and full of crazy bugs and gotchas.
               | Out of the box it wouldn't compile, the source code was
               | missing files, etc...
               | The task is to find every such hidden issue, fix it,
               | which then allows us to find the next hidden issue, and
               | so on.
               | When we're done finding issues, we're basically done.
               | Can you tell me how many issues we'll encounter? I can't.
               | I'm being perpetually surprised by the code base, finding
               | random binary blobs that actually are from some other
               | project we didn't even know exists until that moment.
               | Fundamentally, it'll take as long as it takes. The
               | application is mandated by law, and it must be made to
               | work. It'll cost what it costs, and it'll be finished
               | when it's done.
               | Instead of begging for estimates, a good manager would be
               | bending over backwards to _accelerate_ the process. Get
               | in the original devs for a week under contract. Procure
               | tooling that helps find bugs faster. Instrument the
               | source servers to get better comparative info. Etc...
               | I've never seen that occur. It's always just the same
               | question repeated over and over as if that can make the
               | unknown known.
               | myshpa wrote:
               | > I had a boss loved the phrase, "a date for a date."
               | I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as
               | they go by.
               | - Douglas Adams
           | tsgagnon wrote:
           | _Unfortunately this bit of illogic is so common that I know
           | it's a waste of time to argue, so I've learned how to figure
           | out what they want the estimates to be, give them that, miss
           | them (just like everybody else does), and then get to work on
           | actually providing the feature._
           | It gets even worse when you are in a line of work where the
           | estimates are part of some kind of sales pipeline. Then you
           | aren't just estimating based on effort required, but also
           | against a likely number that the customer will ever agree to.
           | UncleMeat wrote:
           | The response to "there are too many unknowns to provide any
           | sort of estimate" shouldn't be exactly "well, we need
           | estimates." But "okay, just do whatever" is also not a
           | working outcome. Software is weird, yes. But other
           | disciplines are able to provide useful planning information.
           | Why are we unable to do that?
             | jiggawatts wrote:
             | Really, they can, can they? Even the bespoke, one-off
             | projects with unknown unknowns?
             | Tell me, how accurate were the estimates for the launch
             | date of JWST?
             | I'll wait here while you look up how many times and how
             | many years that "slipped".
             | I bet some dumbass NASA manager asked the team to schedule
             | the launch date back in the 1990s.
             | lazide wrote:
             | Most other disciplines have this exact same problem.
             | Construction contractors for instance, are notorious for
             | it.
             | The difference is, the law says if a contractor signs a
             | contract to do something at x price, they HAVE to do so or
             | suffer consequences. So contractors go broke/bankrupt, lose
             | their licenses, or figure out how to bid correctly enough
             | they can either weasel out of it if it goes sideways or
             | they have enough wiggle room to deal with the inevitable
             | problems.
             | Software Engineering Consultants have the same situation.
             | But directly employed software engineers are in a different
             | position of course.
             | One thing that typically makes this worse, is the implicit
             | assumption that planning/quoting/estimating is 'free' work,
             | and since it CAN make things easier to deliver, therefore
             | we should do more and more of it as, since it's free, it
             | will solve the problem no?
               | UncleMeat wrote:
               | Other disciplines have problems with slippage, but none
               | of my friends who are in physical engineering fields
               | insist that they _shouldn 't even have to provide
               | estimates_ in the first place.
               | lazide wrote:
               | Of course not, their protected place comes with
               | conditions like giving estimates (and being held to
               | them).
               | And their disciplines involve massive capital outlays
               | which can't be refactored in a cost effective way, or at
               | all really.
               | Not defending the 'no estimate ever' approach, it doesn't
               | work. They are different though.
           | eapressoandcats wrote:
           | I don't see how it's unreasonable that someone would want to
           | make plans based on the development velocity of software.
           | Just because it's actually hard to estimate some things
           | accurately doesn't mean it's not valuable from a business
           | perspective. The original post was someone saying that they
           | should never be asked for estimates because every single
           | thing they make is a unique snowflake of unknowable
           | complexity, which is absurd. There are definitely features
           | which an engineer can easily estimate delivery timelines on,
           | and even knowing ballparks like "this is hard (as in weeks)"
           | or "this is easy (as in hours/days)" is super valuable to
           | communicate to actual business stakeholders.
           | In a healthy culture it should be possible to have a back and
           | forth about how accurate an estimate is likely to be, but
           | when engineers insist that all estimation is useless you can
           | imagine why other stakeholders may lost trust.
           | doctor_eval wrote:
           | Estimates are theatre. It's not even theoretically possible
           | to provide accurate estimates for anything but the most
           | trivial project, yet here we are.
           | As an industry we just seem incapable of coming up with any
           | other way of negotiating and running projects.
           | alkonaut wrote:
           | This is why it's a good idea to have ranged estimates. If a
           | simple known thing with zero unknowns has maybe a 200% margin
           | (1-3 days) then a more unknown task can have 10x as wide
           | margin like 1 to 20 days.
           | As a developer I never get "that's a useless estimate we
           | can't prioritize based on that/tell the customer that". It's
           | a perfectly good estimate. It tells everyone there is a lot
           | of uncertainty. The low lower bound indicates there is a
           | chance it might turn out to be cheap (so maybe worth taking a
           | gamble and trying it and giving up). The big variance
           | indicates it could/should be given some time to
           | prep/investigate in order to narrow the estimate.
           | When there are unknowns, make a wide estimate. Convey the
           | uncertainty. If the unknowns are ridiculous, make a
           | ridiculous estimate. Even "5-200 days" is _useful_ because
           | something else with less uncertainty can be chosen instead.
             | idopmstuff wrote:
             | > When there are unknowns, make a wide estimate. Convey the
             | uncertainty. If the unknowns are ridiculous, make a
             | ridiculous estimate. Even "5-200 days" is useful because
             | something else with less uncertainty can be chosen instead.
             | As a PM, I couldn't possibly agree more with this. When you
             | give me 5-200 days instead of "we can't estimate this",
             | you've started the beginning of a productive conversation.
             | I can ask you questions about why the range is so big, and
             | you can explain to me what steps we can take (research,
             | narrowing scope, etc.), to reduce the range.
               | jiggawatts wrote:
               | I've tried this. Inevitably the response is: "We need to
               | book UAT testers for a specific date."
               | Ordinary LoB staff apparently are superstars that have
               | their schedules locked in months into the future, but
               | consultant SREs costing thousands a day can have their
               | time wasted on a daily basis trying to determine how long
               | it will take to complete a task that hasn't even started
               | yet.
               | This has literally been my last two months. The dev team
               | lead is asking me -- an outsider -- how long it'll take
               | _his_ team to finish something. Not because I know
               | better, but because he doesn't know either and prefers to
               | make it my fault because I'm expendable.
               | 8note wrote:
               | An interesting swap would be to get them to give an
               | estimate for when they'd be ready for UAT, and then you
               | take on booking the UAT.
               | If you're the user or representing the user, shouldn't
               | you be doing the UAT?
               | roenxi wrote:
               | Well, analysing the situation that seems like quite an
               | easy one to negotiate through:
               | 1. Talk to the person who'll get angry at you when the
               | UAT testers are brought in at the wrong time.
               | 2. Make it clear to them, with a paper trail, that this
               | is an impossible task and you can either book in a best-
               | estimate with the likely outcome that the UAT testers
               | will arrive and there will be nothing to test OR that you
               | can book conservatively and there is a risk the project
               | will be delayed waiting for UAT. They can pick which risk
               | they want to bear.
               | 3. Put in formal feedback, as loudly as possible, that
               | booking in UAT for a specific time introduces obvious
               | risks and someone needs to optimise the process to be
               | more flexible otherwise it will delay projects & waste
               | the businesses' money.
             | InexSquirrel wrote:
             | I agree with this sentiment.
             | I'm running through a similar situation now, where I'm
             | somewhat adjacent to a client and a dev team. The client
             | has a list of tasks he wants done, and he'd like banded
             | estimates for the effort the dev team thinks it will take
             | to complete each.
             | The developers are obliging, but one of them complained to
             | me privately "why doesn't he just give us 2 months of
             | budget and we'll get through as much as we can?" - which is
             | an interesting statement. From the developer's perspective,
             | this is ideal. They are very good and work hard and have
             | integrity, so I'm sure something like that would work, from
             | their perspective. They can just 'go' and get stuff done.
             | From the client's perspective though, it just raises a
             | bunch of uncertainty. He wants to know what he could get
             | out of his 2 months of development budget. If one task took
             | all 2 months, and the others (15 in this case) didn't get
             | done, is that OK? What if some important task wasn't that
             | much effort? You'd potentially want to priortise that over
             | a bigger item.
             | Just saying 'give us two months of budget' doesn't take the
             | other party into account, and what they're trying to
             | balance or plan for. I've sat on both sides of the table,
             | and honestly just asking for a budget with no actual
             | commitment to completion feels selfish in my opinion.
             | Discounting their opinion because they're 'business' people
             | and not developers, or treating them like an enemy to fight
             | against won't win you any friends or long term
             | relationships.
               | ryanbrunner wrote:
               | > Just saying 'give us two months of budget' doesn't take
               | the other party into account, and what they're trying to
               | balance or plan for. I've sat on both sides of the table,
               | and honestly just asking for a budget with no actual
               | commitment to completion feels selfish in my opinion.
               | Discounting their opinion because they're 'business'
               | people and not developers, or treating them like an enemy
               | to fight against won't win you any friends or long term
               | relationships.
               | The irony is that at least some of the time, a "safe"
               | estimate will actually make the project take longer. Work
               | naturally expands to fill a deadline, and not having a
               | deadline but instead frequent progress checkins with an
               | expectation of foward progress can result in more getting
               | done, because it changes the conversation from "how at
               | risk is the deadline" to "how much happened in the last
               | week and what are the next steps", forcing progress to
               | happen continuously rather than one big bang at the end.
               | I also often hesitate to give estimates / establish
               | deadlines because it tends to create an unhealthy
               | confrontational atmoshepere, where developers are
               | incentivized to not incorporate feedback or make any
               | changes even if they are the right thing to do, because
               | it would put the deadline at risk (but if they incorprate
               | allowances for these things during estimation it's
               | considered sandbagging).
               | locustous wrote:
               | > From the client's perspective though, it just raises a
               | bunch of uncertainty.
               | It may feel good to have some of the times quantified.
               | But... If your estimates are literally fiction. It won't
               | stop being fiction in front of the client. You should
               | really spend that energy that went into the estimate for
               | something useful instead.
               | Not to say you can't derive some useful information from
               | a short planning session. Just don't expect anything
               | other than thumb to the wind guesses.
             | AlotOfReading wrote:
             | I'm fairly certain that you aren't accounting for
             | uncertainty properly, especially with long-tail events.
             | Let's say you have a ticket to enable a config flag. That's
             | low risk and relatively small. There's still a risk that
             | there's the flag hits a silicon bug. Does your estimate
             | reflect that risk and is it useful if 95% of tasks don't
             | hit those issues? Consider also that estimates delivered by
             | contractors or even other teammates will not reflect these
             | risks and thus you look correspondingly pessimistic or even
             | lazy.
             | For context, my team is in exactly this situation with
             | several silicon bugs we found last month.
               | dclusin wrote:
               | Assuming you're pretty close to the hardware? As a
               | standard backend web service dev os/library/device bugs
               | are incredibly unlikely and usually defective application
               | software is to blame. Not saying it doesn't happen, but I
               | can't recall in recent memory this sort of thing
               | happening as high up in the stack I work.
               | antipotoad wrote:
               | May I ask how you identified them as silicon bugs? And by
               | silicon bugs do you mean random bit flips, or something
               | else?
             | kelnos wrote:
             | The SO question addresses this, though: after giving an
             | estimate with a range, the developer is pressured to narrow
             | that range, mainly by pulling in the farther-out date in
             | the range, and then the developer is blamed when the
             | project inevitably comes in late because of that.
             | Maybe the solution here is "stick to your guns", but that
             | can have negative career implications.
               | alkonaut wrote:
               | That's perfectly expected. But the key is: narrowing the
               | estimate isn't _free_.
               | You can't pull a different estimate out of thin air. And
               | zero people will expect it.
               | The developer needs to say "I can say 10-100 days right
               | now in this meeting, but given just 1 day of
               | investigating, I'll narrow the estimate range by an order
               | of magnitude".
           | DeathArrow wrote:
           | > Unfortunately this bit of illogic is so common that I know
           | it's a waste of time to argue, so I've learned how to figure
           | out what they want the estimates to be, give them that, miss
           | them (just like everybody else does), and then get to work on
           | actually providing the feature.
           | I do that and I've become exceptionally good at blaming the
           | business persons for the outcome, making them admit their
           | guilt in public and all that in what seems a friendly,
           | positive and constructive manner and using business
           | motivation and explanation. They never understood what hit
           | them. Every programmer can do that if he or she learns a bit
           | of psychology.
             | meghan_rain wrote:
             | Can you elaborate?
               | DeathArrow wrote:
               | I just confront business people with the results of their
               | choices in a civil and polite manner.
               | If some manager made a promise to a client out of his/her
               | ass without asking us, and if the PO pressures us towards
               | meeting an unrealistic time-frame, when that explodes I
               | just explain in a public meeting where upper management
               | and all stake holders take part why it was wrong to
               | promise that, using arguments and business considerents
               | because bussineses people don't care about tech
               | considerents. It usually results in that person admitting
               | in public their mistake and even saying they are sorry.
               | I don't do that to humiliate people but to teach them to
               | ask the team implementing the feature to estimate or to
               | say if that feature is even reasonable or possible given
               | current state and resources.
           | Buttons840 wrote:
           | App idea for tracking projects: Each individual developer can
           | anonymously indicate how far along they believe a project is.
           | For example, Developer A thinks the project is 60% complete,
           | but Developer B thinks the project is 30% complete. Use
           | algorithms to predict the completion date.
           | However, I don't think this idea would be very popular
           | because it removes the manager's ability to control the
           | presentation and play politics.
             | crazygringo wrote:
             | I mean, planning poker in sprints is basically this.
             | Except instead of anonymity, the devs have to actually
             | discuss until they reach consensus.
           | awesome_dude wrote:
           | No, hard no.
           | In my experience good communication solves this every time.
           | MGMT: We need an estimate ENG: I have several unknowns MGMT:
           | We really need an estimate ENG: This is my rough estimate,
           | but be aware that the unknowns could change this drastically
           | MGMT: Ok, what do you need to get a firmer estimate.
           | And so on.
           | As a project progresses, the communication between ENG and
           | MGMT is crucial to ensure that MGMT are aware how those
           | unknowns are affecting the project, MGMT will decide at every
           | juncture if the project is worthwhile to continue to invest
           | resources into it (assuming they avoid the sunk cost fallacy)
           | jfengel wrote:
           | The estimates are useful even if they're wrong. Not all
           | managers realize that, so they ask the question badly. And
           | they never teach it to programmers.
           | The estimates aggregate to a number more accurate than each
           | individual. The manager cares more about the sum total than
           | each individual one. Many can even slip without affecting the
           | end date.
           | This isn't so hard, if management and developers didn't treat
           | each other as enemies. Each can get wrapped around the axle
           | concerning each deadline, rather than the real goal of
           | allocating resources across the entire scope.
           | iblaine wrote:
           | It's monumentally frustrating to be forced to give estimates
           | too soon in the planning process. The compromise, I hope, is
           | to end up in a place where most of the problem is known and
           | some is unknown, and you get there by breaking down the
           | original problem. Leave it up to the "buyer" to digest your
           | best estimate into their planning process.
           | WastingMyTime89 wrote:
           | > The developer says "there are too many unknowns to provide
           | any sort of estimate".
           | You are misunderstanding your job. You are a subject expert
           | and paid accordingly. Answer with what the unknowns are, an
           | optimistic and pessimistic take on them, what you could do
           | and how long it would take to lift them.
           | If you don't, your boss is going to ask you for exactly that
           | in a roundabout way and micromanage you because you are
           | forcing them to do your job.
           | It still baffle me than approximately half of developers
           | don't understand things which are obvious to any seasoned
           | blue collar worker.
             | lamontcg wrote:
             | > You are misunderstanding your job. You are a subject
             | expert and paid accordingly. Answer with what the unknowns
             | are, an optimistic and pessimistic take on them, what you
             | could do and how long it would take to lift them.
             | My optimistic/pessimistic takes at my last job would look
             | something like "roughly a week to roughly 2 years"
             | Depends on how deep the yak shaving goes, and you wouldn't
             | know until you got halfway through fixing the problem.
             | Often I could take an educated guess as to which side of
             | the scale it came down on, but I've definitely started
             | pulling on a string inside of the codebase and it just kept
             | going and going and going. All of those baked-in
             | assumptions that other developers unconsciously made over
             | the course of a decade can pile up into a mess that you
             | just can't implement the feature/bugfix without doing a
             | pile of potentially breaking changes that need to be
             | shipped in major versions.
             | Generally if I worked the problem for a week then I could
             | give you a much better estimate of when it would be done,
             | and often that estimate was "it's done now" after a week.
             | But if I hadn't looked at that particular subsystem for a
             | few years, I couldn't trust my memory of it up front and
             | had to do exploratory surgery first.
             | (Really exploratory surgery is a much better metaphor for
             | what you're going to be doing, and surgeons can routinely
             | find surprises -- "oh look that barely perceptible shadow
             | on the x-ray turns out to be a stage 4 tumor...")
             | Yes, the codebase was horrible, yes it needed to be cleaned
             | up, no we didn't have the manpower to do that and it would
             | have taken me 10 years to rewrite it all.
             | Quitting of course was an excellent solution.
             | magicalhippo wrote:
             | > Answer with what the unknowns are, an optimistic and
             | pessimistic take on them, what you could do and how long it
             | would take to lift them.
             | Yeah, most of the time my boss just needs to know if this
             | job is a few hours, a few days or a few weeks. I never
             | answer with exact numbers, but a range. If there are some
             | major unknowns I let him know. If I made some important
             | assumptions then I let him know.
             | Sometimes I'm wrong. Most of the time my estimates are
             | sufficiently accurate.
             | Sometimes the customer _really_ needs this done before some
             | deadline. Then it often turns into  "how can we make this
             | happen before then". After a bit of back and forth with
             | some added assumptions and cutting functionality, we
             | usually end up with a solution that can be realized in
             | time.
             | locustous wrote:
             | > You are misunderstanding your job. You are a subject
             | expert and paid accordingly. Answer with what the unknowns
             | are, an optimistic and pessimistic take on them, what you
             | could do and how long it would take to lift them.
             | Add a small feature to an existing system. This estimate
             | can be anywhere from several months to a day. Most of the
             | error bars are org and system specific rather than anything
             | to do with the feature. The exact same feature built by the
             | same person in different orgs and different systems can be
             | opposite ends of the range.
             | Seldom do people have the contextual understanding to
             | provide an accurate narrow estimate, particularly since
             | both org and system are in flux. They change constantly.
             | Unseen landmines potentially await in both.
             | > If you don't, your boss is going to ask you for exactly
             | that in a roundabout way and micromanage you because you
             | are forcing them to do your job.
             | And such orgs take forever to get anything done.
             | > It still baffle me than approximately half of developers
             | don't understand things which are obvious to any seasoned
             | blue collar worker.
             | Software is probably the hardest kind of engineering you
             | can do. All the system constraints are virtual. Just
             | consider comparing a dirt ground for consistency and
             | behavior vs libc... 304 stainless vs react.
             | You can go deep in both, but a shallow understanding of one
             | takes you much much further than a shallow understanding of
             | the other.
               | WastingMyTime89 wrote:
               | > Add a small feature to an existing system. This
               | estimate can be anywhere from several months to a day.
               | That's extremely untrue in my experience. Sure, hard to
               | interface with systems are a thing and organisational
               | roadblocks happen but an onboarded senior team member can
               | tell you what's going to take days and what's going to
               | take months or they have no business being senior in the
               | first place.
               | I feel like my answers in this discussion have been
               | particularly harsh but I would really like people calling
               | themselves software _engineers_ to start acting like
               | some. I think my view on this subject has been strongly
               | shaped by spending most of my career doing software
               | development for industrial companies: people who claim
               | software is particularly complicated just don't
               | understand and respect how complex the rest of an
               | industrial project is.
               | tremon wrote:
               | _an onboarded senior team member can tell you_
               | You're making an unwarranted assumption here. There's
               | many pieces of software that have no development team _at
               | all_. There 's no one to ask; the last person to touch
               | this software left the company three years ago. All they
               | can tell you about it is how they use it now.
               | It's likely there's at least someone that can explain
               | their business process to you, but identifying them and
               | receiving enough of their time to piece the picture
               | together is another story. And maybe, if you're lucky,
               | that person can tell you what the business process was at
               | the time the software was written, and what has changed
               | since then.
               | But this process can take weeks, and most of the time
               | you're expected to provide an estimate before even
               | talking to anyone from operations.
               | Sure, for internal software with an active
               | maintenance/development team, informed estimates can be
               | given with a relatively high level of confidence. But as
               | an outside consultant working with non-software
               | companies, all estimates are completely made-up based on
               | your reading of the buyer's budget: there are no other
               | data points to base your estimate on.
               | WastingMyTime89 wrote:
               | Working in the field, I'm fairly certain you already know
               | that this kind of job always starts by a paid diagnostic
               | and scoping phase which is there to give you the elements
               | you need to do an actual estimation. It's either that or
               | you are lucky to still be solvent.
             | iamcasen wrote:
             | Thank God somebody said this. When I was working as an IC,
             | I would be very communicative, highlight the unknowns, and
             | get buy-in from my boss. If a surprise came up, I would
             | make sure everyone knew the game had changed.
             | As a manager now, I get scoffed at if I even hint at a
             | deadline. Excuse me what? We have a limited budget, a
             | limited runway, and we need to prioritize which product
             | bets we are going to make. This seems entirely logical, but
             | a lot of devs I work with now find it impossible. They just
             | enjoy tinkering away with whatever thing interests them,
             | and delivering value only means what they personally find
             | valuable.
             | Personally, I find it a bit pathetic and childish. I say
             | this as a long time software engineer who knows perfectly
             | well how this business works.
               | pylua wrote:
               | Will Wright had a quote on this ... if you don't have any
               | constraints you are just playing.
               | That said, however, The problem I run into during
               | practice is dependencies-- people want estimates to
               | integrate into systems you have never heard of or used
               | before. Not only that, there is no in place architecture
               | or design before estimation. Imagine a construction
               | company estimating a house without knowing how big it is
               | or without having blueprints.
               | Often times software development is designing and
               | architecting the system -- not just implementing it. And
               | that is the expensive part.
             | [deleted]
             | Scarblac wrote:
             | I mostly agree, but if it's a technology I've never worked
             | with and I'm asked to do something I've never done before,
             | I'm _not_ an expert. That doesn 't stop them asking for
             | estimates, which turn into deadlines.
               | magicalhippo wrote:
               | I just say that to my boss: "this would involve using a
               | library/tool I've not yet used, so I cannot give a good
               | estimate until I've spent some time digging into it.
               | Right now I don't know if it will be easy or very
               | difficult."
               | If he really needs an estimate he'll tell me to start
               | digging into it right away, and I'll let him know after a
               | bit of time how it's going. If there are still large
               | uncertainties and my boss still wants this completed by
               | some specific date, we might try to explore alternative
               | solutions.
               | Scarblac wrote:
               | Yes it boils down to, if the person asking for estimates
               | understands the problems with them, it's safe to try.
               | With bad managers it's better not to give them as they
               | will be abused.
               | In the above case, I didn't get that time I would need,
               | they wanted the estimate to include that time I would
               | need to dig into it. But that's above my estimation
               | powers. I didn't even know if what they asked was
               | possible at all.
               | They went and asked someone else who did guess some
               | number of weeks, but the work never got priority so we
               | still don't know.
               | magicalhippo wrote:
               | > they wanted the estimate to include that time I would
               | need to dig into it
               | Yeah that ain't gonna fly with me.
               | lutorm wrote:
               | _estimates, which turn into deadlines_
               | Well, that's the problem right there. An estimate is
               | _not_ a promise. It should not be treated as such.
               | bluedino wrote:
               | That's a special case then.
             | barrysteve wrote:
             | Can you do it? Provide an estimate that's accurate and
             | stick to it with the routinized scheduling of a blue collar
             | job?
             | It's not an apples to oranges comparison. You give me an
             | architect's blueprint and guys who build to the legal
             | building code, and I could probably get a house built.
             | Expensive and painfully, but it can be done.
             | I don't even know what the coding analog to an architect's
             | blueprint is. They are fundamentally different jobs.
               | WastingMyTime89 wrote:
               | > Can you do it? Provide an estimate that's accurate and
               | stick to it with the routinized scheduling of a blue
               | collar job?
               | Yes, I work as a delivery lead nowadays. Producing and
               | respecting estimates for software projects is literally
               | my job.
               | I routinely fire developers who pretend they can't do
               | estimate and strangely the ones I keep are actually not
               | only able to do it but good at it.
               | barrysteve wrote:
               | Fair enough. Guess I should admit you squarely got me.
             | mumblemumble wrote:
             | Blue collar vocational training is more mature than
             | software development vocational training. It's typically
             | taught by people who have professional experience, and
             | there may even be an apprenticeship period where people are
             | explicitly learning from an expert in their profession
             | while on the job.
             | In software, on the other hand, we often have most training
             | being taught by professional academics who do not
             | understand and are not qualified to teach the parts of the
             | job that don't have a straightforward academic analogue.
             | Combine that with a business environment where things like
             | budgets and cost control are often only theoretical, and
             | all but the most gross liability for defects due to poor
             | workmanship has been waved away by EULAs, let it marinate
             | for several decades, and... yeah. Not only do people not
             | know these things, but I'm not entirely clear on how or why
             | they should be expected to learn them, either.
           | sixothree wrote:
           | For these I like to say "by the time I can give you an
           | accurate estimate, I will be done with the work."
           | Seriously though. It's always a time tradeoff. How much time
           | do you want an expensive developer investigating how long
           | this problem will take. Will they learn something they can
           | use during development.
           | I always follow up my above quote with the unknowns and how
           | hard I think they really are; what are the possible risks;
           | _and_ I include the experience of the developers working on
           | the problem; our ability to bring in other devs who
           | understand this better etc etc. I like to make sure whoever
           | is quoting this problem out understand everything as well as
           | we can in the given amount of time.
             | mynameisvlad wrote:
             | Is this not what estimating and refinement means to
             | developers? I'm always pulling a number out of my ass, but
             | that number is generally informed by current and past work,
             | unknowns, and a "gut feel".
             | If that number is too high, then that's a sign to
             | management that the work needs to be changed. The only way
             | to determine that is to estimate it then make that call.
               | hgsgm wrote:
               | That's relevant for order of magnitude only, and only for
               | "body sbop" work that is the same as previous work.
               | And only works if management wants an estimate. More
               | commonly, management wants a lie they can tell the
               | client.
               | mynameisvlad wrote:
               | > and only for "body sbop" work that is the same as
               | previous work.
               | That's absolutely preposterous. As a senior engineer, I
               | have seen enough that I have at least a high-level idea
               | of what most of the dev tasks and stories I'm estimating
               | are. I don't always have the specific details that may
               | change the estimate, but I also have a whole team of
               | other people who have seen even more things and can
               | inform that opinion.
               | The point of refinement sessions is to share this
               | information with everyone else so an estimate can be
               | created and if needed, tasks can be better defined, split
               | up or merged.
               | > And only works if management wants an estimate. More
               | commonly, management wants a lie they can tell the
               | client.
               | Wat? Estimates is used for plenty of reasons that have
               | nothing to do with external clients.
               | How do you think your manager, their manager, etc knows
               | what is going on and approximately how long it's going to
               | take? They're going to be _far_ more disconnected from
               | the work than the people doing it day to day, so they
               | would generally have no clue how long something is
               | estimated to take without someone telling them.
             | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | Thaxll wrote:
         | It's not just about external factors, you can't let you dev go
         | dev for an infinite amount of time. Task should be done at some
         | point and you should roughly know how long it should take.
         | throw__away7391 wrote:
         | And yet at most companies an army of "facilitators" exist, with
         | access to extensive tracking metrics and tools. They should be
         | able to at a minimum ask the right questions (i.e. not "how
         | long will x take") to create and maintain the estimates.
         | pulvinar wrote:
         | I don't think there's any question that people always _want_
         | this estimate. The problem with most software is that there
         | really isn 't one, since it's usually an open-ended search for
         | a solution.
         | Also, a job on his home is exactly what it should not be
         | compared with, since that's the sort of repeatable job that
         | _can_ be estimated.
           | pydry wrote:
           | I find it kind of funny how both sides take an "it's just not
           | realistic" approach to each other's complaints and then the
           | compromise is usually "You pretend you can make an estimate
           | and I'll pretend to believe it".
           | ghaff wrote:
           | >since that's the sort of repeatable job that can be
           | estimated
           | To some degree and depends on the job. Start opening up walls
           | in an old house and tell me how cookie cutter it is. When I
           | used to run shipyard jobs on offshore drilling rigs, I can
           | tell you that every single job ran into all sorts of problems
           | that were individually not predictable.
           | It's also just nonsense to think that most software is this
           | uniquely open-ended snowflake. Most engineering jobs require
           | problem-solving that can be affected by all sorts of things
           | in the physical world--plus you sometimes just have to build
           | and try out designs and maybe they work, maybe they need to
           | be refined a bit, and sometimes you have to toss them out and
           | start again from scratch.
             | kayodelycaon wrote:
             | I have an old house. More often than not, replacing a light
             | fixture is a multi-day task.
           | davidivadavid wrote:
           | That begs for supporting evidence. I doubt _most_ software is
           | open-ended research.
             | sdeframond wrote:
             | An argument is that it is open-ended research _by
             | definition_. Else we would just reuse something that
             | already exists.
               | hgsgm wrote:
               | Some devs do work that could be replaced by software, but
               | management doesn't know and the dev likes a paycheck.
               | yibg wrote:
               | That same argument can be applied to home renovations
               | then. The carpenter has build many cabinets before, but
               | perhaps not YOUR exact cabinet. So then no estimate is
               | expected in that case?
               | yamtaddle wrote:
               | The carpenter rarely discovers a few days in that the
               | screwdriver they _have to_ use on this project only works
               | every other week. Or that literally every measurement on
               | every component is off by 20% because  "that's how it's
               | done" with whatever garbage you stuck them with.
               | Vendors and even open-source libraries are often liars or
               | just missing what seems like it ought to be obvious
               | functionality. Sometimes tools are just broken. I once
               | was assigned a Java AWS Lambda project, which, great,
               | supported, right, says so right on the website? Except
               | half the CLI tool functionality just didn't work, at the
               | time, for Java projects, and I mean the _official_ tools.
               | It was alpha-tier supported _at best_. Usable, sorta,
               | kinda, but you 're gonna lose some time un-fucking the
               | situation, and the whole thing would be slower to develop
               | than it needed to be. You'd not know that unless you went
               | and did a focused search on their issue tracker(s), which
               | isn't really reasonable to do for _all_ the stuff you
               | might use in a typical project (some of which you might
               | not even know you need until you 've started work).
               | "Great, so now you know that for estimating next time, if
               | you get assigned a task exactly like that one" well, no,
               | not really, because that was like four years ago and the
               | situation's probably totally different now (maybe better,
               | maybe worse, who knows?)
               | That's why I think giving 4-8 weeks of development time
               | with some basic t-shirt sizing or pointing for tasks and
               | just _seeing how it 's going_ is better, before
               | estimating. I think if you can't afford that, before
               | getting the estimate, you _can 't afford a half-decent
               | estimate at all_ and just need to deal with the fact
               | you're going to get a terrible estimate with an
               | absolutely huge range ("six to eighteen months"). Which,
               | fine to ask for that up front then refine it after some
               | dev time! It just needs to be clear and expected that
               | those early estimates are going to have some _wild_
               | variance--but they can definitely tell you  "is this more
               | a 1-year project, or more a 5-year project?" which does
               | have some real value.
             | nostrademons wrote:
             | If it's not you copy & modify a snippet from StackOverflow,
             | or call a library.
             | It's not strictly correct that most software is open-ended
             | research. Most _economically valuable_ software is open-
             | ended research, because otherwise a solution already exists
             | and you don 't need to pay a software developer to write
             | it.
             | Software is a somewhat unique industry in having zero cost
             | of replication. The only other industry like this is
             | creative & artistic pursuits (writing, artwork, music,
             | film, etc.). That industry is _also_ notoriously difficult
             | to estimate and tends to be an area where the the greatest
             | works of art are done when they 're done. (How long have
             | people been waiting for George R. R. Martin to finish _A
             | Song of Ice and Fire_?)
             | commandlinefan wrote:
             | > I doubt most software is open-ended research.
             | No, just all software that provides any sort of tangible
             | benefit to anybody. I'm sure you could estimate fairly
             | accurately how long it would take to implement quicksort -
             | but nobody's going to ask you that.
             | pulvinar wrote:
             | Frederick Brooks' "Mythical Man-Month" book is the classic
             | answer. For my own evidence I base it on 50 years
             | experience. I just wrote a piece of code that I had all
             | working, but then I discovered a new method (requiring
             | rewriting it all) that greatly improved it in every
             | respect. So was I 90% done before that? Coding is just a
             | very non-linear and never-ending process.
               | kube-system wrote:
               | You were 100% done. And then you discovered an
               | opportunity for new work.
               | I know many developers enjoy the art of software
               | development and want to continually improve it, but that
               | isn't always the task you are being paid to do.
               | remkop22 wrote:
               | This exactly.
               | There are many ways to remodel a bathroom. Some more
               | optimal than others.
               | Now imagine your plumber tells you he discovered a better
               | layout for the plumbing just after finishing his work,
               | then he enthusiastically asks if he could tear everything
               | out and start over (and pay him for it).
           | benjaminwootton wrote:
           | Even if the job was incredibly small and predictable, my
           | point is that he would likely not be prepared to sign off an
           | open ended project with an uncapped budget.
             | hgsgm wrote:
             | That's why he should sign off on a capped budget for an
             | incremental milestone.
         | dsizzle wrote:
         | > I wonder if the person asking the question would be happy to
         | let someone do a job in his home with an uncapped budget and
         | timeline?
         | The author made the claim that software engineering is
         | fundamentally different from carpentry ("Almost everything a
         | developer writes is unique, they have never built that
         | particular thing before. We are not cabinet makers...")
         | But does that hold up? Many software projects do in fact have a
         | similar analogue, and each house is unique and carpentry
         | projects will thus run into unexpected snags.
           | gabereiser wrote:
           | He/she hasn't been around enough to see these patterns yet.
           | The amount of times I've had to implement security, rbac,
           | rest crud, modeling, service integrations, etc are too many
           | to count. I rely on packages that help reduce the boilerplate
           | and because I've done that so many times, I can give you an
           | estimate on roughly how long it will take.
           | The fact that the OP doesn't see this is fact that they are
           | too junior to be asked for estimates at all.
             | efnx wrote:
             | Or they're very senior in a pioneering domain that doesn't
             | have all these packages written.
             | It really depends on what domain you are programming in.
               | gabereiser wrote:
               | If that were the case, the business would know this and
               | wouldn't be asking you for estimates to return back to
               | the client.
         | stemlord wrote:
         | Basically the author is lamenting that estimations are NEVER
         | accurate enough. I've not known a dev who made accurate enough
         | estimations to avoid a crunch.
         | It does seem like the responders have a little bit too much
         | sunk cost in the whole famously fraught agile thing to
         | understand critique of it unbiased. It's fine in theory but
         | does have flaws.
           | AnimalMuppet wrote:
           | One flavor of agile (XP) says that estimates longer than 3
           | weeks diverge from reality too much. If you want to be able
           | to estimate accurately, you must break it down until every
           | task's estimate is less than 3 weeks.
           | That doesn't give you an accurate estimate, but it does
           | usually give you a less inaccurate one.
           | ghaff wrote:
           | I'd probably argue that any accurate estimate almost has to
           | have some slack built in. For any task of any complexity,
           | especially one requiring coordination, things rarely go more
           | easily and quickly than you expect. Far more likely, you run
           | into problems or you really need to talk to a person about
           | something and they're on vacation.
           | WastingMyTime89 wrote:
           | > I've not known a dev who made accurate enough estimations
           | to avoid a crunch.
           | And yet after three years at my first job, I could easily do
           | a quick breakdown on a project, assign a three level
           | complexity to each step (easy, medium, hard), put an amount
           | of days corresponding to the selected complexity (to be
           | reviewed after each project), add 25% for unforeseen events
           | and contingency and my estimates were accurate enough most of
           | the time.
           | It is not difficult to properly do rough estimates. Most
           | developers just refuse to invest the time necessary to do it
           | properly and sadly for some as the answers here already
           | illustrate I do believe it's because they think of themselves
           | as special snowflake rather than team player.
         | osigurdson wrote:
         | If the expected ROI on a particular project is so razor thin
         | that accurate estimates are needed, don't even start. Be sure
         | to do your due diligence and aim for at least 10X (ideally >
         | 100X). If this is provably true, then accurate estimates will
         | not be needed. If this cannot be concluded, simply live with
         | the limitations of off-the-shelf offerings.
           | pdhborges wrote:
           | Tom DeMarco expressed the same exact point:
           | > https://www.computer.org/csdl/magazine/so/2011/06/mso201106
           | 0...
           | analog31 wrote:
           | I think this is a big part of it. For every manager with an
           | unrealistic schedule demand, there's a manager above them
           | with an unrealistic ROI demand. The projects with accurate
           | schedules and accurate ROI's don't get approved.
         | hk1337 wrote:
         | > Software development is not carpentry.
         | I found that assumption to be ludicrous too.
         | bbbbzzz1 wrote:
         | > If developers have to be the ones carefully calculating
         | estimates and managing expectations then there's really no
         | purpose to middle-management.
         | Op is not saying that having estimates is useless, but rather
         | it should be a management task rather than a developers burden.
         | To me, that sounds even worse, but I do think devs are expected
         | to do wider and wider tasks across the business. Their post
         | reeks of resentment against management and PMs and I don't
         | blame them. Especially in my experience, I have worked with PMs
         | that I have no idea what they do as devs need to step in to do
         | all project management related tasks themselves
           | hgsgm wrote:
           | If you've worked in the industry long enough you work with a
           | PM who will ignore everything you say and ask for a delivery
           | date, and then ignore everything you say until you give the
           | date that the management or client wants. What they won't do
           | is give you the resources and support you need to hit the
           | date.
           | justeleblanc wrote:
           | > Op is not saying that having estimates is useless, but
           | rather it should be a management task rather than a
           | developers burden.
           | Count how many people are also complaining about their
           | managers giving timelines to clients. Damned if you do,
           | damned if you don't.
           | colinmorelli wrote:
           | Just to be clear, most of the time "management" comes to
           | developers with a proposed timeline, there's significantly
           | more complaints than if the engineers are asked to estimate.
           | Asking the builders to estimate the time they need is a good
           | sign of high trust in that team. It's healthy. We should want
           | more of it. The business' side of the commitment is to
           | understand that it is an estimate and should be treated
           | accordingly.
             | revelio wrote:
             | _> > it is an estimate and should be treated accordingly._
             | That's where it all breaks down. What does "treated
             | accordingly" mean? In reality it means the estimates can't
             | be used for anything because they are always unreliable.
             | There is no such thing as a reliable software estimate,
             | ever, unless what you're doing is so repetitive that you're
             | about to be replaced by AI.
             | But that's not why people ask. Instead, half the time you
             | give an estimate it gets immediately turned into a
             | deadline, even if you were promised it wouldn't.
             | The top comment on this thread is naive. The reason devs
             | hate giving estimates or point blank refuse is because it
             | is meaningless, that's not how the software business works.
             | Analogies to plumbers and builders just reinforce the
             | naivety. Guess what, blue collar work is only predictable
             | for as long as it's highly repetitive which being physical
             | in nature, it often is. The moment what you're asking for
             | is "build me an underground railway using the latest
             | technology" it turns out construction estimates are
             | worthless too (see: Crossrail).
             | One reason tech firms crush their competition so reliably
             | is they don't have an estimates-deadline culture, because
             | they're run from the top by programmers who understand
             | intuitively why they're pointless. Instead developers are
             | incentivized by equity, bonuses etc to do the job as fast
             | as possible.
               | MrJohz wrote:
               | > In reality it means the estimates can't be used for
               | anything because they are always unreliable.
               | This seems like throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
               | An unknown thing can still have bounds on it: I don't
               | know exactly how far it is to the nearest supermarket,
               | but it's further than 50m away and closer than 1km away.
               | That's useful information: I know I'll be able to walk
               | that distance, I know I can probably carry a reasonably
               | heavy load back, and I can roughly estimate how long I'll
               | be gone.
               | Fwiw, I agree with you that estimates are too often used
               | badly by management to set up deadlines rather than
               | genuinely make planning decisions, but I also think
               | developers often fail to communicate their confidence
               | levels when giving estimates. There is a material
               | difference between "I know exactly what the problem is
               | and what needs to be done, this will take two days" and
               | "this looks like a pretty minor issue that will probably
               | take two days, but it's touching a system I'm less
               | familiar with, so it could end up going on a lot longer
               | if strange things are happening there".
               | colinmorelli wrote:
               | Estimates are about relative comparison, not specific
               | accuracy. If you tell me one item will take a day and
               | another will take 3 months, you can be wrong by several
               | multiples and the information is still useful.
               | It's less that I now have a specific endpoint, but rather
               | I have a target (or multiple targets) at which I can
               | decide if we're on track and, if not, how I may want to
               | change previously made prioritization choices.
               | If you tell me a day, then 5 days later if it's still not
               | done I may not rip you for being wrong but I may decide
               | it's time to pull the plug on that initiative since it no
               | longer meets the criteria under which we agreed to do it.
               | I'm all ears for another proposal, but "just keep
               | building stuff with no regard for how long any of it
               | takes" is not much of a strategy and doesn't reflect the
               | way that decisions have to get made in the real world
               | with limited resources.
             | Retric wrote:
             | I don't mind someone giving deadlines because I can then
             | scope quality to fit those expectations.
               | iamcasen wrote:
               | Exactly this! Most managers are not expecting the air-
               | tight rocket science that most software devs seem to
               | insist is absolutely necessary.
               | I was tasked with creating an entire email campaign
               | system (like mailchimp). But I had only 3 weeks to do it.
               | I made the deadline no problem, but the system had
               | numerous obvious issues.
               | My boss didn't care, because the task was not about
               | delivering a perfect email system. The task was getting
               | something useful in the hands of customers rapidly.
               | If a feature starts getting heavy use, then more
               | investment is justified.
           | eapressoandcats wrote:
           | One thing I find frustrating is that non-engineering people
           | in tech companies don't get held to as high standards of
           | productivity because it can be harder for especially
           | engineering founders to evaluate whether they are doing a
           | good job. This can lead to people thinking those roles are
           | "worthless" and then Continuing to have low standards for
           | those roles.
           | The best combo project/product manager I had didn't have
           | either official title, but we were on an internal team and
           | somehow she always managed to make sure people around the
           | company knew what we were doing and delivering, pester people
           | so that no tasks were dropped, etc.
           | Interestingly, she did most of this by putting tickets for
           | projects into Google docs, and otherwise didn't buy into any
           | of the standard project management dogma. She had an ear/nose
           | for who might want to use our stuff and was relentless at
           | getting us on internal presentations of any teams/groups that
           | would be interested.
         | vlunkr wrote:
         | That sounds great and all, except that estimates are usually
         | wrong. It's a real problem when estimates are treated as
         | deadlines, which is exactly what you're describing.
         | joe_the_user wrote:
         | The problem is the writer of the question is conflating two
         | things. Their quote: _" A. Give a very wide estimate with a lot
         | of padding. B. Get pressured to be more accurate and to bring
         | the estimate down..."_ The real problem seems to be getting
         | pressured to reduce their estimate, they only summarize things
         | as the problem being that they're asked for an estimate at all.
           | lazyasciiart wrote:
           | I've known people whose version of A was "between a year and
           | five years" for something where five years was clearly a
           | ludicrous amount of time to spend and a year would be
           | stunning. In those cases, the problem is that they aren't
           | really bothering to give an estimate at first, so the
           | pressure to give one continues.
       | femto113 wrote:
       | Managers don't actually want estimates. A genuine "estimate"
       | would be a probability distribution over a range of dates, with
       | some point identified as the most likely delivery date and a
       | roughly even chance of being early or late relative to that
       | point. What they actually want is "the earliest date you cannot
       | currently prove to be infeasible", which essentially is the near
       | end of that date range, so there's a roughly 100% chance you'll
       | come in after it. I've had exactly one manager who (after I
       | explained this) admitted that was actually what he wanted, but I
       | couldn't convince him of the utility of asking for genuine
       | estimates.
       | justizin wrote:
       | sometimes estimates are useful for deciding what _not_ to do..
       | "oh, that's gonna take 6 months? we won't need it by then, let's
       | do something else."
       | [deleted]
       | thih9 wrote:
       | Perhaps a solution is to distinguish between an estimate and a
       | detailed plan.
       | One is a quick guess with high risk, the other takes time and
       | research to prepare and the risk of running into a delay is
       | lower.
       | And often the best solution is to have none; perhaps part of the
       | problem is that people are often too afraid or have not enough
       | trust to work without plans or estimates when needed.
       | mutatio wrote:
       | My take is the comoditisation of developers, pushing as much
       | responsibility to them in search of efficiency. Arguably they are
       | best placed to know how long the implementation of X might take,
       | but often the lines are blurred, i.e. developers also become
       | business analysts to spec out the work to determine what the
       | business really needs. Personally I find it exhausting and is one
       | of the aspects that makes me dream of doing something else. Maybe
       | GPT-4 will put me out of my misery soon.
       | Peregrine1 wrote:
       | "...completely unmoored from the purpose of business, which is to
       | make money by providing a product or service within a given
       | schedule, scope, and cost."
       | Or perhaps to solve an important problem in the world, within a
       | given scope and cost!
       | eschneider wrote:
       | Reasonably accurate estimates aren't that hard to get if
       | engineers and management REALLY want them. Just remember that
       | estimating a project is a project unto itself. You just need to
       | break things down into small bits that can be accurately
       | estimated and be honest about the bits you don't know enough to
       | estimate and dig down into those bits until you know enough to
       | accurately estimate them.
       | It's not easy and it takes time. I used to do a lot of fixed
       | price work and you'd live or die based on how well you could do
       | this. Let me tell you, nothing is worse than busting your ass on
       | a project for six months only to lose money on it. Ugh.
       | kodah wrote:
       | It is true that scope management through batch theory delivers
       | consistent results, yet the quality is almost always below what
       | would continue a products profitability, almost always initially
       | falls below user expectations, and almost always includes a
       | tradeoff for engineer sanity in the form of maintainability.
       | What the PM is not saying, or the quiet part, is that from their
       | perspective "it is your job, do your job." Frankly, that's a piss
       | poor take as well. People are griping about the relationship
       | between engineers and businesses because it's taking a toll.
       | Telling people to shut up and get back to work, worse, alluding
       | their gripes are narcissistic at best is a woefully attrocious
       | take.
       | Businesses can be better, but part of being better will be taking
       | bets on how to make things better that the engineers (workers)
       | don't solely shoulder or take blame for. Hell, it'd be nice to
       | see the business aspire for internal change where the engineers
       | aren't asked to change at all.
       | mkl95 wrote:
       | I have found engineers' estimates to be accurate and
       | straightforward when the team owned all the resources needed to
       | complete their tasks. Whenever it depends on some unreliable
       | factor (often some unavailable expert) estimates are useless.
       | Estimating tasks without estimating each team members capacity is
       | basically lying to yourself.
       | whiplash451 wrote:
       | The one reason I have seen it useful for developers to estimate
       | tasks is that it helps spot misunderstandings early on. As in:
       | wait, your estimate is 3 days and mine is seven, are we talking
       | about the same thing?
         | sigstoat wrote:
         | yes and then we foolishly just take the average or something
         | instead of saying "oops clearly this needs to be broken down
         | further"
       | amelius wrote:
       | Hmm this could be the perfect task for GPT: estimate projects.
       | tailrecursion wrote:
       | Software is a vast field and we do different kinds of work. Some
       | work is easier to estimate than others.
       | Estimating TTC for "make a reputation system for a social
       | network" is probably going to be harder than the same for a
       | typical Oracle app. Mostly because the former involves some
       | science and engineering and not just programming. But that's the
       | point I'm trying to make: SWEs are asked all the time to solve
       | hard problems, not just code from a detailed spec.
       | At various times I've been asked to design a CPU, write a C
       | compiler, invent technology to extract simple factoids from text,
       | and make a spellcorrector for web search. Incidentally, the
       | approach to schedules was sometimes reasonable and sometimes
       | unreasonable. Smaller companies tended to be less reasonable.
       | Such tasks are very different from UI heavy work or a typical
       | database application, and are more difficult to estimate. Those
       | persons writing compilers or improving web search indexing are
       | not the same people talking about user stories. If you believe
       | developers need to be professional and schedule their work,
       | you're in the majority but you may not be doing truly interesting
       | work.
       | [Edited to say "Software" at the beginning instead of "Software
       | Engineering".]
       | Veuxdo wrote:
       | "Tasks" are the lowest-common-denominator directives that
       | developers should refuse to estimate as a matter of self respect.
       | If management wants an estimate, insist that they do their job
       | and write a proper story instead.
       | remkop22 wrote:
       | As someone who moved from a practical engineering field into
       | software engineering, this separation in tasks between management
       | and developers seems weird. Engineering in general is about
       | finding a local optimum in a multidimensional problem space, one
       | of the axes could be time, another one could be complexity or
       | agility. For me, an engineer is not just tasked with outputting
       | code, but also working out these optimums.
         | rendall wrote:
         | Can you expand more? This seems like an important insight to
         | me.
           | remkop22 wrote:
           | Firstly I think the most important thing in engineering is
           | nothing is free. If you change a parameter in your design
           | something else has got to give. If you increase the cargo
           | capacity of a plane it is probably going to have a slower
           | cruising speed. The hard part is finding the sweet spot that
           | exactly fits the requirements of the client or use case. And
           | also! now a dosen of other parameters have shifted to, like
           | weight balance or climbing rate. How do these fit in?
           | Now for software, let's say you have two clients with almost
           | identical requirements for a piece of Software. The only
           | difference being one of them thinks time to market is
           | important, the other one has less focus on time. As a
           | software engineer you should produce two very different
           | pieces of Software for these clients. You will have to make
           | decisions based on the time it will take to implement
           | something and also understand the effects of this on other
           | aspects of the end product.
       | baxtr wrote:
       | Because estimates show that you've actually thought through the
       | task. It's a forcing function.
       | Estimates aren't the issue. People using estimates against you
       | are.
       | rileymat2 wrote:
       | > Get pressured to be more accurate and to bring the estimate
       | down
       | Of course people want it quicker, but this is the problem, stick
       | to the estimate and the problem goes away for the most part.
       | Negotiate on scope if it is too long.
       | Communicate as early as possible if there is a mistake in the
       | estimate.
       | At that point the problem largely goes away.
       | Edit: When communicating about the mistaken estimation, include
       | which assumptions or surprises came up.
         | commandlinefan wrote:
         | > stick to the estimate
         | If you were right. I've never met anybody who could accurately
         | estimate a software project, and I've been doing this for 30
         | years.
           | rileymat2 wrote:
           | It is a rare combination to have the technical skill and
           | experience along with soft skills like humility that make it
           | somewhat rare. But useful estimates are absolutely possible.
           | The question is one of range, with humility you can hit
           | estimation ranges defined by how familiar the project is and
           | how well defined the project is.
           | There are many developed techniques that we just don't
           | implement. By in large, most estimates I have seen were some
           | weird gut. Not defined no milestones. "Yeah, about two weeks
           | boss"
           | Often estimates come before requirements. Those will be wrong
           | more often than not.
           | Many times I will estimate the estimate. The "bigger" the
           | project the longer the estimate takes.
           | People are afraid to admit any knowledge gap.
           | People switch jobs every 2 years, I have been at the same
           | place 10, and before that 8. You learn the cadence, you learn
           | the pain points. You learn the traps. You learn the domain.
           | These can be accurate.
           | But this is not the OP's issue as stated, he is lowering
           | estimates in the face of pressure. This will nearly always
           | fail.
           | newswasboring wrote:
           | Yeah, all models are wrong, but some models are useful. As
           | far as I understand, the goal of estimates is not to pressure
           | you, it's to promise something to someone. As long as you are
           | good enough, business decisions can be made. And that
           | includes figuring out when something is off track, which is
           | one of the primary goals of management.
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | Well, if it's a one-track project, estimates can be treated
       | casually.
       | However, I spent the majority of my career at hardware
       | manufacturers, where software was actually kind of an "annoying
       | extra requirement" (I'd like to think that's changing, these
       | days, but not so sure. Contempt for software seemed to be a
       | fundamental pillar of hardware engineers).
       | Our projects were always done by fairly massive,
       | interdisciplinary teams, and everything had to "sync up," at the
       | correct time. If the hardware would be ready at a certain date,
       | the host drivers needed to be ready then, because the SDK people
       | and the QC team needed them, etc.
       | And even though engineers love to rag on marketing, they have to
       | have very complex projects, to generate buzz, advertise, ship,
       | distribute, etc. Hardware is a _lot_ more difficult to distribute
       | than software.
       | Also, Quality was _really_ important. A recall of hardware is a
       | nightmare. Sometimes, we could be heroes, and save customers from
       | hardware defects (like having an image processing filter to
       | correct some chromatic aberration). Other times, we could brick
       | the unit, or wipe out customer systems (I once wrote a SCSI
       | driver that wrote to sector zero on hard disks -oops).
       | Estimates -not just software estimates- were critical.
       | sixothree wrote:
       | As a developer, I love being able to give you an accurate
       | estimate. It means I know the weight of all of the tasks and
       | likely have done them all before. So creating an estimate is
       | basically a rough outline of the tasks I need churn out. I can go
       | on autopilot and crank out some solid work that improves on
       | previous well-tested experience.
       | buro9 wrote:
       | To set expectations (to sales people, PMs, managers, etc), i.e.
       | to allow marketing to be aligned to a feature launch, or contacts
       | to push things backwards to accommodate reality
       | To ensure alignment and a shared understanding of the scope
       | exists, i.e. to prevent doing more than necessary or less than
       | expected
       | To hold people to account, i.e. some people really are low
       | performers and seem to evade being accountable for their
       | performance
       | They shouldn't be deadlines, but it's not unreasonable to expect
       | someone to know how they're going to approach something and what
       | amount of effort and time that may take
         | rendall wrote:
         | > _To hold people to account, i.e. some people really are low
         | performers and seem to evade being accountable for their
         | performance_
         | Maybe I'm lucky, but in my experience this is quite rare. It is
         | true, however, that if this is the expectation (and you matter,
         | e.g. you're their boss), people will lower their capacity to
         | match.
       | kagevf wrote:
       | Toyota, where Lean came from. Doing estimates to put together a
       | car sounds like it would be straight-forward. Doing estimates for
       | R & D, not so much.
       | I think software development falls somewhere in between those 2
       | extremes. We have some knowable quantities, but also some
       | unknowns. We can't really estimate the unknowns reliably, but we
       | can do something like a "timebox" to see how much we can figure
       | out. Meaning that we need time up front, just so that we can come
       | up with an estimate.
       | dboreham wrote:
       | Because magical thinking and lack of boundaries.
       | cheezebubba wrote:
       | I haven't seen anyone talk about the elephant in the room - only
       | part of the reason for giving estimates is practical. Most of it
       | is political/psychological:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23093789
       | The political solution is to give an estimate assuming nothing
       | goes wrong, and then when things go wrong blame those things.
       | This lets everybody from you up the chain look good while not
       | changing anything.
       | joe_the_user wrote:
       | The best manager I ever had used this process:
       | - Manager asks for programmer for time estimate
       | - Manager writes time estimate
       | - Manager gives time estimate to client.
       | It might seem easy but it had the consequence that the developer
       | thought carefully the first time. There was zero pressure and
       | things worked fine.
       | lr4444lr wrote:
       | I think a lot of people commenting are not giving a charitable
       | interpretation to the question. Now why _any_ estimate is needed,
       | but why should the _dev_ be expected to have the right
       | prognostication? As a dev, I have to admit it 's a fantastic
       | question. The reason estimates go awry almost always come down to
       | things outside my control. Why am I expected to make predictions
       | based on that? The people getting paid salaries to have a bird's
       | eye view and veto power over those kinds of changes that could
       | screw with my deliverable should be the ones knowledgeable and
       | accountable for that estimate. And if I agree to it and fail to
       | meet it, the judgment should go above both of our heads: was I
       | delinquent, or was I blocked because someone else didn't do due
       | diligence?
         | cntainer wrote:
         | _The people getting paid salaries to have a bird 's eye view
         | and veto power over those kinds of changes that could screw
         | with my deliverable should be the ones knowledgeable and
         | accountable for that estimate_
         | But they are accountable to their stakeholders (clients, upper
         | management, etc). They take your estimate and many others from
         | other people in the team and work those into a delivery plan.
         | A good manager will know how to manage risks and remove
         | blockers in a way that gives a developer the best chance to
         | work within the estimate. A bad manager will usually have no
         | plan and put all the blame on the developers if things go awry.
           | Zetice wrote:
           | Agile frameworks often remove the developer as much as
           | possible from the time estimation effort, instead relying on
           | past performance, and attempting instead to have the
           | developer focus on breaking work up evenly.
             | cntainer wrote:
             | Sure, this helps by removing some of the bias, if done
             | right. But many times devs end up perverting the original
             | intent of the framework.
             | Eg: I've seen many scrum teams transforming story ponts
             | into days or vice versa missing the actual purpose.
         | jiggawatts wrote:
         | I'm in precisely this situation right now. I'm an external
         | consultant being asked by a dev team lead how long it'll take
         | for _his team_ to deliver a project. He's the one approving
         | holidays, he's the one allocating priorities. He's the one that
         | knows the skill levels of his staff.
         | I've been in the exact same situation a year ago, where another
         | manager got mad at me for a delay. It was caused by him
         | approving his _entire team_ to simultaneously go on 3-month
         | holidays when the COVID travel ban ended. Apparently that was
         | my fault for not estimating accurately.
         | SpicyLemonZest wrote:
         | A key component of the due diligence you're expecting involves
         | asking developers how long things will take. Savitha is
         | building a new feature with about 2 more weeks to go, but it
         | can't be deployed until a guy Jim on some other team deploys
         | suchandsuch dependency upgrade. Should I commit us to a mid-
         | April release date, or will Jim need more time? I don't know,
         | I'd better go ask him.
           | lr4444lr wrote:
           | Of course. What I'm saying is, I see failures IME as Jim
           | putting something into the code base that makes Savitha's
           | work consequently incompatible, which was not surfaced to her
           | as even a possibility when she was asked to give her initial
           | estimate.
         | notimetorelax wrote:
         | If you abdicate any responsibility to estimate the work how can
         | you agree to any estimate?
           | lr4444lr wrote:
           | I am responsible for telling the person promising how long
           | the work would take as scoped out, given the competing or
           | potential problems which that person is also responsible of
           | informing me exist. It's not that I provide no info - it's
           | that I can't be authoritative about delivery times in an
           | ecosystem I don't entirely control.
             | notimetorelax wrote:
             | I think this argument is not about engineer vs manager.
             | It's about junior vs senior engineer. As you gain seniority
             | and tech-lead others you take on this responsibility. I
             | agree that junior engineers shouldn't do estimation, but
             | rather senior engineers should set the expectations.
       | gabereiser wrote:
       | If this person worked on my team, they wouldn't any longer. Not
       | even addressing the question at hand of why we give estimates,
       | the idea that you just want to code without any repercussions
       | shows me that you don't understand the job.
       | Companies (most) don't hire you to perfect the art of software.
       | They hire you to deliver business value. Estimates are them
       | trying to frame how long it takes to get that value. Coordinating
       | the delivery of that against other company projects/plans or
       | customer project/plans _is_ the business you are in. If you want
       | to just code and experiment, go pursue a PhD and stay in
       | academia.
       | The people who work for me, with me, report to me, or interact
       | with me know that I'm always focused on value. I could program
       | the best platform I could design but without customers that see
       | value in it, it's worthless (or worse, costs you money).
         | lp4vn wrote:
         | You use a platitude(creating business value) to reach a non
         | sequitur(that's why developers must estimate their tasks).
         | To say that a developer is there to create business value is a
         | truism that's completely irrelevant to this discussion.
           | [deleted]
         | tailrecursion wrote:
         | The people who work for you, are their estimates accurate? What
         | fraction of their time is spent on them? What have you as a
         | manager done to improve the accuracy of the estimates?
         | jiggawatts wrote:
         | > you just want to code without any repercussions
         | Am I reading this right? You -- a manager -- just want to be
         | able to assign blame for your own failings to the developers
         | under your command?
         | And then fire them, like sacrificial lambs?
         | rendall wrote:
         | > _If this person worked on my team, they wouldn't any longer._
         | So, literally, if you found that a member of your team was the
         | one who posted this question, you would work to get them out of
         | your team? Fired, managed out? No discussion? No, for instance,
         | conversation about how things could improve?
           | gabereiser wrote:
           | No, not in the slightest. I'm not one to hunt people down. I
           | would tell the author that here's what we do, why we hired
           | them, if that isn't in alignment then we wish you the best
           | and will gladly offer a referral towards your next endeavor.
           | Jesus. I'm not toxic. I'm also not going to let toxicity ruin
           | my team(s). Such as baulking at requests for timelines. If
           | you don't know, say you don't know to your manager and let
           | the manager, manage. The author doesn't understand their
           | place in the business just like you don't understand that you
           | can have hard conversations without playing office politics
           | or being a toxic manager. Hunting people out that don't
           | believe in the mission. I never work to get people fired.
           | They usually do that on their own.
             | gabereiser wrote:
             | My point about them not being on my team is that I don't
             | run a daycare. I also don't run a research firm with
             | endless cash. I pay you a ridiculous salary to deliver
             | business value. I get paid a ridiculous salary to deliver
             | business value. Anyone in our profession needs to
             | understand this. $150k+ salaries aren't necessarily normal
             | elsewhere. I'll pay top dollar for top value but you have
             | to deliver. Does that make sense?
         | ShamelessC wrote:
         | If I worked on your team, I wouldn't any longer.
           | gabereiser wrote:
           | That's fair. At-will employment laws...
           | newswasboring wrote:
           | Would you like to elaborate on why?
       | bob1029 wrote:
       | In my experience, the estimate is almost never about an actual,
       | literal target anyone should put on a calendar. It is more of a
       | way for management to slowly develop an understanding of how much
       | cost or anxiety is associated with a thing. The more often
       | management samples you for estimates, the more likely they will
       | start to grasp reality, even if you are wildly-off in most cases.
       | It is traditional for developers to look at this like a binary
       | thing where they're being expected to provide a deterministic
       | outcome at an arbitrary future date. Unless your management is
       | actually incompetent/abusive, they understand how the game works
       | and aren't actually looking for this kind of magic. Once you
       | learn that missing targets is totally fine & acceptable virtually
       | everywhere, life improves dramatically.
       | Another way to look at this: If your work is so easy to predict
       | that you can set detailed targets 12+ months out and
       | deterministically hit them, how much value are you able to
       | provide to your customers?
       | beastcoast wrote:
       | I'm a big fan of AMZN's approach:
       | - make an operational plan (OP) for the entire year, which sums
       | up all the HC on your team
       | - figure out your goals for the year
       | - have some senior engineers estimate those goals in # of HC
       | (usually 0.5 HC is the lowest granularity)
       | - add up the HC, prioritize the goals and figure out the cut line
       | against your budget for the year
       | - when the new year rolls around, start execution. Launch dates
       | are usually set by quarter, with the majority launching by Q3
       | - individual teams have complete leeway to use whatever project
       | estimation techniques they want. It really doesn't matter at all.
       | Even waterfall is "fine". All that matters is whether they can
       | deliver the goals they signed up for in their OP.
       | - if a goal goes off the rails, report a "traffic light status"
       | (red/yellow/green) and path to green, and engage leadership
       | accordingly to reset expectations.
       | People accuse this process of being too waterfall / unagile, but
       | it's actually really helpful in centering the deliverables with
       | business value, while giving teams extreme autonomy to achieve
       | those goals. Mature businesses think in terms of quarters and
       | bottom lines, not sprints and story points.
         | justeleblanc wrote:
         | Why are you referring to the company by its stock mnemonic?
       | zabzonk wrote:
       | This is a question i have often asked. Just over 20 years ago I
       | was renting a flat in Edinburgh where just opposite a steel-
       | framed office block was being built. The construction really
       | interested me - i saw several guys and a crane operator swinging
       | up a huge horizontal i-bar and bolting it on to the vertical
       | bars, with no obvious problems. Compare that with adding a new
       | interface to something.
       | And do you think these guys were asked how long the bolting would
       | take? No, they were told how long they had to do it, by the
       | engineer in charge of the site, and they did it.
       | This is why all software project managers should be highly
       | competent programmers and should do all task (a bad word, imho)
       | estimation themselves. After all. they are hopefully more
       | experienced!
       | emmelaich wrote:
       | Aside, I utterly despise the recent popularity of the "You Have
       | an X/Y Problem" answers in StackExchange.
         | rendall wrote:
         | Is that a trend on StackExchange? So obnoxious. I stopped
         | paying attention to that site years ago.
       | analog31 wrote:
       | Perhaps by coincidence, there were a couple of front page threads
       | last week about the cost and duration of major government
       | infrastructure projects. But actually it's a recurring theme.
       | People speculate about things like government bureaucracy,
       | NIMBYism, and project complexity, but ultimately nobody knows the
       | answer. And some of the easy answers break down if applied to the
       | management of software projects.
       | drojas wrote:
       | Estimations are useful for developers and management. It helps
       | developers prioritize their time and propose more efficient
       | approaches. It helps management track projects and make decisions
       | more efficiently.
       | Even an open-ended problem has to be scoped into a time-boxed
       | "spike" first that would result into concrete stories which would
       | be sized in story points. Nobody likes to give estimates because
       | it feels like an unfair commitment. These are the rules I follow
       | myself based on my own learnings and advise from others.
       | 1. If I can't feel sure about an estimate in story points then I
       | prepend a time-boxed "spike" to solve that first.
       | 2. Always consider "extra" tasks like tests, data migrations,
       | etc. in the estimate.
       | 3. If my estimate looks bigger than what I can do in half of a
       | sprint if you do scrum then I break it down to smaller stories so
       | I have less risk to have the story rolling over.
       | 4. Add about 20% of padding to all estimations.
       | 5. If you take notes in the story/tickets about all the things
       | adding to the estimation besides common discussions about the
       | work, then you'll get more and more comfortable with your
       | estimations over time.
       | DeathArrow wrote:
       | I am amazed how my team mates are trying to always severely
       | underestimate tasks. To the point that our manager has to
       | intervene and raise the estimation a bit.
       | Why are SWE and programmers so afraid of bussineses persons,
       | product owners, scrum masters and higher management?
       | Whenever I thought my estimation is good, I fought for it with
       | the teeth. It could be the CEO wanting it done by tomorrow, if I
       | said it would take a week, it took a week.
       | And if an user story is not well refined, is subject to change
       | while it is in implementation phase, is unclear or have some
       | uncertainty, then it's absolutely normal to add time for that.
       | And I hate estimating in points instead of days. The bussines is
       | always pressuring towards doing more with less people, and as a
       | result velocity rises, we are expected to do more points and
       | people stay after hours to do the work.
         | Tade0 wrote:
         | > Why are SWE and programmers so afraid of bussineses persons,
         | product owners, scrum masters and higher management?
         | I've seen this many times and I used to be such a person.
         | It stems from expecting to be at peak mental shape all day
         | (because that's what you've shown in your job interview) -
         | ultimately overestimating one's capabilities.
         | I had to wait to my thirties to understand that nope, I can't
         | sustain this and I should acknowledge that I'm not really
         | putting in 8h of focused work daily.
         | I see this as a rite of passage for a senior developer - you
         | can't be dependable if you're not true to yourself.
           | DeathArrow wrote:
           | That makes sense indeed. It's more of juniors or middle
           | programmers who usually underestimate. And the poor folks end
           | up working nights and weekends to try to meet that
           | estimation.
           | But it's not that they will have more respect, recognition or
           | salary raise if they work more than they would sign for.
           | If I were a tech or people manager I wouldn't expect my team
           | to overwork, just do a decent job in a decent amount of time,
           | i.e. no slacking. And our current people manager which used
           | to be a programmer does that. When he feels a task is
           | underestimated he asks to raise the estimation. And the PO
           | and the scrum master comply even if they don't like it.
       | pjmlp wrote:
       | Because Software Engineering is much more than blindly typing
       | code.
       | Yes, business and domain knowledge is part of the job.
       | The only developers I don't expect estimations from, are juniors
       | and trainees.
       | daviddever23box wrote:
       | Here's a casual thought: if you, as a developer, were able to
       | generate code instantaneously, what time would be required to 0)
       | gather initial requirements and create Jira tickets, 1) re-work
       | your code based on changing requirements, 2) re-build and re-
       | package your solution for testing, and 3) have your dedicated QA
       | or acceptance team evaluate your packaged code in a staging and
       | or production capacity?
       | Because those components are, fundamentally, a significant
       | portion of the time estimate required to make plans from a
       | business perspective-and nearly all of them are largely outside
       | your control. AND-most importantly-your ability to gauge those
       | timelines, without a single Git commit, is what separates highly-
       | paid engineers from n00bs.
       | NewEntryHN wrote:
       | The actual answers to OP's question is that management needs to
       | know:
       | - how much resource to allocate to the task
       | - variations of the estimates in function of variations of the
       | scope
       | In my experience, "ballparks" estimates are sufficient for this
       | exercise, and precise estimates are just resource-tracking
       | leading to the issues described by OP.
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