[HN Gopher] Retrieval in LangChain
       Retrieval in LangChain
       Author : gk1
       Score  : 166 points
       Date   : 2023-03-25 12:21 UTC (2 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.langchain.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.langchain.dev)
       | amrb wrote:
       | LangChains is a great tool and looking forward to swapping
       | between LLM's like it was an API!
       | 35mm wrote:
       | Can anyone use the ChatGPT Retrieval plugin yet? Or is it limited
       | to whitelisted beta testers?
         | apetresc wrote:
         | Still whitelisted atm.
       | neilellis wrote:
       | Who would have thought we'd be able to follow the birth of Skynet
       | in real-time.
       | ryanwaggoner wrote:
       | A little off-topic: are LLMs the death knell for new languages,
       | frameworks, tools, processes, etc? I can see how an LLM is going
       | to be such a huge productivity boost that they'll be hard to
       | avoid everywhere, but then new stuff won't have any training
       | data. Will anyone ever go through the effort of everything being
       | 10x - 100x less effective with new tools since there's no
       | training data?
       | anonymouslambda wrote:
       | Does anyone have an opinion on LangChain versus Deepset Haystack?
       | Haystack seems more polished for NLP tasks, but LangChain looks
       | more extensible long term?
       | Thanks!
       | jacooper wrote:
       | How can I use this with llama ?
         | justanotheratom wrote:
         | https://github.com/linonetwo/langchain-alpaca
       | Spivak wrote:
       | Really excited to see LangChain moving really fast in this space.
       | They turn your favorite Llm into a real boy that can do real
       | work.
       | Some "agents" in their vernacular that I've built.
       | * A reminder system that can take a completely free-form English
       | description and turn it into a precise date and time and schedule
       | it with an external scheduler.
       | * A tool that can take math either in English or ascii like y =
       | 2x^2 + ln(x) and turn it into rendered LaTeX.
       | * A line editor that let's you ingest Word documents and suggests
       | edits for specific sections.
       | * A chess engine.
       | Like it's crazy at just how trivial all this stuff is to build.
         | mark_l_watson wrote:
         | I share your enthusiasm for LangChain (as well as LlamaIndex).
         | I don't remember being as obsessed by any new technology. I am
         | writing a book on the subject [1] but to be honest the
         | documentation and available examples are so very good, that my
         | book has turned into just a write up of my own little projects.
         | I agree that some things really are trivial to implement and I
         | think this opens the door to non-programmers who know a little
         | Python or JavaScipt to scratch their own itches and build
         | highly personalized systems.
         | [1] https://leanpub.com/langchain
         | pumanoir wrote:
         | These examples are great, but the chess engine sounds specially
         | interesting and can't think of how I'd do it with langchain. Do
         | you have a git link or something written down, on how you
         | accomplished this?
           | [deleted]
       | vthallam wrote:
       | Noob here. Is this similar to what ChatGPT Retrieval plugin does,
       | but for other LLM's?
         | 0xDEF wrote:
         | LangChain is LLM agnostic. People are using it with Cohere's
         | LLMs and even self-hosted LLMs like LLaMA.
         | blueorange8 wrote:
         | It's the backend of retrieval plugin basically
           | gk1 wrote:
           | The retrieval plugin does not use LangChain, afaik.
             | blueorange8 wrote:
             | Guess I can't delete my comment but I guess "basically" in
             | this context means a similar type implementation
         | justanotheratom wrote:
         | I would say LangChain is similar to ChatGPT itself.
         | - LangChain's Retriever is analogous to ChatGPT Retrieval
         | Plugin. - In general, LangChain has tools for what ChatGPT
         | calls Plugins. - ChatGPT uses OpenAI's GPT-4 LLM. LangChain
         | uses ... any LLM (i.e. configurable).
       | 40291misteryo wrote:
       | [dead]
       | jcims wrote:
       | Enabling the 'terminal' and 'python-repl' tools in a langchain
       | agent demonstrates some pretty remarkable behavior.
       | The link below is the transcript of a session in which I asked
       | the agent to create a hello world script and executes it. The
       | only input I provide is on line 17. Everything else is the
       | langchain agent iteratively taking an action, observing the
       | results and deciding the next action to take.
       | This is just scratching the surface. I've seen it do some crazy
       | stuff with the AWS CLI. And this is just with GPT-3.5, I don't
       | have access to GPT-4 yet and it clearly has better capabilities.
       | https://pastebin.com/qJsbufVj
         | ArenaSource wrote:
         | If you put GPT-4 on a loop with access to the shell it manages
         | to do whatever is needed to finish the job
         | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jla/gpt-shell/assets/examp...
           | jcims wrote:
           | Yeah I can't wait to get API access to gpt-4, it is a
           | stepwise more capable based on the stuff I've done with
           | chatgpt on gpt-4.
           | That said, even gpt-3.5 will try multiple routes to get to
           | the same endpoint. It seems to get distracted pretty easily
           | though.
             | hombre_fatal wrote:
             | One demo of gpt-4's superiority over gpt-3 is to come up
             | with a prompt that determines the language of some given
             | text.
             | I couldn't figure out a gpt-3 prompt that could handle
             | "This text is written in French" correctly (it thinks it's
             | written in French), but with gpt-4 you can include in the
             | prompt to disregard what the text says and focus on the
             | words and grammar that it uses.
             | ArenaSource wrote:
             | > It seems to get distracted pretty easily though.
             | That's true, gpt-4 is way more easy to guide with the
             | system messages and it doesn't forget the instructions as
             | the conversation goes on.
           | hellcow wrote:
           | My experience with GPT-4 has been really disappointing. It
           | didn't feel like a step up from 3.5.
           | As an example, I've been trying to use it to learn Zig since
           | the official docs are ... spartan. And I've said, "here's my
           | code, here's the error, what's wrong with it?" and it will go
           | completely off the rails suggesting fixes that don't do
           | anything (or are themselves wrong).
           | In my case, understanding/fixing the code would have required
           | GPT-4 to know the difference between allocating on the
           | stack/heap and the lifetimes of pointers. It never even
           | approached the right solution.
           | I haven't yet gotten it to help me in even a single instance.
           | Every suggestion is wrong or won't compile, and it can't
           | reason through the errors iteratively to find a fix. I'm sure
           | this has to do with a small sample of Zig code in its
           | training set, but I reckon an expert C coder could have
           | spotted the bug instantly.
             | NicoJuicy wrote:
             | It can't learn zig without plenty of samples
             | VectorLock wrote:
             | GPT-4 is just regurgitating what its "learned" from
             | previously scraped content on the Internet. If somebody
             | didn't answer it on StackOverflow before 2021, it doesn't
             | know it. It can't reason able anything, it doesn't
             | "understand" stacks or pointers.
             | That said its really good at regurgitating stuff from
             | StackOverflow. But once you step beyond anything that
             | someone has previously done and posted to the Internet, it
             | quickly gets out of its depth.
             | gamegoblin wrote:
             | 1. GPT4 is learning from the same spartan docs as you,
             | likely
             | 2. GPT4's training data likely doesn't include significant
             | Zig use, since large parts of its training data cut off a
             | few years ago. I use Rust and it doesn't know about any
             | recently added Rust features, either.
             | This has interesting implications because it means people
             | will gravitate towards languages/frameworks/libraries that
             | GPT knows well, which means even less training data will be
             | generated for the new stuff. This is a form of value lock-
             | in.
               | seu wrote:
               | > This has interesting implications because it means
               | people will gravitate towards
               | languages/frameworks/libraries that GPT knows well, which
               | means even less training data will be generated for the
               | new stuff. This is a form of value lock-in.
               | That's the kind of problem that most people are just
               | failing to see. The usage of this models might not in
               | itself be problematic, but the changes that it bring are
               | often unexpected and too deep for us to see clearly now.
               | And yet, people are rushing towards them at full speed.
               | ignoramous wrote:
               | It's inevitable, really. But that's like saying Washing
               | Machine changed fashion. It might have, but the changes
               | aren't all that abominable, either.
             | dragonwriter wrote:
             | If you are using GPT-4 to try to deal with the fact that
             | technical documentation on the public internet is sparse
             | for your topic of interest, you are likely to be
             | disappointed, since GPT-4's training set likely has the
             | same problem, so you are, in effect, hoping it will fill in
             | gaps in missing data, prompting hallucinations.
             | It'll be much better on subjects where there is _too much_
             | information on the public internet for a person to
             | efficiently manage and sift through.
               | hellcow wrote:
               | I think you're right. My hope was that it could reason
               | through the problem using knowledge from related sources
               | like C and an understanding below the syntax of what was
               | actually happening.
               | But it most certainly did not.
               | refulgentis wrote:
               | Depending on what you're doing, you might find few-shot
               | techniques useful.
               | I used GPT 3.0 to maintain a code library in 4 languages,
               | I'd write Dart (basically JS, so GPT knows it well), then
               | give it a C++ equivalent of a function I had previously
               | translated, and it could do any C++ from there.
             | roflyear wrote:
             | It's a step up by an order of magnitude for certain things.
             | Like chess. It is really good at chess actually. But not
             | programming. Seems maybe marginally better on average.
             | Worse in some ways.
         | robbintt wrote:
         | What is the aws cli stuff? I was thinking about writing a
         | terraform agent tool.
           | jcims wrote:
           | You install and configure the CLI to run locally, then ask it
           | to do something. For example, ask it to create a website
           | using s3 static website feature. It creates the bucket,
           | creates the content, uploads the content, configures the
           | bucket static website features and configures the permissions
           | on the bucket and content.
           | I just started tinkering with terraform, which it seems to
           | understand fairly well.
         | antibasilisk wrote:
         | That pastebin is mindboggling.
           | badloginagain wrote:
           | I'm glad our AI overlords are as bamboozled by python vs.
           | python3 as us lowly humans
           | roflyear wrote:
           | How so?
             | antibasilisk wrote:
             | it worked through a software problem and came to a
             | conclusion based on the computer's feedback
               | flangola7 wrote:
               | Wait until it's directed to hack into power grids!
         | px43 wrote:
         | Can you share the code for llm.py?
           | jcims wrote:
           | #!/home/ubuntu/venv/bin/python3.10         from
           | langchain.agents import load_tools         from
           | langchain.agents import initialize_agent         from
           | langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
           | llm = ChatOpenAI(model='gpt-3.5-turbo',temperature=0)
           | tools = load_tools(['python_repl', 'requests', 'terminal',
           | 'wolfram-alpha', 'serpapi', 'wikipedia', 'human',  'pal-
           | math', 'pal-colored-objects'], llm=llm)
           | agent = initialize_agent(tools, llm, agent="chat-zero-shot-
           | react-description", verbose=True)
           | agent.run("Ask the human what they want to do")
           | Note that you'll need to get api keys for openai and serpapi
           | and a app id from wolfram-alpha.
             | SCUSKU wrote:
             | People are joking that they can't wait for the next big
             | thing in AI to come out in a few weeks, but this seems
             | pretty big. After fiddling with it for a while, its not
             | perfect, but this isn't that far from being able to replace
             | (or at least dramatically change) my job as a software
             | engineer.
             | For example, I asked it to write conway's game of life, and
             | it took about 4-5 attempts but it wrote fully functional
             | code that popped up a matplotlib window with a fully
             | functional simulation. This would've taken me a day at
             | least.
             | I asked it to write a FastAPI backend that uses SQLite for
             | storing blog Posts, and it struggled with that one a lot
             | and couldn't quite get it right, although I think that's
             | largely a limitation of the python REPL from langchain as
             | opposed to GPT.
             | On the one hand I'm excited to build all sorts of new
             | things and projects with this, but on the other hand I'm
             | worried my standard of living will decline because my
             | skills will become super commodified :/
         | roflyear wrote:
         | And you only used the most popular example of getting started
         | and one of if not the most popular programming languages.
         | Amazing.
         | fudged71 wrote:
         | About how long did this take to run?
         | It would be great if it also summarized what the error was,
         | what was the fix, and how to run the code that it created.
         | That's all in the output but could be pulled out at the end.
           | jcims wrote:
           | A minute or two.
           | You can ask it to summarize things if you like. It sometimes
           | forgets to do so, however.
       | KrugerDunnings wrote:
       | I've been playing around with sentence embeddings to search
       | documents, but I wonder how useful they are as a natural language
       | interface for a database. The way one might phrase a question
       | might be very different content wise from how the document
       | describes the answer. Maybe it might be possible to do some type
       | of transform where the question is transformed into a possible
       | answer and then turned into a embedding but I haven't found much
       | info on that yet.
       | Another idea I've had is to "overfit" a generative model like GPT
       | on a dataset but pay more attention to how url and the like are
       | tokenised
         | pstorm wrote:
         | In your first paragraph, you are describing Hypothetical
         | Document Embeddings (HyDE) [0]. I've tested it out, and in
         | certain cases, it works amazingly well to get more complete
         | answers.
         | [0]
         | https://python.langchain.com/en/latest/modules/chains/index_...
         | nunodonato wrote:
         | embeddings are really good at that, you dont need to use
         | similar words at all.
         | amitport wrote:
         | "The way one might phrase a question might be very different
         | content wise from how the document describes the answer."
         | You have late-interaction models, which replace the dot product
         | with a few transformer layers and are able to learn complex
         | semantics.
         | Of course this would adversely affect latency and embedding
         | size, so you might want to compress and cache the answers,
         | hence (shameless plug):
         | https://aclanthology.org/2022.acl-long.457/
         | yadaeno wrote:
         | How many embeddings can fit into a single input?
         | IanCal wrote:
         | > Maybe it might be possible to do some type of transform where
         | the question is transformed into a possible answer and then
         | turned into a embedding but I haven't found much info on that
         | yet.
         | Here you go
         | https://twitter.com/theseamouse/status/1614453236349693953
         | jncraton wrote:
         | Embeddings can be trained specifically to cause questions and
         | content including their answers to have similar representations
         | in latent space. This has been used this to create QA retrieval
         | systems. Here's one commonly used example:
         | https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/multi-qa-MiniLM...
         | visarga wrote:
         | > The way one might phrase a question might be very different
         | content wise from how the document describes the answer.
         | If the embeddings are worth their salt, then they should not be
         | influenced by paraphrasing with different words. Try the OpenAI
         | embeddings or sbert.net embedding models.
         | summarity wrote:
         | > might phrase a question might be very different content wise
         | from how the document describes the answer
         | That's what hypothetical embeddings solve:
         | https://summarity.com/hyde
         | There are also encoding schemes for question-answer retrieval
         | (e.g. ColBERT)
         | sharemywin wrote:
         | is there an example what what your talking about?
         | Also would you just return a list of likely candidates and loop
         | over the result set to see if any info is relevant to the
         | question and then have the the final pass try to answer the
         | question.
       | freezed88 wrote:
       | Making retrieval really really good is part of the mission of
       | LlamaIndex! Given a natural language input, find the best way to
       | return a set of documents that is relevant to your LLM use case
       | (question-answering, summarization, more complex queries too).
       | - We integrate with vector db's + ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin
       | - Submitted a Retrieval PR to langchain here:
       | https://github.com/hwchase17/langchain/pull/2014
       | - would love to explore further integrations as a plugin in any
       | outer agent system
         | zikohh wrote:
         | I want to use llamaindex. My input would be a slack export but
         | I don't want any data to go to openai I want it all to happen
         | locally or within my own EC2 instance. I have seen
         | https://github.com/jerryjliu/llama_index/blob/046183303da416...
         | but it calls hugging face.
         | My plan was to use https://github.com/cocktailpeanut/dalai with
         | the alpaca model then somehow use llamaindex to input my
         | dataset - a slack export. But it's not too clear how to train
         | the alpaca model.
       | yadaeno wrote:
       | In the back of my head im thinking about how you could make a
       | stock portfolio analysis chatbot. I think you would want to
       | vectorize a set of documents containing summarized historical + a
       | few documents containing recent data. When asked to analyze a
       | particular portfolio, the portfolio, along with the short term +
       | long term vectors are passed into the LLM. Im not sure if this is
       | the ideal approach though.
       (page generated 2023-03-27 23:00 UTC)