[HN Gopher] Tectonic - A modern, complete, self-contained Tex en...
       Tectonic - A modern, complete, self-contained Tex engine with
       Unicode support
       Author : Gadiguibou
       Score  : 38 points
       Date   : 2023-03-27 12:10 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (tectonic-typesetting.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (tectonic-typesetting.github.io)
       | weinzierl wrote:
       | I used it a bit recently and it is brilliant. Instead of lugging
       | a huge TeX installation around you have a single reasonably sized
       | binary. When you run 'tectonic file.tex' it will download
       | everything it needs on the fly. If you want to run it without
       | internet access you can sort of freeze the downloaded files and
       | run tectonic with your *.tex plus the frozen bundle.
       | It also claims reasonable error messages but I only ran it on
       | error-free files, so I cannot tell.
       | One small downside is that in my direct comparison with lualatex
       | it was always marginally slower.
       | Another one is that it is not a rewrite but still based on the
       | old TeX code.
       | I think tectonic is a great project but generally speaking I find
       | it quite disappointing that we do not have 100% compatible LaTeX
       | with a modern codebase. And that is not even because the old code
       | is bad - not at all. It's just that a pure Rust or Java
       | implementation would make it so much easier to integrate into
       | other projects. An audited TeX core we could run on untrusted
       | input would be another benefit.
       | Which brings me to my last point: When researching tectonic I
       | found a fork that attempted a pure Rust port and it _nearly_
       | worked with examples. There is hope...*
         | lejalv wrote:
         | Not really what you asked for -- but there is an interactive
         | modern typesetter that is programmable and works on trees. It's
         | called TeXmacs - you may want to check out what it can do --
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H46ON2FB30U
         | nsajko wrote:
         | > I find it quite disappointing that we do not have 100%
         | compatible LaTeX with a modern codebase
         | That would be a huge effort. Your time would be better spent
         | designing and creating a _new_ typesetting system.
         | convolvatron wrote:
         | I've been looking at https://typst.app
         | not tex based, but uses CM fonts. I really think that trying to
         | update the programming parts of TeX is necessary. sadly I'm
         | struggling with fonts in svg figures.
         | but to suddenly see applying effort in this area and getting
         | real traction is treat. so many thanks for the luminaries that
         | put up the last one, but maybe its time for some rework after
         | 40 years.
           | nsajko wrote:
           | Sadly it still doesn't support vector graphics. A TeX-killer
           | must also include a replacement for something like PGF, Tikz,
           | Metapost, etc.
       | nsajko wrote:
       | It's a TeX distro that only supports the XeTeX engine. A far cry
       | from "modern", as XeTeX is an abandoned engine that always had
       | quirky compatibility problems.
       | And it's not "self-contained" either if it downloads packages
       | from the Internet.
       | jjgreen wrote:
       | Written in Rust! Can you tell?                   curl --proto
       | '=https' --tlsv1.2 -fsSL https://drop-sh.fullyjustified.net | sh
         | digdugdirk wrote:
         | As a non-Rust person, mind explaining the comment to a
         | layperson?
           | cryptonector wrote:
           | I believe u/jjgreen is complaining about the curl|bash
           | pattern being used in a Rust codebase.
             | red_trumpet wrote:
             | I think it's worth mentioning that the install line at
             | https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install looks exactly the
             | same.
       (page generated 2023-03-28 23:00 UTC)