[HN Gopher] Show HN: An all-in-one app designed for deep work an...
       Show HN: An all-in-one app designed for deep work and to build
       atomic habits
       Author : daniel_sushil
       Score  : 46 points
       Date   : 2023-03-28 12:42 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.floutwork.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.floutwork.com)
       | ryanwaggoner wrote:
       | I have mild to moderate ADHD, and in the long run, I haven't
       | found any tools that try and "get in my way" to block distraction
       | to be that helpful. No tool can save me from myself, and they
       | usually end up interfering with my "productivity" in the process.
       | For example, with this tool, what happens when I need to use a
       | browser extension, or look up something from a random website, or
       | research something on HN or Reddit? What happens if I need to use
       | the terminal, or message my partner? And then aside from all
       | that, how does it protect me from just turning to something else
       | (phone) to feed my need for distraction?
       | So while things like this can have some benefit, no productivity
       | tool can come close to touching the things that have _really_
       | helped me: therapy, meditation, psychedelics, self-compassion,
       | medication, and some books that helped me see "productivity"
       | through a new lens and recognize the pathological relationship
       | with myself that it was keeping me trapped in.
       | Books I recommend:
       | 1. Four Thousand Weeks by Burkeman
       | 2. Self Compassion by Neff
       | 3. The Now Habit by Fiore
       | If you can only read one, read 4000 Weeks. Game changer.
         | nvarsj wrote:
         | I think there's definitely room for tools. But they have to
         | discourage distraction, somehow.
         | Personally I took one look at this Show HN and knew it wasn't
         | for me. Too many things going on in one window - I'd find that
         | very distracting and it would make it hard for me to focus.
         | For me, I have to explicitly do things that reduce distraction.
         | On OS X, this means having a virtual desktop just for work, for
         | example. Browser only for reference pages. Then another desktop
         | which has all my super distracting things, like
         | calendar/outlook/browser/chat. And I force myself to stay on
         | the work desktop when doing work things.
         | What I have been looking for is a simple task tracker. This
         | does help! Unfortunately I haven't found anything perfect on OS
         | X yet. On Linux, I found the flowtime [1] app worked really
         | well.
         | All it needs to do is:                 - Let me enter a task
         | I'm working on       - Track how long I work on it
         | That's it. Just the simple action of entering the task and
         | clicking start seems to help kick my brain into focus mode.
         | 1: https://github.com/Diego-Ivan/Flowtime
       | 650REDHAIR wrote:
       | This looks neat, but there's no world in which I start using this
       | product without knowing the price.
       | Too much of a commitment to add this to my routine to find out
       | you're charging $50/mo and require an annual plan or something.
         | daniel_sushil wrote:
         | Thanks for checking out our app! We recently updated our
         | subscription pricing page to provide more transparency around
         | our pricing model. We're currently considering a plan starting
         | at $5/month, but we want to hear from you - what price point
         | would be fair for the value you're getting? We're open to
         | feedback and committed to providing affordable options for all
         | users. Looking forward to hearing from you!
           | inconceivable wrote:
           | quite honestly HN is the last place you want to do market
           | research on pricing. the income distribution is skewed
           | extremely low and extremely high and attitudes on paying for
           | anything do not reflect market reality, largely due to
           | ideological dispositions.
       | _jcrossley wrote:
       | Apologies if this is uncouth, but if anyone wants the opposite of
       | this product, check out Pixelist on the App Store: it's a 100%
       | free and private, extremely minimalist habit tracker. I'm
       | terrible at marketing (my Show HN had zero response) but it's had
       | a growing organic user base that seems to love it.
         | [deleted]
         | Neff wrote:
         | One thing that may help is standing up a simple product landing
         | page to describe what the product is and linking off to the app
         | store.
         | When I tried to search just for "Pixelist" on DDG I didn't see
         | the app on the first page. Once I added iOS then it was
         | findable.
         | Your app seems really neat. It reminds me of the everyday
         | calendar that Simone Giertz made.
           | _jcrossley wrote:
           | Thanks so much - you're right, I think it's about time to
           | finally create a product page. Also thanks for the pointer,
           | the everyday calendar looks great!
         | TurkishPoptart wrote:
         | Looks cool but what do the different colors mean? Hard to
         | follow.
           | _jcrossley wrote:
           | 100% up to you. All of my habits are different, but usually
           | for me it's something like "I did it / I did it well / I did
           | it great".
         | Birkeholm wrote:
         | Kudos on the app. It looks and feels great.
         | May I suggest to add a 'long press' on the theme to lock it?
         | MattDemers wrote:
         | Thank you; finding a habit tracker on IOS that isn't juiced to
         | the gills with social and/or subscription features is
         | impossible.
         | JTyQZSnP3cQGa8B wrote:
         | I would love to see the source code of this application, but
         | even if you can't or don't want to open-source it, it's a fun
         | application.
         | gen_greyface wrote:
         | The app's size is 25mb,seems a bit much for minimalist app.
         | what did you use to build it.
           | _jcrossley wrote:
           | Hm, I'm not sure what adds up to 25MB but overall it's very
           | lean on dependencies - essentially just RxSwift. It might
           | also be the Swift runtime, which used to be bundled into
           | binaries before ABI stability.
         | goldtownjac wrote:
         | This is exactly what I've been looking for on so many levels.
         | +1 user.
         | [deleted]
         | StrangeATractor wrote:
         | Tickmate was something I used for a long time, but Google says
         | it's too old for my Android. =(
         | https://github.com/lordi/tickmate
         | petr24 wrote:
         | I am definitely a ghost user of hacker news, but I had to
         | comment on this. What a great app. Great work and thank you!
           | _jcrossley wrote:
           | Thanks! Really appreciate it <3
         | littlelady wrote:
         | It looks really nice! I'm looking for an app to replace my
         | current tracking system.
         | If I may give some feedback: when editing the name of the
         | habit, could you please insert the habit name string into the
         | text field? Completely retyping it is a bit cumbersome.
           | _jcrossley wrote:
           | Wow, thank you! It's been years since I've touched the app,
           | and I would've sworn it already did that. Will dust it off!
             | emerongi wrote:
             | I noticed that if you drag a habit to the last position,
             | but a little bit too far, the app crashes. Excellent app
             | otherwise, I really like the simplicity! :)
               | _jcrossley wrote:
               | Awesome!! Thanks for finding that, I was wondering where
               | the (very few) daily crashes are coming from. And thanks,
               | hope it's useful for you!
         | tachim wrote:
         | Tough to use this without a way to export data.
           | _jcrossley wrote:
           | I've had several requests for this. If/when I pick it up,
           | it's on the shortlist :)
         | isanjay wrote:
         | No Android version?
           | _jcrossley wrote:
           | Not yet :( But maybe with GPT4!
           | gman83 wrote:
           | Try Loop Habit Tracker.
             | humanlion87 wrote:
             | +1 to this. Simple, no gimmicks and gets the job done.
             | _jcrossley wrote:
             | +1, I've heard great things and I don't think I should try
             | to compete
         | choilive wrote:
         | no intel mac support? :(
         | adolph wrote:
         | Does it have a URL scheme to note execution of habits?
           | _jcrossley wrote:
           | It doesn't, but that's a clever idea!
       | pirate787 wrote:
       | There's a real market for this, and this is a really ambitious
       | app. So much so that I'm very skeptical it will work without
       | significant resources behind it. So you'd need to overcome that
       | for me, as well as privacy concerns, by disclosing a lot more
       | about the company an the codebase.
       | Also the name is confusing, Flout is kind of the opposite of
       | Focus Work.
         | daniel_sushil wrote:
         | Hey @drewg123, thanks for taking the time to check out our app
         | and share your thoughts. We agree that the productivity market
         | is huge, and that's why we're passionate about creating an
         | ambitious app that meets the needs of modern professionals. We
         | understand that building such a comprehensive productivity
         | platform requires significant resources, and we're committed to
         | continuing to improve Floutwork over time. Regarding privacy
         | concerns, we have a dedicated page on our website that outlines
         | our privacy policy in detail. Additionally, we are always open
         | to answering questions and providing more information as
         | needed. As for the name Floutwork, we understand that it may be
         | confusing. The name Flout is actually meant to convey "flouting
         | the rules of modern work", but we understand that it may be
         | interpreted differently. We appreciate your feedback. Thanks
         | again for your interest in Floutwork!
       | teach wrote:
       | I guess they say to launch before you think you're ready.
       | mucle6 wrote:
       | So a window manager with metrics? Looks interesting
       | redmattred wrote:
       | Looks pretty slick.
       | When I click "Download macOS App" it downloads an .exe file.
         | [deleted]
         | tony_cannistra wrote:
         | This surprised me too, and not in a good way. I got that scary
         | old feeling from the early-2000s when a surprise exe appeared.
           | tough wrote:
           | Yeah, it loads a download windows button too but links to the
           | same sketchy dropbox download link.
           | I'd be wary of installing random apps nowadays with crypto
           | hacks and what not. I guess I need to think twice before
           | doing so.
             | daniel_sushil wrote:
             | Thanks for letting us know about the download issue - we've
             | fixed the problem and you can now download the Mac version
             | without any problems. If you have any further issues,
             | please let us know. Thanks for your support!
               | JTyQZSnP3cQGa8B wrote:
               | >Link temporarily disabled
               | Dropbox has not disabled your downloads, can't you host
               | it yourself?
               | daniel_sushil wrote:
               | Hey JTyQZSnP3cQGa8B, we're sorry that you experienced
               | issues downloading our app from Dropbox. We believe the
               | issue has now been resolved, and you should be able to
               | download it without any further problems. Thanks for your
               | patience! And yes, we're definitely going to look into
               | hosting it ourselves!
       | maxfurman wrote:
       | Looks like Dropbox has rate-limited your download link
         | daniel_sushil wrote:
         | Hey maxfurman, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We're
         | sorry that you experienced issues downloading our app from
         | Dropbox. We believe the issue has now been resolved, and you
         | should be able to download it without any further problems. If
         | you encounter any more issues, please let us know. Thanks for
         | your patience!
       | zenkat wrote:
       | I love the concept! Modern interrupt-driven workflows are
       | horrible if you want to get real work done, designing for focus
       | time is a great idea.
       | How is it with privacy, PII, and sensitive data? Is all
       | processing done locally, or is data uploaded into the cloud?
         | daniel_sushil wrote:
         | Hi Zenkat, thanks for your interest in Floutwork! We take
         | privacy seriously and have a detailed privacy policy that
         | outlines our commitment to protecting our users' information.
         | You can find it here: https://www.floutwork.com/privacy-policy.
         | If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to
         | reach out - we're always happy to provide more information and
         | ensure that our users are comfortable with our practices.
         | Thanks again for your support!
       | qwertyuiop_ wrote:
       | Great job on AI voice blended with Fivver graphics. Got my
       | attention :)
       | dhruvarora013 wrote:
       | Interesting. Is this basically a browser that's focused on
       | productivity? Seems like it's just adding different sites as
       | "apps" that I can switch between?
         | daniel_sushil wrote:
         | Hey dhruvarora013, thanks for your question! Floutwork does
         | indeed have an in-app browser that makes switching between apps
         | and managing tabs a breeze, but it's much more than that.
         | Floutwork is an all-in-one productivity system that brings
         | together all your work essentials into one platform. Our
         | powerful built-in Tasks app helps you track your goals and
         | tasks, while our built-in apps for Notes and Emails streamline
         | your workflow. Our command bar keeps you focused by helping you
         | stay on track with your work, without losing context. Our
         | built-in productivity tracker monitors and improves your
         | productivity habits, while our gamified system helps you stay
         | motivated by completing 3 productivity goals (like the rings in
         | Apple Watch) every day. It has a lot more functionality that
         | you can checkout from floutwork.com that really upgrades your
         | productivity game. We'd love for you to give Floutwork a try
         | and let us know what you think!
       | CE02 wrote:
       | My issue is that with productivity theres a big factor of "good
       | data in good data out". If a system is too overdesigned it often
       | gets underutilized. I used to have complicated setups for my
       | "productivity" but honestly I've paired it down to one google
       | sheets time tracker with a few fancy features like time
       | predicting on projects but not much.. and google calendar. It
       | wasn't until I reduced my tools that my productivity increases.
       | I worry that overanalyzing productivity will innevitably lead
       | people to forget the 1 rule of "do less".
         | daniel_sushil wrote:
         | Hey CEO2, I totally understand where you're coming from. There
         | are a whole bunch of "productivity tools" out there. Many
         | people try to stitch together multiple productivity apps in an
         | attempt to improve their productivity. Floutwork is trying to
         | solve that problem by bringing it all together into a single
         | "work system" that helps you focus on your work, rather than
         | the tools. It's designed to help you be productive by default,
         | and you really need to go out of your way to be distracted. We
         | would love for you to try it out and let us know what you
         | think."
           | CE02 wrote:
           | Hey Daniel, hope all is well. I completely understand and I'm
           | sure I'll check it out at some point. I'm just saying in my
           | experience I've yet to find a tool that justifies adding yet
           | another tool in this space.
         | spiffytech wrote:
         | This is why I like Mark Forster's productivity systems.
         | They're built around giving minimal structure to your
         | intuition, rather than trying to comprehensively analyze your
         | situation.
           | CE02 wrote:
           | I'll have to check it out, haven't seen any of his work! I
           | based my current system off of Cal Newports work. I basically
           | intentionally designed and overly comprehensive and overly
           | complicated system and paired it back until I had a good
           | balance of inputs and outputs!
       | KingOfCoders wrote:
       | Subscription pricing. No thanks, I'll keep using Notepad++ with
       | two panes, one for writing and one for todos.
       (page generated 2023-03-28 23:01 UTC)