[HN Gopher] Rotten meat may have been a staple of Stone Age diets
       Rotten meat may have been a staple of Stone Age diets
       Author : sohkamyung
       Score  : 103 points
       Date   : 2023-03-29 12:30 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.sciencenews.org)
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       | bastardoperator wrote:
       | I eat rotten meat all the time... in video games, and it hurts
       | you.
         | purpleblue wrote:
         | Blecch! Rotten food! The world spins and goes dark.
       | detuur wrote:
       | I don't see how that's surprising, at least if you subscribe to
       | the Endurance Running Hypothesis (and I do). Any prey humans used
       | to hunt using what we now know as persistence hunting would have
       | been large game. Especially in the hot, tropic climates early
       | humans seemed to have thrived in, such meat would have started to
       | spoil, even if hunted fresh, before any such hunter would have
       | had the time to bring it back to the family group, let alone
       | consume it. Meats in general have a very short shelf life and if
       | we look to the various independently developed preservation
       | methods in human groups around the world, many of them seem to be
       | centered around a controlled decomposition by "favourable"
       | organisms (like the maggots in the seal story).
       | There's also the simple observation that no doubt many of us have
       | already made: animals all around us seem to have no issues with
       | partially decomposed meat. Dogs don't seem to mind it, nor do
       | cats, nor do other primates like chimpanzees. It's obvious that
       | at least in our very recent evolutionary history we had far
       | higher tolerance to spoilage.
         | [deleted]
         | leereeves wrote:
         | > Dogs don't seem to mind [spoiled meat]
         | I've recently seen proof of that. A dead horse was left on a
         | trail I frequently hike, and I saw dogs eating it a week later.
         | I don't even want to imagine how awful that meat was after
         | sitting in the sun for a week.
           | fencepost wrote:
           | I haven't yet listened to the podcast but this has links to
           | all the relevant info on Dogs In Elk which seems relevant.
           | https://www.wbur.org/endlessthread/2022/02/25/dogs-in-elk
           | giantrobot wrote:
           | Dogs have much shorter GI tracts compared to humans. Just
           | that fact means there's less opportunity for bacteria/toxins
           | from rotted food to affect them.
           | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
           | That said, all the pets I've had throw up way more than I do.
           | I think we're ignoring the very real possibility that ancient
           | people were constantly living with some level of
           | gastrointestinal problems.
             | mschuster91 wrote:
             | > I think we're ignoring the very real possibility that
             | ancient people were constantly living with some level of
             | gastrointestinal problems.
             | We do know that humanity from its earliest days over the
             | Rome Empire [1] up to, what, maybe a century or even less
             | ago has had massive infestations of all kinds of parasites,
             | including gastrointestinal.
             | Would it be possible that these parasites actually could
             | have a symbiotic relationship, in helping to break down
             | spoiled food?
             | [1] https://www.livescience.com/53303-ancient-rome-
             | infested-with...
             | protastus wrote:
             | Pets have diet sensitivities too, which can upset their
             | stomachs. My cat used to occasionally throw up but with her
             | current food she has gone for more than a year without any
             | events.
             | By eating spoiled and contaminated food, ancient people
             | were certainly getting internal parasites too (also
             | something that a big fraction of pets have).
               | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
               | Oh, I'm sure if you wait long enough someone is going to
               | argue that the parasites were a good thing too.
             | mrguyorama wrote:
             | I mean many modern people also live with constant
             | gastrointestinal problems, and I'm not talking about teens
             | eating taco bell and mountain dew every day and wondering
             | why they have bathroom troubles, I'm talking about average
             | people eating a varied and healthy diet with IBS.
               | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
               | You're not wrong and that's an excellent example. I'm
               | questioning the idea that somehow people were able to
               | consume this food impact-free. I struggle with the common
               | narrative that somehow people were healthier and better
               | in some dark forgotten past and we should return to those
               | times for our own well being. There often seems to be
               | promises that conditions like IBS would stop existing if
               | we did that. But maybe ancient man was cool with having
               | near-constantly runny poos because there was no
               | alternative.
         | Connor_Creegan1 wrote:
         | >It's obvious that at least in our very recent evolutionary
         | history we had far higher tolerance to spoilage.
         | I would agree, both in terms of actual immunity and taste
         | response, although generally-speaking eating rotten meat
         | (especially when well-sourced) is not nearly as risky as common
         | wisdom would make it out to be. Many folks in the deeper
         | circles of online carnivoria dabble in "high meat" (fermented
         | rotten meat, a method of preparing meat learned from Inuit
         | peoples who would feed it to their dogs) and swear by it, even
         | if the taste can be unbearable to the uninitiated.
           | prottog wrote:
           | > Many folks in the deeper circles of online carnivoria
           | The wonders of the internet!
           | MayeulC wrote:
           | It's still done in some French cuisine/hunting practices,
           | though much less common nowadays: "Faisandage", where small
           | game can be left to rot in a relatively controlled way for
           | months: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservation_de_la_vian
           | de#Matu...
             | neonnoodle wrote:
             | Relevant quote from the TV show _Newsradio_:
             | Bill: In the olden days, a country squire would age his
             | pheasants for weeks before they were deemed fit for
             | consumption.
             | Lisa Miller : In the olden days, people died of ptomaine
             | poisoning and blamed it on ghosts.
             | EdwardDiego wrote:
             | It used to be traditional in English gamebird hunting to
             | "hang them by the neck until the body separated from the
             | head" to age the meat...
           | atomicnumber3 wrote:
           | I suspect that a lot of our tolerance of this stuff in
           | prehistory stems from a combination of:
           | - spices and seasoning was a lot less common and meat was
           | gamey, not the well-fattened meats we're used to. So this
           | stuff already tasted bland and not amazing as a baseline
           | - it was preferable to starving, and hunger is the best spice
           | of them all
           | finnh wrote:
           | Where did I last read about high meat, again?
           | Ah yes, the Nov 22, 2010 issue of the New Yorker:
           | https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2010/11/22/natures-spoils
           | big h/t for "deeper circles of online carnivoria", you win
           | phrase of the day
           | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
           | Fermentation implies an intentional process that protects
           | against spoilage. I don't think anyone considers sauerkraut
           | or wine rotten food.
         | Joker_vD wrote:
         | Not to mention diet of the peoples living in tundra that
         | includes such wonderful stuff as e.g. igunaq.
           | eternalban wrote:
           | Had to look that up.
           | -- http://www.nmto.ca/sites/default/files/igunaq.pdf --
           | Igunaq-Aged meat
           | Igunaq is fermented ( aged ) walrus or seal meat that has
           | been cached away for future use. Meat is usually cached
           | beneath stones or pebbles. Aged walrus meat is extremely high
           | in protein, iron and vitamins. Igunaq has been traditional
           | medicine to keep the digestive system clean, as it flushes
           | away anything in its way. It is also great eating for those
           | who have acquired the taste and can go beyond the smell.
           | Too fermented, igunaq can be poisonous and can kill people.
           | People have died from eating over-aged meat from walrus and
           | polar bear. These two mammals are very rich in vitamins. The
           | fat is often light green colored when the meat is aged
           | properly. The fat will be darker green if the meat is over-
           | aged or even brownish. Among Inuit it is a delicacy usually
           | eaten with apples. To prepare the meat for eating people find
           | that washing in cold water is better than washing with hot
           | water. Cold water takes away the smell more.
           | Igloolik and Hall Beach are known to have the best igunaq in
           | Baffin Island. These two communities are blessed with walrus
           | and proper gravel. Meat ages better when it is fermented in
           | loose gravel. It takes time to make good igunaq. One has to
           | store away the meat at the right season when it is not too
           | hot or too cold. Temperature plays a big role.
           | Cached meat is usually saved for the winter for people to eat
           | but polar bears are known to steal the cache before people
           | can claim them. Regardless the weight of the stones for
           | caching, the polar bear will easily get at it. Polar bears
           | are extremely strong animals.
           | Common phrase..." I wonder how many polar bears I have fed to
           | date?" Meaning...Hoping that the cache is not eaten by polar
           | bears yet.
           | As noted igunaq is good for the digestive system as it cleans
           | it completely of any foreign objects such as viruses and
           | sickness a person may have. A person may experience a natural
           | "high" if they have not eaten aged meat for a while. Men who
           | grew up with igunaq are usually more physically muscular than
           | those who have not. Igloolik, Hall Beach and Cape Dorset have
           | muscular looking men compared to other communities on Baffin
           | Island. It is believed that igunaq contributes to the
           | physical appearance of the people who eat it.
           | Igunaq is such a delicacy that people that have no access to
           | it will fly it in from communities that do have good igunaq.
           | Igunaq is often brought in at special occasions such as
           | Christmas for community feasts. Some communities look forward
           | to Inuit organizations having meetings in their
           | communities...igunaq is surely to be part of the feast.
           | Igunaq when on sale, will sell better than fresh meat.
           | Interestingly due to its odor some airlines in the north will
           | not carry igunaq. People often have to disguise it to get the
           | aged meat on a plane to take them home. It is said that if
           | you can get beyond the smell, you'll enjoy the food as it is
           | very nutritious and gives you energy and warmth....and you
           | will be physically ready for your next outing. On a final
           | note a full stomach will also make you concentrate better.
           | Try it! It's a true Northern experience!
           | By Elijah Tigullaraq
           | June 2008
           | -- end --
             | dendrite9 wrote:
             | There's also kiviaq: "a dish made by packing 300 to 500
             | whole dovekies--beaks, feathers, and all--into the
             | hollowed-out carcass of a seal, snitching it up and sealing
             | it with fat, then burying it under rocks for a few months
             | to ferment. Once it's dug up and opened, people skin and
             | eat the birds one at a time."
             | Here is one of the articles I found that wasn't too focused
             | on how gross it is that these people eat this and instead
             | digs into the history and purpose of the food.
             | https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/what-is-kiviaq
               | eternalban wrote:
               | am ~ashamed that that description immediately made me
               | wonder how gross it must be :}
               | https://modernfarmer.com/wp-
               | content/uploads/2014/10/fermente...
               | But seriously, the extraordinary power of _hunger_ and
               | _culture_ are on full display with the items discussed in
               | this thread.
         | jonnycomputer wrote:
         | I really don't think whether the prey is big-game or not
         | matters with respect to "spoiled" meat, however, contra to what
         | some others here are saying, persistence hunting is (or was) a
         | real thing. This paper [1] describes ethnographic examples of
         | persistence hunting; heck, my grandfather described to me
         | running down rabbits as a way of hunting them.
         | However, I would also argue that a more common approach, at
         | least when there are multiple hunters working together, is to
         | "herd" animals into kill zones such as pit traps, or channels.
         | We have lots of evidence of those in the archeological record,
         | such as here [2] and here [3].
         | I actually suspect that bacterial "preprocessing" of meat would
         | assist in digestion. Rather famously, it is hard to get
         | everything you need in a raw food diet, and a well known
         | argument in anthropology is that cooking with fire is our way
         | to make food easier to digest (rather than approach the problem
         | the way, say, cows do). Fermentation can also improve the
         | digestibility of foods (increasing bioavailability of calories,
         | nutrients, etc.).
         | [1] https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/508695 [2]
         | https://albertashistoricplaces.com/2018/07/18/pronghorn-trap...
         | [3] https://torbygjordet.com/food/hunting/
         | hyperthesis wrote:
         | What's the advantage to not being able to tolerate rotten meat?
         | Perhaps it's costly to tolerate it.
         | Apparently the advantage of losing body hair is fewer problems
         | with lice (consider how much time other primates devote to
         | grooming)
         | chrisco255 wrote:
         | I would disagree that meat had a short shelf life. It is almost
         | trivial to dry meat out and make jerky that will last a very
         | long time. Doesn't even require advanced tools.
         | That being said, still agree with the premise. When you're
         | truly hungry, food is food.
           | OJFord wrote:
           | That _is_ a  'controlled decomposition' preservation
           | technique like GP described though.
         | ravenstine wrote:
         | Why subscribe to the endurance running hypothesis, though?
         | There are no contemporary examples of humans hunting that way,
         | and hominids were already making tools by the time they had
         | developed to subsist on meat. The endurance/persistence
         | hypothesis doesn't even make sense without tools like spears,
         | knives, or arrows, because humans don't kill their prey by
         | biting into them. If they had access to primitive weaponry, why
         | would they waste energy running when they could instead ambush?
         | Even other species like chimps and dolphins, that can't chuck
         | spears, hunt by surrounding their prey. The only reason the
         | hypothesis is even a thing is because people find it confusing
         | that we sweat so much.
         | If anything, the persistence running hypothesis in some way
         | discredits the idea that hominids relied on rotten meat. If
         | they could catch fresh prey, why eat spoiled meat? Yet our
         | stomach acid has a very low pH, more acidic than even that of
         | cats.
         | What's more likely, in my opinion, is hominids began to
         | supplement their diet by eating the leftover kills of larger
         | predators as well as any rotting carcasses they may have
         | encountered, and then developed hunting strategies around when
         | they began developing tools. Even having sharp knives made of
         | stone or volcanic glass would have been an obvious advantage in
         | food procurement, and it wouldn't have taken millions of years
         | to figure out that slashing an animal's throat in the right
         | place would take it down quickly. No need for persistence
         | running at all if a group can corner a mammoth or buffalo or
         | lead it to a dead end.
           | mklepaczewski wrote:
           | > If they had access to primitive weaponry, why would they
           | waste energy running when they could instead ambush?
           | Have you ever fought a dog, a deer or a boar? Fighting means
           | wounds, possibly fatal ones. Spear or no spear, you're going
           | to die in one of those fights. Running on the other hand is
           | pretty safe and not that tiring, especially if you've been
           | doing it for years and your weight is close to 50-60kg.
           | Ability to sweat more should be even more advantegous in a
           | warm climate. I sometimes run in 30degC for an hour / an hour
           | and a half. It's hard, but you get used to it. I imagine most
           | animals would just drop by that time.
             | majormajor wrote:
             | Would you want to chase animals you wouldn't want to fight?
             | What if they turned around and tried to fight you? You have
             | less tactical advantage than trying to hunt or ambush them
             | with stealth, and if you turn to run maybe you get away but
             | then you've burned up a lot of your extra stamina? Give me
             | the bow and arrow or spears so I can wound the target
             | before /while chasing it, vs just popping out and hoping it
             | ran away from me instead of at me.
               | chimpanzee wrote:
               | Deer and such will not fight unless there are no options
               | and it has the necessary energy and verve. Apart from
               | immediate physical entrapment, they do not realize that
               | they likely have no options in the long run (pun fully
               | intended). So they run and keep running until they fall
               | into the trough of low energy.
               | Not to mention, the first weapons would have been far
               | more basic and require closer range than a bow and arrow
               | or a throwing spear. So, to your point, early humans
               | would have had to have taken advantage of the sickly or
               | exhausted in order to avoid injury. With exhaustion
               | occurring as a byproduct of the hunt, it would have been
               | an "accidental" discovery.
           | hyperthesis wrote:
           | Attenborough, persistence hunt
           | https://youtube.com/watch?v=826HMLoiE_o
           | FrustratedMonky wrote:
           | [flagged]
             | senko wrote:
             | Good GPT.
               | ravenstine wrote:
               | Certainly seems like it.
               | Whether it's GPT or a human, this is wrong:
               | > Finally, while it is true that the low pH of our
               | stomach acid suggests that our ancestors were not relying
               | on rotten meat as a primary food source, it is important
               | to remember that scavenging for meat was likely an
               | important part of their diet. It is also possible that
               | the ability to run long distances gave our ancestors an
               | advantage in scavenging for meat, as they could cover
               | greater distances in search of carrion.
               | The point I was making was that our ancestors _were_
               | relying on scavenged, and probably spoiled meat.
               | FrustratedMonky wrote:
               | Yes. Know it is rude (is it impolite to use GPT?), but
               | I've been playing with GPT and thought I'd give it a shot
               | to see if anyone noticed, or if HN had any detection.
           | daliusd wrote:
           | What is here then https://youtu.be/826HMLoiE_o ? Was this
           | debunked as fake or something ?
           | [deleted]
           | walkhour wrote:
           | > There are no contemporary examples of humans hunting that
           | way.
           | There are some examples [0], although admittedly they are
           | isolated cases.
           | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persistence_hunting
             | mhb wrote:
             | Running After Antelope: Scott Carrier's story of trying for
             | twelve years to chase down and catch an antelope by foot.
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35362140
             | burkaman wrote:
             | This is an unusually poorly written Wikipedia article with
             | a very weird style and a lot of unsourced statements. I
             | would be very hesitant to trust it without extensively
             | reading the sources.
           | bernawil wrote:
           | this somehow always comes up when anybody mentions human
           | sweating or how good we are walking large distances. But
           | whoever thinks it's feasible to hunt any animal worth its
           | calories just jogging behind it has never chased a playful
           | dog. A furry mammal with no sweat glands has way more
           | endurance than any fit man and let's not talk about top
           | speed. You'd never catch it.
             | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
             | Plus, now you're exhausted and you've chased it for how
             | long? If you've run for the last 18 hours exhausting the
             | gazelle, home is now an 18 hour jog back the other way, and
             | you won't be jogging, you'll be lugging a gazelle with you
             | and you're already utterly exhausted.
               | jrootabega wrote:
               | It would make sense to try to flank the animal and get it
               | to run where you wanted it to.
               | mklepaczewski wrote:
               | Is gazelle able to jog for 18 hours in a hot day? Or even
               | for 2 hours? Keep in mind that the predator chooses the
               | prey. Humans didn't had to chase gazelles, they may
               | choose something bigger and slower.
               | pegasus wrote:
               | Why would you be in such a rush to return home?
               | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
               | Conceivably everyone you left at home is waiting for you
               | and the meat.
             | NineStarPoint wrote:
             | Dogs also have unusually high endurance actually, some
             | breeds extremely so like sled dogs (up there in the top
             | three with humans and horses). In general wolves are
             | already pretty high up there endurance wise, and dogs
             | probably had an evolutionary incentive to be able to keep
             | up with us better on top of that.
             | pegasus wrote:
             | Not so:
             | https://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/27/health/27well.html
             | "But when it comes to long distances, humans can outrun
             | almost any animal. Because we cool by sweating rather than
             | panting, we can stay cool at speeds and distances that
             | would overheat other animals. On a hot day, the two
             | scientists wrote, a human could even outrun a horse in a
             | 26.2-mile marathon."
               | jaggederest wrote:
               | And we know because there are a number of "human versus
               | horse" races over long distances that are occasionally
               | won by humans. Generally the longer the race the more
               | often humans win.
               | bernawil wrote:
               | > distances that would overheat other animals
               | what other animals? I used the dog example because it
               | fits perfectly here: they don't sweat yet it's impossible
               | to catch up to them if they are running away. Even if
               | they overheat they don't just drop dead, they slow down
               | to a human's walking pace.
               | And what about running animals that do sweat like horses?
               | makes no sense. What makes more sense is to approach from
               | multiple fronts and spear/arrow it down. Plus, all
               | remaining hunter-gatherers hunt with the help of dogs.
               | Sure, you do have to run, a lot. But the endurance side
               | is the least important.
             | mklepaczewski wrote:
             | On short distances all dogs outpace humans. After an hour
             | of running most dogs will just quit. On several occasions I
             | had very hard time convincing various dogs to get off the
             | ground after an 8-10km run.
               | bernawil wrote:
               | my point is, can a human reasonably stay within viewing
               | distance from a dog that is running away from him? the
               | dog can just run at top speed, gain some distance, take a
               | little rest and maintain that distance at a comfortable
               | pace.
               | I used to believe in the endurance hunting thing until I
               | realized playing with my dog it didn't make sense. They
               | DO get tired, but they take a 1 minute break and it's
               | like they are back square 0.
               | For the record, I'm in shape and with a pretty light
               | frame (181cm/70kg) and go for 10km/1 hour jogs regularly.
           | dmm wrote:
           | In her book "The Old Way", Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
           | describes the Kalahari San who she lived with in the 1950s.
           | Despite having bows and arrows some members of that group
           | would persistence hunt.
           | Dmitriy Lykov(1940-1981) of the Lykov family living an
           | isolated life in Siberia developed a method of persistence
           | hunting, despite or perhaps because of, the absence of any
           | sort of hunting culture in his tiny, isolated group.
           | Those are just two very recent examples off the top of my
           | head of people persistence hunting for survival. Maybe you're
           | out of your depth on this subject.
             | precompute wrote:
             | Some tribes in Africa also drink milk mixed with animal
             | blood. Not enough water to go around.
             | trws wrote:
             | In addition to the direct persistence hunting, also note
             | that most bow and arrow hunting or even spear hunting is,
             | in and of itself, a form of persistence hunting. The
             | expectation that an arrow will take down the animal where
             | it is hit is usually not how it would have worked with more
             | primitive bows except with very small game. The animal
             | would still have to be followed and possibly struck more
             | times to actually bring it down. Bull fighting is a modern
             | extension of this, though in an enclosed space.
           | kybernetyk wrote:
           | >If they had access to primitive weaponry, why would they
           | waste energy running when they could instead ambush?
           | This is the main point why I don't believe in the endurance
           | running hypothesis. Humans are lazy. Why would they opt to
           | run for days over just waiting at the local watering hole for
           | prey?
             | krona wrote:
             | > Humans are lazy
             | I don't think you realize how easy it is if you know how to
             | track and jog for 2-3 hours for antelope, even less for
             | cats. All you need is a club. 'Running' isn't necessary.
             | chimpanzee wrote:
             | Plenty of humans "run for days" for pure enjoyment. Not to
             | say the ancients would be so foolish when energy
             | expenditure is a concern. But run for days, for a purpose,
             | with companions, releasing endorphins throughout, and then
             | topping that off with a nice, rewarding meal full of fat
             | and protein? I don't see why not.
         | vuln wrote:
         | > It's obvious that at most in our very recent evolutionary
         | history we had far higher tolerance to spoilage.
         | I wonder what effect that's had on a humans immune system. I'd
         | imagine eating spoiled meat containing bacteria, etc was giving
         | their immune system a run for its money until a tolerance was
         | built.
           | zadler wrote:
           | It might have been a good thing?
             | zikduruqe wrote:
             | Just look up the Hadza tribe's gut microbiome.
             | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36238714/
             | https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms4654
             | That's probably as close as you are going to get to truly
             | paleo diets... not paleo-bros that eat only bacon, butter
             | and meats.
               | AlbertCory wrote:
               | I was going to post about "paleo" diets, but you beat me
               | to it.
               | The Paleo Cafe would get closed down by the Health
               | Department _real_ fast if it actually served paleo foods.
               | klyrs wrote:
               | I'm picturing a guy hauling a roadkill deer in, tossing
               | it on a table and yelling "meat's up!" I mean, sure, they
               | didn't have cars back then, but it's better than letting
               | trash-eating deer meat go to waste.
               | AlbertCory wrote:
               | I dimly recall a New Yorker article about people who eat
               | roadkill. They do have their limits though. It has to be
               | _fresh_ roadkill :)
               | klyrs wrote:
               | New paleo motto: "Maggots is protein"
             | vuln wrote:
             | I see how easy it would be for me at least to assume they
             | had better immune systems from eating the spoiled meat. If
             | true our modern immune systems are most likely way less
             | effective than theirs at that time.
             | rybosworld wrote:
             | There does seem to be this notion that being "too hygienic"
             | is a negative thing because it doesn't train your immune
             | system.
             | That's only kind of true. Exposing a healthy person to
             | small amounts of weakened virus tends to build immunity.
             | Exposing the healthy person to large amounts of the virus
             | overwhelms the immune system and may not even lead to a
             | strong viral immunity.
             | If I had to guess, eating rotten meat is something that
             | indigenous peoples have adapted to over time (and some
             | individuals died along the way to that adaptation) and they
             | are resistant to the specific things in rotten meat that
             | make modern day humans sick. I think it would be wrong to
             | suggest the rotten meat eaters are somehow better off for
             | doing this, or that they have stronger immune systems in
             | general.
             | Immune systems aren't like a muscle that you can repeatedly
             | train to get stronger and stronger and stronger ad
             | infinitum.
             | Immunity also comes at a cost. This isn't talked about
             | often. But it's not "Free" for your body to learn and
             | maintain immunity to specific infections.
               | legulere wrote:
               | Especially in the last years, the hygiene hypothesis is
               | not about a lack of immune training against harmful
               | microbes, but a lack of encounter of so called old
               | friends, harmless microbes.
               | https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1700688114
           | Retric wrote:
           | The major issue isn't the bacteria but their byproducts. Ex:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botulism
           | This is why you can't render rotten meat safe by simply
           | cooking it. That said, people still age meat. Small birds for
           | will get left for 4-9 days in a cool space before being
           | butchered etc.
           | https://magazine.outdoornebraska.gov/2014/01/hanging-
           | pheasan...
             | giraffe_lady wrote:
             | Yep other than a couple notable exceptions like salmonella,
             | this is the norm for food poisoning. It's intoxication from
             | metabolic byproducts, not infection. Remains one of the
             | biggest lay misunderstandings of food safety though.
             | "Just cook it out" plus "your nose can tell" (it can't,
             | spoilage microbes aren't usually illness microbes) are
             | false beliefs that still get people killed.
               | foobarian wrote:
               | Curious about sources for this. I see some indication
               | that botulism toxin can be destroyed by cooking, though
               | the bar is pretty high - needs to be boiled over 5
               | minutes. So lesser temperature methods such as grilling
               | the meat may not be sufficient, but something like
               | stewing over many hours seems like would work fine.
               | undersuit wrote:
               | Boiling for 10 minutes would be better. Pressure Cooking
               | would be best as it can reach the heat/pressure needed to
               | destroy the botulism spores too.
               | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
               | Here's an example with Staph food poisoning[1]. The
               | bacteria dies when you cook it, but the enterotoxins that
               | Staph generates aren't broken down by heat and remain
               | (section 4). It's good to not consume live Staph, but
               | contaminated food can still cause issues despite cooking.
               | [1]https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2014/827965/
               | giraffe_lady wrote:
               | I'm not gonna have a peer reviewed journal article for
               | you or anything. I learned this in the food safety class
               | you have to go through before managing a kitchen in a lot
               | of jurisdictions.
               | > stewing over many hours seems like would work fine.
               | It won't! Good luck with it though.
               | foobarian wrote:
               | Well I get that would make sense in that kind of
               | environment. Best way to not hurt your customers is to
               | never even risk it - why would you?
               | But my agenda is more selfish. I like to cold-smoke meats
               | for adding to stews, based on the knowledge that stewing
               | in > 85'C [1] water will destroy the botulism toxin. I
               | could just stay away from cold-smoked meats to be safe;
               | but then I would lose out on some of the tastiest food
               | ever :-)
               | It can be a confusing topic because there are 3 different
               | things to worry about: the active bacteria, the spores,
               | and the toxin. Of the 3, the spores are the most
               | resistant to heat, and according to the WHO link [1] can
               | survive multiple hours in boiling water. However the
               | toxin seems relatively unstable.
               | I really need to track down their sources though.
               | [1] https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-
               | sheets/detail/botulism
               | throwway120385 wrote:
               | USDA indicates that boiling for 10 minutes can prevent
               | botulism: https://www.fsis.usda.gov/sites/default/files/m
               | edia_file/202...
               | Although the boiling doesn't destroy the toxin itself,
               | only the bacterial spores.
               | foobarian wrote:
               | > Although the boiling doesn't destroy the toxin itself,
               | only the bacterial spores.
               | The other way around
             | logicalmonster wrote:
             | 1) Is this what was referred to in the movie "The Menu"
             | where they were taking the tour in the beginning and
             | talking about the 152 day aging process for meat, but the
             | 153rd day would bring chaos?
             | 2) Why is there such a precise known number for that issue?
             | Don't bacteria grow differently? It just seems odd that 152
             | days would definitely be ok and 153 days would definitely
             | kill.
         | nathanvanfleet wrote:
         | My dog's propensity for diarrhea makes me feel less inclined to
         | state that she has any tolerance for it.
           | zdragnar wrote:
           | I've known dogs that have lived on very varied diets
           | (including most human food sans poisons like grapes), and
           | other dogs that had very strictly controlled diets because
           | they were sensitive to pretty much anything and everything.
           | Many breeds of modern dogs are very far removed from the
           | lifestyle and habits of their wild brethren.
       | version_five wrote:
       | But studies conducted over the last few decades do indicate that
       | putrefaction, the process of decay, offers many of cooking's
       | nutritional benefits with far less effort. Putrefaction
       | predigests meat and fish, softening the flesh and chemically
       | breaking down proteins and fats so they are more easily absorbed
       | and converted to energy by the body.
       | That was my first thought seeing the headline. As long as it can
       | be stomached, it makes sense that we'd favor rotten food as a
       | kind of natural over processed food that makes it easy to get at
       | the nutrients. Another way to look at it is that the putrefaction
       | is basically the same thing that happens once we eat it.
       | dabernathy89 wrote:
       | I can't wait to see all of the influencers who will feel
       | obligated to post TikToks of themselves eating rotten meat now.
         | mrguyorama wrote:
         | You're looking for "high meat" and it's already a thing.
           | dabernathy89 wrote:
           | Yuck.
       | greenhearth wrote:
       | It's worth considering that our recent obsession with the
       | "caveman diet" is the extension (and obvious continuation) of the
       | early modern "noble savage" construct. It seems we ran out of
       | culture clashes of colonization and now are trying to colonize
       | the past to process our anxieties and dissatisfactions.
       | [deleted]
       | elhudy wrote:
       | >"a gold mine of ethnohistorical accounts makes it clear that the
       | revulsion Westerners feel toward putrid meat and maggots is not
       | hardwired in our genome but is instead culturally learned," Speth
       | says.
       | These two statements aren't necessarily in contraindication of
       | one another. The revulsion can be both hardwired in our genome
       | _and_ we can culturally train ourselves to ignore that revulsion.
       | exfatloss wrote:
       | The book The Fat of the Land by Vilhjalmur Stefansson
       | (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vilhjalmur_Stefansson) describes
       | how the Eskimos he lived with ate rotten fish all the time. It
       | was a delicacy for them.
       | Kind of like we eat "rotten/spoiled" blue cheese and dry-aged
       | beef.
       | dugmartin wrote:
       | I remember watching a video a few years ago about a present day
       | tribe (I believe in SE Asia) that went on a hunt and killed a
       | monkey. Due to the heat by the time the hunting party was back
       | the meat had spoiled but nobody in the village had any issue with
       | diving in and eating it. I would think that up until very recent
       | times in human development this was very common.
       | precompute wrote:
       | Not new, Aajonus Vonderplanitz talked about this for years.
       | https://aajonus.online/
       | koliber wrote:
       | Fish sauce, dry aged steaks, and bellota ham come to mind. All
       | delicious, and while I'm not sure if you'd call them putrefied
       | meat, it's not that far off.
         | ThePowerOfFuet wrote:
         | Jamon is about as far away from "putrefied" as you can get;
         | it's cured in salt for weeks and then hung to dry for months or
         | years.
       | hirundo wrote:
       | I enjoy the work of Israeli anthropologist Miki Ben-Dor on this
       | subject:
       | https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=miki+ben+dor
       | He's very much in agreement, saying that the human pattern was to
       | hunt large game and then bring it home to eat over weeks,
       | evolving a highly acidic stomach as a result to deal with the
       | bacterial load of rotten meat. That pattern was interrupted by
       | the growing scarcity of megafauna, perhaps caused by human
       | hunters.
       | "Archaeological evidence does not overlook the fact that stone-
       | age humans also consumed plants," adds Dr. Ben-Dor. "But
       | according to the findings of this study plants only became a
       | major component of the human diet toward the end of the era."
       | https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/814485
       | stefantalpalaru wrote:
       | "It is interesting to note that humans, uniquely among the
       | primates so far considered, appear to have stomach pH values more
       | akin to those of carrion feeders than to those of most carnivores
       | and omnivores. In the absence of good data on the pH of other
       | hominoids, it is difficult to predict when such an acidic
       | environment evolved. Baboons (_Papio_ spp) have been argued to
       | exhibit the most human-like of feeding and foraging strategies in
       | terms of eclectic omnivory, but their stomachs - while considered
       | generally acidic (pH = 3.7) - do not exhibit the extremely low pH
       | seen in modern humans (pH = 1.5). One explanation for such
       | acidity may be that carrion feeding was more important in humans
       | (and more generally hominin) evolution than currently considered
       | to be the case [...]" - ["The Evolution of Stomach Acidity and
       | Its Relevance to the Human Microbiome" (2015)](https://journals.p
       | los.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal...)
       | MagicMoonlight wrote:
       | Or maybe the people who eat trash are the ones that never
       | developed and that's why they're still eating trash today.
       | fwlr wrote:
       | I recall reading, a long time ago, of a person who was eating
       | just meat and only meat for his diet. He was struggling for a
       | while with it, until he intentionally allowed a small amount of
       | meat to rot for a bit, consumed that, and from then on he did
       | much better on that diet. The principle I believe was in play was
       | that the rotting meat contained a lot of bacteria that was very
       | good at breaking down that meat (it would proliferate the
       | fastest) and that bacteria was taking up residence in his gut
       | microbiome and assisting in digesting non-rotten meat in the
       | future. Sort of like how herbivores will sometimes consume small
       | stones to act as mechanical grinders of plantstuff in their
       | stomachs.
       | This seems like the most likely way that ancient humans consumed
       | actually-rotten meat, in small doses to edit their gut microbiome
       | (likely encoded in traditions that viewed certain specific rotted
       | foods as a delicacy/luxury - not because it was hard to acquire
       | but because you were only supposed to eat it rarely). To the
       | extent that you see claims that "ancient humans ate large amounts
       | of rotten meat" I suspect they're conflating that with merely
       | "spoiled by modern food standards" meat, which is much less
       | rotten than it sounds.
         | moremetadata wrote:
         | Menaquinones are the naturally occurring form of vitamin K
         | identified in bacteria.
         | Different bacteria make different chemicals which can be useful
         | to humans.
         | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7928036/
         | Is it any different to the Germans eating fermented sauerkraut,
         | or Asians eating fermented Soy source?
         | tracker1 wrote:
         | Kind of curious how much this may correlate to the fact that we
         | don't dry age meat nearly as much as in times past.
       | 1MachineElf wrote:
       | As an aside, most industrial meat is exposed either intentionally
       | or unintentionally to lactobacillus strains. Working in kitchens
       | I've had the opportunity to taste spoiling meat that had high
       | amounts of it. When prepared right it is actually quite good.
       | Taste can be similar to dry-aged steak, but juicer and more
       | flavorful. I've never gotten sick, but it certainly seems like a
       | risk, however tasty it may be.
         | tyfon wrote:
         | I eat lactobacillus all the time in my sourdough bread :)
         | It is what makes the sourdough bread taste so good too.
         | Zickzack wrote:
         | Lactic acid fermentation [1] is the secret to many sausages. In
         | the case of Mettwurst [2], made of raw meat, it is essential.
         | Aged steak, hanged pheasants [3 - with a discussion of
         | bacteria] - even today, the list should be long.
         | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactic_acid_fermentation [2]
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mettwurst [3] https://honest-
         | food.net/on-hanging-pheasants-2/
         | fencepost wrote:
         | Lactobacillus has been a part of human meat preservation for a
         | long time. https://record.umich.edu/articles/underwater-
         | storage-techniq...
         | giraffe_lady wrote:
         | Yeah you can definitely lacto ferment meat, it's a major flavor
         | component of the european dry sausages. Doing it safely isn't
         | hard, but a lot of the nuances of that technique are towards
         | making it actually taste good. It's very easy to lose control
         | of water activity and get out of control rancid elements, or
         | get air ingress and grow aerobic bacterias that clearly taste
         | like rot, or too much oxidation of the fat, or the wrong mold.
         | Definitely pretty advanced level fermentation stuff, more to
         | control and more serious consequences than making kimchi or
         | something. Naem and other SE asian sour sausages are probably
         | the most approachable entry point if you want to give it a
         | swing though.
           | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
           | Lebanon bologna is a more commonly available fermented meat
           | in the US. Much better stuff than the pink slime bologna.
       | tracker1 wrote:
       | I can say, that I grew up on "well done" meat... Even as an
       | adult, It's taken years to get used to medium-rare steak. The
       | texture of raw fish is still really hard for me to get past. It's
       | definitely a learned thing, and the hyper-palatable "foods" we
       | have today doesn't exactly help things at all.
       | al2o3cr wrote:
       | Sadly for the cause of lolz, the subreddit where folks would
       | trade tips about eating "high meat" and reassure each other that
       | intestinal parasites are "totally natural, like our caveman
       | ancestors had" went private a while back.
       | djaychela wrote:
       | I was unfortunate enough to eat some rotten meat at a restaurant
       | in Tanzania when I was working there. The main part was not down,
       | but it was hidden under some potatoes, and I only discovered it
       | as I ate.
       | Took me months to recover from it. Up to that point in my life, I
       | was totally "regular" as they say. It was probably a year before
       | I got back to normal in that respect.
       | Don't mess with your gut flora if things are going well, imo.
       | ulnarkressty wrote:
       | There are quite a lot of videos on YouTube of people eating
       | rotten meat, they claim it 'gets you high'. Perhaps one reason
       | it's considered a delicacy?
       | jrootabega wrote:
       | My gut refuses to believe it, but my brain understands that this
       | is probably a lot like cheese -- blue cheese in particular. If
       | you've only had fresh milk, letting it curdle and mold before
       | eating it would probably be unthinkable. Same for fresh cabbage
       | vs. kimchi or sauerkraut.
         | wincy wrote:
         | If you ever get a chance to go to a really nice steakhouse, and
         | eat a 45-day or 60-day dry aged steak, do so. It's one of the
         | funkiest most delicious things I've ever eaten, like a combo of
         | the best blue cheese and the best steak I've ever had.
           | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
           | The trick with a dry aged steak is that you don't eat the
           | bits that were directly exposed to the air. The outer layer
           | of the beef protects the inner from the intrusion of all the
           | bacteria and spoilage that makes you sick and that's
           | discarded and you cook the inner stuff that's had time to
           | change but not go bad.
           | kerpotgh wrote:
           | [dead]
       | BigCryo wrote:
       | Scavenging explains many of the body traits that humans have..
       | are good binocular vision allows us to see long distances.. so
       | prehistoric man may have been able to see buzzards surfing over a
       | corpse miles away.. so then we began to ran toward the corpse but
       | we had to run fast so that we could beat the other animals to
       | it.. our skeletal structure allows us to run fast and the fact
       | that we have little hair allows us to sweat and carry off the
       | heat so we can run long distances quickly.. once we get to the
       | corpse there are likely other animal scavenging it such as
       | hyenas, and our ability to grasp rocks and throw them allowed us
       | to throw rocks at the hyenas or whatever and scare them off the
       | corpse.. then if there was even little meat left we could pick up
       | a rock smash the bones and get the marrow out.. this explains how
       | we got good long distance binocular vision, a skeleton that
       | allows us to run, a body that allows us to carry off heat through
       | sweating, hands and other anatomy that can grasp and throw
       | stones, and smash bones to get the marrow out
       | mzimbres wrote:
       | So why rotten meat smells terrible and a steak delicious? Why
       | would we evolve that perception of something that nutritious and
       | which could prevent me from starving. Why my nose keeps telling
       | me to keep away from rotten meant?
         | m0llusk wrote:
         | There is an interesting related point in that cruciferous
         | vegetables and allium roots synthesize specific chemicals which
         | have been correlated with healthy effects. Many of these
         | chemicals have significant amounts of sulfur and tend to smell
         | quite strong not necessarily in a pleasant way. Olfactory
         | associations seem to be complex.
         | hvis wrote:
         | IIUC, the digestive system (and the gut bacteria in it) provide
         | feedback to your taste buds over time.
         | If the appropriate "paleo diet" bacteria settled in (e.g. using
         | the gradual method to build tolerance), your nose would
         | probably change its mind soon enough.
         | Not a biologist, just a layman here.
       | eqefqe wrote:
       | I saw people on youtube who eat rotten meat on purpose.
       | amriksohata wrote:
       | https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/human-ancest...
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