[HN Gopher] Own your work
       Own your work
       Author : josem
       Score  : 189 points
       Date   : 2023-04-02 14:00 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (josem.co)
 (TXT) w3m dump (josem.co)
       | podviaznikov wrote:
       | love this. started to publish things on my personal site almost
       | 10 years ago http://podviaznikov.com.
       | I changed publishing tools so many times, but all the content
       | still lives on the same domain name and I try to support same
       | URLs.
         | stuartjohnson12 wrote:
         | Read most of the content here. You have a soothingly simple and
         | brain-to-paper writing style I enjoy. Your essay called "Age of
         | Questions" stuck with me. It's a similar frustration to one
         | I've had with the world recently.
         | https://podviaznikov.com/writings/age-of-questions
           | podviaznikov wrote:
           | what a compliment!
           | I obviously cannot analyze my own style because that is my
           | style and how I write so reflection from other people are so
           | fascinating.
           | And thank you for commenting on this specific essay. I've
           | just read it again and unfortunately it still holds, almost 2
           | years since it was published.
           | But I think I am starting to develop my own tools to work
           | against general tendencies at least in my personal life. I
           | will think more about it!
             | podviaznikov wrote:
             | and curious what you currently think on this topic too.
             | Specifically about solutions. At any level. Individual or
             | societal.
               | stuartjohnson12 wrote:
               | I liked the first half more than the second half. I think
               | you establish the problem very effectively, but in the
               | second half your own indignation shines brighter than
               | inquisition.
               | I've yet to see an answer that satisfies me here. Many
               | times, inquisition is indeed used as a plausibly deniable
               | mask for ideology. Similarly, I don't think you or I will
               | ever reasonably be free of our own personal ideologies.
               | If I had a good answer, the post wouldn't be interesting
               | to me. I could rattle off one of the common answers
               | (technocracy, degrowth, investment in education,
               | something something social media bad) but those seem
               | tired and wrong to me. This kind of topic is one where
               | it's easy to find the obvious target (this person, this
               | system, this policy, this organisation) and start
               | shunting blame, but that's ironically falling afoul of
               | the problem itself circularly.
               | There's no solution I stand behind with enough confidence
               | to state it on a public forum like this.
               | For now, I'll just have to keep asking questions.
               | podviaznikov wrote:
               | beautiful:) your answer is an essay in itself.
               | I think I found a temporary shortcut/patch for myself
               | that I can apply on the personal level.
               | If I see something outrageous online I bring it and
               | discuss in person with few people and we have more
               | nuanced conversation and I see that questions are asked
               | and it's not as crazy as online.
               | And it calms be down and relaxes and gives me hope back.
               | Because old dynamics - of asking questions and having
               | nuanced conversations - they still work.
         | pfoof wrote:
         | I like your style of post titles: short, lowercase, concise
           | podviaznikov wrote:
           | thank you!
       | pfoof wrote:
       | That's what I do, because: too many to choose from, not enough
       | flexibility. And hosting anything with server-side rendering like
       | Wordpress does not bring too much benefits.
       | Solution: Markdown in Git -> HTML -> Firebase Hosting over own
       | domain (easy to migrate and replace)
       | mark_l_watson wrote:
       | I mostly agree with the article. I use social media to promote
       | what is on my website, my books, etc.
       | I do use Blogger though. Twice I have switched to self hosting on
       | my domain, and on my web site using Jeckal. Both times I switched
       | back for convenience.
       | Animats wrote:
       | "Own your own stuff" - Joan Jett's advice to new musicians.
         | LiquidPolymer wrote:
         | Also my advice to photographers just starting out.
       | dhosek wrote:
       | Blogspot has disabled a number of backend services so that it's
       | no longer compatible with, e.g., MarsEdit. I had one last blog I
       | was still updating on a blogspot site that I just moved over to
       | its own domain because of this.
       | thih9 wrote:
       | I did that. It was a pain.
       | In my case most of engagement happened on social media, and I saw
       | little benefit from my website; so eventually I stopped updating
       | my webpage and started posting directly to social media
       | platforms.
       | japhyr wrote:
       | I'm writing on Substack now, because I really like the ecosystem
       | at this point. But I'm also well aware that they could tank it
       | like Medium did, or close up shop at any point. So I have a
       | recurring task in my issue tracker to make a full backup. One of
       | the reasons I'm willing to build on Substack at this point is
       | because of the ability to dump the most meaningful data -
       | subscribers and posts.
       | That said, the dumped data is not in a format that can be just
       | uploaded to a different platform, or to my own site. That's not
       | an issue for me, because I can write a little code that will
       | transform the posts exactly how I need them for upload to a
       | different platform, or my own site. When I end up needing to do
       | this, I'll probably add custom styling that will look better than
       | Substack's anyway, particularly in reference to code blocks.
       | I feel for nontechnical people. How do you decide where to invest
       | your time? What do you do when the platform shifts in a bad
       | direction, or closes entirely? AI tools will probably help a lot
       | of people in this situation, if they were good about maintaining
       | backups in the first place. I imagine "Can you convert my
       | Substack archive to a format that will work on x_new_platform"
       | would probably be a useful prompt.
       | shmde wrote:
       | Yes please. It's quite surprising to see a company like Netflix
       | and Airbnb using Medium for their tech blogs. They have the
       | world's best web engineering teams and they use Medium for their
       | tech blogs ? Just why ? I hate their font sizes their font
       | heights. Just looks so amateurish.
       | jmmv wrote:
       | I've gone through various iterations of my blog/site. I started
       | in LiveJournal back in the day, then moved to Blogger, and then
       | tested the waters with Medium. Eventually, I concluded the same
       | as the author: that I had to own my content in my own site, but
       | that it was OK to use other established platforms for
       | redistribution. And this is why I haven't jumped onto the
       | Substack bandwagon.
       | I described the thought process I went through here:
       | https://jmmv.dev/2016/01/medium-experiment-wrapup.html and am
       | currently using Hugo to build my site. Granted, creating content
       | via Markdown is slightly more convoluted than using a web UI, but
       | the feeling of control and future-proofness I get cannot be
       | matched.
       | tete wrote:
       | Instead of a Wordpress Blog or something I'd go for something
       | static. There is a couple of software solutions out there from
       | everything to blogs to website. This has the benefit that you can
       | be a lot more independent. As long as you have some copy
       | somewhere you are fine. You can back it up easily and so on. If
       | you use WP (and MySQL) a lot more things can go wrong. If the
       | MySQL server, your wordpress can get hacked for some silly plugin
       | you thought you needed, the hoster of it or whatever are
       | unavailable you might lose it, you might lose your domain which
       | can break stuff, you might forget to pay, etc.
       | The idea here is something that allows you quick recreation and
       | copying. You can just copy over static files. You can put it on
       | your Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. and even on your external hard
       | disk or whatever backup solution you use.
       | Usually the main dynamic thing for writers is actually creating
       | posts. So if that is some offline software that just spits out
       | static files it becomes incredibly resilient.
       | One might think static site generators, like Hugo, but there is
       | also GUI applications that essentially equal what the admin of a
       | blog or CMS see.
       | AndrewKemendo wrote:
       | What is old is new again
       | This was basically the only option in the early 90s before
       | geocities etc... So most of us who were on the web in the 90s did
       | exactly that. Difference was, when you turned your computer off
       | for the night, your site was down
       | If you were really fancy you had a dedicated T1 line, but those
       | were for rich people only
       | I've been on my own domain for well over a decade and my CI
       | process hasn't changed from "drag and drop a .html file written
       | in notepad onto a BSD private-colo server via WinSCP"
       | Literally never fails and my kb size pages don't crush anything.
         | whiplash451 wrote:
         | Come on. ssh and vim! ;)
         | alex_suzuki wrote:
         | I used to have a page on Geocities back in the 90s, wasn't it
         | just plain HTML, uploaded via FTP? Too long ago for me to
         | remember...
       | javajosh wrote:
       | It's clear enough who owns a speech, and like the OP I'm in favor
       | of hosting your own speeches (and essays). But who owns a
       | conversation? Does this rugged individualist approach to hosting
       | one's own work end the possibility of online discussion? Or do we
       | just hold our nose and do the hypocritical thing and host
       | comments - encouraging others to NOT own their work?
         | the_gipsy wrote:
         | Discussion is different from work. As you hint, there is no
         | good way to co-own a discussion. Either you do it on neutral
         | grounds and someone else owns it, or one party is the host and
         | owner.
       | thenerdhead wrote:
       | Everyone tends to give this advice of owning your own work
       | through a central location and syndicating everywhere else. In
       | other words, building your own platform.
       | But generally speaking, sometimes you have to leverage platforms
       | that have the current attention of the world as that is where you
       | will drive engagement to your platform. It is fairly rare to just
       | win organic search traffic especially starting out so you have to
       | "hijack" some attention here and there where applicable.
       | If you follow any notable person online who writes, creates
       | content, etc, they are not afraid of going where everyone else is
       | going whether that means they may have to be exclusive with their
       | creations for awhile or whether that platform allows them to
       | retain the rights to their creations.
       | At the end of the day, it all helps them build an audience that
       | they can take anywhere and there's many possibilities depending
       | on what you'd like to do with that platform.
       | Substack is that popular thing right now because it combines both
       | the content and email list ownership that you can then take
       | anywhere were it to go under tomorrow. It is a very accessible
       | way to "own your work" today, especially for those who don't want
       | to bother setting up a wordpress blog or similar.
         | jdthedisciple wrote:
         | I think POSSE [0] solves this.
         | [0] https://indieweb.org/POSSE
           | thenerdhead wrote:
           | You have to tailor content for each platform archetype.
           | That's the only thing missing in this wiki.
       | avgcorrection wrote:
       | Come catch me at avgcorrection.name where I put a disclaimer on
       | the main page saying that my opinions are my own and don't
       | reflect the opinions of my current employer _nor_ any of my
       | previuos employers.
       | paxys wrote:
       | The underlying truth behind all such discussions is that too many
       | people focus on the mechanics of content hosting and delivery but
       | have nothing special to actually share. So they will spend all
       | their time engineering the perfect blog site from scratch or
       | moving from platform to platform looking for an ideological fit
       | while no one really cares about consuming any of their output.
       | My advice is always to forget about the details and just write.
       | Set up a medium account, or substack, or blogspot, or get a VPS
       | and install Wordpress or Ghost, or just tweet out your article
       | line by line. If there is value in what you write then the
       | readers will be there. And they will follow you if you decide to
       | move your work elsewhere in the future.
         | breck wrote:
         | I must build static site compilers and markdown dialects so
         | that my children may have liberty to write prose and poetry.
           | lisp-pornstar wrote:
           | This, and also "The blog is about literate programming, and
           | the content of the blog is the code that produce the blog"
             | fsckboy wrote:
             | my blog is literary criticism of literate programming, and
             | so most of the content of my blog is also the code from
             | your blog.
         | pjot wrote:
         | For some the appeal _is_ the mechanics - it's fun to build
         | something and put it on the web even if it's only for yourself.
         | soneca wrote:
         | > _"If there is value in what you write then the readers will
         | be there"_
         | I don't think that's true anymore. Of course, it depends on how
         | you define "value", but I think having something "special" to
         | share not always attract readers. Controversial takes, click
         | bait, hate bait, exaggerated praising to a specific niche, all
         | of this works better than "value" in your writing to get
         | readers. Even if you stick to "value", you have to do it for
         | months or years to get readers. So consistency seems to be more
         | effective than said value too.
         | I think that's similar to SEO. 5 to 10 years ago the common
         | advice was that you should just do white hat SEO because Google
         | would always catch you because they were so smart, thousands of
         | the smartest engineers on earth against your silly tricks.
         | Google would always won. But, now, it seems clear to me that
         | black and grey hat SEO beats Google most of the time.
           | enos_feedler wrote:
           | Part of the value in what is written is the author behind the
           | writing and our understanding of their life and experiences.
         | leviathant wrote:
         | I've been running a blog on a Perl/flatfile static site
         | generator (with MySQL bolted on later for search) since 1999.
         | Made a few tweaks over the years, but the core of the same. Had
         | lots of people over the years suggest better ways to run a
         | blog, but none of them were getting the traffic I got (well,
         | used to get), and none of their options are nearly as easy to
         | use.
         | If you do use a third party, please regularly download backups
         | of your work. One of the reasons my blog was so popular was
         | because it also has an archive of articles that I shamelessly
         | copied from other sites (with attribution), most of which have
         | since gone defunct, their content otherwise lost.
         | pugets wrote:
         | In college, I did my calculus homework on blank printer paper
         | using Sharpie markers. I could only fit one integral per page,
         | maybe two if I was lucky, so I'd turn in these 15-page stapled
         | assignments. It was calculus all the same, and I got great
         | grades. I think the purpose of this comment is to reinforce
         | that the medium doesn't matter -- if you focus on the content
         | itself, you'll progress.
           | isomorph wrote:
           | Why did you do that?
         | alin23 wrote:
         | Yep, completely agree with this. I wrote about how I created my
         | blog workflow [1] so that I can write from my iPhone and easily
         | publish notes. And it's a lot of work that on Substack you get
         | for free.
         | Also I can't say that I enjoyed tinkering with Go templates,
         | finicky file syncing etc. just for publishing some Markdown
         | text in a pretty package.
         | If I had to do it again, I would choose Substack, and keep my
         | Markdown files backed up just like I do now. In the event of
         | having to switch, I can always just publish those files
         | elsewhere.
         | And if Substack also supports custom domains, I would also use
         | that to avoid dead links.
         |  _There are cases where your own site is needed however: for
         | unique presentations like those on ciechanow.ski, for sites
         | where the visual look is a defining feature of what is
         | presented etc._
         | [1]
         | https://notes.alinpanaitiu.com/How%20I%20write%20this%20blog...
           | 0cf8612b2e1e wrote:
           | That video of you writing on the ipad was hilarious.
           | Definitely not what I was imagining.
             | alin23 wrote:
             | Heh thanks ^_^ that is the effect I was looking to convey.
             | You have to try it, it's a really satisfying way of
             | writing. Feels like handwriting but works 10 times faster
             | with less hand cramping
         | imadj wrote:
         | > while no one really cares about consuming any of their output
         | Most people who blog don't aim to be influential writers. It's
         | more about self expression.
         | > they will follow you if you decide to move your work
         | elsewhere in the future
         | Except this almost never happens in the real world
       | torh wrote:
       | I host my own domain on my own server in my own home. It
       | obviously isn't the easiest option, but there are a lot of
       | options. I could pay a bit extra to Wordpress to get them to host
       | my blog with my own domain. Or I could host a Wordpress blog
       | somewhere else, or even just static HTML files.
       | Actually I try to do both. I have started working on a static
       | hand made homepage in addition to my blog. But whatever the
       | approach, I still have to produce the actual content. Sometimes I
       | feel that is the hardest part.
       | defaultcompany wrote:
       | "You'll own everything, and it'll be yours forever."
       | This is overstating it. You cannot "own" a domain name. Domains
       | are essentially rented and eventually (whether on purpose or by
       | accident) your domain name will expire.
       | asim wrote:
       | Say this to a non developer. This just isn't realistic for the
       | majority of people, nor do they care, or should they. What we
       | need is interoperability between services so that backups and
       | transfers are much easier. That isn't the case just yet. If we
       | moved to a more API first world then it would be very much
       | possible. With the advent of GPT related stuff it's clear we're
       | going that direction and the interface for everything is changing
       | too. So the concept of what is your website might fundamentally
       | change too.
       | CM30 wrote:
       | The best solution is what the Indieweb folks called POSSE:
       | Publish on your Own Site , Syndicate Elsewhere:
       | https://indieweb.org/POSSE
       | For instance, I might publish a clip on my own site first, then
       | mirror it to places like YouTube, TikTok and Reddit so more
       | people find it. Or post an article on my own site first, then
       | repost it on Medium and Substack (with a canonical saying my own
       | version is the original if possible).
       | That way you're not tied to a specific platform, and can just
       | find another place to share/post your work if any of them go to
       | hell.
         | oh_yes_i_did wrote:
         | [flagged]
         | spansoa wrote:
         | +1 one for the POSSE technique. Assume all walled-gardened
         | platforms will be shut down eventually and only passion
         | projects like personal homepages remain intact. Although even
         | that's not a given. People just get tired and let the domain
         | expire or lose enthusiasm and let the project rot. Archive.org
         | might have your old site, but even that could go away given
         | enough time. Impermanence seems to be a feature of the web,
         | despite many saying it's a bug.
         | qudat wrote:
         | https://prose.sh employs this tactic. You control all the
         | source files and then upload them to use. You get to keep all
         | your content and you are welcome to host your site elsewhere.
         | 101008 wrote:
         | Is there an automatic way to do this? Like a SaaS where I paste
         | my article URL, chose where to replicate, and it does
         | automatically? Bonus points if it gets them from a feed.
           | yashap wrote:
           | Tools like Buffer or Hootsuite make it pretty easy to cross-
           | post content across many networks.
       | aminst wrote:
       | [dead]
       | nicbou wrote:
       | I own my work, but about 90% of my traffic comes from Google.
       | This is something I try not to think about too much.
         | DANmode wrote:
         | If it makes you feel any better, a more significant portion may
         | come from Bing/OpenAI's way soon.
           | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
           | Or it'll get even better at ingesting all their content and
           | providing the answers and points itself, never leading the
           | user to their site.
             | amatecha wrote:
             | Yeah, this strikes me as the end goal that Google, Bing,
             | etc. are working towards and envisioning. Why redirect
             | users elsewhere when we can just lock them into our AI-
             | generated "search engine"? "Reveal original source URL(s)"
             | will become a paid feature :)
       | revskill wrote:
       | When i write, i write a gist.
       | livelielife wrote:
       | this is a privilege.
       | the closest to this most of us ever get, is the 'sense' of
       | ownership evoked by competent managers.
       | notice that it is a 'sense of' ownership. not real ownership;
       | anything that I create by myself, on my own, is not work; it's a
       | hobby, it's fun, like really good games.
       | by this point I even think of work as all the other things I must
       | do to afford rent, food, electric bills, chores, etc.
       | twelvechairs wrote:
       | A case this week that underlines the importance or both self
       | hosting and also of archive.org is this weeks shutdown of
       | 'zippyshare' which was used by some mp3 blog sites.
       | One particularly large one that shut down with zippyshare is
       | 'Holland tunnel drive' which has been captured by archive.org in
       | a couple of locations below.
       | https://web.archive.org/web/20170711205314/http://hollandtun...
       | https://archive.org/details/jillem-full-archive
       | Many similar sites had gone through similar isssues with
       | shutdowns of megaupload and similar. Or being kicked off blogspot
       | etc. The ones that survive are generally self hosted. But few
       | older ones been archived on archive.org like this has.
       | Takennickname wrote:
       | List of reasons why this is very narrow minded:
       | 1. You still own your work if you post it other places, just not
       | the platform.
       | 2. You own the platform if you host it on a VPS, but not the
       | hardware.
       | 3. You own the hardware if you host it at home, but still, only
       | license the software which runs it.
       | 4. Many more.
       | You want real advice? Ignore this guy, and just start. Most of
       | you people concerned on where you should start blogging/pocasting
       | don't even start because of all the choices and the fearmongering
       | (like this guy).
       | Just write something and hit send. Not doing that is the only
       | guarantee of failure. Everything else is fixable.
         | bastawhiz wrote:
         | Exactly. Whether you control the underlying operating system
         | (or network connection) or just the content at the application
         | layer, you're still relying on someone else. If you don't have
         | good content to share, it's moot anyway.
         | At the end of the day, any service trades control for
         | convenience/access. I run a podcast hosting service that's
         | slightly more expensive than hosting yourself with WordPress.
         | Paying me to host your show gets you a platform that's had
         | 99.999% uptime for years. You don't need to think about
         | renewing your domains or certificates or installing
         | WordPress/Apache/nginx/Ubuntu/whatever updates. You don't need
         | to think about how to get accurate analytics or filtering out
         | automated requests from your log data. You don't need to worry
         | about your show being protected by a single auth factor. If
         | your time is worth $60/hr and my service is $10/mo, is your
         | podcast taking more than two hours a year of your time (minus
         | hosting costs)? Some people don't want to make that tradeoff
         | and that's fine, but it's simply a better choice to find a
         | third party that you trust to do stuff for you.
       | iamben wrote:
       | Counterpoint - this is a bit like saying "sell the product from
       | your own website, you'll get 100% of the sales and own the
       | customer!"
       | Totally true, but good luck getting the customer to your site.
       | Way easier to put your product on Amazon, eBay, Etsy, wherever
       | people are already shopping AS WELL - and take a hit on profit
       | (at least initially) and figure out how you build off that.
       | Leverage all the social media and blog sites and substacks and
       | whatever that you can. Build a base and then figure it out from
       | there.
         | testcase_delta wrote:
         | I agree. I happen to sell the same things on my (pretty good!)
         | Shopify store as well as on Amazon. Amazon outsells about
         | 2000:1. The reason why is simple -- it's traffic. If you can
         | get traffic on your own, say with a giant social following or
         | TV presence, then owning your platform probably does make
         | sense. Otherwise go to where your customers are. It's like the
         | old retailers' saying: "Location, Location, Location."
       | RangerScience wrote:
       | Hmm! Are there any self-hosted things like Notion? This is good
       | for _finished_ work, but, notes and in-progress and etc...?
         | ashishb wrote:
         | https://Obsidian.md is great for that
       | cableshaft wrote:
       | And then you die, and you stop paying for your own web host, and
       | it all goes away anyway, more easily than if you had posted on
       | Medium or whatever (because if you're still alive you could keep
       | migrating/syndicating your data to other services if they go
       | under).
       | That basically happened with James Mathe. He was the owner of
       | Minion Games, and he had an incredible tome of board game
       | publishing on Kickstarter advice on his blog.
       | He died suddenly one day in 2019, and his self-hosted site went
       | under. You can still read it to a certain extent thanks to
       | archive.org[1], but as thankful as I am for archive.org, they
       | don't have the best user experience.
       | Meanwhile if he had posted it on blogspot or on BoardGameGeek
       | (which supports user blogs), it'd still be fully available today.
       | I think it's important to have a self-hosting solution, but I
       | think you also need an alternative. The POSSE solution mentioned
       | above would be better than only self-hosting.
       | Ideally these websites would have better data preservation and
       | archiving processes, though, and too many just don't have
       | anything in place. Because you're just not going to be able to
       | convince everyone to host their own.
       | I'd settle for automatic conversion to text-only archives, that
       | could be good enough while making the required space much more
       | miniscule.
       | [1]:
       | https://web.archive.org/web/20190617212658/http://www.jamesm...
       | jmathai wrote:
       | For posterity, use a platform where you own your work.
       | For broadcasting, use platforms you don't own but where people
       | are.
       | Use one or both depending on your goals.
       | 79a6ed87 wrote:
       | Even though I agree, there will always be things that we don't
       | own.
       | I'm developing my blog in Svelte, and I trust that (despite being
       | kind of a niche framework) it will last for long. But if it gets
       | abandoned by its developers then I'll have a problem.
       | The only way for me to own everything on it would be to do
       | develop as much as I can by myself, like quit using Sass and
       | Svelte in favor of plain CSS and vanilla JS, and also self-host
       | it instead of relying on a VPS. And that's not even mentioning
       | the dependencies of the API, which is made in Rust and its less
       | mature ecosystem
       | I think that the path to software preservation is a long long
       | road
       | [deleted]
       | SrslyJosh wrote:
       | > Imagine a billionaire buying one of the main social media
       | services and some things not going as expected.
       | If you thought that Musk was going to be beneficial for Twitter
       | in any way, you were deluding yourself about him. Tesla and
       | SpaceX were only successful because competent people did all the
       | thinking and spent a lot of time managing upwards.
       (page generated 2023-04-02 23:00 UTC)