[HN Gopher] Windows Sandbox
       Windows Sandbox
       Author : spansoa
       Score  : 109 points
       Date   : 2023-04-02 18:27 UTC (4 hours ago)
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       | doubleorseven wrote:
       | It's a great tool. We've been using it as a windows replacment
       | for Linux live. I have 2 wishes from this feature. 1. Use more
       | than one screen. 2. Have the ability to extend the dockerfile so
       | i can preinstall software.
         | nabilhat wrote:
         | For (2.) I've been using wsb configs to script installs, or
         | better yet map to storage that's preloaded with software that
         | can be installed to an arbitrary location or is otherwise
         | portable.
         | https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/itops-talk-blog/custo...
         | jimbob45 wrote:
         | It's a great tool but it's becoming clear that this is another
         | IE6 in 2002 situation. That is, MS has a killer feature but
         | can't recognize that and will let it fester until a competitor
         | comes along in a decade. Real shame because even a small team
         | could add some desperately needed updates.
       | ape4 wrote:
       | Heavy prerequisites....                   At least 4 GB of RAM (8
       | GB recommended)         At least 1 GB of free disk space (SSD
       | recommended)         At least two CPU cores (four cores with
       | hyperthreading recommended)
         | andix wrote:
         | It's fine to keep using old hardware, but with lower specs than
         | that, windows 10/11 is completely unusable anyway. With such
         | specs you probably want to use some lightweight Linux
         | distribution, if you don't enjoy looking at the hourglass-
         | cursor most of your workday...
         | piperswe wrote:
         | I don't think any of those are a tall ask for powerusers in
         | 2023
         | daveoc64 wrote:
         | Those are all at or below the Windows 11 System Requirements.
         | paxys wrote:
         | How is any of this heavy? Every entry level laptop or desktop
         | sold in the last 5 years (probably longer) will meet these
         | requirements.
         | dragonwriter wrote:
         | 1GB of free disk space is trivial, 2 CPU cores and 4GB is the
         | minimum requirement for Windows 11; so its hardly "heavy
         | requirements", its basically "a relatively recent PC".
         | Recommended is a bit more onerous, but, 8GB and 4
         | hyperthreading cores isn't a lot . I've got a two-year-old
         | midrange laptop (other than having a fairly nice dGPU for
         | something not marketed for gaming, but that's not really really
         | relevant here) and its got 16GB of RAM and 6HT cores.
           | fbdab103 wrote:
           | >its basically "a relatively recent PC".
           | I would challenge recent. For a power user who would engage
           | in these features, that feels like at least baseline specs
           | from 10+ years ago. On a larf, I queried "dell 2012 laptop"
           | and came to this review for a Dell XPS 15[0]. Probably a more
           | performant laptop than the average user, but this thing has a
           | quad-core with 8GB ram.
           | [0] https://www.laptopmag.com/reviews/laptops/dell-
           | xps-15-2012-r...
         | temp12192021 wrote:
         | With those pre-reqs, is there anything Windows Sandbox can do
         | that Sandboxie can't?
         | https://github.com/sandboxie-plus/Sandboxie
           | gruez wrote:
           | Hypervisor isolation. Sandboxie works at the kernel level
           | which is a much larger attack surface.
       | gigel82 wrote:
       | It would be much more useful if you could save / restore
       | checkpoints. And because it gets wiped on every reboot it means
       | you can never test software that needs to restart the machine (to
       | install services and whatnot).
         | amluto wrote:
         | > Note, however, that as of Windows 11 Build 22509, your data
         | will persist through a restart initiated from inside the
         | virtualized environment--useful for installing applications
         | that require the OS to reboot.
         | revicon wrote:
         | They specially call out that files are retained during a reboot
         | of the sandbox to allow for the "restart required" condition
       | SeriousM wrote:
       | Windows sandbox combined with winget used in setup script has a
       | lot of usecases
       | discreditable wrote:
       | One of my favorite uses for this is creating .wsb files that
       | would launch a script and install zoom/WebEx/etc so I would not
       | have to install them on my PC. The video and audio worked just
       | well enough for me to get away with and it was easier to screen
       | share what I was doing within the container and avoid sharing
       | anything extra (ex: notifications).
       | thomasmarton wrote:
       | This is basically Microsoft's big chance to create Docker for
       | windows. Prebaked images on top of this lightweight layer and
       | shared folders which are already supported.
       | I'd love to see this happen on environments where you need
       | Windows, but you still want the ease of deployment feature of
       | Docker
         | fbdab103 wrote:
         | This feels like an opportunity for Microsoft to start finally
         | cutting out legacy cruft. Guarantee a 100% pre-Windows 12
         | seamless emulation layer. Once that is established, it becomes
         | more possible to port to ARM, RISC, or make foundational
         | breaking API changes that have been desired for decades.
           | Dwedit wrote:
           | Then watch as people reject the new APIs and continue to
           | develop for that emulation layer.
             | Dalewyn wrote:
             | Win32: "I have slain many a challenger; you won't be the
             | last."
             | naikrovek wrote:
             | yep, and they'll complain the entire time saying Microsoft
             | never does anything new.
             | this has happened a couple times, really.
         | danjc wrote:
         | It's beyond an equivalent to a Docker container because it
         | includes kernel isolation. This is a security distinction that
         | isn't well understood.
           | vetinari wrote:
           | It is a different thing.
           | They point of containers is that they do share the same
           | kernel, and that each container is just a different
           | namespace.
           | If each entity has a different kernel, they are VMs. VMs can
           | be also pretty thin and have shared immutable store for their
           | base image, but they are not containers anymore. Similarly,
           | Xen DOM-Us are also VMs.
           | kritr wrote:
           | At least on Windows, Hyper-V isolated containers are also a
           | supported feature, which should also ensure kernel isolation.
           | I assume Kata containers or any other virtualization backed
           | solution would give you similar guarantees.
         | andix wrote:
         | Windows containers for docker exist for a long time already,
         | they are even compatible with k8s. And they are just a mess.
         | Windows is not really a suitable platform for containerized
         | apps.
         | If you want a sandboxed App environment for windows, there are
         | the UWP/Store apps, which are also not that great.
         | I have the feeling that Microsoft kind of gave up on windows
         | and is trying to move everything into the cloud and the
         | browser.
           | riffic wrote:
           | they should give up on windows too.
             | andix wrote:
             | I think that's what they are doing. Most new sever side
             | products they release have first class Linux support. And
             | most new desktop applications are web based. Also Edge is
             | supported on Linux.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Azure runs on Windows.
               | https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-os-
               | platform-b...
               | andix wrote:
               | Those are probably hyper-v hosts. Yes it is Windows, but
               | it's mostly a virtualization platform for running VMs.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | It doesn't matter, it is a Windows flavour still.
               | jonick wrote:
               | And Linux - every Azure blade has an embedded ARM SoC
               | running a hardened Linux with various daemons that
               | interface with both the Azure backend and the Windows
               | host, control offloading of network and storage
               | processing to the FPGA, and other tasks.
             | 908B64B197 wrote:
             | And give up their internal expertize with the stack?
         | riffic wrote:
         | Docker and containerization is something that already exists
         | for the Windows kernel though.
         | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/windowscont...
           | capableweb wrote:
           | Except Docker containers doesn't actually run on Windows as
           | they do on Linux (Linux containers that is, I don't know how
           | Windows containers does it). What Docker Desktop does is
           | creating a WSL VM for running your containers, which is
           | basically what everyone did before as well (on both macOS and
           | Windows), but with a easier setup.
             | kritr wrote:
             | Docker does support launching Windows containers both local
             | and Hyper-V backed. Windows has a feature called Silos
             | which allows linux style isolation.
             | n8cpdx wrote:
             | Windows Containers are a Windows-native container solution.
             | No Linux kernel need be involved. This lives alongside
             | Linux VM-based containers in Docker Desktop. Obviously you
             | can only run Windows-based images, which confuses people
             | that think Containers=linux. I think BSD has a similar
             | concept as well. https://wiki.freebsd.org/Docker
               | capableweb wrote:
               | Yeah, that's what I would have guessed. Fortunately
               | (unfortunately for some?), most containers are Linux-
               | based, both for deployment and development purposes.
       | paxys wrote:
       | Running Hyper-V under the hood I imagine? The description makes
       | it seem like this is targeted towards professional use cases (for
       | example excluding it from Windows Home editions), but I'd like to
       | see a future where every application installed on your computer
       | gets such a sandbox by default.
       | vodou wrote:
       | Windows Sandbox, together with WSL, have liberated me from
       | VirtualBox/VMware Workstation. So thankful for that. Now I only
       | wait for native USB support in WSL.
         | eidorb wrote:
         | This is useful on the USB support front:
         | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/connect-usb
         | lhoff wrote:
         | In case you don't know about it, there is good workaround based
         | on USB over IP that is officially recommended by MS.
         | I used it a while ago to flash a ESP32 and to connect a Zigbee
         | Adapter to a Linux container. Had no issues with it.
         | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/connect-usb
       | risho wrote:
       | It would be nice if there was a way to persist this. There are
       | instances where you want to have either a clean environment to
       | work in or you want to isolate something from your primary
       | machine but you also don't want it to just get destroyed when you
       | are done. Maybe this is a feature of this and I'm just not
       | understanding it properly.
         | jmkni wrote:
         | Isn't that just a virtual machine?
           | Dalewyn wrote:
           | In fairness, setting up and maintaining a virtual machine
           | might as well be too much upkeep for the common user.
           | On the other hand, if a user knows what a "sandbox" is (no,
           | not the playground box of sand) they aren't a common user.
           | risho wrote:
           | This seems to run more seamlessly than a virtual machine.
           | Plus I think this supports hardware acceleration and stuff
           | natively.
           | kritr wrote:
           | It is a Hyper-V backed VA backed VM. It shared memory with
           | the host in the same fashion that WSL does, as opposed to
           | carving out physical memory. We have some additional
           | optimizations to make it snappier than running a full vm.
           | petra wrote:
           | It uses hardware-isolation which i think is more secure.
             | Operyl wrote:
             | That's what most VM Hypervisor technology already does.
         | asabla wrote:
         | For instances were I want to have a more persisted state I
         | would create a Sandbox file (with file extension .wsb) which
         | just runs a setup script when the environment starts.
         | So basically what you would do with a provisioning script when
         | using VM's.
         | You can find more about it here:
         | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/threat-pr...
         | xuhu wrote:
         | As someone noted, running `restart` in the sandbox sounds like
         | it results in Windows preserving the sandbox.
           | JonathonW wrote:
           | The sandbox persists through a restart (to allow for the
           | installation of software that requires a reboot) but never
           | persists after Windows Sandbox is closed.
           | That's the big distinction from Hyper-V or other
           | virtualization products; otherwise, it's just a Hyper-V VM
           | with a prebaked Windows image and fewer options.
           | monsieurbanana wrote:
           | That's not how I'd interpret it, it makes sense that if you
           | restart the sandbox from inside the sandbox it doesn't get
           | destroyed, but it doesn't seem to change anything else. If
           | you shutdown the sandbox from outside it would still be
           | destroyed.
             | kritr wrote:
             | It's enough to install software that needs restarts, but
             | not for use cases where you need the sandbox across host
             | reboots.
         | naikrovek wrote:
         | the entire point is that it doesn't persist. you don't have to
         | clean it up.
         | if you want something to persist, you have Hyper-V.
       | zrg wrote:
       | This has been a feature since windows 10
       | https://www.howtogeek.com/399290/how-to-use-windows-10s-new-...
         | majkinetor wrote:
         | In Windows 11 you can restart it without losing data, though,
         | which is nice, since its so fast that it starts almost
         | instantly. Because of that speed, I test all the funky software
         | in it first, and some I run in it exclusivelly as you can
         | create "run in Windows Sandbox" fairly easyly and customize
         | what runs on startup via pwsh script.
         | I would love the option for it to survive the closure though,
         | that would open entire new world of possibilities. It doesn't
         | have to compete with full HyperV setup if you open just a few
         | more options.
           | smileybarry wrote:
           | Yeah, I don't 100% trust the new CurseForge app for updating
           | World of Warcraft addons, but it's kind of necessary when you
           | have 10+ addons. But with some poking and a Windows Sandbox
           | configuration file, I can just launch it in a sandbox now and
           | mount the addons directory, update/install, and wipe the
           | sandbox.
           | It's a neat Sandboxie replacement once you start playing with
           | mounts and startup scripts.
         | Dwedit wrote:
         | Not for Home edition though.
         | You can still use a program like Sandboxie to try to sandbox an
         | application.
       (page generated 2023-04-02 23:00 UTC)