[HN Gopher] Indie Hackers is indie again
       Indie Hackers is indie again
       Author : TimLeland
       Score  : 25 points
       Date   : 2023-04-05 21:05 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.indiehackers.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.indiehackers.com)
       | urbandw311er wrote:
       | What exactly does indiehackers do?
         | ChanningAllen wrote:
         | Teach and inspire people to become entrepreneurs on their own
         | terms, e.g. without raising venture capital. Media company
         | (podcast, newsletter) with a large online and in-person
         | community.
       | theery wrote:
       | Wow! That's crazy. I wonder exactly how that went down.
         | culi wrote:
         | How what went down? If you mean Strip not owning it anymore, I
         | think the post explains pretty much everything. They're on good
         | terms and Strip is simply supporting rather than owning IH now
           | adam_arthur wrote:
           | Doesn't explain it at all, really.
           | Presumably Stripe owned it before, now they don't... or own
           | some smaller portion (since it's stated they're an investor)
           | Likely either founders bought back a portion of the company,
           | or Stripe relinquished ownership out of goodwill. Perhaps it
           | was worth very little, I'm not familiar with it
       | tchock23 wrote:
       | Happy for Courtland. Should be a good move in the long term. Hope
       | they keep the (excellent) podcast going.
       | ingend88 wrote:
       | Wow this is a big one! Congrats csallen@, what drove this change
       | ?
         | enumjorge wrote:
         | If I had to hazard a guess this might be a cost-cutting measure
         | on Stripe's part similar to cuts on content marketing that
         | other companies have done. DigitalOcean divested from CSS
         | Tricks [0], and there was an article earlier today about Amazon
         | shutting down DPReviews [1]. Maybe the Stripe founders gave the
         | IndieHackers folks a chance to spin it off again as opposed to
         | shutting down.
         | [0] https://geoffgraham.me/goodbye-css-tricks/
         | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35455797
       | Bjorkbat wrote:
       | Very exciting!
       | On a side-note, I wonder if this decision relates to Stripe's
       | ambitions to IPO soonish.
       (page generated 2023-04-05 23:01 UTC)