[HN Gopher] I'm staying at Substack, and will be moving to Subst...
       I'm staying at Substack, and will be moving to Substack Notes next
       Author : doener
       Score  : 41 points
       Date   : 2023-04-07 21:36 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (twitter.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (twitter.com)
       | blueridge wrote:
       | Good time to move your Substack publication over to Ghost!
       | Excellent product.
       | https://ghost.org/
         | api wrote:
         | "Not your server, not your site."
       | schnebbau wrote:
       | Loremasters, what is happening here?
         | AbrahamParangi wrote:
         | Twitter is suppressing posts containing links to substack as
         | well as at least one text post by substack itself explaining
         | what's going on.
         | The suppression takes the form of likes and retweets being
         | disabled and presumably reach limited.
         | To add my personal opinion, it's deeply pathetic.
           | api wrote:
           | This is in response to substack launching a potential Twitter
           | competitor.
           | They've done the same off and on to Mastodon, though after a
           | while they backed off on that one a bit.
           | Free speech!
         | tehwebguy wrote:
         | As of today (or yesterday?) if a tweet includes a link to a
         | substack.com URL the tweet cannot be liked, retweeted or
         | replied to. Likes will appear to work and then disappear. They
         | can still be "quote tweeted".
         | It's pretty funny because the individuals that Musk hand picked
         | to give the "Twitter files" to all use Substack. They all
         | embarrassed themselves by stretching what was _mostly_ nothing
         | into a huge story seemingly on his behalf before he turned his
         | back on them.
           | JumpCrisscross wrote:
           | Adding context: this follows Substack launching a Twitter-
           | like short-messaging product.
           | adamsb6 wrote:
           | Federal and state governments collaborating with tech
           | companies to censor American citizens is not mostly nothing.
           | They shadow-downranked a medical doctor at Stanford for Covid
           | "misinformation."
             | lern_too_spel wrote:
             | No need for scare quotes. https://mobile.twitter.com/19joho
             | /status/1463540124407451659
       | PaulHoule wrote:
       | It's like what they did to Robespierre, Danton, et al. in the
       | French Revolution.
       | It is too bad that they brought back the tweety bird because I
       | was about to make a sticker using the Doge and other symbolism
       | intended to trigger the opsonization of macroscopic objects.
         | paulpauper wrote:
         | Just like the AI is not your friend, neither is Musk. Look how
         | he did a reversal on Bitcoin, Doge. People who bought Doge coin
         | a few days ago are down 13%. He pumped BTC in 2021 and Tesla
         | dumped its position in 2022 at a small loss, but BTC investors
         | who heeded Tesla were at one point down over 50%. You cannot
         | trust that these people are looking out for your interests.
         | It's all business in the end. You have to assume that these
         | people are only looking after themselves, in the end.
         | api wrote:
         | ... or the Trotskyites in the Soviet revolution.
         | ... or a whole bunch of very surprised fascists in the Nazi
         | "Night of the Long Knives."
         | ... or almost everyone in Pol Pot's Cambodia.
         | Yes, the leopards will eat your face too. The loyalty in
         | totalitarian societies only goes up the chain of command.
         | Everyone down the chain is expendable.
         | The leopards are going to eat Elon's face in the end. Just
         | wait. Someone should tell him his new friends hate EVs and
         | renewable energy and don't give a damn about space.
         | Same for Peter Thiel. He's gay, which means they think he's a
         | degenerate subhuman. They're happy to take his money but if
         | they gain power he's gonna be cat food.
         | watwut wrote:
         | Utterly confused about Robespiere reference. Like ... how,
         | what?
       | mustacheemperor wrote:
       | Oh my god, anyone encountering this thread, for the sake of your
       | mental health do not open that link and scroll the replies.
       | I got immediate flashbacks to 00s youtube comments and closed the
       | tab, I feel like it's not enough, like I should shut down my
       | computer and spend three days hiking the mountains to detox from
       | that.
       | No clue if that's the norm across twitter these days but oh
       | golly.
         | j_crick wrote:
         | Don't know what's _that_ abnormal there aside from the overall
         | cringe from the whole ordeal vOv
         | suddenclarity wrote:
         | You'll find subsections of anything on any platform. This is a
         | famous controversial person writing about a controversial
         | topic. It will bring the worst of the worst. Even this site
         | goes crazy whenever there's a thread on Twitter or Musk.
         | Although more tame since here's an actual mod.
       | sega_sai wrote:
       | And while blocking sharing the substack links, they removed all
       | the restrictions on Russian official government accounts
       | https://twitter.com/KevinRothrock/status/1644441340497784846 Good
       | job Elon!
         | user3939382 wrote:
         | What's wrong with the Russian government having a voice? They
         | represent millions of people. The ease with which our media
         | just duped our whole country into hating Russia and supporting
         | this war is very scary.
           | Yizahi wrote:
           | What is really crazy is how conservatives have brainwashed
           | millions into thinking black is white and united crybabies
           | all around the world. Not really surprising, given whole
           | human history of succumbing to liars and scumbags, but a pity
           | anyway. That's why we can't have nice things.
           | davidw wrote:
           | > represent millions of people
           | They represent one man.
             | drewda wrote:
             | In recent years, political scientists have been starting to
             | talk about "electoral authoritarian regimes" -- how
             | dictators make use of some amount of popular support,
             | media, and other tools to stay in power.
             | For example "Popular Dictatorships: Crises, Mass Opinion,
             | and the Rise of Electoral Authoritarianism" by Aleksandar
             | Matovski: https://www.amazon.com/Popular-Dictatorships-
             | Opinion-Elector...
             | I'm no expert, but I find this an interesting line of
             | thought. It feels like a way to more fully understand the
             | specific dynamics of how someone like Putin stays in power
             | in Russia -- rather than just calling Putin a dictator.
             | (Don't get me wrong. I believe in the values of the modern
             | "free world" order that is led by the US, even if it's
             | imperfect. Just want to also better understand how the
             | opponents also think and operate.)
           | singleshot_ wrote:
           | "just duped our whole country into hating Russia"
           | Did you sleep through the Cold War? Haven't these guys been
           | the enemy since shortly after World War Two? Where did you
           | get the idea that being opposed to Russia happened recently?
           | The real question is how the insurrectionists think that this
           | line of logic isn't ridiculous.
             | drewcoo wrote:
             | Something about smirking Ronnie helping Yeltsin transition
             | to "democracy" so that the US could "invest" told me that
             | the Cold War was over.
             | You do realize they're not communists anymore, right?
       | benguillet wrote:
       | Substack must be thrilled with Twitter's decision to block their
       | links (which will be reverted I'm sure), great publicity for
       | Notes.
         | serial_dev wrote:
         | So petty and counterproductive. I would have missed the whole
         | Substack Notes announcement if it wasn't for Matt Taibbi (and
         | for Twitter hostile approach).
         | Matt did a great job with the Twitter files, he has integrity
         | and he's "incorruptible" whereas Elon is a petty tyrant who
         | goes nuclear for the slightest disagreements, so I honestly
         | wouldn't be surprised if this will end up with Matt's account
         | removed.
           | benguillet wrote:
           | Yup, Musk already stopped following Matt Taibbi
           | https://twitter.com/BigTechAlert/status/1644438910305464326
       | mmcclure wrote:
       | Were it not for Twitter blocking Substack links I likely never
       | would have heard of Notes[1], and I'm even someone that knows
       | about/likes Substack. This feels like another weird own goal by
       | Elon/Twitter that's giving quite a bit more amplification to a
       | competitive product than if they'd done nothing[2].
       | [1] https://on.substack.com/p/introducing-notes
       | [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect
       (page generated 2023-04-07 23:01 UTC)