[HN Gopher] The Garbage Collection Handbook, 2nd Edition
       The Garbage Collection Handbook, 2nd Edition
       Author : zzxcvb
       Score  : 285 points
       Date   : 2023-04-08 11:28 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.routledge.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.routledge.com)
       | nektro wrote:
       | darn i thought this was gonna be a book about waste management
       | einpoklum wrote:
       | I feel the need for garbage collection is a language design mis-
       | feature. That is to say, producing garbage is a language design-
       | mis-feature. To quote Bjarne Stroustrup:
       | > I don't like garbage. I don't like littering. My ideal is to
       | eliminate the > need for a garbage collector by not producing any
       | garbage. That is now > possible.
       | and it's indeed possible. For example It's become pretty much a
       | non-issue in modern C++:
       | https://stackoverflow.com/a/48046118/1593077 (and C++ is not the
       | only example, it's just a prominent example of a language which
       | almost standardized garbage collection, but eventually did not go
       | that way.)
         | shwestrick wrote:
         | More and more people nowadays are programming at high levels of
         | abstraction. If you're designing the frontend of a website, or
         | making a mobile game, or developing a stock trading algorithm,
         | or whatever else, then you probably don't want to constantly
         | worry about details of memory management...
         | On top of this, GC is necessary for some algorithms. Any data
         | structure with partial sharing (e.g. binary search tree with
         | versioning via path-copying) needs GC to be space-efficient.
         | You could either rely on a built-in GC, or write your own. If
         | you write your own, I think you'll find that it is tedious and
         | error-prone due to memory safety issues.
           | einpoklum wrote:
           | > then you probably don't want to constantly worry about
           | details of memory management...
           | Oh, you actually don't have to, that's the whole point... in
           | the past, you (effectively) had a choice between careful
           | manual management of memory and garbage collection with its
           | overheads. These days, you can use constructs which take care
           | of that management for you, with very little or no overhead,
           | which don't involve garbage.
           | It's true that sometimes GC is algorithmically necessary; but
           | then the high-level-of-abstraction argument is irrelevant.
           | And in those cases, a GC library does indeed come in useful.
           | You don't need to write your own, others have likely done it
           | already.
         | sirwhinesalot wrote:
         | C++ can actually produce quite a bit of garbage
         | unintentionally, it's why linters will remind you often to call
         | std::move.
         | That said I much prefer deterministic resource cleanup even in
         | a janky language like C++ over a tracing GC.
           | einpoklum wrote:
           | It's true that C++ can trigger a lot of unnecessary copying
           | if one writes carelessly; but that's not the same as garbage,
           | in that both copies are used, and none of them continue
           | living indefinitely without special intervention. But point
           | taken about pass-by-value deficiencies.
         | kaba0 wrote:
         | You can't avoid garbage if you deal with generic programs --
         | Rust and C++ can only implement a subset of all programs
         | without RC (which is the most basic GC algorithm).
         | This is the same way to many other interesting CS properties --
         | most of them are undecidable at compile time, so you have to do
         | it at runtime.
         | tomp wrote:
         | Modern C++ has reference counting ("smart pointers") and memory
         | leaks instead, so YMMV.
           | birdymcbird wrote:
           | "And memory leaks instead" I choked on my morning coffee
           | hahahahah
         | winrid wrote:
         | I wouldn't say it's a non issue. I frequently have to tune
         | allocators to fix heap fragmentation in databases...
           | einpoklum wrote:
           | Recognized on the last line of the post I linked to actually.
             | winrid wrote:
             | Oh sorry:)
       | vrglvrglvrgl wrote:
       | [dead]
       | ignoramous wrote:
       | On a related note, I found ART's implementation of _Concurrent
       | copying and compaction_ GC to be pretty novel. Here 's a nice
       | write up detailing how handling _page faults_ in userspace come
       | in handy to accomplish that:
       | https://www.tdcommons.org/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4751&c...
       | (pdf) /
       | https://web.archive.org/web/20230216233459/https://www.tdcom...
       | For context, here's a brief overview of the evolution of the
       | Android Runtime Garbage Collector: https://archive.is/Ue6Pj
         | NobleExpress wrote:
         | Certainly interesting, but there are no performance numbers
         | mentioned in the white paper comparing userfaultfd to read
         | barriers. So the actual benefit to switching to userfaultfd is
         | unknown (at least in publically accessible documents -- I'm
         | sure Google has done internal performance evaluations).
         | Using page faults (and/or page protection) to perform
         | compaction instead of barriers is a pretty old technique (see
         | the 1988 paper by Appel, Ellis, and Li [1]; see also the
         | Compressor by Kermany and Petrank [2]). But handling page
         | faults were very expensive (at least on Linux) until the
         | addition of userfaultfd recently.
         | [1]: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/960116.53992 [2]:
         | https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1133255.1134023
       | t-3 wrote:
       | I found "A Unified Theory of Garbage Collection" helpful:
       | https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1035292.1028982
       | spapas82 wrote:
       | 20 years ago in the programming languages lesson at the
       | university we started learning about OOP using Java and Ada as
       | examples. When the professor started describing Java, a fellow
       | student interrupted him to inform the class that "Java has
       | garbage collection" (and boast of his special knowledge).
       | After that incident his nickname was "the garbage collector"!
         | chinchilla2020 wrote:
         | Plot Twist:
         | 20 years later, he wrote "The Garbage Collection Handbook" and
         | is the leading authority on garbage collection.
         | ajdude wrote:
         | Coincidentally, Ada optionally supports garbage collection in
         | its specifications but it's up to the runtime to implement it.
           | mcculley wrote:
           | Which means no library can depend on it, pushing memory
           | management responsibilities into calling code.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | And since no implementation has ever supported it, it has
           | been deprecated in ISO Ada 95 and further removed from it on
           | ISO Ada 2012.
           | https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ada_Programming/Pragmas/Contro.
           | ..
             | admax88qqq wrote:
             | There was this project though.
             | https://github.com/Roldak/AGC
             | The best part is that it's faster than manual management.
             | People will tell you they need do to malloc and free
             | manually for performance, but when you actually run the
             | numbers GC wins for a majority of use cases.
               | vlovich123 wrote:
               | Tracing garbage collectors don't generally win against
               | reference counting connectors, especially when those
               | reference counts are automatically elided via ARC (eg
               | swift and objective C) or because they're rarely used by
               | means of composition (c++ and rust). Additionally,
               | different kinds of application strategies are better
               | depending on the use case (eg a pool allocator that you
               | bulk drop at the end of some computation).
               | What papers are you referencing showing tracing GCs
               | outperforming things? If it's just the website, I think
               | it's an artifact of a micro benchmark rather than
               | something that holds true for non trivial programs.
               | kaba0 wrote:
               | Then why do every performant managed language opts for
               | tracing GCs when they can?
               | RC is used in lower level languages _because it doesn't
               | require runtime support_ , and can be implemented as a
               | library.
               | As I wrote in another comment, even with elisions, you
               | are still trading off constant writes _on the working
               | thread_ for parallel work, and you even have to pay for
               | synchronization in parallel contexts.
               | KerrAvon wrote:
               | Because they don't care as much about working set size as
               | Apple does.
               | kaba0 wrote:
               | Sure, it is a tradeoff as basically every other technical
               | choice.
               | But we were talking about performance here, and
               | especially in throughput, tracing GCs are much better.
               | adgjlsfhk1 wrote:
               | this isn't fully true. Java is in the process of getting
               | lxr which is uses both tracing and reference counting.
               | NobleExpress wrote:
               | Yes and no. LXR is a highly optimized deferred and
               | coalesced reference counting (amongst many other
               | optimizations) GC and it looks nothing like the RC
               | implementations you see in other languages like Python,
               | Nim, Swift, etc. So yes, reference counting can be
               | performant, _but_ only if you are using a deferred and
               | coalesced implementation as otherwise the simple
               | implementation requires atomic operations for every
               | pointer read/write operation (though compilers could
               | optimize it to use non-atomic operations when it's sure
               | semantics are preserved).
               | EDIT: The post you're responding to is referring to the
               | simple standard implementation of RC.
               | NobleExpress wrote:
               | I've always heard of the "Swift elides reference counts"
               | statements but I've never seen it substantiated. I don't
               | claim to be a Swift GC expert by any means, but the
               | impression I get from the two Swift GC papers I've read
               | [1, 2] is that Swift has a very simple implementation of
               | RC. The RC optimization document (albeit the document is
               | incomplete) [3] also doesn't give me the impression that
               | Swift is doing much eliding of reference counts (I'm sure
               | it is doing it for simple cases).
               | Do you have any links which might explain what kind of
               | eliding Swift is doing?
               | EDIT: The major RC optimizations I have seen which elide
               | references are deferral and coalescing and I'm fairly
               | certain that Swift is doing neither.
               | [1]: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3170472.3133843
               | [2]: https://doi.org/10.1145/3243176.3243195
               | [3]: https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/main/docs/ARCOpt
               | imizatio...
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Swift and Objective-C ARC performance is quite poor.
               | KerrAvon wrote:
               | Compared to what, though? And is that still the case if
               | all OS components use whatever it is, as opposed to a few
               | applications? Memory efficiency is crucial for overall
               | system performance, and ARC is highly memory-efficient
               | compared to every production GC I'm aware of.
               | kenniskrag wrote:
               | How is that possible? Sounds counter-intuitive.
               | Do you have a recommendation for reading?
             | lispm wrote:
             | There was an Ada implementation on the Lisp Machine, that
             | might have been using GC.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | As for .NET and JVM implementations, but that is a
               | consequence of underlying platform, just like C++/CLI and
               | C++/CX, and none of them have been that big into the Ada
               | compiler market.
             | syngrog66 wrote:
             | > and further removed from it on ISO Ada 2012.
             | and in that precise moment Ada proved it had garbage
             | collection all along
           | polynomial wrote:
           | Ah, same as C++ it sounds like.
       | cwzwarich wrote:
       | Anyone know what's new in this edition? Both the publisher's site
       | and the author's site are light on details.
       | fithisux wrote:
       | Do we need this book now that we have Rust ??
         | dreamcompiler wrote:
         | That's like asking "Do we need Go now that we have Rust?"
           | fithisux wrote:
           | Exactly that.
           | BTW My comment was ironic.
         | mcguire wrote:
         | No. Rust has completely consigned all of computer science to
         | the dustbin of irrelevance.
       | samsquire wrote:
       | if you need code to understand garbage collection, there is
       | walkthrough of garbage collector and C code at
       | http://maplant.com/gc.html is really helpful.
       | I tweaked it to work on amd64 and started adding register
       | scanning based on what eatonphil's discord people told me to do.
       | https://github.com/samsquire/garbage-collector
       | It's not fit for any purpose but more of a learning exercise.
         | juunpp wrote:
         | Side topic, but the maplant website design is great.
         | mananaysiempre wrote:
         | Bob Nystrom (of _Game Programming Patterns_ , _Crafting
         | Interpreters_ , and dartfmt fame) also wrote a tutorial
         | implementation[1], of a precise tracing GC as opposed to a
         | conservative one.
         | Regarding register scanning in a conservative GC, Andreas Kling
         | has made (or at least quoted) the amusing observation[2] that
         | your C runtime already has a primitive to dump all callee-save
         | registers to memory: setjmp(). So all you have to do to scan
         | both registers and stack is to put a jmp_buf onto the stack,
         | setjmp() to it, then scan the stack normally starting from its
         | address.
         | [1] https://journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2013/12/08/babys-first-
         | ga...
         | [2] https://youtu.be/IzB6iTeo8kk
           | sirwhinesalot wrote:
           | Implementations are unfortunately allowed to do whatever they
           | want to that jmp_buf, they could xor the contents for all you
           | know. Hopefully no implementation does something silly like
           | that.
             | mananaysiempre wrote:
             | This seems like a reasonable environmental assumption if
             | you're already scanning the stack conservatively. I'd be
             | more worried about pointer authentication (AArch64),
             | pointer encryption (Glibc) or perhaps register windows
             | (SPARC, Itanium). Still, as a cheap trick for avoiding
             | assembly it seems to work well enough in non-exotic
             | situations.
             | saagarjha wrote:
             | Seems like a reasonable thing to do to avoid forging
             | jmp_bufs.
           | jlokier wrote:
           | Glibc's mangles some pointer registers in setjmp(). It XORs a
           | per-process value with the stack pointer, frame pointer and
           | instruction pointer stored in the jmp_buf, on all (or nearly
           | all) architectures.
           | Although losing the stack and instruction pointers is
           | unlikely to be a problem for the GC context, the frame
           | pointer register need not contain a frame pointer value. It
           | can be an arbitrary program value depending on compile
           | options. That's something to watch out for with this GC
           | technique.
             | mananaysiempre wrote:
             | You're right, and I shouldn't have dismissed the PTR_MANGLE
             | business so easily when I looked at the source[1]. In
             | hindsight, the __ILP32__ (i.e. x32) special case for the
             | high part of %rbp on x86-64 looks awfully suspicious even
             | if you don't know the details.
             | Given that __attribute__((optimize("no-omit-frame-
             | pointer"))) doesn't seem to get GCC to save the parent
             | frame pointer on the stack reliably, while Clang doesn't
             | understand that atribute (or #pragma GCC optimize(...)) at
             | all, this now looks less slick than it initially seemed.
             | ... Have I mentioned that I dislike hardening techniques?
             | [1] https://elixir.bootlin.com/glibc/glibc-2.37/source/sysd
             | eps/x...
       | 29athrowaway wrote:
       | "If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete
       | themselves upon execution." - Robert Sewell
         | frou_dh wrote:
         | Who is Robert Sewell and why are his preferences interesting?
           | hutzlibu wrote:
           | I think it is a joke and at least to me it is funny, without
           | knowing who that guy is or was.
           | mr_00ff00 wrote:
           | 1. It's a joke
           | 2. Many great programmers hold the opinion that Java is
           | horrible. Linus for example. So if Sewell doesn't seem
           | credible, try the creator of Linux and git.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | I bet Linus does not get much outside C.
             | manuelabeledo wrote:
             | > Many great programmers hold the opinion that Java is
             | horrible.
             | Could you name a few?
               | mr_00ff00 wrote:
               | Linus, Dijkstra, Stroustrup, to name a few.
               | Time has shown OOP is not good.
               | kaba0 wrote:
               | Then it's great that Java is a general purpose
               | programming language with plenty of ways to do FP as
               | well.
               | Also, being good at some subset of CS doesn't mean they
               | are good at language design.
             | saagarjha wrote:
             | Linus's thoughts on programming languages aren't
             | particularly enlightening either ;)
           | 29athrowaway wrote:
           | Someone who is right regarding this.
       | sadiq wrote:
       | Great that there's a new edition of this coming. This is the
       | definitive reference if you work with garbage collectors, it's
       | also very well written.
       | pjmlp wrote:
       | Great that is having an update, it is one of the most relevant
       | source of informations for GC algorithms.
       | sirwhinesalot wrote:
       | I don't know if it is included in the new edition of the book but
       | in case anyone is interested in a modern, highly efficient RC
       | implementation that does not rely on deferring the reference
       | count updates (which kills one of the advantages of RC in the
       | first place), check the Perseus paper. Koka (which uses perseus)
       | is quite competitive with OCaml and Haskell
       | Just search for "perseus reference counting", you'll find it. It
       | uses linear logic to insert explicit "dup/drop" operations and
       | then merges and coalesces them.
         | throw10920 wrote:
         | Is there any particular reason you didn't link to the paper
         | itself (https://www.microsoft.com/en-
         | us/research/uploads/prod/2020/1...) or use Microsoft's scuffed
         | version of DOI (MSR-TR-2020-42)? The paper appears to be freely
         | available, so there shouldn't be copyright issues with linking
         | to it...
           | sirwhinesalot wrote:
           | Just that I'm on mobile and am lazy. Thanks for posting it!
       | mananaysiempre wrote:
       | Note that (the first edition of) this book considers reference
       | counting, including variations like deferred reference counting,
       | to be garbage collection (though not _tracing_ garbage
       | collection), and reviews it as well.
       | LadyCailin wrote:
       | Bizarre that you can't preorder it yet, you have to wait until
       | June, just to preorder.
         | rwmj wrote:
         | I managed to pre-order it on Amazon UK.
         | mananaysiempre wrote:
         | As a guess, they might want the accounting for preorders to
         | fall into Q3? Is that a thing people do?
           | mcculley wrote:
           | Maybe there is gamesmanship around best seller lists?
         | avinassh wrote:
         | its available on amazon to pre order -
         | https://www.amazon.com/dp/1032218037
       | NeutralForest wrote:
       | Cool stuff! The last 10 years have seen lots of great languages
       | pushing the field so I'm excited to see what's in the book =)
       | _a_a_a_ wrote:
       | Met Richard Jones, one of the authors of the book, at its
       | original launch. Very nice guy. Bought the original book and did
       | some heavy reading on it - if you get this book, be prepared to
       | put time into it, it's readable but it's not one you can do a
       | quick skim of - and I really profited from it. It should be
       | required reading for all programmers.
       | (To be clear, I'm referring to the very first version, I haven't
       | read the subsequent versions but given the quality of the first
       | I'd be very surprised if they were any less good).
       | Edit: https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/rej/ - a jumpoff
       | page for his stuff.
       | Edit2: https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/rej/gcbib/ -
       | "[This] online bibliographic database includes nearly 3,000
       | garbage collection-related publications. It contains abstracts
       | for some entries and URLs or DOIs for most of the electronically
       | available ones, and is continually being updated. The database
       | can be searched online or downloaded as BibTeX, PostScript, or
       | PDF." Welcome to the ultimate rabbit hole I guess.
       | m3kw9 wrote:
       | Who would usually need this book?
         | mkl95 wrote:
         | I read the mark-and-sweep GC parts to gain some deeper
         | understanding about Go's garbage collector. Probably the best
         | resource for that kind of stuff other than reading actual code.
         | whartung wrote:
         | I've written two garbage collectors in my time, neither of
         | which were in a programming language.
         | One was for an in memory cache of data relationships. Another
         | was to clean up soft references with an RDF graph. Neither
         | were, nor needed to be, particularly sophisticated.
         | The cache was a compacting collector, the RDF one was mostly a
         | "connectedness" test, pruning those nodes fallen from the
         | graph.
         | Recall that malloc has a simple garbage collector for its free
         | space, and arguably the level of sophistication that ranks a
         | modern malloc implementation is how it manages its free space.
         | In the end detritus must be identified and resources reclaimed.
         | So you see how GC like systems can occur in divergent areas of
         | work.
         | parenthesis wrote:
         | This book (the 1st edition) gave me exactly what I needed when
         | writing the garbage collector for my programming language.
         | Besides the great technical content, I found it to be a very
         | enjoyable, readable book.
         | rwmj wrote:
         | The first edition is a definitive reference for anyone writing
         | a garbage collector (and by extension, exploring writing a
         | programming language). Also people who are interested in how
         | GCs work.
         | Probably less so for people trying to optimize a program to
         | work with an existing GC (eg. tweaking the JVM), but I suppose
         | knowing the basic principles can help.
       | mkl95 wrote:
       | Will there be a PDF / epub option?
         | daveoc64 wrote:
         | Looks like their ebooks are available through a number of
         | sources:
         | https://www.routledge.com/our-products/ebooks
         | vincent-manis wrote:
         | If I'm not mistaken, Routledge uses that VitalSource dreck, so
         | you can only read their ebooks via a dedicated app. I don't buy
         | dead-tree books any more, but I'll make an exception for this
         | one.
       | cidd wrote:
       | Rust has left the building
         | rwmj wrote:
         | Rust also uses reference counting, probably the worst sort of
         | garbage collection.
           | mr_00ff00 wrote:
           | Tracing is the worst in terms of performance
             | kaba0 wrote:
             | Anyone claiming something like this obviously hasn't dig
             | into GCs. You honestly think that _writing_ into memory at
             | each access, especially atomically is anywhere near the
             | performance of a GC that can do most of its work in
             | parallel and just flip a bit to basically "having deleted"
             | everything no longer accessible?
               | mr_00ff00 wrote:
               | a bit flip is not writing?
               | Also do traces not have to work atomically? The program
               | needs to stop, you can't have it check roots as it runs.
               | I'll admit I am no GC researcher with ph.D experience,
               | but your comment makes it seem you aren't either.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | Not really, here it is winning hands down over Swift's ARC
             | implementation.
             | https://github.com/ixy-languages/ixy-languages
               | saagarjha wrote:
               | Wasn't this the comparison that decided to use reference
               | types for everything for no real reason?
               | kaba0 wrote:
               | I don't know anything about the benchmark, but how would
               | you test GC implementations without reference types?
               | saagarjha wrote:
               | Swift's value types have reference counts because they
               | may have members that need their lifetimes to be managed
               | appropriately. (For example, if they're reference types.)
               | danappelxx wrote:
               | This is incorrect, value types are not referenced counted
               | in Swift. If a value type contains a reference type
               | member (usually an anti pattern!), then that member's
               | reference count is indeed incremented when the value type
               | is copied. But it is not accurate to claim that value
               | types themselves have reference counts.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | The reason being comparing how various schemes of
               | automatic reference memory management perform.
               | Naturally if the purpose was to compare stack allocation
               | performance other approach would have been taken.
               | saagarjha wrote:
               | The goal was to write a network driver in several
               | languages. Nobody said anything about comparing memory
               | management techniques, nor would the Swift implementation
               | use a stack allocator anyways.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | They would appreciate your contribution to fix the
               | benchmark.
               | Apparently the ARC performance improvements announced at
               | WWDC 2022 weren't needed.
               | saagarjha wrote:
               | I don't think they would, considering they've already
               | finished their study.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | You could have your own repo to counterpost every time
               | someone like me refers to that old study with tainted
               | results.
             | SideQuark wrote:
             | That depends. Deallocating a zillion little objects one a a
             | time can be slower than doing them all in a batch.
             | _a_a_a_ wrote:
             | > Tracing is the worst in terms of performance
             | eh?
               | _a_a_a_ wrote:
               | Since you're clearly struggling, permit me to spell it
               | out for you: why is tracing worse in terms of performance
               | than reference counting, and under what circumstances?
               | mcguire wrote:
               | It usually isn't. Reference counting is good when you
               | need to rather tightly limit memory use, are wedded to
               | RAII, or need something simple enough that a programmer
               | can knock it out in an afternoon.
           | nu11ptr wrote:
           | Only when used in a naive way, which Rust does not. For
           | example, the increments/decrements are done only when "clone"
           | is called and scope exit respectively, and based on Rust
           | ownership/borrow checking, is rarely done combining the best
           | of both worlds (but yes, implementations with aggressive
           | increment/decrements in loops and on every function call can
           | be very slow). Rust also separates Arc (atomic refs) and Rc
           | (non-atomic refs) and enforces usage scenarios in the type
           | checker giving you cheap Rc in single threaded scenarios.
           | Reference counting when done in a smart way works pretty
           | well, but you obviously have to be a little careful of cycles
           | (which in my experience are pretty rare and fairly obvious
           | when you have such a data type).
           | sirwhinesalot wrote:
           | The increment/decrement calls only occur on an explicit call
           | to .clone(). No .clone(), no increment/decrement.
           | You won't see many clones in rust code.
             | rwmj wrote:
             | It's how often reference counts are adjusted on hot paths
             | that matters (including in libraries), and back to the
             | original point, reference counting doesn't let you free
             | groups of objects in one go (unlike a tracing GC).
             | Also it'd be nice if the reference counts were stored
             | separately from the objects. Storing them alongside the
             | object being tracked is a classic mistake made by reference
             | count implementations (it spreads the writes over a large
             | number of cache lines). I was actually surprised that Rust
             | doesn't get this right.
             | Another issue with manual memory management is that you
             | can't compact the heap.
               | sirwhinesalot wrote:
               | The amount of reference-counted pointers in most Rust
               | code is a tiny fraction compared to boxes or compiler-
               | tracked-lifetime references.
               | Yes in theory it would be more efficient to store all the
               | reference counts together, but that's _in theory_. In
               | practice most Rust apps will not call clone on a shared
               | pointer on a hot path and if they do it 's usually 1 such
               | pointer and they do something with the data as well (so
               | it's all 1 cache line anyway)
               | You can't compare Rust/C++ with Swift/Nim when it comes
               | to RC, there just aren't enough reference count
               | operations for it to matter much (unless you're in a
               | shitty OO C++ codebase like me that pretends it is java
               | with std::shared_ptr everywhere)
               | Apps where heap compaction would be relevant in a low-
               | level language like Rust or C++ will typically use a bump
               | allocator which will trounce any kind of GC.
         | ufo wrote:
         | The book also has a chapter on reference counting ;-)
         | medo-bear wrote:
         | nek minnit top hn post:                  garbage collection -
         | in rust
       | Dwedit wrote:
       | What I really want out of a garbage collector is a "Collect"
       | function with a deadline. Pick a max time it's allowed to run
       | before stopping and returning to the program.
         | auxym wrote:
         | Nim has exactly that with the GC_step proc.
         | https://nim-lang.org/1.4.0/gc.html
         | However recent and future versions (2.0) are moving towards a
         | different approach that is also applicable for deterministic
         | real time systems: ARC, which is basically alloc and free calls
         | inserted automatically by the compiler using static analysis
         | (no "runtime").
         | grumpy_coder wrote:
         | That is necessary but often not sufficient. It still leaves the
         | problem of moving time from where garbage is created to the
         | bulk 'collect' step. I've run collect every frame to keep
         | stalls down, but the time always creeps up and up and you end
         | up doing forensic analysis of which code is making the garbage
         | in the first place.
         | NobleExpress wrote:
         | Real time GCs exist such as the IBM Metronome GC. Though I'll
         | be honest and say I haven't heard of many real-time GCs other
         | than the Metronome one. Certainly many new GCs have reduced
         | pause times dramatically but that's orthogonal to real-time GC
         | (as you can make pause times infinitesimally small but not let
         | the mutator actually progress).
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | See PTC and Aicas.
           | [deleted]
           | mananaysiempre wrote:
           | Here's a fairly extensive review that mentions some recent
           | research on "real-time" GCs, including one with a lower bound
           | for mutator utilization:
           | https://eschew.wordpress.com/2016/09/02/summarizing-gc/.
         | bob1029 wrote:
         | I've achieved GC timing that is good enough for real-time
         | competitive game hosting using .NET6+. Worst case over 4 hours
         | of load testing was an 8ms spike. Average 1-2ms.
         | The magic trick is to intentionally collect as often as
         | reasonably possible (i.e. at batch/frame/tick processing
         | boundaries) and avoid using sophisticated GC schemes that
         | involve multiple threads or asynchrony.
         | Oh, and obviously you need to minimize allocations throughout
         | or it won't matter.
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