[HN Gopher] Show HN: WikiBinge - discover how all things are vag...
       Show HN: WikiBinge - discover how all things are vaguely connected
       Connect two articles on Wikipedia, but do it the long way. I've
       always been a fan of the theory of six degree of separation, but
       it's an overused concept when exploring the Wiki-graph.  Instead of
       showing the shortest path, which in my opinion is "boring" and ends
       up connecting super-important central articles, I came up with my
       own method: WikiBinge selects the smaller, less represented
       articles on Wikipedia. In a WikiBinge path, the underdogs are the
       kings!  How does it work? It's pretty straightforward! Compute
       PageRank on the Wiki-graph and assign as weight of each edge the
       PageRank value of the destination node. A WikiBinge path is then
       simply a shortest path using these weights: the algorithm will then
       favor paths passing through articles with lower PageRank values.
       More on the motives to build this here:
       https://www.jamez.it/project/wikibinge/  This is an older project
       of mine, but it never got much exposure, so I'm humbly submitting
       it now.
       Author : jamez
       Score  : 87 points
       Date   : 2023-04-14 17:48 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.wikibinge.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.wikibinge.com)
       | adrianh wrote:
       | This is excellent. The path from "George Barnes (Musician)" to
       | "Django Reinhardt" somehow managed to pass through Hysterectomy,
       | 5-Bromouracil, Glucuronidation and Port Bannatyne (Scotland).
       | Kudos for some creative coding!
       | munro wrote:
       | The chains are so long, it's really not that impressive :/
         | r3trohack3r wrote:
         | The point is that the chains are long and winding instead of
         | the shortest path between two articles.
         | It seems that, if you pick an uncached path, the loading screen
         | shows you the shortest path while it computes the longer one.
         | More info in their linked article.
       | jonathankoren wrote:
       | Excellent. 32 degrees away, and brings in Air Bud.
       | https://www.wikibinge.com/#John_Wilkes_Booth/Hentai
       | throwaway9131 wrote:
       | Strange, my first guess had no connections either way
       | chicken nugget <-> constitution of canada
       | Now I'm wondering if its a bug or if there is actually no
       | connection
         | ape4 wrote:
         | But this works...
         | https://www.wikibinge.com/#Chicken_nugget/Canada_Day
       | foota wrote:
       | It might be interesting to see this but with paths where they're
       | instead weighted based on the strength of the relation (e.g.,
       | something like TF-idf on the articles each link to).
       | I think this would avoid the super common article problem, but
       | also lead to more relation between each link.
         | jamez wrote:
         | TF-idf would definitely be something very interesting to try,
         | though I also treasure the serendipity brought by the
         | "blindness" to the content.
           | r3trohack3r wrote:
           | TF-idf would be a really cool tool for doing research.
           | Seems like there are some cool modes you could explore here:
           | * TF-idf Path
           | * The Meandering Path (current)
           | * The Shortest Path
           | * The Human Path (prefer connections that are humans vs.
           | topics/places/concepts/etc.)
           | * The Rabbit Hole Path (prefer connections that are
           | concepts/academic/etc.)
       | ArekDymalski wrote:
       | it's nice that it highlights less popular and obvious - i've
       | discovered a lot linking potato to the Millenium Falcon :)
       | https://www.wikibinge.com/#Potato/Millennium_Falcon
       | kirubakaran wrote:
       | Anyone got anything longer than this? (68)
       | https://www.wikibinge.com/#Madurai/Semiahmoo_Bay
         | vallanceroad wrote:
         | My first search counted 118:
         | https://www.wikibinge.com/#George_Bush_Intercontinental_Airp...
         | I imagine you could double this.
         | codetrotter wrote:
         | I count 91 articles from FreeBSD to Weedonville, Virginia
         | https://www.wikibinge.com/#FreeBSD/Weedonville,_Virginia
         | layman51 wrote:
         | I count 100+ articles between these two. It is a pretty long
         | path and that is the point I guess.
         | https://www.wikibinge.com/#Amy_Goodman/Anatoly_Karpov
       | r3trohack3r wrote:
       | This is absolutely amazing.
       | I built wikiscroll.blankenship.io for myself to scratch my
       | neophile itch. You might be displacing it in my daily routine, a
       | nice pre-built rabbit hole between two topics of interest has
       | proven to be a lot of fun over the past 30 minutes.
       | Amazing work.
       | As a short aside, at first I didn't get it. I was surprised the
       | paths between articles were so long. It wasn't until I tried
       | "Adolf Hitler" -> Something (Hitler has notoriously short paths
       | to everything) that I realized these weren't the shortest paths.
       | Your loading text does a really great job of explaining that, but
       | the "random" button appears to be pulling from a cache (clever!)
       | so I didn't get to see that loading message about the "boring
       | shortest path" until I went off the beaten path.
       | Since it seems like you are computing both the shortest and the
       | "most interesting" path between the two articles, it would be
       | cool to give me a way to see both on the final loaded page. The
       | shortest path is interesting too, even if it is less interesting
       | than the one you ultimately generate.
       | It'd also be cool to be able to "pin" one of the boxes so the
       | random button only impacts the other. For example, if I started
       | at the Great Molasses Flood, what path could I take to random
       | other articles? Though I guess this can be accomplished by
       | spinning and then retyping the "Great Molasses Flood"
       | Edit: I deeply appreciate your narrative at
       | https://www.jamez.it/project/wikibinge/ - this is one of my
       | favorite projects I've come across on HN in a long while.
       | Kerrick wrote:
       | This is pretty neat! I tried
       | https://www.wikibinge.com/#Moray_eel/Sony_Alpha and I was pleased
       | with the path it took me for first big chunk of the path. The
       | last bit was a tour of a significant number of camera models
       | (none of them Sony), which felt... strange? It certainly felt
       | less-varied than the combination of animalia, history, geography,
       | and pop culture that the first part took me through.
       | Fun project, thanks for sharing!
       | If I had a bit of feedback to share, it's that the shortest path
       | (which shows while loading the binge) continues to be visible
       | after it finishes loading -- maybe at the bottom of the page?
         | jchw wrote:
         | Interesting. Seems like it'd be ideal if there were some way to
         | penalize pages that are too similar to each-other (similar
         | categories/taxonomy, maybe similar text/structure, etc.)
         | because when it does chain a bunch of weird stuff it is very
         | interesting.
         | jamez wrote:
         | Cool path! The last bit of the tour you described is fairly
         | common - the algorithm is just doing its job, getting closer to
         | the target, avoiding articles with larger PageRank. It's very
         | uncommon to pass through "important" pages. Glad you enjoyed
         | it!
       | stevenking86l wrote:
       | This is great fun. Though my first guess had no connection:
       | Cleopatra and The Great Pacific Garbage patch
         | jamez wrote:
         | When you can't find a connection, always try the reverse!
         | https://www.wikibinge.com/#Great_Pacific_garbage_patch/Cleop...
       | CyborgCabbage wrote:
       | https://www.wikibinge.com/#Electoral_college/The_Long_Earth
       | Apparently Humptulips, Washington was Terry Pratchett's favourite
       | place on earth. :)
       | Anduia wrote:
       | I tried to go from "Bronze Age" to "Mail" and it took me in a
       | long ride including the dog from Oz. Quite fun.
       | https://www.wikibinge.com/#Bronze_Age/Mail
       | passwordoops wrote:
       | Nice! My wife and I used to play a game sort of like this - find
       | the shortest path between two pages on Wikipedia. It actually
       | made for a fun party game too.
       | I really love the circuitous path though. Fantastic route to
       | discovery and I can see those even being a neat thing for schools
         | birdyrooster wrote:
         | You two sound awesome together.
         | MattGaiser wrote:
         | https://www.thewikigame.com/
         | ramesh1994 wrote:
         | It is a pretty fun game https://wiki-race.com/
       | armandososa wrote:
       | This is funny, pressed the dice icon and I got "Milk" and
       | "Cookie" and I thought it was going to be a short connection. It
       | isn't. https://www.wikibinge.com/#Milk/Cookie
         | delecti wrote:
         | That is a shockingly long chain. Amusingly if you flip them,
         | Cookie links directly to Milk.
         | MattGaiser wrote:
         | Just using my Wikigame skills, I went from Milk -> Hot
         | Chocolate -> Chocolate -> Chocolate chip cookie -> Cookie. This
         | path likely got downranked because all would be popular
         | articles.
       | [deleted]
       | mcint wrote:
       | My first attempt I can't search donut (Doughnut is the
       | canonical), can't type the "()" parenthesis that appear in page
       | names, and can't use any of France, La France, or French Republic
       | to indicate the wiki page on France. Lots of francesca's though.
       | Fun fun, thank you for sharing! In the interactive web
       | interface*, I hope non-canonical names can be used, that shortest
       | names can be completed and exact matches can be use, and at least
       | accept what it's in page names.
       | *It looks like writing the URL fragment yourself allows more
       | leniency.
       | raybb wrote:
       | Pretty cool project! FYI for some reason search doesn't seem to
       | work that well.
       | hackNY won't come up and if you try try to add a place with a
       | comma (Lowell, Massachusetts) you can't type it you have to
       | scroll it.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HackNY
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lowell,_Massachusetts
       | dzink wrote:
       | Horse and Astronaut are more closely connected (through the
       | shows, road, actors) than Cancer and Healthcare which are not
       | connected at all, apparently. This was the problem with public
       | datasets and counting on HTML links to build the graph of human
       | knowledge years ago. I tried to build better search at the time
       | and hit this wall. Large language models will be a bonanza for
       | new products now that the wall is broken.
         | jamez wrote:
         | To be clear - the point is not to display what can or cannot be
         | connected. The emphasis on this project is about the long and
         | tortuous path chosen.
         | I take your point about the limits of knowledge graphs written
         | manually vs LLMs. IMHO it's not either/or. We need both
         | curation and statistical approaches, and when they are merged
         | they give the best results. Just ask Wolfram:
         | https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2023/03/chatgpt-gets-its...
         | Edit: fixed link to Stephen Wolfram's blog.
       | cocodill wrote:
       | hmm, that six degrees of wikipedia bridge is little weird. i
       | thought you can land from everywhere in few clicks by hitler. but
       | it takes over 70 steps to get dill from hitler.
       (page generated 2023-04-14 23:00 UTC)