[HN Gopher] The different uses of Python type hints
       The different uses of Python type hints
       Author : BerislavLopac
       Score  : 26 points
       Date   : 2023-04-12 07:21 UTC (3 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (lukeplant.me.uk)
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       | Animats wrote:
       | This sort of thing is why I gave up Python. I could see having
       | strong typing. Or optional strong typing. But unchecked type
       | hints are just silly.
       | The way everybody else seems to be going is strong typing at
       | function interfaces, with automatic inference of as much else as
       | can be done easily. C++ (since "auto"), Go, Rust, etc.
         | maleldil wrote:
         | > The way everybody else seems to be going is strong typing at
         | function interfaces, with automatic inference of as much else
         | as can be done easily
         | Both mypy and pyright will do that. If your function return
         | type is annotated, they will infer the type of the receiving
         | variable. If you have two branches where a variable can receive
         | two types, pyright will infer the union type. Similar for None.
         | Example:                   a = input()         if a.isdigit():
         | x = int(a)         else:             x = a
         | reveal_type(a)         reveal_type(x)
         | Pyright output, stripped of configuration noise:
         | typetest.py:6:13 - information: Type of "a" is "str"
         | typetest.py:6:13 - information: Type of "x" is "int | str"
         | Mypy doesn't allow this. It infers `a` as `int` and rejects the
         | second assignment.
         | The only times I need to annotate local variables are (1) the
         | function isn't typed, so it gets inferred as Any (2) I'm
         | initialising an empty collection, so its type might get
         | inferred as e.g. `list[Unknown]` (pyright; mypy can infer the
         | element type).
         | Is there something inference-wise that you miss in Python
         | compared to C++ or Go?
         | PS: The larger problem to me is the inconsistence between
         | pyright and mypy, the leading type-checkers. Sometimes issues
         | are raised between them and they work to achieve agreement, but
         | I believe the two issues highlighted above (unions and
         | collections) are design choices, unlikely to change.
       | abraxas wrote:
       | The issue that I have with Python type hints is they they don't
       | go nearly far enough in describing the data being manipulated.
       | Specifically, I'm thinking of stuff like the dimensionality and
       | cardinality of Numpy arrays or Pandas frames. Usually that's the
       | stuff where I have most questions when I look at Python code and
       | the type system as it's being used now offers no help there.
       | BeefySwain wrote:
       | A few other examples for the sections given:
       | Runtime behaviour determination: the stdlib [dataclasses](https:/
       | /docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html#module-da...)
       | Dataclasses is notable because it's the only example (I'm aware
       | of) of type hints effecting runtime behavior as part of the
       | stdlib.
       | Compiler instructions: mypyc was (one of?) the first to do this,
       | but Cython actually supports this natively now, and is much more
       | active than mypyc is last I checked.
         | FreakLegion wrote:
         | The Annotated type is worth mentioning as well. Today in
         | something like SQLModel you do (from the readme):
         | class Hero(SQLModel, table=True):             id: Optional[int]
         | = Field(default=None, primary_key=True)
         | And that's fine. I wouldn't necessarily change anything here.
         | Annotated gives you the option of approaching things in a
         | different way, though.                   class Hero(SQLModel,
         | table=True):             id: PrimaryKey[Optional[int]] = None
         | I have some use cases where the alternative approach is useful,
         | like quantification of class fields or function arguments.
       | maleldil wrote:
       | I'm a heavy user of type hints and enable pyright and mypy's
       | strict modes whenever possible. However, you can't always be
       | strict: if you use almost any package in the data science/ML
       | ecosystem, you're unlikely to get good type inference and
       | checking[1]. In those cases, it can still be useful to type some
       | parameters and return values to benefit from _some_ checking,
       | even if you don't have 100% coverage.
       | Type hints also bring improved completion, which is nice too.
       | [1] For example, huggingface's transformers library decided to
       | drop support for full type checking because it was unsustainable
       | but decided to keep the types for documentation[2]. There are
       | stubs for pandas, but they're not enough because pandas has a
       | tendency to change return types based on the input, and that
       | breaks quickly.
       | [2] https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/pull/18485
       | Heston wrote:
       | The only reason to consider type hints is for a performance
       | increase and there wasn't any mention of that. What can you
       | really expect from using type hints accurately?
         | gaganyaan wrote:
         | Type hints are great when using FastAPI. Your inputs are
         | automatically validated, and you get a /docs endpoint that
         | tells people what to expect from your API.
         | I'd say performance is far from the only reason to consider
         | type hints.
           | maleldil wrote:
           | Similarly for Typer, which is literally "the FastAPI of
           | CLIs"[1]. Handy to type your `main` parameters and have CLI
           | argument parsing. For more complicated cases, it's a wrapper
           | around Click.
           | [1] https://typer.tiangolo.com/
         | abdullahkhalids wrote:
         | > Compiler instructions
         | > I don't know how many people are doing this, but tools like
         | mypyc will use type hints to compile Python code to something
         | faster, like C extensions.
       (page generated 2023-04-15 23:00 UTC)