[HN Gopher] Firmware is on shaky ground - let's see what it's ma...
       Firmware is on shaky ground - let's see what it's made of
       Author : Sindisil
       Score  : 111 points
       Date   : 2023-04-17 12:49 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.theregister.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.theregister.com)
       | mschuster91 wrote:
       | Good article, but some points I disagree with.
       | > but if you go anywhere except to the manufacturer when you
       | update a motherboard, you deserve to be busted down to abacus
       | operator.
       | Well, good luck finding drivers and firmware. Realtek used to be
       | real bad, Compal used to pull their archives for "discontinued
       | models" the day the devices were EOL. Microsoft thankfully forced
       | OEMs selling Windows PCs/laptops to provide Windows Update
       | integration for drivers because the situation got out of hand,
       | but for accessories it's still the Wild West and it's very
       | difficult to find archives for stuff that's been discontinued or
       | where the vendor went through half a dozen worth of mergers.
       | Not to mention SEO scammers hijacking "<manufacturer> drivers"
       | search terms to a degree that they get the first Google listing
       | and then use dark patterns to get people to download malware. We
       | can't expect users to be able to detect SEO spam, not in times
       | where criminals clone entire newspaper or bank sites to pull off
       | extremely convincing scams.
       | > Companies like using firmware to lock down their devices to
       | business models - even when, as Sonos discovered, those models
       | can provoke customer rebellion.
       | For some things, particularly anything involving RF
       | communications, there are legal requirements to not let people
       | access chips in a way that allows them to manipulate the signal,
       | e.g. by using them as SDRs, using frequency bands not allowed, or
       | using too much power for the amplifiers.
       | In other cases, they're forced to do so because they wouldn't get
       | content... Netflix and other streaming apps are really bad here,
       | it's a constant hassle to get it running on rooted Android
       | devices.
       | And apps like in banking enforce un-modified firmware to limit
       | legal exposure when people get hacked. It doesn't make sense
       | because the risk model is just the same as online banking on a
       | PC, but here we are... (conveniently ignoring the bullshit South
       | Korean banks pull based on long-outdated laws).
       | squarefoot wrote:
       | I understand most of the concerns by hardware manufacturers for
       | not publishing their firmware source code, however if they did
       | that after the product is declared obsolete, or at least if they
       | would unlock bootloaders and publish enough documentation so that
       | new firmware could be developed, that would give the community a
       | way to recycle old hardware without them surrendering most of
       | their precious IP.
         | 95014_refugee wrote:
         | The suggestion that an individual or a community could actually
         | build, let alone maintain, any of these OS distributions for
         | older hardware is disingenuous.
         | There is literally no chance whatsoever that, even with
         | complete access to all of the sources, any individual or
         | community organisation could build an iOS distribution; not
         | even once, let alone on any sort of cadence that would make the
         | effort worthwhile. The required build infrastructure is
         | massive, and maintained by a dedicated priesthood whose
         | existence and experience are an integral part of the machinery.
         | Let's not even get into testing, or carrier qualification, or
         | support, or ...
         | This is _well known_ , and not a subject for meaningful debate.
         | Any writer claiming that "just releasing the source" would
         | result in any of the claimed benefits is lying in service of
         | some other objective (or delusional, but probably just lying).
           | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
           | > The suggestion that an individual or a community could
           | actually build, let alone maintain, any of these OS
           | distributions for older hardware is disingenuous.
           | Well that's just objectively false, unless I'm
           | misunderstanding you. I'm writing this message on a phone
           | running an open source Android build, which I reasonably and
           | with precedent expect to keep getting updates long after the
           | manufacturer has abandoned it. The thing you say is
           | impossible is done every day.
           | Vrondi wrote:
           | You are displaying your ignorance. I ran an AOSP build
           | customized by volunteer enthusiasts on a smartphone that
           | originally shipped with Windows Mobile on it. With zero
           | issues. For _years_. The HTC Vogue lasted me from Windows
           | Mobile through Android Cupcake, Doughnut, and Eclair, working
           | perfectly all the while. It's completely possible if the
           | manufacturers aren't sheer jerks. That enthusiast work
           | combined with Open Source code kept me from creating at least
           | 3-4 smartphones worth of ewaste by extending the life of my
           | device, and it functioned better for most of that time that
           | it originally had out of the box.
           | There is also decent enthusiast/volunteer support for things
           | like routers and other gadgets out there.
           | The only reasons this isn't common are paranoia and desire
           | for profit over all other customer and environmental welfare
           | concerns.
           | Krutonium wrote:
           | I can't help but to disagree. Just look at Linux
           | Distributions for an example proving you wrong, let alone
           | things like TWRP; a recovery partition that with relatively
           | little work builds and works on most any phone that will take
           | it; or any of the big Android Distributions that deal with
           | _hundreds_ of phone models. A custom build of iOS would be
           | nothing by comparison.
         | klyrs wrote:
         | I agree with the principle, but I think your notion of
         | "obsolete" doesn't really match the incremental nature of
         | hardware/software development. When does an iphone go
         | "obsolete"? Apple re-uses pieces, giving them minor tweaks
         | along the way, and stops making and even supporting the old
         | ones after a while. But the code in a phone I would call
         | obsolete will still live on in a current phone. Companies
         | worried about their precious IP will still have a valid excuse
         | to not release the source.
         | iforgotpassword wrote:
         | Yes, unlocking bootloaders the moment you stop shipping updates
         | would be an absolute no-brainer to require imo. I've so many
         | older Android phones floating around that would still make for
         | great backup phones or dedicated usage for stuff you don't want
         | on your main phone, but they're stuck with horribly out of date
         | Android versions.
       | zkirill wrote:
       | I was researching open source hardware and was surprised to find
       | very few offerings: SiFive (RISC V) and Raptor Computing Systems
       | (POWER9). Are there any other ones?
         | whitehexagon wrote:
         | MNT Reform looks like an interesting open hardware solution.
       | JoeAltmaier wrote:
       | Microprocessors in embedded devices are getting pretty capable.
       | I've been asked to port FreeRTOS and Linux in about equal
       | measure.
       | What gets me is, if the schematic designer would annotate the
       | schematic with address, busses, chip pin uses, then I could write
       | a script to port a new design to a particular OS automatically.
       | My job would be obsolete.
         | markus_zhang wrote:
         | Just curious, porting Linux or other OS to different chip
         | sounds like a daunting job. How do you approach the task? And I
         | guess it's mostly about the kernel? Thanks!
           | davemp wrote:
           | Not OP and haven't ported linux in a while but:
           | Obviously some details are going to depend on the device, but
           | it's essentially:
           | - set up a (cross) compiler
           | - configure&compile the kernel
           | - write the device tree (so the kernel knows what/where
           | everything is)
           | - compile the boot loader (with the device tree)
           | - cross compile the minimum userspace for the system to
           | function
           | - bundle everything so you can install/flash it.
           | Yocto [0] is what most people use to manage all those steps
           | atm.
           | > And I guess it's mostly about the kernel?
           | Afaik it's mostly writing the device tree (though it's often
           | provided in a board support package) and setting up the
           | toolchain.
           | [0]: https://www.yoctoproject.org/
             | markus_zhang wrote:
             | Thanks! These are all strangers to me I think, except the
             | cross compiling part. But it's good to know some pointers
             | and go from there.
             | markus_zhang wrote:
             | Stupid question: which jobs port Linux or other OS or other
             | sys software for a majority of their time?
               | davemp wrote:
               | Embedded systems or firmware dev
           | matthewfcarlson wrote:
           | Not to subtract from GP's experience, but here's a good
           | journey of someone porting linux to an older device (Chumby)
           | https://hackaday.com/2022/12/21/chumby-gets-new-kernel-soon/
             | markus_zhang wrote:
             | Thanks, this looks like an interesting project. I'll
             | probably start small and get something into my Pico
             | (without any modification as I know some people already did
             | this) and dev from there.
           | [deleted]
           | JoeAltmaier wrote:
           | A different chip is a big job.
           | A different development board with a familiar architecture
           | (e.g. ARM Cortex etc) is a matter of loading drivers for all
           | the parts connected on the board. For that you create a
           | 'device tree' which is a blob of text similar to javascript
           | or json data definition, with many particular conventions for
           | pins, addresses and busses. See any document on Device Tree
           | formats e.g. from Freescale.
           | It gets compiled into a .dtb blob which is 'device tree
           | binary' which is flashed into the board next to the os. The
           | bootloader or uboot image expects it in a certain place,
           | loads it into memory and provides it to the booting kernel.
           | Of course you need to know about the device tree, to use most
           | devices. That's why you have to have an extra step to load -
           | the bootloader is a flash image that has hardcoded a tiny
           | subset of device information just for initial load.
           | That's all I can say without launching into chapters of
           | details!
             | Krutonium wrote:
             | Device Trees seem like such a step backwards compared to
             | how it is on x86_64 boxes, where searching and discovering
             | all your hardware has long since been standardized.
               | rcxdude wrote:
               | The main thing is there's relatively little incentive to
               | standardise: the kind of hardware you write device trees
               | for almost always isn't the kind of hardware you sell to
               | customers to just load whatever OS they fancy on it, it's
               | generally a special-purpose device which is intended to
               | run one software stack. The fact that there's even a
               | standard like devicetree is basically just the linux
               | maintainers trying to avoid hardware companies writing a
               | million custom initialisation routines. (AFAIK there is
               | also some standardisation around providing a devicetree
               | to the OS from the bootloader for ARM servers, where
               | there is such an expectation from customers, though ACPI
               | is also often used)
               | mfuzzey wrote:
               | PCs are far more _functionally_ standardised than
               | embedded systems. And in fact modern PCs do use something
               | similar to, but in fact far more complicated than, DTs -
               | ACPI tables which not only contain static data but also
               | callbacks to let system firmware do some of the work.
               | Even on a PC there are still many things that are not on
               | discoverable buses but I2C or SPI.
               | The only reason it seems simpler on PCs is because the
               | ACPI tables are supplied by the hardware vendor so
               | they're mostly invisible to the end user. But that only
               | works because they're mass produced and the variability
               | between different manufacturers is fairly limited.
               | Microsoft and Intel specified what the system firmware
               | must do and enforced it through certifcations. Most PC
               | firmware is also only tested for the case of booting
               | Windows and Linux often emulates bugs...
               | The same wouldn't work for embedded systems which need
               | far more flexibility.
               | Yes some ARM systems these days use UEFI and ACPI but
               | that is for _server_ hardware which is basically a PC
               | where the x86_64 processor has been replaced by ARM and
               | it is desired to have it otherwise work the same.
               | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
               | PCs have a device tree too. It's just called ACPI.
               | Everything post PnP relies on static descriptors to
               | discover hardware.
               | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
               | Yeah, but those descriptors are baked into the hardware
               | so you don't have to hard code it into the operating
               | system
               | AlotOfReading wrote:
               | Those tables are often wrong. That can cause all sorts of
               | issues and a big reason why Linux tends to have sleep
               | issues and why windows modern standby exists. When that
               | happens you're either maintaining workarounds on the
               | kernel side or patching the acpi table yourself
               | (terrifying, see this example [1]). The hope is that the
               | end user will eventually apply firmware updates that
               | might not exist for months or years. With device trees,
               | the kernel applies a patch and it rolls out with the next
               | update.
               | [1] https://www.reddit.com/r/XMG_gg/comments/ia9x6c/fusio
               | n15_lin...
               | JoeAltmaier wrote:
               | Yeah, I guess it's to be distributed? There's no central
               | driver repo to refer to.
             | markus_zhang wrote:
             | Thanks. Interesting process. I guess for new chips
             | especially of other architectures it might require a lot of
             | rewriting of the underlying code.
         | [deleted]
       | zwieback wrote:
       | I've worked on firmware for mass-market consumer products and one
       | point the article doesn't raise is that firmware often supports
       | company intellectual property such as specialized hardware, ASICs
       | and other custom circuitry. I'm all for separating out the upper
       | levels and allowing users or enthusiasts to add their code.
       | However, the explosion of cool gadgets in our pockets didn't
       | happen because of tinkerers, it happened because massive piles of
       | money could be made. Let's not disincentivize hardware
       | development that requires billions of dollars in up-front
       | investments.
       | jimmyswimmy wrote:
       | As an EE I love the idea of open firmware. I wish more companies
       | would provide it - akin to the old TVs and other equipment that
       | came with [full!] schematics inside. It would let me truly
       | understand and modify the items that I purchased.
       | There is definitely a cost to it to the companies, which I fully
       | expect to be passed down to me, but not in the form of a license
       | agreement - in the form of an increase in base price.
       | The problem for companies is multifold. A big one is that the
       | firmware is the piece that not only interacts with but also
       | protects the hardware. If you are easily able to change the
       | firmware, you are easily able to destroy the hardware, and if
       | that's under warranty, companies are going to be concerned.
       | They're also going to worry about IP; certainly I build products
       | that lean on the work from previous projects. I would kind of
       | hate handing that over to potential competitors. But some of that
       | 'hate' depends on the fact that my competitors don't give their
       | firmware code out either. Maybe I would love it if I could see
       | how they implement things. Maybe it would push us all to deliver
       | better things. Another impact - open firmware would definitely
       | change sales models for equipment.
       | I imagine that if I had to start delivering open firmware for
       | designs, I'd need to push some of the software control over
       | product limitations into hardware. That might cost more, but is
       | better anyway. Usually. And I'd try hard to figure out a way to
       | install a 'unverified firmware' hardware flag, maybe an efuse
       | blown in a hard-to-replace component, so that we could know who
       | broke things.
       | But I do like the idea. I want the firmware for my ${everything}.
         | mrwnmonm wrote:
         | What is EE?
           | soylentcola wrote:
           | Electrical Engineer, most likely.
             | mrwnmonm wrote:
             | Got it, thanks.
         | JohnFen wrote:
         | > If you are easily able to change the firmware, you are easily
         | able to destroy the hardware, and if that's under warranty,
         | companies are going to be concerned.
         | I don't think this reasoning makes any sense. The company can
         | just declare that replacing or altering the firmware voids the
         | warranty.
         | > I would kind of hate handing that over to potential
         | competitors.
         | But you do that the instant that your product ships. I've
         | shipped a lot of firmware in products, and it's very common to
         | find my firmware reverse engineered and available within a
         | month or so of the product being released.
           | crazygringo wrote:
           | > _I don 't think this reasoning makes any sense. The company
           | can just declare that replacing or altering the firmware
           | voids the warranty._
           | It's still a cost, though. People are still going to file
           | tickets for warranty replacements, it won't be until the
           | company receives the broken item that they'll detect the
           | firmware replacement (if they even can, what if the hardware
           | damage broke the ability to check?), people return items to
           | the store they bought them from where they can't even
           | check...
           | It's honestly a whole mess that will absolutely wind up
           | costing the company money in support and returns. You can
           | argue that it's still worth the cost, but just declaring that
           | altering the firmware voids the warranty doesn't stop people
           | from trying, which costs money.
             | JohnFen wrote:
             | Yes, it is a cost. I would argue that it's a reasonable
             | cost of doing business, personally, but it is a cost.
           | shadowpho wrote:
           | >The company can just declare that replacing or altering the
           | firmware voids the warranty
           | How can they know/figure it out? (They can't/or it's
           | prohibitively expensive/difficult).
           | >it's very common to find my firmware reverse engineered and
           | available within a month or so of the product being released.
           | Sure, but it's hidden from 99.99% of your user base
             | terribleperson wrote:
             | Prusa (makers of the Prusa 3d printers) set it up so that
             | you had to physically break part of your printer before you
             | could flash custom firmware.
               | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
               | You could also just blow a fuse; we do actually have ways
               | to do write-once memory for this kind of thing
               | nomel wrote:
               | Could you describe a rough implementation, with the
               | assumption that the vendor can still provide firmware
               | updates?
               | folmar wrote:
               | You have it in any unlockable Android phone.
               | In short - write the manufacturer public key in ROM and a
               | fuse selects if signature check is enforce.
               | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
               | Sure. The vendor firmware contains an option in the
               | settings, "unlock flashing". Enabling this (after a
               | confirmation) will blow the "user modified fuse". When
               | the system boots, the bootloader checks that fuse; if
               | it's blown, then the bootloader will boot any firmware.
               | If not, only boot images signed with the vendor's public
               | key are allowed to boot. When the vendor gets a warranty
               | claim, they check if that fuse is blown; if the fuse is
               | blown and the damage could be software induced, they take
               | that into account (IANAL, but they might not be able to
               | immediately legally refuse it, but they can at least ask
               | pointed questions about what exactly happened; YMMV).
               | Disclaimer: I didn't come up with this, I'm just
               | summarizing approximately how I understand some Android
               | devices to already work. This also makes me view this
               | system as somewhat battle tested.
             | JohnFen wrote:
             | > How can they know/figure it out?
             | That's not a difficult problem, technically. There are a
             | number of ways it can be done. Anything from comparing
             | checksums to eFuses.
             | > Sure, but it's hidden from 99.99% of your user base
             | Yes. My point is that avoiding open sourcing firmware
             | because of the risk of piracy or reverse-engineering
             | doesn't make sense because pirates and/or interested
             | engineers will do it directly from the devices anyway.
         | matheusmoreira wrote:
         | > If you are easily able to change the firmware, you are easily
         | able to destroy the hardware
         | How could custom software destroy a phone, a computer, a TV, a
         | printer?
         | > if that's under warranty
         | Just void it.
           | p_j_w wrote:
           | Just one example: the firmware for some piece of hardware
           | could control the DC biasing of the device. Set the bias
           | incorrectly and now you're drawing more current than is safe
           | for the hardware and drastically reduce the lifetime.
           | znkynz wrote:
           | I'm not sure vendors can void warranties in all countries. If
           | you make a product that advertises itself supporting custom
           | firmwares, then your hardware should be capabale of doing so
           | would likely be how it is viewed in my country.
           | wtallis wrote:
           | > How could custom software destroy a phone, a computer, a
           | TV, a printer?
           | The problem with your question is that you replaced the word
           | "firmware" with the word "software" when the distinction
           | between the two is the answer to the question.
             | matheusmoreira wrote:
             | I don't see the problem at all. Firmware _is_ software.
             | I can see how defective software could damage industrial
             | machinery but I'm having trouble imagining how some TV
             | could possibly be damaged by software. Many consumer
             | devices don't even have moving parts.
               | rcxdude wrote:
               | Here's one moving part: speakers. It's becoming more
               | common in the chase for good audio performance from small
               | speakers to have a driver which can easily burn out the
               | speakers, when given the wrong audio signal on normal
               | volume. The firmware needs to actively model the power
               | dissipation and temperature in the speaker and limit the
               | signal if it could damage the speaker.
               | spc476 wrote:
               | There was an early 8-bit home computer where you could
               | reprogram the video controller chip to drive the
               | TV/display out of its operating range (timings/video
               | frequencies, etc.) where left too long (how long? I don't
               | know---I'm a software engineer, not hardware or
               | electrical) could damage the TV/display.
               | Go back further, and you get to harddrive races, back
               | when harddrives were washing machine sized devices, and
               | if you get the heads going back and forth fast enough,
               | they start shaking and could "walk" across the room. That
               | doesn't sound like it's good for the harddrives.
               | wtallis wrote:
               | You're really not trying hard to think of any possible
               | answers, are you?
               | In most devices over a certain level of complexity,
               | there's firmware involved in thermal management. Messing
               | that up can easily lead to premature failure of the
               | hardware, and in some cases very quick failure.
               | Even for a TV which may not have much of a thermal
               | concern for its processor (though I wouldn't bet on it
               | with today's smart TVs), you can still expect there to be
               | some screen burn-in mitigation.
               | matheusmoreira wrote:
               | > You're really not trying hard to think of any possible
               | answers, are you?
               | I asked a question because I don't know. I assumed you
               | did. I'm trying to learn something.
               | wtallis wrote:
               | You're being passive-aggressively unimaginative and
               | unwilling to seek out information for yourself, in a
               | manner that is a common form of trolling. Even if
               | trolling is not your intent, you should know that the
               | idea of learning by asserting something wrong online and
               | waiting to be corrected may make for a good joke but is
               | not a polite and productive way to have online
               | conversations.
               | cesarb wrote:
               | > Firmware is software. [...] but I'm having trouble
               | imagining how some TV could possibly be damaged by
               | software.
               | It's not very hard to imagine. For instance, most
               | embedded chips have several "general purpose" I/O (GPIO)
               | pins, which can be configured as an input or as an
               | output; their usage depends on how the chip was wired
               | into the circuit, and very often, they're shared with
               | "alternate functions" like a serial bus. Configure them
               | incorrectly (as an output when they should be an input,
               | for instance), and you can easily create a short circuit,
               | burning that pin or even the whole chip.
               | ska wrote:
               | This is naive. There are tons of firmware changes that
               | will render hardware unusable until the board is re-
               | flashed (which you may not be able to do at that point),
               | and even without moving parts the capability to damage
               | components. Simple example, often firmware is the only
               | thing that will stop your hardware from cooking itself if
               | it is capable of doing so. Or if you mess with battery
               | management you could conceivably get a fire. Or you mess
               | with power distribution and send the wrong voltages,
               | parts are fried. Or, etc. etc.
               | xxpor wrote:
               | Just tell the voltage regulator to output 12v instead of
               | 3.3.
               | petsfed wrote:
               | It is very tempting (and very easy) to think about
               | firmware as simply software that you can update willy-
               | nilly and at will, and things will always go back when
               | things go bad. But there is a reason that most embedded
               | firmware engineers are on their org's hardware team, and
               | not software team. If I push a change that requires a
               | JTAG to reverse, then from the customer's point of view,
               | it is damaged.
               | The bootloader that allows you to revert back to prior
               | firmware, is itself firmware. If that gets broken by a
               | firmware update, then your device is effectively damaged.
         | thomastjeffery wrote:
         | What cost?
         | Competition? That isn't definite.
         | Support overhead? I don't buy it.
         | > If you are easily able to change the firmware, you are easily
         | able to destroy the hardware, and if that's under warranty,
         | companies are going to be concerned.
         | ...so void the warrantee when flashing 3rd-party firmware.
         | How often, _in reality_ , are people going to fry their
         | hardware? It's not as if 99.99999% of 3rd-party firmware users
         | are _writing that firmware themselves_! Hardware damage should
         | be expected as an extreme edge case, not a broad looming risk.
         | ---
         | If we are going to put this much effort into speculating cost,
         | we should put equal effort into speculating _value_.
         | Open firmware is significantly likely to reduce the costs of
         | compatibility and edge-case support. It is also likely to
         | increase the value of the product by making it auditable and
         | maintainable. It also factors out the cost of anti-user-
         | maintenance efforts like DRM.
         | Most importantly, open firmware can _stabilize_ the value of a
         | product, increasing its resale price and delaying price
         | decline. Unfortunately, this is the point that many companies
         | consider _negative_ , because they don't want to compete with
         | themselves.
           | mardifoufs wrote:
           | What do you mean that isn't definite? I'm very in favor of
           | open firmware, but there have been multiple examples of
           | clones popping up whenever firmware is public and open
           | source.
         | LeifCarrotson wrote:
         | > A big one is that the firmware is the piece that not only
         | interacts with but also protects the hardware. If you are
         | easily able to change the firmware, you are easily able to
         | destroy the hardware, and if that's under warranty, companies
         | are going to be concerned.
         | Is that justifiable, though? I bricked a router some time ago
         | messing around with ddwrt. I thought about soldering on a TTL
         | serial adapter, to recover it, but didn't end up getting around
         | to it, but never in my wildest dreams did I think of asking
         | Netgear to replace the 8-year-old product I broke through my
         | actions. I do know at least one person who is reckless with "no
         | questions asked" warranties, and would ask for a refund with a
         | straight face after trying to use a router to reduce spaghetti
         | sauce spattering when he microwaved his dinner, but these
         | people can't be that common...
         | One area where it does seem slightly more justifiable is FCC-
         | certified radio devices. If the transmitter power level is
         | restricted by law, I'd prefer that end users/modifiers of the
         | firmware be considered legally responsible for the consequences
         | of their own actions, but I understand that pragmatically it's
         | a lot easier to ask OEMs to lock down firmware after getting
         | certified in a test lab than to monitor a million end users.
           | petsfed wrote:
           | >I do know at least one person who is reckless with "no
           | questions asked" warranties, and would ask for a refund with
           | a straight face after trying to use a router to reduce
           | spaghetti sauce spattering when he microwaved his dinner, but
           | these people can't be that common...
           | There's common, and then there's common-enough-to-be-costly.
           | REI had a notorious lifetime-return policy that they ended
           | relatively recently because of abuse. How common was the
           | abuse? No idea. I don't know many people who would Return
           | Every Item (as the joke went), but it was common enough that
           | there was always some really beat-up climbing shoes at their
           | member garage sales.
           | And anyway, there's (at least) 2 kinds of costly: cost of
           | returns, and cost to reputation when unqualified people brick
           | their device, then tell all their friends that their
           | router/refrigerator/laptop stopped working.
           | VLM wrote:
           | I was messing around with an I2C controlled lithium battery
           | charger on a raspi last night (long irrelevant story) and
           | found out it does NOT support "fast charge" (probably not
           | enough thermal monitoring?) but it does support larger
           | capacity batteries that coincidentally permit higher
           | currents. So the short version is I can charge a battery
           | twice as fast by lying to the charge controller that it's
           | twice as large. On average, probably 99% of people can get
           | away with that, the problem is 1% set the battery on fire or
           | otherwise burn out the battery.
           | No matter how smart you make the controller you can't
           | outsmart the user; to the battery charge controller, a 1 aH
           | battery being treated as a 2 aH battery behaves like a 2 aH
           | battery that's at 50% capacity due to age or whatever issues.
           | I would imagine, as long as I can keep it cool, I could
           | install a 50 mAH micro battery and tell the charge controller
           | its a 2 aH battery and it would charge very fast indeed.
           | Perhaps only once, but it would be very fast. I suppose the
           | worst case scenario is some kind of virus/cyberattack
           | reprograms the FW to believe the battery is either 65536 mAH
           | or 1 mAH, either way the battery would appear "dead" to end
           | users.
           | Another common problem is marketing and mgmt may be a LITTLE
           | over optimistic about a feature; imagine if your IoT cigar
           | humidor (made up idea; probably does exist LOL) has a
           | hardware barometric sensor on the I2C. I2C is famous for
           | dodgy hardware being able to 'jam' the bus. Ah no problem
           | nobody needs a baro on a humidor anyway, we'll just delete it
           | from the marketing materials and remove it from the firmware,
           | no need to e-cycle otherwise good first batch of boards. Well
           | if someone uploads custom firmware and the baro is polled
           | every hour and it randomly jams the I2C once every hundred
           | polls, "must be a thermal issue the CPU crashes" nobody might
           | ever understand the problem. I mean, its gotta be a hardware
           | bug worthy of a return, everyone knows if the code compiles
           | and passes unit tests and works for a couple minutes, it must
           | be good, right? But if the I2C protocol is interrupted due to
           | a wifi interrupt in the middle of whatever it crashes the
           | whole bus so randomly every couple weeks it locks up.
           | Some big expenses are not brick fails but "it burst into
           | flames while on an aircraft" or "everyone knows the hardware
           | locks up randomly every couple weeks" causing all kinds of
           | crazy bad PR.
           | Then there's interference with marketing models. Well,
           | technically the hardware for rev1 and rev2 are the same, its
           | just rev2 has more features because we eradicated bugs, so
           | please pay us again, don't just download new FW.
         | RobotToaster wrote:
         | I imagine there's upstream issues too, with NDA's for hardware
         | interfaces, and obviously proprietary OS like VxWorks, MS
         | ThreadX, etc.
           | pixl97 wrote:
           | I was about to say that a lot of this is completely ignoring
           | the few network vendors/chip vendors that have completely
           | locked down hardware/chips that you're buying from them and
           | effectively acting like a value added reseller for companies
           | like broadcom.
       | hinkley wrote:
       | This is going to be the openWRT argument all over again. Linksys
       | mid-tier and low-end hardware were somewhat differentiated by
       | what the plastic looked like and which firmware version you had
       | on the box. Most boxes got a lot of new functionality once you
       | installed the open firmware. And once Cisco bought Linksys that
       | whole problem just got worse.
       | So they won't want to do it.
       | Anyone doing Consumer Protection or Right to Repair should - at a
       | minimum - request that all of the firmware for devices be
       | transferred into escrow, to be released upon end of life for the
       | product. Ideally that would be released when the product ships,
       | but I don't think you'll be able to get that out of the gate.
       | What I'd really like is for all appliances to utilize a standard
       | microcontroller design and pinout, similar to arduino or
       | raspberry pi, and day-of-release firmware availability.
       | juancn wrote:
       | First of all, firmware bugs can physically damage some hardware,
       | some might even be dangerous to use (e.g. overheat and catch on
       | fire).
       | It just increases support costs and liability for the
       | manufacturer for little or no gain.
       | On the security front, having the source code leaked makes it
       | much easier to develop APTs and deep implants.
       | So it's easy to see why it's not something most manufacturers
       | embrace willingly.
       | The nerd in me really would love to have access to more open.
       | firmware, but I get where the apprehension comes from.
         | iforgotpassword wrote:
         | > First of all, firmware bugs can physically damage some
         | hardware, some might even be dangerous to use (e.g. overheat
         | and catch on fire).
         | Doing random crap to my car's engine when I have no clue what
         | I'm doing poses all of the same risks if not more, I can still
         | do that. It doesn't mean it's covered by the manufacturer's
         | warranty.
         | > It just increases support costs and liability for the
         | manufacturer for little or no gain.
         | You got a device sent in from a customer that bootloops because
         | they flashed some garbage? They can get it back for a service
         | fee of 20$ or you'll dispose of it for them.
         | The case deforms where the camera is mounted and dust and water
         | can get in (hello Pixel 4)? Replace it since this has nothing
         | to do with firmware but is a plain old manufacturing defect.
         | > On the security front, having the source code leaked makes it
         | much easier to develop APTs and deep implants.
         | See article. Normal users get firmware through official
         | channels anyways, and targeted (supply chain) attacks are run
         | by people who either already have access to the source code or
         | got the resources to do the reverse engineering, so it doesn't
         | really matter whether it gets easier.
           | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
           | There's actually an industry, based on modding car software.
           | I have a friend that does exactly that, as a hobby.
           | They mess with the firmware (usually by changing coefficients
           | and thresholds), to make the car more performant (and
           | probably fall foul of various environmental and safety laws).
           | And, then, there's VW's clever tweaking of their (completely
           | legal) firmware...
             | bri3d wrote:
             | And, especially in European cars, car software modification
             | has been aggressively locked down, mostly for emissions
             | compliance, anti-reversing, and warranty reasons. Just like
             | any other device firmware.
             | The "I can modify my own car, so why can't I modify my own
             | device firmware" analogy for firmware really falls over
             | here, honestly, because cars _are_ firmware these days and
             | it 's locked down and protected the same way as any other
             | firmware.
       | AdamH12113 wrote:
       | > But then, firmware is weirder than we give it credit for. It's
       | even hard to say exactly what it is. That used to be easy -
       | firmware was software built into hardware (don't mention
       | microcode.)
       | Maybe this is just my bias as a low-level MCU programmer, but I
       | wonder if this isn't a definition problem more than anything
       | else. To my mind, if your code has problems like this:
       | > We notice the old devices piling up in a desk drawer, hardware
       | perfectly fine but with ancient firmware that just won't play
       | with modern services.
       | Then it's not firmware, it's full-fledged software, and ought to
       | be treated as such. Calling a smartphone OS "firmware" is
       | particularly odd to me -- it runs on a general-purposes computer!
       | It takes up gigabytes of storage space! It updates itself over an
       | internet connection that it also manages! -- and I think it gives
       | the wrong idea about the system it's installed on and the nature
       | of the software itself. In particular, anything that needs
       | regular updates is not "firm" in any sense.
       | It is hard to draw a firm line somewhere between the code in a
       | tiny microcontroller running a battery charger and the operating
       | system running on a general-purpose application processor.
       | Motherboard BIOSes are a bit of a marginal case. But I think
       | there is a useful distinction between "acts like part of the
       | hardware and never needs to be changed" vs. "is the core of the
       | product and when it stops being updated the product quickly
       | becomes useless". Very few people are clamoring to hack on the
       | firmware for their PC's power supply or their car's air
       | conditioner.
         | rubatuga wrote:
         | I think firmware has a distinction that it isn't updated as
         | much as software, and will be a read only file system.
         | thrashh wrote:
         | I think we should drop the word firmware. Firmware is just
         | software.
         | And to be honest, the distinction has never been so much a
         | technical one but more of a ownership one. Firmware is really
         | software that you take for granted and "software" is the
         | software on top that you can maybe configure yourself but that
         | line is so blurry.
         | Firmware vs software has more meaning when applying for jobs
         | but it kind of comes down to an indication of culture more than
         | technology.
           | petsfed wrote:
           | I disagree. The distinction is very valuable when it comes to
           | how you design the system for maintenance.
           | Firmware is not simply software that you take for granted,
           | its software that is designed and tested prior to release
           | such that updates and maintenance are very rare. Its possible
           | that updating by the user is impossible. Example: I worked on
           | a swarm of environmental sensors that reported via bluetooth.
           | In principle, you could send out a new firmware package over
           | the air, but rewriting their ROM required more current the
           | the coin cell could provide. These devices were meant to be
           | in hard-to-reach places, so updating the firmware on a fleet
           | of them (a few thousand in an average warehouse) was a pretty
           | onerous task, involving recovery, disassembly, and
           | reprogramming using specialized equipment. When we pushed out
           | generation 2 of these devices, we addressed the issue with
           | over-sourcing current, but it was still understood that there
           | was some non-zero possibility that an update could brick the
           | device, necessitating the onerous process to recover. The
           | takeaway: if it really hurts to update, its firmware.
           | I do get irritated that I have to read quite a ways down a
           | job description before they indicate something like "embedded
           | Linux/Windows/AmigaOS/etc", because when I call myself a
           | firmware developer, I think embedded C on a mirocontroller
           | with at most a simple RTOS.
             | AdamH12113 wrote:
             | That is a good point that I didn't touch on in my comment.
             | Although, oddly, a lot more software used to work that way
             | before the internet. Console video games in particular went
             | from "there might be different versions of the cartridge
             | ROM or disc but you won't ever know" to "download the day
             | one patch if you want the game to work and download the
             | next two patches if you want it to work well" practically
             | overnight once they got internet connectivity.
             | Maybe the real distinction today should be between
             | internet-connected systems and non-internet-connected
             | systems.
         | wtallis wrote:
         | I think any firmware that's complicated enough that the
         | manufacturer gets it _wrong_ should be open-source. Especially
         | if the manufacturer is deliberately crippling the product with
         | bad firmware rather than just accidentally through
         | incompetence. And firmware that 's too simple to screw over the
         | user is probably too simple to be eligible for copyright
         | protection to begin with.
         | A motherboard BIOS is not at all a marginal case. BIOS bugs
         | abound, as can be seen by booting Linux on almost any PC and
         | looking through the kernel logs for ACPI table errors and
         | various other workarounds and quirks being activated.
           | AdamH12113 wrote:
           | By "marginal", I was thinking more of whether a BIOS is
           | possible to ignore. The vast majority of PC owners never
           | update their BIOS at all. If you buy a motherboard a couple
           | years after its release, there may not be _any_ significant
           | updates from the manufacturer. It 's not like the OS where
           | you're downloading updates multiple times a month.
           | This is separate from the question of whether the BIOS should
           | be open source. I'm inclined to think that it should,
           | especially after the motherboard has been out for a few
           | years.
             | ac29 wrote:
             | > The vast majority of PC owners never update their BIOS at
             | all.
             | I wonder if this is true now that Windows will do it
             | automatically. I have been more than once surprised to see
             | a computer updating its firmware after a Windows reboot.
           | petsfed wrote:
           | I think you're talking past the parent's point here.
           | Firmware as _I_ understand it (also as a microcontroller
           | firmware programmer) is about the same as what the parent
           | understands.
           | I think your metric about "too simple to screw over the user"
           | is sort of weird, when in the context of my work and the
           | parent's work, "screw over the user" might well mean
           | "disabled the oxygen pump on the user's space suit".
           | It is in _that_ sense that motherboard Bios is a marginal
           | case. It is marginal in the sense that BIOSes are clearly at
           | the margin between embedded microcontroller firmware and
           | full-blown general-purpose-computer operating system. If I
           | have to update the BIOS on my computer every month (or every
           | week) just for it to boot into any operating system, then
           | something is incredibly wrong, even as modern BIOS have
           | become several orders of magnitude more complex today.
             | wtallis wrote:
             | Firmware problems don't have to be severe enough to put
             | human lives at risk to be a real problem. There are tons of
             | examples of bad firmware leading to broken power or thermal
             | management leading to crippled performance or battery life
             | or excessive fan noise. WiFi NICs have subsumed large parts
             | of the network driver stack and in doing so have made it
             | impossible to implement effective QoS, leaving users stuck
             | with stupid radio behaviors that hurt the performance of
             | every device operating on the same channel.
             | None of what I'm proposing would lead to a bios update
             | every month, except in the initial period of fixing the
             | worst of the manufacturer's mistakes. "Firmware" as I'm
             | using it would still be trying to present a stable
             | interface to the rest of the system and not inherently be a
             | moving target of constant feature creep in addition to the
             | bug fixes.
         | passwordreset wrote:
         | > In particular, anything that needs regular updates is not
         | "firm" in any sense.
         | It's really not about the updates that makes something "firm".
         | Hardware is hard because it's a real physical thing. Software
         | is soft because it's a non-physical thing, a set of
         | instructions. Firmware is firm because it's less physical than
         | hardware, and is more physical than a set of instructions.
         | Firmware is software, in that it's a set of instructions, but
         | additionally it needs to be loaded or flashed or programmed
         | into the hardware, and stored either on-chip or in some ROM or
         | NVRAM nearby, differentiating firmware storage from software
         | storage on disk, tape, or some other peripheral storage. At the
         | time, this made pretty clear sense, but over time, things were
         | made murky by multifacted uses of NVRAM and peripheral storage.
         | So, "software built into hardware" is a pretty good definition.
         | When you say something isn't firmware, it's software, that
         | seems mistaken. All firmware is software, not all software is
         | firmware. The size doesn't matter. Whether it's an application
         | or a device driver doesn't matter. What defines the "firm" part
         | of firmware is whether it's "built into the hardware". That's
         | it.
         | So, yeah, you're having a definition problem. If you keep
         | whatever definition that you currently have, then you're gonna
         | have a bad time. If you try to "draw a firm line somewhere
         | between the code in a tiny microcontroller running a battery
         | charger and the operating system running on a general-purpose
         | application processor", with this new definition, the question
         | becomes "where is this code stored?". It doesn't matter how
         | large it is, whether it's 100 lines of code in your battery
         | charger or 1,000,000 LOC for your OS. If it's in on-board
         | storage, it's firmware. If it's in peripheral storage, it's
         | software.
         | mfuzzey wrote:
         | The difference between "software" and "firmware" is mostly
         | relative to your view point. It's another level below the stuff
         | you work on yourself.
         | For example many modem modules these days have fairly powerful
         | ARM SoCs running Linux and they also have another smaller
         | processor running a RTOS or bare metal that does the radio
         | stack. The whole module could be integrated into a larger
         | device itself running Linux too (such as a payment terminal).
         | The terminal owner will probably consider the entire terminal
         | software as "firmware" (since it's in a device and pretty
         | opaque to them and they likely can't update just some
         | applications like on their PC).
         | The developpers working on the code in the terminal will
         | probably call what they do software and consider the stuff that
         | goes in the modem module to be "firware" (and probably not
         | differentiated between the Linux based and RTOS based parts of
         | the modem).
         | The developpers working on the Linux part of the modem will
         | probably consider what they do to be software and the firmware
         | to be the RTOS based stuff that runs on the baseband processor.
         | mikestew wrote:
         | I don't know if you're right or wrong, or if there even is such
         | a dichotomy, but I struggle with the same thing with one of our
         | products. It's basically Linux running on an ARM chip, with our
         | stuff on top. We call if "firmware" for what are probably
         | reasons of habit, because all of our other products actually
         | _do_ use what I would call firmware. And when we hire for the
         | team, we specify  "embedded programmers". But I dunno, this
         | board (single-core though it might be) would have suited me
         | just fine as a desktop box twenty years ago. It runs a full OS,
         | it runs a web server for the UI, services in the background;
         | it's a reachable server in a teeny-tiny box if you ask me.
         | Writing code for it is much like writing any other Linux app.
         | Is it really "firmware"? Do we really need "embedded
         | programmers"?
         | I would argue "no" on both points.
       | pabs3 wrote:
       | There is precious little open firmware out there already, but
       | even the stuff that is open has various problems; builds require
       | proprietary tools, the hardware requires vendor signatures etc.
       | https://wiki.debian.org/Firmware/Open
       | what-no-tests wrote:
       | An oldie, but a goodie:
       | > Hardware met Software on the road to Changtse. Software said:
       | ``You are Yin and I am Yang. If we travel together we will become
       | famous and earn vast sums of money.'' And so they set forth
       | together, thinking to conquer the world.
       | > Presently they met Firmware, who was dressed in tattered rags
       | and hobbled along propped on a thorny stick. Firmware said to
       | them: ``The Tao lies beyond Yin and Yang. It is silent and still
       | as a pool of water. It does not seek fame, therefore nobody knows
       | its presence. It does not seek fortune, for it is complete within
       | itself. It exists beyond space and time.''
       | > Software and Hardware, ashamed, returned to their homes.
       | ...from The Tao of Programming [0]
       | [0] http://canonical.org/~kragen/tao-of-programming.html
       (page generated 2023-04-17 23:00 UTC)