[HN Gopher] Quicssh: SSH over QUIC
       Quicssh: SSH over QUIC
       Author : rhn_mk1
       Score  : 135 points
       Date   : 2023-04-27 15:06 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | exabrial wrote:
       | Alright, so we're double-encrypting traffic? Or is it not
       | encrypting the SSH tunnel? Or did QUIC finally come around to
       | having a Sane not-encrypted mode?
         | tialaramex wrote:
         | It's double encrypting the traffic. SSH is completely unaware
         | that there's a tunnel moving this data over the Internet,
         | that's being done by the "Quicssh" proxy in their diagram which
         | is software at both ends doing QUIC.
         | If you were building this into SSH itself you'd have to do a
         | bunch of work to arrange to do SSH-style KEX instead of the TLS
         | KEX that QUIC would normally use, and then do SSH-style proof-
         | of-identity for the server and client, rather than the
         | equivalent TLS mechanisms. Once you have a shared secret,
         | there's no reason QUIC streams aren't a drop-in replacement for
         | the SSH encrypted TCP streams, thus no double encryption
         | needed. It's definitely possible to design this, and maybe it's
         | even worth somebody's time to do it, although my instinct is
         | that won't be OpenSSH people.
         | It would make no sense for the IETF to standardise a "not-
         | encrypted mode" for QUIC given BCP 188 "Pervasive Monitoring Is
         | An Attack".
       | ilc wrote:
       | This looks like the worst of all worlds.
       | You get TCP on both sides of the connection and QUIC in the
       | middle, which will be acting as a single stream protocol, not
       | getting to use all of its advantages.
         | tankenmate wrote:
         | But both TCP connections are to localhost so, you get 64K MTU
         | unlike 1500/9000 over a network connection. Also, blocking /
         | polling will be much quicker locally (in the order of
         | microseconds not milliseconds minimum for over the Internet).
         | And lastly you can host it on port 443 so it will look similar
         | to a HTTP connection externally.
         | It's not anywhere near as bad as you conjecture.
           | mvkg wrote:
           | It is every bit as bad. QUIC streams could map nicely to the
           | SSH model of discrete channels. Sure, you can run it over
           | tcp/443 and have it look like a normal TLS connection to
           | anything that isn't monitoring the traffic patterns, but it's
           | effectively just adding a TLS pipe which only achieves the
           | use of QUIC's congestion control algorithm and handshake but
           | nothing else. I would love to see an SSH implementation which
           | uses QUIC correctly; this isn't it.
           | edit: it also has a hardcoded parameter to not validate certs
           | which defeats the whole purpose of it using TLS in the first
           | place... (https://github.com/moul/quicssh/blob/5f5a17c3431a39
           | a8287467d...)
             | bcrl wrote:
             | MOSH already exists, and it is a proper ssh-like protocol
             | over UDP that takes advantage of the properties of UDP.
             | It's great for use when traveling and being forced to use
             | horrible high latency wireless connections.
             | Avamander wrote:
             | I doubt e.g. OpenSSH would ever implement something like
             | you describe though. They're seemingly very much against
             | anything x509/WebPKI.
               | ilc wrote:
               | You imply OpenSSH is the place to do this work.
               | Given the protocol changes needed, it may be a new
               | implementation. I actually expect it would be.
               | mvkg wrote:
               | I believe section 7 of RFC 9000 would allow for the
               | creation of a handshake protocol which could conform to
               | SSH without the need for including x509.
       | rwmj wrote:
       | Lost opportunity to call this _(Sean Connery 's voice)_
       | "quicsshilver" ...
       | Does this map SSH channels into QUIC channels? They're in hand-
       | waving terms similar in concept. Edit: I'm going to guess not
       | since it's a proxy.
         | aidenn0 wrote:
         | What time did Sean Connery show up to Wimbledon?
         | Tennish
       | mayli wrote:
       | How about mosh over quic?
         | ilc wrote:
         | Very possible if one of the tmux replacements wants to do it.
         | But I can see not wanting to deal with the problems this
         | creates. :)
       | Avamander wrote:
       | If one could run this alongside with Wireguard and H/3 on the
       | same port, that would be very interesting against analysis.
       | aztecrabbit wrote:
       | port hopping support would be awesome, like hysteria do
       | ggm wrote:
       | Surely the protocol of choice over QUIC (assuming the endpoint
       | which terminates the QUIC binding is itself the host being logged
       | into) would be .. telnet?
       | why double-encrypt?
       | NelsonMinar wrote:
       | What's the use case for this?
         | bheadmaster wrote:
         | I think the lack of head of line blocking could be useful for
         | SSH session multiplexing when using it as an ad hoc VPN.
           | remram wrote:
           | It looks like the multiplexed SSH channels are in a single
           | QUIC stream, so it doesn't help with head-of-line blocking?
           | Honestly not sure what it does from reading the README.
         | pfoof wrote:
         | Apparently SSH over UDP with much less code and configuration
         | compared to Mosh.
           | trollied wrote:
           | Last time I installed Mosh (on Ubuntu) I just installed the
           | package & did not need to do any configuration. It just
           | worked.
           | loxias wrote:
           | > Apparently SSH over UDP with much less code and
           | configuration compared to Mosh.
           | What configuration? I'm trying to assume best intent but have
           | you ever used mosh? It has zero configuration. That's the
           | whole point.
         | Rucadi wrote:
         | Since browsers implement QUIC, probably you can run SSH over
         | QUIC on a web browser, making it possible to run ssh client on
         | unconventional platforms that have a browser.
           | remram wrote:
           | Browser apps can't use raw QUIC, they can use HTTP (including
           | HTTP3).
           | Just like browser apps can't use TCP.
           | rebolek wrote:
           | Unconventional platforms usually get SSH years before browser
           | supporting QUIC.
         | srj wrote:
         | Since quic sessions can be tracked by the connection id rather
         | than the srcip/dstip/sport/dport/ipproto 5-tuple you could
         | switch networks and have your session survive. Not sure if this
         | implementation achieves that or not though.
           | touisteur wrote:
           | Wait, can one checkpoint/restore QUIC connections easily
           | these days? Which implementations/libraries allow that?
       | nnntriplesec wrote:
       | Would this make ssh more robust against intermittent
       | connectivity? like https://mosh.org/
       | without needing to run mosh on the server
         | ori_b wrote:
         | Mosh is closer to tmux than to ssh.
           | talideon wrote:
           | Any similarity with tmux is purely because it's
           | connectionless. It's mostly certainly more like ssh than it
           | is like tmux. Both are remote shell protocols, while tmux is
           | simply a terminal multiplexer.
             | [deleted]
             | loxias wrote:
             | Mosh is not at all like ssh, tries hard to avoid
             | duplicating ssh functionality, and this is by design.
             | If it were like ssh the authors would have had to then
             | handle security/authentication and all that jazz perfectly.
             | It was written to "stand on the shoulders" of ssh, except
             | handle terminal emulation and UTF-8 correctly. By using
             | ssh, you don't have to trust "some new thing" as long as
             | you trust ssh.
             | It's not even a shell protocol if you think about it!
             | Mosh bidirectionally synchronizes the state between the
             | terminal window on the client and the virtual terminal on
             | the server. It runs at a frame rate, which results in not
             | filling intermediate network queues, which is where the low
             | latency comes from. :)
             | hackernudes wrote:
             | Mosh is a terminal emulator itself and sends the diff of
             | the output from the server to the client. Ssh just passes
             | the terminal data through. I think that is why mosh is like
             | tmux, because tmux is also a terminal emulator.
         | FrancoisBosun wrote:
         | Mosh has latency-hiding mechanisms. I used mosh for a bit on
         | while riding a bus. Latency-hiding helped quite a bit to keep
         | the UI responsive.
           | cl3misch wrote:
           | Do you mean UI as in X forwarding? I thought this wasn't
           | possible, which kept me from using mosh so far.
             | tempay wrote:
             | They mean UI as in for command lines, like vim/emacs/shells
         | LinuxBender wrote:
         | Probably only if this implements a similar roaming concept as
         | mosh by using a nonce or something along that line vs. ssh
         | session keys that are mapped to an IP. Mosh was designed by MIT
         | folks not just for high latency but also mobile networks which
         | can change IP and lose connectivity frequently. Perhaps the
         | code author is here on HN?
           | loxias wrote:
           | Mosh was designed for a great number of things, including
           | what you mentioned.
           | To me, mosh is "careful and impressively pedantically correct
           | UTF-8 terminal emulator" + "careful and impressively
           | pedantically correct state synchronization protocol". :)
           | Avamander wrote:
           | It doesn't have to be this piece of software implementing MP-
           | UDP for roaming to work though. Nevertheless I doubt it has
           | such functionality right now.
       | zokier wrote:
       | Is there actually anything ssh-specific here? Seems like quic
       | support is something that could fit something like socat pretty
       | well?
         | remram wrote:
         | I think so, I tried to proxy a raw TCP server and it didn't
         | work.
           | anderspitman wrote:
           | It's SSH-specific only on the server side, right? The client
           | side looks like a normal TCP tunnel (-o ProxyCommand)
       (page generated 2023-04-27 23:00 UTC)