[HN Gopher] Learning COBOL: A Journey for the Modern Programmer ...
       Learning COBOL: A Journey for the Modern Programmer (2021)
       Author : rbanffy
       Score  : 54 points
       Date   : 2023-04-27 11:26 UTC (2 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (monadical.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (monadical.com)
       | tapland wrote:
       | Been doing COBOL for the past five years, so it's been my main
       | thing since leaving school.
       | A on of insurance companies, banks, telcos, airlines and old
       | government systems for anything related to healthcare and taxes
       | still use it and it's not all IBM Mainframes. I think IKEA just
       | recently migrated away from it but a lot of companies with old
       | inventory systems still do use COBOL.
       | The language is easy, systems and products gigantic, your mentors
       | write their code (incl. Java) in a 55x132 char terminal and
       | sometimes there is even more than absolutely no documentation!
       | It's fun but I'll probably want to do something more modern for a
       | while before maybe returning to the old systems.
       | For anyone interested to learn, I've recommended think Jan
       | Sadek's mainframe playground before (
       | https://mainframeplayground.neocities.org/ ).
       | Keep an eye on IBM's "Master the Mainframe" and hobbyist licenses
       | for OpenVMS. I found setting up GnuCOBOL in a nice way was too
       | much of a hassle to recommend.
         | sgt wrote:
         | > Jan Sadek
         | Random question. Will that weird looking 'a' render on a
         | mainframe? EBCDIC?
         | Hnus wrote:
         | Whats the salary in comparison to lets say full-stack webdev.
           | ecshafer wrote:
           | FWIW when I worked in a Finance company with a lot of Cobol +
           | JCL + DB2 devs (including in management so I could see more
           | info) their salaries were on average similar to Full Stack
           | but possibly lower, especially as we put more AWS emphasis
           | which those people started getting more premium salaries.
           | Some banks I hear give cobol premium but it seems to be more
           | specifically very specific mainframe systems experience +
           | cobol.
       | fredsmith219 wrote:
       | Learning COBOL is easy. If you want a good skill for those rare
       | low-paying COBOL jobs, learn JCL. That is the secret sauce that
       | glues together IBM Mainframe databases, COBOL programs, and user
       | interfaces. Any legacy application will be a chain of JCL jobs
       | linking input and output from several COBOL programs. This only
       | applies to IBM mainframes. The State of Michigan uses
       | Burroughs/Unisys mainframes running COBOL, but I don't know what
       | those use to control job flow and input/output.
         | DanHulton wrote:
         | We learned COBOL, CICS, and JCL in college (in the early
         | aughts), because we had a lot of industries in our town that
         | still relied on them, so they were churning out programmers
         | that could actually apply for those jobs as the older
         | programmers were retired.
         | COBOL was fine, ultimately. Clunky, but functional. CICS was
         | less fine, but still something you could adapt to. JCL was
         | _miserable._ I honestly cannot remember why, I've blocked as
         | much of it from my mind as I could, I suppose, but I remember
         | every part of JCL being awful and no fun to work with.
           | fredsmith219 wrote:
           | Your memories are correct lol! JCL is absolutely miserable.
           | But essential if you are going to be working on IBM
           | mainframes.
       | mikece wrote:
       | Is there an estimate on how many COBOL jobs are out there still?
       | And are there still apprenticeship/training programs for learning
       | COBOL?
         | fatneckbeard wrote:
         | i know a system that runs cobol.
         | but there are like 4 or 5 other systems on top of it, some of
         | them use XML, some html, some asp, some java, some vba, some
         | c#.
         | i dont really understand the concept of a "x language job".
         | like jobs tend to need people to learn systems and domain
         | language, and be problem solvers, and communicators,
         | coordinators, testers, the actual computer language is kind of
         | irrelevant. like i cannot fathom there is a job out there where
         | someone just hacks cobol all day and thats all they do.
           | NikolaNovak wrote:
           | That's my experience. I've actually been around systems that
           | use Cobol amongst other things for 20 years (only did tiniest
           | bit myself) but the developers tend to be experts in business
           | as well - like, this set of Cobol programs are for payroll,
           | and the developers understand payroll processing. They can
           | discuss legislative nuances and taxation and benefits and
           | deductions with functional analysts.
           | Basically, all Cobol I've ever seen is firmly performing a
           | business / functional task. I guess it's in the name :-)
         | kjs3 wrote:
         | No idea how many jobs. Places that use it extensively usually
         | have apprenticeships and/or training. $DAYJOB does (big
         | financial firm). There are even some mainframe/COBOL college
         | programs.
           | rbanffy wrote:
           | I always find it amusing that the least sexy of languages
           | runs on the sexiest systems.
           | A modern mainframe is a thing to behold.
             | pagnol wrote:
             | Do you mind expanding a bit?
               | tapland wrote:
               | https://www.thegreengrid.org/ja/newsroom/blog/making-ibm-
               | mag...
               | https://www.ibm.com/z
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mainframe_computer
               | rbanffy wrote:
               | They lost a bit of their glam when moved from 24" racks
               | to 19" ones so that the datacenter people could hide
               | these beauties in warehouse sized facilities instead of
               | being proudly displayed at corporate headquarters ;-)
             | kragen wrote:
             | tianhe-1, cerebras, the ga144, and the ambiq apollo4 do not
             | generally run cobol
               | rbanffy wrote:
               | Meh. None of those has the weird multi-gigabyte L4 caches
               | of a Telum. And none of them will continue working during
               | an earthquake.
       | kragen wrote:
       | > _Very few resources explain this, but having the code in strict
       | positions was what allowed old computers to read the instructions
       | on punched cards. On punched cards, a certain COBOL statement,
       | let's say an IF statement, is mapped to a pattern of holes. If
       | you know that a statement starts at a certain column (12-72 in
       | COBOL), it is easier for the hardware to read (this was done by
       | passing a light through the card)._
       | i think it would be more accurate to say that dividing punched
       | cards into predefined fields was a pre-existing practice (dating
       | back to the census of 01890) which was unthinkingly copied when
       | punched cards were adapted to applications for which it is a
       | stupid idea, such as programming
       | it's true that iterating over the leading blanks on a free-form
       | card to find the first nonblank character takes more cpu time
       | than just looking at column 8, but those cpu savings are so minor
       | as to be lost the first time a compiler run has to be aborted
       | because someone accidentally punched their statement starting in
       | column 7
       | cobol, being a dod initiative, didn't care much about whether
       | ideas were stupid as long as they could be made to work, and hci
       | (and even ergonomics) was still in its infancy
       | (what would i know about unthinking copying? well, just last
       | night i formatted my code to fit within 80 columns, ultimately
       | because that was the width of ibm cards, and therefore of many
       | printers, terminals, and character generators, and is still the
       | default width of many terminal emulators)
       | santoshalper wrote:
       | When I was new to engineering management, I took over a project
       | where one of the large components, a claims processing rules
       | engine, was written entirely in SQL. Apparently, the previous
       | manager had assigned that component to a DBA to build and by the
       | time they found out, it was too late in the project to re-write.
       | Anyway... years later my scope had increased to include some
       | mainframe teams working in COBOL. I have always been a big
       | believer that you can't effectively lead a team if you can't do
       | the job, so I dove in and learned COBOL. Now, I am not saying
       | that COBOL and SQL are syntactically similar, but the experience
       | of building in COBOL was very similar to building application
       | logic in SQL. None of the abstractions we are used to, and no
       | real concept of separation of concerns. It was fairly easy to
       | build in, but an absolute nightmare to maintain.
       (page generated 2023-04-29 23:00 UTC)