[HN Gopher] Transplanting the Mac's Central Processor: Gary Davi...
       Transplanting the Mac's Central Processor: Gary Davidian's 68000
       Emulator (2020)
       Author : tambourine_man
       Score  : 34 points
       Date   : 2023-04-28 01:44 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (computerhistory.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (computerhistory.org)
       | musicale wrote:
       | Apple has done a remarkable job moving the Mac from 68K to
       | PowerPC to x86 to ARM over the course of three decades.
       | Their latest static-translation based emulator (Rosetta2) is
       | pretty cool as well.
       | The CPU world seems like it was a lot more interesting in the
       | early 1990s, with Apple creating native versions of Mac OS for
       | 68K, x86, and PowerPC - and running Mac OS in emulation on 29K
       | and 88K (on Apple hardware prototypes) as well as on SPARC,
       | POWER, and PA-RISC (on Sun/IBM/HP workstations.)
       | Shame that Apple didn't try making an ARM-based Mac back then as
       | well - though they did use ARM chips in the Newton.
       | OnlyMortal wrote:
       | Having ported a 6502 emulator to MacOS 8 (to play C64 SID music),
       | I found this rather interesting.
       | Thanks for posting this.
       | dang wrote:
       | Related:
       |  _Transplanting the Mac's Central Processor: Gary Davidian's
       | 68000 Emulator (2020)_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28914208 - Oct 2021 (21
       | comments)
       | rbanffy wrote:
       | Wow! What an amazing story!
       | I never imagined MacOS ran on AMD29K and 88000's.
         | joshu wrote:
         | IIRC PowerPC was the merger of the Power architecture with
         | something close to the 88k's signaling at Apple's behest.
       (page generated 2023-04-29 23:01 UTC)