[HN Gopher] MRSK: Deploy web apps anywhere
       MRSK: Deploy web apps anywhere
       Author : ksec
       Score  : 186 points
       Date   : 2023-04-29 14:20 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (mrsk.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (mrsk.dev)
       | m00dy wrote:
       | """
       | gem install mrsk
       | """
       | you lost me right in there.
         | x3haloed wrote:
         | Same.
           | hstaab wrote:
           | There is also a one liner to use it via Docker on the readme
       | revskill wrote:
       | The confusing part is, how to put a load balancer in front of
       | those deployed servers ?
         | alex_suzuki wrote:
         | I'm also interested in this setup and have so far only had
         | experience using HAProxy. Any alternatives HN can recommend?
         | (software)
         | datadeft wrote:
         | Sorry one of the key part of deploying web applications is not
         | part of the offering.
         | turtlebits wrote:
         | Load balancing isn't part of MRSK - all public clouds offer
         | them, Digitalocean does as well. Or DIY with Haproxy, Nginx,
         | Traefik, etc.
         | lbotos wrote:
         | If your "host servers" are known (say 4 backends) you set up
         | the balancer and point it to the 4 host IPs.
         | If you are dynamically allocating host servers and needing to
         | register them with the LB you should probably consider K8s?
         | This is designed for a "more stable" world:
         | Have some hosts. Have an LB. Deploy containers to those hosts.
         | Avoid superfluous k8s complexity that you don't need.
           | leetrout wrote:
           | I don't think you need K8S for that. Any decent load balancer
           | (LB) is going to have some concept of origin configuration
           | that weights routing with various algorithms and health
           | checks. You would just update the config in the LB when you
           | bring a new origin online.
         | cschep wrote:
         | He sets up a load balancer in his demo video? Did you watch it?
       | rileymichael wrote:
       | It's not immediately obvious to me how this differs from
       | something like ansible which people have been using for years for
       | basic deployment topologies. What am I missing?
       | edit: after looking a bit closer, I think it's a bit misleading
       | to call what this is doing "zero downtime". as far as I can tell,
       | your services are essentially going to be unresponsive until they
       | start, which can be brutal for slow starting ones (and that's
       | assuming they start successfully)
       | siliconc0w wrote:
       | He mentioned partitioning bare-metal into VMs (which is a good
       | idea, containers aren't a great security boundary) but it doesn't
       | look like MRSK does that (yet?).
       | I can see using this to deploy on DO or Hetzner to save a few
       | bucks vs Render or Amplify- but on bare metal you're giving up a
       | pretty amazing ecosystem these days. Ie. if you want to run
       | stateful things like databases, logging/monitoring, NFS, object
       | storage, persistent disks, complex networking, etc it's going to
       | be miles easier to manage that w/ k8s. Even for that bare-
       | metal/vm-partitioning goal above, there is a k8s runtime (kata-
       | containers) which will automatically run containers on
       | lightweight vms and handle all the plumbing to and from K8s. Plus
       | if your mid-size SaaS wants to sell to the whales you're going to
       | need compliance and security best practices that are much easier
       | to implement and enforce w/ k8s. Finally, there are also lighter
       | weight distributions these days to make it less painful to run
       | yourself.
       | That said, I do appreciate the 37signals philosophy of having
       | such strong opinions they craft their own tools and I also
       | applaud leaving the cloud for bare metal. Even if you need the
       | burst capacity you can provision your base-load on bare-metal and
       | burst to the cloud when needed.
         | ricardobeat wrote:
         | I had the impression k8s is still not recommended to run a DB
         | or any kind of persistence. Are any large companies doing that
         | in production?
         | Regarding logging, object storage, how does kubernetes help?
         | You'll have to implement these regardless of the underlying
         | container infra.
           | nosvince wrote:
           | Ondat does that, a bunch of people are using them. And Akamai
           | acquired them, probably to scale their model
           | seabrookmx wrote:
           | Yes. Lots of companies run things like ElasticSearch and
           | Cassandra in Kubernetes. And even sharded RDBMS's are doable
           | now thanks to projects like Vitess, which famously
           | underpinned YouTube. Basically if there's a mature k8s
           | operator for the DB in question, it's pretty straight
           | forward. The "use containers/k8s for stateless stuff only"
           | approach is very dated.
       | sickcodebruh wrote:
       | MRSK is like something pulled straight from my dreams. Longtime
       | Capistrano user, loves Docker for reproducible environments but
       | still hasn't mastered using it in prod because I'm a dinosaur who
       | just wants servers and a load balancer.
       | I'm gearing up to deploy a Nextjs project in the next few months
       | and while I appreciate the claims of Function this and Edge that,
       | I feel infinitely more comfortable with a couple small server
       | instances, especially early on when my focus should be testing my
       | product, not optimizing my cloud infrastructure for scale that
       | might never be needed. I'm excited to give MRSK a shot and feel
       | grateful to live in a time when there are so many good choices.
         | Kiro wrote:
         | > and a load balancer
         | > not optimizing my cloud infrastructure for scale that might
         | never be needed
         | I don't understand why you would want a load balancer with that
         | mentality. Feels like most companies will never reach a scale
         | where load balancing is necessary.
           | axelthegerman wrote:
           | besides scalability there's also fault tolerance.
           | sure the DB might still be a single point of failure as is
           | the load balancer, but some rogue web processes hogging your
           | single server or a disk failure bringing it down
           | aigoochamna wrote:
           | Right... there are a lot of contradictions in their comment.
           | You want to focus on your product, by managing your own
           | server(s)? You don't want to over engineer early on but
           | you're running a load balancer and n-servers? Why not a
           | single server? Or, offload the management entirely to someone
           | else and focus on your product.
             | sickcodebruh wrote:
             | It's not contradictory if read with an understanding that
             | one can be experienced and comfortable with the amount of
             | server management required for a product at its current and
             | likely future states. This makes the management piece less
             | demanding than evaluating then learning an unfamiliar
             | paradigm and the question marks that go along with that.
         | lordofmoria wrote:
         | > especially early on when my focus should be testing my
         | product, not optimizing my could infrastructure for scale that
         | might never be needed.
         | In that case, go with managed services like render, Heroku, or
         | fly. MRSK, or any DIY deployment, is not going to save you the
         | hours of tinkering you will inevitably do to get the non-server
         | stuff up for even a low-usage production app: 1. One-click
         | Deploys, basic CI/CD 2. Redis/memcache 3. Database / migrations
         | / rollback / backup 4. Logging / metrics / down detection &
         | basic high availability 5. Keeping up with basic upgrades
           | brightball wrote:
           | Honestly, I can appreciate MRSK a little more because I'm
           | anticipating running some small stuff out of my house (behind
           | Cloudflare) once I finally have fiber next month.
           | Soon as I have a couple of little home servers in place I
           | think this will be a solid model for me.
           | mirekrusin wrote:
           | He's "dinosaur" probably meaning he knows how to work with
           | linux - it'd likely take more time to learn clicking in some
           | proprietary page than just doing it so that it works locally
           | and remotely.
         | lobstrosity420 wrote:
         | > especially early on when my focus should be testing my
         | product, not optimizing my cloud infrastructure for scale that
         | might never be needed
         | Not to mention vendor lock in, something that really needs to
         | be talked about more with this new wave of function this and
         | edge that.
           | aigoochamna wrote:
           | Vendor lock in? Next can be self hosted, deployed on
           | AWS/Amplify/Lambda, your own hardware, etc. I wouldn't say
           | it's as locked in as some other solutions out there.
           | PragmaticPulp wrote:
           | Avoiding vendor lock-in always sounds nice in theoretical
           | discussions, but in practice it needs to be weighed against
           | the cost of additional development time.
           | In the past decade I've been on several teams that went out
           | of their way to avoid vendor lock-in by refusing to use
           | platform service offerings.
           | Every single time it was a complete waste of time. We could
           | have saved a lot of time by embracing platform offerings and
           | then trying to port to a different vendor only if necessary.
       | x3haloed wrote:
       | Ugh. This still isn't quite what I want. I can't _stand_ Docker.
       | It 's so damn heavy.
       | All I want is something like the following:
       | - Sandboxed applications
       | - With an agent to control which ones run on a machine
       | - A GUI to easily observe and manage deployments
       | - Infra-as-code using a sensible file format (anything but YAML)
       | I imagine this working best with VM-based runtimes like .NET and
       | WASM. The ability to control resources consumption isn't there
       | yet, but I don't see why you couldn't have a runtime that gives
       | fine-grained controls over sandboxing and resource consumption.
       | This idea came about from observing discourse on replacing
       | conventional hypervisors with WASM/WASI.
       | Forget Docker. Forget OCI. Forget Kubernetes/SWARM. We just need
       | a simple system for orchestrating apps that are already VMs.
         | WrtCdEvrydy wrote:
         | Caprover comes close to this. You can pack your app into a zip
         | file and upload it with a special file or choose pre-packaged
         | apps.
         | MuffinFlavored wrote:
         | you hate Docker, OCI, and yaml?
         | kind of hipster?
       | sea-gold wrote:
       | Related discussion: "MRSK vs Fly.io" (162 comments):
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35263886
       | Also here is the MRSK introduction blog post:
       | https://world.hey.com/dhh/introducing-mrsk-9330a267
       | deedubaya wrote:
       | I'm using it to deploy a dockerized nodejs app, it works great!
         | rozenmd wrote:
         | do you have a guide that you followed? having tried to follow
         | the readme it seems like it only works on DHH's machine with a
         | certain configuration of rails and linux
           | deedubaya wrote:
           | No, just the guide in the readme was all I needed.
       | tezza wrote:
       | Do not get wedded to that name...
       | Maersk will be in touch to gently ask that MRSK desist using
       | their trademark.
         | dangoor wrote:
         | IANAL, but my understanding is that trademark law is based on
         | the idea of avoiding confusion in the marketplace. It's
         | possible to have similarly named products in completely
         | different industries without violating trademark law because
         | they won't confuse potential buyers of the product.
         | THAT said, I'm not sure I personally would take the gamble!
           | satvikpendem wrote:
           | A terminal had to change the name from Terminix to Tilix due
           | to trademark issues, even though one is a terminal and the
           | other is a pest killer.
           | https://github.com/gnunn1/tilix/issues/815
       | stareatgoats wrote:
       | This should probably be seen in the context of this:
       | https://twitter.com/dhh/status/1613508201953038337
       | hardwaresofton wrote:
       | Btw Traefik is an _excellent_ proxy:
       | https://traefik.io/traefik
       | Far too few people know about it IMO
         | mattjaynes wrote:
         | I'm one of the many who hadn't heard of Traefic until MRSK
         | mentioned it. The marketing seems very (overly?) targetted at
         | cloud microservices and container-specific tech[1]. Is that
         | just marketing, or is it really not a good fit for monoliths on
         | bare-metal?
         | [1] https://github.com/traefik/traefik "Traefik (pronounced
         | traffic) is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that
         | makes deploying microservices easy. Traefik integrates with
         | your existing infrastructure components (Docker, Swarm mode,
         | Kubernetes, Consul, Etcd, Rancher v2, Amazon ECS, ...) and
         | configures itself automatically and dynamically. Pointing
         | Traefik at your orchestrator should be the only configuration
         | step you need."
         | klabb3 wrote:
         | I've been trying out many reverse proxies for stateful, low-
         | traffic websocket connections, but unfortunately they all eat
         | so much ram. Even nginx, with tuning, use at least 10x ram/conn
         | of a well tuned naked uWebSocket deployment with TLS.
         | Traefik was much more ram hungry than nginx, and iirc Caddy as
         | well (at least 2 goroutines per conn). It's probably fine (and
         | worth it) for the vast majority of request-response web apps,
         | but all of these extra layers have a cost. And that's still
         | nothing compared to the overhead of say k8s with all bells and
         | whistles.
         | Anyway, as someone who's been out of the loop on backend for
         | many years, I am quite shocked at the level of resource waste,
         | even among the projects with a strong reputation. You always
         | hear the complaints about frontend bloat, but these days
         | backend seem to have caught up.
         | berkle4455 wrote:
         | I want to learn Traefik but it yet again has another overly
         | verbose config file. They could learn a lot from caddy. Is it
         | better enough to deal with learning a new DSL?
           | conqrr wrote:
           | I'd stick to Caddy. I deprecated my old traefik reverse proxy
           | and tls config which took me days to get right earlier mostly
           | due to my lack of understanding, but the config and DSL is a
           | little tricky too. With Caddy its literally 4 lines of code.
           | Sane defaults are really powerful. I don't have any comments
           | on performance etc as these are hobby projects, I did like
           | traefik's dashboard though.
         | tarellel wrote:
         | I wish I could upvote this more!
         | Traefik is absolutely amazing! And it seems like in the
         | development community every wants to use nginx. But in my
         | experience traefik is absolutely perfect for proxying with
         | container deployed applications.
         | razemio wrote:
         | Really? I believe it is one of the most known proxies besides
         | Nginx and apache. Especially in docker environments.
           | whitemary wrote:
           | Yes, really. I was interviewing last year and used it in one
           | of the projects on my resume. Almost nobody knew what it was.
           | In fact, exactly 1 out of 25-30 people I discussed the
           | project with knew what Traefik was..
             | razemio wrote:
             | Sad days. I am fairly active in the self hosting scene.
             | Traefik is a superstar there right after caddy.
               | yunohn wrote:
               | > fairly active in the self hosting scene
               | Though that is probably why - Traefik is popular for
               | self-hosting, while Caddy is more generally mainstream.
               | ricardobeat wrote:
               | Isn't it the opposite? Traefik is more common in the
               | enterprise as an nginx replacement for k8s, while Caddy
               | is easier to setup and great for self-hosting - I've
               | never seen it used in enterprise environments.
       | emptysongglass wrote:
       | I am not a fan of the 37signals model. Basecamp is a _terrible_
       | product. Last I used it with a partner, it still didn 't support
       | inline code highlighting. They're very opinionated about
       | everything but I don't see their opinions driving good products.
       | Kubernetes has been getting better with every release. I'd advise
       | companies thinking of doing it better to implement their
       | improvements to K8s directly so it can become a scalable, easy to
       | use standard for everyone.
       | 37signals is part of a contingent of reactionary developers and
       | you can see this in HEY and now MRSK. It's reactionary without
       | delivering real innovative value.
         | mirekrusin wrote:
         | 37signals is known for sustainable, human-being focused
         | development among other things.
         | They solve problems by breaking them into first principles and
         | composing them into shapes that fit them.
         | They've created RoR which at the time brought together with
         | textmate millions of developers onto mac and "programming can
         | be actually pleasant and cool" side. Their hero style page was
         | copied everywhere on the internet which is visible to this day.
         | Many unicorns grew from RoR, many use it to this day.
         | They are open source advocates.
         | They create environment of certain kind of skepticism towards
         | established tech while injecting novel approaches here and
         | there.
         | You're saying something about inline code highlighting and
         | jumping onto shitting over whole company and saying something
         | about kubernetes.
         | It's hard to take it seriously even if you have a point there
         | that some functionality is embarrassingly missing in one of
         | their products.
           | dlisboa wrote:
           | I think his criticism is warranted when you think of
           | 37signals without Ruby on Rails or the open source angle.
           | Judging them just on their products.
           | I don't really see people refer to them as the cream of the
           | crop. Basecamp's UX is opinionated but still complicated: I
           | get lost on it even though it's a simple product. It seems to
           | work well for a team more similar to 37signals'.
           | Hey.com I haven't seen take the world by storm, even though
           | it does seem better than most e-mail software (and I do
           | appreciate their technological solutions on it). I guess most
           | people don't have that problem with e-mail that the Basecamp
           | founders do.
           | That's a bit of a trend for them: they often claim people
           | should do one thing and everything else is worse, even though
           | that one thing really works for them and might not work for
           | anyone else. Their agile methodology, their team size, their
           | tech stack, etc. they often pose themselves as the "sane"
           | ones doing it simple and easy, while everyone else is chasing
           | the wrong thing.
           | So in that sense I can see why OP said they're reactionary. I
           | would disagree, however, as they've been revolutionary on
           | many fronts, but it's usually as part of a contrarian view
           | that sometimes is more of a miss than a hit.
           | madeofpalk wrote:
           | > human-being focused development
           | So human-being focused a third of their human-being employees
           | quit after the CEO wrote a blog post!
           | https://www.theverge.com/2021/4/30/22412714/basecamp-
           | employe...
         | yunohn wrote:
         | Upvoted this, because opinions about an opinionated product
         | should be allowed.
         | Fully agree that 37Signals' products are very opinionated and
         | often missing crucial features. I can see that they fulfil some
         | use-cases, but could be more mainstream.
           | LapsangGuzzler wrote:
           | I don't have a problem with opinions on products, but urging
           | people to "do x instead of y because standards" is such an
           | intellectually lazy take, especially when the party being
           | criticized has led development on some of the most
           | influential open source projects in history.
           | I'd love to see OP do anything as remotely influential in the
           | industry as DHH.
             | yunohn wrote:
             | > I'd love to see OP do anything as remotely influential in
             | the industry as DHH.
             | I vastly prefer their appeal to standards over your appeal
             | to authority.
               | mirekrusin wrote:
               | Their standard is rational thinking though first
               | principle decomposition - if it still holds through their
               | evaluation, it'll stay as standard, otherwise it's not a
               | standard from their PoV.
               | [deleted]
         | claudiug wrote:
         | inline coding == BAD company, very opinionated everything. but
         | you better to use: https://kubernetes.io/ because they are good
         | people. /s
         | axelthegerman wrote:
         | Some people like some products other people like others. There
         | are tons of terrible products out there and many of them are
         | also completely overengineered.
         | 37signals and DHH did a lot right with Rails, so I'm looking
         | forward to trying their approach on deployment.
         | IMO kubernetes is quite a lot of moving pieces that are
         | absolutely not needed for most deployments, if you like it
         | great! I'm sure many will love the opinions guiding MRSK
         | (myself included).
         | I personally wouldn't touch K8s but I'm also not telling anyone
         | not to try it.
         | intelVISA wrote:
         | I'm first to crap on K8s but I do agree w/ you here...
         | Feels a bit surreal seeing a 'tool' that wraps Traefik + Docker
         | Swarm be so self-aggrandizing.
           | benatkin wrote:
           | > I'm first to crap on K8s
           | OK to each their own.
           | Do you object to YAML? Kubelet?
           | It seems like a pretty solid approach to me. Some have been
           | misdirected by it because something that uses a sizable
           | fraction of a CPU doesn't work for their use case, but that
           | speaks more to the lack of an alternative to Docker Compose,
           | which Kubernetes wasn't intended to be.
             | intelVISA wrote:
             | I was griping re: MRSK not so much K8s.
             | Kubernetes is 'fine' in the sense that a sledgehammer can,
             | technically, open a door...
         | jfvinueza wrote:
         | Except they're fast and built with care, with graphic design
         | given as much importance as technology itself (as in actual
         | "interface problem solving", not "the same product as everyone
         | else's, but with gradients and transparency"). Navigation's
         | different but it's very good. The text editor is best-in-class.
         | I don't prescribe to the notion that a professional worker
         | should always have 64gb RAM so both Notion and Jira can be open
         | at the same time, and I for myself appreciated that whatever
         | page I was on was just a single page, an slightly interactive
         | html page, and whenever I needed to go somewhere else I'd
         | browse there clicking on hyperlinks, and get there fast. It
         | might sound dated, but compared to, say, Asana and Monday or
         | dear god Microsoft or Jira's "reinventions", it's really many
         | years ahead.
         | (I have nothing to do with the company, just a happy client)
           | gherkinnn wrote:
           | One might or might not like 37 Signals and their products.
           | Some of their ideas are fantastic, others not so much.
           | But claiming their text editor to be best in class when it is
           | literal dogshit is brave.
       | c-hendricks wrote:
       | Nice, this reminds me of something from a few years ago:
       | https://github.com/mikew/b3cmd-server
       | https://github.com/mikew/b3cmd
       | This used docker-compose + git.
       | emkrawiec wrote:
       | looks nice and tries to solve a problem i had a while ago: how to
       | deploy a small dockerized app to a cheap vm with declarative
       | deploy (like k8s) but without k8s.
       | anyone know a similiar tool?
         | doublepg23 wrote:
         | Am I missing the problem with just docker-compose?
         | simo7 wrote:
         | You can ship your local docker context to a remote host and
         | build/run your containers there. All the docker commands you
         | typically run locally you can run on the remote host.
         | https://www.docker.com/blog/how-to-deploy-on-remote-docker-h...
       | mati365 wrote:
       | Why not use just podman systemd service (with quadlet)?
         | emptysea wrote:
         | I don't think podman systemd integration handles blue/green
         | style handoff, but pod man's integration is pretty nice.
         | Really painful to manually call a docker container from systemd
         | normally, lots of edge cases to manage
       | mlangenberg wrote:
       | Can MRSK be used to manage deploying applications that are
       | distributed as Docker images, such as Adguard Home?
       | I see there is support for 'accessories' such as Redis. What if I
       | only want to deploy an image and skip building a Dockerfile and
       | pushing it to a registry?
       | xrd wrote:
       | This looks to me like something that has 5% of the features of
       | dokku. If you want a slimmed down dokku that seems great. But I'm
       | wondering if I love dokku why I would choose this. What am I
       | missing?
       | The switching to live containers and proxy integration seems like
       | table stakes these days. Is traefik that much better than nginx
       | in all cases?
       | And, dokku just works with almost any kind of web app (regardless
       | of the language) i throw at it. It's amazing for just git cloning
       | something, create a dokku app and new git remote and then just
       | push and see if it works, which it does almost all the time. It's
       | super fun to experiment with something new and just see what
       | happens.
         | axelthegerman wrote:
         | used dokku too but faced a couple of issues over time including
         | very slow deploys for some reason.
         | also fubdamentally dokku is single server whereas MRSK is
         | multi-server. not that I need that but worth pointing out as a
         | difference
           | josegonzalez wrote:
           | Dokku Maintainer here.
           | I'd love to hear more about the issues you've faced, even if
           | you're not using Dokku anymore. It helps me improve the
           | project for others.
           | Regarding multi-server support, we support Kubernetes and
           | Nomad for job scheduling - and have for years - which I think
           | should make us multi-server capable. Are you looking for
           | something else?
         | ricardobeat wrote:
         | MRSK is a bit more focused on deployment and server management:
         | it only needs SSH access to configure a server and deploy your
         | application. Dokku still requires managing/installing servers
         | manually.
           | Cyph0n wrote:
           | So it's trying to both tackle provisioning and deployment at
           | the same time? Why not just use more powerful tools for each
           | role - e.g., provision with Ansible and deploy with Dokku?
           | josegonzalez wrote:
           | Dokku Maintainer here.
           | Is the issue that you only need to `gem install mrsk` locally
           | vs running our bootstrap script to install Dokku on a remote
           | server? I'm not sure what the difference is maintenance-wise
           | between Dokku and MRSK, as at the end of the day you still
           | have a server you need to maintain/upgrade for both products.
         | josegonzalez wrote:
         | Dokku maintainer here.
         | For anyone wondering, Dokku supports Traefik in addition to
         | Nginx, as well as Caddy and Haproxy.
       | Thaxll wrote:
       | It's 2023 and a dev deploying an app needs to know the physical
       | IPs of a machine it's going to deploy on, really good design.
         | rudasn wrote:
         | Its in the same repo, yes, but don't have to care about it,
         | just as you may not care about Ci artifacts or editor config
         | files, or gitignore files or whatever.
         | That info has to live somewhere, and in the same repo as the
         | code doesn't sound that bad.
       | tylerjl wrote:
       | Slightly off-topic, but my ChatGPT instincts always tend to fire
       | whenever I read copy that concludes with the formula,
       | "Ultimately..." or "Overall...".
       | I wonder how much (if any) of this landing page was GPT
       | generated.
       | satvikpendem wrote:
       | How does it compare to Coolify?
       | [deleted]
       (page generated 2023-04-29 23:00 UTC)