[HN Gopher] My product is my garden (2020)
       My product is my garden (2020)
       Author : codazoda
       Score  : 144 points
       Date   : 2023-04-29 15:03 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (herman.bearblog.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (herman.bearblog.dev)
       | foreigner wrote:
       | Nice if you can afford it.
       | dorfwald wrote:
       | "I want to make things that don't scale."
       | In my experience, software built around this mindset is
       | oftentimes better than software built by large corporations
       | anyway. Software usually just gets worse with size.
       | The platonic ideal is a piece of open-source software that a
       | user-developer can understand completely in an afternoon or less.
         | amiantos wrote:
         | I recently built an iOS app that is fully stand-alone. No
         | internet connection needed. It helps you build choose your own
         | adventure books, and when you're done it exports a text file
         | with your book formatted as JSON, so others can import it into
         | the app to play it. This app is infinitely scalable, literally
         | every person on earth could be using it at the same time with
         | no infrastructure problems.
         | So, I just find this sort of statement confusing ("I want to
         | make things that don't scale."). Maybe I am defining "scale"
         | wrong, my interpretation is that a product that can scale can
         | be used concurrently by many users without structurally
         | collapsing in some way. In that way, for much of software
         | history, "scale" has not been a concern. Also, in this context,
         | "I want to make things that don't scale"... doesn't that just
         | mean "I want to make internet services that break if they get
         | too many users?"
       | scsteps wrote:
       | I really like this analogy because I too would like to one day
       | have a nice small garden of small products. I see this pursuit
       | more as a fun hobby than a career path.
       | throwaway892238 wrote:
       | My garden is my garden, specifically because if I had to "own" a
       | product that other people worked on, I think I'd go insane. It's
       | impossible to find people who think like me and would do things
       | in a way that wouldn't bug me. With a product that real customers
       | will use, I either care too much, or I have to stop caring at
       | all. So my garden is my little universe where whatever happens
       | (good or bad) is on me. The stakes aren't high. It's just for
       | fun. And it's mostly manageable by myself. Oops, the squash got
       | destroyed by squash bugs. Forgot to water the basil, it died. The
       | slugs took out more tomatoes. Oh well! I can just go to the
       | store, nobody's getting screwed except myself.
       | kaycebasques wrote:
       | I recommend trying out real gardening, akin to what the author's
       | girlfriend was doing. (Also, she sounds like a cool person! As
       | does the author.) The parallels between virtual gardening and
       | physical gardening became a lot more viscerally true for me once
       | I experienced physical gardening.
       | Here's my mini-story. SF has a bunch of community gardens but the
       | waitlist for getting your own plot is comically long. 2-3 years.
       | However, the community garden near me has a bunch of apple trees
       | that are volunteer-maintained. I figured that would be a good way
       | to scratch my gardening itch in the meantime. It's been great!
       | The project leader has taught me a lot about maintaining trees.
       | And I've really learned that weeding is a lifelong commitment.
       | They will always come back, and it's a lot easier if you go out
       | there regularly and pull up the small roots. Obvious, and I'm
       | sure you've heard this idea before, but going through this
       | personally with physical gardening really drives home the wisdom
       | of this trite idea. I got lazy this winter due to all the storms
       | and didn't go out there for a couple of months. There are FEET of
       | weeds now. I've taken out 3 wheelbarrows of weeds and am still
       | not done. Ironically I am not that great at keeping on virtual
       | weeding either (fixing bugs regularly). But when I am out there
       | weeding I have literally thought to myself a few times: "I really
       | need to stay on top of my issues..." Also, there is a very
       | interesting lesson to ponder through physical weeding: you do it
       | because those weeds will compete with your tree for resources.
       | Your tree grows less when there's weeds around it. Literal bugs
       | will thrive in the weeds and eventually make their way up to your
       | tree and damage your tree. I know that the makings are there for
       | another visceral lesson but I don't quite feel that one deep in
       | my bones yet... I guess I've been lucky to not have to work on
       | projects with suffocating tech debt...
         | preommr wrote:
         | My foray into gardening turned into an engineering project.
         | Figuring out the amount of sunlight an area gets, being able to
         | mointor ph/moisture, drip irrigation, foldable greenhouse
         | covers, proper tools to make tilling the soil and laying down a
         | solid weed barrier, etc.
         | It got to be too time consuming, expensive and doing it any
         | other way seemed demoralizing. During that time, a lot of
         | gadgets have come out that make those things easier. I am
         | pretty happy that I spent my time enjoying other things and can
         | come back to it now if I wanted to with the efficiency I wanted
         | before.
       | galoisscobi wrote:
       | If you enjoyed reading this, I recommend checking out The
       | Creative Act by Rick Rubin. Reading that book has changed my
       | approach towards work and it has become more relaxed and I have
       | learned to tap deeper into my intuition when engineering.
       | codazoda wrote:
       | This is an interesting read. It seems to be relatively old but
       | still relevant. Because it's old I did a search here first. It
       | has been posted here before but it's been a couple years and I
       | thought it was worth surfacing again.
       | Previous:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26012189
         | nuancebydefault wrote:
         | Nice warp-back to HN pre-GPT era.
       | zubairq wrote:
       | Such a nice perspective, I've actually felt this same way for
       | several years now too
       | avg_dev wrote:
       | I agree with the ethos of the article entirely, I think. I
       | personally love taking an organic and experimental and highly
       | incremental approach to pretty much everything.
       | I feel like the word "putter" has some connotations associated
       | with it that make it misplaced in the article, though. I looked
       | it up in the M-W dictionary and I think that the appropriate
       | definition was the verb:
       | 1: to move or act aimlessly or idly
       | 2: to work at random: tinker
       | And the "especially" part of the definition of tinker has
       | "unskilled or experimental manner" in it.
       | Experimental I can get behind. Organic, not necessarily pre-
       | meditated, even. But unskilled? I think that is not what is being
       | aimed at here. This is careful, painstaking work, with attention
       | to details.
       | A minor quibble to be sure. I still don't actually know what
       | bearblog.dev is but it must be some kind of place for devs at
       | small software shops to write about their work is my guess, based
       | on the two or three posts I've read on the domain name. I've
       | enjoyed them all so far.
         | kcartlidge wrote:
         | Re: _putter_. I don 't know where the Bear Blog dev hails from
         | but it's a word used a lot here in the UK.
         | We p _u_ tter around. Sometimes (more commonly) we also p _o_
         | tter around.
         | Commonly used to explain how we somehow combine aimlessness and
         | mindfulness in one action to casually, and almost as an
         | accidental by-product, spend time achieving some wistful off-
         | hand goal to varying degrees of satisfaction.
       | robinsonb5 wrote:
       | That's a brilliant perspective - I love it! I hadn't thought of
       | it in quite those terms, but I have one project where I'm
       | constantly trying to keep the code footprint round about the 12k
       | mark, and I've come of think of that as "bonsai programming" -
       | patiently and meticulously trimming and shaping to avoid sprawl
       | and bloat!
         | jpjp wrote:
         | Bonsai programming is a great way of describing this! It makes
         | the project sound more naturally peaceful and beautiful
         | kcartlidge wrote:
         | Thanks for the phrase "Bonsai Programming". It explains
         | perfectly why after many decades of dev work I still spend time
         | on one particular codebase I started working on in 2005 purely
         | for my own use.
         | I've done iterations/rewrites of it, in order, with C#, Ruby,
         | Python, Go, Free Pascal, and have been back with C# for the
         | last few variants. Each time the code gets smaller, faster,
         | neater, clearer, more powerful, and better documented.
         | It will probably never be seen by anyone else (I use it for my
         | own stuff), but I get the same satisfaction after almost two
         | decades of working on it that a gardener might get when pruning
         | and tidying a long-lived and long-loved bush or tree.
         | Very apt.
           | maxwelljoslyn wrote:
           | I'm 7 years into my own bonsai software project. As I learn
           | more about CS and SWE I get to slowly introduce new concepts
           | into the code to improve it. "Each time the code gets
           | smaller, faster, neater, clearer, more powerful, and better
           | documented" is such a wonderful feeling.
         | Lyngbakr wrote:
         | I really like the idea of bonsai _languages_ , too. Rather than
         | growing across various dimensions as new features are demanded,
         | they stay small, concise, and focused just getting tighter,
         | neater, and more performant. Of course, this isn't always
         | practical nor desirable. I'm not sure if there are many bonsai
         | languages, though. Perhaps something like _awk_?
       | gscho wrote:
       | This is exactly how I feel about my side projects. Sometimes our
       | day jobs are not exactly what we'd like to be working on so it's
       | nice to "putter" on a side project to scratch that itch. If
       | someone else finds it useful one day that is a nice bonus but is
       | ultimately not what drives me to work on it.
         | wahnfrieden wrote:
         | That's what kept me going for years in my own. Now that I
         | finally quit my tech career to focus on my own apps, I wish I
         | had been more ambitious earlier on. I learned a lot in industry
         | but controlling my own time and reaping the full reward of my
         | own labor is glorious. Not to mention the ability to seek
         | "promotion" is far more understandably under my control and
         | ability to achieve.
         | ziolko wrote:
         | I love this perspective. And I love these moments when I demo
         | my project (people can request a demo on the home page) and
         | people realize that it actually solves the problem they are
         | struggling with for a long time.
         | I also deliberately choose not to do things that I don't like
         | (like content marketing) even though they'd for sure bring me
         | more revenue. It has to be enjoyable because otherwise it'd be
         | just another job.
         | ozarker wrote:
         | I'm glad others feel this way. My coworkers look at me like i'm
         | a psycho when I talk about coding on side projects on the
         | weekends.
         | routerl wrote:
         | On a recent thread about a shortage of electricians, several
         | commenters talked about taking on electrical work themselves,
         | in a way that passed every inspection, by working on the scale
         | of months instead of, as the pros do, days. This tracks exactly
         | the distinction between _my_ garden vs. _the_ garden, and the
         | analogy is great for software.
         | I'm currently working on something, "using AI" (read: the
         | ChatGPT API), and it's coming out perfect in a way I couldn't
         | have done without this API, but I also couldn't have done _at
         | work_ ; there are too many efficiencies involved when you're
         | making software for yourself.
         | For one thing, the feedback loop between implementation, UI and
         | UX is a dot instead of a loop. For another, I'm infinitely
         | willing to sympathize with my user, and will take all of their
         | suggestions as if they were gospel. And my budget, while not
         | infinite or even large, is extremely generous.
         | I guess it's also worth mentioning people whose recent pet
         | projects became their main project, the most salient of whom,
         | for me, is AngeTheGreat on YouTube
         | (https://m.youtube.com/@angethegreat).
         | There's something to be said for dogfooding _first_ , then
         | releasing something.
       | cushychicken wrote:
       | I run FPGAjobs.com as a fun side project, and this describes my
       | relationship with my product to a T.
       | I love the "Fuck around and find out" aspect of it. I can goof
       | off and do fun things that occasionally add value to the
       | business. Case and point: my all time most viewed page is a page
       | that shows you a random FPGA meme. I threw it together with a
       | bunch of FPGA memes that had made me laugh that I saved locally
       | in a folder on my desktop. Net result: tons of backlinks, high
       | engagement, and regular conversions of email list sign-ups.
       | (https://www.fpgajobs.com/dank)
       | Funnily enough, ChatGPT has helped immensely with my ability to
       | both putter about. ChatGPT can bang out Django features that'd
       | take me a week in 10 mins. Most of that time is me copy/pasting
       | and fixing the odd variable name that didn't translate. It's all
       | the fun of creating with none of the docs spelunking or
       | fundamental mistakes I make in Python or HTML.
         | stevenhuang wrote:
         | Hah that meme collection is awesome. Wish we can see them all
         | at once though, I had to refresh a lot.
           | cushychicken wrote:
           | If you email me at fpga.rtl.jobs@gmail.com I'll zip the
           | folder and send it to you.
         | stevesearer wrote:
         | I find the same for my projects.
         | I usually get them just far enough to work well, but the time
         | commitment ends up becoming a grind for the more advanced
         | features that are just out of my memory wheelhouse.
         | I recently figured I was stuck with an Elasticsearch feature
         | since I didn't know what to google. ChatGPT got it working in
         | 3-4 prompts with me feeding error messages to it.
         | So I'm finding that I'm not only faster, but have new skills
         | and can make features that were impossible before due to time
         | commitment/ grind limitations.
           | cushychicken wrote:
           | It's soooo cool and soooo much more fun.
           | I enjoyed the hunt and peck of figuring out features one step
           | at a time when I started, but my wife and I had a baby in
           | Jan, so my long stretches of dev and debug time have gotten
           | muuuuuch shorter.
           | I've become that guy who needs results, and _fast_.
           | I have become... Management. :,)
             | stevesearer wrote:
             | It kind of feels like when I first started goofing around
             | editing html or css colors and how much fun that was and
             | how much power that felt like it gave.
         | tenkabuto wrote:
         | Are there any resources you'd recommend for learning how to
         | build Django features with ChatGPT? Reading your message and
         | some of the replies is the first time I've felt interested in
         | using ChatGPT.
       | elptacek wrote:
       | This tracks. As a gardener, you also have to be comfortable with
       | things dying and general risks caused by events that are beyond
       | your control. The weather, municipalities trying to kill
       | mosquitoes and inadvertently killing pollinators, fauna that are
       | hungrier than you are... the list is pretty long. It feels
       | roughly the same to write 10K lines of code and then walk away
       | from it when things don't work out.
         | willismichael wrote:
         | Thanks for saying this. I'm trying cold frame gardening for the
         | first time this year. My plants were doing really well, but
         | this week I didn't keep as close a watch on it. My spinach and
         | lettuce completely dried up. The peas and radishes are still
         | really happy, so at least it's not a total loss.
           | elptacek wrote:
           | Losing plants is still a bummer. I think I average over my
           | lifetime ~60/40 for survive/die over here. The soil here is
           | hard clay, which is not helped by decades of previous owners
           | mowing the grass and setting the clippings out for
           | collection. I've seen plants slowly push up and die because
           | the roots couldn't work into the soil. Even with nearly 2
           | decades of amendment, it's nowhere near ideal. Weeds don't
           | seem to mind, though. Funny how that works.
       (page generated 2023-04-29 23:00 UTC)