[HN Gopher] Show HN: ReRender AI - Realistic Architectural Rende...
       Show HN: ReRender AI - Realistic Architectural Renders for
       AutoCAD/Blender Users
       Author : eddieweng
       Score  : 48 points
       Date   : 2023-05-06 09:15 UTC (13 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (rerenderai.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (rerenderai.com)
       | seu wrote:
       | None of the renders from their examples look "photorealistic" to
       | me, rather "sci-fi/cyberpunk themed, high contrasted, high-
       | quality videogame renderer".
         | seu wrote:
         | (I mean, their title is "Photorealistic Renders for Buildings")
       | dangond wrote:
       | What's the use case here? I assume a render with entirely
       | different materials than will be present in the actual building
       | is near useless for architects, but maybe I'm missing something?
         | rapiz wrote:
         | Agree.Maybe users with sketch in their hand are more interested
         | in using this tool. I'm not a designer but I suppose people
         | using Blender/AutoCAD already know what material/style they
         | want.
         | jsheard wrote:
         | There's bigger problems than just materials, the renders invent
         | whole architectural features that don't exist in the source
         | material. Windows and doors appear out of nothing, ambiguous
         | features are guessed arbitrarily, and some features that do
         | exist in the source are ignored and smoothed over.
         | It's the usual story with AI image generation where it's easy
         | to get something vaguely presentable with a loose set of vibes,
         | but the more specific you want the details to be the more of an
         | uphill struggle it becomes to get what you want. And in this
         | case the user probably already has a 3D model they can feed
         | into a conventional renderer with the exact parameters they
         | want.
         | Another issue is that the user will probably want to produce
         | multiple renders of the same building, but with AI it's
         | extremely difficult to get consistent results. Again, not an
         | issue with conventional approaches to rendering.
       | [deleted]
       | TonyBagODonuts wrote:
       | Can we get this as an autocad addon?
         | eddieweng wrote:
         | Perhaps later on. At the moment, we're focused on enhancing the
         | product.
       | KidComputer wrote:
       | What additional benefit do you bring over just running ControlNet
       | myself?
         | speedgoose wrote:
         | It looks like it uses a neat custom model and it's probably
         | easier to setup.
       | westurner wrote:
       | Different but the same problem: "Generate a heat sink heat
       | exchanger with maximum efficiency, shaped like a passive solar
       | home"
       | TIL from off-gridders and homesteaders about passive solar design
       | so that the air moves through the home without HVAC (compared
       | with high rise buildings where it is necessary to pump water up
       | like a gravitational potential water tower.)
       | Does ReRender AI have features for _sustainable_ architecture?
       | Prompt: "Design a passive solar high-rise building with maximal
       | energy storage and production"
       | Notes from "Zero energy ready homes are coming" (2023)
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35064493
         | eddieweng wrote:
         | ReRender AI focuses on rendering, not sustainable design
         | features. Architects must incorporate sustainability
         | themselves. However, the AI can visually represent a passive
         | solar high-rise if provided with the necessary design elements.
       | villgax wrote:
       | FreeCAD is in dire need of a UI overhaul.
       | Either merge into blender or take up some RTX rendering chops
       | from them!
       | canadiantim wrote:
       | Can I take floor plans and get renders from just that?
       | I'm just trying to design a home right now actually. Played with
       | sketchup to assist, but I'm prly going to try and so sketches and
       | use ai to render for me if that's viable.
       | But being able to get realistic renders from just floor plans is
       | the holy grail. Please let me know if this is viable at all with
       | rerednerai
       | Looks great tho, congrats
         | reckless wrote:
         | I'd recommend Sweethome3D to trace the floorplan and then you
         | can export it as a .obj to a program like Twinmotion to do
         | visualisation and lighting with pathtracing etc.
           | canadiantim wrote:
           | That's a really awesome recommendation, thank you! I'll give
           | that a go
       (page generated 2023-05-06 23:01 UTC)