[HN Gopher] Ink: React for interactive command-line apps
       Ink: React for interactive command-line apps
       Author : thunderbong
       Score  : 355 points
       Date   : 2023-05-08 16:46 UTC (6 hours ago)
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       | bilalq wrote:
       | The same tired, disparaging comments for anything done in JS get
       | pretty annoying. No, there are not 1000+ dependencies. The entire
       | transitive closure _with_ dev dependencies comes down to 42
       | dependencies total. Is that a lot? Maybe, but there is value
       | here.
       | As someone who's authored many CLI tools in the past, libraries
       | like oclif, ink, inquirer, etc were game changers. A little
       | overhead for UX rendering is not material to the performance for
       | many CLI tools. The actual byte streaming/processing and any
       | network calls dwarf the handful of milliseconds you could save by
       | rendering in some more "optimized" way.
       | Being able to render visualizations, handle user input
       | interactions, and responsively re-render are very useful things.
         | [deleted]
       | bweitzman wrote:
       | Pretty neat. I adapted the state management of hooks to Haskell a
       | few years ago. Could be used for similar purposes, but there's no
       | support for templating or styling yet:
       | https://github.com/benweitzman/hooks
       | Brendinooo wrote:
       | I used this a couple of years ago to build a little CLI tool to
       | monitor a subreddit that people use to sell a commodity. It was
       | fun to work with!
       | aloer wrote:
       | I recently used Ink to build a small debugging CLI for a
       | websocket-heavy project of mine. All it does is subscribe to a
       | specific channel and print out the message or send dummy data
       | when I press a specific button. The frontend websocket code could
       | be reused easily so it was very fast to do.
       | Very convenient to run multiple terminals as multiple clients in
       | parallel. Much nicer at least than something like Postman for
       | Websocket tests.
       | Full screen took some time to get right and still flickers when
       | using iterm 2. But it does work on the apple terminal and for now
       | I am happy with that.
       | My only issue is that Ink does not support nested rendering /
       | overlays, i.e. modals.
         | latchkey wrote:
         | > I recently used Ink to build a small debugging CLI for a
         | websocket-heavy project of mine.
         | why not just write tests?
         | i'm getting super down voted on this, but come on... why? this
         | person built some buggy utility and those bugs can end up
         | causing more problems than just writing tests in the first
         | place.
         | no wonder we end up with such buggy junk software... people...
         | write tests!
           | amne wrote:
           | I would argue that, based on my experience, most of the code
           | I'm debugging is not my code so it really doesn't matter how
           | many tests I write because the problem is I misunderstood how
           | a library or someone else's code I'm using works or there's a
           | bug I can't find just with tests.
             | verdverm wrote:
             | You're writing code against other's code, the UI seems like
             | overhead over when you can just have a script that can
             | effectively do the same thing.
             | There is a term called "blackbox testing", which is more or
             | less what we do for 3rd party code | services anyway.
           | aobdev wrote:
           | Automated testing and debugging are not the same
             | latchkey wrote:
             | I didn't say anything about automated.
             | 99% of the time, I debug using tests. You write the
             | expected output and then fill in the implementation. If you
             | don't get what you expect, something is wrong with your
             | code and it is easy to run it in the debugger to figure out
             | what is wrong.
             | At the end of that, you end up with a test and some code
             | that works.
             | Other people call this TDD.
               | verdverm wrote:
               | most of the time, I write a small amount of code to work
               | through or debug other's code. It's much easier to be
               | consistent and capture more workflow in a script. Later
               | this can be turned into tests or interfaces. Early on,
               | the script offers much better visibility by typically
               | having access to a debugger
               | hitchdev wrote:
               | [dead]
           | aloer wrote:
           | Not everything can or should be a codified test. There's a
           | reason postman is a billion dollar product.
           | Just not as good for websockets
           | Ink allowed me to quickly add a simple admin and debug UI
             | vanviegen wrote:
             | > There's a reason postman is a billion dollar product
             | I guess so, but is it a good reason? It's a fancy ui for
             | curl...!?
           | throwaway675309 wrote:
           | Building a simple debugging tool to monitor your program for
           | possible inconsistently reproducible bugs and having unit
           | tests are _not_ mutually exclusive concept. You 're getting
           | downvoted because you're making condescending assumptions
           | about the developer.
           | ajkjk wrote:
           | that's not what they wanted to do?
       | xrd wrote:
       | I tried this a long time ago when I was in love with react. It
       | felt difficult to wrap my head around the yoga layout engine. I'm
       | glad others here in this thread seem to like yoga, but I didn't.
       | And, now I really dislike react for various reasons.
       | I would use this if I needed to write a command line app with
       | nodejs:
       | https://github.com/chjj/blessed
         | lucideer wrote:
         | Alas
         | https://github.com/chjj/blessed/issues/418#issuecomment-1533...
         | I considered blessed for a recent project, but ended up just
         | simplifying the approach & making do with Inquirer + Meow
         | instead due to the maintenance status. Haven't found anything
         | else equivalent to blessed, other than Ink.
       | travisd wrote:
       | Curious to know -- how do these kinds of things affect
       | accessibility for visually impaired people? If you're using a
       | screenreader, do these kinds of things work?
       | swarfield wrote:
       | It's really cool, I've used it before and it's super easy.
       | wstone wrote:
       | I love Ink. Made a game with it:
       | https://www.npmjs.com/package/5dice
       | nicoburns wrote:
       | There is also Rink, a Rust port of Ink that uses Dioxus instead
       | of React for the high-level API
       | https://github.com/DioxusLabs/dioxus/tree/master/packages/ri...
       | WorldMaker wrote:
       | It might be interesting to see less Flexbox and more CSS Grid
       | support. I think that would make certain styles of TUIs like the
       | Midnight Commander style apps easier to build.
         | nicoburns wrote:
         | I maintain a library (https://github.com/DioxusLabs/taffy) that
         | implements both Flexbox and CSS Grid and is designed to be
         | easily embedded (similar to Yoga, which Ink is using), if
         | anyone wants add CSS Grid support to their app/framework.
       | seanp2k2 wrote:
       | Back in my day, we had curses and we liked it.
         | verdverm wrote:
         | dev hipsters rule the day, we rue the day
       | DLA wrote:
       | Just what I was looking for, 1000+ JS dependencies and Yoga's
       | deps to make a CLI app. Nope. Hard pass. But, I do love the
       | concept of components for CLIs. I've had much success with the
       | Charm set of tools for CLIs with Go (https://charm.sh).
         | evan_ wrote:
         | > Yoga's deps
         | ah yes, all zero of them
         | https://www.npmjs.com/package/yoga-wasm-web?activeTab=depend...
       | h1fra wrote:
       | Everytime I see this project I'm flabbergasted (in a very good
       | way) that we can achieve this.
       | I wish Node was portable, it would definitely be far more
       | superior than GO CLIs that lacks this kind of features.
         | garfij wrote:
         | A sibling comment points at
         | https://github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea as a Go alternative
         | with a similar architecture
         | mofle wrote:
         | Node.js now supports generating self-contained binaries:
         | https://nodejs.org/api/single-executable-applications.html
           | h1fra wrote:
           | oh wow, amazing news. Still experimental, but very exciting!
           | thanks for sharing
       | kelseyfrog wrote:
       | Yoga is a great choice for layout here. In my own terminal-based
       | projects, I was initially worried that there would be a mismatch
       | between its intended use (pixel-based layout) and the chunkiness
       | of character-based layout in terminal apps, but I was happily
       | proven wrong. Yoga is a great choice for laying out terminal
       | apps.
       | I wish there was as nice a library for cascading style sheets in
       | terminal apps, but we can't have it all.
         | blooalien wrote:
         | > I wish there was as nice a library for cascading style sheets
         | in terminal apps, but we can't have it all.
         | In Python we have Will McGugan's "Textual" framework which
         | supports a form of CSS designed specifically for terminal apps.
           | lrobinovitch wrote:
           | Similarly there is Lipgloss for the Go ecosystem
       | shane_b wrote:
       | this is very good library that i was a little nervous about at
       | first but i used it to build a custom command line tool for my
       | business and it's helped so much. it's also very easy to create
       | fancy cli features that make it feel like a real application.
       | dang wrote:
       | Related:
       |  _Ink: React for interactive command-line apps_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14831961 - July 2017 (42
       | comments)
       | paxys wrote:
       | This looks amazing. Can anyone talk about the added overhead of
       | this? I'm assuming having to bundle all of Node.js/V8 in your
       | executable is one of them. Plus extra processing to re-render the
       | tree for changes.
       | I'm wondering if this is worth it to use for very simple CLI
       | scenarios that can be addressed by more lightweight libraries
       | like Cobra. Maybe so your client-side business logic can stay
       | more unified?
       | It's also really funny to me that what is considered the absolute
       | simplest use case in programming - write a program that outputs a
       | line of text to the console - is still not free from the
       | Node/npm/React experience.
         | pzmarzly wrote:
         | > I'm assuming having to bundle all of Node.js/V8 in your
         | executable is one of them
         | I guess you could expect Linux distros to come with Node
         | (though it's probably a quite dated release). Looking at
         | standalone binaries, both bun.sh and Node.js are about 30MB. In
         | comparison, Python 3.10 is 9MB and starts slower than bun but
         | faster than Node. Bundling is easy too, you can take a loot at
         | vercel/pkg https://github.com/vercel/pkg
           | bombolo wrote:
           | well node is 30mb but then you need another 30 of js
           | dependencies most likely.
             | pzmarzly wrote:
             | You should tree-shake your imports. And in case of Node, it
             | exposes V8 internals to generate bytecode, so you can
             | compile your code - then you don't even need to ship it as
             | text
         | lmm wrote:
         | > I'm wondering if this is worth it to use for very simple CLI
         | scenarios that can be addressed by more lightweight libraries
         | like Cobra. Maybe so your client-side business logic can stay
         | more unified?
         | I'd say yes. Performance will be "good enough". Disk space use
         | or whatever other nonsense HN people love to fret about will be
         | "good enough". And the gains from reusing the same stack
         | everywhere are worth it. I used to think writing little helper
         | scripts in a JVM language (Scala) was an unacceptable overhead,
         | then I realised how low the practical cost was.
         | paulddraper wrote:
         | > write a program that outputs a line of text to the console
         | Stating the obvious, but if you are outputting a line of text
         | to the console, don't use this.
           | paxys wrote:
           | Why is that obvious? That was exactly my question.
           | For example using React to generate a simple "hello, world"
           | style website is overkill but not totally unthinkable. Is it
           | worse for the CLI case?
             | paulddraper wrote:
             | Not unthinkable, but equally dumb.
             | <!doctype HTML><html><body>Hello World</body></html>
             | console.log("Hello World")
             | This is for _interactive_ CLI.
         | PragmaticPulp wrote:
         | > Can anyone talk about the added overhead of this? I'm
         | assuming having to bundle all of Node.js/V8 in your executable
         | is one of them.
         | The primary use case for this would be CLI apps that are
         | already written in JS or TypeScript.
         | Trying to use this as a front-end for a CLI app written in a
         | different language isn't impossible, but it's a lot of extra
         | work. You'd be better off looking for a similar CLI library in
         | the language you're already using.
         | kokanee wrote:
         | React kind of reminds me of English. It is ubiquitous for
         | reasons that essentially boil down to imperialism. It imposes
         | at least as many problems as it solves. There is ample evidence
         | that we were getting along fine (if not better) without it. At
         | some point it became the only language many young people know.
         | And if React is like English, then using it to write a CLI is
         | like using Webster's dictionary to translate hieroglyphs.
       | thih9 wrote:
       | How does it deal with more complex refresh actions? E.g., the
       | online jest demo blinks a lot [1]; is that expected? Are there
       | workarounds?
       | [1]: https://replit.com/@vadimdemedes/ink-jest-demo (tested in
       | safari mobile)
       | newah1 wrote:
       | very cool, I'll remember this for my next project in the CLI
         | tommy_axle wrote:
         | I'll need to try Ink but you were also able to do this with
         | react + blessed via https://github.com/Yomguithereal/react-
         | blessed
       | toppy wrote:
       | For Golang there is Bubbletea [1], Textual [2] for Python and
       | tui-rs for Rust [3].
       | [1] https://github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea
       | [2] https://github.com/textualize/textual
       | [3] https://github.com/fdehau/tui-rs
         | EddieRingle wrote:
         | There's also Mosaic, which is an experiment of sorts to build
         | console UI using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose:
         | https://github.com/JakeWharton/mosaic
         | fbdab103 wrote:
         | Is tui-rs actively maintained? Currently 52 outstanding pull
         | requests and last commit was ~9 months ago.
           | azemetre wrote:
           | It has been forked and actively maintained on [1] ratatui
           | crate.
           | You can see this discussion post about it [2].
           | [1] https://github.com/tui-rs-revival/ratatui
           | [2] https://github.com/fdehau/tui-rs/issues/654
             | xixixao wrote:
             | Just FYI that neither use React or anything close to it,
             | they follow the "immediate" rendering approach.
               | nicoburns wrote:
               | Dioxus (https://github.com/dioxuslabs/dioxus) is pretty
               | React like, and has a TUI rendering mode.
         | midoBB wrote:
         | I highly recommend Bubbletea. I used it for an internal tool,
         | and it combined with Viper makes an easy-to-use TUI application
         | development easy. Though it uses an approach more similar to
         | Elm than to React.
       | beebeepka wrote:
       | I guess I am not a visionary because this makes zero sense to me.
       | I guess anything react related receives points simply for
       | existing
       | FpUser wrote:
       | Give it another 30 years and they will "invent" Turbo Vision
       | MuffinFlavored wrote:
       | Is there really a good reason in 2023 to have an interactive
       | command line app? I've seen apps that at least maybe display a
       | web server on localhost and then interact with it through the
       | browser
       | Or Electron, etc.
       | I feel like command-line is alienating (deliberately, obviously)
       | a huge portion of potential users. It basically guarantees
       | whatever you made will only get used by tinkerers and not anybody
       | serious (like if I have to pass a proof of concept pet project
       | along to my manager, terminal might make it a non-starter 85% of
       | the time)
         | pmarreck wrote:
         | The end-user of these things is not manager types... and that
         | is both OK, and probably part of the point.
         | I personally love the growth of fancy, responsive TUI's. SSH-
         | friendliness is a huge feature IMHO.
         | bstar77 wrote:
         | Just look at the "Who's using Ink?" section and that will
         | answer your question.
         | paxys wrote:
         | 1. Command line UIs are still an order of magnitude easier to
         | build than even the most basic web page.
         | 2. Every app doesn't have to target every user in the world.
         | There is an entire category of developer-focused tooling that
         | is very suitable for the command line.
         | 3. There are plenty of contexts where the command line is the
         | only interface available.
           | mhink wrote:
           | > Command line UIs are still an order of magnitude easier to
           | build than even the most basic web page.
           | I think by "interactive command-line apps", parent commenter
           | is talking more about "TUI applications" like e.g. `htop` or
           | `vim`- which are persistent/interactive and treat the
           | terminal as an interactive, 2d canvas _into which_ they
           | render the program content. As opposed to what I 'd call
           | "normal" CLI applications, which typically render output and
           | expect user input on a line-by-line basis. (Like most REPLs,
           | or the various ctl programs like `kubectl`, `pgctl`, etc.)
         | interroboink wrote:
         | > tinkerers and not anybody serious
         | Counterpoint: tinkerers have a lot of overlap with the
         | "serious" users for many CLI apps. People who want no-frills
         | functionality. People who want things to run over N-deep nested
         | SSH hops. Y'know, "unix-y" people (:
         | I use things like ncdu and vim on remote non-graphical systems
         | all the time, for instance.
         | Though I do agree that non-interactive is the _primary_ use-
         | case for most CLI stuff.
         | graypegg wrote:
         | Yes definitely. Being able to easily access them via a remote
         | shell is a killer feature IMO. Being able to pipe + automate is
         | useful too if used non-interactively.
           | MuffinFlavored wrote:
           | > Being able to easily access them via a remote shell is a
           | killer feature IMO
           | You mean like being able to access a web page?
             | graypegg wrote:
             | Hah, that is a fair point.
             | wolletd wrote:
             | I have systems that have no web server and don't need one
             | and adding one would add complexity and potential security
             | risks to the system. Administration is only done via SSH.
             | There are just situations where the question goes the other
             | way around: Is there any need for _more_ than a command
             | line interface? No. Anyone competent enough to do anything
             | meaningful on that server is also capable of doing it via
             | command line.
               | int_19h wrote:
               | Thing is, if you can establish an SSH connection to the
               | target machine, you can easily tunnel HTTP over that. And
               | it doesn't need to have a dedicated web server service
               | for that; the app can embed a localhost-only HTTP server
               | directly.
               | One could argue that this is extra complexity... but I
               | don't think this argument flies in comparison to "React
               | for CLI", especially once you take into account all the
               | dependencies.
               | MuffinFlavored wrote:
               | I don't disagree with you, I'm just devil's
               | advocating/showing an alternative viewpoint:
               | > Is there any need for _more_ than a command line
               | interface?
               | Reworded: is there any need to make this harder to access
               | than the equivalent of:
               | * kube-forwarder + open Chrome to http://localhost:3000
               | * ssh -L ...
               | * ngrok ...
               | wolletd wrote:
               | From my point of view, I'm not actively making it harder,
               | I just don't make it as simple.
               | My development process usually starts in the terminal, as
               | I am a terminal user and do iterative development there
               | as well as tinkering with system interfaces.
               | A CLI is the natural first product of my development.
               | Building a web interface is additional work. Also, it's
               | been a decade since I have written any reasonable web
               | frontend.
               | Granted, it's not a real TUI with curses and stuff, but I
               | like to do some eye-candy with escape sequences. Because
               | I am the most frequent user of my tools and I always like
               | seeing something I deliberately made look good. :)
               | codetrotter wrote:
               | All of the things you listed are still additional steps
               | compared to just ssh and run the cli tool. Web UIs are
               | nice too, for some things. But for many things, for at
               | lot of us, the cli is where it's at. And that is where it
               | will continue to be.
               | We use Web UIs for some things, and cli tools for other
               | things.
         | lost_tourist wrote:
         | * lower bandwidth
         | * easier to write
         | * great if you use terminal only remote
         | * likely faster keyboard interaction when you get used to it.
         | At least that has been my take on the situation
       | gofreddygo wrote:
       | "Ink" and "interactive" in the same sentence has a strong
       | association in my mind for Inkle's Ink [1]
       | [1]: https://www.inklestudios.com/ink/
         | pimlottc wrote:
         | This was my immediate first thought as well, I thought it was
         | perhaps a React-based implementation of this existing product.
       | pranshuchittora wrote:
       | Glad to see this lib on #1. I have built a CLI tool called
       | Autarky a long long time back
       | https://github.com/pranshuchittora/autarky.
       | Ink is great to get bare minimums up and running, but the
       | capabilities are quite limited and you can't build full blown
       | interactive dashboards with this like HTOP etc.
       | koromak wrote:
       | Wow, those are some big names. Never heard of this before, very
       | cool.
       | claytongulick wrote:
       | [flagged]
       | Shorel wrote:
       | Why would it be called Ink if it doesn't recognize my laptop's
       | pen?
       | It makes no sense, just more search engine noise.
       | FYI: I use the pen with a gnome app called Write, in Ubuntu
       | 22.04.
         | thiht wrote:
         | It's like how Firefox doesn't have anything to do with foxes or
         | fire, wtf
       | enricozb wrote:
       | I tried (and sort of failed) to build something like this for
       | rust [0] (warning it's broken at the moment).
       | It's a lot harder than I expected. Especially since the terminal
       | has no notion of focus, and with Rust it's really hard to not
       | just clone everything you get your hands on when writing a UI
       | library. The borrow checker really feels like it gets in the way
       | of features like signals [1], and partial re-renders.
       | [0]: https://docs.rs/intuitive/latest/intuitive/ [1]:
       | https://preactjs.com/guide/v10/signals/
       | jacobp100 wrote:
       | Very glad to see gap support added. I was playing around with a
       | fork to add it, but didn't get much time to polish it up
       | brundolf wrote:
       | Very neat idea. I love how decoupled React is from the different
       | renderers, and how well its paradigm of "render a tree of things
       | that updates as state changes" translates to different kinds of
       | UIs
         | mhink wrote:
         | One of my favorite side projects (from several years ago now)
         | was a custom renderer implementation that let one use React to
         | manage the parts of an Electron app _outside_ the page being
         | rendered. [1] I never found the time to actually go through and
         | make it robust enough to use in a production setting, but I
         | remember being very pleased with how much easier it was to use
         | than the native Electron APIs.
         | Maybe I'll revisit this sometime. :)
         | 1: https://github.com/mhink/react-ionize
           | brundolf wrote:
           | Hah, that's pretty cool!
         | blackbear_ wrote:
         | React is indeed really neat. At the same time, however, I miss
         | the visual drag & drop GUI designers that were in vogue a few
         | decades ago. HTML and CSS are the tragedy of modern UI design.
           | manojlds wrote:
           | That's what a lot of low code platforms are trying to
           | achieve.
           | kaeland wrote:
           | Try CLOG, https://github.com/rabbibotton/clog
           | seanp2k2 wrote:
           | I view the rise of React and especially Electron as the
           | failure of things like GTK, Qt, and e.g. Swing to make a
           | useable cross-platform GUI toolkit that isn't a total
           | nightmare to work with / compile / debug / install /
           | package...it's literally easier to ship [most of] an entire
           | web browser instead. That's insane to me.
           | lockhouse wrote:
           | The drag and drop GUI designers used to work because most
           | people were using screens that were approximately the same
           | size and resolution for the most part back then. That is no
           | longer the case today when there is pressure to support
           | everything from a smart watch all the way up to a UHD 4K
           | monitor or TV. Fixed layouts are also much more difficult to
           | localize and translate to other languages than modern layout
           | systems.
             | Cthulhu_ wrote:
             | And yet, I found Apple's Interface Builder to work pretty
             | well, for apps that should work on phones and tablets in
             | both portrait and landscape mode.
             | Mind you, this was a long time ago now.
               | nathancahill wrote:
               | Apple's IB used a constraint-based layout by default. It
               | was a fairly novel idea at the time. HTML was ill-suited
               | for that until flexbox/grid came along.
               | pcl wrote:
               | Yeah, it's stunning how many UIs fit within their struts
               | and springs model, and how well they model scales to
               | resolution changes.
           | WorldMaker wrote:
           | It's one of those "grass is greener on the other side"
           | situations.
           | I'm currently bouncing back and forth between VB6 and
           | HTML/CSS and yeah sometimes it is nice to just quickly drag
           | something into place, but other times I really wish I could
           | just use a layout system like CSS Grid (or Flexbox) and give
           | it all the items I need and let it figure out how to lay it
           | out.
           | For instance, recently I had to edit some "tables" in VB6
           | that turned out to have been hand-drawn with pixel-perfect
           | lines and changes were incredibly slow and I would have
           | murdered for that to be in HTML/CSS.
           | Sometimes I like (and miss) the best of both worlds in XAML
           | where it has drag-and-drop design tools, but also the copy-
           | and-paste and handwrite support of XML, and it has modern
           | layout tools like Grids for auto-layouts/responsive layouts.
             | Shorel wrote:
             | The grid system of wxWidgets also works like that.
             | It has drag-and-drop design tools, and copy-paste, and it
             | can be written programmatically.
             | So the best of both worlds exists, and it is just not used
             | enough.
             | wxWidgets has Python bindings.
             | jalk wrote:
             | And you can search/diff the pure text representation which
             | is a major plus as well. I absolutely hate the workflow of
             | constantly moving the mouse back and forth between the
             | visual components and some gigantic property panel sitting
             | at the edge of the window (index-finger programming).
             | Floating windows are even worse, as they always seem to get
             | in the way, so now also spend time on window ceremony
             | (moving / resizing the "floaters"). In graphics
             | tools(InkScape for instance) I almost always move objects
             | around using the cursor keys as my mouse based positioning
             | skills are just not accurate enough (and I know that I'm
             | not the only one)
             | Anybody have good examples of tools (graphics editors for
             | instance) that has a good alternative to that clunky
             | property pane?
           | rcme wrote:
           | Have you tried WebFlow?
           | holoduke wrote:
           | I worked with many different UI kits. From native windows to
           | Ubuntu to automotive to embedded to Android to Apple. I find
           | HTML and css by far the most convenient UI toolkit there is.
           | Never have creating UIs been so easy as with css. A relief it
           | is.
           | kamikaz1k wrote:
           | you can use drag and drop GUI builders on top of react.
           | there's been a lot of attempts at that. a significant recent
           | effort from Wix: https://www.codux.com/
       | Alifatisk wrote:
       | I am both afraid and impressed.
         | vanjajaja1 wrote:
         | same, I can't decide if this clever and going in the right
         | direction, or solving the wrong problem the wrong way. very
         | unique, either way
           | brabel wrote:
           | Check the list of apps using it.
           | This one got my attention:
           | https://github.com/sindresorhus/emoj
           | I do use emojipedia.org quite often, so I must admit I find
           | this would be quite useful :D. But the thought of having a
           | framework like React powering this behind the scenes, right
           | on my freaking terminal, makes me think that there's no hope
           | for future generations to keep software development simple,
           | "lean" for the foreseeable future. Imagine using 100MB to
           | search for emojis.
           | [deleted]
         | nitwit005 wrote:
         | It's sort of impressive, but feels like it'd take more time to
         | figure out than to make your app work using the "raw" nodejs
         | tty and readline APIs.
         | lost_tourist wrote:
         | Honestly react seems a bit heavy for this when a lot of much
         | lighter alternatives are out there
       | dingosity wrote:
       | kill it. kill it with fire.
       | though to be fair, ncurses isn't a joy to work with.
         | robertoandred wrote:
         | Why kill it? What's wrong with CLI interfaces?
           | retrocryptid wrote:
           | There's nothing wrong with CLIs. Emulating the idiocy of HTML
           | in the terminal window is... suboptimal.
           | (n)curses isn't great, but the joy of ncurses is it's so bad
           | you know you need to replace it (or more likely layer
           | something on top of it.)
             | jitl wrote:
             | This seems to be much nicer than ncurses, since it's a
             | declarative interface rather than an imperative one.
             | Outside of Flexbox, there's nothing HMTL-specific in the
             | API. An XML-like syntax is used because UI on most
             | platforms is conceived as an ordered tree structure, such
             | as Windows (XAML), Apple (XIB), Android, and Web (HTML).
             | The built-in components are all conceived as TTY-native
             | ideas, not as HTML concepts:                   <Text>
             | <Box>         <Newline>         <Spacer>         <Static>
             | <Transform>
             | robertoandred wrote:
             | React isn't HTML.
               | lwansbrough wrote:
               | Holy semantics. JSX is based on XML, which HTML is also
               | based on. I think GP just hates React and JSX, which is
               | valid.
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