[HN Gopher] Windmill: Open-source developer platform to turn scr...
       Windmill: Open-source developer platform to turn scripts into
       workflows and UIs
       Author : InitEnabler
       Score  : 157 points
       Date   : 2023-05-12 18:20 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | nico wrote:
       | Would love a Jupyter or chat style interface for producing the
       | scripts, from within the platform
       | Amazing concept, thank you
         | rubenfiszel wrote:
         | We have someone from our team working on exactly this. We will
         | release that feature in the following months.
         | sisve wrote:
         | I actually got codeium to work on windmill today trough their
         | chrome extension. the extension lets you whitelist sites to
         | work on. They do not offer a chat interface yet for the chrome
         | extensions but they do have it on other integrations they
         | provide. So I would not be surprised if they got it on the
         | chrome extension also, at least if it turns out to be popular.
       | rubenfiszel wrote:
       | Hello, founder here. Thank you for submitting Windmill. We're
       | really close from hitting v2 (adding multiplayer with yjs is our
       | last milestone) and would have waited a bit before submitting but
       | here we go.
       | We are fully open-source (AGPLv3) with just one ee plugin for
       | syncing the cache of the workers at large scale (more on that
       | below). You can deploy it on a small ec2 instance with our
       | docker-compose or on very large clusters with our helm charts:
       | https://docs.windmill.dev/docs/advanced/self_host
       | We are an onion of 3 layers, which are usually separated
       | verticals and the closest services we replace in each vertical
       | are: Lambda + n8n/temporal + Retool:
       | - Workers implemented in Rust that can run any scripts from
       | source in python/typescript(deno)/go/bash. They are extremely
       | efficient, with most typescript scripts being able to run in 40ms
       | e2e. This can be seen as a self-hosted lambda except it works
       | very differently. Lambdas spawn microvms using firecracker and
       | launch http servers within those micro-vms. We run the scripts
       | bare (with isolation using nsjail on our multi-tenant instance)
       | but cache very aggressively the dependencies. For instance, in
       | python we analyze the dependencies using the AST:
       | https://github.com/windmill-labs/windmill/blob/main/backend/...,
       | infer the dependencies from there, have them go through pip-
       | compile to generate a lockfile (and cache the result), then
       | create a pathset similar to how virtualenv behave with the
       | version of each dependency locked. For typescript, we leverage
       | the very well made immutable deno cache. The cache works well but
       | if you scale your cluster to more than 10 workers, the likelihood
       | of having your worker see dependencies for the first time
       | increase, which is why we reimplemented a pip scheme backed by s3
       | that is extremely fast (we do not compress, just tar individual
       | wheels and s3 is very fast on local networks). For all the
       | supported languages, we parse the signatures of the main function
       | to infer the corresponding json schema of the payload to trigger
       | them, and from that jsonschema we can then generate automatically
       | the UI and infer the input shape required in the flows for that
       | particular step.
       | - A workflow engine re-implemented from scratch which can be seen
       | as a distributed FSM and whose state is stored in postgresql and
       | every transition done through postgres transactions. Every worker
       | is picking a job and progressing the fsm at completion. The full
       | spec is at: https://docs.windmill.dev/docs/openflow. We support
       | branches, for loop, suspend/sleep, approval steps, sharing the
       | same folder between steps and everything you would expect from a
       | temporal like engine (retries, error handlers).
       | - A dashboard/app builder that is very similar to Retool but much
       | faster because it's implemented in Svelte and which can also run
       | python scripts directly leveraging the 1st layer. We also support
       | full react apps: https://github.com/windmill-labs/windmill-react-
       | template
       | We have a CLI that allows you to sync from github directly:
       | https://github.com/windmill-labs/windmill-sync-example or your
       | local filesystem. Our scripts are absolutely normal scripts so
       | there is no lock-in, and they are executable locally
       | https://docs.windmill.dev/docs/advanced/local_development so you
       | do not have to use our webeditor if you do not want to but our
       | editor supports pyright and deno lsp through our dedicated
       | backend communicating to monaco using websockets.
       | We also support worker groups to run some jobs on hardware
       | accelerated machines (GPU) and a lot of other features (oauth
       | syncing of the resources, schedules, granular permissioning,
       | groups and folders).
       | Every script/flow deployed has a dedicated webhook endpoint to
       | run synchronously and asynchronously. Scripts are never
       | overwritten, they keep a lineage of hash for each version and
       | have per-hash dedicated webhook to ensure their behavior never
       | change.
       | We also have a hub for sharing re-usable scripts
       | https://hub.windmill.dev to be used in flows to have some of the
       | same convenience you can find in Pipedream or Zapier.
       | Our closest alternative would be Airplane.dev, but they're not
       | open-source, not self-hostable air-gapped, less performant, less-
       | featured and much more expensive. You can self-host us fully
       | free.
       | We are used in production at scale in clusters of 50 nodes+ and
       | thanks to the reliability of Rust and Postgresql have had no
       | downtime to report.
       | I'm a solo founder, YC S22. The MVP got some attention at the
       | very beginning: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31272793 but
       | was very bare. Now we're ready to bring this to the next level
       | and enable all engineers to spend more time building and less
       | time reinventing the wheel thanks to it :)
         | EMIRELADERO wrote:
         | Your product sounds extremely great! I'm hooked!
         | One nitpick: In my humble opinon, you should switch from
         | Discord chat to Zulip.
         | It's completely open-source (Apache 2, self-hostable, free full
         | cloud plan for open-source projects) and has an excellent
         | threads-first (called "topics" model): https://zulip.com/why-
         | zulip/
         | It can run fully in the browser, but it has desktop and mobile
         | clients as well.
         | It also supports public channels which AFAIK discord doesn't.
         | So you can link to specific messages inside a GitHub issue and
         | anyone who doesn't even have an account can see the relevant
         | messages and context.
         | Interestingly it's what the Rust language team (and community)
         | uses for comms: https://rust-lang.zulipchat.com
         | (I'm not affiliated in any way with Zulip btw, I just love the
         | product)
           | rubenfiszel wrote:
           | I'm very tempted and agree that Zulip sounds much better than
           | Discord. The only thing I'm a little bit worried about is
           | that I have noticed that most people hate having multiple
           | chat clients open and that discord seem to be the de factor
           | standards for open source projects. I apologize to be
           | contributing to the network effect and will strongly consider
           | switching to Zulip.
             | EMIRELADERO wrote:
             | That's a great response, thank you!
             | As a sidenote: is the windmill hub open-source too? Does it
             | make use of the base product to operate? I think it might
             | be a good candidate for showing what your product is
             | capable of, as an actual example of use in production
               | rubenfiszel wrote:
               | Windmill Hub is not open-source, not because we want to
               | keep it private but because I wrote it a bit quickly
               | using svelte kit and it's not ready for the world to see
               | yet. It does not use windmill to operate but every
               | actions trigger a windmill webhook and alert the discord.
         | CSSer wrote:
         | Why did you choose AGPLv3?
           | rubenfiszel wrote:
           | I love open-source and wanted it to be open-source but given
           | that's our whole product and not just a part of a bigger
           | ecosystem, and given that we intend to commercialize mostly
           | the large enterprise audience, we needed to have a reason for
           | the legal departments of those enterprises to push to buy our
           | commercial license. So otherwise said, we do not want to
           | employ dark patterns and want it to be as easy as possible to
           | self-host but also need to be sustainable as a company. Most
           | features that you would expect to be premium plugins are
           | baked-in and open-source (sso, audit logs, smart
           | autocompletion on the webeditor, etc etc)
       | jchw wrote:
       | I am a fan of this concept, I've thought a lot about it actually.
       | Having a proper open source option is awesome and there is no
       | doubt I'll be trying this on some of my home/hobby infra to see
       | what it has to offer. If nothing else, I really think we need
       | more exploration into the space of adding some basic engineering
       | and ops on top of things like this.
       | Not just for servers and infrastructure, but does it bother
       | anyone else that for example, the Linux desktop has robust APIs
       | for managing powerful service daemons like systemd, but
       | relatively few applications that use them and provide useful
       | UIs/control panels/dashboards? Somehow for many of the tools we
       | DO have, the Linux desktop is stuck in the age of using popen and
       | regex against command output even though we really ought to be
       | able to do better. It's an odd blindspot in a lot of open source
       | work, maybe it is deceptively difficult!
       | That's mostly nothing to do with this project though, but the two
       | problems are intertwined in my head as problems where a little
       | bit of engineering could really go a long way.
       | robertlagrant wrote:
       | Without looking in detail, I've had some experience with internal
       | business process/app development, and I always thought Temporal
       | would be a great technology to build a platform on. Great choice.
         | thawab wrote:
         | Hi, windmill is not using temporal, it's an alternative to it.
           | robertlagrant wrote:
           | Oh! I misread the readme. Ta!
       | ttt3ts wrote:
       | Was hoping it allowed my runtime. I have a bunch of scripts in
       | NodeJS, Python 2, C#, etc. I don't care to rewrite them and/or
       | write scripts tied to a weird sandbox runtime.
       | Any support for docker based workers?
         | rubenfiszel wrote:
         | We could but decided against it because we have no way to run
         | those efficiently given our architecture and prefer to support
         | a few languages and ensure we can run them blazing fast than
         | all languages but with no guarantees of performance. In
         | windmill, you have the guarantee to have no cold-start thanks
         | to leveraging the great design of the deno runtime. For python,
         | we had to do a LOT of engineering to make it work well and did
         | not have the bandwidth to do the same for all languages.
         | Ultimately, we could decide that some steps could be slow and
         | it doesn't matter but it wasn't requested enough to prioritize
         | it.
         | To be clear, the workers can run in docker, but do not run
         | docker jobs.
           | ttt3ts wrote:
           | Thanks for the clarification.
           | Looks like you're a new y combinator startup. Kool. I would
           | suggest you find away to allow existing code to be reused.
           | Deno market share is very small and experienced/larger teams
           | are not going to want to rewrite and learn that stack. They
           | would have to depend on you, a small new company. Too much
           | risk.
             | simtel20 wrote:
             | It depends on how efficient you need to be. There is the
             | option to just use "shell" scripts where you run the
             | command. I haven't done much with that, but it's there.
       | pjmlp wrote:
       | Go is now a script language?
         | revskill wrote:
         | Yes, just create a script.sh and append #!/usr/bin/go then
         | you're ready to go.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | If that is the measure for scripting, then any language goes.
         | rubenfiszel wrote:
         | Our users requested it, so we build it. We use scripts where we
         | could just say "code" or "serverless functions".
         | iamjackg wrote:
         | I get what they mean -- it has definitely gained a foothold in
         | the tool/utility world thanks to easy cross-compilation and
         | single-binary output. Given their target, I definitely
         | understand why they would put it in that group.
       | slig wrote:
       | Yesterday I submitted a one-click install to Caprover, never been
       | so easy to self host. It's really fast on Oracle's free 4vCPU,
       | 24GB RAM machine.
         | rubenfiszel wrote:
         | Thanks a lot for that contribution :)
       | GGO wrote:
       | If I use self-hosted version with my closed source software (by
       | calling my app's APIs), will I have to disclose my App's source
       | code due to AGPLv3?
         | rubenfiszel wrote:
         | No, just don't modify the software itself without making your
         | changes open-sources and you will be good to go. Having scripts
         | on the platform is not modifying the software.
           | GGO wrote:
           | Thanks Ruben
       | mikepurvis wrote:
       | Thank you for this: https://github.com/windmill-labs/windmill#cli
       | My first questions with any new tool of this kind is immediately:
       | - Can I run/validate branch versions of the scripts non-
       | destructively, for example as part of pre-merge checks in an IaC
       | CD workflow?
       | - Can I run my scripts locally without a lot of drama, while
       | developing?
       | If the answer to either of these questions is no, then the tool
       | is the moral equivalent of directly editing PHP files on the prod
       | machine, unless you're committed to deploying an entire second
       | instance of the tool for staging/dev purposes.
         | rubenfiszel wrote:
         | In opposite order
         | 2) yes,
         | https://docs.windmill.dev/docs/advanced/local_development
         | 1) since you can run them locally, you can also run tests as
         | part of your CI. You can also deploy a full windmill as part of
         | your CI, deploy to that local instance, run some e2e tests by
         | calling the webhooks, and then only deploy once those work.
         | Note that we have a full drafting system baked in into the
         | webeditor as well:
         | https://docs.windmill.dev/docs/core_concepts/draft_and_deplo...
         | and have support for folders with different permissions and you
         | can create workspaces so you may implement dev/staging/prod in
         | any fashion you like (different folder, workspace, instances)
       | replwoacause wrote:
       | Does this work with PowerShell scripts?
         | sisve wrote:
         | Currently the only support shell is Bash
         | rubenfiszel wrote:
         | We will add powershell support soon (within the next month),
         | it's very easy to add given our current architecture and has
         | been requested a few times.
           | replwoacause wrote:
           | Great, can't wait to try it out. I'll be checking back!
       | ropeladder wrote:
       | I'm confused as to how this compares to tools in the workflow
       | manager space such as Airflow/Perfect/Dragster. The words
       | describing the software are almost the same but it seems to come
       | from alternate universe of tools I'm not familiar with. Could
       | someone fill me in?
         | pas wrote:
         | this is targeting the "low-code" audience, like https://n8n.io
           | rubenfiszel wrote:
           | I like to think that we target hybrid teams made of low-
           | code/semi-technical people AND engineers that expect to have
           | the same characteristics seen in temporal/airflow.
           | Abstraction without compromise, or zero-cost abstractions as
           | the rust community like to say
         | rubenfiszel wrote:
         | It's similar to airflow/prefect/dragster in that it can run
         | workflows, and those workflows can do ETL and ops and can run
         | arbitrary code.
         | It's different in those fashions. Windmill can run python but
         | also typescript, go and bash. Airflow/Prefect etc uses code
         | annotation which mean the code is actually specific to the
         | platform. We actually have the steps be directly scripts/code
         | with a main function, and then have a low-code builder to
         | compose them into powerful workflows. That low-code builder
         | produces a yaml like that one: https://github.com/windmill-
         | labs/windmill-sync-example/blob/... which you could
         | theoretically write by hand.
         | The low-code builder is intuitive and similar to n8n except it
         | has the feature-set of the above framework. It's easy to test
         | the individual steps or to test the whole flow. The workflow
         | engine is very efficient and running 50 steps will essentially
         | have about 1s overhead total, and the steps are executed bare
         | so it will take as much time as if you were running them
         | without windmill on your node directly. They can be hardware
         | accelerated easily in that fashion. We also support some
         | features borrowed from temporal like the ability to suspend at
         | no-cost flows until they are resumed by an external event such
         | as an approval from slack.
       | majkinetor wrote:
       | Couple of questions:
       | 1. Can I see list of all executions, their parameters and
       | complete stdout, with handy URL I can refer too?
       | 2. Can I get notifications (email etc) when script fails or
       | certain conditions are met (something appears in the output)?
       | 3. Can you set execution timeout?
         | rubenfiszel wrote:
         | 1. yes (that's exactly what the run page of each execution is)
         | 2. yes (our flows have optional error handlers)
         | 3. yes (TIMEOUT is an env variable of the workers)
       | marcodiego wrote:
       | Can it be combined with Gitlab and set us free from Jira?
         | rubenfiszel wrote:
         | Yes, we expose webhooks for all scripts and flows so you can
         | integrate it for anything that can send webhooks, including
         | Gitlab, and our workflows can be used as CI/CD.
       | thawab wrote:
       | The best part about windmill is the team behind it, join the
       | discord server to see how fast they fix issues and add features.
       | The blog is also top notch: https://www.windmill.dev/blog
         | slig wrote:
         | Ruben is a machine, I've reported things and he fixed within
         | minutes. Their discord server is top notch, 10/10.
           | simtel20 wrote:
           | Agreed. I hope that they are rewarded greatly for his and the
           | team's fanatical attention to everyone who brings up
           | suggestions and bugs.
       | 1000thVisitor wrote:
       | How does this compare to Ansible, and AWX?
       | https://github.com/ansible/awx
       | SPascareli13 wrote:
       | How does it compare to something like apache airflow? I like the
       | native Go integration, and that it is specifically mentioned that
       | the overhead is minimal to start a job. Airflow can take quite a
       | varying amount of time to schedule your job.
         | rubenfiszel wrote:
         | Passing information between steps is a pain in Airflow
         | (https://docs.astronomer.io/learn/airflow-passing-data-
         | betwee...) whereas it's quite trivial in windmill, the
         | performances/latency is better, and it supports typescript.
         | Overall, the biggest improvement is the support for
         | typescript/go/bash and the low-code builder that will allow you
         | to build extremely complex flows that would be hard to
         | visualize with just code annotations but with exactly the same
         | featureset and more (retries, error handlers, suspend/sleep).
         | We also make it really easy to test individual steps and the
         | whole flow since web apps allow you to build advanced UX fit
         | for big graphs. But Airflow is a great framework that we took a
         | lot of inspiration from.
       (page generated 2023-05-12 23:00 UTC)