[HN Gopher] Framework Laptop 13 review: a DIY dream come true
       Framework Laptop 13 review: a DIY dream come true
       Author : hillcrestenigma
       Score  : 68 points
       Date   : 2023-05-16 20:33 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.theverge.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.theverge.com)
       | nrp wrote:
       | I'm happy to answer questions that folks have around this
       | product.
         | deadmutex wrote:
         | Can you please elaborate on why the new mobo is so much more
         | power efficient? If anything is due to software (e.g. BIOS),
         | will you be able to backport these changes to previous version?
         | Also agree with reviewer's comments about privacy shutters
         | being hard to see. My family members have complained about
         | "laptop['s webcam] doesn't work" when the shutters were closed.
         | This caused unnecessary bad experiences with using the laptop.
           | mkozlows wrote:
           | As a counterpoint, I love that they're subtle. I don't want
           | big things glaring out at me. (But when they're disabled,
           | there is an orange section. If you don't know that it's
           | possible, as your family probably doesn't, you won't think
           | anything of it, but it's easy to see at a glance the status.)
         | spruengli wrote:
         | Any chance you can dispense with the logo?
         | DanHulton wrote:
         | Why, oh why have you gone with the terrible "bar-style" arrow
         | keys instead of t-shaped? Apple similarly made this mistake,
         | and thankfully recanted. It was so miserable to use bar-style
         | arrow keys that I've officially sworn off of any keyboard (or
         | any machine with a keyboard) that has them.
         | ecliptik wrote:
         | Any plans for more official FreeBSD or OpenBSD support?
         | lousken wrote:
         | Kinda related - any plans to expand the list of countries you
         | ship to this year? Though, I am waiting for the 16"
           | nrp wrote:
           | We shared during our event in March that we'll be adding
           | Spain, Italy, Belgium, and Taiwan this summer. We're building
           | infrastructure to scale beyond that too, but we don't have a
           | timeline or specific set of countries we can share yet.
             | teruakohatu wrote:
             | When you expand to a country do you partner with local
             | companies to provide support?
             | I have been hoping New Zealand gets added to the list soon
             | :)
         | princevegeta89 wrote:
         | Hi. I have an m1 mac but always missed linux since I got it.
         | Here are my questions if you can take a minute:
         | How stable is the Linux laptop and what distros are officially
         | supported? What would be the best possible battery life I can
         | get out of that 13 inch Ryzen version that was recently
         | released?
           | lewisinc wrote:
           | Have you looked into Asahi Linux?
         | rowanG077 wrote:
         | I have been wanting to design a framework case for my own use.
         | Unfortunately the way I need to mount the motherboard means
         | that the air in take is on the other side then it is in the
         | Framework laptop. Would it be possible to either flip the fan
         | or run it in reverse mode?
         | csdreamer7 wrote:
         | Hi, thank you for founding Framework.
         | Love my 12th gen framework laptop except for an issue with the
         | headphone jack. Waiting on a replacement for that.
         | I do wish the keyboard was better. See the Thinkpad. Using the
         | function key for terminal paste + home and end forces me to
         | spend a second to think to shift between this and my Thinkpad
         | keyboards. I know you are coming out with magnetic ones-really
         | looking forward to that and hope they match the thinkpad.
         | javajosh wrote:
         | Will you ever stop iterating on the chassis and focus purely on
         | the replaceable components? Seems to me that a
         | reparable/upgradable laptop doesn't matter if you keep changing
         | the chassis such that in order to enjoy new features you need
         | an entirely new laptop every iteration. It also feels to me, as
         | an 11th gen owner, that I've been left behind with my power and
         | sound issues. Which is basically the same boat as any laptop
         | user.
           | kieranl wrote:
           | The chassis is fully compatible with all previous framework
           | laptops.
           | dpatterbee wrote:
           | My understanding is that every upgraded component which ships
           | with the new framework can be purchased separately and
           | installed in the 1st generation model. Indeed, this is the
           | primary selling point of the framework. What source have you
           | seen which says differently?
           | flapjaxy wrote:
           | I'm in the same boat. Though, I think about it differently;
           | the fact that I can print a case and use the mobo as a
           | headless server is a differentiator for me. I also don't know
           | if it's possible to design an attractive functional chassis
           | that doesn't need iterating.
           | That being said I'd like to see a recycling program, or some
           | way to reduce the environmental impact from upgrades.
             | [deleted]
           | CarVac wrote:
           | What's changed about the chassis?
           | miloignis wrote:
           | From reading the Ars review, it certainly looks to me like
           | you get the massive battery improvements without upgrading
           | the chassis ( https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/05/review-
           | framework-lap... ).
           | Is that not your understanding?
           | Edit: The marketplace also has replacement speaker parts,
           | like https://frame.work/products/speaker-kit?v=FRANBXFG03 ) -
           | I'm now even more confused about how your older chassis is
           | holding you back.
             | javajosh wrote:
             | Just a reminder: I may not have read every resource on the
             | internet about this subject, and you can share information
             | without attacking the person for not already having it. And
             | it's not clear to me that I can fix these problems, and I
             | stand by my question and look forward to getting an answer
             | free of blame.
               | ThePowerOfFuet wrote:
               | My understanding is that a first-gen chassis precludes
               | none of the possible updates.
               | miloignis wrote:
               | Whoh, I don't interpret anything in my response as
               | blaming or attacking you, just asking why you thought
               | what you did.
               | My apologies for coming across aggressively.
               | I interpreted your question as blaming Framework for
               | limiting fixes to the new chassis, and wanted to know
               | your source for thinking they were limited, as everything
               | I saw indicated that they were not.
               | Does the Ars review I linked not indicate that you could
               | fix your battery problems by upgrading the mainboard? (It
               | also mentions that using the larger battery will be
               | possible with a BIOS upgrade, which should further
               | improve things).
               | javajosh wrote:
               | Thanks for that, there's a lot I don't know. I still
               | don't quite understand what they are talking about with
               | "Laptop 13". Is that just a new motherboard in the same
               | chassis? that's not clear from the marketing.
             | teraflop wrote:
             | Just from a quick browse through Framework's replacement
             | parts, almost none of them specify which version they're
             | designed for. So _either_ they 're all interchangeable with
             | any chassis version, _or_ the website has an enormous
             | usability problem and can expect a lot of unhappy
             | customers. (I don 't own a Framework and I have no idea
             | which of these is the case.)
         | collsni wrote:
         | How does performance compare between your Intel and AMD
         | flagships?
         | deivid wrote:
         | I have a gen12 i5. The thing I am dissappointed with is battery
         | life. Will a motherboard swap to AMD significantly improve on
         | this?
         | gubneor wrote:
         | Better control over the power LED would be good -- its blinding
         | in certain environments
           | kieranl wrote:
           | You can adjust the brightness in the bios
         | loufe wrote:
         | Any efforts going into OLED/AMOLED/MiniLED displays? It's my
         | biggest hesitation point.
           | CarVac wrote:
           | Or just one with a faster response time?
           | The current panel has quite long rise times.
           | yegle wrote:
           | I'd definitely want to try an eink display when/if it's
           | available.
         | juujian wrote:
         | Any plans on FOSS stuff? Option to ship with some linux distro,
         | dedicated linux support, maybe even libreboot or coreboot?
           | pkulak wrote:
           | Coreboot, please!
       | mustaflex wrote:
       | It would be nice if Framework can share a roadmap for
       | availability outside U.S (I'm from Belgium) for all their
       | products.
       | flapjaxy wrote:
       | Are there any plans to enhance the sound quality in future
       | iterations? The 80dB speaker upgrade makes it louder, but the
       | sound quality is still lacking compared to other traditional
       | machines.
         | gubneor wrote:
         | whats a traditional machine? it sounds a lot better than the
         | system76 i had prior to it
           | tough wrote:
           | Macbooks have great speakers, wondering if that's what he
           | meant
             | PotatoPancakes wrote:
             | Possibly, but literally no other laptops sound anywhere
             | near as good as Macbooks.[0] Apple has done some real magic
             | in the laptop speaker space, and they've kept their secrets
             | to themselves. Shame I always wear headphones.
             | [0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkYB931iUjc
             | Clamchop wrote:
             | Apple is way out ahead of the pack on this point. No (?)
             | trad PC laptop is on the same level so it seems like kinda
             | a high bar to clear.
       | atribecalledqst wrote:
       | I'm definitely thinking about getting a Framework, I could use a
       | decent Windows / Linux laptop for random hacking (and some light
       | gaming). Might wait until the next model comes out though since I
       | don't have any immediate need.
       | Being able to replace components in my 2012-era Macbook Pro has
       | saved me a number of times and a laptop that's built around that
       | ideal sounds great to me.
       | Are Frameworks generally in pretty high demand and hard to get?
       | Like when the next model comes out, can I basically expect that
       | it will be impossible to get for a while?
         | mkozlows wrote:
         | They're a small company, so at launch they meter them out
         | through pre-orders. If you order now, you have to wait for
         | later "waves."
         | Once they're out for a while, though, they're just normal "pick
         | one up and buy it" things.
       (page generated 2023-05-16 23:01 UTC)