[HN Gopher] How to start a Go project in 2023
       How to start a Go project in 2023
       Author : taylorbuley
       Score  : 262 points
       Date   : 2023-05-23 16:31 UTC (6 hours ago)
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       | kortex wrote:
       | I see $GOPATH is no longer strictly needed, which is nice. But
       | what's the deal with $GOROOT? I seem to always need it set but I
       | don't know if that's just my workflow or force of habit.
         | typical182 wrote:
         | People should essentially never set GOROOT. It's mostly a
         | holdover. For example, Ian Lance Taylor on the core Go team
         | wrote [0] somewhat recently:
         | "It's a special purpose hook that is almost never needed".
         | [0] https://groups.google.com/g/golang-
         | nuts/c/qDhJbkE1QeY/m/JoV2...
         | liampulles wrote:
         | I use Makefiles for my projects, and right at the top I do:
         | GOBIN := $(shell go env GOBIN)
         | And then use that var where needed.
         | BarkMore wrote:
         | It's either habbit or you are doing something out of the
         | ordinary with your Go installation. The standard installation
         | of Go has not required GOROOT for a very long time.
       | tptacek wrote:
       | Go is pretty mainstream now, so if your editor is mainstream too,
       | just keep using it and add its Go support; you don't need to pick
       | a Go-optimized editor. The basic thing I think you really want is
       | something like `goimports` (which you can just install), which
       | automatically manages your imports for you and takes out 80-90%
       | of the pain of Go's library usage policy.
       | cratermoon wrote:
       | Note that statically linked go binaries work in a docker image
       | from scratch. This can be created with a multi-stage build where
       | the builder image uses whatever OS you prefer, with any required
       | packages. A build line such as                   RUN
       | CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o mybin -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"'
       | -tags timetzdata
       | And the second stage like                   FROM scratch
       | COPY --from=app-builder mybin mybin         ENTRYPOINT ["/mybin"]
       | The builder can create users and groups, and the final image can
       | import necessary certs like so:                   COPY
       | --from=alpine:latest /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
       | /etc/ssl/certs/
       | rollulus wrote:
       | Pretty good article. One comment: it recommends zerolog for
       | logging, but recently slog [1] has started to become part of the
       | standard lib. I guess it's the future.
       | [1]: https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/exp/slog
         | arp242 wrote:
         | I used slog for a project a few months ago; then I stopped
         | working on it and continued on it a few weeks ago and there
         | were all sorts of incompatible changes.
         | That's completely fair; it's still in development so this isn't
         | a complaint! But just saying, at this point you need to be
         | prepared to have to deal with that.
           | xh-dude wrote:
           | FWIW: slog has been pretty stable for a month or two, and
           | should be officially standard library in go1.21
           | There was a last round of changes mostly revisiting use of
           | contexts a few months ago - hats off to jba for taking a lot
           | of time to work out the best fit
         | liampulles wrote:
         | I use zerolog at work - I can vouch that it does the job just
         | fine.
       | jzelinskie wrote:
       | Things I can't live without in a new Go project in no particular
       | order:
       | - https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint - meta-linter
       | - https://goreleaser.com - automate release workflows
       | - https://magefile.org - build tool that can version your tools
       | - https://godoc.org/github.com/ory/dockertest/v3 - run containers
       | for e2e testing
       | - https://github.com/ecordell/optgen - generate functional
       | options
       | - https://golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer - generate String()
       | - https://mvdan.cc/gofumpt - stricter gofmt
       | - https://github.com/stretchr/testify - test assertion library
       | - https://github.com/rs/zerolog - logging
       | - https://github.com/spf13/cobra - CLI framework
       | FWIW, I just lifted all the tools we use for
       | https://github.com/authzed/spicedb
       | We've also written some custom linters that might be useful for
       | other folks:
       | https://github.com/authzed/spicedb/tree/main/tools/analyzers
         | donatj wrote:
         | Cobra is just so... intense and complicated. It has it's place
         | but Google's Subcommands is enough for 99.9% of projects I've
         | worked on
         | - https://github.com/google/subcommands
           | azemetre wrote:
           | hmm I recently just finish making a CLT with cobra and it
           | wasn't too bad. Granted it's extremely basic but I like it
           | for my use case (cloning all the repos in an org):
           | https://github.com/shimman-dev/piscator
           | What did you find complicated about it? What I struggle with
           | is creating man pages automatically, although I did just find
           | where in the repo this is explained.
           | subcommands does look neat tho, I'll likely use it for
           | another tool I have in mind.
           | One thing I did not realize is that cobra and
           | charmbracelet/bubbletea are not compatible. It may be my
           | inexperience in making CLTs vs TUIs but I was disappointed I
           | could use say the loading spinner from bubbles easily in my
           | tool (opted for briandowns/spinner instead).
           | icholy wrote:
           | I like https://github.com/urfave/cli
           | jacurtis wrote:
           | I've built many CLIs with Cobra and haven't found it all that
           | intense. I've built incredibly simple, single function CLIs
           | up to some incredibly advanced CLIs that the entire company
           | relies on daily.
           | I like Cobra because it gives you a great place to start,
           | with tons of stuff "for free". Things like spellcheck on
           | commands like if you type "mycli statr", you might get a
           | response "mycli statr command not found. Did you mean mycli
           | start?". This is out of the box. I don't do a single thing to
           | create this functionality. Really nice help pages, automatic
           | --help flags with autodocumentation all comes for free, by
           | just running a simple init script to start the project. It
           | speeds up my ability to make a reliable CLI because I don't
           | need to worry about alot of the little things, I basically
           | just create the command I want, choose the flags, and then
           | start writing the actual code that performs the task and
           | don't have to write very much code to manage the tool.
           | I usually organize my project so all the Cobra stuff is in
           | the main module. Then I write my own custom module that
           | contains the application code that I am building. It builds
           | great seperation between the two. The main module just has
           | cobra setup, flags, configuration, documentation, etc.. Then
           | for each command, all I do is call a function from my module,
           | where all the logic resides.
           | This makes it easy for me to switch between a "Cobra" context
           | and my "Application" context depending on the module. It also
           | makes it portable. If i want to use a different CLI framework
           | or make this into a backend job, I can pull my module into a
           | different project and then call the functions from that other
           | project that reside in my module. The module is unaware of
           | Cobra entirely, but it performs all my logic. The cobra
           | module (the main module) contains only Cobra stuff and then
           | offloads all the logic to my application module.
           | Cobra has all the power you could want from even the most
           | advanced CLIs (I think github's CLI and Kubectl, kubernetes
           | cli are both built on it for example). But you don't need to
           | use any of the advanced stuff if you don't want. It means
           | there is a lot of confidence to build a project in cobra and
           | if it grows you won't be limited, but it also abstracts the
           | complexity away when the project is simple.
           | I don't have a dog in this fight, just a fan. It is a tool I
           | really appreciate. I will check out subcommands though, it
           | looks like a good project. Reminds me of "click" for python.
             | nvy wrote:
             | >spellcheck on commands
             | I prefer to just type "fuck":
             | https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck
         | andrenth wrote:
         | > - https://godoc.org/github.com/ory/dockertest/v3 - run
         | containers for e2e testing
         | For this there is also the testcontainers project, which has
         | support for Go and other languages.
         | https://golang.testcontainers.org/
         | etxm wrote:
         | You've gotta check out Charm's tools for CLI/TUI dev. They are
         | doing some great work.
         | https://charm.sh/
           | tester457 wrote:
           | Charm tools I can't live without:
           | - https://github.com/charmbracelet/wish - Golang SSH server
           | that makes building SSH apps easy
           | - https://github.com/charmbracelet/vhs - terminal GIF demos
           | - https://github.com/charmbracelet/log - minimal and colorful
           | go logs
           | - https://github.com/charmbracelet/gum - leverage charm's
           | bubbles to write useful TUI shell scripts in any language
         | omneity wrote:
         | Are there boilerplates that include things like this? (I'm
         | coming from the JS/TS world)
           | emmelaich wrote:
           | Perhaps https://github.com/lacion/cookiecutter-golang ?
           | Might be a little out of date.
       | cyri wrote:
       | well written post!
       | one minor thing: I've skipped using build tags for integration
       | tests because those tests will be out of sync one day with your
       | main code, even with Goland (?).
       | Instead I use the usual test and check if an environment variable
       | is set, if not, then                   t.Skipf("env var %q not
       | set, skipping integration test",envVarName)
       | or you can use an additional CLI flag, e.g. in `feature_test.go`
       | write                   func init() { flagIntegration :=
       | flag.Bool("test.integration",false,"run int tests") }
       | then                   $ go test -v -test.integration
         | Crowberry wrote:
         | I usually make use of the long and short testmodes that are
         | supported https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55180613/how-do-
         | i-write-...
         | I used to use buildflags before this, but my linter ignored
         | those files so they were hard to maintain
         | maerF0x0 wrote:
         | > integration tests because those tests will be out of sync one
         | day with your main code
         | What do you mean here? What would be out of sync, and what
         | would happen if it were?
       | syngrog66 wrote:
       | just start writing some Golang. same as any other programming
       | language for decades now.
       | Really thats all you need to get started. OK: a text editor, the
       | Golang toolchain and ideally a terminal/shell.
       | Worry about other things if/when they come up, right in your
       | face. Assume by default: YAGNI.
       | mparnisari wrote:
       | If your code uses goroutines i recommend https://github.com/uber-
       | go/goleak to detect leaks
       | And then for GUID generation we use https://github.com/oklog/ulid
       | instead of https://github.com/google/uuid/
       | [deleted]
       | bitwize wrote:
       | [flagged]
         | steveklabnik wrote:
         | Please don't do this.
       | kardianos wrote:
       | Package search: https://pkg.go.dev/
       | maxmcd wrote:
       | Please don't use build tags for integration tests:
       | https://peter.bourgon.org/blog/2021/04/02/dont-use-build-tag...
       | Along with the issues listed here you will run into issues with
       | editors not building/linting your tests files because they have
       | build tags that the editor is unaware of.
       | You can also put the environment variable in a TestMain[1] to
       | cover an entire package of integration tests:
       | func TestMain(m *testing.M) {           if
       | os.Getenv("RUN_INTEGRATION_TESTS") == "" {
       | fmt.Println("Skipping integration tests")             return
       | }           os.Exit(m.Run())         }
       | [1] https://pkg.go.dev/testing#hdr-Main
         | eweise wrote:
         | Looks like more boilerplate to me.
       | UGIForAll wrote:
       | which languages are the best
       | sureglymop wrote:
       | Genuine question.. I'll often see Golang pretty heavily
       | criticized here on hacker news. Either that or people say it's a
       | boring language and not worth learning when there is something
       | more interesting (usually referring to Rust or Zig). Why does it
       | have such a bad image? Personally i like it as an alternative for
       | python because: 1. It can build binaries that just work for most
       | architectures quickly. 2. It has nice c-like syntax without some
       | of the headaches. 3. It seems to be really nice for creating apis
       | or backends, especially for web projects. Lately i use it as an
       | alternative to php, to build MPAs which are enhanced with htmx.
       | 4. It seems very beginner friendly and easy to start with and has
       | a non-gatekeepy community. There are also some things i don't
       | like so much such as: 1. Goroutines and other go specific stuff
       | 2. The dependency system requiring full import paths with urls.
       | 3. The strictness about syntax etc. The fact that saving a file
       | with an unused import will remove it in the ide.
       | But it overall seems much nicer than running node/js or python on
       | the server side, no?
         | dboreham wrote:
         | It's just not a shiny squirrel thing in a tree, that's all.
         | opportune wrote:
         | Golang is IMO the best applications language. Most of my
         | criticisms of it would be that it makes some systemsy things
         | clunky, and because of garbage collection it just isn't ideal
         | for some systemsy stuff.
         | I personally hate the empty interface and definition shadowing
         | of Go but that could be just me not "getting it". Fortunately
         | at work we don't use that too often
         | I think most of the criticism is from people like me coming
         | from C++. I am continually baffled that people write web
         | backends in Python and Node at all, to me they seem so
         | inappropriate that criticizing them would be a waste of time. I
         | would consider Go to be much much better overall, and thus
         | worthy of actual criticism
         | tomcam wrote:
         | Don't worry about it. Your assessments are exactly correct.
         | I'm not putting down any other development environments, but
         | everything you say is absolutely true in your circumstances
         | (mine too).
         | bitwize wrote:
         | Yeah, it's pretty much optimized for junior programmers to
         | write babby's first enterprise network service in. It's got a
         | lot of features junior programmers think are nice and easy to
         | work with, but as you mature as a developer its verbosity
         | becomes annoying and its shortcomings become apparent.
         | Using Go as a PHP alternative is pretty much the use case most
         | aligned with its niche. So go nuts if you like doing that. But
         | stray too far from that use case and Go will start to provide
         | pain without adequate justification, especially when compared
         | against Zig, Rust, or even TypeScript.
         | avgcorrection wrote:
         | > Genuine question..
         | There have been about a hundred "why Go"/"why not Go" threads
         | on Hacker News already.
         | Patrickmi wrote:
         | It's simple when you have WhatsApp vs BlackBerry Messenger and
         | we know that WhatsApp wins, you begin to question yourself
         | what's making blackberry win even tho it's inferior, then
         | hearing their secret weapon "Simplicity" trying to mimic the
         | secret weapon but yet still wondering why isn't going as
         | expected, this is what is happening No matter how go improves
         | people will still talk about its past failures with present
         | failures, so you don't have to worry people will still use the
         | language and its competition
         | hombre_fatal wrote:
         | > But it overall seems much nicer than running node/js or
         | python on the server side, no?
         | No, it's just trade-offs.
         | I think you are making the same mistake by looking for
         | validation on HN that you're making some sort of Better Choice,
         | but you're just making a normal choice. You just don't yet have
         | the experience to see all the trade-offs nor how they compare
         | to, say, Node or Python.
         | For example, there are various ways Node is "nicer" than Go on
         | the server. Just compare things like Promise.all or a
         | concurrency-limited Promise.map to Go's WaitGroups.
           | sureglymop wrote:
           | But I'm not really making a choice. I'm open to anything, i
           | don't want to restrict myself. I have and do use the things i
           | mentioned a lot (node/python). I was just curious what the
           | people have to say since i noticed this recently. I don't
           | really need the validation since I'll try out all available
           | options due to curiosity anyway.
         | liampulles wrote:
         | It is a boring, no-magic language on purpose.
         | I think it appeals to cynical devs who have seen projects
         | misuse more powerful languages, and who don't want to debate
         | style guidelines or linter settings for any more than 5
         | minutes. I count myself among them.
         | gadflyinyoureye wrote:
         | It's verbose. Errors everywhere.
         | There are a lot of foot guns. nil slice? Fine. nil map?
         | Segfault. Loop variables with closures. The list goes on.
         | Generics seemingly split the community. May be some libraries
         | won't get used because they picked the wrong side.
         | It's surprisingly weak at modeling data. Union types would
         | really help out.
         | The community is so anti-design that it's hard to play with
         | them. Most want to make a big ball of mud and call it agile.
         | When you point out simple patterns, they call you an Architect
         | Astronaut. Checkout r/golang. Also look out for people telling
         | you how dumb you are for wanting generics.
         | In many cases it's a step backwards but it has the positives
         | you posted. That is often a reason to grin and bear it.
         | Eventually Stockholm Syndrome kicks in.
           | 0zemp2c wrote:
           | > Loop variables with closures
           | indeed a brutal footgun but will be fixed soon
             | sapiogram wrote:
             | Have they actually agreed on how to fix this now?
           | typical182 wrote:
           | > Generics seemingly split the community. May be some
           | libraries won't get used because they picked the wrong side.
           | I haven't really observed that at all.
           | One thing that is going on is there hasn't been a massive
           | disruption while everyone stops to rewrite the world in
           | generics, and generics are not suddenly everywhere, which is
           | what some people had predicted would happen. I think part of
           | the reason is that in some cases another solution (closures
           | or interfaces or whatever) can be a better fit, and the
           | evolutionary approach to generics that Go took means you can
           | use generics in conjunction with non-generic libraries or
           | other pre-existing approaches without suffering from an
           | ecosystem split.
         | 0zemp2c wrote:
         | HN loves playing "obligatory contrarian" so often commenters
         | will go to lengths to find faults
         | there is nothing wrong with Go; it delivers on its promise, you
         | don't need to be a genius to use it, has good community
         | support, and you can get access to a large and decent job
         | market
         | Rust is a great tool but isn't as purpose-suited to network
         | services as Go
         | Zig is even less purpose-suited to writing network services and
         | won't be at Go's level of maturity for years, if ever
         | If a backend dev could only know one language in 2023, it would
         | be hard to go wrong with Go
           | shakow wrote:
           | > but isn't as purpose-suited to network services as Go
           | Why?
             | sapiogram wrote:
             | +1. In terms of development speed, Node + Axios is
             | lightyears ahead. It's like 5 lines of code to send a JSON
             | payload via http, vs 15+ in Go. The Javascript version is
             | much likely to be correct as well, since it doesn't let you
             | forget to check any of the three errors, or forget to check
             | the http status of the response.
       | Daegalus wrote:
       | I would like to mention Magefile. We recently have been using it
       | over makefiles and it has been amazing. Removes more non-go
       | dependencies. You write your files in Go, and it all works really
       | well.
       | https://magefile.org
       | Between that, goreleaser, 2-stage dockerfiles, static binaries,
       | etc. It all just works so well and only needs Go for most things.
       | Recently for actual stuff we have been using Exho, Zerolog, and
       | fairly common libraries for most tools.
       | j3s wrote:
       | i don't like this post because it makes golang feel overwhelming
       | when the stdlib + default tooling is plenty good for most use-
       | cases. it's as if someone made a post called "how to go hiking in
       | 2023" and spent 10 pages linking to gear on amazon.
       | how should you actually start hiking? grab a water bottle, get
       | outside, and hike.
       | here is how you should _actually_ start a go project in 2023:
       | $EDITOR main.go         go run .
       | everything else you should add as needed. don't overcomplicate
       | things.
         | opportune wrote:
         | Yeah, for a basic Go service or tool I don't think you usually
         | need anything besides the standard lib. Maybe you will want to
         | use a client library but most of the time it's only thinly
         | wrapping various http functionality. I work on some go binaries
         | used at massive scale that have little/no dependencies.
       | hintymad wrote:
       | Any de-facto service framework in Go to recommend, something like
       | Dropwizard but supports both gRPC and HTTP APIs? Such framework
       | should also has ready-to-use integrations things like metrics,
       | logging, tracing and etc. And God please don't just support
       | Prometheus. A pulling-based `/metrics` is really not the best
       | solution, at least not always.
         | liampulles wrote:
         | go-micro is a well known one (though I've never used it):
         | https://github.com/go-micro/go-micro
         | In my own experience coming from a Java background, I find Go
         | much easier to build from scratch with since the control flow
         | is so plain and the standard library API is simple and well
         | designed - worth trying.
       | vaunt_dev wrote:
       | We create a Generic HTTP Handlers enable developers to create
       | functions, methods, and data structures that can operate on any
       | type, rather than being limited to a specific type.
       | https://blog.vaunt.dev/generic-http-handlers
       | jasonthorsness wrote:
       | I see the note in the article around using -ldflags="-s -w" - is
       | there any other useful tool for binary size analysis/reduction? I
       | was surprised when my binary size doubled when incorporating the
       | K8s client package to get a secret; just using the HTTP secrets
       | API manually without referencing the client package shrank the
       | size by many MB. It would be nice to find similar opportunities
       | for size reduction that aren't as obvious.
         | typical182 wrote:
         | goda[0] is _excellent_. You do do things like:
         | # show the impact of cutting any package       goda cut
         | ./...:all
         | which prints a sorted ASCII table with stats like 'size:4.4MB
         | loc:134171' for each package, which is an estimate the savings
         | you'd get if you eliminated that package from your binary. That
         | is a great way to see what is unexpectedly large compared to
         | its value.
         | goda has a bunch of other capabilities around dependency
         | analysis, and was written by long-time Go contributor Egon
         | Elbre. The examples in the README are the best way to get
         | started after 'go install github.com/loov/goda@latest'.
         | [0] https://github.com/loov/goda
         | liampulles wrote:
         | The go k8s packages are pretty bloated - this may also just be
         | a niche case. If you are looking to get secrets with hot
         | reloading, you might also consider mounting a file or setting
         | env vars and coupling it with this reloading operator:
         | https://github.com/stakater/Reloader
       | dhagz wrote:
       | One thing for profiling HTTP services specifically, you can
       | attach handlers for pprof data easily [0]. I usually only mount
       | the routes if I've set a flag for it, usually something to
       | indicate I want to run in debug mode. This does everything "for
       | free", i.e. it starts profiling memory and CPU and then exposes
       | the data on routes for you to visualize in the browser.
       | [0]: https://pkg.go.dev/net/http/pprof
       | nologic01 wrote:
       | Looks like a good resource for go beginners.
       | Would there something similar for a next, second, step that
       | focuses on go concurrency aspects?
       | Go (and erlang/elixir) as touted as concurrency-ready platforms
       | and good overviews of setups, tools and best practices might help
       | more people benefit.
       | lima wrote:
       | How to start a new Go project:                 go mod init
       | mymodule
       | Go's default toolchain is fine, everything else is optional. Some
       | questionable advice in the article:
       | - Vendoring dependencies using "go mod vendor" is not a good
       | default workflow - it bloats the repo, the checked in code is
       | impossible to review, and is generally a pain to keep up to date.
       | Don't, unless you really have to.
       | - There's no point in stripping a binary or even using UPX on it
       | unless you're targeting extremely low memory environments (in
       | which case Go is the wrong tool anyways), all it'll do it make it
       | harder to debug.
         | latchkey wrote:
         | > There's no point in stripping a binary or even using UPX on
         | it unless you're targeting extremely low memory environments
         | I really dislike absolutes like this.
         | My target is 30,000+ servers and distributing a binary to all
         | of them is a lot easier when it is 3m than when it is 26m.
           | nemothekid wrote:
           | If the problem is distribution, what's wrong with gzip? All
           | the upsize of UPX and none of the downsides. If your
           | distribution method is http, then you don't even have to
           | write any code other than setting a Content-Encoding header.
             | latchkey wrote:
             | gzip doesn't make it small enough.
             | 3mb is after `xz -z -9e`.
             | But, if you start with something smaller, you generally get
             | something even smaller.
             | I tried UPX, but ended up with just `-s -w` (and xz),
             | simply because UPX was taking too long to build the binary
             | in CI.
             | More importantly though, I was responding to OP's absolute.
           | Thaxll wrote:
           | I don't really believe that, at the speed of nic it makes
           | pretty much 0 difference even on 30k servers. Shaving couple
           | of ms at worse few seconds vs modifing a binary, def not
           | worth it.
             | latchkey wrote:
             | The servers are not all on gige. Many are on 100mbit and
             | yes, that saturates the network when they are all updating.
             | I learned through trial and error.
             | The updates are not pushed, they are pulled. Why? Because
             | the machines might be in some sort of rebooting state at
             | any point. So trying to first communicate with the machine
             | and timeouts from that, would just screw everything up.
             | So, the machines check for an update on a somewhat random
             | schedule and then update if they need to. This means that a
             | lot of them updating at the same time would also saturate
             | the network.
             | Smaller binaries matter.
               | hnlmorg wrote:
               | I'm curious why you've got servers on 100Mb. Last time I
               | ran a server on 100Mb was more than 20 years ago. I
               | remember the experience well because we needed AppleTalk
               | support which wasn't trivial on GbE (for reasons
               | unrelated to GbE -- but that's another topic entirely).
               | What's your use case for having machines on 100Mb? Are
               | you using GbE hardware but dropping down to 100Mb, and if
               | not, where are you getting the hardware from?
               | Sounds like you might work in a really interesting domain
               | :)
               | pdmccormick wrote:
               | Sounds like an interesting problem to have. Would
               | something peer-to-peer like BitTorrent work to spread the
               | load? Utilize more of the networks' bisectional
               | bandwidth, as opposed to just saturating a smaller number
               | of server uplinks. I recall reading many years ago that
               | Facebook did this (I think it was them?)
         | sethammons wrote:
         | I'm on the vendor bandwagon; always have been. I don't want a
         | github outage to dictate when I can build/deploy. Yes, that
         | happened. That is why we vendor :).
         | Now you can set up a proxy server; however, I don't want to do
         | that. I'm pretty sure I have a few vendored packages that no
         | longer exist at their original import path. For code reviews,
         | we put off checking in the vendor path til the end if possible.
           | jasonwatkinspdx wrote:
           | I like vendoring in most languages as it means I can follow
           | all the code flow easily in my editor when debugging
           | something.
           | djbusby wrote:
           | I do all my vendor in a "cache-proxy" thing (for lots of
           | vendors). That box always runs, I just need upstream the
           | first time I get the package. Doesn't bloat my code, makes
           | sure package is available and makes audits of vendor stuff
           | easy.
         | attentive wrote:
         | also increases startup time
         | didip wrote:
         | There is a benefit to using "go mod vendor". Some corporate
         | environments lock down their CI/CD pipelines. By vendoring
         | everything, the CI/CD does not need to make external HTTP
         | calls.
         | 0zemp2c wrote:
         | vendoring is a bit of project smell, but for large teams it
         | removes the confusion of who has what version of a dependency
         | unfortunately most teams don't schedule a periodic `go mod
         | tidy` so you just end up with ancient deps
         | most people never read the code of the deps they pull in, so I
         | don't think vendoring provides any security assurances
           | dilyevsky wrote:
           | > it removes the confusion of who has what version of a
           | dependency
           | go.mod/sum files already remove that confusion as it's their
           | intended purpose
           | icholy wrote:
           | That's not what `go mod tidy` does ...
           | Paul-Craft wrote:
           | I'd go way farther than "a bit of a project smell." I
           | literally cannot think of a single instance in which
           | vendoring a dependency for any reason other than, say,
           | caching it for CI so you don't have to worry that the
           | maintainer pulls a `left-pad` on you, has gone well.
           | If the package has bugs, you're far better off either waiting
           | for upstream fixes, working around the bug in your
           | application code, or just switching to a different library.
           | That goes double if the library you're using is missing a
           | feature you need, even if it's scheduled for the next version
           | release.
           | Unless you're prepared to maintain a full-on fork of the
           | dependency (and, if you do, _please_ make it public),
           | everything about vendoring for these reasons is 100% bad for
           | you for very little incremental benefit. It 's like the joke
           | about regular expressions ("You have a problem and think
           | 'I'll use regexes to solve it.' Now you have two problems"),
           | except it's not a joke, and it sucks way more.
           | TL;DR: Vendoring to cache for CI/build servers, yes. Any
           | other reason, just don't; it's not worth the headaches.
             | ownagefool wrote:
             | If you work on code that introduces threat to life, you
             | might be prepared to own all the code, even if you don't
             | write it all from scratch.
         | pdmccormick wrote:
         | A Go vendoring pattern that I've found very useful is to use
         | two repositories, the first for the main "project" repository,
         | then a second "vendoring" repository that imports the first as
         | a module, and also vendors everything.
         | This may require a few extra tricks to plumb through, for
         | example, to make all cmd's be externally importable (i.e. in
         | the project repository, transform "cmd/foo/%.go" from being an
         | unimportable "package main" into an importable
         | "cmd/foo/cmdfoo/%.go", then have a parallel "cmd/foo/main.go"
         | in the vendoring repository that is just "func main() {
         | cmdfoo.Main() }", same as you have in the project repository in
         | fact).
         | Vendoring aside, this is also a useful pattern if you're
         | "go:embed"ing a collection of build artefacts coming from
         | another source, like a frontend HTML/JS/CSS project.
         | vardump wrote:
         | UPX only means smaller files on the disk, but it comes with a
         | cost: it tends to _increase_ memory requirements, because the
         | binary on the disk cannot be mapped to memory anymore. Unless
         | it 's uncompressed somewhere in the filesystem.
         | Worse, if you run multiple instances of the same binary, none
         | of them can be shared.
         | A bit simplified, without UPX, 100 processes of 100 MB binaries
         | requires only 100 MB RAM for the code, but with UPX 10 GB.
         | Edit: In reality, likely only a fraction of that 100 MB needs
         | actually to be mapped into memory, so without UPX true memory
         | consumption is even less than 100 MB.
           | cced wrote:
           | Can you expand on this a bit? I use upx at work to ship
           | binaries. Are you saying these binaries have different memory
           | usage upx'd than they do otherwise?
             | Karrot_Kream wrote:
             | I'm curious, was the practice of using upx there before you
             | got there? We generally A/B test changes like this pretty
             | thoroughly by running load tests against our traffic and
             | looking at things like CPU and Memory pressure in our
             | deploys.
             | themerone wrote:
             | Every instance of a program will use an amount of ram equal
             | to the uncompressed size.
             | If the application is uncompressed, the uncompressed
             | executable will be loaded into ram 1 time and be reused by
             | every instance of the application.
               | ashishb wrote:
               | Any source that you can cite for this? I'm not saying you
               | are wrong. I'm just curious to see more proof of this.
               | themerone wrote:
               | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9219244/why-does-my-
               | appl...
               | mikepurvis wrote:
               | Also impacts startup time. Really it's only appropriate
               | for situations like games where you're very confident
               | there will be just one instance of it, and it'll be long-
               | running.
               | And even then, it's of dubious value when game install
               | footprints are overwhelmingly dominated by assets rather
               | than executable code.
             | vardump wrote:
             | Normally operating system simply maps binaries, executables
             | and loadable libraries (.dylib, .so, .dll, etc.) into
             | memory. The cost is approximately same whether you do this
             | once or 1000 times. The code is executed from the mapped
             | area as-is.
             | However, when a binary is compressed, this cannot work,
             | because in the file the binary is represented as a
             | compressed data. The only way you can work around is to
             | allocate some memory, decompress the binary there, map the
             | region as executable and run it from there. This results a
             | non-shareable copy of the data for each running instance.
             | A random link about this issue in practice:
             | https://github.com/nushell/nushell/issues/4131
         | ownagefool wrote:
         | So, I don't bother with vendoring my dependencies ( usually ),
         | but you have it the wrong way round.
         | Vendoring would make it more likely you're gonna review the
         | changes, be ause you can quickly eyeball whether or not changes
         | look significant, which is something you often won't get out of
         | a go.sum change.
           | fsociety wrote:
           | Unless you import a dependency which totals several hundred
           | thousand lines of code.
             | tonyhb wrote:
             | Make your git commit history good? `go mod vendor` in a
             | separate commit to your PR changes. Review the commit with
             | local code changes. Easy.
         | bakoo wrote:
         | > There's no point in stripping a binary or even using UPX on
         | it unless you're targeting extremely low memory environments
         | Deploing at a large enough scale, perhaps where other
         | optimization options aren't as good or even available, could
         | also be a target.
       | shellac wrote:
       | [flagged]
         | tptacek wrote:
         | I don't know, it's a complicated question, and it has nothing
         | to do with the article and asks for a big language fight.
         | kortex wrote:
         | What's "most modern languages"? Go is better than Python's
         | native tooling (only Poetry and other similar 3rd party tools
         | compare). Javascript I find unruly and fragmented. "Modern" C++
         | is still a nightmare.
         | Java I haven't touched but I don't exactly hear rave reviews or
         | angry rants about, so I expect it's middling.
         | Rust, scala, and haskell are definitely better experiences, but
         | they are definitely in the minority in terms of industry usage.
         | Go is not "quite bad", in fact far from it. I'd say it's better
         | than average.
           | shellac wrote:
           | > What's "most modern languages"? Go is better than Python's
           | native tooling (only Poetry and other similar 3rd party tools
           | compare). Javascript I find unruly and fragmented.
           | Exactly the scale I had in mind, thanks. When I saw 'go get
           | <package>' rather than dependencies added to the equivalent
           | of a Gemfile / cargo / pom file it had concerns.
             | kortex wrote:
             | There's nothing stopping you from adding to go.mod though,
             | you just have to update the sumfile, no different than
             | using pyproject.toml directly vs adding with CLI.
         | bborud wrote:
         | What are you comparing to and what do you think the shortfalls
         | are? What is a "modern" language?
         | icholy wrote:
         | Go has better dependency management than most modern languages.
       | cpuguy83 wrote:
       | "go mod init <stare at the terminal endlessly trying to decide on
       | a name>".
       | Minor improvement over "mkdir -p
       | $GOPATH/src/path/in/vcs/remote/<stare at the terminal endlessly
       | trying to decide on a name>"
       | /s
       | SergeAx wrote:
       | > The solution is to upgrade [Go language] after a week or so
       | I personally have a habit of updating only when the next patch
       | version is out. It saved be countless hours of debugging and
       | frustration.
       | arriu wrote:
       | One thing I wish there was better support for is live debugging
       | and stepping through code.
         | poo-yie wrote:
         | You know about VS Code and GoLand?
         | puika wrote:
         | I absolutely love the integration in VSCode with the official
         | Go extension. I can debug a running web server with delve with
         | minimal config. Same for tests. Just experiment with the
         | options, there are quite a lot, and unfortunately some not very
         | well documented like gopls ones, at least last time i checked.
       | maerF0x0 wrote:
       | I'd add "What's the best web framework?" and answer it with "No."
       | (Go comes batteries included)
         | rollulus wrote:
         | That's quite true, although for routing / muxing I do tend to
         | use a third party one. The numerous Go web frameworks are
         | solely created for the glory of the authors.
         | LVB wrote:
         | A better answer would be some recommendations for component
         | pieces. e.g., I will need most of the essential things in
         | https://github.com/go-chi/chi, so why bother rolling a version
         | myself? The same goes for things like sqlx. I'm averse to
         | leaning on a "framework," but do find good value in targeted
         | libraries.
         | liampulles wrote:
         | And in general, one does not need frameworks in Go to the same
         | degree as say Java or C# - it is an easier language to build
         | things from scratch with I think.
       | baby wrote:
       | I've left Golang for a while, then when I came back it felt a bit
       | complicated to figure out how to get started. I feel rustup.rs,
       | really got Rust to a much better spot than Golang in such a short
       | amount of time.
       | revskill wrote:
       | Working with Go is boring but productive. Go libraries are
       | reliable, fast. It's more than enough to write good software.
       | athorax wrote:
       | The article mentions GOW[0] for a file watcher. If anyone is
       | looking for a non-go specific one, I've really enjoyed reflex[1].
       | Makes it super easy to reload different parts of a project based
       | on what type of file has changed.
       | [0]https://github.com/mitranim/gow
       | [1]https://github.com/cespare/reflex
         | agotterer wrote:
         | I've been very happy with Air - https://github.com/cosmtrek/air
         | puika wrote:
         | Just to add to the list there is also
         | https://github.com/cosmtrek/air
         | leetrout wrote:
         | Mentioned in reflex's competition section I am a huge fan of
         | entr
         | https://github.com/eradman/entr
         | synergy20 wrote:
         | how about watchman? I use that one.
         | https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/man1/watchman.1.h...
         | jweir wrote:
         | Since we are mentioning these, I use entr
         | # Makefile test: `find * -name "*.go" | entr bash -c "clear; go
         | test ./..."`
         | https://eradman.com/entrproject/
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