[HN Gopher] M.U.L.E. 40th Anniversary Special
       M.U.L.E. 40th Anniversary Special
       Author : sohkamyung
       Score  : 101 points
       Date   : 2023-05-24 10:43 UTC (12 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.carpeludum.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.carpeludum.com)
       | Cerpicio wrote:
       | We had a lot of fun playing this in our family on the Atari!
       | I had a mobile version of it on iPhone, but then it was taken out
       | of the store. I stopped playing it for a while and unfortunately
       | my phone decided it was taking up too much space and removed it.
       | Now I can't get it back. I was very disappointed when I found
       | that out.
       | JALTU wrote:
       | This made my day, and the music posts - thank yous! But, didn't
       | everyone think the MULE was an Imperial Walker?
       | TMWNN wrote:
       | I firmly believe that the world would be better off if every
       | politician (and everyone else, really) were to play _MULE_ ,
       | _SimCity_ , and _Civilization_.
         | toast0 wrote:
         | Pretty sure Herman Cain was inspired by Simcity in is 9-9-9
         | plan [1]
         | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9%E2%80%939%E2%80%939_Plan
       | bastardoperator wrote:
       | One of the first games my parents bought for themselves. I played
       | this on c64 regularly. The theme/intro sound is infectious
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEaBDzp4T7g
       | radarsat1 wrote:
       | I remember being intrigued and trying hard to understand this
       | game when I was a kid playing it on my C64. I also remember being
       | a bit sad when 20 years later I tried it again on some emulator,
       | and still couldn't understand it. Maybe now 10 years later, I
       | should try one more time. Third time's the charm, right? Maybe
       | there is a good youtube tutorial on how to play it by now. Anyone
       | got a good link?
         | spacedcowboy wrote:
         | Did you read the manual [1] that came with it when you bought
         | it ? Or was the game ( _cough_ ) acquired... ? :)
         | There are several tips in the manual for how to play the game
         | well...
         | [1]: https://www.mocagh.org/ea/mule-manual.pdf
           | radarsat1 wrote:
           | Ha I vaguely remember that manual! But as for how I acquired
           | the C64 version, pretty sure my father bought it along with
           | all his copies of Compute!. Honestly though I have no idea
           | because I was about 8 years old. I definitely didn't read
           | that manual on revisiting it, so I should give it a go now.
           | Looks pretty complicated I have to admit but I bet it's worth
           | giving it a good try this time ;). Thanks for the link!
       | corysama wrote:
       | From the article, https://puzzud.itch.io/mule-online looks like a
       | new, officially-licensed port the original with some platform
       | updates.
       | syngrog66 wrote:
       | M.U.L.E. was amazing. One of the many little retro masterpieces
       | from the 80s which influences the latest game I've been building
       | (Slartboz: see my bio here if curious.)
       | sys32768 wrote:
       | I...acquired this game without a manual, so I never played it,
       | but I sure enjoyed booting it up for its catchy intro song:
       | https://deepsid.chordian.net/?file=/GAMES/M-R/M_U_L_E.sid&su...
         | davidw wrote:
         | Oh man... that brings back memories.
         | revolvingocelot wrote:
         | Don't copy that floppy!
       | hotcrossbunny wrote:
       | We must have played this for years on the Atari before
       | discovering market "collusion" quite by accident when pressing
       | both player buttons simultaneously mid-auction. It was features
       | like this, and much around the auction implementation that was so
       | novel and utterly playable. Brilliant game.
       | Vvector wrote:
       | My favorite tactic was to monopolize SmithOre, and then
       | buy/release all the MULEs so everyone after me couldn't build
       | anything. Apparently a need for MULEs causes SmithOre to
       | skyrocket.
         | fullshark wrote:
         | I tried to do that so many times and failed. Every game I
         | played basically became a race to mine cristite.
         | aidenn0 wrote:
         | That was Bill's advice in the manual, along with some
         | gamesmanship to try and convince other players that you _meant_
         | to get a river plot, but ended up with a mountain plot due to
         | bumping the joystick...
         | rolae wrote:
         | Mine was basically ignoring all the mining, get as many food
         | plots as possible, and focus on energy and food. Worked well
         | against the computer, they believed there will be enough
         | supply. But I actually bought out the warehouse and then drove
         | prices extremely high.
         | So I sold food energy at a higher pricepoint than the ore.
         | Often the AI players couldn't afford food / energy anymore and
         | therefore their production collapsed and they did not have
         | enough food to have enough time to change the installations on
         | their plots.
       | gee_totes wrote:
       | Now kids these days are first exposed to M.U.L.E. through the
       | game Deeprock Galactic
       | Prickle wrote:
       | I did not even realize the game was 40 years old. I played it a
       | lot when I was younger, and apparently it was born before me!
       | evo_9 wrote:
       | Crazy it's been 40 years. I bought this game when it came out and
       | played it a ton with all my friends. Super fun multiplayer game.
       | I broke out my Atari 800 last year for my birthday and played
       | MULE and Star Raiders all weekend, both are still great.. I also
       | play MULE on my SteamDeck (Emulator) regularly still. It's one of
       | those games that has held up incredible well. I've not seen a
       | good clone/knockoff/reboot of it (well any that I actually like
       | enough to play), which is too bad, great game.
         | ShadowBanThis01 wrote:
         | Awesome! I still have my Atari 800 kit in mint condition, with
         | two drives, original joysticks, and probably a bunch of stuff
         | I've forgotten. Oh yeah, my Star Gemini 10X printer is in the
         | attic. My Commodore 1702 monitor needs "re-capping" though.
         | My first job (at 15) was working on a software store, which was
         | when MULE came out. I disagree with this: "which sounds much
         | better than the Atari original despite the lack of a fourth
         | voice." We had the Atari and 64 next to each other and would
         | load up MULE to argue about which platform was better. I
         | thought the music on the Atari was better in some ways,
         | although the Commodore's synthesizer chip was pretty cool.
         | Side note: I own an Ensoniq keyboard, which was made by former
         | Commodore peeps. And, of course, its disk storage is non-
         | standard junk. Still not as bad as the 1541 though...
         | One thing EA nailed was packaging. Simple but "high-end"
         | cardboard folders (like gatefold album covers) with cool art on
         | them. I still have my original ones of Archon (great game)
         | and... Music Construction Set maybe?
           | pico303 wrote:
           | I've still got my Seven Cities of Gold cardboard folder
           | sitting on my shelf on display and Starflight in a box
           | somewhere.
             | evo_9 wrote:
             | Oh right, Starflight, PC only. I always forget about that
             | one and it's the only original title by EA I never actually
             | played.
             | Seven Cities was another classic, they really had quite an
             | impressive set of launch titles.
           | evo_9 wrote:
           | That reminds me, I still have my original MULE disc and
           | packaging, you're right they were really nice / very stylish
           | for the time. Like mini-LP's, square and very distinctive.
           | The original batch of games (I believe) included MULE, Larry
           | Bird & Doctor Jay Go One-on-One, Hard Hat Mac and Pinball
           | Construction Kit... I might be missing one or two.
             | Vvector wrote:
             | I remember Archon being in the same type box.
               | evo_9 wrote:
               | Ah yes, definitely one of the original releases.
           | mgkimsal wrote:
           | All their early stuff was uniform sizing, intended to be
           | analogous to albums. Treating the programmers/designers like
           | 'rock stars' was an intentional move.
         | ryandrake wrote:
         | As for reboots, Offworld Trading Company is kind of in the
         | spirit of original M.U.L.E. In fact, one of the things you can
         | use in the game is called a MULE, very likely an homage to the
         | OG. Sadly, Offworld Trading Company has a pretty badly flawed
         | end-game: An opponent will suddenly buy your company out, a
         | process that (as far as I can tell from multiple play-throughs)
         | cannot be blocked once that opponent gains enough momentum.
         | Meaning you can be playing along, your money going up rapidly,
         | making no mistakes, and still suddenly lose.
         | I think an Offworld Trading Company without the "buy shares of
         | opponents" game mechanic would have been a really great
         | successor to M.U.L.E.!
       | erickhill wrote:
       | My older brother and I used to play this head-to-head on my
       | Commodore 64. He almost always won, but I never gave up. Thanks
       | to random events in the game I sometimes won, too.
       | Last month I bought a gadget that allows the C64 to use 4
       | controllers instead of 2 because THIS GAME has an unofficial
       | update that supports 4 controllers. Proceeded to play it at my
       | Commodore Computer Club meetup here in Seattle. Great multiplayer
       | game.
         | tombert wrote:
         | Well...can you beat your older brother now?
         | rstupek wrote:
         | The Atari 800 version supported 4 players out of the box
           | Vvector wrote:
           | C64 supported 4 players out of the box as well. Two
           | joysticks, which were hotseated for each players turn. And
           | two of the users used the keyboard for the auction phase. It
           | worked well enough.
       | sleepybrett wrote:
       | I still find myself humming the theme music from time to time.
       | cpeterso wrote:
       | Here's more info about the MULE board game released in 2015:
       | https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/182619/mule-board-game
       | swayvil wrote:
       | That's a pretty darn good game. I played it intensely for a
       | couple weeks.
       | Commodore 64
       | Also rogue, omega, moria... a lot
       | Which goes well with early Pink Floyd. Atom Heart Mother.
       | Ummagumma.
       | Little 8bit icons are the best. They straddle the line between
       | physical and dream sweetly.
       | jimjimjim wrote:
       | young me would always choose the flapper because it looked like a
       | toilet.
       | glonq wrote:
       | Oh great, now the song will be stuck in my head for a week! :D
       | I bought an Atari 130xe in my early teens because a friend had a
       | giant box of game disks that I could copy. One of those games was
       | MULE. My dad and I played the hell out of it.
       | RIP Dani Bunten; an amazing game designer/developer.
       (page generated 2023-05-24 23:01 UTC)