[HN Gopher] A not-so-quick introduction to the C++ allocator model
       A not-so-quick introduction to the C++ allocator model
       Author : jandeboevrie
       Score  : 113 points
       Date   : 2023-06-04 14:22 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (quuxplusone.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (quuxplusone.github.io)
       | MathMonkeyMan wrote:
       | > You must go far out of your way, at Bloomberg, to encounter a
       | container that works the same way as in the ordinary C++ STL.
       | You need only disable the "bsl overrides std" build option.
       | Whether you can do that is another question.
       | cmrdporcupine wrote:
       | Have to admit to skimming -- this is complicated, but neat! --
       | but I also have to say lack of pluggable per-container allocators
       | in Rust is perhaps my chief complaints at this point; really miss
       | this from the C++ STL, even if this article does point out how it
       | can get snakey and foot-gunny.
       | I don't pay attention much the process or politics, but
       | allocator_api feels like it is stuck in permanent limbo.
       | https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/32838 -- opened 6 years
       | ago, still pending.
       | rwmj wrote:
       | How do you update pointers when relocating the object? I assume
       | this must be combined with some rust-ish assertions about the
       | number of references to the object? Or I suppose it's C++ so you
       | just have to do it right or you get to keep the pieces.
         | monocasa wrote:
         | > Or I suppose it's C++ so you just have to do it right or you
         | get to keep the pieces.
         | Yep. One reason why giving out pointers/references all
         | willynilly to items in something like a std::vector can be
         | fraught with peril. If you push to that vector, it could
         | trigger a realloc of all of the previous items, leaving you
         | with dangling pointers to everything you previously took
         | references of.
           | sakras wrote:
           | I was recently faced with this (luckily I realized it before
           | coming across any strange bugs), and realized std::deque
           | works great for this if you don't need random access (which
           | was fine for my use-case because I just grabbed references
           | immediately after insertion).
             | quietbritishjim wrote:
             | std::deque has O(1) access by index so it's fine for random
             | access (although it has some extra indirection so it's
             | still slower than vector)
               | sakras wrote:
               | Wow I was literally reading the docs last night and
               | didn't notice operator[]! Good to know
           | CoastalCoder wrote:
           | An occurrence of this bug caused a lot of pain for one of my
           | previous employers.
           | One way we tried to isolate the bug was creating a
           | replacement for std::vector. This vector used an array for
           | the elements, but capitalized on the x86 page-protection
           | system:
           | - Between every pair of adjacent elements, this vector
           | allocated a dummy page, marked as un-readable and un-
           | writeable. Any attempt to access it would immediately trigger
           | a segfault. This was to detect erroneous attempts to access
           | some vector element; e.g. punning it to a type larger than
           | the element's actual type.
           | - Any time the vector needed to replace (or just retire) its
           | internal array, it would _not_ return the array to the free
           | pool. Instead, it would leave it allocated, but mark _all_ of
           | its elements as un-readable and un-writeable. This was to
           | detect usage of stale pointers into the vector.
           | I think the team discovered the bug by other means, but I
           | still think this approach has some merit.
           | TL;DR:
           | - The basic idea was inspired by Electric Fence.
           | - This vector wasn't exactly a drop-in replacement for
           | std::vector, because (at the time) it seemed like that would
           | require a _lot_ of additional code.
           | - Obviously this wastes a lot of memory. It's only something
           | one would use in certain debugging situations.
             | jesse__ wrote:
             | I love using this trick. It's extremely useful for having
             | relatively high confidence you don't have memory bugs
             | yakubin wrote:
             | At that point you might as well use a dynamic array which
             | doesn't invalidate old pointers, when growing the internal
             | buffer: <https://yakubin.com/notes/comp/reserve-and-
             | commit.html>. It also exhibits much better space
             | utilisation than std::vector, not worse.
             | (Sorry about the suboptimal formatting. It appears that web
             | technologies aren't up-to-par when it comes to this type of
             | content. I intend to rewrite this post in TeX and add some
             | graphs in TikZ when I find a spare moment.)
               | CoastalCoder wrote:
               | Just to clarify, our approach was to help find the bug
               | that was misusing an instance of std::vector.
               | It was a temporary measure, put in place only until we
               | found the bug.
             | sapiogram wrote:
             | > Between every pair of adjacent elements, this vector
             | allocated a dummy page, marked as un-readable and un-
             | writeable. Any attempt to access it would immediately
             | trigger a segfault.
             | I'm struggling to figure this one out. Essentially every
             | two elements would be stored at the start and end of a
             | page, respectively? Followed by a dummy page?
             | 8KB per pair of elements I guess, hope your vectors weren't
             | too large :p
               | CoastalCoder wrote:
               | Sorry, let me clarify. Suppose you have a vector with 3
               | elements, and each individual element fits within a
               | single memory page.
               | Then the array layout is:
               | page[0] : dummy page
               | page[1] : element 0
               | page[2] : dummy page
               | page[3] : element 1
               | page[4] : dummy page
               | page[5] : element 2
               | page[6] : dummy page
               | IIRC. It's been a while :)
               | jesse__ wrote:
               | It's probably between blocks of elements. Like, when the
               | vec needs to realloc they insert a guard page. This is a
               | pretty common allocator trick
           | CyberDildonics wrote:
           | By the time someone gets to the point where they are keeping
           | pointers while reallocating the data structure that contains
           | the objects, they have made a bunch of wrong turns already.
           | It is much better to use indices or keys instead of pointers
           | since that is the interface to the data structure.
         | dundarious wrote:
         | Indices, regular or generational.
         | barbariangrunge wrote:
         | In game dev, you sometimes avoid holding on to pointers for
         | more than a single frame or operation because of this.
         | Especially since many things get created or destroyed over
         | time, and we want to keep our arrays densely packed to reduce
         | cache misses.
         | We are trying a database like approach for retrieving
         | references to things in our current project. It adds a small
         | performance penalty, but it's far from a bottleneck and it's
         | been nice to work with
           | doctorpangloss wrote:
           | Did you ever work on a game development project where you
           | would have rather done what you did versus using Unity?
           | Would you want to work in a way where performance didn't
           | matter?
           | How could you tell the difference between the following two
           | scenarios:
           | - A specific kind of higher performance was important.
           | - Higher performance wasn't important: you'd get the same
           | reviews, sell the same copies, whatever graphics improvements
           | you got didn't matter, and maybe you even finish your game 2x
           | sooner because you weren't writing an engine, all else being
           | equal. But because it was intellectually stimulating to you
           | to deal with performance, you committed code every day, which
           | is better than nothing.
             | sillysaurusx wrote:
             | Yes. Sorry for the low brow comment, but fuck unity. I
             | really dislike the fact that if someone wants to become a
             | gamedev in 2023, their only practical options are to write
             | everything themselves, learn unity, or learn unreal engine.
             | I've been putting together an alternative.
             | https://github.com/shawwn/noh
             | It's frankly amazing to work with a production grade engine
             | that compiles in three minutes. I wouldn't trade it for all
             | the complexity in unity, regardless of how many extra
             | copies I'd sell. But I realize I'm in the minority.
             | I think it matters to love the tech stack you use, and
             | gamedev has gone out of fashion mostly because no one loves
             | any of the stacks. They deal with them, which is different.
         | elteto wrote:
         | Raw C or C++ pointers you can't, at least not trivially. You
         | either have a double pointer masquerading as a single pointer,
         | or some other fanciness.
         | Come to think of it, std::shared_ptr has a control block that
         | points to the actual data. I think implementations allocate the
         | control block and the data contiguously for performance
         | reasons, but you don't really have to.
           | ksherlock wrote:
           | There is a std::make_shared( constructor arguments... )
           | function which will do one allocation for the control block +
           | item data. I don't think compilers will do it automatically
           | (it has other implications over a normal std::shared_ptr) so
           | you need to opt into it.
           | Conscat wrote:
           | `boost::intrusive_ptr` or the proposed `std::retained_ptr` is
           | required to guarantee that.
           | maccard wrote:
           | std::make_shared exists to allocate the control block at the
           | same time as the memory itself. This has a pretty major
           | disadvantage, the memory for the shared pointer won't be
           | deallocated until the last std::weak_ptr has been destroyed,
           | even if the object has been destroyed.
             | elteto wrote:
             | Ah good point. But in exchange you get cache locality of
             | control block + data and single instruction deref.
               | maccard wrote:
               | Indeed. It's a tradeoff, and I personally prefer
               | std::make_shared.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | And the major advantage that object data by being coupled
             | with control block reduces fragmentation, and avoids the
             | error of wrongly handling memory leaks when new obj() fails
             | as parameter to shared pointer construction.
               | maccard wrote:
               | Yep, I realise I only talked about the negatives, not the
               | advantages. In general I prefer to use make_shared and be
               | careful with uses of weak pointers.
       | gavinray wrote:
       | See also the proposal for language-support for scoped
       | allocations:
       | https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2022/p26...
       | There are some issues with PMR usage that it hopes to resolve,
       | for example:                  struct Aggregate {
       | std::pmr::string data1;           std::pmr::string data2;
       | std::pmr::string data3;        };
       | std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator a1;        Aggregate ag  =
       | {{"Hello", a1}, {"World", a1}, {"!", a1}};
       | std::pmr::vector<Aggregate> va(a1);
       | va.emplace_back(std::move(ag));   // Correct allocator retained
       | by moves        va.emplace_back(ag);              // Error,
       | copied lvalue has wrong allocator        va.resize(5);
       | // Error, new values have wrong allocator        va.resize(1);
       | // OK, remove all objects with bad allocators
       | The proposed syntax is via a "using" keyword:
       | std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator a4;        ScopeAggregate s1
       | using a4 {"Hello"};
       (page generated 2023-06-04 23:00 UTC)