[HN Gopher] Anything can be a message queue if you use it wrongl...
       Anything can be a message queue if you use it wrongly enough
       Author : cendyne
       Score  : 336 points
       Date   : 2023-06-04 15:06 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (xeiaso.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (xeiaso.net)
       | NotYourLawyer wrote:
       | [flagged]
         | xena wrote:
         | It's unfortunate that you were offended by the cartoon shark in
         | the programming article. You are entitled to your own
         | preferences and expectations, but so am I. I have the right to
         | express myself creatively and share my content with the world
         | for free. I don't have to please you or anyone else with my
         | personal choices. Your feedback is noted, but please be more
         | mindful and respectful of other readers who may like my work
         | and the artists who were contracted to create the art in
         | question. Thank you.
         | One path to find peace is to kill the part of yourself that
         | cringes rather than try to smother out others who are "cringe".
         | Otherwise, there are plenty of cookie-cutter medium.com blogs
         | and LinkedIn posts if you want something more to your
         | standards.
         | Lammy wrote:
         | [flagged]
       | retrocryptid wrote:
       | Sadly, they fundamentally misunderstood the "everything is a
       | file" paradigm of *nix. It's not that everything is an extent of
       | octets, it's that everything has a directory entry so C programs
       | can use the open call to create a file handle. It might be more
       | appropriate to say "Everything looks like a file in the file
       | system and most every operation on a thing represented by a
       | directory entry goes through a filehandle."
       | h2odragon wrote:
       | What could be worse than IPv6? _this_
       | Someone submit it as "IPv8" immediately.
         | ranger_danger wrote:
         | IPv9 is already a thing
           | h2odragon wrote:
           | Should this be IPv13 then?
       | Veserv wrote:
       | Very funny.
       | Also, you can actually make it cost competitive if the object you
       | store is the last n milliseconds of packets instead of one packet
       | each. So, instead of incurring two API calls per packet, you
       | incur two API calls per minimum buffering time. If S3 is zero-
       | rated for any ingress/egress then you get "infinite" bandwidth
       | for 4.22$ * 3 (for the active case) = 12.66$ a day if you are
       | willing to accept 500 ms minimum latency, or ~600$ a day at a
       | more reasonable 10 ms. If you are saturating even just a 1 Gb
       | link for a whole day that is ~10,000 GB which would be ~700$ via
       | the blessed channel, so you could very well come out ahead.
       | You could do even better if you out-of-band signal the readiness
       | so you do not need to poll while idle. Then you only incur a cost
       | while actively transmitting so as long as you average 1 Gb/s on
       | the channel you should be coming out even or ahead with minimal
       | latency impact.
         | derefr wrote:
         | This isn't theoretical; many companies do PostgreSQL async 1:N
         | physical replication, by using e.g. https://pgbackrest.org/ to
         | have the primary push WAL segment files (a.k.a. "the last n
         | milliseconds of packets" in the write-ahead log) as objects to
         | S3. All the read-replicas then independently discover the new
         | objects in S3 as they become available; fetch them; and replay
         | them.
         | > You could do even better if you out-of-band signal the
         | readiness so you do not need to poll while idle.
         | S3 and its clones have "object lifecycle notifications", where
         | you can be informed by a push-based mechanism whenever a new
         | object is put into the bucket.
         | But -- what do you have to do, to get these notifications?
         | Subscribe to a real message queue, that S3 puts these
         | notifications into.
         | So using it here would be somewhat cheating ;)
       | rootw0rm wrote:
       | The title of this article is what malware authors say every day
       | =)
       | Codesleuth wrote:
       | > What if there was a way you could reduce that cost for your own
       | services by up to 700%?
       | How can something be reduced over 100% What is it that they
       | actually mean here?
         | Kye wrote:
         | Like any good extended comedy bit, you have to read to the
         | punchline to get it.
           | Codesleuth wrote:
           | Ah, good call. I'll continue...
         | hdjjhhvvhga wrote:
         | I believe they meant "7 times", so around 85%.
       | [deleted]
       | andrewstuart wrote:
       | Could someone explain this please?
         | xena wrote:
         | Here's the key paragraph in the article:
         | > In Linux, you can create a TUN/TAP device to let applications
         | control how network or datagram links work. In essence, it lets
         | you create a file descriptor that you can read packets from and
         | write packets to. As long as you get the packets to their
         | intended destination somehow and get any other packets that
         | come back to the same file descriptor, the implementation isn't
         | relevant. This is how OpenVPN, ZeroTier, FreeLAN, Tinc,
         | Hamachi, WireGuard and Tailscale work: they read packets from
         | the kernel, encrypt them, send them to the destination, decrypt
         | incoming packets, and then write them back into the kernel.
         | wolfgang42 wrote:
         | This is one of those articles where the journey is far more
         | interesting than the destination.
         | (Edit: this comment made more sense when it was replying to a
         | different complaint about the article; the parent comment seems
         | to have been edited in the interim.)
         | ignoramous wrote:
         | Setup a TUN/TAP device, which is a file one can read (egress
         | packets) / write to (ingress packets). Setup appropriate _ip
         | route_ s.
         | Read (egress) packets from the TUN/TAP device.
         | Serialize them, assign sequence numbers, and upload them to S3.
         | On the recieve side, poll for newer objects (packets) in S3.
         | Write them to your TUN/TAP device.
         | ---
         | Here, the TUN device is a _router_ using S3 as _gateway_.
       | cratermoon wrote:
       | This is astoundingly well-written and informative. It's the sort
       | of thing I come here for. It's also engaging and charming in a
       | way rarely seen in tech writing.
       | I like that they started out by talking about $0.07/G cost and
       | went through the whole exercise before pointing out what
       | immediately came to mind for me when they started pushing bytes
       | in and out of S3.
       | devdiary wrote:
       | Been there, done that
       | cosmolev wrote:
       | I think we can safely expand it even further: Anything can be a
       | anything if you use it wrongly enough.
       | [deleted]
       | XorNot wrote:
       | This is the best worst thing in software that I have ever seen. I
       | love it so much.
       | ranger_danger wrote:
       | [flagged]
         | ruffman wrote:
         | I think there are more things worth complaining about, rather
         | than about this content specifically. Hopefully you enjoyed the
         | article though.
         | proto_lambda wrote:
         | Which exact aspect of the cartoony animal drawings is causing
         | you distress?
           | _dain_ wrote:
           | [flagged]
         | KaiserPro wrote:
         | Don't fear the furry. Embrace your inner 6ft anthropomorphic
         | wolf thing, its not going to kill you. (well not unless you get
         | heat stroke, furries die in hot convention centres people. )
           | Kye wrote:
           | Adding another sparkle to the dog every time someone
           | complains.
             | duskwuff wrote:
             | "I will fucking increase the fucking thing."
             | https://floccinaucinihilipilificationa.tumblr.com/post/9604
             | 0...
         | throw-4e451c8 wrote:
         | [flagged]
           | [deleted]
           | NoraCodes wrote:
           | Counterexample: I would downvote this if it wasn't already in
           | downvote hell, and I think BSGSP is very good and funny.
           | Why are people so committed to hating the concept of
           | anthropomorphic animal mascots?
           | Edit because apparently that's what we're doing here: I did
           | not flag your post.
       | GLaNIK wrote:
       | [flagged]
       | atmavatar wrote:
       | > The bytes are stored in the cloud, which is slightly slower to
       | read from than it would be to read data out of the heap.
       | Given latency and bandwidth differences, that's like saying that
       | it's slightly slower to transport water by driving standard,
       | 1-gallon jugs between the US east and west coasts than it is to
       | transport it a few miles using a tanker truck.
         | AceJohnny2 wrote:
         | that's the joke.
       | jamest wrote:
       | The satire in the title is reminiscent of how Firebase was born.
       | We were previously working on a chat system called Envolve
       | (https://www.envolve.com), that was 'Facebook Chat for any
       | website'. A game that was using us for in-game chat created
       | channels, used display: none on them, and passed game state
       | through the chat.
       | We scratched our head, asked them why, and learned they wanted to
       | focus on the frontend, not to deal with realtime message passing.
       | This led us to create a 'headless version' of our chat infra (re-
       | written in Scala) that became the Firebase Realtime Database.
         | bombcar wrote:
         | This is an important lesson - if someone is using your tool in
         | unexpected ways don't just shut them down; there's likely a
         | business case that could be identified and specialized in.
           | agumonkey wrote:
           | I saw the opposite happen so often and every time it's very
           | painful to see people have knee jerk reaction instead of
           | thinking outside the box.
           | dylan604 wrote:
           | Nobody wants the product you want to make. They all want you
           | to make the product they need, and will do things the devs of
           | your product could never imagine with your product.
             | b33j0r wrote:
             | Indeed. Tangentially, there is another side to the coin.
             | The antithesis of this is the contract model, when a client
             | comes to you and asks you to make something specific,
             | rather than describing what they need. In this case they
             | are almost always wrong. They'll rarely admit it unless you
             | show them some amazing alternative, though.
             | Requirements = a set of problems to be solved. More often
             | you get handed a diagram of a 12" tall Stonehenge sketched
             | on a napkin with exceeding confidence that it will be 12
             | feet tall.
             | Then they yell at you for doing what they said.
               | tshaddox wrote:
               | I.e. "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would
               | have said faster horses."
               | (Probably not a real quote, and probably not even
               | accurate.)
               | quintes wrote:
               | It was Ford as I recall
         | james-revisoai wrote:
         | Did you detect this MixPanel or something?
       | cosmolev wrote:
       | At some point you can also discover it is Turing complete.
         | xena wrote:
         | Wait, are you saying that AWS S3 is turing complete? How the
         | hell if so.
       | peter_d_sherman wrote:
       | >" _Access to S3 is zero-rated in many cases with S3, however the
       | real advantage comes when you are using this cross-region._ "
       | Or cross-Country... as in two Countries that are geoblocked from
       | one another...
       | >"This lets you have a worker in us-east-1 communicate with
       | another worker in us-west-1 without having to incur the high
       | bandwidth cost per gigabyte when using Managed NAT Gateway."
       | Simplified algorithm for bypassing geoblock via the above method:
       | 1) Select a cloud storage provider (could be any cloud storage
       | provider or shared persistent storage platform; doesn't
       | necessarily need to be Amazon/S3) that works or does business in
       | two countries, Country A and Country B, where normal IP traffic
       | is geoblocked between Country A and Country B.
       | 2) Use shared cloud storage objects/buckets/rows (call them
       | whatever you will, "keyed persistent storage discrete thingies"
       | for lack of a better term!) as the article suggests, to _emulate_
       | IP traffic between user A in Country A and user B in blocked
       | country B...
       | 3) Combined with a P2P or other front end app that knows how to
       | use this method of communication (along with code stubs, such
       | that people could customize it to their own cloud storage
       | provider or platform) if/when normal country-to-country IP
       | communication is blocked for whatever reason (zombie apocalypse?
       | <g>) could make a powerful future P2P communications tool, for
       | lawful purposes...
       | Anyway, great article!
       | JoelMcCracken wrote:
       | This is the first hn headline that I can remember actually making
       | me laugh out loud. Bravo.
       | whartung wrote:
       | I know of a Famous Large Company that used email as their message
       | queue to synchronize the data across two of their large systems.
       | It's a perfectly apt message queue, just a bit heavyweight. But
       | if it's "light enough", it comes "for free" with many OSes.
         | lucianbr wrote:
         | Using SMTP to transfer messages seems just plain common sense.
         | Far different than IPv6-over-S3.
         | anotherevan wrote:
         | One of my customers used email (a gmail account, no less) as a
         | message queue between their front end site and the back-office
         | processor. This worked quite well for close to a decade I
         | think.
         | It basically evolved from when applications from their original
         | customer facing site were emailed and manually entered into the
         | back-office system by a human. They were looking to automate
         | this with a minimum of changes to too many of the moving parts
         | at once, so I reformatted the sent email to contain an XML
         | payload so the new back-office automation could read and
         | process it (and in a pinch, a human could still review any
         | problem applications) using Java's mail APIs.
         | Things evolved, the front-end web site got replaced with a
         | Wordpress site, but the email message queue kept working for a
         | long time. In the last year or so it was getting more and more
         | onerous though. Reconciling information between the front-end
         | and the mail box showed not all emails were being delivered,
         | and authentication to gmail was becoming more and more of a
         | burdensome moving target.
         | I just recently replaced the whole thing with an API call made
         | from the back-office to the Wordpress site to access the stored
         | data. (The original site didn't store, just emailed, which was
         | why this was not an option historically.)
         | c54 wrote:
         | Ha! I think i know what company you're referring to
           | SteveNuts wrote:
           | Oracle came to my mind but I'm sure it's in common use in
           | many places
         | simonjgreen wrote:
         | Before there was REST and other http based standards ebXML was
         | a hotness and tools like bizspark etc. You could see the
         | logical progression through:
         | I fill in the order form and post it. They mail back an
         | invoice.
         | I fax the order form, they fax back an invoice.
         | My computer sends the order form in a structured way over
         | email.
         | My computer sends the order form in a structured way over http.
         | And that's why many large telcos and banks still use ebXML in
         | their B2B transactions. It's fundamentally the same business
         | process and logic it's always been, with glacially slow
         | improvement in performance over time.
         | ahefner wrote:
         | I always thought using e-mail in this would be good for systems
         | that occasionally need a human in the loop. Normally one
         | service processes and mails results to the next, occasionally
         | something is forwarded to a human, who can make some decision,
         | edit the mail, then forward it along back into the automated
         | path.
         | vidarh wrote:
         | I co-founded a webmail provider in '99, and when we needed a
         | message queue reaching for our heavily customized Qmail setup
         | was a relatively natural choice. I've mentioned it here before.
         | Provides all the routing and retries we needed, and made
         | debugging trivial (e-mail from our desktop clients to the
         | queues worked; cc:'ing a real mailbox with copies worked;
         | checking out queues with POP3 worked...)
         | doubled112 wrote:
         | Email is a message queue in the most literal of senses, isn't
         | it?
           | xena wrote:
           | Yes, it's actually somewhat of a decent (if cursed) message
           | queue for many usecases too. Not to mention the debuggability
           | (you already know how to use an email client).
             | marcosdumay wrote:
             | > if cursed
             | As long as you keep it internal-only, get a reliable server
             | that doesn't do any anti-spam shit (AKA, nothing from MS or
             | any other large company), doesn't use some unreliable
             | proprietary database (again no MS), and have a reliable
             | journaled disk, your only important failure mode will be
             | losing disks. That's an easy failure mode to deal with.
             | Ozzie_osman wrote:
             | You could use Slack, too.
               | flir wrote:
               | Email keeps everything on-prem.
         | EvanAnderson wrote:
         | Active Directory is (was?) capable of running replication
         | traffic (for very particular use cases) over SMTP. I always
         | thought that was ingenious.
         | KaiserPro wrote:
         | A famous financial news paper used an FTP server as its kafka
         | "fan in" node.
         | It was so old that the 1u case started to droop in the middle.
         | (it was an sparc something or other with real SCSI ultra 320
         | drives in them)
       | mikece wrote:
       | As a junior dev I used folder pairs (to_process and processed) as
       | a way to move messages between loosely coupled systems with file
       | system watchers picking up new files in the to_process folder.
       | Very light weight, got the job done, and was told it was in
       | production for over a decade (even after better best practices
       | came into use).
         | derefr wrote:
         | FYI, this is an old Unixism called a "spool directory" :)
           | WeAddValue wrote:
           | FYI, which was probably derived from the old mainframe-ism
           | which had spooling before Unix was written. See
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spooling
             | derefr wrote:
             | Literally spooling message-filled tape onto a tape reel! I
             | never even thought about that.
             | On the topic of message queues, I wonder if anyone ever
             | designed a _mechanical, asynchronous hardware IPC_
             | mechanism based on tape. Imagine: an endless-loop tape that
             | stretches between a  "sender" tape-drive on one machine,
             | and a "receiver" tape-drive on another machine; with each
             | tape drive locally tensioning the tape as it passes
             | through, but letting it hang slack outside the drive; with
             | two tape-width buffer boxes in between the two drives, for
             | taking up the slack; and where each tape-drive has a strain
             | gauge on its input-end capstan.
             | With this design, you'd never need to seek the tape
             | (backward, at least) -- the receive head would just read
             | the tape forward at whatever speed it could until it ran
             | out of slack in the tape (i.e. blocked on read); and the
             | send head would write the tape forward at whatever speed
             | _it_ could until _it_ ran out of slack (i.e. blocked on
             | write.) The tape itself would be a literal, physical ring
             | buffer.
               | wolfgang42 wrote:
               | Western Union built a store-and-forward message switching
               | system in pretty much exactly the way you describe (but
               | with paper tape rather than magnetic):
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_55-A
         | florbo wrote:
         | Sometimes a filesystem-based queue like that is all you really
         | need. Recently I used S3 API compatible storage for something
         | similar, as introducing AMQP or pubsub would have been
         | immensely overkill for this low volume component.
         | wolfgang42 wrote:
         | This is a very sensible design for small-scale queueing
         | systems. A few implementation notes I've learned along the way:
         | - You'll want writers to create a temp file and then rename it
         | into place; otherwise your reader might pick up a file that's
         | only half-written. (POSIX rename() is atomic within a
         | filesystem.)
         | - It's also helpful to have an `in_process` folder, and a
         | cronjob to send alerts if a task sits in that place too long.
         | That way you can quickly catch crashes and other failures.
         | - You can have multiple readers; they cooperate by rename()ing
         | the input file into in_process/ before they start working on
         | it, and ignoring ENOENT (which indicates some other process got
         | to it first).
         | - This pattern is great for loosely-coupled systems. In my case
         | I was importing orders into a system that ran very slowly; once
         | a reliable import queue was available new use cases kept
         | presenting themselves, and it was very easy to add them; since
         | the API was just "write a file in the correct format",
         | individual scripts could be written in whatever way was easiest
         | for the particular task at hand. (It helped that the input
         | format hadn't changed in a couple decades; if it had needed
         | changing a lot you'd want a more structured system. But this is
         | the same as any distributed systems interface design.)
         | fukawi2 wrote:
         | I'm doing the same right now. The incoming messages are coming
         | from a radio network at 1200 baud, so I don't foresee capacity
         | problems :D
       | ipython wrote:
       | Given that Corey Quinn is involved, I'm surprised that route 53
       | isn't included somewhere (or maybe it is, I'm still reading
       | through it)
         | xena wrote:
         | I was gonna add Route 53 (to have each node set its own DNS
         | record), but I'm saving that for part 2. Be afraid, part 2 is
         | coming.
       | sam1r wrote:
       | >> Read time in minutes: 40
       | I wonder if this part is satire, if so, how come? I definitely
       | feel it should be much less.
         | jerf wrote:
         | Estimate includes the additional latency you will experience
         | while downloading the post through the mechanism described in
         | the post, which is the only _true_ way to read it.
         | xena wrote:
         | My read time estimate code is here:
         | https://github.com/Xe/site/blob/aa3608afa6c62695ca0ab139f823...
         | I've been trying to play with the constants over the years to
         | make the read time estimate more "accurate", but it's a tough
         | nut to crack in general. So I can go over my numbers more
         | accurately, how long did it take you to read it?
           | ignoramous wrote:
           | fwiw, it took 5m to read. Nb: I was already familiar with a
           | lot of the terms in the post (partly because I've already
           | experimented relaying IP over Cloudflare's DurableObjects
           | instead of S3), and skipped the dialectics.
             | xena wrote:
             | you what
               | Kye wrote:
               | I don't even know what that is and I can tell it's
               | cursed.
       | KaiserPro wrote:
       | This, this is what the internet used to be like.
       | ok, what the good parts of the internet used to be like.
       | I also love that its highlights an AWS dark pattern. more, more I
       | say.
       | jheriko wrote:
       | meanwhile in the minds of ZeroMQ devs...
       | d0gsg0w00f wrote:
       | I always thought it would be fun to host a Rube Goldberg
       | competition for systems engineering. Whoever could accomplish a
       | simple task with the most ridiculous system would win.
       | Something like: read the 54th line of this file hosted at xx
       | address.
       | Then a submission could look like:                   1. FTP a
       | file to a server with the address.         2. the server reads
       | the file and spins up a VM.         3. The VM polls an endpoint
       | to download code to pull the address.         4. The code
       | downloads the file and splits it into a single file per line.
       | 5. A script loads all the files into an array and accesses
       | array[53] to get the answer.
       | ...you get the idea
         | Nextgrid wrote:
         | > Whoever could accomplish a simple task with the most
         | ridiculous system would win.
         | See also:
         | * Microservices
         | * "Web scale"
         | * Kubernetes
         | * Cloud computing
       | sitkack wrote:
       | I initially expected a horrible amount of flamewar tinder, but it
       | is an Overton Window expanding Art Project and I love it!
       | The Cardio rate control library is cool,
       | https://pkg.go.dev/within.website/x/cardio this library would be
       | a great problem for using a neural net to model a PID loop.
       | https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/A-Design-of-FPGA-Based...
       | https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Self-Tuning-Neural-Net...
       | mtlmtlmtlmtl wrote:
       | I love this! Reminds me of Harder Drive by Tom 7:
       | https://youtube.com/watch?v=JcJSW7Rprio
       | It's better to go in unspoiled so I won't reveal any details.
         | KineticLensman wrote:
         | Spoiler: "we can of course ignore air resistance because
         | chainsaws cut through the air like butter"
         | Sniffnoy wrote:
         | I'm going to have to spoil some of it to point out that part of
         | what he's done is reinventing the idea of delay-line memory,
         | although he makes no mention of this:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delay-line_memory
         | ...of course if that's all there were to it it wouldn't be
         | interesting, but I won't reveal what the rest is as per your
         | suggestions. :)
           | mtlmtlmtlmtl wrote:
           | True, I suppose. Though the implementation details are
           | certainly refreshing :)
       | loeg wrote:
       | Tl;dr: S3-based tun/tap virtual network device.
         | KaiserPro wrote:
         | my dear child, the fun is not the destination, the fun is the
         | slow decent into madness to get there. For other people: don't
         | read the summary, read the whole thing. its a work of art.
           | loeg wrote:
           | You don't need to condescend. Knowing the subject matter in
           | advance doesn't lessen the experience.
           | revskill wrote:
           | Wait, to understand all of the SRE things, one might need
           | another 6 months.
             | xena wrote:
             | Is this a challenge.
               | revskill wrote:
               | I'd love to learn from you more if you don't mind.
       | xg15 wrote:
       | Too late, already deployed to prod :)
       | artem_dev wrote:
       | DigitalOcean had a nice blog post on this "From 15,000 database
       | connections to under 100: DigitalOcean's tale of tech debt"
       | https://www.digitalocean.com/blog/from-15-000-database-conne...
       | they used MySQL as a message queue and migrated from it.
       | Kye wrote:
       | Such dark works from such adorable creatures. The nature of
       | furry.
         | disruptiveink wrote:
         | I'm not part of this subculture, but I honesty enjoy this type
         | of idonsyncratic presentation which always was, and hopefully
         | always will be part of hacker culture.
         | The content is not only relevant and hilarious, but I'd much
         | rather personal blogs like this keep being updated instead of
         | seeing the the sterile Medium or LinkedIn Pulse versions,
         | usually written to impress future employers.
         | Zany visuals, doing things with your friends just because you
         | can and writing up detailed accounts of it to share with
         | everyone is the quintessential hacker culture. If Hackers'
         | Cyberdelia was set in the 2020s, no doubt Mara would fit in.
           | xena wrote:
           | Author here. Thank you for liking this. One of the most
           | amusing things is that doing this zany visuals/detailed
           | writeups/unabashed character in my writing actually makes me
           | more impressive to future employers than any sterile LinkedIn
           | posts ever will. I estimate that at this point if I wanted to
           | get hired I could literally post a banger like this, add a
           | banner to it halfway in that says "by the way, I'm looking
           | for gainful employment, if you want someone doing DevRel that
           | writes like this and gives talks like [link], please get in
           | contact" and I could probably get a job in a week or two.
           | I want to keep hacker culture alive by not accepting the
           | gentrification of it. Hacker culture is queer, neurodiverse,
           | furry, weaboo, and more. As a philosopher of the arts, that
           | is the kind of culture I want to create more of. Not
           | platitudes on LinkedIn. I want to create the kind of culture
           | that celebrates art for the sake of art.
           | I may be "cringe", but I am free.
             | sneak wrote:
             | [flagged]
               | xena wrote:
               | I'm sorry to hear that you felt offended by the cartoon
               | shark in the article about programming. I understand that
               | you may have different preferences and expectations for
               | the content you consume. However, I hope you can also
               | respect my creative choices and freedom of expression. I
               | am not obligated to cater to your personal tastes or
               | opinions, especially when I am providing my content to
               | the world for free. I appreciate your feedback, but I
               | also ask you to be more considerate and respectful of
               | other readers who may enjoy my work. Thank you.
               | I would ask you to perform self-reflection to ascertain
               | as to why the cartoon shark discomforts you. You may want
               | to sit with that discomfort to understand why you feel
               | that way so you can hopefully move past that and towards
               | a more peaceful future.
               | There are a number of logical fallacies being presented
               | in your assertions, however I don't feel like I need to
               | spend the time to pick them apart.
               | Be well,
               | chrsig wrote:
               | > I is not obligated to cater to your personal tastes or
               | opinions, especially when I am providing my content to
               | the world for free.
               | I don't believe OP asserted anything to the contrary,
               | could you highlight where you inferred that?
               | > I appreciate your feedback, but I also ask you to be
               | more considerate and respectful of other readers who may
               | enjoy my work.
               | It would be helpful if you would be willing to expand on
               | how you found the OPs statements disrespectful or
               | inconsiderate.
               | soft_dev_person wrote:
               | sneak wanted OP to be less openly queer in their personal
               | blog for their own comfort, due to their own inability to
               | imagine that the subculture OP is part of is more than
               | their own narrow definition of it.
               | I guess the disrespect is clearer when one has grown up
               | with its many forms, but assuming your request for more
               | context comes out of a sincere desire to increase your
               | understanding, I hope this helped.
               | chrsig wrote:
               | > assuming your request for more context comes out of a
               | sincere desire to increase your understanding, I hope
               | this helped.
               | I appreciate the benefit of the doubt -- I was trying to
               | approach it with the assumption that there's probably
               | some perspective that I wasn't aware of.
               | > sneak wanted OP to be less openly queer in their
               | personal blog for their own comfort
               | I can see how it may be interpreted that way. To me it
               | read more like "hey, great content, presentation of it
               | wasn't for me" in a way to convey feedback in the event
               | the author wanted to better capture their attention. I
               | didn't get the sense that there was an expectation that
               | the author change their writing style to accommodate
               | their preferences.
               | re-reading this, I don't think I appreciated that it was
               | really in defense of the readers rather than the content
               | > I also ask you to be more considerate and respectful of
               | other readers who may enjoy my work
               | I'm surmising that the real problem statement is:
               | > I'm sure there are non-sexual furries but the
               | subculture is primarily a sexual one (same as with BDSM)
               | which I can appreciate as a generalization, I suppose I
               | wouldn't have personally considered furries as under the
               | queer umbrella, but I'm certainly no voice of authority
               | on the matter. I suppose there's also the possibility
               | that 'furries' was a dog whistle for 'queer', and being
               | less charitable to sneak, I could better understand
               | finding disrespect in the post.
               | duskwuff wrote:
               | > I suppose I wouldn't have personally considered furries
               | as under the queer umbrella
               | The furry subculture is _deeply_ queer, both conceptually
               | and in terms of its members. But  "queer" doesn't mean
               | "sexual".
               | Kye wrote:
               | So queer the fandom got booted out of the anime cons it
               | spawned out of for being so. Unchained from the narrow
               | views of the anime community, our power only grew.
               | Essential viewing:
               | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv0QaTW3kEY
               | sneak wrote:
               | [flagged]
               | xena wrote:
               | Thank you for your feedback. I will increase the thing.
               | DonHopkins wrote:
               | I'm sure there are non-sexual straight people but the
               | dominant culture is primarily a sexual one.
               | sneak wrote:
               | > _sneak wanted OP to be less openly queer in their
               | personal blog for their own comfort, due to their own
               | inability to imagine that the subculture OP is part of is
               | more than their own narrow definition of it._
               | This is entirely false.
               | soft_dev_person, what I do want is for you to constrain
               | your assertions about me to facts, and refrain from
               | inaccurate or baseless speculation. It does neither you
               | nor I any favors.
               | soft_dev_person wrote:
               | I understand that is what you want, but you cannot
               | reserve yourself from being interpreted when posting on a
               | public forum.
               | The language you chose to use and the details you chose
               | to focus on is what triggered the response. If your point
               | was that the cartoons was distracting, you could have
               | made that clear in a less disrespectful way (or let the
               | content speak for itself), or perhaps consider if it was
               | worth contributing to the discussion.
               | Again, you double down on one definition of this
               | particular subculture in another reply. It is reminiscent
               | of how others have tried to define what certain
               | subcultures related to sexual orientation (some now more
               | mainstream) entail, while not being part of them, and I
               | hope you understand how this can be problematic. I
               | appreciate that this may not have been your intention.
               | proto_lambda wrote:
               | Leaving aside the "furry == sexual" connotations:
               | > It overshadows the content
               | Only if you make it. Relax. What someone is wearing or
               | what innocent pictures they put alongside their
               | presentation does not necessarily have to concern you at
               | all. Just ignore it and focus on the actual subject
               | matter.
             | isoprophlex wrote:
             | > I may be "cringe", but I am free.
             | Words to live by, words to die for.
             | Please keep posting bangers!
             | KaiserPro wrote:
             | I am totally going to start putting cartoon section
             | summaries in my technical docs.
               | xena wrote:
               | Here's the secret for why my cartoon dialogues work so
               | well: I use the Socratic method.
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34461459
               | loeg wrote:
               | FWIW, I don't think they work well.
       | tschumacher wrote:
       | I once used a MySQL database as a replacement for a message
       | queue. This was the easiest solution to implement since all the
       | servers were already connected to the database anyways. A server
       | would write a new row to the table and all the servers would
       | remember the last row they had already seen. Occasionally the
       | table is cleared. I'm sure there are some race conditions in the
       | system but its only purpose is to send Discord notifications when
       | someone breaks a highscore in a video game, so its not really
       | critical. It's still working that way today.
         | Ozzie_osman wrote:
         | This is actually pretty common, and usually a "good enough"
         | solution. You can also add things like scheduling (add a run_at
         | column), at least once execution (mark a row when it is being
         | processed, delete it only when successful), topics, etc with
         | minor modifications to your table.
         | If you want something that works "well enough" I'd say it's a
         | reasonable choice.
           | larperdoodle wrote:
           | Yeah, I'm using it as a transactional outbox to ensure at
           | least once delivery to SNS.
           | Can't really think of a better way to ensure that a message
           | is always sent if the DB transactions succeeds and is never
           | sent if the DB transaction fails
             | Ozzie_osman wrote:
             | You can get so far by ensuring at least once and making
             | everything idempotent (will get you as close to "exactly
             | once" as you can). With a database, the most common pattern
             | is: insert the row for the job, when a worker starts
             | working on it, mark it as in progress so it doesn't get
             | started again, if the task fails, or after some reasonable
             | time-out period, another worker can pick up the task again,
             | ultimately the row for the task is only ever deleted when a
             | worker successfully completes it.
         | scarface74 wrote:
         | I've run into all sorts of database locking issues and
         | concurrency issues when using a database as a queue. I saw that
         | mistake made a long time ago and I would never do it myself.
           | wolfgang42 wrote:
           | Database engines are getting features like SELECT FOR UPDATE
           | SKIP LOCKED, so what were once serious blockers on this idea
           | may no longer be as much of a problem.
             | [deleted]
             | scarface74 wrote:
             | And if you skip records that you are depending on for your
             | poor man's queue, aren't you just hiding bugs?
               | Spivak wrote:
               | No? Unless there's some edge case with that statement I
               | don't know about. That statement is basically tailor made
               | for queues so you can select jobs that aren't currently
               | being worked on by other workers.
               | Inasmuch as you trust your db's locking correctness it
               | eliminates the concurrency issues. You can very naively
               | have n workers pulling jobs from a queue not stepping on
               | each-other.
         | moron4hire wrote:
         | I briefly worked for a major corporation 15 years ago that did
         | this with SQL Server to create distributed worker processes to
         | handle all the AI-generated used car listings and photo
         | recolorings [0] for almost all of the used car lots in the
         | country.
         | [0] Why take hundreds of photos of Honda Civics in red, green,
         | blue, and black when you already have a dozen in white?
           | dylan604 wrote:
           | Why even take the dozen in white when they have a model you
           | can render in any manner? Most car commercials do not have
           | real cars in them. Maybe the shots of a car actually in
           | motion, but most of the static shots are 3D models placed
           | onto backgrounds. I don't know why, but I was surprised by
           | this when I worked in a post house that did a lot of car
           | commercials. One of the roles for a coworker was to get flown
           | around to locations to take the images for the background
           | plates using photogrammetry. "Can't fly an Alexa through the
           | back glass to zoom in on the dash now can we" was one
           | comment.
             | moron4hire wrote:
             | Again, 15 years ago, this was a web app company, and Honda
             | ain't giving any models to no used care sales anything.
         | [deleted]
         | UniverseHacker wrote:
         | Why not sqlite with a lockfile? /s
         | hardwaresofton wrote:
         | See also: postgres with SKIP LOCKED.
         | Great talk on it from Citus Con 2022:
         | Queues in PostgreSQL | Citus Con: An Event for Postgres 2022 --
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIRy1Ws47ic&list=PLlrxD0Htie...
         | )
         | Citus is a horizontal scale out extension for postgres --
         | imagine the power of those two things together!
         | JK you don't have to imagine:
         | https://www.citusdata.com/blog/2018/01/24/citus-and-pg-partm...
           | andrewstuart wrote:
           | I wrote an implementation in Python.
           | https://github.com/starqueue/starqueue
           | The code is in there for Postgres, MS SQL and MySQL (which
           | all support SKIP LOCKED) though at some point I abandoned all
           | but Postgres.
           | If I was to write another message queue then I wouldn't use a
           | database, I'd use the file system based around Linux file
           | moves, which are atomic. What I really want is a message
           | queue that is fast and requires zero config, file based
           | message queues are both.... better than a database.
             | gchq-7703 wrote:
             | Interesting. What makes you want to switch to the file
             | system? I wrote one for a project[0] a while back (for
             | MongoDB) and it didn't seem like the database introduced
             | too much complexity. I didn't write the implementation from
             | scratch, but the couple hundred lines of code were easy to
             | reason about.
             | [0] https://github.com/gchq/Bailo/tree/main/lib/p-mongo-
             | queue
               | [deleted]
               | andrewstuart wrote:
               | The filesystem means zero configuration.
               | I found almost all message queues to be horribly complex
               | to configure, debug and run. Even database queues require
               | a lot of config, relative to using the file system.
               | I did actually write a file system based message queue in
               | Rust and it instantly maxed out the disk at about 30,000
               | messages a second. It did about 7 million messages a
               | second when run as a purely RAM message queue but that
               | didn't use file system at all.
               | It depends what you're doing of course... running a bank
               | on a file system queue wouldn't make sense.
               | A fast message queue should be a tiny executable that you
               | run and you're in business in seconds, no faffing around
               | with even a minute of config.
               | I just hate configuration in general.
               | orangepurple wrote:
               | > running a bank on a file system queue wouldn't make
               | sense
               | Bank transfers are done by a text file sent over FTP
               | (file transfer protocol; circa 1971)
               | https://orientalbank.com/assets/Pdfs/ach/ACH_ORIGINATION_
               | AGR...
               | Izkata wrote:
               | > I did actually write a file system based message queue
               | in Rust and it instantly maxed out the disk at about
               | 30,000 messages a second. It did about 7 million messages
               | a second when run as a purely RAM message queue but that
               | didn't use file system at all.
               | Did you try an in-memory filesystem through tmpfs?
             | moron4hire wrote:
             | I really feel like file systems aren't used for enough
             | things. File systems come with so much useful metadata.
             | I've experimented with using the file system for storing
             | configuration data where each config value is a single
             | file. Nested structures just use directories. The name of
             | the file is the field name. The file extension is a hint
             | about the data type contained within (.txt is obvious, but
             | I also liked .bool). Parsing data is trivial. I don't need
             | any special viewing or editing tools, just a file manager
             | and text editor. You can see when a specific config value
             | was changed by checking the file update time. You don't
             | have to load the whole configuration just to access one
             | field. And you could conceivably TAR up the whole thing if
             | you wanted to transmit it somewhere.
             | I use it to configure little sub-projects in my personal
             | website. I really like it, but I shudder to think of the
             | complaining I'd hear from other developers if I ever used
             | it in a work project, just because it's not whatever
             | they've ever seen before and would require a moment of two
             | of thinking on their behalf to get over ingrained habits.
               | djbusby wrote:
               | I've done and do this too. Its worked awesome for 20+
               | years.
               | moron4hire wrote:
               | Oh man, symlinks to share common configuration.
               | bboygravity wrote:
               | Sounds very much like how .ini files work and/or how
               | regedit works on windows? :p
               | Not a bad idea at all, but perhaps re-inventing a very
               | old wheel?
               | moron4hire wrote:
               | It's not at all like INI files. INI files have field
               | names and section delimiters in them. An INI files might
               | be:                 [UI]       DarkMode=1
               | Theme=solarized       [Options]       Indent=4
               | InventMode=tabs
               | Whereas this file system config would have individual
               | files per value.                 <user-
               | home>/.config/<app-name>/UI/DarkMode.bool --> 1
               | It's a single byte file. You read the entire file
               | contents and if it's not zero, it's true. The existence
               | of the file tells you whether or not to use a default
               | value. An INI file would have to be fully parsed before
               | we know whether it contains a value for that config
               | value.                 <user-home>/.config/<app-
               | name>/UI/Theme.txt --> solarized
               | You read the entire file contents, trim leading and
               | trailing whitespace and toLower for good measure if you
               | want, then validate against your list of installed
               | themes. Done. No goofy JSON or YAML parser in site.
               | And what reinvention is there? If you're just using a
               | system that already exists, you're not reinventing
               | anything.
               | binwiederhier wrote:
               | A company I used to work for extensively used this
               | method. It's incredibly useful to be able to read a
               | config or state value from any language and even bash
               | scripts quickly.
               | However, and this is a big drawback, once you have too
               | many config files and you start reading and writing from
               | different processes, you get into bottleneck situations
               | quickly.
         | aa-jv wrote:
         | This has been a thing since before databases were relational.
         | 4G languages (Progress, etc.) were especially nice for their
         | ability to wrap a queue table around a series of reversible
         | transactions, if you coded things right .. meaning a lot of
         | modules written for app infrastructure were based on an 'inbox
         | table' methodology ..
         | renewiltord wrote:
         | Segment did so quite successfully
         | https://segment.com/blog/introducing-centrifuge/
           | hu3 wrote:
           | > We decided to store Centrifuge data inside Amazon's RDS
           | instances running on MySQL. RDS gives us managed datastores,
           | and MySQL provides us with the ability to re-order our jobs.
           | Interesting. Thanks for sharing
           | pinkcan wrote:
           | every half year or so I remember centrifuge, and get a little
           | sad they didn't write more about it
         | rollcat wrote:
         | I've built a hybrid task queue/process supervisor on top of
         | SQL. Classical task queues like Celery didn't exactly fit our
         | use case: a single process could run for hours or days, but in
         | case of a node failing, it must be resurrected elsewhere as
         | soon as possible (within seconds). I didn't have the time to
         | re-architect everything for Kubernetes, or rewrite half the
         | product in Erlang; so I built that weird thing. It's been super
         | stable, running mission critical code, and making us money -
         | for several years now.
         | bob1029 wrote:
         | I am doing the same with SQL Server. The messages table is more
         | of a bus than a queue in our case (columns like ReplyToId,
         | etc). Using it for RPC communication between cloud bits. Much
         | cheaper than Azure Service Bus and friends.
           | [deleted]
           | Digit-Al wrote:
           | Just out of interest: any reason you're not using the SQL
           | server service broker?
             | bob1029 wrote:
             | It's only available in managed instances or on-prem. We are
             | trying to use the "serverless" flavor of Azure SQL
             | throughout:
             | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-
             | sql/database/f...
             | nickpeterson wrote:
             | I don't know the OPs answer, but I'd hazard to guess
             | because ssmb is a completely neglected feature with very
             | little in the way of community or UI. In theory it would be
             | great, but MS basically never invested in it after its
             | release and now it's just a random, "who knows when we'll
             | drop support for this" sql server feature.
       | headPoet wrote:
       | "anything stored in that pointer to memory you got back from
       | malloc() is stored in an area of ram called "the heap", which is
       | moderately slower to access than it is to access the stack." Is
       | this true, or a myth? Ignoring the allocation cost and access
       | patterns making cache misses more likely, surely memory is just
       | memory
         | twoodfin wrote:
         | By definition, everything on the heap got where it is
         | dynamically, so the minimum number of pointers to chase to find
         | it is 1.
         | In contrast, what's where on the stack can often be (and often
         | must be) known statically by the compiler and accessed
         | directly, even moved entirely out of memory and into a
         | register. (It's possible to do this with suitably constrained
         | dynamic allocations, but the optimization is much harder.)
         | xena wrote:
         | I'm pretty sure this is still the case. I'm not sure how cross-
         | platform that assumption is (it won't work in Go where it has
         | heapstacks I don't think), but classically yeah the stack is
         | put is slightly faster memory with fewer access barriers.
       | pavlov wrote:
       | The only thing worse would be this "on the blockchain."
       | On second thought it seems likely that some charlatan has already
       | years ago raised a couple of millions in an ICO for such a
       | project. "We're making the entire Internet web3-compatible!"
         | xg15 wrote:
         | I mean. Chain, queue, it's not that different if you squint
         | hard enough...
           | Izkata wrote:
           | 2018: Modeling of Blockchain Based Systems Using Queuing
           | Theory Simulation
           | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8632560
       | jheriko wrote:
       | i liked this:
       | > <Mara> As an example of this, consider the tar command. The
       | name tar stands for "Tape ARchive". It was a format that was
       | created for writing backups to actual magnetic tape drives. Most
       | commonly, it's used to download source code from GitHub or as an
       | interchange format for downloading software packages (or other
       | things that need to put multiple files in one distributable
       | unit).
       | a very cute description for a barrier to entry enforced by moron
       | level nerds insistent that we cargo cult instead of think.
         | morelisp wrote:
         | Great point, let's just rename it ar.
           | notamy wrote:
           | ar already exists and is a different format!
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ar_(Unix)
         | wolfgang42 wrote:
         | It's not clear to me which bit you're complaining about--I
         | assume it's either that the format is still used and/or that
         | name describes an obsolete use. But the former seems perfectly
         | reasonable if it still serves a useful purpose, and the latter
         | largely irrelevant (these days a "tarball" is generally as an
         | arbitrary word, like "zip file"); so I'm curious to hear your
         | perspective on what the problems are.
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