[HN Gopher] US SEC sues Coinbase, one day after suing Binance
       US SEC sues Coinbase, one day after suing Binance
       Author : jen20
       Score  : 493 points
       Date   : 2023-06-06 13:10 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.reuters.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.reuters.com)
       | calny wrote:
       | The actual complaint:
       | https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.59...
       | CodeWriter23 wrote:
       | Looks like the US Govt is going to eliminate the competition
       | before replacing US Currency with its own crypto, likely
       | developed and administered by a third party because the
       | government sucks at building stuff.
       | alphanullmeric wrote:
       | Trust the government fiercely to defend their right to other
       | people's wallets and prevent individuals from risking their money
       | how they want.
       | shrimpx wrote:
       | Well, if it ends up in the Supreme Court, my bet is this
       | particular scotus will rule against the "administrative state",
       | "overreaching" SEC.
       | mrkramer wrote:
       | Grace period of unregulated crypto is over. Brace yourself, SEC
       | is coming!
         | detrites wrote:
         | The SEC issues fines. To them it's taking a cut, to Binance
         | etc, it's operating expenses.
         | These "enforcements" are more like protection money paid to
         | gangsters. The SEC could have created clarity a decade ago.
         | It's not in their interest to do so, plain and simple. They are
         | incentivised financially, to persist in creating a lack of
         | clarity, and then randomly "enforcing" inconsistently to
         | extract multi-millions off of effectively approved profits.
         | If / when they refer cases to the DoJ, it's different. But,
         | typically they don't, because typically most of the players
         | they're going after are doing their best to comply with the
         | "uncompliable" landscape they are facing. Or - they're FTX.
         | And let's just remember that, always. The SEC, effectively,
         | gave FTX a green light. Maybe the most damaging crypto fail in
         | history likely an outright fraud, of massive proportions and
         | where was the SEC? That's what we're dealing with here.
           | [deleted]
           | [deleted]
           | foodjinn wrote:
           | Also worth pointing out the SEC's involvement in the subprime
           | mortgage collapse.
       | menthe wrote:
       | There is a well-documented public history of Coinbase taunting
       | the SEC - they had it coming.
       | - https://www.coinbase.com/blog/the-sec-has-told-us-it-wants-t...
       | - https://www.coinbase.com/blog/coinbase-does-not-list-securit...
       | - https://www.coinbase.com/blog/coinbases-staking-services-are...
       | - https://www.coinbase.com/blog/we-asked-the-sec-for-reasonabl...
       | - https://www.coinbase.com/blog/coinbase-takes-another-formal-...
       | - https://www.coinbase.com/blog/coinbase-responds-to-the-secs-...
       | Better yet: https://www.coinbase.com/blog/icymi-coinbase-and-the-
       | sec
         | ren_engineer wrote:
         | of course, how dare private citizens not kiss the feet of
         | unelected government officials. I love when government
         | institutions take retribution for being "taunted"
         | pawelduda wrote:
         | The old good non-compliant taunting
         | butlerm wrote:
         | None of those posts except the last looks like taunting the SEC
         | to me, but rather keeping the public and their customer base in
         | particular up to date on a live regulatory issue that may
         | present a risk to their business. That is the type of thing the
         | SEC _requires_ (at least of publicly traded companies) not
         | discourages.
         | nancyhn wrote:
         | Or that's a well-documented public history of the SEC taunting
         | Coinbase.
         | chroma wrote:
         | If criticizing a regulatory body causes them to go after you,
         | then that regulatory body is corrupt and should be dismantled
         | and replaced with something else.
           | dymk wrote:
           | Taunt and criticize are two different verbs
             | jjk166 wrote:
             | And criticize is the correct one in this instance.
             | foodjinn wrote:
             | And neither is justifiable cause for regulatory action.
             | I don't think this is the reason the SEC is going after
             | Coinbase, but frankly I don't believe the SEC is doing any
             | of this on the behalf of "protecting investors".
             | jdminhbg wrote:
             | Don't think "taunt" is the correct verb here, but it
             | doesn't even matter. Taunting government officials is
             | protected speech in the US.
           | [deleted]
           | jcranmer wrote:
           | And given the number of cryptocurrency exchanges the SEC has
           | been suing in the past several days, it is rather unlikely
           | that the SEC is targeting Coinbase because of Coinbase's
           | criticisms: had Coinbase said nothing, the SEC would _still_
           | be suing Coinbase.
           | [deleted]
       | blondie9x wrote:
       | It took them way to long to act on crypto. The damage was already
       | done. Trillions of wealth has been destroyed by crypto.
         | loeg wrote:
         | Levine has talked about this a bit. It's much easier to be a
         | harsh regulator after the crash than on the way up.
       | datadeft wrote:
       | The end of an era.
         | seydor wrote:
         | what era? playing monopoly with bitcoin? good riddance, time to
         | use it for some real purpose.
         | soco wrote:
         | The era of the few crypto billionaires and the crowd of regular
         | Joe money-losers. Ah, those times.
           | koonsolo wrote:
           | Go and take a look at the long term price of bitcoin. How
           | anyone can lose money in that market is beyond me.
             | samb1729 wrote:
             | If everyone is supposed to have made money, where did that
             | money come from?
               | koonsolo wrote:
               | Just because the market cap of Bitcoin is 520.50B,
               | doesn't mean 520.50B has been invested into it.
               | Basically, as long as the price of Bitcoin is >0, more
               | was won than lost. It's now at 25k, so a lot has been
               | won.
               | So still in another way: if you bought bitcoin with fiat,
               | your bitcoin now is still worth 25k
             | soco wrote:
             | Money is not created out of thin air. There's electricity
             | to mine, there's funds investing in crypto, there's fiat
             | used to pay ransoms... All this means real world money got
             | spent.
         | DJBunnies wrote:
         | Unlikely.
         | danielschonfeld wrote:
         | [flagged]
           | meesles wrote:
           | Considering the EU is unable step up, I think you'll miss the
           | enemy we knew after all is said and done (if there is a
           | significant shift in the leading powers). I'm not wearing
           | rose-tinted glasses about the past (I'm not American), but
           | the up-and-coming alternatives seem real scary.
             | WinstonSmith84 wrote:
             | The EU is the same as the US: pretending to be the land of
             | free but effectively controlled by interests, driven by
             | hidden agendas. Some other countries don't try to pretend
             | to be free nor pretend to work for the people, and maybe
             | less hypocrisy is not worse (China or India). A healthy
             | balance of competition between world powers is much
             | welcomed.
           | WinstonSmith84 wrote:
           | logical assumption. There has never been a blockchain era
           | yet.
           | wellthisisgreat wrote:
           | lol I am pretty sure the GP is talking about the era of
           | crypto swindlers who rode the good ideas of liberty,
           | financial diversification, and such into the ground and will
           | all hopefully pay for it
         | WinstonSmith84 wrote:
         | Yes, the dollar has been dominating for quite a long time now
         | and we see the world re-orienting their trade practices,
         | balancing their reserves towards other currencies, while the US
         | is left with 2 choices: embrace change or fight it. The
         | democrats are clearly choosing the latter, curious to see what
         | the republicans will do. Either way, the US dollar in a decade
         | or two will become irrelevant beyond US borders. As for America
         | itself, time will tell.
           | mindslight wrote:
           | I would have written this comment 15 years ago, on the heels
           | of an unnecessarily large military being abused to wage two
           | poorly thought out elective wars. Continued market arbitrage
           | away from wasteful US dominance seemed inevitable, just as
           | the break up of the Soviet Union was.
           | Now, after economic integration with China has run its course
           | and not produced democracy? After Russia's attack on Ukraine
           | demonstrated that wildly irrational tin-pot dictators still
           | exist, they had just been contained? It would seem that the
           | USD empire is more valuable than I gave it credit for - it's
           | the worst hegemon, except for all the others.
           | I still do hold hope of reducing the power of centralized
           | entities in the long term. But real change like that has to
           | happen from the bottom up due to fundamental conditions
           | changing (eg individual adoption of cryptocurrencies), which
           | is excruciatingly slow. If this is to be the trend, it will
           | happen over many decades.
           | There is certainly the open question of whether China will
           | surpass the US military and become a world reserve currency
           | based on the draw of military might alone. But that doesn't
           | have anything to do with decentralization, rather just a
           | different centralizer.
           | PS treating the diminishing of US power as a foregone
           | conclusion and framing it as a political question of whether
           | the Republicans might "embrace change" (ie overtly facilitate
           | the US's decline) seems like a terribly self-destructive
           | paradigm.
             | WinstonSmith84 wrote:
             | > There is certainly the open question of whether China
             | will surpass the US military and become a world reserve
             | currency based on the draw of military might alone. But
             | that doesn't have anything to do with decentralization,
             | rather just a different centralizer.
             | You're right, but it does have something to do. The US
             | dollar is the best weapon the USA have at the moment, far
             | more efficient than all the nukes. When the US dollar will
             | be treated equal to the Euro or the Yuan or the Yen, the
             | USA won't have an edge anymore and... will have nothing to
             | lose anymore.
             | That's when possibly we will see a mass adoption of
             | cryptocurrencies where powerful countries will search to
             | dominate mining, innovation, etc. As long as we have a
             | single country policing the world, adoption will be
             | incredibly slow and mass adoption will not happen unless we
             | have some visionary politicians ...
             | > framing it as a political question of whether the
             | Republicans might "embrace change" (ie overtly facilitate
             | the US's decline) seems like a terribly self-destructive
             | paradigm.
             | US dollar is declining, and that will continue, it's not an
             | "if". Suing every crypto company is not going to help
             | either way on the long term. It's less about "facilitating
             | US decline", than whether politicians can look forward, or
             | will keep looking back. Republicans seem to have a more
             | open minded approach
           | moolcool wrote:
           | I don't think any serious people in the world are considering
           | the idea that the US would balance their reserves against
           | cryptocurrency.
             | WinstonSmith84 wrote:
             | So 1- I was not referring to cryptocurrencies, crypto
             | market is way too small anyway 2- I'm referring to every
             | country _except_ the US, obviously...
             | From Middle East to China or even Japan, every country is
             | reducing their global reserves in dollars, and diversifying
             | in other (national) currencies. Also, many countries are
             | trying to conduct trades in other currencies than the US
             | dollar.
             | Basically, I'm just referring to the decline of the US
             | dollar and that's welcome for everybody except maybe for
             | the US government.
             | https://wolfstreet.com/2023/04/02/status-of-us-dollar-as-
             | glo...
       | adamsmith143 wrote:
       | Always interesting how crypto prices tank after legal action is
       | announced against exchanges. Isn't the whole point to be
       | decentralized in the first place? Hard to believe the whole dip
       | is due to people wanting to get their tokens off the exchanges.
         | awaythrow483 wrote:
         | Price is up today
         | nfRfqX5n wrote:
         | looks like the price barely changed
           | adamsmith143 wrote:
           | ? Bitcoin is down 5% since Binance was sued...
         | jrm4 wrote:
         | Well, there is no "whole point," right? You could roughly
         | divide the crypto world into "true believers" and "people who
         | just want to get rich."
         | The _latter_ overwhelmingly dominate price and volume, and
         | moreover it 's the "whales," i.e. a relatively small number of
         | parties.
         | I suppose I'm something of a "true believer," but what I may
         | want or think is best doesn't matter in the face of the working
         | crypto technology. The incentives are in place and to an extent
         | we just have to sit back and see what happens.
       | dontupvoteme wrote:
       | Curious how authoritarian hackernews is - is this just a knee
       | jerk reaction to annoying cryptobros? Sounds like a board of
       | police officers/retired army men right now commenting on how
       | "that boy had it coming"
         | timerol wrote:
         | It's a long-simmering annoyance at the decline of the
         | cryptocurrency ecosystem: from the really cool technology
         | underlying Bitcoin, to exciting whitepapers with different
         | solutions to hard problems on other coins, to intractable
         | whitepapers designed to create hype for coins that do nothing,
         | to the clear creation of exchanges as places to gamble, to the
         | sidelining of anyone in the cryptocurrency world trying to
         | solve any problem other than "get rich quick", to the collapse
         | of FTX.
         | All through it the definition of a security has been clear, but
         | Coinbase et al has pretended that the issue is "regulatory
         | clarity" and not "we are operating as a fking unlicensed
         | securities exchange in the USA bro".
         | Very rarely a cool use case for cryptocurrency will come up,
         | but the marketing is now entirely "invest and make money!",
         | which is some combination of tedious and scammy, depending on
         | who it's coming from.
       | jmyeet wrote:
       | Here's my take on crypto:
       | 1. Despite any theoretical applications, all applications of
       | crypto thus far have been to bypass laws. Some of these might be
       | moral (eg avoiding currency controls in some countries like
       | Venezuela) but mostly it's just illegal stuff;
       | 2. No one is really interested in applications. They're "hodling"
       | [sic] because of Bitcoin FOMO. They want in on the next Bitcoin.
       | 3. Scams and rug pulls are rife in crypto. Taken with (2), this
       | implies that people who think they're getting rich in crypto are
       | only going to do so by scamming or rug pulling other people who
       | will be left holding the bag;
       | 4. Despite all the claims about verifiability, somehow the crypto
       | space still needs strong government intervention to deter and
       | prosecute scammers, criminals and thieves. That's another big L
       | for the libertarians and goldbugs-turned-crypto-bros out there;
       | 5. NFTs are the next level scam about crypto and really only
       | exist to sell more crypto;
       | 6. A lot of otherwise smart people have fooled themselves into
       | thinking that their knowledge, skills and experience with some
       | other area somehow magically translates into finance;
       | 7. A whole bunch more snake oil salesmen are happy to sell others
       | this lie;
       | 8. The desire and desperation to get rich by many "hodlers"
       | causes them to fool themselves into thinking there's any value in
       | crypto;
       | 9. Reversability of transactions and the ability to change the
       | money supply volume are features not bugs; and
       | 10. What underpins the US dollar is, ultimately, the full might
       | of the US government and military as well as trust. Crypto too is
       | ultimately still built on trust but has nothing else behind it.
       | It actually seemed to me that Coinbase was the one company
       | operating legitimately. I haven't read the complaint so I'm not
       | sure how much merit the charges have. We shall see.
         | strbean wrote:
         | > 1. Despite any theoretical applications, all applications of
         | crypto thus far have been to bypass laws.
         | Not so: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin_in_El_Salvador
       | modeless wrote:
       | The specific crypto tokens they are classifying as securities
       | DASH, and NEXO.
       | Of course they say "not limited to" to hedge their bets, but
       | those are the ones they specifically mention. This is the exact
       | "regulatory clarity" Coinbase has been asking for, but the SEC
       | prefers to sit on their hands for years (while investors are
       | "harmed") and then sue, rather than actually tell Coinbase what
       | they think up front. Sure seems self-serving to me, rather than
       | anything like a genuine interest in protecting investors.
         | x86x87 wrote:
         | Hah. Protecting investors. What a bunch of croc. This was never
         | about protecting investors. If it was they would have issues
         | the guidance 5 years ago. This is about blowing up crypto in
         | general by removing the on/off ramps (ie the exchanges).
         | Also: mandatory crypto is bad for the environment and it
         | consumes more power than the whole country of Argentina! /s But
         | nobody seems to care or talk about how much power crapGPT is
         | consuming. The future they tell me
           | mjburgess wrote:
           | This is such a dangerous attitude.
           | The reason regulators have waited years, despite the facts of
           | the matter being legally obvious, is not wanting to be blamed
           | for blowing up the whole ponzi house-of-cards. They've waited
           | until enough such houses blew up on their own, that they feel
           | "the facts have been demonstrated".
           | If you want to know why they didnt "blow up crypto", "five
           | years ago", its because of you -- and this attitude.
           | Without it, vast swathes of online grifts that have ruined
           | peoeple's lives wouldve been blown out the water by now.
             | foodjinn wrote:
             | The SEC had a hand in the subprime mortgage crisis, quite
             | literally there is no reason to believe they are regulating
             | on the behalf of anyone except the large banks. They
             | absolutely are not regulating to help "investors" they are
             | regulating to protect big banks like JPMC, just like they
             | did in 08.
               | mjburgess wrote:
               | This is genuinely ridiculous. The "big banks" can buy up
               | and own as much of the crytpo ecosystem as they desire,
               | and all the "whales" are "institutional billionaires".
               | Crypto has, for years, been held by "the elite" -- and
               | Andreessen et al. are exactly using it as a system to
               | commit securities fraud.
               | The direction of wealth flow in crypto is from late
               | retail entrants to billionaire major holders who cash out
               | using late entrants.
               | The idea that the SEC, post-collapse-after-collapse, is
               | here to "protect JP Morgan"... i mean, this is a patent
               | lie, misdirection, and act of desperation in trying to
               | set up the SEC as the scapegaot for this exploitative
               | system's failure.
               | foodjinn wrote:
               | I fail to see how that isn't the case when Gensler went
               | to bat for FTX prior to their collapse in similar fashion
               | to the way the SEC behaved in 08, refuses to clarify
               | surrounding the second largest coin in the market, and
               | then comes down on exchanges after years of refusing to
               | clarify what is or is not illegal conduct.
               | They created a situation in which they can choose winners
               | and losers and people are surprised that they're viewed
               | as corrupt?
               | Asinine.
               | mjburgess wrote:
               | Gensler was taken in by the tech angle -- duped by the
               | (false) claim that this was a world-changing technical
               | innovation. He was, for years, convinced that
               | "revolutionary" blockchain technology was a viable peer-
               | to-peer accounting ledger for a wide variety of assets.
               | This is the problem with this area: lots of finance guys
               | with no csci experience; lots of csci guys dumb on
               | finance.
               | Anyone who has enough experience of both worlds runs a
               | mile from all of this, and can see the toxic mixture of
               | IT hype, finance "collectables mania", and grift.
               | The SEC is just catching up to how much the finance
               | industry has been duped by bros-in-shorts talking about
               | "algorithms"
               | foodjinn wrote:
               | The SEC isn't catching up to it when they've explicitly
               | refused to clarify to both the people they are trying to
               | regulate and the lawmakers themselves on what they
               | determine to be a security.
               | The SEC created a situation by which any action could be
               | deemed criminal and only decided to regulate when it was
               | politically expedient to do so.
               | There is no reason to believe they are doing this on
               | behalf of protecting investors, because investors have
               | consistently asked for clarity and the SEC refused to do
               | so, and are only now going after the large exchanges
               | after a rash of traditional finance banking failures.
               | For all of the criticisms against crypto, there is zero
               | reason to believe the SEC is operating in good faith
               | because they have shown time and time again they are not.
               | mjburgess wrote:
               | Never have new "technologies" been regulated "on release"
               | by any government agency, i believe credit cards took ~20
               | years.
               | The SEC here is acting perhaps _the fastest ever_ to the
               | development of a new financial instrument.
               | The howey test was always clear to everyone invovled. The
               | whole "SEC hasnt said anything yet" is a line used by
               | liars to cover-up and distract from their patent fraud --
               | which takes place, not coincidently, off-shore. Every
               | investigation so far has yielded plenty of internal chats
               | to the effect of 'lol this is illegal lol lol'. No one
               | here was in the dark, that's why everyone has redflags
               | out-the-wazoo.
               | The background historical context here is also that gov
               | cannot been seen to stifle new tech, and has to "give it
               | its fair shot" absent regulation. Or else be blamed for
               | its failure.
               | I think it's frankly obscene after the fraud-after-fraud-
               | after-fraud that is the entire crypto system, that any
               | body would pin anything on the SEC.
               | This is yet another lie designed to distract form the
               | last 13 years of failure -- all the crypto system has
               | done is breed massive amounts of fraud, money laundering,
               | ransomware and the most industrialised grift in human
               | history.
               | The SEC has not failed here one iota in comparison to
               | this industrialised con.
             | modeless wrote:
             | The whole point of the regulation is to stop it from
             | blowing up and harming investors. If they wait until after
             | then they have failed at their job.
           | rvz wrote:
           | > Also: mandatory crypto is bad for the environment and it
           | consumes more power than the whole country of Argentina! /s
           | But nobody seems to care or talk about how much power crapGPT
           | is consuming. The future they tell me
           | He's right you know: [0] [1]. Cryptocurrencies like Ethereum
           | moved from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake, eliminating 99%
           | of their CO2 emissions. [2] There are alternatives to PoW and
           | they exist today.
           | AI (Deep Learning) on the other hand is going to continue to
           | waste more energy, water, etc has no viable efficient
           | alternatives in training their deep neural networks without
           | building more data centers.
           | [0] https://gizmodo.com/chatgpt-ai-water-185000-gallons-
           | training...
           | [1] https://www.standard.co.uk/tech/ai-chatgpt-water-usage-
           | envir...
           | [2] https://consensys.net/blog/press-release/ethereum-
           | blockchain...
           | thot_experiment wrote:
           | Deep learning actually provides something of value now, and
           | the training is in service of seeing if maybe it could do
           | better in the future. Crypto provides a way to part fools
           | from their money, and a way to circumvent financial laws.
           | Yes, I get that there's "value" to circumventing sanctions
           | and whatnot, but that's the same sort of value as making
           | people phone you to cancel a subscription or optimizing CTR
           | on an ad or whatever. It's not the kind of "value" that
           | benefits society.
         | tyre wrote:
         | Nononononononononononono we don't get to play that game. The
         | SEC has perfectly clearly communicated for years its regulatory
         | clarity: most crypto-currencies are obviously securities.
         | When Coinbase and others say "regulatory clarity", they _want_
         | the answer to be some framework for how they can continue to
         | sell crypto to everyone /anyone. But that's not the policy!
         | Most of these coins are some combination of ponzi schemes,
         | vaporware, pump-and-dumps, fraud, money laundering, rug pulls,
         | etc. The SEC's position absolutely protects investors from
         | getting involved with that crap.
           | modeless wrote:
           | That _is_ the policy. The SEC has said that some
           | cryptocurrencies are OK, like Bitcoin and Ethereum. And
           | though today they gave a list of some they don 't like, there
           | are plenty of others that they still refuse to talk about
           | despite explicit requests. What is the point of being opaque
           | about it? It's not protecting investors, that's for sure.
           | Seems more like they just want to be punitive.
             | TylerE wrote:
             | New tokens are being spawned faster than the SEC could
             | possibly do even a cursory analysis of them.
               | modeless wrote:
               | Of course. But they could clearly have analyzed more
               | than, say, two in the past decade before filing suit.
             | droopyEyelids wrote:
             | Here's a little thought experiment.
             | Let's say a new government organization makes a rule
             | "You'll get fined if you make a red ball for playing catch"
             | You think about it for a while, and decide to make a red
             | Hecatohedron for playing catch. You start playing catch
             | with it and if it's ok. The new government org doesn't
             | reply and eventually fines you.
             | Is that government organization being opaque?
       | transducers wrote:
       | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_P._Brooks
       | He is apparently BAM CEO (B) of the SEC's Binance lawsuit [0],
       | and also worked at Coinbase (to setup compliance) [1]. I was
       | reading up on his activities on his wiki page and rather
       | impressed. Was a comptroller of the Currency for a while in 2020,
       | too. He's still sitting on the board of another company that's in
       | block chains (BitFury [2] does infrastructure) and apparently a
       | lot of "vision" related stuff [3]
       | [0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36202663
       | [1]: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_P._Brooks#Coinbase
       | """ After working at Fannie Mae, Brooks was Chief Legal Officer
       | of Coinbase from 2018 to 2020. Coinbase is an $8 billion Silicon
       | Valley startup that is one of the largest digital currency
       | platforms in the world. At Coinbase, he was responsible for the
       | company's legal, compliance, internal audit, government
       | relations, and global intelligence groups. """
       | [2]: https://bitfury.com/
       | [3[]: https://www.axelera.ai/
       | I got a chuckle from the "democratizing edge AI" since they are
       | selling surveillance AI for the edge. Reminded me of Washington
       | Post's masthead. Are they being ironic? /g
       | shp0ngle wrote:
       | Well, there is your regulatory clarity, Coinbase.
       | johndhi wrote:
       | Question: is it even possible to register as a security? If you
       | do, what follows?
       | So if SOL for example were to register somewhere, what would they
       | need to do, and what would I need to do to buy it?
         | SpicyLemonZest wrote:
         | There's no fundamental reason it would be impossible. Solana
         | Labs would need to file a registration statement with the SEC (
         | https://www.sec.gov/education/smallbusiness/goingpublic/regi...
         | ) including among other things a description of its business
         | practices and audited financial statements.
         | Once they did that, you would be able to buy and sell it at any
         | registered exchange who's willing to list it. Coinbase, maybe,
         | if they're willing to accept the costs and regulations
         | involved.
           | arctek wrote:
           | Except that it would exclude a raft of non-US citizens then,
           | i.e. any sanctioned country, Coinbase would also need to
           | become registered as an ATS and their current settlement and
           | clearing processes would need to be re-engineered from the
           | ground up. For all intents and purposes you cannot register a
           | cryptocurrency with the SEC and then go on trading it
           | anywhere publicly - it doesn't exist. There's only been a few
           | projects that managed to avoid this: Enigma for example moved
           | to a decentralized network and changed their coin over (so it
           | was magically no longer a security according to the SEC) and
           | the SEC just fined them and made them issue refunds for the
           | project raise.
             | JumpCrisscross wrote:
             | > _it would exclude a raft of non-US citizens then, i.e.
             | any sanctioned country_
             | This lays bare the problem with the _status quo_. Wanting
             | to profit off sanctions busting isn't a sympathetic pitch.
               | dbmikus wrote:
               | In some cases, I find it sympathetic. For example, I
               | don't think it's a clear cut moral resolution that people
               | should exclude Iran from buying US goods and services,
               | but they are on the sanctioned list. I supported Obama
               | dropping sanctions on Iran back when he was president.
               | There's a difference between what is legal and what is
               | moral. For what is moral, there are hardly any absolute
               | answers.
               | JumpCrisscross wrote:
               | > _I don 't think it's a clear cut moral resolution that
               | people should exclude Iran from buying US goods and
               | services, but they are on the sanctioned list_
               | Sure. But crypto is an inefficient way to express that
               | policy preference. And it's difficult to comport claims
               | of altruistic intent with crypto's financial incentives.
         | marcell wrote:
         | Registering a security means basically an IPO. The burden is
         | very high and is out of reach for crypto startups that have
         | little revenue and under $1 million in funding.
       | cultureswitch wrote:
       | And there we go. The promise of a form of cash outside of USA
       | government control is terrifying to the USA government. And well,
       | most other governments too.
       | It is pretty obvious that when the USA government goes after
       | crypto exchanges, what matters is to get the exchange shut down.
       | The actual justification for doing so is an afterthought.
       | I'm torn on the issue of whether dematerialized privacy-
       | preserving cash (and yeah, I know crypto exchanges had very
       | little to do with that) is even a good thing to begin with. To me
       | the strongest argument for it is that the crimes that would be
       | facilitated by that are already trivial, as long as you're rich
       | enough. You don't need Monero when you can "sell" a Monet in
       | exchange for services instead. It is incredibly hypocritical of
       | governments to complain that privacy-preserving currencies enable
       | criminals when they have done literally nothing to stop the
       | numerous convenient ways to launder money that are accessible
       | only to rich and powerful people.
         | sealeck wrote:
         | I think part of it might be that the only use case for which
         | crypto really works is for drug dealers to safely conduct
         | transactions.
         | I believe in the right to privacy, but I believe in it as an
         | extension of a personal right to self-expression. Freedom to
         | practice your religion, to date whomever you want, etc
         | (provided it doesn't hurt others), sure. Freedom to hold 10^9
         | USD secretly so that you don't have to pay tax on it and can
         | peddle drugs, not really.
         | gitfan86 wrote:
         | That is putting the cart before the horse. The USA is not a
         | libertarian government. Why did anyone think that it was a good
         | idea to invest in products that would only survive in a
         | libertarian government?
           | cultureswitch wrote:
           | Invest?
           | I think investing in crypto is purely based on greater fool
           | theory.
           | Doesn't mean there aren't any legitimate uses for
           | cryptocurrency, let alone the blockchain technology.
           | In this sense, why should Coinbase and a currency exchange
           | booth in some airport be considered any different? Of course,
           | Coinbase doesn't quite operate statelessly like that, and to
           | me that's the issue here.
           | x86x87 wrote:
           | Lol. What is the US government?
       | seydor wrote:
       | I think it was always 100% clear that cryptocurrencies can't live
       | within the confines of the laws of a sovereign state. Why people
       | registered their exchanges along with the rest of the banking
       | system ? it made zero sense from the start, as does the whole
       | idea that cryptos can be traded in regulated capitalism. Bitcoin
       | needs its own country (or planet) with nukes and all.
         | duxup wrote:
         | > Why people registered their exchanges along with the rest of
         | the banking system ?
         | Access to people and money?
         | Personally I think the initial philosophy behind crypto and how
         | it is actually used has long since disconnected.
           | seydor wrote:
           | i think it's not possible to be disconnected. it's like using
           | laptops to cook pasta
             | duxup wrote:
             | I don't know what that means.
         | jrm4 wrote:
         | Not that I agree with the own planet thing; but yes -- it's
         | odd. All of this was 100% predictable and should have been
         | expected by everyone. The _stated purpose_ of crypto was to get
         | around this; its weird to see crypto fans  "get mad" at e.g.
         | the SEC. It's like getting mad at a shark for going after
         | bleeding prey; it's just what was always going to happen.
           | hirako2000 wrote:
           | Mad because some entrepreneurs makes the effort to build
           | legitimate business entities, and what certain governments
           | find to do is any scheme to keep them out of legitimity.
           | Not that crypto fans would care all that much about these
           | businesses, but there is a need to onramp and offramp given
           | transactions are made in their vast majority in fiat. An
           | exchange run as a business having at least a lot at stake in
           | ensuring continuity is one of the decent ways to get on with
           | crypto.
           | If it was my call I would skip the perp and earn products to
           | stay clear of regulators when operating in the US, but there
           | must be stories behind closed doors that we don't easily get
           | to know would be my guess.
             | JohnFen wrote:
             | > Mad because some entrepreneurs makes the effort to build
             | legitimate business entities, and what certain governments
             | find to do is any scheme to keep them out of legitimity.
             | This isn't what it looks like to me. It looks to me like
             | the entire point of cyptocurrency was to complete route
             | around regulations that these people thought were too
             | onerous. That's not building a "legitimate" business,
             | that's taking a risk and building a business in the hopes
             | that it will end up being legitimized.
             | I think that if you're taking a big risk and lose, it's
             | unseemly to be mad at anyone except yourself.
               | jrm4 wrote:
               | Exactly this! For whatever reason I have this image of
               | guy in a wetsuit and surfboard looking at a big wave
               | coming in and being like "whoa, what's this? how dare
               | it!"
               | hirako2000 wrote:
               | Entrepreneur are risk takers, and they do move the
               | needle. We easily forget to thank them.
               | Would you say the same about music streaming, as
               | companies were launching services without all the due
               | dues, but knew they would finally have leverage once they
               | have a significant user base to negociate deals for
               | legitimate offerings?
               | Anyhow those big risk takers are not losing because of
               | the roulette factor here, they are hit by some political
               | stance that wants to keep a statu quo, with crypto
               | entering more mainstream at each cycle, legislators work
               | hard at putting a stop to it.
               | Just read what the head of the SEC said, verbatim "the US
               | does not need other digital currencies". As if it was the
               | SEC to tell what the US need and doesn't need. This whole
               | war against crypto isn't about unregistered securities
               | being sold by unlicensed businesses, it's about using
               | whatever they have to tame what has become a threatening
               | industry, a competition to the traditional financial
               | system. It's about keeping the statu quo.
               | Yesterday bitcoiners were drug dealers and terrorist,
               | today they are illegitimate investors and exchanges are
               | not following financial regulations, the law, abusing
               | innocent uneducated investors. These laws are impossible
               | to navigate, after countess demands from businesses and
               | those competent in that tech along with the law: Provide
               | clear direction and regulations for a legitimate crypto
               | field. But no, let's sue businesses who insist to operate
               | and keep the rules impossible to adhere to so that we can
               | sue, shut down, after the demonising that stopped working
               | so well after a while.
               | I would like to be less one sided but the simplistic
               | views on the crypto situation can only make me more
               | radical in the view that the whole thing will be, or
               | should be some may say, absolutely not regulated. Those
               | who get into it don't want some imposed pseudo
               | protection, they just demand the freedom of money. If its
               | the SEC or the danger of being rug pulled, more and more
               | will chose the second.
             | seydor wrote:
             | it's not like these onramps served the real purpose of
             | digital currency. People don't buy bitcoin in order to pay
             | for services, they buy it to speculate. Bitcoin could
             | succeed even without onramps; digital workers can easily
             | accept bitcoin if they care, which over time will be traded
             | with goods in the physical world with other people who
             | care. That's grass roots deployment, not VC-backed
             | "legitimate" ponzi exchanges.
             | I do however understand why people are mad. To me it seems
             | that crypto is to GenZ what Real estate was to boomers.
             | It's about building generational wealth in a time of
             | extreme inequality where most other avenues have been
             | closed. It may come back for that, but it has to be built
             | outside the confines of state-regulated money systems
               | hirako2000 wrote:
               | The offramp / onramp is necessary so long as we have two
               | systems, we need a gate between the two, even if crypto
               | had 10 times its current level of trading transactions,
               | as in trading of good or services for crypto, there would
               | still be a large imbalance where more income would be
               | taking fiat in. Adoption is happening, surely less so or
               | far slower in the developed nations like in the US, but
               | is not contracting globally. Unless all fiat currencies
               | were to suddenly collapse, the bridge is needed. And,
               | even if the wildest adoption was to take place, there
               | will likely still be centralised issuers here and there,
               | some countries sitting on paper money which would make
               | off ramping a very long term need.
               | Interesting comment, I like the parallel with the boomers
               | era. Crypto may just take over once throw genX take over
               | in far greater numbers, get elected, and the few old
               | recalcitrant putting obstacle get cornered.
               | seydor wrote:
               | If bitcoin was valued, banks would create the onramps.
               | The current, speculation -based exchanges are putting the
               | cart before the horse
             | jrm4 wrote:
             | Yeah, but let's be real. I 100% believe in the big picture
             | theory of crypto, but it's not at all _unreasonable_ for
             | the parties in charge to see what 's actually happening to
             | real people and to be like "this is NOTHING but scams."
             | I don't have a lot of sympathy for whingeing about "the SEC
             | is treating us unfairly." They're doing their job. If
             | "crypto-at-large" wants to be an acceptable business thing,
             | then it needs to better protect people from getting
             | scammed; present regime of crypto things have nearly
             | absolutely failed at this.
       | TimPC wrote:
       | Crypto companies think they don't trade securities which is
       | clearly wrong and contradicted by their own advertising. People
       | buy crypto without a real use for crypto because they think they
       | can sell it for more later. Everyone under the sun knows this.
       | It's obviously a security and failing to register should be met
       | by SEC cases like this one.
         | dcow wrote:
         | There are two modalities to crypto and the law needs to treat
         | them differently. Running a node on a crypto currency network
         | does not generate securities. It generates commodities. We
         | don't tax people on the FMV of gold when they dig it out of the
         | ground. But, speculating on the price of gold by creating a
         | virtual token/contract/etc. and selling that, well that's
         | obviously a security. Just because people buy gold
         | speculatively does make it a security. So buying bitcoin or
         | chia (no longer eth) is still buying a commodity. Anything
         | else, yeah, seems like it passes the sniff test for a security.
           | Analemma_ wrote:
           | > We don't tax people on the FMV of gold when they dig it out
           | of the ground.
           | Uh, yeah, we definitely do. I have relatives who sell the oil
           | under their property, and that absolutely is taxable income.
             | dcow wrote:
             | The _sale_ is taxable obviously and of course. The same is
             | true for gold and crypto.
             | But your relatives didn't get a tax bill for 25% of the
             | value of the oil the moment it was prospected, did they?
             | Their land value went up but they weren't taxed on the
             | value increase either (that happens when the land is sold).
               | dgfitz wrote:
               | Maybe I'm mistaken, but my property taxes increase as the
               | value of the property increases. The sales tax is a tax
               | on the sale itself when sold at price $X.
           | vkou wrote:
           | > We don't tax people on the FMV of gold when they dig it out
           | of the ground.
           | Why shouldn't we? We tax people on the FMV of something
           | valuable created out of thin air, why should gold be an
           | exception?
             | paulddraper wrote:
             | > We tax people on the FMV of something valuable created
             | out of thin air,
             | There are _income_ taxes which apply when goods or services
             | are sold.
             | There are _sales_ taxes when goods are purchased.
             | There are _property_ taxes when goods are owned.
             | Nothing gets taxed on creation.
               | revbed wrote:
               | And there are _excise_ taxes when goods are created.
               | paulddraper wrote:
               | Excise taxes are a product-specific sales tax.
               | For example, on gasoline. The tax occurs at the pump, not
               | at the refinery.
             | lottin wrote:
             | It isn't exempt. The miner will have to pay VAT when they
             | try to sell the gold.
           | stonogo wrote:
           | In my youth it was illegal to own gold _at all_ unless it was
           | jewelry. You 'd be surprised what "we" do when it comes to
           | wealth.
           | WoahNoun wrote:
           | > We don't tax people on the FMV of gold when they dig it out
           | of the ground.
           | The IRS considers found gold to be gross income and taxes are
           | owed on it.
             | whimsicalism wrote:
             | Dig out of the ground != found gold, look at the caselaw
               | [deleted]
         | zamfi wrote:
         | > People buy crypto without a real use for crypto because they
         | think they can sell it for more later.
         | That's not what makes something a security -- many things fit
         | into that template that aren't securities: collectibles,
         | commodities, etc.
         | isp wrote:
         | > Crypto companies think they don't trade securities
         | To quote the Binance Chief "Compliance" Officer: "we are
         | operating as a fking unlicensed securities exchange in the USA
         | bro"
         | Source: Quoted in the filing yesterday where SEC sued Binance
         | > 111. As Binance's CCO bluntly admitted to another Binance
         | compliance officer in December 2018, "we are operating as a
         | fking unlicensed securities exchange in the USA bro."
         | https://www.sec.gov/files/litigation/complaints/2023/comp-pr...
           | koonsolo wrote:
           | > in the USA
           | Important part of the conversation that some people here seem
           | to forget.
             | zymhan wrote:
             | The title of this post is "US SEC sues Coinbase".
             | No one is "forgetting".
               | koonsolo wrote:
               | Literally a parent comment:
               | > Everyone under the sun knows this. It's obviously a
               | security
               | Is this US ignorance or what? "It's a security in US, so
               | it's a security for everyone under the sun"
           | asveikau wrote:
           | I hear if you add "bro" to a statement it makes you immune
           | from prosecution.
           | EA-3167 wrote:
           | It's almost unbelievable that someone would put something so
           | monumentally incriminating in writing, but there it is.
           | Those boys are doomed.
             | Analemma_ wrote:
             | A bunch of people have speculated that this was a CYA move.
             | I mean, if you get hired as the Compliance Officer for a
             | company which clearly has no interest in compliance and
             | only hired you to give a facade of respectability, you
             | probably want to have a paper trail indicating "I clearly
             | communicated that this was against the law, and they
             | ignored me" for when the cops inevitably come.
               | jahewson wrote:
               | Nothing says "innocent" like observing your criminality
               | before getting right back to participating in the crime.
               | ceejayoz wrote:
               | It could, if you're a whistleblower/informant. The SEC's
               | bounty program makes it a pretty good idea.
               | https://www.sec.gov/whistleblower
               | madrox wrote:
               | This was my thought as well. In all likelihood, the CCO
               | is the person who informed to the SEC. If I were in that
               | role, I would have.
         | drexlspivey wrote:
         | SEC is supposed to tell them what is a security and what isn't
         | so they can refrain from selling them. Exchanges have been
         | asking for clarification over and over. So far the only thing
         | the SEC said on the subject is that BTC in _not_ a security but
         | nothing about the other cryptos.
         | In the absence of regulatory clarity Coinbase have devised
         | their own framework to classify what tokens aren't securities
         | and proceeded to list them. I don't know how you can blame
         | them. It's the SEC's job to tell them what they can trade and
         | what they can't but they refuse to do it.
           | TylerE wrote:
           | They did tell them - Howey test etc, Coinbase just didn't
           | like the answer and thus has been pretending they didn't hear
           | it.
             | drexlspivey wrote:
             | Please point to where the SEC has made any official
             | statement defining which crypto is and isn't a security.
               | TylerE wrote:
               | That's not how it works. They say what a security is.
               | It's not their job to be babysit. Corps wishing to play
               | in this field are expected to understand the basic
               | foundations.
           | Yizahi wrote:
           | When tokenbro industry invented a very convoluted asset class
           | they expected government to say "Oh, it's really hard to
           | understand and classify it, that's why we won't do it at all.
           | You guys can do whatever you want now.". But actually they
           | said "Oh, it's really hard to understand and classify it,
           | that's why we will have to do it the long and painful way,
           | and you guys can wait for us or not. But if you want to
           | operate before the decision is reached - it's on you if you
           | break the law.".
           | Apparently a really convoluted business plan is not an
           | inherent human right, if it is masking law infringement in he
           | mean time. Who knew, right?:)
         | krunck wrote:
         | That's odd. All these years I thought I was exchanging dollars
         | for Bitcoin for spending it. Thanks for setting me straight.
           | _fizz_buzz_ wrote:
           | I know lots of people that own bitcoin. I haven't met anybody
           | that uses bitcoin to spend it on anything.
           | It still makes front page news on reddit if someone does
           | groceries with crypto: https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrenc
           | y/comments/13a9q3r/yes...
           | People write articles if a house gets sold with bitcoin:
           | https://finbold.com/house-in-portugal-sold-for-3-bitcoins-
           | in...
           | Spending bitcoin on "stuff" basically doesn't exist. It's a
           | rounding error.
             | dopa42365 wrote:
             | It's almost as if people don't actually want a multiple
             | dollar transaction fee that can take an hour (or more) to
             | process.
             | That may be acceptable when you use bitcoin (or more likely
             | Monero) to buy whatever your heart desires, but is
             | absolutely not usable for regular purchases.
             | achillean wrote:
             | As a vendor that tried accepting crypto I can confirm that
             | it's basically non-existent. And the few transactions that
             | do take place have a lot more issues than regular payments:
             | https://blog.shodan.io/accepting-crypto-a-vendor-
             | perspective...
         | throw1234651234 wrote:
         | It's absolutely unclear what the SEC is doing here at all. Why
         | is ALGO a security and ETH is not? They do the same thing. What
         | are the implications of this lawsuit? Completely unclear. This
         | is vague and unhelpful.
         | edit: Keep downvoting - the fact, with a clear example,
         | remains.
           | pjc50 wrote:
           | Howey test.
           | tromp wrote:
           | I think ETH should have been classified as one too, due to
           | its ICO. Making an exemption for that was a mistake...
             | WinstonSmith84 wrote:
             | Let's ask Gensler what are his thoughts about ETH then
             | https://twitter.com/sassal0x/status/1648338351832064003
             | Oh wait ... :-)
               | throw1234651234 wrote:
               | That's amazing on the level of refusal to answer a simple
               | question.
             | simpsond wrote:
             | The primary use cases of ETH are changing state of the
             | network and collateral for state change validation.
             | Requester pays to effect change and some ETH is burnt and
             | some goes to validators to incentivize operation. What
             | other security does that? I don't expect profit when using
             | it to change state of the network.
           | EscapeFromNY wrote:
           | When was ETH declared as not a security? I don't remember
           | hearing anything about that.
           | The SEC says only BTC is a commodity:
           | https://www.axios.com/2022/06/28/bitcoin-is-the-only-coin-
           | th...
           | The CFTC says only BTC is a commodity:
           | https://cryptoslate.com/cftc-chair-rostin-behnam-snubs-
           | ether...
           | People keep saying that regulation is unclear, when let's be
           | honest, it's perfectly clear. Just not what a lot of people
           | wanted to hear.
             | whimsicalism wrote:
             | > People keep saying that regulation is unclear, when let's
             | be honest, it's perfectly clear. Just not what a lot of
             | people wanted to hear.
             | I honestly don't know how you can say that with a straight
             | face if you have ever looked into this for more than 5
             | minutes.
             | The regulation is _not_ clear and they refuse to clarify
             | when asked on many important topics. Compare that to other
             | security related issues, where regulators are very
             | proactive about _clearly_ defining what is what, publishing
             | explainers, etc. etc.
             | taeric wrote:
             | The fact that they have been asked, point blank, by
             | congress, "is ETH a security?" and the SEC wouldn't answer
             | is pretty fair for claiming "not perfectly clear."
             | Even here, it wasn't all of ETH that is under question. So,
             | if you have bought some ETH from coinbase, it isn't under
             | fire here. If you paid them to stake your ETH, it is. It is
             | unclear, to me, what it would mean for any ETH you staked
             | personally.
               | vkou wrote:
               | I've watched that interview, congress would ask a loaded
               | question, framed in a fallacy[1], the chair would start
               | answering it, and the congresscritter would interrupt him
               | and throw a tantrum. Repeat 5x.
               | It wasn't a good look. For the congresscritter.
               | (I wonder how much money he's gotten from Sam, CZ, and
               | Coinbase...)
               | [1] The fallacy in question is the congresscritter's
               | claim[2] that a security can't also be a commodity. This
               | is trivially disprovable by a simple example - an
               | isolated company town using scrip, where the scrip also
               | happens to be company stock.
               | [2] Whenever the chair would start responding to the
               | fallacy, the congresscritter shouts over him, because if
               | he doesn't, his argument-in-the-form-of-a-question falls
               | to pieces.
               | taeric wrote:
               | He wouldn't start answering. He was asked "yes or no, is
               | ..." and would start hemming and hawing with words that
               | were neither "yes" or "no."
               | vkou wrote:
               | Have you stopped beating your wife?
               | Yes or no. No hemming or hawing. It's a simple question,
               | yes, or no?
               | ----
               | Is it clear to you now that a simple yes or no question,
               | couched in an incorrect assertion is not actually a
               | simple yes-or-no question?
               | taeric wrote:
               | A question where answering easily implies past behavior
               | is very different from one that does not. "Do you think
               | it is ok to beat your spouse?" better not get any slow
               | rolled answer, and is more comparable here.
               | Hell, I'd be fine with a hedged answer of "it can be."
               | That would make a ton of sense and would make sense. Akin
               | to asking "is it speeding to drive your car at 40?" The
               | answer would be "in certain situations, certainly. Can be
               | too fast and it can be too slow." So an answer of "I
               | can't answer without more context" would be fine.
               | None of that is what I saw.
               | vkou wrote:
               | Past behaviour isn't the issue. An incorrect assertion is
               | the issue.
               | Let me give you another chance to answer a simple yes or
               | no question.
               | ----
               | Since it's obvious that democrats are all criminals and
               | baby-eaters, is Elizabeth Warren a democrat?
               | Yes or no. No hemming or hawing. I'll interrupt you as
               | soon as I hear any words besides those two. Your answer
               | or failure to answer will appear as a headline in the New
               | York Times.
               | ----
               | The chair _was_ responding to the statement made in the
               | question, the congressman just didn 't like what that
               | response was, which is why he kept interrupting.
               | whimsicalism wrote:
               | For any who might be interested, a link to the exchange
               | that this user is comparing to asking if "democrats are
               | all criminals and baby-eaters" [0]. Remember, the law is
               | "extremely clear" on whether these tokens are securities
               | or commodities, according to the GGP commentator.
               | [0]: https://youtu.be/VhA1dZXeao0?t=58
               | taeric wrote:
               | The question was literally "is ETH a security?" To
               | compare that to the questions you are stating is
               | laughably bad faith argument.
               | Though, I'll bite. What statement is made by the question
               | "Is ETH a security?" Why is that a question that can't be
               | answered with "Yes", "No", or "it depends how it is
               | packaged"?
               | vkou wrote:
               | The question was literally "Because something cannot be
               | both a security and a commodity, is Eth a security?"
               | The chair's answer was, as we can glean from the
               | interruptions (but who the hell really knows, the man's
               | not allowed to finish a sentence) 'It depends'.
               | taeric wrote:
               | If he was saying "it depends" he had a lot of words to
               | say that. His sentences were like my talking to the kids
               | when I ask "did you do your homework?" It was painful.
               | And note that some things can be both a security while
               | wrapped around a commodity. Just look at brokered CDs.
               | Such that, even if you agreed that ETH is a commodity,
               | you can still have financial instruments on ETH that are
               | securities.
               | trifurcate wrote:
               | No, I have not stopped beating my wife.
               | throw1234651234 wrote:
               | That's the root of the problem - it's absolutely unclear
               | what the global implications are and if this will be used
               | to go after individuals staking on their own, etc.
               | loeg wrote:
               | No agency has the resources or interest to go after
               | individuals that aren't doing anything especially
               | egregious.
         | throw0101c wrote:
         | > _Crypto companies think they don 't trade securities_ [...]
         | I think the main debate is whether they are (in the US)
         | securities under the SEC or commodities under the CFTC.
         | Though there may be related products and funds that are being
         | traded.
         | EricDeb wrote:
         | People buy houses, dont live in them, purely to sell them for
         | more later.
         | gonzo41 wrote:
         | What's the use of crypto again? Because I think it's kinda
         | useless. Just like NFT's
           | cultureswitch wrote:
           | Imagine your business or employer is suddenly blacklisted by
           | payment processors over political/cultural reasons.
           | The advantages of crypto should become pretty clear at that
           | point.
             | greenie_beans wrote:
             | imagine your crypto wallet being blacklisted by a 51%
             | attack, over political/cultural reasons.
               | sebzim4500 wrote:
               | This hasn't happened to any large coins though, whereas
               | people have had their bank accounts frozen for political
               | reasons.
           | Demmme wrote:
           | Destroying our planet even faster by tons and tons of Asics
           | garbage and CO2 production
           | Lucky enough VC is now going to ml
           | matheusmoreira wrote:
           | Monero is private and perfectly usable for payments. I've
           | gotten paid in Monero, works great. People just need to start
           | using it.
           | taeric wrote:
           | I could ask the same for a lot of things, though? Time
           | shares, collectible card games, collectibles at large,
           | fashion at large, etc.
           | Not that I can or will wholly defend crypto. That just
           | doesn't seem like a relevant complaint.
           | I do question the desire for everlasting permanence of the
           | blockchain. I know we like to keep real estate deed records
           | and such going back as far as we can, but even there we have
           | limited utility of that. Encasing it in a technical solution
           | that expands to cover more transactions does feel limited in
           | usefulness. Largely ironic/funny that it makes it incredibly
           | unsuited to criminal use.
             | jakear wrote:
             | > Time shares
             | They bring the probability that you will be harassed by
             | police/landowners/elements/civilians when residing in an
             | area way down. Personally, I take the harassment and sleep
             | on the street. But it's not easy and many would pay not to.
             | > collectible card games
             | You have fun when you play them. People pay to have fun.
             | > collectibles at large
             | Idk some people just get weird addictions. I put
             | collectables at large in the same bucket as crypto, no
             | defense there.
             | > fashion at large
             | Looking good is more likely to get you laid. People like
             | getting laid, and will pay for it.
           | alwayslikethis wrote:
           | Permissionless electronic worldwide payment. That's it. An
           | optional but good to have part is anonymity, which you get
           | with Monero.
           | fullshark wrote:
           | Economic actvity that you don't want a bank or government
           | body to stop, so: illegal activity.
             | foodjinn wrote:
             | Mastercard and paypal have both shut down legal activity in
             | the last 4 years on the backs of government decisions or
             | targeting legal, but politically inconvenient activity and
             | there seems to be no slowing down on that avenue. Pornhub
             | is one recent major example of that.
             | The idea that it's just criminal enterprises that benefit
             | from being able to participate in markets without
             | interference is laughable at best given the increased
             | interconnectedness between banks and the regulators
             | themselves, especially not even 6 months after a rash of
             | major banking failures within the traditional financial
             | markets.
             | There is very little reason to have a favorable opinion of
             | the SEC following the 08 collapse given their own hand in
             | it or the banking failures existing now, especially when
             | they refuse to clarify their position on what is or is not
             | a security so people CAN legally operate in the space. It
             | appears to many both inside and outside of the space that
             | the SEC is wielding its regulatory arm to create winners
             | and losers, and with their own track record it's a failing
             | proposition.
             | It may be hyperbolic, but the holocaust was a legal
             | activity in Nazi occupied territory.
           | Kaytaro wrote:
           | Giving individuals the power to be their own banks is not
           | useless. Unpractical maybe, but not useless.
           | __MatrixMan__ wrote:
           | Crypto is for coordinating group behavior in the presence of
           | powerful adversaries (e.g. governments), always has been.
             | JohnFen wrote:
             | Umm, OK. Funny that's not how it's been marketed. But I'm
             | baffled as to how cryptocurrency is better for doing that
             | than all of the other ways of doing that.
               | __MatrixMan__ wrote:
               | The drugs I've bought with cryptocurrency have been
               | cheaper and of better quality than the drugs I've bought
               | with dollars, by a wide margin. So there's that.
               | The marketing you're talking about is for the investors.
               | By the nature of the product, the users have powerful
               | adversaries and are probably operating in secret. You
               | can't expect their use cases to show up in the marketing,
               | that would defeat the purpose.
               | Sure, you get the bad with the good. There are definitely
               | unsavory things going on under the covers. But you have
               | to weigh that against the misbehavior of the powerful in
               | a world where they're more difficult to coordinate
               | against due to a underdeveloped crypto.
               | It's a trade off, but I think it's a worthwhile one.
               | JohnFen wrote:
               | > in a world where they're more difficult to coordinate
               | against due to a underdeveloped crypto.
               | This is the part I don't understand. How does
               | cryptocurrency make it easier to coordinate people than
               | all the other tools we have to coordinate people?
               | __MatrixMan__ wrote:
               | If you rely on systems that involve implicit custodial
               | trust (i.e. not crypto) to coordinate with your homies,
               | and you have powerful adversaries, your adversaries will
               | compel those custodians to prevent you from communicating
               | with your homies. They also might find you and hurt you.
               | This happened with thepiratebay and DNS. It happened with
               | wikileaks and paypal. It happened at the ISP level with
               | Signal during recent unrest in Iran. It happens with the
               | US banking system anytime somebody manages to get
               | somebody else on one of the OFAC lists. It happens to
               | would-be radicals on twitter all the time.
               | On the other hand, systems that don't involve implicit
               | custodial trust don't have these problems, which is why
               | journalists in China occasionally publish on Ethereum,
               | because the Chinese censors don't have a single-point-of-
               | failure to attack.
               | I don't think that currencies are an especially
               | interesting application (although the wikileaks case is
               | an example where they are relevant to group
               | coordination). It's just that the currencies are what
               | gets hyped because they're relevant to the investment
               | side--without them, there's less money to build the other
               | stuff.
               | Another example which I expect to emerge, but which I
               | don't think has been developed yet, would be the use of
               | NFT's in a successor system. If the leader of a movement
               | gets apprehended or incapacitated and they don't check in
               | after a certain number of blocks, then a contract moves
               | the leadership token to their successor. This denotes the
               | successor's signing keys as authoritative, and the
               | leader's (presumably compromised) keys as deprecated. If
               | you keep signatures on-chain you can also tell which ones
               | were registered at a time when they were valid.
               | You couldn't do this on AWS, somebody would just compel
               | AWS to remove the data they don't like, you need
               | something like a blockchain. But it only works if enough
               | people are running nodes to make attacking all of the
               | node operators infeasible. For that you need to provide
               | incentives, and now we're back to cryptocurrency.
               | For me it comes down to whether you think dissent is more
               | important than preventing all of the shady business that
               | goes on in secret online. I do, so I'm pro-crypto. The
               | currency bit is an ugly necessity which I hope we can
               | find a way to get rid of.
         | thesausageking wrote:
         | If that's true, then why did the SEC approve Coinbase's IPO and
         | not doing anything about it until years later? Even in spite of
         | Coinbase meeting with the SEC hundreds of times and testifying
         | before congress. This is a complete change in their stance by
         | the SEC.
           | thisgoesnowhere wrote:
           | Because the SECs role in IPOs have nothing to do with wether
           | or not you are breaking securities law.
           | They are just testing that you are not lying in your public
           | financial declarations.
         | pnpnp wrote:
         | Isn't it true that the SEC wouldn't let Coinbase register since
         | they said Bitcoin _isn't_ a security? It's my understanding
         | that Coinbase tried.
           | strangescript wrote:
           | If you opened an exchange and did nothing but trade bitcoin,
           | and only bitcoin, you would be free and clear, but there is
           | no real money in that. Coinbase argued a few years ago they
           | were losing to competition because their competitors could do
           | a lot of gray area stuff they couldn't to do being a US-based
           | traded company. Getting listed on Coinbase used to be the
           | gold standard of a trusted, respectable crypto, but they at
           | some point decided screw it and just embraced the coming
           | legal challenges.
             | pnpnp wrote:
             | Interesting! I hadn't looked at it this way.
           | dragontamer wrote:
           | Article discusses Coinbase Earn, which was a staking service
           | providing APY yields.
           | Is that not an unregistered financial product? That's also
           | the kind of financial product directly behind FTX, Voyager,
           | Gemini, and Lunacoin / Celsius collapses.
           | So we have direct evidence of a particular produce (staking)
           | that is both unregistered and dangerous. That many Americans
           | lost money over.
             | andreygrehov wrote:
             | > That many Americans lost money over.
             | This requires a citation with data points, eg how many
             | Americans lost money, how much money did they lose, etc.
             | Because, what if there are more Americans who've made money
             | than those who have lost?
             | > SEC said Coinbase has since at least 2019 made billions
             | of dollars by handling cryptocurrency transactions, while
             | evading the disclosure requirements meant to protect
             | investors
             | This is a pure framing - it doesn't matter how much money
             | Coinbase made. Otherwise, it means that if you don't make
             | _billions_, you can conveniently avoid the disclosure
             | requirements intended to protect investors. So really, they
             | should've written something like: "Coinbase has been
             | facilitating cryptocurrency transactions since at least
             | 2019, while evading the disclosure requirements intended to
             | protect investors".
             | While I do understand that these are the legal
             | requirements, the protect investors "narrative" (khm-khm,
             | requirement) is a joke. People lose money trading stocks /
             | options / etc every day. To me, as a consumer, there is
             | zero difference between trading AAPL on TD Ameritrade App
             | vs trading crypto through Coinbase App. How's TD Ameritrade
             | _protecting_ me from losing money?
               | anonymouskimmer wrote:
               | > How's TD Ameritrade protecting me from losing money?
               | https://www.tdameritrade.com/regulation-best-interest-
               | and-fo...
               | itake wrote:
               | > Because, what if there are more Americans who've made
               | money than those who have lost?
               | Why does this matter? Even if Americans are scamming
               | foreigners (0 Americans losing money), that doesn't make
               | this legal.
               | The difference between aapl and coinbase is there is
               | regulatory audits of the books and required publications
               | about the health of the security. There are rules about
               | insider trading and insurance protections if a brokerage
               | mishandles your money (see Blockfi).
               | andreygrehov wrote:
               | > Why does this matter?
               | Because the parent said "that many Americans lost money
               | over". Plus the SEC is "protecting investors". So I'm
               | asking, what if there are more people who've made money
               | over those who lost? Does that mean life's good? Coinbase
               | has been pretty transparent about their operations. Not
               | only transparent, they've publicly mentioned several
               | times how frustrated they are dealing with SEC, the
               | organization that is slow to come up with various legal
               | requirements for the cryptocurrency industry. In a way,
               | Coinbase helps the SEC to raise their own bar.
               | itake wrote:
               | Would the SEC be protecting investors if they allow 1
               | investor to get scammed to the benefit of 2+ investors?
               | We need systems in place where everyone can make
               | trustworthy investments. If people can't feel safe (even
               | if it's one person or many people), then our economy will
               | slow down (see current crypto prices post-terra, ftx, and
               | more).
               | [deleted]
               | dragontamer wrote:
               | > This requires a citation with data points, eg how many
               | Americans lost money, how much money did they lose, etc.
               | My coworker lost $X0,000 over Celsius.
               | So yes, maybe this is a personal bias. But its based in
               | reality. His entire account at Celsius is written off. He
               | managed to save his money from Voyager. I got cousins who
               | lost money in FTX. Different people, but same overall
               | problem.
               | If my personal social circle is showing huge losses in
               | these companies, I have to imagine that other people out
               | there have similar experiences. I don't need a study to
               | prove the facts, I just talk to my cousins / coworkers /
               | other people who are directly affected.
               | EDIT: I forgot about this lovely thing: https://cases.str
               | etto.com/public/x191/11749/PLEADINGS/117491...
               | See page 34, containing links to the customers who lost
               | money in celsius. For the list of customers starting with
               | the letter "A": https://cases.stretto.com/public/x191/117
               | 49/CORRESPONDENCE/1...
               | There, that's Celsius alone. Is that enough proof for ya?
               | > Because, what if there are more Americans who've made
               | money than those who have lost?
               | Its not about making or losing money. Its about accounts
               | disappearing because they've been lied to.
               | We're all adults here. We know that investments can lose
               | money. But lying about those investments is where the law
               | needs to step in. Liars need to be punished. And I get
               | that people have been skirting the truth recently. But
               | when we get to Celsius, Voyager, and FTX, the money was
               | just straight up being stolen. Its the worst case
               | offenders.
               | So now we need to think about what kind of culture caused
               | these crimes. And its increasingly looking like
               | "staking", and the culture surrounding it, is to blame.
               | andreygrehov wrote:
               | > If my personal social circle is showing huge losses in
               | these companies, I have to imagine that other people out
               | there have similar experiences.
               | This is a personal bias. I've made $86,000 trading
               | Ethereum. My brother-in-law made $24,000 trading Bitcoin.
               | My reality is different from your reality -\\_(tsu)_/-
               | I can't speak for Celsius, Voyager, and FTX. If there was
               | a scam, it has to be punished. No questions asked. But
               | Coinbase has been closely working with SEC for years.
               | lifeonlars wrote:
               | That's irrelevant.
               | By definition, Ponzi schemes involve some investors
               | making a lot of money and others losing. That doesn't
               | make them any less illegal.
               | If some people are harmed by unlawful behavior, that is a
               | reason to prosecute, just the same as if you mugged Alice
               | and bought Bob an icecream with the proceeds.
               | anonymouskimmer wrote:
               | Would pumping Bob's stomach be an unreasonable seizure?
               | How can Alice be made whole if it is?
               | dragontamer wrote:
               | > I've made $86,000 trading Ethereum
               | That's not the problem.
               | The problem is that companies like Celsius, FTX, and
               | Voyager are disappearing and collapsing.
               | Binance and Coinbase are two other companies that could
               | just randomly disappear because of how incredibly sketchy
               | their products are (especially "Earn" or "Staking"
               | products).
               | I'm pointing out companies that collapse (taking
               | literally Billions of American money away). And you're
               | just coming in here saying "But I made money on something
               | totally unrelated", as if its a good argument?
               | > This is a personal bias.
               | I'll proudly be biased in favor of reality. There's
               | nothing wrong with taking a stance when my real world
               | friends get affected.
               | > I can't speak for Celsius, Voyager, and FTX. If there
               | was a scam, it has to be punished. No questions asked.
               | But Coinbase has been closely working with SEC for years.
               | Coinbase is doing the same thing as Celsius, Voyager, and
               | FTX with their Earn / Staking products. And now the SEC
               | is suing them over it.
               | There's a pattern here. And I for one, am glad that the
               | SEC is no longer fickle and is trying to be proactive
               | about it. Trying to get American money out of these
               | dangerous instruments before they collapse, rather than
               | after (when its too late).
               | andreygrehov wrote:
               | Dude, I made that comment in response to your "My
               | coworker lost $X0,000 over Celsius" to highlight the fact
               | that not everyone's circle is losing money.
               | > Coinbase is doing the same thing as Celsius, Voyager,
               | and FTX with their Earn / Staking products. And now the
               | SEC is suing them over it.
               | Why can't SEC work with Coinbase before suing them?
               | Again, Coinbase has been seeking help from SEC for years.
               | Brian Armstrong, the CEO of Coinbase, talked about this
               | so many times. They are trying to work with the
               | regulators, but the problem is that the regulators lack
               | expertise dealing with these new asset types.
               | dragontamer wrote:
               | > Dude, I made that comment in response to your "My
               | coworker lost $X0,000 over Celsius" to highlight the fact
               | that not everyone's circle is losing money.
               | But you making money doesn't allow my friend, or anyone
               | from FTX, or Voyager to get their money back.
               | And you fail to see that it is HOW he lost money that I
               | take issue with. Celsius lied about unregulated
               | staking/interest yielding instruments to him and the
               | natur of how it worked.
               | And Coinbase is making the same lie right now with
               | Coinbase Earn. And you are sitting here defending it, and
               | ignoring three major collapses last year while doing so.
               | anonymouskimmer wrote:
               | > Why can't SEC work with Coinbase before suing them?
               | Again, Coinbase has been seeking help from SEC for years.
               | How has Coinbase been "seeking help"? They are a company,
               | they should be going to the SEC with all of the
               | particulars of each of their investment items and saying
               | to the SEC "We believe we have met your standards of
               | fiduciary duty on these items that appear to be
               | securities, have we?" They shouldn't be saying, "Hey,
               | SEC, are these things we're selling securities, and thus
               | need a higher standard of duty of care? Tee hee, we can't
               | figure it out on our own, as we're just a little company
               | with thousands of employees trading billions of dollars a
               | year. Until you get back to us we'll just assume that
               | they aren't securities and won't bother meeting the
               | higher standard of care."
               | andreygrehov wrote:
               | They filed a petition which SEC failed to address. The
               | result is Coinbase suing SEC. Now, SEC sues Coinbase
               | back. Seriously, wtf? SEC needs a massive slap on their
               | hands. If they lack expertise and don't have enough
               | knowledge (literally), then whoever works there should go
               | "back to school" (figuratively speaking), learn all the
               | ins and outs of crypto, and only after consider joining
               | the SEC as an employee.
               | https://assets.ctfassets.net/c5bd0wqjc7v0/5PWsXaPsqQ61gA9
               | wlF...                   Coinbase brings this mandamus
               | action to seek modest, but meaningful and time-sensitive,
               | relief: a writ requiring the Securities and Exchange
               | Commission (SEC or Commission) to act on Coinbase's
               | pending rulemaking petition to provide clarity for the
               | crypto industry. Coinbase does not ask the Court to
               | instruct the agency how to respond. It simply requests
               | that the Court order the SEC to respond at all. The
               | Commission has repeatedly demonstrated that its mind is
               | made up to deny the petition. But the Commission's delay
               | in formally announcing that decision has enabled it to
               | improperly delay judicial review at a critical moment for
               | the industry.
               | dragontamer wrote:
               | https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2023-102
               | > "We allege that Coinbase, despite being subject to the
               | securities laws, commingled and unlawfully offered
               | exchange, broker-dealer, and clearinghouse functions,"
               | said SEC Chair Gary Gensler. "In other parts of our
               | securities markets, these functions are separate.
               | Coinbase's alleged failures deprive investors of critical
               | protections, including rulebooks that prevent fraud and
               | manipulation, proper disclosure, safeguards against
               | conflicts of interest, and routine inspection by the SEC.
               | Further, as we allege, Coinbase never registered its
               | staking-as-a-service program as required by the
               | securities laws, again depriving investors of critical
               | disclosure and other protections."
               | Seems rather straightforward to me given this press
               | release.
               | Quit comingling functions. Bring your exchange to proper
               | legal structure in the USA. Split the broker-dealer and
               | clearinghouse functions off.
               | And quit operating Coinbase Earn, which is an obvious
               | security by any other name. Either that, or properly
               | register Coinbase Earn as a security before offering it
               | as a product to the public. If you are to keep operating
               | Coinbase Earn, then bring it under security regulations,
               | which means reporting upon your assets and such under
               | whatever filing system you want (probably bonds?)
               | Its... not even that hard to read the SEC complaint. Just
               | read it, the complaint is right there for all of us to
               | see.
               | andreygrehov wrote:
               | This is indeed straightforward, but I'm not complaining
               | about it. If all of these requirements had been outlined
               | by the SEC prior to the release of the products, Coinbase
               | would've followed the rules. Now when all of these
               | products are in production, the SEC woke up and like:
               | "heeey, this is a security, you must follow the rules".
               | But there were no rules before. So, shall Coinbase just
               | sit there and wait while the SEC learns more about
               | blockchains? I don't know if there was any "warning" from
               | the SEC, but if not, they should've published a public
               | one first: "Due to X, Y and Z, the SEC gives Coinbase 6
               | months to split the broker-dealer and clearinghouse
               | functions off".
               | loeg wrote:
               | Gains and losses between different investors don't net
               | out. The SEC is interested in protecting the investors
               | who lost (or would lose).
             | pa7x1 wrote:
             | Minor clarification. Coinbase Earn is a lending product,
             | you lend to Coinbase and you receive interest. The same
             | applies to Celsius, it provided interest on money they
             | borrowed. Coinbase also offers staking as a service, the
             | SEC is also going after this.
             | But both of the above are different from actual Proof of
             | Stake, as conceived by Ethereum. The SEC has made no
             | mention of this in neither of the 2 current lawsuits.
             | Unfortunately many of these products misused the term to
             | whitewash or as a marketing gimmick.
             | hirako2000 wrote:
             | Gemini didn't collapse, and an evidence takes a bit more
             | clarity to be treated as such. Luna is.. a coin
             | Can't you get APY returns as a retail customer with pretty
             | much any high street banks? In what ways is that less
             | dangerous than going through a crypto exchange: by the fact
             | the SEC is actively criminalising the activity rather than
             | issuing licenses so that some customer protection via the
             | justice system remains out there for this sort of market.
             | You mentioned FTX, that's a good example, an exchange run
             | by a con goofy looking artist, that achieved such massive
             | penetration even on the US market was made possible exactly
             | because it is so cumbersome or impossible for a legit
             | business to get a license, the crypto affiliated threats
             | making it also difficult for normal banks to do any sort of
             | business with crypto entities.
             | All that being said, sure, if they don't have a license
             | they can be sued for their earn products.
             | The only clear distinctions, the one thing the name
             | mentioned and many others still running
               | wins32767 wrote:
               | >Can't you get APY returns as a retail customer with
               | pretty much any high street banks? In what ways is that
               | less dangerous than going through a crypto exchange:
               | Well, given that there are clear ways of issuing
               | securities that have worked for hundreds of years that
               | aren't being followed and that people generally don't get
               | the rug pulled in normal securities, I'd say that it's
               | less dangerous in many obvious ways.
               | hirako2000 wrote:
               | if coinbase pulls off its earn products you can be well
               | assured that more people will get rug pulled elsewhere.
               | Would you concede that?
               | robryan wrote:
               | Those products elsewhere would also be unregistered
               | securities.
               | dragontamer wrote:
               | Ehhh, I got confused over the myriad of collapsed
               | companies. Perhaps I shouldn't try to get better memory,
               | but instead cryptocoin companies need to stop collapsing.
               | Its getting difficult to remember each company's
               | situation on an individual basis.
               | Gemini was sued by SEC for running unregulated securities
               | and was forced to shut down Gemini Earn months ago.
               | Whatever, but its just another example of the kind of
               | products the SEC is clearly looking at.
               | > Luna is.. a coin
               | Lunacoin supported Terra, and Celsius was backing its
               | staking product with Terra coins. Are... you unaware of
               | the connection between Luna and Celsius?
               | I wrote "Lunacoin / Celsius" for a reason. This didn't
               | even happen that long ago, so I guess I assumed people
               | would know where I was going.
               | I'm trying to describe the scope of unregistered,
               | unregulated, super-dangerous "staking" schemes that
               | collapsed over the last year. The names I discussed are
               | all related to staking.
               | hirako2000 wrote:
               | I'm aware, I'm just pointing out luna is a coin. It's a
               | bit hard to assimilate it to business entities running
               | unregistered financial products on the US soil. My
               | understanding is that Celsius or any lender that gets
               | exposed to a token value collapsing can quickly get
               | itself in serious muds since loans have a collateral, and
               | in crypto those are often crypto tokens. Anyhow that's my
               | recollection of what happened to Celsius, i could be
               | wrong.
               | I don't think the problem the SEC is invoking is
               | "dangerous" investments. I'm not sure who would be
               | entitled to make the difference.
               | You could stake eth and that would be one of the safest
               | positions to take in the crypto space. Actually anybody
               | can, whether the SEC sees it as OK, via centralised
               | exchanges for those who can access them or decentralized
               | exchanges for those who can't. But then of course eth
               | could drop 95% in value by next year and the yield would
               | mean nothing to compensate. It could go the other way and
               | go the other way.
               | Does it make it a dangerous product? A security illegal
               | to trade without a license which the SEC wouldn't grant a
               | license to offer as a product to anyone? Because it's
               | dangerous or because it's a security having drastic
               | volatility? More volatile than Gamespot shares not so
               | long ago? Does it make gamespot so dangerous it should be
               | banned from trading as a security? And one last one, what
               | is more dangerous, owning eth tokens staked for long term
               | returns, or some treasury bonds issued by a country that
               | is systematically on the verge of defaulting on its
               | unbearable debt?
               | And who's to say? I don't think the SEC has any
               | legitimacy left to be taken seriously, it let SBF runs
               | business inside and outside the US soil for years,
               | embezzling well over 10B dollars, whether he is innocent
               | or an idiot crook the ridicule crown goes to the SEC for
               | not having seen anything suspect until after the empire
               | entirely collapsed.
               | About having flimsy memories, it's OK but it discounts
               | serious weight throwing incorrect facts when attacking a
               | type of trading activity as a whole. Your argument did
               | read like because so many collapsed, the whole thing must
               | be flagged as a failure. Anyhow, coinbase, kraken,
               | binance, gemini, kucoin and many others have been
               | operating for years just fine, and are successful,
               | profitable businesses to this day despite all the
               | obstacles regulators and the press threw at them.
               | Anyhow back to the main point, I'm with you earn products
               | if unregistered are non compliant with regulations, so
               | the SEC can have its case and continue to pretend it's
               | doing its job.
           | Ekaros wrote:
           | Bitcoin itself might not be. Even many other currencies might
           | not. But what other "products" they are running? Those could
           | and probably would fall under various classifications.
             | pnpnp wrote:
             | Ah, of course. I forgot that they have many other
             | offerings.
         | spaceman_2020 wrote:
         | What about tokens that are used to pay the network, like
         | Ethereum? If you want to use any chain that uses Ethereum,
         | either as a L1 or L2, you need ETH.
         | redox99 wrote:
         | _Some_ cryptocurrencies may or may not be securities. Gary
         | Gensler himself has said that Bitcoin is _not_ a security.
         | api wrote:
         | A security represents ownership in something. This is just
         | gambling. It's more like an unregulated casino than an
         | unlicensed stock exchange.
       | butlerm wrote:
       | If you look up the definitions of "security", "financial
       | instrument", "commodity", and "currency", it is pretty clear that
       | a plain vanilla crypto-currency like Bitcoin is no ordinary
       | security nor a financial instrument. It is not a claim on
       | something else, even less so than a traditional bank note. It is
       | more like a commodity. Since when is "aluminum" a security?
       | A crypto currency business however may be engaged in trading of
       | crypto currencies which are negotiable financial instruments, and
       | a stable coin that is a claim on a traditional currency is an
       | example of that. A stable coin bears a direct relationship to a
       | bank note. It is a claim on something else. It is not really an
       | investment though, so not much of a security.
       | And then of course there are more creative negotiable financial
       | instruments which are definitely securities. Options,
       | derivatives, swaps, futures, and the like.
       | The Supreme Court has a broader definition of securities, that
       | involves a promoted investment in a "common enterprise", but it
       | is unclear that a commodity currency really is a common
       | enterprise like a corporation is for example. It seems unlikely
       | to me that Bitcoin as such would even meet that definition of a
       | security. But other products offered by crypto currency exchanges
       | might.
         | dsg42 wrote:
         | The only question here is whether cryptocurrency is a security
         | or a commodity. Securities fall under regulation by the SEC
         | (SECURITIES and Exchange Commission). Commodities are regulated
         | by the CFTC (COMMODITIES Future Trading Commission). SEC Chair
         | Gensler agrees that Bitcoin is a commodity, but thinks
         | everything else is a security.[1] Securities are much more
         | tightly regulated than commodities. The SEC is making it clear
         | with these complaints that they believe certain
         | cryptocurrencies are securities.
         | A court might disagree. The CFTC could potentially disagree,
         | although yesterday's agreement makes me think they may have
         | given up on that to some extent. But I actually think it's
         | pretty clear that any cryptocurrency project offering a reward
         | for "staking" or similar is a security.
         | [1] https://www.axios.com/2022/06/28/bitcoin-is-the-only-coin-
         | th...
           | adsfgiodsnrio wrote:
           | You capitalized the wrong word. The CFTC is the Commodities
           | FUTURES Trading Commission. After all, a commodity is defined
           | as anything traded with a futures contract (except for onions
           | and movie tickets)!
           | https://www.law.cornell.edu/definitions/uscode.php?width=840.
           | ..
           | A whole lot of things that aren't commodities in common
           | parlance are within the jurisdiction of the CFTC because they
           | are traded with futures contracts. This includes some
           | securities. A whole lot of things that _are_ commodities in
           | common parlance are _not_ within its jurisdiction, as the
           | CFTC only deals with futures contracts.
           | Orange juice concentrate is a commodity by any definition.
           | The CFTC regulates futures contracts on orange juice
           | concentrate. It does not regulate its production, sale,
           | transportation, or anything else unrelated to futures
           | contracts. That is the job of the USDA, FDA, DoT, and so
           | forth.
           | Stocks are securities. As they are traded with futures
           | contracts, they are also commodities. The CFTC regulates
           | futures contracts on securities jointly with the SEC. It does
           | not regulate any trading of securities that does not involve
           | futures contracts. That is the job of the SEC. The fact that
           | people trade stocks with futures has never hampered the SEC's
           | efforts to regulate them.
           | https://www.cftc.gov/IndustryOversight/ContractsProducts/Sec.
           | ..
           | ForHackernews wrote:
           | It's obviously gambling and should be regulated as such: http
           | s://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/may/17/cryptocur...
           | Commodities have real-world uses (e.g. gold, oil, frozen
           | orange juice), securities represent a claim on some
           | productive enterprise. Cryptocurrency is neither.
             | darksaints wrote:
             | Gambling happens in real world markets as well, but that
             | doesn't mean that real world markets are casinos.
             | Beaniebabies were effectively regulated and taxed like
             | commodities. Commodities do not require a real-world use.
             | All they are are tradable non-currency things which can
             | result in capital gains.
             | The speculative (HODL!!) cryptocurrencies should probably
             | be treated like commodities, and regulated as such by the
             | CFTC. The cryptocurrencies that are actually being used
             | like currencies (e.g. actually used to buy things) should
             | be regulated like foreign currencies, which would also be
             | regulated by the CFTC (this is essentially the same exact
             | thing as Commodities trading, but with simpler accounting
             | rules which reflect the much higher liquidity,
             | divisibility, and likelyhood that a unit changes hands).
             | Neither of these scenarios involve the SEC. The SEC should
             | only be involved when coins are being issued like
             | securities (e.g. as a way to raise funding and sell
             | financial stakes in some kind of enterprise).
               | ProjectArcturis wrote:
               | IIRC beanie babies and similar are classified as
               | "collectibles" and have different (worse) tax treatment
               | than commodities.
               | darksaints wrote:
               | Collectibles are just a subclass of Commodities which
               | can't be taxed using Mark To Market rules, but there are
               | a whole host of commodities which are just like that.
               | Precious metals, rare coins, cards, comics, etc., are all
               | collectibles, but they are still commodities for
               | regulatory purposes. For example, here is PR release of a
               | CFTC enforcement action against some fraudulent coin
               | dealers:
               | https://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/PressReleases/8694-23
               | IIRC, the IRS and CFTC have already issued rules to treat
               | NFTs as collectibles.
               | ForHackernews wrote:
               | > The cryptocurrencies that are actually being used like
               | currencies (e.g. actually used to buy things
               | So... none of them? How long are y'all going to carry on
               | this charade?
               | darksaints wrote:
               | How long are you gonna bury your head in the sand? There
               | are millions of ways to buy actual things with Bitcoin.
           | dcow wrote:
           | Curious: is "bitcoin" being used by the SEC as a general term
           | to mean "all cryptos that fundamentally employ a work-based
           | consensus algorithm", or "pure" cryptos or whatever? Or is it
           | not yet clear to the SEC that there are more instances of
           | Nakamoto consensus networks out there and not everything
           | other than BTC is a security?
           | I agree that staked projects and derivative projects are
           | securities since they are fundamentally a representation of
           | or proxy for the actual thing of value, BTC, XCH, formerly
           | ETH, etc.
             | potatototoo99 wrote:
             | Of course not everything other than bitcoin is a security.
             | My private blockchain no one knows about is not a security.
             | It's not a universal law of the universe.
             | What they mean is every coin/token they looked at. If asked
             | to evaluate litecoin for example probably they'd say it's
             | not a security as well. They don't need to pass judgement
             | on each of the thousands of coins individually because
             | definitions and common sense exists.
               | [deleted]
               | dcow wrote:
               | I'm just trying to understand the context. I hope it is
               | as you say and it would be my baseline assumption that it
               | is as well. But it's not unquestionably obvious given
               | history and what relatively little context is present in
               | this thread. The SEC _used_ to think all crypto is a
               | security to the point where honest miners are instructed
               | to declare blockchain rewards as income (I have, and
               | TurboTax even asks you if you acquired crypto in the last
               | year with no nuance as to how you acquired it or which
               | one you acquired). It may be obvious to you and me but my
               | question was more about how far the SEC's understanding
               | has evolved.
               | whimsicalism wrote:
               | They refuse to offer guidance even on the largest
               | cryptocurrencies outside of BTC.
         | [deleted]
         | tempsy wrote:
         | They aren't claiming Bitcoin is a security. In fact they've
         | made it pretty clear Bitcoin and maybe ETH are not.
         | They are claiming a bunch of the newer cryptos like SOL are,
         | though.
         | paulddraper wrote:
         | > Crypto currency is a commodity
         | Could you explain this to me?
         | Are there any other examples of non-physical commodities?
         | jcranmer wrote:
         | SEC isn't suing Coinbase over Bitcoin. They're suing under two
         | things:
         | 1. Unregistered exchange for several tokens the SEC believes
         | are securities:
         | > This includes, but is not limited to, the units of each of
         | the crypto asset securities further described below--with
         | trading symbols SOL, ADA, MATIC, FIL, SAND, AXS, CHZ, FLOW,
         | ICP, NEAR, VGX, DASH, and NEXO--(the "Crypto Asset
         | Securities").
         | 2. Unregistered sale of securities related to the staking
         | program for XTZ, ETH, ATOM, ADA, SOL. This in particular has a
         | full, point-by-point rationale for why they are defined as
         | securities under the Howey test (in short, you deposit money,
         | and the terms make clear that it's Coinbase's money at that
         | point, not your money, so definitely an investment; staking
         | involves a common enterprise; and it's clearly advertised as
         | making you money based on Coinbase doing stuff with your
         | investment).
         | Maybe Coinbase should have listened to its own advisors on how
         | to tailor a prospectus to not meet the Howey test definition of
         | a security... or maybe their advisors didn't do a good job in
         | the first place!
           | MrMan wrote:
           | [dead]
           | moralestapia wrote:
           | >Maybe Coinbase should have listened to its own advisors ...
           | Maybe they just hired @butlerm which definitely knows what
           | s/he's talking about and ... well here we are :)
           | mrcode007 wrote:
           | Very good points. People often go a long way to argue against
           | the Howey test. The best example is Howey Co case. If someone
           | is a lawyer dealing in securities and acting as an advisor I
           | would have expected them to be familiar with the law.
           | Coinbase issuing public statements to SEC "tell us what is a
           | security" were basically a ploy or the lawyers involved were
           | extremely inexperienced.
           | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SEC_v._W._J._Howey_Co.
             | yieldcrv wrote:
             | The stance isn't about whether Howey can be applied
             | literally everywhere
             | The stance is that applying it to digital tokens as
             | unregistered securities means applying it to other places,
             | like Nike shoes and baseball cards, just because any random
             | individual expected to profit when they bought one
             | that this framework is not applied everywhere, specifically
             | how congress exempted spot commodities and commodities
             | derivatives from the SEC framework specifically because it
             | was untenable
             | That there is a difference between a digital commodity and
             | a digital security that is mutually exclusive, but the SEC
             | has provided no way of understanding that distinction, and
             | now has resorted to just arbitrarily claiming random assets
             | are securities in cases against the people that trade those
             | assets, instead of taking up cases against the issuers of
             | those assets and letting those issuers defend themselves or
             | reach a definitive conclusion
             | That it is impossible to comply if it was applied
             | everywhere, as registered security status inherits tons of
             | unrelated regulations to protect incumbent intermediaries
             | That the SEC will never achieve congress' delegated mission
             | of investor protection and only hurt investors
             | And that actually inconveniencing everyone will put this
             | framework under a constitutional test that the SEC probably
             | needs to avoid, but I'm all the SEC going after the entire
             | sneaker trading ecosystem as unregistered broker dealers as
             | fallout to their crusade just to prove they aren't just
             | trying to debilitate crypto
             | (The staking program has a separate evaluation)
               | majormajor wrote:
               | Why would a sneaker fall under the terms they're using to
               | define a security if not every digital token does?
               | yieldcrv wrote:
               | > Why would a sneaker fall under the terms they're using
               | to define a security
               | because the sneaker trade market focuses on sneakers that
               | are released with artificial scarcity, where many
               | participants in that market buy with an investment of
               | money, with a reliance on the issuer and others to keep
               | them scarce and valuable and promote them, with an
               | expectation of profit.
               | the SEC is basically saying if any random person has an
               | expectation of profit guiding their purchase at any time,
               | the entire asset and all transactions is a security and
               | everyone that is trading it needs to be a registered
               | broker dealer or registered promoter, and then even if
               | they could be registered they would not be allowed to
               | trade unregistered securities, or even registered
               | esoteric securities like shoes and digital commodity
               | units because the Self Regulatory Organizations are too
               | permissioned for shares and bonds exclusively.
               | > if not every digital token does?
               | that's the point. there is either a way where a digital
               | asset is exclusively a commodity, or there isn't at all
               | and every corporate controlled unnatural commodity
               | inherits the same regulatory framework that the SEC is
               | trying to impose on digital assets and the entire trading
               | ecosystem.
               | reaperman wrote:
               | They wouldn't. 'yieldcrv is not demonstrating knowledge
               | of the Howey test, and appears to be heavily focused on a
               | narrower reading, "buying something with the expectation
               | of increased future value" -- which they're setting up as
               | a strawman's Howey's test.
               | Sneakers would not meet the Howey Test: An investment
               | contract exists if there is an "investment of money in a
               | common enterprise with a reasonable expectation of
               | profits to be derived from the efforts of others."
               | The four parts of the Howey test, distilled down to plain
               | English (and therefore losing a great deal of nuance in
               | the process):
               | - It is an investment of money.
               | - The investment is in a common enterprise.
               | - There is an expectation of profits.
               | - The expectation of profits is solely from the efforts
               | of the promoter or a third party.
               | Buying the latest Yeezy's is not a common enterprise. The
               | fourth point is debatable.
               | lmm wrote:
               | > Buying the latest Yeezy's is not a common enterprise.
               | And yet buying a token is? What's the distinction here?
               | yieldcrv wrote:
               | that's an interesting use of strawman to invalidate the
               | observation
               | The howey test doesn't need all prongs satisfied and
               | avoidance is based on probability only
               | The SEC and securities industry has enjoyed a symbiosis
               | for 70 years, where things that blurred the lines didnt
               | exist, were never imagined, or were never challenged.
               | Challenging one challenges them all.
               | esotericimpl wrote:
               | Nike shoes and baseball cards are clearly commodities.
               | If you were to stake your Air Jordan's with coinbase and
               | Coinbase told you in a years time you'd have 2 pairs, it
               | would become a security.
               | yieldcrv wrote:
               | like I wrote, the staking program has a different
               | evaluation and my post was not about that. we agree that
               | any asset can be transferred in a way that is a
               | securities transaction.
             | George83728 wrote:
             | > _Coinbase issuing public statements to SEC "tell us what
             | is a security" were basically a ploy or the lawyers
             | involved were extremely inexperienced._
             | I take it as a stunt intended shift the layman's perception
             | of Coinbase's legal responsibilities onto the SEC. They're
             | counting on cryptobros using this _" SEC won't tell us
             | what's legal"_ talking point to affect favorable political
             | / legislative change.
             | But newsflash: government regulators aren't obliged to act
             | as your legal council.
             | whimsicalism wrote:
             | It is not obvious a priori how regulators will treat tokens
             | or which ones will be permissible.
               | qeternity wrote:
               | It was obvious to a lot of people who were wondering what
               | was taking regulators so long.
               | whimsicalism wrote:
               | Interesting, maybe you should let Gensler know that the
               | law is much more obvious than he appears to realize [0]
               | [0]: https://youtu.be/VhA1dZXeao0?t=58
               | earnesti wrote:
               | Crypto people constantly point to this video as some kind
               | of evidence that the SEC is clueless. Maybe it just
               | doesn't make sense for them to give clear answers in that
               | kind of hearings,or answers related to specific crypto
               | token. Just normal for government officials to cover
               | their own asses primarily and giving specific guidance
               | related to a specific issue at a hearing doesn't just
               | serve them well.
               | whimsicalism wrote:
               | I don't own any crypto [outside of very small curiosity
               | amounts when I was playing with it to figure out how it
               | works years ago] nor do I consider myself a 'crypto
               | person' (only, perhaps, compared to the backdrop of
               | extreme HN negativity around the topic). I just think
               | that people saying 'regulations are perfectly clear' on
               | this issue have not spent that much time dealing with
               | regulators in emerging technology.
               | > Just normal for government officials to cover their own
               | asses primarily
               | I agree - I just disagree with people suggesting that the
               | same logic doesn't apply to _regulators_ and _their
               | actions_.
               | They want to keep it unclear precisely so they have the
               | ability to maneuver in the future and regulate if they
               | want. That is the exact opposite of the 'super clear'
               | regulations & guidance that GP was suggesting currently
               | exists.
               | JumpCrisscross wrote:
               | > _people saying 'regulations are perfectly clear' on
               | this issue have not spent that much time dealing with
               | regulators in emerging technology_
               | I work in a regulated industry. I have my criticisms of
               | Gensler. And I've (separately) profited off crypto.
               | The regulations for non-Bitcoin exchanges were clear from
               | the start. Nobody liked that clarity. And the regulators
               | spent a few years navel gazing. But the legal advice I
               | got at the start has remained consistent: the operators
               | are putting themselves in jeopardy.
               | unyttigfjelltol wrote:
               | One way to look at it is a generation of boiler room
               | operators moved their pump'n-dump schemes from central
               | securities clearinghouse to crypto ledgers, because they
               | realized what a loophole the Bitcoin exception was. And
               | they brought in enough politicians and celebrities to
               | slow walk promises of updated regulations, and regulators
               | cautiously warned and waited, and here we are, with some
               | bowtied man criticizing the SEC for doing its job
               | precisely in the manner politicians demanded.
               | foodjinn wrote:
               | Not that they are clueless, that they are corrupt.
               | [deleted]
               | mrcode007 wrote:
               | Under the Howey test, the rules are clear.
               | "The test is whether the scheme involves an investment of
               | money in a common enterprise with profits to come solely
               | from the efforts of others. If that test be satisfied, it
               | is immaterial whether the enterprise is speculative or
               | non-speculative or whether there is a sale of property
               | with or without intrinsic value."
               | I think it is plausible that all pure staking initiatives
               | will go. I don't think you have much of an argument here
               | but I could be wrong. It will definitely be an
               | interesting case to watch.
               | jacoblambda wrote:
               | > investment of money in a common enterprise with profits
               | to come solely from the efforts of others
               | This is where I see the "staking makes a cryptocurrency a
               | security" fall apart. There are a handful of definitions
               | for "staking" and some of them definitely meet the
               | criteria of "a common enterprise with profits to come
               | solely from the efforts of others" however many do not.
               | 1. Ethereum's staking at a protocol level requires you to
               | run a staking node and you are paid for what is basically
               | an SLA between you and the network and you only get paid
               | if your node maintains a certain uptime, is kept up to
               | date, and operates correctly. That I don't believe meets
               | the criteria as it requires direct, sustained effort from
               | you the operator (even if it's generally low effort).
               | 2. Cardano's (or Tezos') staking is similar. Stake pool
               | operators are effectively the same as Ethereum's stake
               | node operators. But even delegators (who aren't required
               | to stay online) still provide a service in that they are
               | picking the stake pools who then fill the SLAs. If they
               | pick pools that can't meet the requirements then the
               | delegators don't get paid until they can find one that
               | does.
               | 3. Meanwhile you have networks like Algorand where
               | participation in consensus does not effect staking
               | rewards and you never have to perform a service to get
               | paid out by the network. Those would meet the criteria by
               | my understanding.
               | 4. And then you have all the DeFi "staking" which is
               | better described as lending or liquidity pooling. You
               | aren't doing anything proof of stake related but are just
               | lending out capital as an investment.
               | I can't speak on other networks but generally I found
               | that networks fell into one of those 4 categories. The
               | first two only pay people who provide a service back to
               | the network while with those like the third, even if you
               | can provide a service back to the network, you aren't
               | required to to be able to get paid. And then the fourth
               | category is just a security outright.
               | Edit (because I forgot to mention it): With regards to
               | Coinbase's staking program, it's in a weird spot. With
               | those you aren't directly staking but you are outsourcing
               | the responsibility to a 3rd part (coinbase) to stake for
               | you. I wouldn't be opposed to considering this type of
               | custodial staking as meeting the criteria to be a
               | security but I don't think proof of stake at a protocol
               | level constitutes "a common enterprise with profits to
               | come solely from the efforts of others" as they require
               | work on behalf of the participants to get paid out.
               | [deleted]
               | skybrian wrote:
               | Yes, I think a reasonable position would be that if you
               | perform staking by self-hosting then you're providing a
               | service. An example is getting paid for running a machine
               | on the Ethereum network.
               | If you pay money in now and get more money out later, and
               | someone else runs the machines, then it's just a loan.
               | Then there's a question of where to draw the line with
               | cloud hosting, and I have no opinion about that. Someone
               | will sell a service that's barely on the right side of
               | that line, wherever it is.
               | qeternity wrote:
               | You're ignoring all the ICOs which are almost certainly
               | unregistered security offerings.
               | Ethereum was funded as a public ICO.
               | xorcist wrote:
               | That doesn't even seem to be the issue here.
               | Which is weird. In my humble layman's opinion, an ICO
               | looks an awful lot like a security offering, while a
               | staking protocol doesn't.
               | Compare the simplified statements "Buy my token! It's
               | going to be great in the future!" with "Let's pool our
               | money and execute an agreed-upon protocol where those who
               | have the most get more". Why is the SEC wasting time by
               | going after all the weird ones before the easy pickings?
               | sealeck wrote:
               | Is it really surprising that the chair of the SEC cannot
               | just dispense SEC positions without consulting with
               | lawyers?
               | whimsicalism wrote:
               | Has Gensler never consulted lawyers on the status of
               | ethereum prior to this hearing?
               | It should be easy yes or no from the lawyers, I'm hearing
               | that the law is _incredibly clear_ and not really prone
               | to misinterpretation so it shouldn 't be an issue. Or
               | maybe Gensler's lawyers are "extremely inexperienced" if
               | they couldn't figure out such an obvious issue?
               | arcticbull wrote:
               | You're not answering the question. Why do you think
               | Gensler in official capacity should just dispense one-off
               | soundbite determinations at the request of some clown
               | grilling him?
               | > It should be easy yes or no from the lawyers...
               | When has that ever been the case, and why should it be
               | the case now?
               | [edit] The law is not just what's written but the
               | entirely of case law. The SEC has provided a framework
               | for analysis of securities in the context of crypto. It's
               | here. [1] And it builds on the DAO report, here. [2]
               | [1] https://www.sec.gov/files/dlt-framework.pdf
               | [2]
               | https://www.sec.gov/litigation/investreport/34-81207.pdf
               | whimsicalism wrote:
               | It is not at all surprising to me that he would refuse to
               | answer the question, but the precise reason he is doing
               | that is so that the SEC has freedom of movement to
               | regulate without being pinned down by public statements
               | he has made in front of congress. But that entire notion
               | belies the idea that the regulations are super clear or
               | predictable. The whole reason for this kind of maneuver
               | is because the regulations are not clear or predictable.
               | I have no doubt he has discussed the status of ethereum
               | with SEC lawyers before.
               | freejazz wrote:
               | You don't seem to understand that what he says isn't
               | binding on the SEC
               | willcipriano wrote:
               | How does he or the SEC benefit by making a statement?
               | freejazz wrote:
               | He doesn't
               | arcticbull wrote:
               | > It is not at all surprising to me that he would refuse
               | to answer the question, but the precise reason he is
               | doing that is so that the SEC has freedom of movement to
               | regulate without being pinned down by public statements
               | he has made in front of congress.
               | Because they're a legal body and what they say off hand
               | is precedent, so of course they have to be measured and
               | thoughtful. This was a shameful display, but not by
               | Gensler.
               | > I have no doubt he has discussed the status of ethereum
               | with SEC lawyers before.
               | Me too, but again, I refer you to the DAO Report and the
               | Framework for "Investment Contract" Analysis of Digital
               | Assets
               | > But that entire notion belies the idea that the
               | regulations are super clear or predictable. The whole
               | reason for this kind of maneuver is because the
               | regulations are not clear or predictable.
               | They're quite clear, and the whole reason for this kind
               | of maneuver is showboating and pandering. Based on this
               | thread it seems to be working.
               | In a similar vein I'm confident that Brian and his
               | attorneys have spoken and concluded that they're almost
               | 100% certain to be securities, and for that reason, they
               | chose to avoid working with the SEC at all costs at every
               | point along the way. But of course that determination
               | would undermine the business, so off to court we go.
               | lmm wrote:
               | > Why do you think Gensler in official capacity should
               | just dispense one-off soundbite determinations at the
               | request of some clown grilling him?
               | Because the whole point of the rule of law is that the
               | law same law applies to any clown. If the head of
               | securities law in the country can't tell you whether a
               | basic thing is legal or not then why even bother having a
               | congress and elections and any pretense that we live in
               | something other than a corrupt oligarchy?
               | > [edit] The law is not just what's written but the
               | entirely of case law. The SEC has provided a framework
               | for analysis of securities in the context of crypto. It's
               | here. [1] And it builds on the DAO report, here. [2]
               | If the SEC themselves is incapable of applying their
               | framework to the second-most-prominent entry in the
               | category of things it's designed to analyse, then what is
               | that framework good for?
               | beambot wrote:
               | > It should be easy yes or no from the lawyers [...]
               | I've rarely received such an unequivocal binary response
               | from a lawyer...
               | nradov wrote:
               | In general if you're thinking of doing something in a
               | gray area of federal law or regulations then you can
               | write a formal letter to the competent regulatory agency
               | and request an opinion. But you have to be extremely
               | _specific_ and pose your questions in ways that can be
               | answered with a clear yes or no; you can 't expect a
               | useful response to a vague request for clarifications or
               | definitions. If the agency does give you a letter
               | containing a positive opinion then it serves as a nearly
               | ironclad defense against any civil enforcement actions or
               | criminal prosecution. Those opinions can change later for
               | political reasons, but you won't be punished
               | retroactively for actions prior to the change.
               | sroussey wrote:
               | FundersClub did this for creating a portal to invest in
               | startups.
               | nradov wrote:
               | Right, good example. You can read the SEC letter here. As
               | long as you ask the right questions you can get useful
               | answers and protect your business.
               | https://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/mr-
               | noaction/2013/fun...
               | whimsicalism wrote:
               | Yes, see for instance prediction markets in the US.
               | choppaface wrote:
               | It's not a matter of what tokens are "permissible" but
               | rather what protections market participants get against
               | fraud and instability. There was plenty of opportunity
               | for crypto to actually raise the bar in protecting the
               | consumer and it just never happened.
         | mrkramer wrote:
         | Bitcoin is a commodity [0] under the US Commodity Exchange Act
         | (CEA) and it is regulated by the US Commodity Futures Trading
         | Commission (CFTC).
         | [0]
         | https://www.cftc.gov/sites/default/files/2019-12/oceo_bitcoi...
           | arcticbull wrote:
           | Someone holds an opinion that this is the case, it has not
           | been resolved as a matter of law yet. It could be, in my
           | opinion, a commodity.
           | sjtgraham wrote:
           | That could change in a second if another agency like the SEC
           | decides it's something else. There is nothing to say that two
           | agencies couldn't hold conflicting positions over what BTC is
           | or isn't.
           | tiahura wrote:
           | EPA v. West Virginia
           | "The agency instead must point to 'clear congressional
           | authorization' for the power it claims."
         | eli wrote:
         | The SEC didn't sue them over Bitcoin.
         | Seems obvious that Bitcoin shouldn't be unregulated and that
         | there should be no question of which regulator has
         | jurisdiction. Unfortunately that probably needs Congress to
         | act.
           | EscapeFromNY wrote:
           | I don't think there's any question who has jurisdiction. The
           | SEC and CFTC have both agreed it's the CFTC:
           | https://www.axios.com/2022/06/28/bitcoin-is-the-only-coin-
           | th...
           | https://cryptoslate.com/cftc-chair-rostin-behnam-snubs-
           | ether...
             | Karunamon wrote:
             | The problem is this is not formalized. It needs to be a law
             | (legislative, not administrative), ideally with the
             | individual tokens named.
             | Relying on the goodwill of regulators is unwise.
         | throwaway7356 wrote:
         | > Since when is "aluminum" a security?
         | But you don't buy "bitcoin". You buy an entry in a ledger that
         | you are assigned "a bitcoin", so it is just a claim you trade.
         | jonathankoren wrote:
         | >If you look up the definitions of "security", "financial
         | instrument", "commodity", and "currency", it is pretty clear
         | that a plain vanilla crypto-currency like Bitcoin is no
         | ordinary security nor a financial instrument. It is not a claim
         | on something else, even less so than a traditional bank note.
         | It is more like a commodity. Since when is "aluminum" a
         | security?
         | It's a financial instrument. A commodity is used to make or do
         | something. Crypto currencies are literally just money making
         | devices. Sure they call themselves currencies, but that's not
         | their primary purpose. They're investment vehicles. Even the
         | limited ability to trade them for goods an services doesn't get
         | around this fact. It's like being paid in stock. That's how
         | they're marketed. Not as a way to buy takeout, but rather get
         | rich.
         | [deleted]
         | Demmme wrote:
         | I read them and concluded that Bitcoin fits currency very well.
         | While googling those terms I also found that gold is defined as
         | a currency in the open market.
         | I'm pretty sure the us sec will figure it out for us
           | esonoi wrote:
           | Gold is not a currency, it is a commodity that is similar
           | enough to a currency (meaning it can substitute as a
           | currency). ISO 4217 includes precious metals that it
           | explicitly states are not currencies.
           | Currencies do not exist outside a monetary system. If I sell
           | you something, and accept skittles as payment, that does not
           | make skittles a currency.
         | jksmith wrote:
         | There was no ICO, it has an immutable fixed supply, it's not in
         | perpetual startup mode, and not centrally controlled
         | operationally and can't be bought back.
         | darksaints wrote:
         | So many of these HN conversations devolve into shit bonanzas
         | because so many people approach this topic as if it is a
         | "Regulation vs No Regulation" topic, instead of the more
         | appropriate "Bad Regulation vs Good Regulation" topic, or even
         | more appropriately the "Which agency should have jurisdiction"
         | topic. And it is a shame, because cryptocurrency has largely
         | outgrown the anarchocapitalist utopian's mindshare, and the
         | people involved that actually want no regulation are an extreme
         | minority now.
         | You're spot on here. The vast majority of cryptocurrencies
         | (modulo a bunch of shittokens) are better described as foreign
         | currencies or commodities, and they should be regulated as
         | such. Unfortunately for the SEC, that implies that they don't
         | have jurisdiction, and that regulatory burden lies with the
         | CFTC. And from my handful of years as a commodities trader, I
         | would much rather have the CFTC involved than the SEC. The SEC
         | is too inconsistent...institutionally they act like a
         | primadonna that is interested in making headlines more than
         | creating effective policy. The CFTC is all business. They're
         | not perfect, but they are damn good at their job, and they are
         | transparent about what they do and how they work, and they
         | don't see enforcement action as a PR move, but rather as a way
         | to ensure functioning markets and common public interest.
         | The Supreme Court seems to agree. The SEC has lost 4 out of
         | their last 5 SC cases on cryptocurrency. All indicators from
         | those decisions are pointing in the direction of cryptocurrency
         | being regulated as a commodity, which is pointing towards the
         | CFTC being the ones in charge.
         | This case makes the news because that is how the SEC works.
         | They won't win this case, and they will cover up that fact by
         | doing what they always do...create more news.
           | anonymouskimmer wrote:
           | > And from my handful of years as a commodities trader
           | If crypto was limited to commodities traders we wouldn't have
           | had nearly the number of problems we have had.
           | > The vast majority of cryptocurrencies (modulo a bunch of
           | shittokens)
           | You can't eliminate a huge part of the sector that the
           | exchanges are actively involved in trading.
         | [deleted]
         | m00dy wrote:
         | No one said Bitcoin is a security...The issue is that howey
         | test might be too old to work on cryptos.
           | thisgoesnowhere wrote:
           | What is too old about it?
             | m00dy wrote:
             | So, do you think everything is crystal clear ?
         | esonoi wrote:
         | I'm not a lawyer but work in the industry.
         | This is a slightly incorrect interpretation. Not all financial
         | instruments are securities. Financial instruments are legal
         | contracts between an issuer and one or more holders + other
         | parties. If you own any stock in a company, you don't own part
         | of that company... what you own is a portion of a legal
         | contract that defines what rights you have as a shareholder and
         | what obligations the issuer has.
         | Currency isn't a commodity. It's treated as a commodity because
         | they shares characteristics - you can buy and sell them over FX
         | market. It's a bit of an oddity because its value isn't solely
         | based on supply and demand, but stability and existence of a
         | central authority controlling its supply.
         | (Opinion) Bitcoin, on the other hand, is a virtual Commodity.
         | It is not recognized as a currency. Similarly, gold is a
         | commodity but not a currency, though it does have a place as a
         | non-standard currency in ISO-4217.
         | Commodities can be hedged against (oil futures) through
         | derivative products. Those are formalized through a legal
         | contract.
         | Your notion of a financial instrument doesn't cover the fact
         | that it is the legal contract involving money that makes it an
         | instrument.
         | But as others have pointed out that's not why the SEC is suing.
         | dforrestwilson wrote:
         | Getting sued to fall under govt regulation - and therefore
         | gaining imprimatur - seems like exactly what these exchanges
         | should want.
         | We never regulated Beanie Babies.
           | mmastrac wrote:
           | I don't think Beanie Babies collectors tended towards the
           | libertarian part of the axis, however.
           | bannedbybros wrote:
           | [dead]
           | strangescript wrote:
           | I mean, that makes some assumptions about the overall
           | outcomes here.
         | spaceman_2020 wrote:
         | Bitcoin might be classified as a commodity, but nearly every
         | other crypto out there, especially anything with a premine or
         | any sort of revenue sharing, is pretty clear cut a security.
           | whimsicalism wrote:
           | I disagree that the line between 'premine' and what happened
           | with Bitcoin is actually all that clear.
           | Sure, genesis block yada yada but Satoshi (if he were
           | alive/inclined) is still a multi-billionaire from behaviors
           | that are pretty similar to what we call premining.
         | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
         | pretty much everything can be a security, and everything is
         | securities fraud. ask Matt Levine if you don't believe me.
         | Retric wrote:
         | Binance was up for "money laundering and tax offenses" issues
         | because they deal with large sums of fiat money independent
         | from what's being sold. Replace Bitcoin with physical artwork
         | and you can still run into issues here.
         | Coinbase similarly ran into issues not because they were
         | selling crypto but from related activities which fall under SEC
         | regulations. It's one thing to operate an auction selling pigs
         | or crypto, but when you start getting into 'related activities'
         | they don't necessarily fall under the same umbrella. Read up on
         | "Pork Bellies" and you might start to understand the issues.
         | ethanbond wrote:
         | I think the real crux of the issue is that these instruments
         | were designed to be confusing to regulate and, alas, they're
         | confusing to regulate. The error was in thinking that a
         | confused regulator says "I don't understand what's going on
         | here, carry on and rest easy" rather than what actually
         | happens: "I don't understand what's going on here, and until I
         | do -- on my schedule, not yours -- your business is always at
         | risk of falling on the wrong side of my reasoning."
           | foobarbazetc wrote:
           | Nobody is actually "confused" though.
           | Crypto proponents (like every other industry that has come
           | before, and will come after) want zero regs.
           | Everything else is just hand waving.
           | Regulators clearly know (from these filings) exactly what's
           | going on.
           | Congress needs to pass laws to spell out exactly what falls
           | under which new regulations.
           | It's clearly possible (see: Australia, NZ, UK, EU, etc, etc)
           | xapata wrote:
           | Except I'd replace "whims" with "reasoning".
             | ethanbond wrote:
             | Yep that's closer to the reality IMO! Edited :)
           | dcow wrote:
           | I don't think the pure commodity coins (layer 1 networks like
           | btc, xch, etc) are confusing at all. You do work and get
           | rewarded with a digital commodity. It's exactly like digging
           | up gold, or tapping a tree for maple syrup.
           | Then a bunch of crypto anarchists showed up and started
           | speculating that these coins would be worth a lot in the
           | future because we could topple the financial hegemony by
           | their powers combined. Okay whatever, still commodity
           | trading.
           | Then we started getting all these fake Ponzi coins that are
           | standing in for something else. That's a _security_.
           | What is possible with e.g. BTC is that it's easy to trade at
           | scale. A commodity that's easy to trade isn't a security, but
           | if you squint it kinda looks like one. Regardless, it's not
           | crypto's fault that regulators are having a hard time
           | understanding it. That's the regulators' and lawmakers'
           | problem. (So elect people into power who are your peers, and
           | who aren't 70 years old and have no hope of anything more
           | than a cursory understanding world from the last 20 years.)
           | But, of course they're not going to stand aside while people
           | get scammed. Only the anarchists want that. The rest of us
           | just want crypto to be treated fairly.
             | antasvara wrote:
             | Where the definition gets confusing is when a
             | cryptocurrency gives you voting rights to modify the
             | underlying protocol, or determine the direction of an
             | entity that manages the underlying protocol, etc.
             | There isn't (AFAIK) a commodity that operates in this
             | manner. Owning a lot of gold doesn't mean that I'm able to
             | unilaterally adjust how gold is mined or obtained, for
             | example.
               | duskwuff wrote:
               | Or when a cryptocurrency has bizarre rules controlling
               | how it can be traded -- for instance, a number of
               | Ethereum tokens like Safemoon had rules enforcing a "tax"
               | on all transfers, ostensibly to reduce volatility.
             | davidgerard wrote:
             | > Then a bunch of crypto anarchists showed up
             | they literally started bitcoin and were the guys mapping
             | out what they wanted from a digital currency over the
             | previous twenty years, this is well known history
               | dcow wrote:
               | My point is simply that crypto requiring a nuanced legal
               | treatment is not implicitly _by design_ even if it was
               | promoted as a feature early on by grifters and
               | anarchists. It's a technology like any other and it's the
               | regulators' job to create fair and appropriate treatment
               | for it (and our job to elect ones who will).
               | ethanbond wrote:
               | Bitcoin was literally designed to circumvent state
               | monetary systems and their affiliated controls. Almost
               | all the crypto descendants follow this path as well.
               | So yes, it was _by design_ that it's hard to regulate.
               | dcow wrote:
               | What about bitcoin makes it any harder to regulate than
               | cash?
               | ethanbond wrote:
               | First of all, the _actual_ difficulty is not really
               | material since we 're debating whether it was a design
               | _goal._ Bitcoin came out of a long line of libertarian
               | /anarchist projects to circumvent state controls. I don't
               | know why you're pretending like this is some unique
               | interpretation of history. E.g. the problem that the
               | Satoshi whitepaper sets out to solve was ( _as cited in
               | the whitepaper_ , source [1] in the footnotes) laid out
               | with this preamble:
               | > I am fascinated by Tim May's crypto-anarchy. Unlike the
               | communities traditionally associated with the word
               | "anarchy", in a crypto-anarchy the government is not
               | temporarily destroyed but permanently forbidden and
               | permanently unnecessary.
               | Secondly, a lot of features make it harder to regulate
               | than cash. Off the top of my head, being able to
               | transport it over national borders via the Internet.
               | Storing arbitrarily large amounts of it in zero physical
               | square meters. Keeping it relatively secure without
               | having to rely on third parties (banks) gaining knowledge
               | of your ownership, etc. etc.
               | dcow wrote:
               | Bitcoin isn't any different than cash except it's got a
               | decentralized public immutable ledger and therefore isn't
               | a bearer currency. But like cash its transactions are not
               | governed by an authoritative financial institution that
               | can repudiate and/or reverse them. (It's proven
               | effectively _easier_ to regulate than cash on the
               | tracking transactions front, though.)
               | That's the "anarchy" the paper refers to.
               | In the paper, the goal was not to topple governments. It
               | was to build a digital cash equivalent where the _payment
               | processing_ happened in a distributed and ultimately
               | trust-less "anarchist" manner. Thus allowing people to
               | transact as they do in cash, but digitally.
               | All this anti-regulation no laws style of anarchist stuff
               | is downstream. Sure it's adjacent, but also easily
               | conflated.
               | Anyway, to be super clear, being resistant to the rule of
               | law is a very different property than being resistant to
               | centralized control.
               | Cash is decentralized.
               | Credit, debit, ACH, are centralized.
               | Crypto is decentralized.
               | All are subject to the rule of law. But only centralized
               | transactions can be manipulated without coercion or use
               | of force against a one of the parties involved (if they
               | are unwilling to abide).
               | I don't know any technology that fundamentally cannot
               | have laws created governing its use. It's just not
               | possible to prevent someone from legally regulating
               | something. But it is possible to design systems that
               | don't require 3rd parties to mediate transactions and do
               | require an actual authoritative monopoly on violence to
               | manipulate, as we've seen with cash and as is the case
               | with BTC.
             | [deleted]
             | lottin wrote:
             | But what on earth is a digital commodity? I think the whole
             | concept of digital commodity is nonsensical.
             | A commodity is a product. Products are either consumed or
             | used as raw materials. A digital commodity is not a
             | product. It can't be consumed or used, because it's
             | entirely imaginary.
             | I think a better term is "abstract unit of account".
               | dcow wrote:
               | Respectfully, I think your understanding is behind the
               | curve. Even the SEC says BTC _itself_ is a commodity.
               | You consume a BTC by using/trading it. You consume gold
               | or maple syrup by using/trading it. Just because the uses
               | are a little different doesn't mean it's incompatible
               | with the definition of commodity. If I started using gold
               | in a _nonsensical_ way you wouldn 't start saying "oh now
               | it's a security", would you?
               | mulmen wrote:
               | I think the hangup with BTC as a commodity is that I can
               | make a loaf of bread with wheat and eat it and the amount
               | of wheat in the world is depleted as a result. Similarly
               | I can use gold to build a cell phone or some jewelry and
               | while it is possible to recover it isn't as simple as
               | trading BTC. How is a BTC _consumed_?
               | scottiebarnes wrote:
               | The majority of gold usage is in investment/central bank
               | reserve. Technology applications are a fraction of the
               | usage. Jewelry is a major usage, however part of the
               | reason for its use in jewelry is a hybrid combination of
               | its store of value properties (ex. in Indian culture
               | afaik, gold jewelry plays a large part in passing down
               | wealth, families gift gold jewelry at weddings etc.).
               | So you consume bitcoin the same way a central bank
               | consumes gold: by sitting on it, selling it when you need
               | to, or buying more in times of expected turmoil.
               | Bitcoin is far younger than gold (12 years vs thousands),
               | so its obviously more volatile.
               | https://www.statista.com/statistics/299609/gold-demand-
               | by-in...
               | mulmen wrote:
               | Trading something doesn't consume it. That's a very
               | confusing overloading of terminology.
               | scottiebarnes wrote:
               | Well consumer comes from the base word consume, which by
               | definition includes the buying of a good or service,
               | which is essentially a trade.
               | Consume:
               | - eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink).
               | - buy (goods or services).
               | - use up (a resource).
               | - (especially of a fire) completely destroy.
               | - (of a feeling) absorb all of the attention and energy
               | of (someone).
               | mulmen wrote:
               | I was asking an honest question but I don't like being
               | trolled. Have a nice day.
               | skinnymuch wrote:
               | How would you be trolled? You asked and you got answered.
               | What are you disagreeing with?
               | mulmen wrote:
               | None of these responses answer the question.
               | scottiebarnes wrote:
               | Not sure why you think you're being trolled. Have a good
               | one.
               | dcow wrote:
               | You're not bing trolled? Wat.
               | [deleted]
               | jallen_dot_dev wrote:
               | Technically the thing you hold and use is a transaction
               | output, and once an unspent transaction output (UTXO) is
               | spent it can't be spent again. So from that perspective
               | it is consumed!
               | [deleted]
               | ryathal wrote:
               | BTC is consumed when someone forgets their password.
               | ethanbond wrote:
               | Commodities are usually raw/close-to-raw inputs into some
               | process. Bitcoin doesn't really meet that, but again the
               | whole point is recent technological innovations haven't
               | really settled into the language yet.
               | And again, that is _by design_ of both the instruments
               | themselves _and_ the massive PR campaigns /grifts around
               | them.
               | The whole trick is attempting to position these things as
               | "the half of the definition of commodity that means this
               | has intrinsic value but not the other half of the
               | definition which says it's a raw input," or "the half of
               | the definition of a security that means You Can Make
               | Money, but not the other half that says I can be
               | regulated as someone selling a You Can Make Money
               | instrument."
               | thisgoesnowhere wrote:
               | This is my read as well. However,I think if you regulate
               | the security like stuff in the same way we regulate
               | existing financial instruments the whole thing collapses
               | anyways, so who really cares what we call this specific
               | coin.
               | [deleted]
               | JumpinJack_Cash wrote:
               | You can consume a Fortnite skin or a Call of Duty weapon.
               | The point is that you cannot consume crypto, it's a
               | problem which is understood inside the community, that's
               | why the push for NFTs which started as legitimate art to
               | enjoy on huge 8K screens or VR headsets but quickly ended
               | up becoming Twitter avatars built for the purpose of
               | trading and offloading to a bigger fool.
               | dcow wrote:
               | You consume it by trading it or, for a direct analog to
               | your example, by showing off your wallet balance. Your
               | Fortnite skin is no more consumable than a BTC. It just
               | has a different value and use.
               | lottin wrote:
               | Trading a commodity doesn't consume it. If I trade a
               | hamburger, the hamburger isn't consumed. It's only
               | consumed when I eat it.
               | JumpinJack_Cash wrote:
               | > > You consume it by trading
               | Hence the SEC is right to clampdown on crypto for
               | violations of securities law, in order to prevent bubbles
               | that emerge when the only use for something is trading it
               | for something else. We already have that, people who want
               | to participate in that game know where to go, the stock
               | market.
               | > > for a direct analog to your example, by showing off
               | your wallet balance
               | That's the most circular thought I've ever heard.
               | [deleted]
             | skinnymuch wrote:
             | Do you mean libertarians or the contradictory "ancaps"?
             | What does anarchist mean to you in your writing? Or why use
             | that word?
             | Any examples of anarchists doing what you're saying for
             | extended periods of time like cryptobros would be helpful
             | to understand.
             | Thanks.
             | this_user wrote:
             | I think it's more a case that anyone who was involved in
             | crypto early, and who has actually taken the time to
             | understand the technology, has realised about a decade ago
             | that crypto currencies are mostly useless.
             | But then people had they idea that they could still make
             | money from it by grifting people if they just added layer
             | upon layer of complexity in order to disguise the ultimate
             | uselessness of the underlying technology. That is where all
             | of your Ponzis, rugpulls, NFTs and everything else comes
             | into the picture.
               | dcow wrote:
               | Meh, I'm no bull but I also don't think "cryptos are
               | mostly useless" is accurate. I believe there are solid
               | use cases for _distributed global ledger_ and _digital
               | replacement for cash_. Is Bitcoin the winning /best
               | manifestation? I doubt it, we likely need something much
               | more energy efficient (like Chia is trying to be). But I
               | don't think the idea is bust. It just isn't as
               | overwhelmingly applicable as people dreamed it might be.
               | We're trying out use cases, vetting the good ones and
               | sometimes painfully learning the which ones were stupid
               | or bad ideas. And once all the speculation settles, I do
               | think true currency is still a viable one. Logistics and
               | markets are another, etc.
               | acjohnson55 wrote:
               | I think that it's still unproven that a distributed
               | global ledger is actually a fundamentally useful thing,
               | outside of speculation. We're 15 years out from the
               | invention of Bitcoin, and if all of blockchain technology
               | snapped out of existence today, there are very few
               | people, other than speculators, who would be impacted. It
               | has comprehensively failed to be adopted into any value
               | chains.
               | thisgoesnowhere wrote:
               | I don't think anyone here is arguing that digital cash or
               | a global ledger is bad they are arguing that the specific
               | structures and incentives of crypto are bad.
               | Bring on the digital cash IMO but bearer instruments
               | underpinning any large scale finance is a recipe for
               | disaster.
               | whimsicalism wrote:
               | > I think it's more a case that anyone who was involved
               | in crypto early, and who has actually taken the time to
               | understand the technology, has realised about a decade
               | ago that crypto currencies are mostly useless.
               | I don't know what it is about crypto that makes HN
               | commentators want to make the most ridiculous, put-downy
               | statements without evidence to back it up.
               | Crypto is not mostly useless, it is just that people
               | don't like the uses. crypto is absolutely massive for
               | avoiding capital controls in countries with inflation,
               | etc.
               | ohgodplsno wrote:
               | [flagged]
               | whimsicalism wrote:
               | Yes, evading capital controls is illegal, part of the
               | informal economy in large parts of the world, and very
               | helpful to many people.
               | I also think there are useful legal uses, but yes - where
               | crypto has the best comparative advantage is when people
               | are trying to circumvent harmful laws. Not every country
               | is a (relatively) well-run procedural democracy. Crypto
               | helps people route around that.
               | throw9away6 wrote:
               | Also in low trust transactions. Often you have low trust
               | buyers that need to pay via irreversible transactions and
               | crypto is cheaper and more secure
               | JumpCrisscross wrote:
               | > _Crypto is not mostly useless, it is just that people
               | don 't like the uses_
               | Crypto has legitimate use as a rebel medium. It's also
               | plagued with criminality. Its promoters had a decade to
               | clean up its act and refuse to self regulate.
               | That's soured the public's mood towards the whole
               | enterprise. If crypto's benefits are niche, its
               | development should be niche. And if its sole
               | beneficiaries are people in failing foreign countries, it
               | might make sense to put the whole thing under the aegis
               | of State versus continuing to create chaos from the
               | private sector.
               | arcticbull wrote:
               | > Crypto has legitimate use as a rebel medium.
               | This only applies to literally one or two
               | cryptocurrencies, stuff like Monero. They're very much
               | the exception to the rule. Most cryptocurrencies like
               | Bitcoin and Ethereum just publish the entire ledger which
               | is constantly being pulled in by the PLA, the SEC, the
               | FBI and myriad other law enforcement authorities the
               | world over. Not to mention Chainalysis.
               | If the government that's oppressing you is capable enough
               | to oppress you they're more than capable enough to, in
               | the fullness of time, deanonymize your transactions and
               | send you directly to jail for them. You're not just
               | defending against the current start of the art tech but
               | all future improvements - against an adversary with
               | dramatically more resources than you have.
               | Illicit transactions on public ledgers are simply
               | prosecution futures. People get jail time constantly for
               | crypto transactions.
               | If I were a dissident in a country like the PRC
               | hypothetically, I'd run like hell from crypto. Talk about
               | asking for trouble.
               | That's before we even get to the point of how you plan to
               | acquire these currencies without the government noticing.
               | They have a use: gambling and speculation at a massive
               | decentralized offshore casino. Coinbase and Kraken are
               | the cage. Binance, for example, and DeFi are the table
               | games.
               | acdha wrote:
               | > I don't know what it is about crypto that makes HN
               | commentators want to make the most ridiculous, put-downy
               | statements without evidence to back it up.
               | HN has many people who understand how technology work and
               | a smaller but still large number of people who understand
               | economics. Cryptocurrency has a few people like that but
               | also a ton of get-rich-quick types who think their best
               | work is making random claims until someone buys whatever
               | they're selling. We're a decade and a half into that,
               | with billions of dollars of real money pumped in and
               | almost no benefit outside of some early investors being
               | able to cash out before the inevitable dip.
               | At this point, the onus is on anyone promoting
               | cryptocurrencies to show up front why they're different
               | than their waves of predecessors. One big challenge here
               | is the inherent conflict of interest: unlike other things
               | which have come in and out of popularity, someone who
               | tries cryptocurrency but realizes it's not really useful
               | to them doesn't have an option for getting out without a
               | financial loss which doesn't involve finding a buyer for
               | something they know isn't really worth the price. If you
               | backed MongoDB a decade ago, you can just switch to
               | Postgres without either eating a loss or finding someone
               | to buy your old Mongo server.
               | This also leads me to your next sentence: for years, the
               | claim was that cryptocurrency was going to transform the
               | financial world and beyond. Sales guys went on at length
               | about how you'd use blockchains to buy coffee and a ride
               | to work, make sure the farmer who grew your coffee beans
               | was organic, store your software licenses, record the
               | deed to your house, etc. They couldn't explain how any of
               | that would work and dismissed criticism, and were
               | especially upset if people said the only real use cases
               | seemed to be illegal transactions. Now, in 2023 we're
               | back to the primary use being breaking laws, hoping that
               | the government in question chooses not to monitor
               | cryptocurrencies?
               | > Crypto is not mostly useless, it is just that people
               | don't like the uses. crypto is absolutely massive for
               | avoiding capital controls in countries with inflation,
               | etc.
               | JumpinJack_Cash wrote:
               | > > crypto is absolutely massive for avoiding capital
               | controls in countries with inflation
               | Inflation hedge means mantaining parity against a
               | weighted basket of stable currencies such as
               | USD/EUR/CHF/JPY. Maybe gold?
               | Bitcoin didn't mantain parity at all, it's up some
               | 20,000% since 2013 and +[?] since its inception.
               | So crypto failed as inflation hedge too, because the
               | world of finance is very specific, you can't say 'this
               | asset is an inflation hedge' and then it's up 20,000%
               | It also failed as a tool for capital controls and tax
               | evasion because if you do that sort of things you don't
               | want publicity...what happened is that crypto-bros and
               | crypto-enthusiast went on to scream off the top of their
               | lungs and it resulted in the death of the largest capital
               | control avoidance use case: getting money out of China.
               | Nobody uses Crypto for getting money out of China
               | anymore.
               | whimsicalism wrote:
               | > Bitcoin didn't mantain parity at all, it's up some
               | 20,000% since 2013 and +[?] since its inception.
               | Dai and other stablecoins maintain parity and are what is
               | mostly used.
               | > It also failed as a tool for capital controls and tax
               | evasion because if you do that sort of things you don't
               | want publicity...what happened is that crypto-bros and
               | crypto-enthusiast went on to scream off the top of their
               | lungs and it resulted in the death of the largest capital
               | control avoidance use case: getting money out of China.
               | I don't know what to tell you, these are heavily used
               | behind-the-scenes in the dollar black market in places
               | like Argentina, etc.
               | > Nobody uses Crypto for getting money out of China
               | anymore.
               | Yeah, the informal economy is not actually very large in
               | China, it's not a good example.
               | JumpinJack_Cash wrote:
               | > > Dai and other stablecoins maintain parity and are
               | what is mostly used.
               | Dai and stablecoins are currencies issued by private
               | companies, if the private company sponsoring it were to
               | disappear, the decentralized and federated (or whatever)
               | community won't be able to support such a huge
               | undertaking.
               | Besides the whole thing is pointless because whatever
               | authority or control system you are evading with crypto
               | sooner or later you'd have to come back into it, because
               | nobody sells food, water, shelter, houses for crypto. Nor
               | bitcoin nor stablecoins. Actually it's worse because the
               | authorities will be waiting for you at on and off ramps.
               | whimsicalism wrote:
               | Wrong from the jump about Dai, and I don't think you know
               | about how black market cash economies work - there are
               | plenty of informal economy places you can exchange local
               | currency for dollar, dollar for crypto, etc.
               | gen220 wrote:
               | I think people are latching on to the magnitude of your
               | claim rather than the direction and therein missing the
               | point. FWIW, as somebody who meets your criteria, myself
               | and my network of people from that time offer much
               | credence to your claim.
               | Even back in 2016/17, many people involved were openly
               | bemoaning how 80+% of ICOs were unregistered security
               | offerings to vaporware.
               | You can almost pinpoint the inflection point at which
               | Coinbase decided their goal was short-term profit
               | maximization vs developing a healthy ecosystem. The
               | company in the last 5 years is completely unrecognizable
               | in contrast to when there were only 3 coins you could buy
               | from them (USDT, BTC, ETH).
         | foobarbazetc wrote:
         | It's kind of interesting that the "commonwealth" countries
         | (AU/NZ/GB/CA) have different classifications of crypto (AU/NZ
         | treat them as property, CA as securities, GB varies depending
         | on the thing).
         | The SEC filings do give the rationale for why _specific_ coins
         | are securities though.
         | Hard to summarize each filing though. Worth reading because,
         | unfortunately (?), they make a good case.
         | Consultant32452 wrote:
         | Are there any crypto tokens not backed by a state that the SEC
         | has officially and clearly declared a currency and not a
         | commodity?
         | I'm starting to feel, as a practical matter, they will never
         | consider non-government backed crypto a currency regardless of
         | what the rules on paper are. But maybe this has already
         | happened and I'm ignorant, I don't follow this space closely.
       | retrocryptid wrote:
       | My experience with Coinbase led me to ask people "where do I sign
       | up for the class action law suit?" so this is welcome news.
         | sebzim4500 wrote:
         | That's interesting. What did Coinbase do to you exactly?
       | paulpauper wrote:
       | Crypto is like the worst investment ever: huge legal risk, does
       | not hedge inflation, not a safeguard in crisis, does not benefit
       | from tech/ai boom, does not generate profits. Only downside, no
       | upside, no strengths, only weaknesses.
       | the chart is only one direction: down
       | The obvious weakness of bitcoin relative to QQQ demonstrates
       | this. A daytrading pair trade method that shorts Bitcoin in
       | market hours and goes long qqq would have cleaned house over the
       | past year, including a huge win yesterday. i was running this and
       | made a lot.
       | Who goes against the fed. government and wins? big tobacco
       | couldn't do it. neither could the auto industry.
         | awaythrow483 wrote:
         | This is an obvious troll. Bitcoin has absolutely stomped $QQQ
         | of $NDX over this period as basically every other person here
         | is pointing out.
         | EddieEngineers wrote:
         | This is true when it's going down and false when it's going up.
         | Do the same analysis of previous years during bull crypto
         | markets and does this hold up?
           | paulpauper wrote:
           | bitcoin's performance since late 2017 lags QQQ. the rolling
           | 5-year returns have gotten way worse. Much of the gains were
           | from pre-2018. many people five years ago were predicting
           | six-figures by now, nowhere even close.
             | EddieEngineers wrote:
             | Huh? BTC is up 56% YTD, QQQ is up 34.5%. Over five years
             | BTC is up 300%, QQQ is 100%. Over life BTC is 7850% while
             | QQQ is 570%. Today QQQ is up 0.12%, BTC is up 0.95%.
             | I don't know which slice you want to compare but general
             | holds of BTC have outperformed QQQ significantly, even
             | today it's done better while it's two largest exchanges
             | have been sued by the SEC.
               | paulpauper wrote:
               | bitcoin peaked at 20k in 2017. it is only up 30 percent
               | to 26k. QQQ is up a lot more. over 5.5 years of weak
               | performance. The major problem with bitcoin are the huge
               | declines like in 2018 and 2022. It stopped going up as
               | much anymore either like it did in 2013 or 2017.
               | vagab0nd wrote:
               | This reminds me of those "biggest X since Y" headlines.
               | No matter how insignificant the event, you can always
               | write a clickbait-y title.
               | EddieEngineers wrote:
               | But you've picked the very peak of a previous bull run
               | against a dip of a bear market... QQQ peaked in 2021 at
               | $404 but is now at $355 so it's down 15%. This is just as
               | relevant as what you're saying but obviously doesn't
               | capture the whole picture? QQQ dipped from $101 to $20
               | once which is a huge loss, larger than BTCs largest dip
               | as a percentage, but again that doesn't really tell the
               | whole picture either.
               | Not trying to be rude or argumentative here, I just
               | really don't understand your point.
             | awaythrow483 wrote:
             | Let's layout the fallacy here because it is trivially
             | obvious:
             | You are cherry picking the exact top for bitcoin while not
             | doing the same thing for QQQ.
             | You mention 5 years ago so lets use your arbitrary data
             | point:
             | Bitcoin was floating between 7500 and 6500 this week 5
             | years ago. Let's use the upper end. Bitcoin is up well over
             | 300% over this period.
             | QQQ is up 103.10% according to google over the last 5
             | years.
             | Nothing about adding the word "rolling" changes this.
             | flanfly wrote:
             | I'm not sure what you mean. BTC is up 29x since 2017 while
             | QQQ is up 1.8x
               | paulpauper wrote:
               | it went up 20x in 2017. i said late 2017. it peaked at
               | 20k in dec 2017.
               | awaythrow483 wrote:
               | As pointed out above, complete fallacy. You are cherry
               | picking a handful of dates that support your argument and
               | those dates are completely arbitrary.
           | adsfgiodsnrio wrote:
           | Winning lottery tickets are a good investment. Losing tickets
           | are a bad one.
             | EddieEngineers wrote:
             | The probability of making money investing in lottery
             | tickets and BTC are obviously different
         | spurgu wrote:
         | > Who goes against the fed. government and wins? big tobacco
         | couldn't do it. neither could the auto industry.
         | Millions of people. Not a centralized exchange like this.
         | Vecr wrote:
         | Pretty much any short is way worse, unlimited downside! If you
         | bought Bitcoin and stored it correctly you would be down less
         | than 100%. Buying S&P 500 is probably less risky though.
       | I_am_tiberius wrote:
       | I don't understand why even the hackernews community doesn't see
       | that this is all a political strategy to make sure the digital
       | dollar can exist.
         | zarriak wrote:
         | None of the time that libertarian beliefs could protect civil
         | liberties is it ever taken seriously. It exists solely to
         | launder corporate protections and deregulation.
         | Nothing significant happen to the NSA after the Snowden leaks,
         | nothing significant happened to the FISA court. Also I don't
         | get how something like CBDC ever exists because of how powerful
         | Visa is.
         | __tmk__ wrote:
         | I doubt the USG is competent enough to have a masterplan like
         | that. This just seems to me like the actions of a person (Gary
         | Gensler) who personally dislikes cryptocurrencies and who is
         | trying to establish himself as a political player through his
         | "bold actions".
       | eggy wrote:
       | I know their are legalities I am not an expert in on finance, but
       | my conspiracy theorist is bubbling up given the failed crypto
       | bank, the SEC suing Binance and Coinbase, and the US and world
       | government move for traceable, government managed and controlled
       | digital currencies.
       | I was at the first HOPE in 1994[1] at the Penn Hotel in NYC when
       | Eric Hughes (known for the Cypherpunk Manifesto) and others gave
       | a talk on cryptography and how it would be part of a future of
       | privacy and security for anonymous banking etc. I was so enthused
       | about getting rid of the middle man (a minimum of 4 or 5 entities
       | process your latte purchase at Starbucks and take a cut as well
       | as track you and your data trail). Government doesn't like this.
       | "What do you have to hide?" is a tired defense of prying eyes.
       | Yes, there were a lot of bad fish in the pool, but the goal was
       | and is still good in my book.
       | [1] https://youtu.be/v5kayD5IQQU
         | throitallaway wrote:
         | It's gotten to the point where political candidates (and
         | politicians) have to cover their tracks when paying for things,
         | lest they be criticized for their choices. If you ever want to
         | run for office you'd better never use a credit card at a porn
         | shop, McDonald's (it's unhealthy), etc. This applies to data
         | that insurance companies harvest from as well.
         | I used to be one of those people that said "I have nothing to
         | hide and the conveniences outweigh the negatives", but I'm
         | getting more and more cynical on data dragnets as I'm growing
         | older.
         | timerol wrote:
         | Do you pay cash at Starbucks?
       | awaythrow483 wrote:
       | Bitcoin up 2% on the news despite people in this thread
       | explicitly saying "it made crypto price tank" in the thread
         | paulpauper wrote:
         | umm...check what it did yesterday.
           | awaythrow483 wrote:
           | This is an article about the SEC coinbase announcement. That
           | happened today. So I'm not talking about what happened
           | yesterday, I'm talking about what happened today, because
           | that is what is relevant to the article we are discussing.
           | so, ummmmm..... like..... bruh. go check what it did today
       | ForHackernews wrote:
       | Alternative headline: Coinbase and Binance enter the "finding
       | out" phase of unlicensed securities dealing
         | x86x87 wrote:
         | Alternative alternative headline: the SEC wants to have their
         | cake and eat it too while "protecting" "investors"
       (page generated 2023-06-06 23:01 UTC)