[HN Gopher] Rewriting the Ruby parser
       Rewriting the Ruby parser
       Author : kddeisz
       Score  : 418 points
       Date   : 2023-06-13 13:43 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (railsatscale.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (railsatscale.com)
       | davexunit wrote:
       | I think Ruby is a pretty good language and I spent many years
       | using it professionally but I can't imagine having enough
       | motivation to work on the language implementation when it's so
       | difficult to even parse the code. The amount of engineering time
       | spent on this topic is bonkers!
         | kddeisz wrote:
         | Maybe I'm a masochist, but to be honest it's a dream job.
         | Working on such a complex language and history is really really
         | fun.
       | chubot wrote:
       | Nice article! In this sentence
       |  _... open parenthesis character is ambiguous in this context. To
       | get around it they made their grammar more ambiguous and then
       | enforced that the actual grammar was enforced in their tree
       | builder._
       | I'd change the second "more ambiguous" to "more lenient"
       | i.e. lenient meaning "grammar accepts more strings", ambiguous
       | meaning "grammar is invalid"
       | I have seen this issue in Python's grammar as well, and it's
       | mitigated by the new PEG parser
         | awestroke wrote:
         | Ambigious does not mean invalid
           | hinkley wrote:
           | For people who see parsing as model checking, ambiguity means
           | something vastly different (inferior) to leniency.
           | Fast parsers that use a schema are also doing model checking.
           | chubot wrote:
           | Yes, technically it means "there's more than one derivation"
           | But Python's pgen rejects such grammars as invalid ... The
           | other strategy is just to pick an arbitrary interpretation
       | nsajko wrote:
       | Tangential:
       | > Over the years, processors and C compilers have gotten much
       | better using a couple of techniques. These include pipelining,
       | inlining functions, and branch prediction. Unfortunately, the
       | parsers generated by most parser generators make it difficult for
       | any of these techniques to apply. Most generated parsers operate
       | with a combination of jump tables and gotos, rendering some of
       | the more advanced optimization techniques impotent. Because of
       | this, generated parsers have a maximum performance cliff that is
       | extremely difficult to overcome without significant effort.
       | Although generating parsers, and finite automata in general,
       | using a table-based approach is common, it has long been
       | recognized that using tables/data for this purpose (as opposed to
       | generating executable source code directly) is not a good idea,
       | precisely because it inhibits compiler optimizations. I think the
       | current situation is simply a consequence of the fact that
       | parsing abruptly stopped being sexy multiple decades ago.
       | Much better parser generators are possible, and LR, specifically,
       | has much untapped potential left.
       | jrochkind1 wrote:
       | As a devoted rubyist, it seems clear to me in retrospect that
       | ruby's "pretty complex to parse is just fine" approach has been a
       | real challenge to the language's success. For reasons related to
       | discussion in OP.
       | This project could be one approach to ameliorating that
       | challenge, I'm very pleased to see shopify willing to invest in
       | this, and hope it ends up effecting the ecosystem as hoped.
         | munificent wrote:
         | I disagree.
         | There are many languages that are hard to parse that are very
         | successful. C and C++ are the obvious examples: there are many
         | dark corners around the preprocessor, type annotations, etc.
         | C++ is an absolute nightmare to parse.
         | C# is pretty complex too. Python has its weirdness around
         | indentation.
         | Honestly, most popular languages end up acquiring a decent
         | amount of grammatical complexity over the years and it doesn't
         | seem to significantly hinder adoption. Humans are quite good at
         | reading complex text and syntax.
         | I think the real tax on Ruby is its pervasive use of runtime
         | metaprogramming. It's Ruby's most exciting strength and enables
         | much of the joy and excitement that Ruby is known for. But it
         | makes static analysis so hard and becomes less and less
         | valuable as team and codebase size increases.
       | soulbadguy wrote:
       | While on the subject, anybody has good reference on parsing error
       | recovery ?
       | nusaru wrote:
       | > This is the final step before merging YARP into CRuby, and
       | we're very excited to see it come to fruition. This work will be
       | done in the next couple of work days.
       | It continues to amaze me the pace at which kddnewton and co. are
       | able to work. His tweet[1] from a few months ago is really
       | relevant here. Being full-time employees and not just open-source
       | volunteers makes a huge difference!
       | [1]: https://twitter.com/kddnewton/status/1639258413120073730
       | SushiHippie wrote:
       | Somewhat fitting xkcd: https://xkcd.com/927/
         | revscat wrote:
         | While this xkcd is frequently germane, in this case it is not
         | particularly apt. The core CRuby team, who maintain the current
         | "standard", are in agreement that YARP -- the new "standard" --
         | will one day replace it.
           | Dylan16807 wrote:
           | Even putting the word "standard" in quotes is buying too much
           | into the argument.
           | This is a new implementation of an existing standard.
         | wiseowise wrote:
         | It's not fitting at all.
         | > We recently got approval to merge this work into CRuby, and
         | are very excited to share our work with the community.
       | johnisom2001 wrote:
       | This is big. Ruby syntax errors are some of the most frustrating
       | things to track down. So much worse than C-like languages like
       | JavaScript.
       | I'm glad to see big steps towards this.
       | ramesh31 wrote:
       | So Shopify spends millions of dollars in engineering salary to
       | get a substandard performing language up to par with a dozen
       | other contemporary better choices? The choice to stick so hard
       | with Ruby just doesn't seem reasonable at all with their scale.
       | It must be something dogmatic from the top.
         | agotterer wrote:
         | Facebook did the same when they developed HipHop for PHP. I
         | imagine the reasoning is the same in both cases: spend a few
         | million dollars and a handful of engineers improving the
         | language and tools, or spend hundreds of millions and years of
         | time rewriting everything into a more performant language. I
         | honestly think the math pencils and makes sense.
       | cout wrote:
       | With the mention of the parser's performance, I am reminded of
       | Rich Kilmer's 2004 RubyConf presentation. Rich used Ruby to test
       | reliability of a distributed system with hundreds of Java VMs.
       | Some of the serialized data was stored as XML (over 1M lines!),
       | which was slow to parse and load. Rich modified the program to
       | serialize the data as Ruby code, which loaded much faster
       | (https://www.infoq.com/news/2007/06/infoq-interview-rich-
       | kilm...):
       | > Chad Fowler and I over basically 2 weeks, took the Java Debug
       | Wire Protocol specification [...] turned it into a DSL in Ruby,
       | and used that DSL to generate the packets for sending and
       | receiving data. So we used the DSL in Ruby as a generator to
       | generate Ruby code, as the whole protocol and then I used that at
       | Darpa. They were trying to say "we could freeze the agent society
       | from within the agent society will send messages, and it took
       | about 7-8 minutes for all the messages to propagate and
       | everything to freeze and then go quiet. I had a Ruby process that
       | was running all 300 VM's were underneath it, and I could freeze
       | it in about a half of second. All 300 of them! And you actually
       | could watch the CPU use because we had a monitor and the CPU use
       | has dropped to zero. And it freaked them out. And what was great
       | was you could turn it back on, and all the agents came back on.
       | But time had been lost. And it was like alien abduction lost
       | time, ten minutes went away, "what happened to us?" It was a
       | bizarre thing because they were agents and they were planning on
       | things and all of sudden 10 minutes just went away. But it was
       | interesting to show how Ruby could actually be used as this kind
       | of harnesses to wrap around things like systems.
         | srgpqt wrote:
         | Nice cover story to hide your ~totally existing~ time machine
         | ;)
       | noelwelsh wrote:
       | It feels to me like Shopify is single-handedly keeping Ruby
       | alive. A little bit like Jane Street and O'Caml.
         | lagniappe wrote:
         | You're going to incur the wrath for saying the silent part, but
         | you're not wrong. People have the same 5 rails example corps
         | every time someone says one of these two things:
         | - without rails nobody would use ruby
         | - without X corp, ruby's dead
         | Fact is, we're seeing less and less usage, and more and more
         | distillation of the current userbase along the golden paths
         | laid out by DHH.
         | Is it wrong for rails and thus ruby adoption to slow down? Not
         | at all, people should use what they like, however I think Rails
         | and Ruby are in this negative spiral where:
         | - rails is mostly needed for prototyping and crud apps
         | - this work is typically done by juniors
         | - rails devs are at this point largely seniors, not juniors
         | - rails devs pay the bills with other tech or by maintaining
         | legacy rails apps.
         | There are startlingly few deviations from this, and either
         | everyone majors in rails with a minor in javascript and C++ or
         | they just get happy with their current gig and settle. I wish
         | it weren't the case, but Ruby just hasn't done enough to
         | differentiate itself from Rails, and when compared to neo-PHP
         | or JS there's just not a lot of attractive parts of the golden
         | path Rails provides. It's off-tune for this generation of
         | choice and ubiquity.
         | We don't need that level of scaffolding anymore and in many
         | cases there are other tools that handle that with more
         | versatility.
           | bamfly wrote:
           | > - rails is mostly needed for prototyping and crud apps
           | > - this work is typically done by juniors
           | > - rails devs are at this point largely seniors, not juniors
           | > - rails devs pay the bills with other tech or by
           | maintaining legacy rails apps.
           | - and those prototyping apps have _very often_ gone through
           | multiple teams, some or all of them probably outsourced.
           | Potentially true of any codebase, but it 's true of an
           | exceptionally high proportion of Rails codebases.
           | I'm at the point where I'd want a _stupid_ premium to come in
           | on an existing Rails codebase, and I 'd want a day or two
           | with it before saying "yes" even at that. They're great if
           | they've been maintained by professional, expert teams their
           | whole life, but god-awful messes remarkably resistant to
           | analysis, otherwise.
           | I like Ruby a lot but most of the jobs are in Rails, and
           | after initial infatuation followed by repeated exposure over
           | 15ish years, I've come around to pretty much hating Rails.
           | Too much implicit magic, too much memorization, too opaque to
           | tools that might help overcome those first two problems.
             | kubectl_h wrote:
             | > Too much implicit magic, too much memorization, too
             | opaque to tools that might help overcome those first two
             | problems.
             | If you are a senior level Rails developer none of this is
             | true except maybe memorization and that seems to be a pre-
             | requisite for any senior engineer in any language. It's
             | trivial to debug rails applications with debugger and
             | reading the underlying source code. Everything you need to
             | solve problems is a binding.pry or `bundle open` away.
               | bamfly wrote:
               | If you're having to poke around in running code to find
               | out WTF some symbol even _is_ and where it comes from,
               | and that 's not a _very_ uncommon thing to have to do,
               | that 's unacceptable IMO.
               | > that seems to be a pre-requisite for any senior
               | engineer in any language
               | In many languages and language-ecosystems, there's little
               | point to memorizing e.g. method names and signatures that
               | you're not using so often that memorization happens
               | naturally, because your tools can remind you when you,
               | fairly seamlessly, when you need to know. A lot less
               | memorization goes a lot farther in those worlds, than it
               | does in Rails, and the pain of encountering something one
               | is not familiar with is near-zero. Coming back to them
               | after a year or two--or five--away's not a big deal. The
               | brain-space required for Rails is unusually large, and
               | the rate of rot in Rails skill is high. Ramp-up time in
               | an unfamiliar Rails codebase is rough, and requires
               | assistance from those already "read in" to avoid a bunch
               | of wasted time tracking down which gem provides such-and-
               | such dynamically-named object or method or what-have-you.
               | "Which library is this even _from_? " is not a question
               | that ever reaches the level of conscious thought, in many
               | other languages & frameworks.
               | Getting up-to-speed on an unfamiliar Rails codebase is
               | full of little side-quests that simply aren't needed
               | elsewhere, and you have to hold a lot more in your head
               | to remain productive in it, than other systems require.
               | This is obviously not impossible, but... oof, _why_?
               | All that written out... there's a chance I'd still pick
               | it for a new, solo project, depending on the task. It's
               | fine as long as you are very-familiar with the entire
               | codebase, and some of its gems are major time-savers. I
               | get why companies, and especially move-fast prototyping
               | startups, end up with it, I'm just _very_ done onboarding
               | to existing Rails codebases, personally, without some
               | serious pain  & suffering compensation.
           | rgrieselhuber wrote:
           | I mentally put Ruby / Rails and Python with Flask / Django
           | (and also "neo" PHP) in the same category vs all of the 70
           | million JS frameworks. When you talk about alternatives, what
           | are the major ones you have in mind?
           | abhibeckert wrote:
           | Admittedly I haven't written any ruby code in a very long
           | time, but you only briefly touched on the reason we ran away
           | from it after giving it a serious try:
           | > rails devs pay the bills with other tech or by maintaining
           | legacy rails apps
           | That "maintaining legacy rails apps" job just doesn't exist
           | with our PHP apps. Once properly tested and deployed PHP will
           | generally work perfectly and smoothly for years with zero
           | maintenance unless someone finds a bug that was missed in
           | testing. You can pretty much setup a cron job to apply
           | security patches and that's it. Maintenance done.
           | The only downtime I can recall was when our datacenter
           | installed buggy firmware on their storage array and brought
           | down every virtual machine we had with them... which was a
           | pretty rare and unusual event (by the time they fixed it, we
           | had already moved everything to another datacenter... and it
           | seems we weren't alone because they went bankrupt).
           | With ruby that wasn't our experience at all. We found our
           | production code would regularly just stop working and
           | resources had to be pulled off other tasks with zero notice
           | to figure out why/fix the issue. It was a productivity
           | nightmare. Maybe that's improved now, but from reading the
           | Shopify and GitHub blog posts they both seem to be taking on
           | mammoth amounts of work to ensure their systems are reliable.
           | At the companies I work for (more than one) we expect anyone
           | qualified to do work like that to be dedicating all of their
           | time to other things. All of the apps we built in ruby were
           | rewritten from scratch in PHP and we haven't had any regrets.
           | I've never really liked PHP and I actively hate JavaScript,
           | but I've come to accept those two languages are just more
           | practical than anything else. I'm definitely keeping an eye
           | out for that to change though - Swift is look promising for
           | example.
             | craigmcnamara wrote:
             | The story you're telling sounds like a you guys problem,
             | not a Ruby or Rails problem. I've been building and running
             | Rails apps since 2007 and have not experienced what you've
             | described.
             | My current app runs on AWS ECS. Upgrades are largely just
             | updating my Dockerfile or merging a pull request from
             | Dependabot. We have pagerduty and it only goes off when a
             | 3rd party API is down, usually resolving itself.
             | vidarh wrote:
             | Sounds like you know how to build PHP apps and didn't know
             | how to build Ruby apps. That's fine, and a valid reason for
             | _you_ to pick what worked for you. I 've had plenty of Ruby
             | apps just run for years without additional work.
           | toolz wrote:
           | Are you suggesting php and JS are stealing from what would've
           | otherwise been ruby projects? I've been a ruby dev for a
           | decade and I've never heard of a ruby shop migrating to using
           | php for new work and maybe one or two moving to JS for new
           | work. It's golang and elixir that are taking the place of
           | ruby for new work in my experience. I suspect some python
           | too, but I haven't seen that.
             | runjake wrote:
             | I think they're suggesting that neo-PHP and JS adopted the
             | best parts and patterns of Rails (eg. Laravel).
           | vidarh wrote:
           | I've spent the majority of my time on Ruby since 2005, and
           | only about 2 of those years have involved any Rails at all.
           | There are plenty of opportunities to use Ruby in other
           | contexts, but it's often less flashy. Most of my Ruby use
           | have been e.g. in devops behind the scenes where the job
           | description might not list a language.
           | arp242 wrote:
           | Looking for a job right now, not limited to any specific
           | language, and I see Ruby mentioned plenty of times. Based on
           | that, it seems the reports of Ruby's decline are not as bad
           | as sometimes claimed.
           | If you look at PostgreSQL then a lot of dev work comes from
           | EnterpriseDB and a handful of companies too.
           | The thing with Rails is that it doesn't scale terrible well
           | to "Twitter scale" (if I'm not mistaken Twitter has dropped
           | all usage of Rails) so there aren't that many well-known
           | companies running it, but the overwhelming majority of
           | companies are not "Twitter scale" and it's not really an
           | issue for them. There's a long list of smaller outfits that
           | are not in the "top 50" using Rails quite happily.
           | People focus too much on "What is
           | {Twitter,Facebook,Google,Amazon,Netflix,...} doing?" Who
           | cares? You're never going to have the same problems they
           | have. And whatever they are doing is not necessarily
           | representative for the entire industry.
             | [deleted]
             | [deleted]
             | cultofmetatron wrote:
             | twitter was never a good fit for rails anyway. twitter is
             | basically a human pubsub at scale. Rail's bread and butter
             | are simple crud based apps with nonlinear use patterns.
             | freedomben wrote:
             | > _The thing with Rails is that it doesn 't scale terrible
             | well to "Twitter scale"_
             | It's true that Twitter switch to JVM langs, but it's not
             | true that Ruby doesn't scale (or couldn't have to Twitter's
             | level if they'd kept it). Twitter was early days for Ruby
             | and things have improved a lot, but the only scaling
             | challenge with Ruby is the cost of app instances. I use
             | Elixir/Phoenix now and run 1/4 of the app instances I used
             | to and with much less memory required per instance. (in one
             | app it's 1/10 the ruby instances!) It's traditionally opex
             | cost that hurt Ruby scalability, not technical, and very
             | few companies will ever see the level of success where the
             | cost of servers gets prohibitively high (compared to dev
             | dev cost).
               | arp242 wrote:
               | Isn't "it's comparatively slow" what people usually mean
               | with "doesn't scale"? You can scale anything with enough
               | hardware, but as you mentioned at some point is just
               | becomes very expensive.
               | byroot wrote:
               | > Isn't "it's comparatively slow" what people usually
               | mean with "doesn't scale"?
               | If that's the case, then they are misguided.
               | > You can scale anything with enough hardware
               | No, some architectures or implementations can give you
               | diminishing returns or a hard cap. Not everything can
               | scale horizontally ad infinitum.
               | vidarh wrote:
               | Twitters architecture at the time was a textbook example
               | of how not to build a large scale many-to-many social
               | network. Maybe switching would've been worth it for them
               | anyway, but _the_ big thing they needed was fixing
               | architectural choices they never should 've made to start
               | with.
             | lagniappe wrote:
             | > Looking for a job right now, not limited to any specific
             | language, and I see Ruby mentioned plenty of times.
             | This furthers the point. By stating a lot of companies are
             | looking for Ruby (something that doesn't match my
             | experience when looking) is not a testament that it is hot
             | and in-demand, it is a testament that those roles are not
             | being filled. Senior devs don't make senior dev money doing
             | junior dev work. My assertion is that the majority of Rails
             | is CRUD development that only gets difficult when you step
             | off the golden path- ergo, those positions go unfilled and
             | outnumber their statistical representation in what would be
             | called 'production Rails applications'
               | arp242 wrote:
               | What does "hot and in-demand" even mean, exactly? All I'm
               | saying is that based on my (admittedly limited and vague)
               | dataset there seem to be plenty of companies happily
               | running on Ruby (some with Rails, some without) and that
               | "FAANG-type companies we all heard of aren't using it
               | that much any more" doesn't actually mean all that much.
               | I'm not really sure what your point about senior/junior
               | devs or "roles are not being filled" is.
               | (aside: please don't delete your post and post exactly
               | the same identical post again to clear the downvotes on
               | it).
           | cultofmetatron wrote:
           | while rails is great, its comparative advantage has wanned a
           | lot over the verses since it first came out. Its biggest
           | competitors were spring and zend framework (also hunchentoot
           | if you're THAT kind of guy). compared to those, ruby was a
           | breath of fresh air.
           | Nowadays it has to compete with nodejs, phoenix framework,
           | django and laravel. all of which are within 80% of developer
           | productivity while being vastly more performant. I use
           | phoenix framework myself and while I wish there were more
           | packages available, developer productivity is good enough and
           | we can get away with far less machines to do the job.
         | johnisom2001 wrote:
         | This couldn't be further from the truth. There are so many
         | people using Ruby, so many modern companies deciding to use it
         | and so many large companies that continue to use it.
         | The demand for Ruby developers is higher than the supply.
           | [deleted]
           | ksec wrote:
           | Your parent is talking about investing in Ruby the language
           | and its ecosystem. Not just using it.
           | The new GC, and JIT, along with a few Ruby Cores are all
           | Shopify employees.
         | [deleted]
         | brightball wrote:
         | I don't know why, there are tons of smaller companies using it.
         | I have a lot of languages and experience on my resume and the
         | one that consistently gets me the most inquiries at the highest
         | pay grades is still Ruby.
         | Anecdotal I know, but from the moment that it appeared on my
         | resume in 2012 it's been non-stop. Probably 80% of everything I
         | hear about.
         | Ruby and it's ecosystem brings the closest thing to natural
         | Aspect Oriented Programming that I've seen in the wild, which
         | is why it's so much more productive than everything else I've
         | tried.
           | clairity wrote:
           | i think if rails continues to push hotwire (turbo + stimulus,
           | and perhaps strada?) and get a coherent story on view
           | components, it will continue to take mindshare from the js
           | hype of the last decade. mobile dev is in decline, and
           | browser makers just released web notifications, web app
           | support, webtransport, page transitions, etc., so the backend
           | has largely reached parity for cross-platform development. no
           | longer is json the natural data exchange medium for apps, but
           | rather chucks of html that can be plopped right into the dom
           | without js having to massage the response into shape on the
           | frontend. js can return to being a frontend scripting
           | language, its natural habitat, rather than being shoehorned
           | into being a do-it-all platform language.
             | twic wrote:
             | > mobile dev is in decline
             | This is news to me. Is this really true?
             | d3nj4l wrote:
             | I've been building a webapp with Rails on and off over
             | weekends. Several times over this process, I thought
             | through some of the architectural decisions and naturally
             | realized that the "Rails way" was the _best_ option to
             | pursue. It 's not just because I'm using Rails - my most
             | recent webdev experience was with a SPA driven by a Java
             | backend. I'm sure there are tradeoffs involved (what
             | doesn't?) but with every passing day I use Rails the more I
             | appreciate the decisions it makes for you.
               | graypegg wrote:
               | I've had the exact same experience! I'm getting to use
               | some new JS SSR frameworks at work (Remix) but I keep
               | using rails for my own things. Gets out of my way.
               | d3nj4l wrote:
               | Remix is pretty nice too, and I appreciate it for
               | bringing Rails-style SSR to style in the React world
               | before RSC, but the power of Rails is from having a
               | _complete_ platform to build your apps on. I don 't need
               | to string together five different libraries to implement
               | authentication and e-mails, that comes more or less built
               | into Rails.
               | noelwelsh wrote:
               | Can you recall some of these architectural decisions? I
               | think that would be interesting.
               | d3nj4l wrote:
               | Two decisions on the top of my head:
               | - I wanted to make an index page where a user could make
               | edits to the items being displayed _and_ make regular
               | show /edit pages for the item so if a user was on that
               | page they could edit it. This is actually really useful:
               | a user can bookmark the page for a specific item, or open
               | it in a new tab, or in general do things browsers let you
               | do but apps struggle with. Making two different edit
               | components would be stupid, and I thought this would be
               | one of those things that I could do better in React than
               | in Rails. After looking around a bit I quickly found that
               | if I used standard REST-y routes and wrapped the key
               | parts of the view with turbo frames I could get exactly
               | what I wanted, and it worked out seamlessly. In general,
               | I've found that Rails' heavy emphasis on REST was a good
               | architectural choice, and every time I disagreed with it
               | and went another way I ended up regretting that choice
               | and reverting to REST.
               | - In the Java world, you typically have thin models + a
               | service layer which has the business logic. This is apart
               | from other layers such as Repo/DAO etc, which I was
               | already replacing with ActiveRecord, but I was initially
               | resistant to putting _all_ of my business logic in the
               | models, especially if it involved logic across them. But
               | it also hurt discoverability. I was working on a project
               | I was expecting other people to work on with me, and I
               | wanted to make it easy for them to figure out what they
               | could do with a model object. The solution to this came
               | from DHH himself. I 've lost a link for this, but he said
               | that if you make service objects, you should add a method
               | on the model that acts as a way to reach the service.
               | This keeps the model "fat" while also separating out
               | logic into simple, unit-testable classes.
               | One of the smaller things I appreciate is keeping all of
               | the routing details in rails routes. I know other
               | frameworks like Django also do this, but I really didn't
               | like this about most Java frameworks and microframeworks
               | in other languages.
               | In general, if you're interested in seeing how to
               | architect Rails apps, I say study how 37Signals does it.
               | Playing around with Basecamp convinced me of the
               | practicality of the Rails way and taught me a lot of
               | interesting and useful patterns.
           | LapsangGuzzler wrote:
           | > I don't know why, there are tons of smaller companies using
           | it.
           | Longtime rails dev here. The reason smaller companies are
           | using it is because you can move much faster working on a
           | full stack rails app that gives you SPA-like functionality
           | without needing to incur the performance or operational cost
           | of a dedicated front end.
           | I've worked for both rails shops and JS shops, and the
           | productivity achieved with Rails is staggering compared to
           | React in a small team environment. Guillermo Rauch tweeted a
           | few months back that SPAs were a zero interest-rate
           | phenomenon and I completely agree. Just because a bunch of
           | companies jumped on the JS hype train doesn't mean that they
           | were all making the right decision.
             | pcthrowaway wrote:
             | > Guillermo Rauch tweeted a few months back that SPAs were
             | a zero interest-rate phenomenon
             | Guillermo Rauch is selling Vercel, whose strategy includes
             | first-class tooling for SSR, convincing people to move
             | their SPA to SSR, and then locking them in on their
             | platform.
               | LapsangGuzzler wrote:
               | Sure, he's trying to create a business that I'm not
               | particularly interested in being tied down as well. That
               | doesn't make him wrong about SPA.
               | Rauchg wrote:
               | Except my preference for SSR as the default dates as far
               | back as 2014 and is rooted in the laws of physics[1]
               | Downloading an empty shell, downloading code to render a
               | bunch of spinners, to then incur in a bunch of waterfalls
               | of data and more code to the server is not gonna make it.
               | [1] https://rauchg.com/2014/7-principles-of-rich-web-
               | application...
               | pcthrowaway wrote:
               | I mean those are fair points, though respectfully I think
               | there are cases for SPAs where SSR won't do. But that's
               | not what we're talking about.
               | Referring to SPAs as a "zero-interest-rate phenomenon"
               | implies that SSG/SSR models are more efficient in terms
               | of financial cost of deployment. I don't agree this is
               | necessarily the case, and I think SPAs can be developed
               | and deployed sanely and cheaply also.
               | Vercel is doing some amazing things, but it's also
               | innovating in ways that occasionally lead to "lock-in",
               | in the sense that moving away from Vercel would involve a
               | lot of friction. So I think it's fair to point out that
               | you have a financial interest in convincing people to
               | adopt delivery models that your business streamlines.
         | kjghkjghkjgh wrote:
         | This is spoken like someone who knows nothing about Ruby.
         | riffraff wrote:
         | stripe seemed to be doing quite a few interesting things (e.g.
         | Sorbet, and there was some work adopting TUF for rubygems IIRC)
         | but it seems to have dialled down things a bit.
         | ljm wrote:
         | I think 'is Ruby dying?' is little more than a meme that has
         | stuck around for longer than it deserves.
         | The continuing work on the language and its performance is
         | impressive, but Ruby (and Rails) themselves have the honour of
         | being stable, tried-and-tested solutions for rapid application
         | development. Is it as exciting as the latest and greatest
         | serverless lambda framework in Typescript? Not really. Is it a
         | dependable workhorse? Absolutely.
         | At some point you might be successful enough to justify a
         | rewrite into something else, but a simple Rails app will take
         | you a long way with little effort.
           | noelwelsh wrote:
           | I don't deny the utility of Rails for building a certain
           | class of web site. But I think there is a difference between
           | Rails and Ruby, and a difference between use of a technology
           | and improvements to that technology.
           | I think a technology must continue to change and adapt to
           | remain relevant. I see Shopify as the main driver of current
           | improvements to Ruby (the core features of the most recent
           | release, and the upcoming release, were mostly due to Shopify
           | as I understand it). I don't see smaller companies doing
           | these improvements and I think without them Ruby will
           | (slowly, because it's used in some big places) fade away.
             | pcthrowaway wrote:
             | I'm a bit surprised that Github isn't doing work on Ruby,
             | since they're probably the largest RoR deployment
             | ljm wrote:
             | Smaller companies can be happy with Ruby as it is while
             | enjoying the incremental improvements. They're hardly going
             | to invest in hiring C-proficient engineers to bolster the
             | language - it's simply good enough to start a business from
             | and the performance metric is low priority.
             | They're in a different class to heavy hitters like Shopify
             | and Github, who will gain a lot more from investing in
             | gradual improvements to Ruby's runtime at the scale they
             | operate at.
             | I'll contrast it with JavaScript, which has tried to
             | assimilate every language pattern under the sun over the
             | past decade and is intensely difficult to maintain a stable
             | stack with, even if it's better now than it used to be.
           | sergiotapia wrote:
           | I used to get invites for jobs and see listings for jobs for
           | Ruby and Rails a lot. Now I don't see any at all. There's
           | most definitely a "dead" feeling to the platform.
           | I hardly hear about new projects being started with Rails as
           | well...
             | 1123581321 wrote:
             | It might just be the economy. I was getting about 20
             | inquiries a week from Rails positions until around December
             | 2022.
             | It's used in many companies, new and legacy.
               | fknorangesite wrote:
               | Yeah same story here. Until about 6-7 months ago I was
               | hearing from recruiters for Rails jobs daily, both old
               | and new projects.
               | I'd be very surprised if the decrease since then is out
               | of line with the rest of the industry, regardless of tech
               | stack.
             | meesles wrote:
             | As a Rails person, I get a lot of those requests.
             | It may be that after years of working on other
             | technologies, you just aren't passing the filters anymore.
             | When we were aggressively hiring Rails devs in 2021, we
             | specifically searched for the seasoned Rails devs that
             | could hop in and get going. I've found less appetite
             | outside of the big shops (Shopify/Github/etc) to pick up
             | junior Rails devs which isn't great.
             | ljm wrote:
             | Probably depends where you're based. Ruby is still
             | lucrative in London and there is a healthy market for it
             | both in startups and more established businesses. While
             | I've branches out to other languages (not just JS as a full
             | stack engineer) my career is still boosted by my Ruby
             | experience.
             | I don't think this makes it dead or dying though. It's
             | stable and entrenched while JS has taken the place of the
             | golden child.
             | One complaint I'll grant myself is that library development
             | is a little less prolific this days. Again, there are well-
             | established solutions to a lot of problems in Ruby so
             | you'll have a go-to collection of gems, but it's more often
             | the case these days that something doesn't have much
             | library support and you've got to roll your own.
             | scarnz wrote:
             | My co-founder and I are using RoR at our new company! It's
             | definitely not dead and allows you to build SAAS very
             | quickly.
         | paulddraper wrote:
         | Github: "Am I a joke to you?"
         | hardwaregeek wrote:
         | This is wholly irrelevant, but I love the spelling of O'Caml
         | like an Irish last name. I'd definitely frequent a pub called
         | O'Caml's.
           | noelwelsh wrote:
           | OCaml was originally a contraction of Objective Caml, and
           | spelled O'Caml. At some point this changed and the spelling
           | without the apostrophe was adopted. What comes out of my
           | fingers hasn't caught up, though.
           | jjgreen wrote:
           | Given the early logo for the language was Joe Camel, it would
           | need a smoking room ...
         | sam0x17 wrote:
         | People forget Ruby is also massively popular in Japan to this
         | day
           | ramesh31 wrote:
           | >People forget Ruby is also massively popular in Japan to
           | this day
           | So are fax machines.
         | giovannibonetti wrote:
         | Github is built with Ruby on Rails and they are heavily
         | investing on it, too. See this recent blog post [1] for more
         | details.
         | [1] https://github.blog/2023-04-06-building-github-with-ruby-
         | and...
         | jrochkind1 wrote:
         | Github employees also send a lot of commits to Ruby and Rails.
         | But probably not as many as Shoppify.
         | There might be one or two additional big companies that are
         | similarly funding employees to contribute to core
         | infrastructure in significant ways.
         | But not too many more than a handful, I agree. And they are
         | carrying a lot of weight in ruby ecosystem for sure.
         | I feel like this era of open source in general is one of very
         | shifting patterns of contribution for sustainability. One or a
         | few big companies paying people to keep the thing alive is
         | definitely one that seems to be increasing.
         | Perhaps since the company(ies) in question didn't _originate_
         | the product(s) in this case, it doesn 't feel like they "own"
         | them exactly (not like "open source" products originated and
         | developed by only one company where the product is their
         | business itself -- not sure which category O'Caml fits in), but
         | the risk in depending on only one or two companies (where the
         | product is _not_ their actual business itself) is that if the
         | company decides it no longer wants to make the investment, it
         | can definitely be disastrous for the product. Shoppify just did
         | a bunch of layoffs -- I don't think they hit the people
         | contributing to ruby too hard, but they easily could have,
         | except perhaps Shopify too realizes that if they stopped
         | keeping Ruby alive it would be disastrous for their own
         | business.
         | ksec wrote:
         | Github is doing some as well. Although with resources from
         | Microsoft I do wish they do more.
       | Alifatisk wrote:
       | What a impressive work & effort! Well done.
       | tester756 wrote:
       | A lot of cool work! Congrats!
       | PaulHoule wrote:
       | It's little appreciated how much current parser generators are
       | holding the industry back. That is, LISP maintains a lead in
       | metaprogramming because it bypasses Chomskyism alltogether. It
       | really should be a few lines of code to add an "unless(X) {}"
       | statement to "if(!X) ()" to Java, Python, Ruby but the very idea
       | that you could patch an existing grammar with a separate file is
       | like technology that fell off a UFO. Also anything that you
       | generate a parser for should automatically generate an unparser.
       | Sphinx is a fraction of the framework it could be because it
       | can't process markup and turn it back to Sphinx.
       | I think a PEG framework with a few features (like an easy way to
       | implement operator precedence just by stating it with either
       | numeric values or X > Y statements) could be revolutionary.
       | Python is almost there but not quite.
         | bbkane wrote:
         | I think in most cases metaprogramming makes applications much
         | harder to read. When taking over someone else's codebase, I
         | don't want to also have to understand how they modified the
         | grammar of the language.
         | Obviously, this isn't a blanket statement - metaprogramming has
         | some amazing success stories (homebrew and vagrant both have
         | excellent DSLs), but more often than not I appreciate code
         | that's just "one layer" of abstraction.
         | G3rn0ti wrote:
         | If you're into language parsing and how its patterns could be
         | used in a modern programming language you should take look on
         | Raku (fka Perl 6): It has native support for ,,Grammars" [1]
         | which are basically specialized classes to put Regexes in for
         | defining tokens and also combinations of such tokens. Once
         | you're done you can use a grammar object to parse text
         | returning an AST object. Raku's own syntax is defined in
         | Grammars being a subset of Raku's syntax.
         | So in a nutshell Raku's ,,Grammar" construct is like RegExes on
         | steroids and renders defining DSLs or other special purpose
         | languages so much easier than in any other modern language.
         | [1] https://docs.raku.org/language/grammars
       | IshKebab wrote:
       | People always say language choice doesn't matter, but how many
       | companies get stuck with a language where they resort to
       | rewriting the parser for it?
         | nirvdrum wrote:
         | No one is "stuck" or "resorting" to anything. It's an effort to
         | improve tooling, performance, error reporting, and working with
         | Ruby in general. We could maintain the status quo (which does
         | indeed work) or we could improve it. If we don't improve the
         | status quo, people call the language stagnant and outdated. If
         | we do, it's considered a criticism of its maturity.
         | How many languages would even entertain such a contribution?
         | How many languages are so tightly bound to their parser that
         | writing a new one wouldn't even be workable? How many languages
         | have user tooling that works extensively with parsed code
         | snippets? How many languages have multiple implementations? Of
         | those, how many are working together on an effort to share a
         | common parser?
         | There's plenty of valid reasons to use something other than
         | Ruby. An open source project that grew organically over 25
         | years deciding that it's time to pay down some technical debt
         | _and_ improve the ecosystem at the same time is probably not
         | one of them.
       | fareesh wrote:
       | Will this change impact Solargraph / Rubocop? They are painfully
       | slow / unusable in their current state on large-ish projects
         | dabears wrote:
         | I made a Ruby LSP because of this problem. It's not perfect but
         | incase it's helpful for you. It can parse a large project with
         | all of its gems in a few minutes. That data is indexed in an
         | in-memory db with Tantivy.
         | https://github.com/pheen/fuzzy_ruby_server
         | pianoben wrote:
         | The article mentions that they are building a compatibility
         | layer around YARP that tools can use to transform its new tree
         | format into the legacy Ripper format. They don't call out
         | Rubocop specifically but I can't think of another OSS tool that
         | so prominently uses the parser APIs.
           | kddeisz wrote:
           | rubocop uses rubocop-ast uses parser, so it will eventually
           | make its way down to rubocop once we finish the compat layer
           | for the parser gem.
         | kddeisz wrote:
         | Depends on what you mean by Solargraph, because it's kind of a
         | large project. If you mean their typechecking, then definitely
         | not, because it's not using a Ruby parser. If you mean the
         | general feedback, then yeah potentially.
         | Rubocop yes if it ends up using YARP as a new backend.
         | Either way, I would suggest you check out ruby-lsp, which is
         | definitely going to benefit from this speed, and soon.
       | tiffanyh wrote:
       | Hack?
       | I wonder if Shopify will ever give up on trying to fix Ruby and
       | instead, do what FB did with PHP and just create their own
       | derivative (Ruby) language that addresses their needs better.
         | kayodelycaon wrote:
         | Why? Shopify was able to work with the core team and make the
         | whole language better.
         | Facebook has far more employees and wasn't going to get PHP
         | improved to their liking.
           | tiffanyh wrote:
           | The irony is that PHP has improved massively in perf vs the
           | relative gains of Ruby.
           | https://onlinephp.io/benchmarks
           | https://serpapi.com/blog/benchmarking-ruby-3-1-yjit-
           | ruby-2-7...
       | e4m2 wrote:
       | Interestingly, the actual syntax tree and related
       | structures/functions are generated from the config.yml file and
       | the templates inside the bin directory. They are using a custom
       | template language written in Ruby, here's an example of how they
       | do enum stringification:
       | https://github.com/ruby/yarp/blob/main/bin/templates/src/tok....
       | Obviously this isn't a novel idea, but IMO this kind of design
       | goes a long way to support their maintainability argument,
       | _especially_ in C.
       | Also,
       | > CRuby actually ships with 90 encodings (as of 3.3)
       | This is asinine.
         | munificent wrote:
         | _> Interestingly, the actual syntax tree and related structures
         | /functions are generated from the config.yml file and the
         | templates inside the bin directory._
         | That makes a lot of sense. ASTs tend to be a very dumb but
         | fairly verbose data structure. And, in C in particular where
         | everything is more verbose, there ends up being a ton of
         | boilerplate in the AST nodes.
         | In a language like Ruby with a very rich syntax, you end up
         | needed a ton of different AST nodes.
         | Generating those from a simple declarative format makes
         | maintaining that much easier.
         | cremno wrote:
         | >> CRuby actually ships with 90 encodings (as of 3.3)
         | >This is asinine.
         | Overall there are even more: 103. But then again 1.9.2 only has
         | 85 and 95 overall. Also one of those new 'overall' ones is the
         | EBCDIC code page for US/Canada.
         | vidarh wrote:
         | > a custom template language written in Ruby
         | This makes it sound like it's some template language specific
         | to this project, but ERB is the dominant templating language
         | for Ruby because an ERB implementation is in the standard
         | library.
         | kddeisz wrote:
         | The templating is definitely an effort to keep the
         | maintainability in check. It's also because we're planning on
         | keeping a grammar around to generate test cases for us with
         | fuzzing/other algorithms.
         | The encodings is a bit historical, to my knowledge Ruby is the
         | only major language that was developed by someone whose
         | language did not work with ASCII. So the first encodings
         | written in Ruby were the old Windows pages.
       | progitter wrote:
       | Well described. Also I found this on github.
       | https://github.com/whitequark/parser
       | freedomben wrote:
       | It's been really great watching Ruby over the last few years. I
       | had the privilege of having dinner with Matz several years ago
       | near the beginning of Ruby 3.0 work. I was giving a talk about
       | Elixir at a Ruby conference, and he was interested in things I
       | (as a self-professed fanboy of both languages) liked better about
       | Elixir than Ruby. We talked for quite some time, and it became
       | very clear to me that he knew that Ruby was stagnating and wanted
       | to make some changes to keep it relevant (without wrecking the
       | language). He was incredibly open-minded (and nice!) and was
       | willing to listen to anyone who had things to say.
       | Flash forward several years, and the amount of changes in Ruby
       | are huge! Ruby is as fit as ever for modern development, and I'm
       | really happy about that.
         | ljm wrote:
         | Pattern matching alone is a huge feature and an absolute
         | delight to use when the opportunity presents itself.
         | I'd love to see where Ractor goes but I worry it will remain
         | niche, like with Refinements.
           | ezekg wrote:
           | Refinements would be more useful if you could expose the
           | refinements, but currently you can't.
           | module HashExts           refine Hash do             def
           | symbolize_values = transform_values { _1.to_sym }
           | end         end                    module Test
           | using HashExts                      def self.new_h = Hash.new
           | end                    puts Test.new_h.symbolize_values
           | # => undefined method `symbolize_values' for {}:Hash
           | (NoMethodError)
             | ljm wrote:
             | Yeah, I feel like there was a bit of an expectation
             | mismatch around that. `using` makes a lot more semantic
             | sense than `include` or `extend` in a lot of cases but it
             | didn't play out that way and we're still living with the
             | unusual convention of making 'x-able's and writing
             | 'concerns'. Not to mention that they were file-scoped and
             | not lexical in their first version so had limited utility
             | for library devs.
             | As far as I know the teething issues around refinements are
             | ironed out but they remain an obscurity.
           | freedomben wrote:
           | Agreed. Pattern matching and pipe operator were the two that
           | I hoped for most.
           | The pipe operator implementation proposal that they team came
           | up with was wrong though and I'm glad they didn't do it. We
           | don't need alternate syntax for `.`, we need ability to chain
           | arguments together in a syntactically pleasant way in a
           | functional style so we don't have to write
           | `first(second(third(arg)))` we can write `arg |> third() |>
           | second() |> first` which is much cleaner and reads left to
           | right like it should
             | zverok wrote:
             | Ruby-idiomatic pipe operator is Object#then. After a lot of
             | design proposals and discussions it is more or less evident
             | no solution other than method would integrate naturally
             | with the rest of the code. So it is just `arg.then{
             | third(_1)}.then{ second(_1)}.then{ first(_1)}`
             | Would've been a bit more concise with method references,
             | almost introduced in 2.7, but alas.
             | (But, well, people tend to want "something that looks like
             | operator, preferably something that looks exactly like |>"
             | and reject every other possibility)
               | ljm wrote:
               | This would be more elegant if there was a better way to
               | do `&object.method(:method_name, ...)`. Unbound method
               | support has been around for a long time but converting a
               | method call _with arguments_ to a prod is still not
               | simple to do... unless you start currying methods and
               | writing obscure code.
             | supernikio2 wrote:
             | This already exists to some extent, with the >> operator
             | and lambdas.
             | ```
             | first = ->(x){some code...}
             | second = ->(x){some code...}
             | third = ->(x){some code...}
             | (third >> second >> first).call(arg)
             | ```
             | I agree it's not as clean as what you propose, but much
             | better imo than traditional nested calls (and Haskell's
             | `.`).
               | ljm wrote:
               | I've had a lot of fun with Ruby's support for functional
               | paradigms but that stuff is unlikely to get through code
               | review when the status quo tends towards 'Clean Code'
               | style OOP over-abstraction.
               | Ruby being a type 2 lisp is a fun one - creating a class
               | and and a factory function with the same name, with
               | argument forwarding:                   class Animal; ...;
               | end         def Animal(...); Animal.new(...); end
       | fareesh wrote:
       | I use ruby/rails for professional consulting work. It helps get
       | startups off the ground and into a MVP stage quite quickly, and
       | there is high productivity.
       | You can also use whatever React/Vue on the frontend if you really
       | need to.
       | I would like to use some Typescript framework but none are "there
       | yet" with regard to productivity.
       | Scaling rails in some scenarios is quite challenging, but in most
       | cases you can leverage caching to solve performance challenges.
         | justanother_guy wrote:
         | Nest.Js seems to be promising, but like you said, it has a long
         | way to go.
         | weaksauce wrote:
         | with the improvements to hotwire you might not even need to get
         | to a heavy frontend like react
       | fireweed wrote:
       | [dead]
       | soulbadguy wrote:
       | I love how pragmatic the approach is here. We still don't have
       | parser generators which generate human understandable/readable
       | recursive descent parser with good error recovery baked in. But i
       | am guessing the ruby syntax is too complicated/irregular anyway.
       | On a macro side, i am always surprised with the length and effort
       | company will go to keep working with solution design and selected
       | at their young age, and try to scale them well beyond the braking
       | point. And i feel like most of this effort to keep ruby alive
       | could have been used to slowly transition part of the infra to
       | something JVM/.Net/Rust based for much more bang for engineering
       | buck.
         | aantix wrote:
         | Where is the "more bang for the engineering buck"?
           | soulbadguy wrote:
           | ?
           | mperham wrote:
           | JRuby. TruffleRuby.
         | pulisse wrote:
         | The number of engineer years required for the parser rewrite
         | was probably in the low double digits. Migrating a platform
         | like Spotify to a new framework in a different language would
         | take hundreds.
         | ecshafer wrote:
         | (Disclaimer: Shopify employee but not part of this team) Ruby
         | is my favorite language so far to write "business logic" in,
         | and Rails is a very developer friendly web framework that makes
         | it very easy to set up websites. So I think this is a pretty
         | great strategy overall. The end of the day I think the way to
         | get tech too scale, is for companies / academics / etc to
         | really just put the work in. Java was very slow on release, but
         | now the JVM is blazingly fast, and that is because of the huge
         | amount of work put in by Sun, Oracle, IBM, Redhat, Google,
         | Azul, etc. over the years.
         | For what its worth though, we do also have Go, Rust, Scala,
         | etc. in different places in our stack where its needed.
           | soulbadguy wrote:
           | Disclaimer : my career has mainly been on compiler/runtime
           | and other infrastructure related stuff, so not much of a
           | business logic/web dev kind of guy.
           | > The end of the day I think the way to get tech too scale,
           | is for companies / academics / etc to really just put the
           | work in.
           | This is true in the abstract, but my point is mainly about
           | the comparative effectiveness of different strategies when it
           | come to building scalable infrastructure (or scaling up
           | infra): Keep the bulk of the existing code and invest in
           | making the underlying compiler/interpreter/tool chain better
           | or progressively migrate the code to a tool chain with better
           | scaling capabilities from the get go.
           | From experience, the nature and semantic of a language
           | severely what is "reasonably" possible in the runtime in term
           | of safety (like code loader in java), performance (both CPU
           | and memory) and tooling. Now improvement are possible, but
           | they tend become exponentially expensive as time goes on.
           | Now, obviously there is always a tension between developer
           | productivity and infra concerns, but i do believe that we
           | have better compromise point on that line with newer language
           | and framework.
           | I totally agree that in the 2000's the experience of most
           | "enterprise framework" sucked very hard, and the emergence of
           | language such ruby/python etc... was a god send : a response
           | to the overly rigid and ceremonial way of the past. But with
           | time, we have been able to understand better what makes a
           | good programming experience, distill that into better
           | designed languages and framework which offer "better"
           | compromises. For example :
           | - Instead of dynamic vs static type , we have progressively
           | typed and type inference - Instead of GC vs non-GC we have
           | rust borrow-checker - Instead of runtime meta programing with
           | have DSL and macro's
           | Even more important, i believe that a lot of the experience
           | come from the tooling around the language, and there again
           | the "cargo/dotnet/go" cli approach with a single coherent
           | entry point for both package management and framework
           | scaffolding ease a lot of the pain of the old way.
           | With all of that we now have languages which offer a better
           | compromise on the dev. prod vs infra/performance...
           | > JVM is blazingly fast
           | I would say blazingly faster... But compared to C++ (or even
           | rust) java is still quite slow. Especially for anything
           | compute intensive.
             | ecshafer wrote:
             | I've worked in Orgs with Cobol code written in the 70s and
             | 80s still around. The strategy of moving your business over
             | to a more performant / scalable tech, in essence means you
             | now have two sets of technologies that just end up sitting
             | on top of each other. I worked on a business line that
             | literally had Java, Javascript, Cobol, VBScript, C#, and
             | Smalltalk all working somewhere in the business process
             | counting only in house written code! Businesses never
             | actually modernize everything. They patch old code, write
             | new stuff in new tech, and it grows in complexity. So the
             | invest in core techs we already use is I think a great
             | idea.
               | soulbadguy wrote:
               | Hard to comment in the abstract, but i think this just
               | showed that the organization did have a defined strategy
               | and things just grew on a had-hoc fashion. Seems like an
               | orthogonal problems.
             | AtlasBarfed wrote:
             | It is a lie to say java is faster than c/c++ due to runtime
             | optimization
             | It is also a lie to say java is "quite slow" compare to
             | c/c++
               | soulbadguy wrote:
               | > It is also a lie to say java is "quite slow" compare to
               | c/c++
               | Why ?
             | byroot wrote:
             | > Disclaimer : my career has mainly been on
             | compiler/runtime and other infrastructure related stuff, so
             | not much of a business logic/web dev kind of guy.
             | That probably explain your surprise. This question comes up
             | extremely often on HN, the answer is that even if you were
             | to stop all feature development, re-platforming a large
             | organization like Shopify would take years, not even
             | considering all the re-training, lost knowledge etc.
             | And you'd spend these years having to support multiple
             | platforms so that would only pay off much later, and in the
             | meantime your competitors continue iterating.
             | In general it's best to stick with the devil you know,
             | unless the new platform interoperate very well with the old
             | one.
               | soulbadguy wrote:
               | > re-platforming a large organization like Shopify would
               | take years I am not sure what re-platforming means here,
               | but "slowly transitioning" to a different stack is not
               | the same as stop and rewrite everything.
               | > That probably explain your surprise
               | While i don't write "business logic", i have been
               | involved in a lot of project to babysit, maintain,
               | refactor and/or improve business code bases. Sometime the
               | runtime can only do so much and you have to adjust the
               | user level code. And from experience it's never as bad as
               | some make it to be.
               | > And you'd spend these years having to support multiple
               | platforms so that would only pay off much later, and in
               | the meantime your competitors continue iterating.
               | Again i see this very often as well. Software engineering
               | seem to over emphasizes the cost of platform transition
               | while downplaying the operating burden of not
               | modernizing.
       | stevebmark wrote:
       | "Rails at scale" is a funny title. Shopify had to rebuild the
       | core parser. Github has a department dedicated to working off the
       | bleeding edge of Rails (and has core Ruby and Rails maintainers
       | on staff, Shopify probably does too). Both Shopify and Github
       | spent literal engineering years upgrading Rails, and still for
       | some reason think it's worthy of boasting about in engineering
       | blog posts, despite the burnout, not-shipping-features, and
       | turnover they suffered because of it.
       | If your company has enough engineering overhead and capacity to
       | stop delivering features and try to fix your core language for a
       | year, then you're in a different ballpark from most other tech
       | companies. If you're NOT in that boat, then "Rails scaled for
       | Github and Shopify" is not a message you should take home.
       (page generated 2023-06-13 23:01 UTC)