[HN Gopher] Apollo Remastered
       Apollo Remastered
       Author : bentaber
       Score  : 69 points
       Date   : 2023-06-14 20:32 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (kottke.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (kottke.org)
       | akiselev wrote:
       | I believe all of the new scans are available here:
       | https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/albums
         | TylerE wrote:
         | Those date from 2019, so clearly not. The quality of the few I
         | sampled is also nothing special.
           | akiselev wrote:
           | According to the author's bio [1], he was remastering photos
           | of Neil Armstrong in _2019_ for NASA for the 50th anniversary
           | of Apollo 11 so clearly the timing lines up. Multiple sources
           | on NASA and elsewhere point to that Flikr gallery.
           |  _> The quality of the few I sampled is also nothing
           | special._
           | The ones in the TFA are _remastered_ - color correct among
           | other things. The ones in the Flikr are the unprocessed
           | versions of Apollo Hasselblad photography scanned by NASA 's
           | Johnson Space Center. You can download the original
           | 4000x4000+ resolution scans from Flikr.
           | [1] https://www.apolloremastered.com/bio
             | sponaugle wrote:
             | From that site: "The raw output from the digital scan of a
             | 70mm Hasselblad frame, is a huge 1.3GB, 16-bit TIFF file.
             | At approximately 11,000 pixels square, a single image would
             | require a 12-foot x 12-foot computer monitor to display the
             | whole image at standard resolution. "
             | The Flikr images must be jpg conversions of the original
             | TIFFs, certainly in an attempt to reduce file sizes. I'm
             | not sure where the 11,000 comes from. The JPGs are
             | 4400x4600. Perhaps the original TIFFs were 11,000x11,000
             | pix.
         | porphyra wrote:
         | And best of all, like other works of the US government, it's
         | public domain!
           | contrarian1234 wrote:
           | Is it? It's definitely not made immediately clear on their
           | website: https://www.apolloremastered.com/the-project
           | Why are they on flickr and not NASA.gov as usual?
             | porphyra wrote:
             | Not sure, but I checked the licenses of a couple of photos
             | on flickr and they were public domain.
             | gmiller123456 wrote:
             | In the US, government organizations are not allowed to
             | copyright their work. They can, however, obtain works that
             | were copyrighted by someone else. But pretty much
             | everything coming out of NASA is public domain, though they
             | don't put a lot of effort into publicising that fact.
             | https://www.copyrightlaws.com/copyright-laws-in-u-s-
             | governme...
         | netsharc wrote:
         | These look like to be the non-enhanced scans. Compare
         | https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/217878648...
         | and
         | https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/70f4b600092729ee3a719066227d7...
         | (from the article
         | https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/aug/26/apollo-space...
         | )
       | [deleted]
       | ConanRus wrote:
       | [dead]
       | hex4def6 wrote:
       | > Inspected, embossed and hand signed by the artist
       | Wow, they got the Apollo 15 crew to sign these? Awesome! There
       | are some technical / logistical issues with that, but I'm sure
       | they managed to overcome them...
       | Snark aside, I'm not really sure how running restoration on
       | public domain photographs gives you authorship / copyright
       | ownership over them.
       | grout58 wrote:
       | That's not what I expected to see :)
       | WirelessGigabit wrote:
       | > Inspected, embossed and hand signed by the artist
       | What? Since when is a film developer an artist?
       | If he would've taken the photos himself and then did the post-
       | processing... fine. But not like this.
       | I'm reading this page:
       | https://www.apolloremastered.com/shop/p/s65-30427 and it doesn't
       | even mention the original photographer.
         | gmiller123456 wrote:
         | >Since when is a film developer an artist?
         | Developing and printing photographs absolutley is an art form.
         | Many books on developing and printing are quick to point out
         | that Ansel Adams was celebrated more for what he did in the
         | dark room than for the subject matter or composition.
         | Arainach wrote:
         | A number of these shots are composites from multiple source
         | images.
         | Photo editing is an art and a technical skill all on its own. A
         | print with a separate photographer and editor has two artists,
         | not one.
       | contrarian1234 wrote:
       | Well it's a thinly veiled ad... and you can't really easily get
       | digital copies - which somehow feels weird/wrong for space stuff.
       | You typically can get that in full resolution directly from NASA.
       | Is the web interface representative of the final quality?
       | Just looking at an example:
       | https://www.apolloremastered.com/shop/p/as15-82-11056-to-110...
       | Even mildly zoomed in the image looks quite crummy and blurry.
       | Fine for a postcard, but not to hang on you wall
       | It's also a bit weird that some dude manages to somehow get semi-
       | exclusive access to photos made by the US gov't and can then
       | charge hundreds of pounds for them
         | dabluecaboose wrote:
         | I had written this comment almost verbatim before getting
         | distracted at work.
         | There's gotta be some public-facing way to access these images.
         | NASA wouldn't just let any jabroni access these highly guarded
         | films to sell them, they have to have gotten something out of
         | it for them (and by extension the public)
         | EDIT: Clarifying since it sounded like I was calling the guy a
         | jabroni, didn't intend that
           | netsharc wrote:
           | This shop where I got my copy from is still selling them for
           | 46 Euro a pop: https://www.buecher.de/shop/raumfahrt/apollo-
           | remastered/saun...
           | I bought it after reading The Guardian's excerpt with a lot
           | of great pictures:
           | https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/aug/26/apollo-
           | space...
           | > Digital scans of the transparencies are often underexposed
           | and difficult to process. The images shown here are derived
           | from new, high-resolution scans of the original film,
           | painstakingly restored using image-enhancement technology.
           | I think the "jabroni" was hired to make the best quality
           | reproduction out of these films for NASA's own archive, my
           | guess was he probably negotiated a deal where he'd be allowed
           | to publish these photos.
           | I do wonder if public domain means they must be accessible
           | online too?
           | Edit: on the Guardian excerpt, the photo credits include ASU,
           | I found this site which talks about their work thawing the
           | films and doing high-resolution, high bitrate (e.g. 14-bit
           | grayscale) scans: http://tothemoon.ser.asu.edu/about, and
           | this site also offers about 26000 scans of the films.
           | But the ASU scans are still not enhanced, e.g. the cover of
           | the book, AS09-24-3665 from:
           | - Flickr, 2015 upload: https://www.flickr.com/photos/projecta
           | polloarchive/217878648...
           | - ASU scan: http://tothemoon.ser.asu.edu/gallery/Apollo/9/Has
           | selblad%205...
           | - Apollo Remastered (Andy Saunder's work): https://i.guim.co.
           | uk/img/media/70f4b600092729ee3a719066227d7...
           | toomuchtodo wrote:
           | https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/index.html
           | https://www.nasa.gov/missions
           | https://images.nasa.gov/
           | If you're unable to find something you know should be there,
           | a FOIA request should fill the gap.
             | [deleted]
           | Arainach wrote:
           | Hundreds of hours of labor (and the hours developing
           | professional skills prior to that labor) are not free. Art-
           | grade photo printing is not free.
           | The book is huge in all 3 dimensions. Nearly every page is a
           | full-page photo print. It is a work of art, an artifact, and
           | well worth the price. I love my copy.
         | arrrg wrote:
         | Ads are someone being paid to write/publish about something.
         | Are you claiming that's happening here?
         | Also, I'm pretty sure a lot of the original photos are simply
         | blurry (from motion) or slightly out of focus. Some of the
         | other previews are much sharper.
         | Check out the beard:
         | https://www.apolloremastered.com/shop/p/as07-04-1596
         | Luckily photos don't have to tack sharp to be great. In fact,
         | many awesome photos (on or off planet) aren't sharp at all. I
         | don't care at all about the obvious motion blur in this great
         | photo, it even seems fitting:
         | https://www.apolloremastered.com/shop/p/as11-36-5390
         | (Though I would agree, you picked one that would be greatly
         | helped by being tack sharp and where it being out of focus
         | detracts from it. I still think the composition is great and
         | that's probably why it made it in.)
         | _caw wrote:
         | That must be a web quality pic.
         | The ones in his book are far higher quality. Too bad I can't
         | nail the book to my wall..
         | throw0101b wrote:
         | > _Well it 's a thinly veiled ad..._
         | Jason Kottke has been curating links on the inter-tubes for
         | twenty-five years (1998). He simply links to stuff he thinks
         | other will find cool: the fact that some of those items are
         | purchasable does not mean the post is an ad.
         | * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Kottke
         | His posts on the Apollo program go back to 2005:
         | * https://kottke.org/tag/Apollo/3
         | Here's another post on a book you can purchase by Edward Tufte:
         | * https://kottke.org/01/09/edward-tufte-author-of-three
         | * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Tufte
         | Was that post an ad?
       | jjcm wrote:
       | Is there a link to the high res photos?
       | evolve2k wrote:
       | Ha fully expected to read more about the reddit saga.
         | nivekney wrote:
         | _oh they are finally replacing the reddit backend with their
         | own!?_
         |  _nope it 's the moon._
           | joecot wrote:
           | I've been very much hoping that Apollo and the rest just
           | pivot to being amazing Lemmy/kbin clients, with multiple
           | instances pre-configured to use. That would be the biggest
           | coup of all. Which is exactly what I thought had happened
           | when I saw a title of "Apollo Remastered".
           | 'Oh, you're going to price us all out? You don't care about
           | third party client users? That's fine, I guess you won't care
           | if hundreds of thousands of users suddenly have a client for
           | a different site installed when they go to open reddit.'
             | dramatic-cable wrote:
             | [flagged]
       | _caw wrote:
       | I highly recommend this book, which I received as a birthday
       | present (hint, for your friends or loved ones who are into space
       | stuff.)
       | Every page is filled with these georgeous, highly detailed
       | pictures, and a running commentary from the astronauts or author.
       | You won't be disappointed.
       (page generated 2023-06-14 23:01 UTC)