[HN Gopher] UnsuckJS: Progressively enhance HTML with lightweigh...
       UnsuckJS: Progressively enhance HTML with lightweight JavaScript
       Author : vmoore
       Score  : 193 points
       Date   : 2023-06-15 17:06 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (unsuckjs.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (unsuckjs.com)
       | tln wrote:
       | I'd love to see a list of heavily interactive sites that use the
       | HTMX technique.
       | I believe Github uses something like HTMX + ActionCable, and it
       | shows how good that experience can be (and some limitations).
       | But I think it's in the small minority. It'd be nice to know of
       | more examples, instead of just more libs.
         | danielvaughn wrote:
         | Same, it seems like the kind of thing that would be highly
         | useful with light interactivity, but may not scale well. I also
         | haven't really spent much time in it, so idk.
         | caseyf wrote:
         | Hey.com is one.
           | tln wrote:
           | Good example, thanks. Also Basecamp
         | mikepurvis wrote:
         | I haven't studied the guts of it, but I've been impressed
         | recently with Github. It feels like a normal, page-by-page
         | application, with human-readable URLs, and none of the usual
         | SPA shenanigans as far as after-page loading, infinite-scroll
         | nonsense, or broken back button behaviour... but then stuff
         | happens like a page that's sitting open on a PR automatically
         | pulls new comments as they are posted, and it looks identical
         | to if that page was loaded afresh. Spiffy.
           | canadiantim wrote:
           | I very much agree. GitHub is always a source of inspiration
           | for me design-wise
       | satvikpendem wrote:
       | I can do the same thing via NextJS and output pure HTML and CSS
       | without any JS at all. Or with server components, output only the
       | minimal JS needed. Not sure why everyone wants to write a
       | programming language inside HTML like lit does.
         | spankalee wrote:
         | How is Lit's use of JS in templates any different than JSX?
         | Both use JS for expressions and control-flow.
           | ReD_CoDE wrote:
           | JSX is expensive than JS, because JSX first needs to become
           | JS, then other things happen
             | spankalee wrote:
             | That doesn't speak to this comment:
             | > Not sure why everyone wants to write a programming
             | language inside HTML like lit does
             | When that's exactly what the OP's suggestion of React does.
         | FireInsight wrote:
         | The king of "use JS frameworks, output pure HTML" is Astro.
         | (https://astro.build/) It's basically an SSG where you can use
         | a number of frameworks to write your components, and shipping
         | any JS is explicitly opt-in.
           | satvikpendem wrote:
           | Astro is pretty nice too, I was going to write my blog with
           | it but I liked the instant page transitions that NextJS
           | provides out of the box for which I couldn't find a suitable
           | solution in Astro.
             | toddmorey wrote:
             | Astro is adding (optional) client-side routing. I'm excited
             | about that.
             | jen729w wrote:
             | Doesn't NextJS do that with client-side JS though?
             | I recently moved from Gatsby, which did that -- and the
             | transitions sure are instantaneous -- to Astro, which
             | outputs plain HTML pages. Each navigation is a request to
             | the server. Yeah, they take a touch longer. But the
             | response is tiny.
             | You could always `preload`?
               | satvikpendem wrote:
               | I tried preload, it doesn't work as well as with NextJS
               | which, yes, uses client side JS. But critically, the
               | pages still work without JS if one so chooses. It's
               | progressive enhancement which Astro does not yet have.
           | colesantiago wrote:
           | Why Astro instead of say, Svelte?
             | FireInsight wrote:
             | Astro is a metaframework that among others can use Svelte
             | for both static and interactive components. Plain Svelte
             | without a metaframework is not suitable for normal websites
             | with multiple pages, but Astro is.
             | As for Astro vs SvelteKit, I generally prefer Astro's
             | approach to filesystem based routing (no +page etc.), I
             | prefer it's MPA approach to the clientside routing
             | SvelteKit and others use OOTB, I like that it's very
             | tailored towards content and being an SSG (content
             | collections, MD and MDX support ootb, currently
             | experimental automatic image optimization), and the
             | "integrations" are a huge time-saver. Some common ones you
             | can add with `astro add`, and many others are just a quick
             | config edit away. I recently built a pretty performant
             | portfolio site with Astro in a single day using DecapCMS
             | and UnoCSS, both as integrations, all the client had to do
             | was accept the invite from Netlify Identity and start
             | adding content to their site!
             | password54321 wrote:
             | No advantage if you just want to use Svelte when SvelteKit
             | does everything Astro does and more while having less
             | dependencies.
               | FireInsight wrote:
               | Well, dependency count is not the metric on which I base
               | my tech decisions on. After all, you could do everything
               | Svelte does with VanillaJS.
               | I just prefer the DX of Astro and MPA routing instead of
               | client-side.
         | password54321 wrote:
         | A fresh install of NextJS is roughly 150MB. You realise that's
         | mostly code that all needs to work right?
           | robertoandred wrote:
           | Next doesn't ship 150MB of JavaScript to browsers...
           | wg0 wrote:
           | > A fresh install of NextJS is roughly 150MB. You realise
           | that's mostly code that all needs to work right?
           | Really??
           | satvikpendem wrote:
           | That's all on the backend so it doesn't really matter to me
           | as long as no JS is sent on the frontend. For the benefits
           | NextJS gives me, like TypeScript, I'm fine with that.
             | e111077 wrote:
             | In that case why not just SSR lit on the backend and send
             | that? It sounds like an unfair criticism otherwise
               | satvikpendem wrote:
               | I have the full React framework and ecosystem if I so
               | choose to use it. For example, I could use something like
               | react-three-fiber to add 3D or Framer Motion to add
               | animations yet fall back to not having those when JS is
               | disabled. Sure you could do the same in Lit but those
               | libraries aren't present or as robust as in React.
               | robertoandred wrote:
               | It's easy to add interactivity to a NextJS site when you
               | need it.
               | e111077 wrote:
               | Likewise with Lit, but that is besides the criticism that
               | he was making earlier
           | meowtimemania wrote:
           | An installation of chrome is roughly 1,500mb. You realize
           | that's mostly code that all needs to work right?
             | password54321 wrote:
             | Yeah and an operating system has 10s of millions of lines
             | of code. Does that mean everything else comes without a
             | cost? Also point here is you got options for a much lighter
             | framework, which you bluntly missed.
             | silentprog wrote:
             | chrome and nextjs do not share a use case. Whereas chrome
             | is a web browser nextjs is a framework for building web
             | applications.
         | wsatb wrote:
         | You can use lit components within Next, or within anything
         | really. If you're building a single app, use what you're
         | comfortable with. At my job, we're often creating components
         | that need to be used within an increasing number of frameworks
         | because every client is using something different. Having a
         | custom element instead of needing to load React on every
         | client's website is huge.
           | satvikpendem wrote:
           | Interesting, at the workplaces I've been at, we only used
           | React, nothing else, in order to make the code-sharing
           | problem much easier, as well as not have developers learning
           | many different frameworks just to get work done.
       | dmje wrote:
       | So interesting, and refreshing, to see the tide gently turning in
       | this direction :-)
       | 11235813213455 wrote:
       | Where is preact?
         | adamzochowski wrote:
         | I don't think preact is part of the "progressive enhance html"
         | Progressive enhance HTML means whatever backend you use, it
         | spits out html, and the HTML is rendered without Javascript.
         | Preact fails this.
         | The libraries are meant to progressively enhance html by
         | replacing or enhancing certain actions with small javascript.
         | For example, with htmx, usually clicking on html link would
         | load complete page, but with clever htmx directive, the link
         | onclick will only load/replace what is needed.
         | Think of progressive enhance html as html first. As the page
         | working even if javascript is disabled.
       | examplary_cable wrote:
       | Awesome list!
       | I love that the cognitive overhead for web apps now is so great
       | many people are "returning to monke" and coding in simple
       | HTML/CSS/JS haha.
       | Question: Shouldn't the items be in the row so I can see all of
       | them at once? Why are the items in the columns? I'll open a issue
       | (:
         | FireInsight wrote:
         | On mobile, I actually think it's pretty good like this. The
         | names of the fields should stay visible when scrolling, though.
         | Maybe this could be made reactive?
         | adparadox wrote:
         | >Shouldn't the items be in the row
         | Maybe! I was messing with different UI approaches to relay this
         | data and this made sense to me, but I'll see if switching to
         | rows is more clear. Thanks for the idea!
           | mNovak wrote:
           | The column layout is basically impossible for me to
           | meaningfully navigate on my laptop -- the scrollbar and
           | descriptions don't both fit on the screen (appreciate the
           | repeated titles at the bottom, but ultimately they don't say
           | much)
             | bmacho wrote:
             | Don't you have horizontal scrolling on your laptop? Edge of
             | the trackpad, or 2-3 fingers?
             | examplary_cable wrote:
             | > The column layout is basically impossible for me to
             | meaningfully navigate
             | Same. Somebody said it was done this way because of mobile.
             | I'm not sure.
             | It's just weird to see "items" horizontally and properties
             | vertically. I'm usually familiar with:
             | prop | prop | prop
             | item | value| value
             | item2| value| value
         | robertoandred wrote:
         | None of these are simple HTML/CSS/JS.
           | examplary_cable wrote:
           | It's part of the new modern WebDev semantical lexicon:
           | !React = HTML/CSS/JS
           | -\\_(tsu)_/-
           | Blackthorn wrote:
           | Htmx kinda is. I don't really know alpine but the GitHub docs
           | remind me a bit of jQuery plugins.
       | nathias wrote:
       | do not use lit and webcomponents under any circumstances, please
         | markhesketh wrote:
         | Why not?
           | nathias wrote:
           | It sucks so much its unreal, forces OOP JS, which causes
           | extreme amounts of boiler plate code and mutation bugs,
           | making a simple change becomes a one week task. I'm just
           | doing a complete rewrite of a legacy codebase made with TS,
           | webcomponents and lit into a modern framework, which is about
           | the only sane thing to do with it.
       | amadeuspagel wrote:
       | The table is a bad format for this.
         | [deleted]
       | drschwabe wrote:
       | Nice to see sprae on there it's handy when you want reactivity
       | with minimal fuss.
       | I would lobby for featuring Webreflection's uhtml it is a
       | workhorse for me personally.
         | adparadox wrote:
         | Thanks for the recommendation! I'll add it to the list as soon
         | as possible.
       | DaiPlusPlus wrote:
       | The bottom row of the table is "IE11 Compatible".
       | ...IE11 hasn't been relevant on the public-web for at least a
       | decade now, and I'm fairly sure it's now entirely gone from
       | corporate/enterprise situations now too, given MS' even-more-
       | aggressive-than-usual campaign to kill it off in Feburary of this
       | year: https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/rip-
       | internet...
       | ...why is that there? It's weird - it's like saying iPhone 14 is
       | not compatible with 30-pin dock-connectors.
         | adparadox wrote:
         | It's there because some libraries explicitly call it out as a
         | benefit so I included it. The code is OSS
         | (https://github.com/adamghill/unsuckjs.com) -- feel free to
         | make a PR to be the change you want to see in the world.
         | tylerrobinson wrote:
         | Not true. There are still legacy use cases where IE11 is
         | required for support in enterprise and regulated businesses.
         | Ending soon? Hopefully. But not gone.
         | SkyPuncher wrote:
         | Healthcare. It's still used in Healthcare. Unfortunately.
           | dheera wrote:
           | Oh I've seen IE8 in healthcare.
             | Zelphyr wrote:
             | Sadly, that is a commentary on the quality and efficiency
             | of the US healthcare system.
             | Before I get an onslaught of downvotes: my wife is a Nurse
             | Practitioner and her and literally every provider she knows
             | that I have met agrees that our healthcare system is
             | backwards, inefficient, and anything but caring for or
             | about peoples health.
         | daveoc64 wrote:
         | Internet Explorer 11 is still supported in Windows Server 2022,
         | which goes out of support in October 2031. It's also supported
         | in Server 2016 and 2019.
         | It's also supported in Windows 10 LTSC versions for large
         | companies.
         | IE 11 mode for Edge is also supported until at least 2029 on
         | all currently in-support Windows operating systems.
         | So it can be very relevant if you have legacy systems that
         | still need to be maintained.
       | Blackthorn wrote:
       | It's good that I know what htmx is already, because that
       | description is kinda bad it doesn't really describe what htmx
       | actually does to progressively enhance html.
       | FireInsight wrote:
       | I get these for when your stack contains python/go/ruby and your
       | page is SSR. But more recently I've just come to enjoy the full
       | blown Javascript Framework. I use Svelte exclusively, and the
       | bundle sizes aren't too large thanks to the compiler. I can write
       | TS which is way more comfortable than JS or even Python or Go
       | IMO.
         | spankalee wrote:
         | You can get small sizes, great DX, first-class TypeScript
         | support, all without the compiler though.
           | FireInsight wrote:
           | But I like the compiler.
             | tbeseda wrote:
             | For the sake of a compiler? I'd rather not add complexity
             | for complexity's sake. Or does it give you another
             | advantage not mentioned above?
         | PaulHoule wrote:
         | Yep.
         | Myself I am working with HTMX and thinking about how the back
         | end framework changes to make the most of HTMX.
         | For instance I have a screen that has a bunch of dropdown
         | inputs that automatically post changes to the server when you
         | flip them and sometimes the options change when you flip them.
         | The dropdown is defined in a macro that can be used in a
         | template or that can be directly sent to the server. HTMX also
         | can update several things in one request: for instance when I
         | add a new RSS feed to YOShInOn it has to (1) insert the item
         | into the feed, (2) tear down a modal dialog, and (3) update the
         | count of the number of feeds. You very much need a server-side
         | framework that makes it routine to do all that.
       | [deleted]
       | vxNsr wrote:
       | Cool idea! nice to see these all in one place.
       | one suggestion, on non-ultrawide screens when you scroll you no
       | longer see the left labels, would be cool to have them float when
       | you start scrolling left so they're always visible.
       | KennyBlanken wrote:
       | > Zero-dependency, build-free framework for the artisanal web.
       | It's extremely difficult to take anyone seriously when they claim
       | their framework is for the "artisanal web."
       | WinstonSmith84 wrote:
       | Surprised to not see Qwik. It's probably more a framework than
       | just a HTML enhancer, yet it fits very much in that philosophy of
       | reducing JS to the very bare minimum
       | xnx wrote:
       | Great resource. I initially skipped clicking on this because I
       | thought "UnsuckJS" was yet another JavaScript framework.
       | smusamashah wrote:
       | There should be another row that which of these can be included
       | as a standalone javascript lib in html instead of requiring NPM.
         | spankalee wrote:
         | For Lit, you can use pre-bundled versions from a CDN:
         | https://lit.dev/docs/getting-started/#use-bundles
         | adparadox wrote:
         | Not requiring NPM was one of my original requirements for
         | anything on this list. All of these libraries should be
         | available from HTML directly -- let me know or make a PR if
         | that isn't the case.
           | vxNsr wrote:
           | Maybe you can add that somewhere in subtitle somehow? as it's
           | not immediately clear
             | adparadox wrote:
             | Good idea! I'll add it to the subtitle.
           | smusamashah wrote:
           | I looked at the first one on the list "lit" and the very
           | first thing it says on github is to install via npm.
             | spankalee wrote:
             | That's because the _vast_ majority of the JS ecosystem
             | installs libraries via npm.
             | We can't really put all of the different ways to use Lit on
             | the front page, but we document how to use Lit from a CDN
             | right on the getting started page:
             | https://lit.dev/docs/getting-started/#use-bundles
         | [deleted]
         | robertoandred wrote:
         | Which means any content would be rendered after page load,
         | worsening performance compared to frameworks like Next.
           | Zizizizz wrote:
           | No it doesn't, for some of these at least you can render the
           | page server side and the reactive components become reactive
           | a bit later on, isn't that how next would work as well? It's
           | a blend of server side and front end interactivity right?
             | robertoandred wrote:
             | You can't render server side if you only use the library in
             | a client-side script tag.
       | coreyp_1 wrote:
       | It would be handy to see the license.
       | It's becoming increasingly more dangerous to use anything in the
       | GPL family for anything but the narrowest of use cases. It's to
       | the point that, even now, if it's GPL I refuse to incorporate it,
       | even in personal projects. And I'm not against open source...
       | Everything I write is MIT.
         | musicale wrote:
         | What changed to make GPL more "dangerous" - and to whom?
         | I was under the impression that nearly every Linux distro uses
         | GPL code in the kernel and/or userland.
           | coreyp_1 wrote:
           | https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-
           | faq.en.html#SystemLibraryEx...
           | The GPL carves out exceptions for the use of system
           | libraries.
           | But, as for the "dangerous" part:
           | * I work in an industry in which software patents are
           | required to survive. Personally, I hate software patents, but
           | it _is_ a reality until the law changes. As such, the GPL
           | invalidates patents, making anything GPL completely off
           | limits. That means that I would not have a job, and then
           | there would be fewer competitors in the marketplace, which
           | would make prices rise considerably. Too bad, too, because we
           | would donate back improvements that are general enough to
           | benefit others. Rather, now we just use proprietary solutions
           | wholly because GPL is a minefield for us.
           | * I have personal projects. I write code that I want to use
           | myself as well as allow others to use. I use MIT because GPL
           | discourages that somewhat (the point above). I may want to
           | use my personal projects commercially some day. MIT allows
           | that; GPL makes it impossible. In other words, if I choose
           | GPL today, I have poisoned that code from myself for the rest
           | of my life.
           | In short GPL is not "free" as in freedom, because it comes
           | with strings attached. It's communist in philosophy, but I
           | hesitate to say that because then everybody jumps to some *a
           | priori* conclusion of what they are now convinced that I'm
           | saying, without listening to what I'm actually saying.
           | GPL says, in short, that the software is freely available for
           | public use, but not for private use. (Yes, there are nuances
           | to that, so much so (and so confusing) that most people
           | either just ignore it, or say "IANAL...") It demands that
           | 100% of the work of anyone in the future must be donated back
           | to the collective for free. That is not freedom.
           | Create as much GPL code as you like. I create MIT. You can
           | use mine (and I'm happy for you to!), but I can't use yours
           | because of the restrictions you put on it. We can let the
           | future decide which is more "free".
             | musicale wrote:
             | > I work in an industry in which software patents are
             | required to survive
             | Thanks for the explanation! I wonder what the industry is
             | (maybe finance or law or ??) It seems that in most of the
             | tech industry software patents are primarily used as a war
             | chest for large companies or for non-practicing entities
             | focused on litigation. Usually execution is more important.
             | openthc wrote:
             | IIRC, it's not about private use but about distribution. We
             | publish libraries under MIT, since other corporate users
             | would very likely need to distribute those.
             | But the higher-level Apps we publish under GPL, so that
             | downstream is obligated to keep it open-source (but there
             | is no obligation to submit a PR upstream).
             | And there are more than a few companies that use our GPL
             | stuff, internally and don't redistrubute and therefore
             | don't have to make their internal modifications available
             | under GPL -- because there is no distribution happening.
             | I'm not a lawyer but our decision was informed by one who
             | has prior experience in IP, licensing and specifically
             | FOSS-style licenses.
               | coreyp_1 wrote:
               | Yes, distribution is the key.
               | Suppose that my company has powerful video editing
               | software that we sell (which is distribution). Consider
               | that it has unique functionality and has taken a decade
               | to develop by a team of developers, all of whom have
               | salaries, insurance, retirement, etc. that need to be
               | paid, otherwise the software would not exist. Proprietary
               | code and profit are more than appropriate in this
               | situation, as I believe that workers should reap the
               | reward of their labor and investment.
               | Now, suppose that a new feature is wanted. There is a
               | project that provides that functionality, but it is
               | licensed GPL. Can I use it?
               | Absolutely not!
               | Because, if I do, then I am obligated to release all of
               | my source code in addition, because it integrates with
               | the GPL code. It is financial suicide for my business to
               | do so (which, btw, is a political preference for many of
               | the GPL proponents). What will I do instead? I will
               | probably just have my developer write our own version,
               | adding in the extra features that we need.
               | Contrast that with the MIT-licensed code. We can use it
               | without fear, and we will probably even submit
               | enhancements back to the project, simply because it makes
               | our lives easier in the future for maintenance.
               | GPL poisons downstream, simple as that.
               | You are correct that there is no obligation to submit a
               | PR upstream, but there is a requirement for my source
               | code to be made available under the same GPL license. GPL
               | is "infectious" (or "viral", take your pick of words).
               | The funny thing is, I believe in freedom with software,
               | but my interpretation of "free" is vastly different than
               | the GPL interpretation of "free". And, as I said, I put
               | my money where my mouth is... almost everything I write
               | (except for my job) is MIT licensed code.
       | BeefySwain wrote:
       | Great list, I went ahead and added it to the bottom of my
       | "Awesome" Python HTMX page: https://github.com/PyHAT-
       | stack/awesome-python-htmx/tree/main
       | recursivedoubts wrote:
       | great list but needs https://unpoly.com, which is explicitly
       | focused on progressive enhancement in a way that htmx is not
       | yeah, it's bigger than most of the other libraries, but it does
       | an absolutely excellent job on progressive enhancement
       | source: i'm the creator of htmx
       | edit: PR here: https://github.com/adamghill/unsuckjs.com/pull/13
       | canadiantim wrote:
       | Looks great, love the list so thanks for putting it together.
       | In an ideal world your table would also have a first commit row
       | that way I can better compare how well established each library
       | is (GitHub stars mostly does this but date of first commit would
       | help give sense of momentum too)
         | adparadox wrote:
         | I didn't post the site to HN, but I did create it. Adding the
         | first commit is an interesting idea. Or some way to measure
         | longevity (i.e. how long has the library been worked on). I'll
         | try to figure out a good way to do that or if you put up a PR I
         | will take a look at it:
         | https://github.com/adamghill/unsuckjs.com.
           | noizejoy wrote:
           | Nice idea! I was just surprised to see the table rows and
           | columns opposite of what I'm used to seeing in lists where
           | one dimension is more likely to grow much longer than the
           | other.
           | i.e. I would have expected the libraries as rows, rather than
           | columns. More like such lists are typically done in
           | Wikipedia.
             | adparadox wrote:
             | It definitely might make more sense that way! I was playing
             | around with different ways to display the data and landed
             | on this approach even though maybe it's a little clunky. I
             | could flip it and see how it feels -- thanks for the
             | suggestion!
       | ilrwbwrkhv wrote:
       | What's great about Mithril is that is squeezes a router in that
       | tiny size.
       | None of the others have that I imagine. If you do need a full
       | blown single page app, Mithril takes care of it all.
         | nullwarp wrote:
         | Yes! I don't think Mithril gets enough attention. It's my go to
         | JS framework when I need more than Vanilla JS but don't need
         | something like React.
           | ilrwbwrkhv wrote:
           | Why would you ever need React over Mithril?
             | jrajav wrote:
             | The ecosystem, if you're building a product of a certain
             | complexity and can't afford writing large, complex, un-
             | battle-tested views from scratch.
               | ilrwbwrkhv wrote:
               | What's an example of a large, complex, unbattle tested
               | view?
             | skrebbel wrote:
             | Colleagues, ecosystem
           | slmjkdbtl wrote:
           | Did you ever run into performance problem with Mithril? I
           | like how simple it is to use but the idea to run / diff the
           | entire component tree on every user interaction kinda scares
           | me
             | keb_ wrote:
             | I've been using Mithril since 2017 or so. The answer is:
             | no. To give you a production example, Mithril is used in
             | the video game Guild Wars 2 to render the marketplace in-
             | game and the lead web engineer reported that it was
             | performant enough for their use-case [1]. (I've played
             | Guild Wars 2 and never noticed any issues with it, so good
             | enough for me).
             | In most cases, your bottleneck won't be Mithril (or React
             | for that matter), but instead what expensive computations
             | you're doing in your components. While React has
             | React.memo, Mithril has the `onbeforeupdate` hook [2] you
             | can use to memoize components if you need it.
             | [1] https://carlmungazi.github.io/sourcecodeadventures/post
             | s/pat... [2] https://mithril.js.org/lifecycle-
             | methods.html#avoid-prematur...
           | endofreach wrote:
           | Haven't heard of it yet. Sounds exactly like what i needed
           | many times lately. Thanks!
       | timlwhite wrote:
       | Great list. Site is clear and easy to read!
       | moozeek wrote:
       | unpoly.com would fit this list (can't PR on mobile)
         | adparadox wrote:
         | Nice, thanks for reminding me of unpoly! I will add it soon.
           | cassiogo wrote:
           | Stimulus would probably also fit the list
       | Danjoe4 wrote:
       | You can do a lot with Django templates. Sprinkle in any of these
       | and I find it unlikely you'll be reaching for React. Although if
       | you have lots of React experience I am a believer in "use what
       | you know". Tool familiarity > trimming dependencies
         | LordDragonfang wrote:
         | Django templates are nice, but fall flat if you want to do
         | anything remotely dynamic with your model. The fact that you
         | need to define custom template tags for things as simple as
         | getting an attribute from a dict in your model is a real pain
         | point.
           | no_wizard wrote:
           | If you use the Jinja bridge you'll have an easier time all
           | around I think
             | LikeAnElephant wrote:
             | Completely agree. I honestly always thought Django
             | Templates mostly were Jinja2, until I looked more closely
             | and realized how wrong I was.
             | Since then I exclusively use Jinja2 in my Django apps and
             | my life is so much better.
       | endofreach wrote:
       | I love that so many here share the sentiment. I never liked
       | reactjs. Started to use vue for almost all frontend needs. But
       | even knowing what i do, it's way too much tooling just to get
       | started.
       | Now i despise all the frameworks & libraries and go vanilla 9/10.
       | acaloiar wrote:
       | Great list!
       | To the maintainer: Cloudflare is mangling your HTML and redacting
       | lit's `@version` with `[email protected]`.
         | adparadox wrote:
         | Yikes! Thanks for letting me know. I'll fix that asap.
       | l5870uoo9y wrote:
       | Lightweight is good, but above all I want a productive JS
       | library. Perhaps I should just make the switch from React to
       | Svelte.
       | samwillis wrote:
       | This is a brilliant list, I'm a particular fan of HTMX and
       | Alpine.js.
       | The move back towards small dependancy free JS libs, in
       | combination with modern JS ES Modules, is absolutely brilliant.
       | I learnt web dev back in the late 90s by doing "view source", and
       | was still learning about new things that way well over a decade
       | later. If we can move back towards that, by not having a build
       | step, it will be amazing for new devs starting out and learning
       | new things.
       | Obviously larger apps, with many dependancies, will require all
       | the incredible work thats gone into modern JS tooling, but for so
       | many simpler (and not so simple) sites this process really does
       | make sense.
         | sureglymop wrote:
         | If you use htmx what backend technology do you choose?
           | acaloiar wrote:
           | The beauty of htmx is that it doesn't matter what you use on
           | the backend.
           | Literally anything that'll render HTML will suffice. Even
           | static HTML files on a web server will do. No need for an
           | application server at all if you're clever and your needs are
           | simple.
             | sureglymop wrote:
             | What if I want the website to work even when JavaScript is
             | not turned on? I'd need a backend server and some frontend
             | logic handling that case.
         | kitsunesoba wrote:
         | > I learnt web dev back in the late 90s by doing "view source",
         | and was still learning about new things that way well over a
         | decade later. If we can move back towards that, by not having a
         | build step, it will be amazing for new devs starting out and
         | learning new things.
         | Same here, and I couldn't agree more. Had minified library soup
         | with dynamic page content been the norm back then it would've
         | been much harder to get started, and there's a high chance I
         | would've just given up somewhere in the process.
         | Having a build step also increases activation energy and
         | friction which impedes the sort of in-the-moment tinkering that
         | often sparks projects.
           | jabart wrote:
           | Irony is that javascript handlers on elements were frowned
           | upon in 90s/00s because of separate of concerns that HTML
           | should be HTML and JS should attach it's events in a separate
           | file. Now all of these libraries have an onclick that mirrors
           | those original JS event handlers in the same html with no
           | separation!
             | samwillis wrote:
             | Only thing missing is inlining your css styles on each
             | element, only a mad man would try that though... [cough]...
             | https://github.com/samwillis/x-style
               | endofreach wrote:
               | Or, tailwindcss...
           | dheera wrote:
           | > Having a build step also increases activation energy and
           | friction
           | Yes this! As an interpreted language it should not need a
           | build step. Every project should be                   git
           | clone https://github.com/user/foo && cd foo && google-chrome
           | index.html
             | Zelphyr wrote:
             | You guys are singing the song of my people. For years I've
             | been confounded at the idea that we need to be
             | building/compiling interpreted code.
             | And the tooling... my God! I know this makes me sound like
             | an old man (because I am) but, it used to be all I needed
             | was an editor, an FTP client, and a browser. write-upload-
             | refresh. Today, I find VS Code, `git push`, and a browser
             | still serves me very well.
       | nektro wrote:
       | rows and columns should be switched
       | kurokawad wrote:
       | am i the only one who finds weird the table distribution? like
       | having the libs on the horizontal axis
       | aarpmcgee wrote:
       | Perhaps Crank.js[1] would belong on this list
       | [1]: https://crank.js.org/
         | adparadox wrote:
         | Thanks for the recommendation -- looking through the docs, it
         | seems like it fits! I'll add it in a few or feel free to make a
         | PR.
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