[HN Gopher] Do you know how much your computer can do in a secon...
       Do you know how much your computer can do in a second? (2015)
       Author : surprisetalk
       Score  : 87 points
       Date   : 2023-06-22 18:27 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (computers-are-fast.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (computers-are-fast.github.io)
       | sublinear wrote:
       | Why are so many of these written in python? That seems against
       | the spirit of this quiz. Should change the name of the site to
       | "how fast is python really?"
         | yen223 wrote:
         | I presume it's because Python has a reputation for being a slow
         | language, and this quiz wanted to show that even "slow" Python
         | code can be fast on modern hardware, unless you touch IO.
         | That, and Python is probably the most accessible language for
         | the most number of people.
         | 7speter wrote:
         | I imagine it might be because python is a much easier to read
         | language. If someone with a non programming background comes
         | across this because the question (and answer) is interesting to
         | them, they can have an idea of whats going on.
           | weatherlight wrote:
           | I don't find python easier or harder to, compared to..ruby,
           | javascript, ( or even OCaml) for example.
           | Most people who are tech adjacent, learn declarative langs
           | like SQL, HTML first. Python doesn't look like that at all.
           | It's like when people say "Go is so easy to read!" I learned
           | to program in SML then OCaml, __insert other FP langs__ then
           | Ruby and ES6, Go looked pretty alien to me the first time I
           | saw it.
             | jangxx wrote:
             | That's cool and all, but then you're not "most people".
             | Personally I found Go super easy to read the first time I
             | saw it, but my journey through the programming languages
             | was also a different one.
       | herpderperator wrote:
       | I think there's a bug after completing the first question. After
       | I selected an answer for how many iterations of an empty loop
       | Python could do, it said the answer was incorrect and showed that
       | 68 million was the correct answer, but proceeded to explain that
       | Python can do 68k iterations in an empty loop. This means the
       | answer shown and the explanation are contradictory and likely one
       | of them is wrong, probably the explanation.
       | Edit: Apparently I forgot to account for the milliseconds part.
       | My bad.
         | ladberg wrote:
         | The 68k is per _millisecond_ , which lines up with 68M per
         | second.
         | nathanwh wrote:
         | "68,000 iterations of an empty loop in a millisecond" The
         | factor of 1000 comes from the conversion from seconds in the
         | question, to milliseconds in the blurb.
       | globular-toast wrote:
       | Most of this is not really "computers are fast" but rather
       | "algorithms are cool". That's fine, of course.
       | roninkoi wrote:
       | What surprised me the most is how fast grepping is. It can search
       | more bytes from memory than iterations in a simple for loop?
         | burntsushi wrote:
         | It provided the easiest possible case to grep: a simple
         | literal. So all grep needs to do is substring search. And in
         | turn it's accelerated by use of memchr. And that in turn it's
         | written in assembly using AVX2 vector instructions, courtesy of
         | GNU libc.
         | taldo wrote:
         | Probably a pretty bad test of the _actual_ speed of grep. A
         | more realistic test would have printable characters and
         | frequent newlines. I wouldn't be surprised if all those bytes
         | were just taking a fast-path shortcut somewhere.
           | dan-robertson wrote:
           | Grep _is_ fast. Like obviously in this case you're 'just'
           | measuring how fast you can read from a pipe, but there are
           | plenty of ways grep could have been implemented that would
           | have been slower. Generally, I think grep will convert
           | queries into a form that can be searched for reasonably
           | efficiently (eg KMP for longer strings (bit of a guess - not
           | sure how good it is on modern hardware), obviously no
           | backtracking for regular expressions.
             | burntsushi wrote:
             | I don't think KMP has been used in any practical substring
             | implementation in ages. At least I'm not aware of one. I
             | believe GNU grep uses Boyer-Moore, but that's not really
             | the key here. The key is using memchr in BM's skip loop.
           | SnowflakeOnIce wrote:
           | Depending on many factors (like details of the patterns used
           | and the input), some regex engines (like Hyperscan) can match
           | tens of gigabytes per second per core. Shockingly fast!
         | Night_Thastus wrote:
         | Especially ripgrep! All hail ripgrep!
         | I will never go back to not using it.
       | mud_dauber wrote:
       | I toured my eventual college's CS dept as a HS senior (this was a
       | LONG time ago. Punch cards, people.)
       | One machine counted clock cycles between two key presses using
       | the same finger. From what I recall the smallest answers were in
       | the ... thousands?
       | jamestimmins wrote:
       | This is awesome. It was fun to see where my intuition was way
       | off. Had no idea indexing/not-indexing a column would make a
       | 25,000x difference (makes sense though as logN on a 10-million
       | row table is 13, which is a lot less than a linear scan).
       | Was also very surprised to see how slow Bcrypt is.
       |  _edit:_ Yes, BCrypt, is designed to be slow. I just had no idea
       | how slow. I assumed it was 100-1000 times faster than it is /can
       | be.
         | TonyTrapp wrote:
         | > Was also very surprised to see how slow Bcrypt is.
         | Though unlike all the other examples here, this one is actually
         | intentional. If/when computers become considerably faster, the
         | cost factor of typical bcrypt implementations will be raised so
         | that it _stays_ slow, to keep it difficult to throw brute-force
         | attacks at it.
           | jamestimmins wrote:
           | For sure, that's an important piece. But when I hear "slow
           | hashing" I assumed it meant 1k-10k times per second, not <10
           | times per second. That's practically human speed.
         | stavros wrote:
         | The bcrypt example is the only one that's off the mark. "How
         | fast is this function that we've explicitly designed to be
         | arbitrarily slow?" Well, it depends, how slowly did you
         | configure it to run?
         | Basically the important argument to bcrypt is literally the
         | amount of time you want it to take to run on your hardware (ie
         | the number of rounds).
       | ilyt wrote:
       | Load half a webpage sadly...
       | The only thing I learned is apparently default Python JSON lib
       | sucks on speed
         | deepspace wrote:
         | Or displaying 1/2 a character in the Visual Studio editor.
         | dan-robertson wrote:
         | 50MB/s was my guess for a json parser written in a direct way
         | in a moderately fast language that doesn't read into some
         | optimised representation (eg I assume the python one constructs
         | python data structures). The json file is 64k (which may have
         | been what threw you off) so that comes to ~750 per second. But
         | my guess of 50MB/a could be way off (might be imagining a
         | slower implementation but then the computer for the tests is
         | also a bit slow, I think)
           | tmtvl wrote:
           | The test computer may be a little slow-ish but it doesn't
           | seem "commodity laptop picked up from local supermarket"
           | slow. It has an SSD, for example.
       | JohnFen wrote:
       | I can grasp it about as well as I can grasp the size of the
       | universe.
       | mordae wrote:
       | Just a couple days ago we have programmed rp2040 to drive WS2812B
       | LED using assembler, counting clock cycles, with the kids in the
       | IT club I run. Not that much harder than playing Shenzhen I/O.
       | You should give it a try. :]
       | [deleted]
       | mordae wrote:
       | Modified the C example to avoid compiler being too clever and
       | taking zero time.
       | I get over 3.3 billion additions per second. 550 million is way
       | too low.
         | nielsole wrote:
         | I clicked 1 in the first example because I thought that's the
         | number of iterations it would do with -O2.
       | BatFastard wrote:
       | As a game engine builder, you come to appreciate that your target
       | speed to draw millions of polygons, calculate physics on hundreds
       | of objects, render the UX, collect network traffic, send network
       | traffic, compute pathing, and implement game logic, and
       | everything else that needs to be done is 16 milliseconds max.
       | So I would guess in C++ you could make 240 million calculations
       | in a second.
         | thfuran wrote:
         | A large modern consumer GPU is several to a few dozen
         | teraflops.
         | BatFastard wrote:
         | That is a really bad guess...
           | umeshunni wrote:
           | What's bad about it?
           | CyberDildonics wrote:
           | Did you say something ridiculous then reply to yourself three
           | minutes later?
             | BatFastard wrote:
             | Indeed, once I realized the error of my train of thought!
       | ChrisArchitect wrote:
       | Some previous discussion from 2020:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23804373
       | avgcorrection wrote:
       | One second is a really long time UX-wise.
         | ilyt wrote:
         | It seriously feels like most UI designers don't know that.
           | josephg wrote:
           | And most web developers don't know that. You want to add 1
           | second of page load time to print the time in the correct
           | timezone? Noooo! Of course, it's never framed like that.
           | People just pull in moment or whatever because that's what
           | stack overflow recommends. Moment pulls in the global
           | timezone database. You don't notice your javascript bundle
           | grow and surprise! Your website sucks.
             | troupo wrote:
             | Unfortunately, for the longest time ever Moment was the
             | only sane date and time library for Javascript.
             | If you needed more than just adding a single second, you
             | were stuck with it.
             | But size-wise it was ginormous.
       | dang wrote:
       | Discussed at the time:
       |  _Do you know how much your computer can do in a second?_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10445927 - Oct 2015 (174
       | comments)
       | jiggawatts wrote:
       | I like to test people's intuition of computer power by asking
       | them how many multiplications their phone or PC can make in the
       | time it takes light to cross the room.
       | The way to estimate this is that light takes 3ns to go 1m. If the
       | room is 10m wide, that's 30ns. At typical frequencies that's 100
       | clocks. With, say, 8 cores that's 800 steps. At each step a core
       | can retire about 8 multiplies using AVX vector instructions. The
       | estimate of 6,400 multiplications is actually very conservative
       | because you also have the GPU! Even low end models can put out
       | hundreds of thousands of multiplications in 30ns. High end models
       | can do about a million.
       | When asked, most people estimate "1 to 10". Even programmers and
       | IT professionals do not have a mental model of how fast computers
       | really are.
         | jstanley wrote:
         | > Even programmers and IT professionals have literally not
         | mental model of how fast computers really are.
         | Or of how slow light is!
           | elboru wrote:
           | This site[0] helped me improve my mental model. You can
           | scroll through the solar system at scale (the moon being one
           | pixel). It takes a while!!
           | Then you notice a small button at the right bottom corner,
           | that button allows you to auto-scroll at the speed of light,
           | wow, now that's slow!
           | [0]https://joshworth.com/dev/pixelspace/pixelspace_solarsyste
           | m....
             | nomel wrote:
             | Makes you realize that space travel isn't going to happen
             | with current physics.
               | [deleted]
               | porphyra wrote:
               | The faster you go, the shorter you have to travel due to
               | length contraction. So travelling really far distances is
               | still possible, for example, by constant acceleration
               | [1]. It's just that everyone you left behind will have
               | been dead for billions of years by the time you arrive.
               | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_travel_under_cons
               | tant_ac...
           | [deleted]
           | paulddraper wrote:
           | Exactly.
           | Speed of light is not exactly a relatable point of reference.
         | arp242 wrote:
         | To be honest I think this is almost a trick question, because
         | you're combining two very different things (speed of light and
         | performance of computers), and people are not very good at
         | combining these sort of contexts intuitively (i.e. you need to
         | do the calculations).
         | The other day I was watching The Twilight Zone, and one episode
         | involves a crew "655 million miles" from Earth. I know what
         | miles are, I know the rough layout and scale of the solar
         | system, galaxy, and universe, but I had no idea how far away
         | that actually is because it mixes these two units from very
         | different contexts and intuitively it just doesn't make sense
         | to me; is it still in the solar system? No idea. Converting it
         | to AU showed it's about 7 AU, which put it in the appropriate
         | context: a bit beyond Jupiter.
           | imoverclocked wrote:
           | The real question is, "how many Twilight Zone episodes away
           | from ubiquitous quantum computing are we?" (is joke)
           | Units definitely matter but anything outside of our day to
           | day experience is difficult to communicate widely. I think
           | most people don't know more than Jupiter is actually really
           | far away and really really big compared to the Earth. 7 AU
           | means nothing to my brain just like 655 million miles. It's a
           | computed unit based on mean distance from the center of the
           | Earth to the center of the Sun; I also have no idea how far
           | we are from the Sun because my brain just experiences a hot
           | circle in the sky. The only reason these things seem to make
           | sense is because we have seen really vague maps of the Solar
           | System. Other falsely but widely-accepted measures include
           | using state sizes to describe other regions. People readily
           | accept it despite never having been to said state or
           | potentially any other state ... or even across their own
           | state.
           | I think these are accepted because of a false confidence in
           | understanding (think Dunning-Kruger) based on the fact that
           | we have _some_ information.
           | Personal anecdote: A friend flew from the East coast to
           | Arizona and asked if we could just drive to the other side of
           | the state to see the Grand Canyon in the evening. I had to
           | explain that it's 6 hours one-way despite being in the same
           | state. Had I instead said "Arizona is the size of 22
           | Connecticuts," the idea of how long it would take to get
           | there would still not make any sense.
           | PS: I said "vague map of the Solar System" because generally
           | nothing is always the correct scale. Either the planetary
           | distances are the correct scale from each other or the
           | planets are the correct scale from each other for pragmatic
           | reasons. Sometimes, none of those things are scaled properly.
           | Some animations attempt to show things correctly but that's
           | still difficult to comprehend because of the non-linear
           | velocities required to keep the attention of the viewer.
           | aardvark179 wrote:
           | What units do you think you know the scale of the solar
           | system in? The speed of light is approximately 300 million
           | meters per second, so call it 300 thousand kilometres per
           | second, or very roughly 200 thousand miles.
           | Also, if I were asking that sort of question in an interview
           | I would fine with a candidate getting a conversion wrong as
           | long as they explain their thought process, and I'd help them
           | correct the error early. I'm this sort of question is t meant
           | to be a trick, it's about whether you can connect different
           | variables which may not appear connected at first glance.
         | rcoveson wrote:
         | Sounds like most people estimate surprisingly well. Fermi-wise,
         | the obscure term in your numerator is 10^10 and the obscure
         | term in your denominator is 10^8. The more obvious term (room
         | size) is 10^1. So the answer is 10^3, and people are guessing
         | 10^0 or 10^1. So some people are only off by a couple order of
         | magnitude, which is explained by a rather small estimation
         | error in either or both obscure terms.
         | moffkalast wrote:
         | Anyone else having a weird deja-vu moment while reading this?
         | cogman10 wrote:
         | * Terms and conditions apply
         | What you are saying is technically true but with HUGE caveats.
         | At this point, the issue isn't one of clock cycles but rather
         | memory bandwidth and latency. Even assuming the best case, a
         | hit in L1 cache, you are looking at +1ns to move the data from
         | memory into the registers. But now talk about L2, L3, or worse
         | system memory? Oof. And then you mention GPUs, but that problem
         | is compounded 10x due to the bandwidth constraints of PCIe.
         | I mean, sure, if your CPU is doing nothing other than
         | multiplying the same value by 2 over and over again, it can do
         | that wickedly fast. However, once you start talking about large
         | swaths, gigs even, of data to operate against and those numbers
         | start to take a precipitous drop.
         | Heck, one of the benefits of AVX isn't the fact that you can do
         | 64 lanes of multiplication at once, but rather the fact that
         | you can tell the CPU to grab 64 lanes worth of memory to work
         | against at once.
         | This is why when you start looking at what is talked about when
         | people talk about next gen math machines, it's not the FLOPs
         | but instead the memory fabric that gets all the attention.
       (page generated 2023-06-22 23:00 UTC)