[HN Gopher] Why use OpenID Connect instead of plain OAuth2?
       Why use OpenID Connect instead of plain OAuth2?
       Author : nathan-wailes
       Score  : 127 points
       Date   : 2023-06-26 15:57 UTC (7 hours ago)
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       | commandlinefan wrote:
       | Wow, this is the first comprehensible documentation on OAuth
       | (post 1.0, which I actually did understand) I've ever seen. If
       | the author of the StackOverflow post is on here, please publish a
       | book, I'll buy it.
         | nathan-wailes wrote:
         | Wow, thank you so much for that compliment! I have a lot of
         | other ideas / writings I want to try to post to Hacker News
         | that I think people would find interesting, I honestly just
         | posted this particular answer as a test. If you'd like, you can
         | follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/NathanWailes
       | Zetice wrote:
       | As someone who's had to implement these things for our B2B SaaS,
       | I will say it's been a lot less clear how to be as minimally
       | innovative as possible when trying to weave in AuthZ into our
       | product than it is to avoid innovation in something like IaC or
       | CI/CD.
       | Everything related to AuthZ ends up being so specific to every
       | other decision you make about your infra, and companies that
       | offer solutions tend to charge an arm and a leg so it's not easy
       | to experiment (let's not even talk about vendor lock-in risks).
       | I've found Cognito + CASL to be an... acceptable middle ground,
       | as Cognito specifically "standardizes" the various
       | OIDC/SAML/OAuth2 integrations such that I can rely on a certain
       | structure within the JWT that apparently (based on this article)
       | isn't consistent! And CASL I at least know how to insert into our
       | infra, though I could see how it might not be the latest-and-
       | greatest...
       | I just wish I had the time to dive into the theory more. It seems
       | interesting, but it's such a "boring" and "solved" thing that
       | spending time on it doesn't really move the needle when it comes
       | to stuff like customer acquisition.
         | commandlinefan wrote:
         | > such a "boring" and "solved" thing
         | Well, don't forget it's also a security thing so no matter what
         | _have_ to mostly ignore the spec and start looking for a
         | (probably commercial) implementation.
           | SoftTalker wrote:
           | I think the advice to "not roll your own" is usually in
           | regards to encryption. Other security stuff is more
           | reasonable to take on yourself; I'm not sure it's more likely
           | that you'll use someone elses AuthZ framework any more
           | correctly than you'll implement your own.
             | yAak wrote:
             | Yeah, I'm finding that I also need to understand
             | authentication well enough that I COULD implement it, just
             | to safely and correctly use someone else's implementation.
         | andrewstuart2 wrote:
         | I'm not quite sure what you're getting at, as OIDC and friends
         | are very standardized when it comes to quite a few of the most
         | important claims you would expect. There's an entire IANA
         | registry [0] devoted to registered claims, in fact.
         | As for authz choices, you're correct that it's almost always
         | entirely dependent on the application, and subject to frequent
         | change as applications evolve, and as e.g. user and group
         | structure evolves as well. The "managers" group of today might
         | turn into "directors" and "VPs" as the company grows, and
         | "pictures" might soon incorporate "albums" as an optional
         | grouping factor with its own permissions.
         | In general, I would not really call
         | authentication/authorization boring. There are components of it
         | that are solved, but the reality of today is that people want a
         | "share" link that they can paste in Slack and anybody can use
         | it within seconds, and that kind of speed needs to be accounted
         | for in authz, which is a significant engineering challenge.
         | Papers like Zanzibar [1] are super interesting to read too. And
         | at least to me, not boring at all.
         | [0] https://www.iana.org/assignments/jwt/jwt.xhtml
         | [1] https://research.google/pubs/pub48190/
           | Zetice wrote:
           | This is helpful, thanks!
           | By "boring", I see that as a good thing; you _want_ auth to
           | be boring, is my point. Intellectually stimulating it is in
           | any event (I enjoy learning systems), but I want the process
           | to be me learning how it 's done (the "boring"), not having
           | to come up with novel solutions given my problem set (the
           | "exciting").
           | treve wrote:
           | Yes they are standard, but this is akin to having a 'standard
           | menu' at a restaurant. You're not getting every item on the
           | menu, and for the ones that you do you could make
           | modifications.
           | OAuth2 and OpenID has many standards documents. A 'standard'
           | OAuth2 server can be written in 30 minutes if you only care
           | about 1 grant type and none of the extra features and 1
           | flavor.
           | But it can also take 6 months if you do want support for all
           | the features such as introspection, revokating, multiple
           | grant types, ID Tokens, etc.
           | I wrote a bit about this issue here:
           | https://evertpot.com/oauth2-usability/
           | Note that this post is only about OAuth2, adding OpenID to
           | the mix blows this problem up further.
           | The key point is that OAuth2 and OpenID provide a framework
           | for building authentication and identity systems, with a
           | matrix of possible implementation details that often have to
           | be communicated out-of-band. It's still _useful_ as a
           | foundation, but picking an OAuth2 implementation is not as
           | simple as just finding one that is OAuth2 compliant, you
           | might have to dig deep and find out what parts you need and
           | if your server implements them.
         | nathan-wailes wrote:
         | Thank you for the comment! I have to admit it's hard for me to
         | follow what you're saying, I'm not sure what you mean by
         | "innovation" or "middle ground", or where you're getting that
         | the JWT structure (of an OIDC token?) isn't consistent.
           | Zetice wrote:
           | As a startup, I _very much_ do not want to innovate or be in
           | any way  "creative" when implementing functionality that
           | isn't my company's core value prop for customers. So for
           | something like AuthZ I want to be as conforming as possible
           | to what "everyone else" is doing, and I want to do that as
           | quickly and seamlessly as I can, so when I say "innovation"
           | here, I'm saying I don't want to build a new library or write
           | a new technology to do AuthN/Z that isn't well-trod ground.
           | What I've experienced however, is that this isn't as easy as
           | I expected. The "middle ground" here is between "inventing
           | form whole cloth a bespoke library to solve AuthZ" and "do
           | absolutely nothing whatsoever new". Using CASL in my infra's
           | middleware to solve AuthN seems to be working for me. I can
           | write the rules in a way CASL understands, and I was able to
           | quickly implement the middleware without having to do
           | anything crazy.
           | As for "JWT structure being inconsistent" I mean to say that
           | often I'm asked to "connect" many different providers, e.g.
           | Google social sign-in, Okta, Auth0, etc., all of whom have
           | their own way of structuring their JWT payloads (beyond the
           | standard that is), and using Cognito as an intermediary has
           | been helpful to avoid all of that, as again, I'm trying to do
           | as little as possible myself.
             | prpl wrote:
             | Maybe it's worthwhile pointing out that even Auth0 is kind
             | of exploring a bespoke way of doing this:
             | https://auth0.com/docs/customize/extensions/authorization-
             | ex...
             | nathan-wailes wrote:
             | Thank you for the clarification and for the tip about CASL
             | and Cognito!
       | AtNightWeCode wrote:
       | Read up on AAAA
         | nathan-wailes wrote:
         | Thank you for the tip! I tried Googling the term but I didn't
         | see anything jumping out at me as being a good resource to read
         | up on it; do you have particular things you'd recommend?
           | AtNightWeCode wrote:
           | AAA seems to be more common today. Authentication,
           | Authorization and Accounting. (Including Audit in
           | Accounting.)
             | nathan-wailes wrote:
             | Thank you! Is there a particular book / article / video you
             | recommend? Researching these things can be a nightmare so I
             | find it helpful to ask for recommendations.
               | AtNightWeCode wrote:
               | This is more or less industry standard for some decades.
               | You may try ChatGPT to guide you.
               | msla wrote:
               | Or don't use ChatGPT and avoid going off on a tangent
               | when it hallucinates something.
               | AtNightWeCode wrote:
               | One may ask for sources... And the original Q in this
               | case is so simple that even ChatGPT can easily answer it.
               | It is not like there is room for opinions. It is basic CS
               | projected on well known techs.
               | msla wrote:
               | > One may ask for sources...
               | I know of a lawyer who did that. Didn't end well.
               | 0cf8612b2e1e wrote:
               | I come to this site to read opinions about things I do
               | not know. Not for a variation of, "Google it"
           | cratermoon wrote:
           | Or try IAM: Identity and Access Management
             | nathan-wailes wrote:
             | I've heard that in the context of AWS, but I'm still not
             | familiar with it. Do you recommend any articles in
             | particular that give a good (brief) introduction to it?
               | pan69 wrote:
               | Maybe this Wikipedia page might get you started:
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attribute-
               | based_access_control
       | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
       | When we let "the industry" set our standards, we get a mess of
       | crap that works for the specific use cases of the giant companies
       | that created it. Meanwhile, actually using these things ourselves
       | leaves out a lot of use cases, adds complexity, and becomes
       | burdensome, to the point you don't even want to use it.
       | We need the international software development community to have
       | its own standards body outside of massive corporations and
       | creaking old institutions with outsized influence. Standards
       | should represent the majority of people writing and using the
       | code.
         | anderspitman wrote:
         | I do think it's pretty amazing that a basic modern
         | authorization system essential has a hard dependency on a 20+
         | million lines of code web browser, even for native apps. And
         | mostly just because we need a central location to store auth
         | cookies. I'd love to see a stripped-down "auth browser" that
         | has no job other than rendering basic style-free forms (maybe
         | even declared in JSON) and storing cookies. Problem is you have
         | to get the big boys to stop requiring JavaScript for their auth
         | flows.
         | That said, after doing a decent amount of implementing
         | OAuth2/OpenID Connect, the core profiles are actually pretty
         | reasonable and about what you would want to do if you were
         | starting from scratch. The trick is making sense of all the
         | optional stuff. There have been some efforts[0] to improve
         | that.
         | The part I've never been able to figure out is why does OAuth2
         | use tokens at all, rather than generating a key pair and
         | sending the public key with the initial auth request, then
         | signing subsequent requests?
         | [0]: https://fusionauth.io/articles/oauth/differences-between-
         | oau...
         | carstenhag wrote:
         | But who pays those? Only big companies have the will power and
         | money to pay someone to only write standards.
         | api wrote:
         | You forgot lock in. OIDC is an absolute nightmare for this.
         | Watching everyone delegate all access control to Google and
         | Microsoft is... I don't even know what to say.
         | It's such an obvious trap but it's convenient and convenience
         | is the only thing anyone cares about.
         | I'm gonna say I told you so in a few years. Nobody will care.
           | paulddraper wrote:
           | ???
           | OIDC doesn't increase lock in.
           | Before, I had to (for example) generate AWS credentials,
           | download them, and store them in GitHub Actions.
           | But now, I can have GitHub Actions be directly authorized to
           | access resources in AWS.
           | pphysch wrote:
           | What "lock in"? If I use Google OIDC for my app, there's
           | nothing stopping me from automatically migrating every Google
           | user to a local account pre-populated with their Google
           | claims, or from mapping those users to different identities,
           | and permanently disabling Google OIDC.
             | api wrote:
             | I'm talking about users. Can users change their login
             | provider? Some apps allow this but most don't.
       | carstenhag wrote:
       | Bit off-topic I guess. Had to implement multiple logins with open
       | Id connect of various huge car manufacturers (Korean, Italian,
       | German) and huge oil companies. Holy croissant is it annoying.
       | Every customer claims to be compliant to the specs, but you end
       | up arguing so much over it.
       | One of them doesn't tell you how long tokens are valid for, and
       | they are blaming it on their IDP (Salesforce).
       | One of them just simply doesn't have the possibility for custom
       | schemes (com.example.org://oauth-redirect) and blames their IDP
       | (SAP Gigya).
       | One of them has their own IDP, even has a debug screen in the
       | html site, never causes any issues. Still requires some locale
       | modification because of Norway's language.
       | And then they configure it so that users are force-logged out
       | after 1 or 7 days. When users expect to be kept logged in (just
       | like at big apps like Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc). Agggh!
         | anderspitman wrote:
         | The bizarre one I found is that Facebook is like 90% compatible
         | with the OpenID Connect core profile (happy path at least). If
         | they added token_endpoint to their coniguration[0] it would
         | work, but instead I had to add custom code for FB just for that
         | one thing.
         | [0]: https://www.facebook.com/.well-known/openid-configuration
       | [deleted]
       (page generated 2023-06-26 23:01 UTC)