[HN Gopher] Tinc, a GPLv2 mesh routing VPN
       Tinc, a GPLv2 mesh routing VPN
       Author : azalemeth
       Score  : 180 points
       Date   : 2023-06-27 11:15 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.tinc-vpn.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.tinc-vpn.org)
       | account-5 wrote:
       | Noob question but how easy is this to set up? How does it compare
       | to Nord meshnet?
       | guerby wrote:
       | Switched from openvpn to tinc after openvpn certificate expired
       | after 10 years (default duration of creation script) and I lost
       | connection to my family computers, so I had to drive a few
       | hundred kilometers
       | Nearly 8 years ago, still running:                  $ ls -l
       | /etc/tinc/guerby1/tinc.conf        -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 51 Jul
       | 31  2015 /etc/tinc/guerby1/tinc.conf
       | FullyFunctional wrote:
       | I'd love to understand how this compares to Zerotier, Wireguard,
       | Tailscale, Nebula, ...
       | I use Zerotier because simplicity, cost, and iOS support matters
       | more for me than speed, but I'm curious about alternatives (WG
       | seemed much easier for me to screw up)
       | buserror wrote:
       | Been using tinc for god knows how long... Perhaps 20 years? It's
       | been fantastic. I really don't know why people are wax-lyrical
       | about wireguard. tinc was doing it 20 years ago. UDP? yeah.
       | encryption, mesh, proxy ARP you name it. I've had countless
       | install and it's been the best VPN.
       | You even get a 'dot' graph of your current network status if you
       | want to. When 'git' was invented, I put my /etc/tinc/*/ into git
       | with the public keys, and installing a new host to the mesh is
       | one 'git clone' away.
       | Most underrated open source software ever.
         | JeremyNT wrote:
         | I used and still really adore tinc, it's been a joy to use.
         | I will say however that development appears to have fizzled
         | out. I was really looking forward to some of the changes in
         | 1.1, but it's been in pre-release for years now and doesn't
         | seem like it's closer to being officially released.
         | I've largely replaced tinc with Nebula [0], but I still think
         | fondly of it.
         | [0] https://github.com/slackhq/nebula
           | FL410 wrote:
           | Same, Nebula (I prefer Defined though) works great. Rock
           | solid.
         | vidarh wrote:
         | I'll add peervpn and n2n as other simple options for people to
         | consider, depending tradeoffs.
         | I now mostly use Wireguard, but mainly of the Linux kernel
         | driver.
         | api wrote:
         | HN has extreme recency bias. I've been on here forever and
         | things definitely get reinvented over and over again, and if it
         | wasn't built in the last six months it's not cool.
           | goodpoint wrote:
           | You really struck a nerve there.
           | nvy wrote:
           | >if it wasn't built in the last six months it's not cool.
           | I feel like the perennial posts about lisp pretty handily
           | demonstrate this to be false.
             | baq wrote:
             | Lisp is old enough that only wizards still use it,
             | basically. Cool kids talk about lisp but actually host
             | react on kubernetes and think it's a good thing. We poor
             | folks in between just chug along with our bare metal esxis
             | and a master-slave replicated Postgres because it gets the
             | job done, not despite it.
         | INTPenis wrote:
         | So what exactly does mesh VPN mean in this context? Because my
         | need is to ensure that three portable devices (2 laptops, 1
         | android phone) always have access to the same private LAN and
         | any services hosted by the devices on that LAN.
         | Today I use a hub-and-spoke design with wireguard to achieve
         | this, because I never know where these devices will be so I
         | can't guarantee that I can forward ports to them through a
         | firewall.
         | Does tinc solve that port forwarding problem? I've read the
         | intro in the manual but it only says tinc is a regular VPN.
           | detaro wrote:
           | "Mesh VPN" means that if two devices want to communicate, it
           | will attempt to establish a direct VPN connection between
           | them. E.g. if you have a central server X and 3 "mobile"
           | devices A, B and C, it's enough that ABC can talk to X, they
           | will automatically learn about each other and when e.g. A
           | wants to talk to B it will attempt to establish a direct
           | tunnel between them, coordinating through X, including
           | attempting to punch holes through NAT if needed. If that
           | fails, it falls back to sending traffic through X. (And X
           | could be more than one device too)
           | dspillett wrote:
           | _> Does tinc solve that port forwarding problem?_
           | From the features list: "Regardless of how you set up the
           | tinc daemons to connect to each other, VPN traffic is always
           | (if possible) sent directly to the destination, without going
           | through intermediate hops." and "As long as one node in the
           | VPN allows incoming connections on a public IP address (even
           | if it is a dynamic IP address), tinc will be able to do NAT
           | traversal, allowing direct communication between peers."
           | So yes, it gets around that problem if you have at least one
           | publicly connectable node. How it does this if that node
           | doesn't have a fixed address I've not looked into. Also there
           | are no doubt NAT arrangements that it can't punch through
           | meaning it'll have to fall-back to something akin to your hub
           | model with nodes affected by such NAT talking to each other
           | through another node.
           | blueflow wrote:
           | > Does tinc solve that port forwarding problem?
           | Yes. I use it in production for that exact purpose. It only
           | requires that one node is reachable via public IP address.
           | An advantage that tinc has over wireguard is that it can do
           | local discovery and direct communication if your devices
           | happen to be in the same local network.
             | INTPenis wrote:
             | So it's no different from the setup I have today with a hub
             | VPS then. Since my portable devices are always on the move,
             | I must have a VPS to remain publicly accessible. Just like
             | tinc.
               | admax88qqq wrote:
               | It's different in that two portable devices can negotiate
               | a direct connection without having to route all traffic
               | through your VPS.
               | The VPS is still used as a central discovery location,
               | but remote devices can learn about each other and talk
               | directly to eachother.
         | generalizations wrote:
         | The draw of wireguard, at least for me, is the performance.
         | Otherwise I'd be all in on tinc or zerotier.
           | LinuxBender wrote:
           | I am kindof curious if Tinc could leverage Wireguard for the
           | encryption. Everything else is in user-space so I think it
           | should just be wg vs tun and a config option and do all the
           | dynamic mesh routing on top of wg, but it would be nice if
           | the maintainer could chime in.
             | rkeene2 wrote:
             | I (not a tinc maintainer, but a tinc contributor) have
             | replied to this in the past [0]. Summary: it's not really
             | possible without giving up some flexibility.
             | [0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19304624
               | deadlyllama wrote:
               | Tailscale gets pretty good performance using Wireguard in
               | userspace, with some very clever use of the tun/tap
               | device like supporting TCP segmentation offload. Does (or
               | could) tinc use the same tricks?
               | LinuxBender wrote:
               | Makes sense. Not sure how I missed your comment in the
               | past as I've always been curious if it could be done.
               | Thankyou for answering that. I'm fine with Tinc's
               | performance for my use cases.
           | webstrand wrote:
           | The draw of wireguard, for me, is that I can build it into my
           | kernel. No weird issues starting it at boot, no missing
           | libraries, etc.
             | lormayna wrote:
             | And you can use wg interface as another standard network
             | interface.
               | rkeene2 wrote:
               | This is true of tinc interfaces too, in the appropriate
               | mode.
       | johnklos wrote:
       | One of the nicest things about tinc is how little attention it
       | needs. It starts on boot, and no matter if the connection between
       | two points drops, or one end gets a new address, or connects via
       | IPv6 instead of IPv4, or restarts, the connection just always
       | comes back up magically, without any futzing. There are many
       | other tunneling methods that don't do this.
       | I used to provide a tunnel using tinc via a MIPS-based Cobalt
       | RaQ. Throughput was surprisingly good, even on an old 250 MHz
       | CPU, so even though I hear people talking about needing something
       | faster, I can't imagine other tunneling methods being measurably
       | faster, unless they're using weaker encryption. I'd benchmark it
       | some time, but the slowest NanoPis that I use for tunnels these
       | days can push many times more traffic through tinc than their
       | Internet connections will allow. I'd be curious to see anyone
       | else's comparisons, though.
       | jis wrote:
       | Another tool to look at is vpncloud
       | (https://github.com/dswd/vpncloud). It also builds a mesh network
       | over UDP. Key setup is a bit easier, static keys are only used
       | for authentication. Encryption keys are dynamically generated and
       | replaced on a schedule.
       | I combine it with an ansible script to push out the (minimal)
       | configuration to end nodes.
         | jis wrote:
         | P.S. It is a Rust program, I compile it as a static binary, so
         | my ansible script can push the binary out to any Linux
         | distribution (that is x86_64) and it will run.
       | wener wrote:
       | Tinc can work on L2, which means works like switch, means it can
       | works like an cable between any nodes.It doesn't need an ip, you
       | can make a bridge. There is no known good replacement for this.
       | The down side is
       | - single thread (perf has limits in 10gbe)
       | - userspace (wg can works in kernel)
       | - 1.1 is stable enough, but still may crash, be careful
       | You may also interested in n2n
         | nvissari wrote:
         | I love using this to solve problems between bespoke network
         | appliances. "Oh they need to be on the same layer 2, no prob
         | *spins up tinc VMs." How can something so wrong feel so right!
       | mgbmtl wrote:
       | Aren't there concerns around the encryption used by Tinc?
       | (https://www.tinc-vpn.org/documentation/Security.html#Securit...)
       | It's probably fine for personal projects though, and indeed
       | simple and very flexible (maybe too much), well suited for
       | connecting IoT devices.
         | alyandon wrote:
         | See https://tinc-vpn.org/documentation-1.1/Simple-
         | Peer_002dto_00... if you are using 1.1.
         | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
         | That's exactly why I ended up not using tinc, in spite of
         | really liking everything else about it:\ It might well be fine,
         | but there seemed to be some doubt about the crypto, AFAIK it's
         | never been properly audited, and I'm not personally qualified
         | to asses its security properties. In contrast, wireguard is
         | harder to set up and use, and has fewer features
         | (intentionally), but it was specifically designed to use the
         | best crypto primitives available and it's had a _lot_ more eyes
         | on it.
         | scottlamb wrote:
         | Yes. The version 1.0 protocol is bad. [1] Don't use it.
         | Every time tinc comes up I'm annoyed that 1.1 (which supports
         | an improved protocol iirc and according to the doc you linked;
         | it also has some quality-of-life improvements I put work into)
         | hasn't been officially released, 15 years later.
         | [1] https://www.tinc-vpn.org/pipermail/tinc-
         | devel/2006-January/0...
       | Fizzadar wrote:
       | Another huge Tinc fan here. Used it in prod for 5 or so years
       | before switching to zerotier for easier management as we grew.
       | Tinc is rock solid and dead easy to configure.
       | fhkdfjgh wrote:
       | one killer feature tinc has is a poor man's anycast
       | you can assign an ip to any number of nodes and tinc will talk to
       | the one with the lowest latency. i've used this to run globally
       | distributed dns on a tinc network
         | alyandon wrote:
         | I've been doing that with keepalived for redundant dns. Are you
         | saying I could put the dns vip as a secondary IP (keeping the
         | primary node IP) in the tinc host config?
         | cbluth wrote:
         | > you can assign an ip to any number of nodes and tinc will
         | talk to the one with the lowest latency. i've used this to run
         | globally distributed dns on a tinc network
         | Can you (or someone) explain more in depth how that works, or
         | how one could replicate that?
         | dizhn wrote:
         | That is pretty neat.
       | bvrmn wrote:
       | Tinc is a perfect tool to make a VPN mesh across different
       | clouds/hosters. Been using it for 5 years. It's so much easier in
       | support comparing with ipsec madness.
       | yonrg wrote:
       | I used the 1.0 branch for years. It was just running and was
       | there when needed. It never got in the way.
       | I see, 1.1 is still pre release.
       | dspillett wrote:
       | Interesting, though I'm slightly concerned by the lack of
       | activity in the last two years. Is the project still alive in
       | that respect?
       | aim4min wrote:
       | Sounds very similar to how SyncThing. I would if the SymcThing
       | discovery and NAT traversal could be combined with wireguard and
       | the ease of tailscale, but distributed mesh and no headscale. And
       | all the other things that tinc does.
       | gcommer wrote:
       | Tinc is incredible, it has worked flawlessly for me for 6+ years
       | with exactly 0 maintenance.
       | As trustworthy as it is, I am sadly on the hunt to replace it.
       | Compared to wireguard, the throughput ain't great, and it takes
       | way too much CPU on my low power nodes. I would pay good money
       | for "tinc, but with wireguard transport" -- there's of course
       | projects purporting to do this but I haven't found one I trust
       | yet.
         | rkeene2 wrote:
         | I haven't contributed to tinc in a while and I haven't
         | contributed a transport mechanism, but I do know it is modular
         | and supports more than TUN/TAP (for example PPP) -- so knowing
         | this and having worked with the code-base in general I would be
         | surprised if adding wireguard as a transport was more than a
         | weekend project to get something working (with the drawbacks I
         | mentioned here [0]).
         | [0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19304624
         | axiomdata316 wrote:
         | Would Tailscale be an effective replacement for Tinc? It's
         | built on top of Wireguard and works really well.
           | tumdum_ wrote:
           | Tailscale is using userspace Go implementation of wireguard,
           | right?
             | p_l wrote:
             | Yes, with the wireguard implementation being very deeply
             | intertwined with the rest of the VPN implementation,
             | resulting in sometimes higher speeds than in-kernel
             | wireguard implementation.
         | sys42590 wrote:
         | I recently switched from Tinc to Wireguard (4 machines) due to
         | simpler configuration and better support for road warriors.
         | Transition was quite painless.
           | INTPenis wrote:
           | When you say 4 machines, do you mean a mesh between 4
           | machines? And it's not hub-and-spoke? I'm looking for a
           | solution like that but because my portable devices can be
           | anywhere in the world I had to use a hub-and-spoke setup
           | where there is one central VPS that they can all connect
           | through.
             | sys42590 wrote:
             | It's full mesh with 3 fixed servers and one machine with a
             | dynamic IP. Just configured all peerings in WG instead of
             | Tinc. I don't need Tinc's mesh routing, so WG is sufficient
             | for me.
             | vidarh wrote:
             | You can do a full non-hub mesh with Wireguard if 1) you can
             | find a NAT hole punching method that works (usually can),
             | and 2) you have _some means_ of passing peer information
             | between them, which also means you need to use a means to
             | get at your external IP and port. If you don 't have a
             | reliable way of getting the external IP and port for all of
             | them, if one of them supports port forwarding, just a basic
             | dynamic DNS provider to get _one_ of the dynamic external
             | IPs is enough - you can then get the rest by hitting the
             | first one.
             | Note that "some means" of exchanging data here really is
             | any way of communicating at all. Post an encoded string to
             | a Mastodon server? Send you an e-mail that's automatically
             | picked up?
               | lapinot wrote:
               | Also if 3) if you have the energy to write and maintain
               | some stateful thingy that manages this dynamic peer
               | information you need to pass around. And while doable, a
               | hack in bash won't cut it if you want reliability and the
               | occasional introspection when things go wrong.
               | It's a no for me.
               | vidarh wrote:
               | A hack in whatever language works just fine, and
               | depending on your setup you may not need any hacks at all
               | - e.g. of you have dynamic DNS and port forwarding set up
               | for one of your peers. It's not a beginner option, but
               | it's an option that is simple for most common setups if
               | you know what you're doing.
               | tumdum_ wrote:
               | You could try https://nordvpn.com/meshnet/ - it's
               | wireguard, cross platform and meshnet handles everything
               | automatically for you. Also meshnet is free so if you
               | don't want to use vpn you won't have to pay anything.
         | [deleted]
         | pahae wrote:
         | You should give nebula a try. I've recently switched my private
         | VPN setup from wireguard to nebula and am looking into using it
         | for work. It has some really nice features (for our use case),
         | so ymmv. But so far it's been fantastic and very easy to use.
         | https://github.com/slackhq/nebula
         | dave78 wrote:
         | There's another dead comment saying the same thing, but take a
         | look at Nebula. I set it up over a year ago and haven't really
         | thought about it much since - it just works. The open source
         | version doesn't have any fancy GUIs or anything but it's not
         | very hard to deploy. Covers every OS that you'd probably care
         | about too.
         | https://github.com/slackhq/nebula
       | yuedongze wrote:
       | Are there any good performance tests done between Tinc and WG?
       | Curious to see how they perform and what there bottlenecks are.
       | LanternLight83 wrote:
       | Personally, I've been building my mesh network up over
       | Yggdrasil[1]. A router can even hand out Ygg IP's, resolve
       | traffic for-, and firewall off- naive IOT devices (neccessary if
       | you route through the public mesh, which isn't the only way to
       | set things up).
       | 1: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/
         | someplaceguy wrote:
         | Is it possible to use Yggdrasil in a way that it never gets
         | connected to the public mesh and without knowing the public IP
         | addresses of all the nodes in your private mesh?
         | Specifically, I'm wondering if it's possible to prevent outside
         | nodes from completely establishing a connection to your nodes
         | and therefore cause your private traffic to route over the
         | public mesh.
         | That is, assuming that your Yggdrasil traffic has to route over
         | the public Internet and is not contained within a private
         | network itself.
           | neilalexander wrote:
           | The next version will make it much simpler to deploy isolated
           | networks by using TLS roots to prevent accidental peerings.
           | It's also worth noting that Yggdrasil doesn't have the
           | equivalent of "peer exchange" -- only directly connected
           | peers would ever find out your public IP address. Yggdrasil
           | will not form new peerings automatically, with the single
           | exception being multicast-discovered nodes on the same LAN.
             | someplaceguy wrote:
             | > The next version will make it much simpler to deploy
             | isolated networks by using TLS roots to prevent accidental
             | peerings.
             | Is that PR #1038 [1]? Any info on how to use that feature
             | and whether it works over multicast as well?
             | I noticed this PR uses SHA-1 for matching fingerprints.
             | SHA-1 has been broken for 18 years now. Is it possible to
             | use something more secure?
             | > It's also worth noting that Yggdrasil doesn't have the
             | equivalent of "peer exchange" -- only directly connected
             | peers would ever find out your public IP address. Yggdrasil
             | will not form new peerings automatically, with the single
             | exception being multicast-discovered nodes on the same LAN.
             | Right, my worry is that by having a server with a public
             | IPv4 address and Yggdrasil running on an open port (so that
             | my other nodes can connect to it) will allow someone else
             | to connect to it (either on purpose or accidentally) and
             | cause my traffic to route over their node(s) and/or the
             | public mesh.
             | Thanks!
             | [1] https://github.com/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-
             | go/pull/1038
         | genpfault wrote:
         | Hopefully the network segregation[1] feature makes it in at
         | some point:
         | > A shared network key, included in the tree announcements,
         | will ensure that two nodes that peer with what should be
         | segregated networks will ignore each other. This should make it
         | much easier to operate private Yggdrasil meshes and not worry
         | that they will end up accidentally peered to the public
         | network.
         | [1]: https://github.com/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-
         | go/discussion...
           | neilalexander wrote:
           | The current code we have for Yggdrasil v0.5 allows creating
           | isolated networks using TLS roots. You can optionally
           | provision the node identity as a TLS certificate and key and
           | specify a root certificate, so that Yggdrasil will reject
           | peerings with other nodes unless the peer presents a
           | certificate from the same root. It should make it
           | significantly easier to manage fleets of nodes under the same
           | root whilst preventing accidental peerings to other networks.
       | RainbowFriends wrote:
       | Slack's Nebula is another great open source mesh VPN application:
       | https://github.com/slackhq/nebula
       | renaudg wrote:
       | Besides being free software, how does this differ from Tailscale
       | ?
         | notacoward wrote:
         | Considering the chronology, this would more correctly be
         | phrased as:
         | Besides not being free software, how does Tailscale differ from
         | tinc?
       (page generated 2023-06-27 23:01 UTC)