[HN Gopher] Zellij New WASM Plugin System
       Zellij New WASM Plugin System
       Author : sbt567
       Score  : 135 points
       Date   : 2023-06-27 16:17 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (zellij.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (zellij.dev)
       | rychco wrote:
       | This looks cool, I'll use it as an excuse to try zellij & writing
       | some wasm.
       | scarmig wrote:
       | Hijacking this for a question I've been wondering about. For
       | context, I'm a long-time tmux user who spends 90% of my time in
       | remote shells.
       | Ideally, I'd have my WM handle panes, layouts, etc. "Terminal
       | multiplexing" seems to me to be misplacing client/UI concerns.
       | Session persistence is the concern of the server, and
       | multiplexing should be handled by ssh. However, getting the
       | client terminals to coordinate nicely (e.g. reattaching to the
       | appropriate sessions, opening new terminals in the same remote
       | working directory) require more sophisticated clients than exist
       | currently (to my knowledge).
       | Does anyone feel similarly? Anyone have a setup that approximates
       | what I'm looking for?
         | JonChesterfield wrote:
         | Emacs. Runs as a server, stays alive when clients drop. Window
         | management on keyboard. Tramp mode is great. But I'm sure
         | you've heard this already :)
         | Szpadel wrote:
         | I'm using resurrect tmux plugin configured to rerun ssh
         | commands, it's not perfect as it's not restoring remote
         | session, but at least you have session open to right host in
         | pane that you expect with scroll history.
       | IshKebab wrote:
       | Does this use Extism?
       | rodrigodlu wrote:
       | Awesome! I will be sold forever when something similar to tmux
       | ressurect is available.
       | Also I want to point out the way this is being handled in GH
       | issue 575.
       | It's taking time, but the politeness of many people, specially
       | @imsnif is out of this world.
       | This will be killer and it's ready, because one can freely create
       | the tabs and panes designs while working, then dumping and
       | customizing more later.
       | I'm learning rust myself now, and projects and people like this
       | encourages me even more. (Even with the rust foundation issues
       | that happened)
       | Thanks all!
       | renewiltord wrote:
       | It looks pretty cool. Is there a plugin that is just "convert
       | this program into a plugin"? i.e. say I'm doing some networking
       | set up and I want to check whether what I'm doing is improving or
       | reducing effective performance. I would like:
       | 1. One pane with my UDP benchmark between two of my machines
       | 2. One pane with my UDP benchmark between two other machines
       | 3. One pane which is a normal terminal where I'm going to make my
       | changes
       | So what I'd do is make my changes in normal terminal, then switch
       | over to #1 and hit Enter and it runs, then switch over to #2 and
       | it runs. I don't want to write a specific plugin for my UDP
       | benchmark tool. I want a plugin that takes a pre-baked command
       | (with flags and arguments) and turns it into a pane that I can
       | just switch to and hit Enter.
       | Honestly, I currently use a tiling terminal emulator (iTerm2) and
       | it's not bad, but I have to hit Up+Enter and then that's
       | overlapping with the history of whatever shell is on that
       | machine.
         | imsnif wrote:
         | Hi, Zellij has this feature. Please check out command panes:
         | https://zellij.dev/documentation/zellij-run.html
         | You can either open them through the cli with "zellij run --
         | <your command>" when inside a zellij session, or set them up in
         | a layout so it opens all of the ones you want in a new tab
         | arranged the way you like.
           | renewiltord wrote:
           | Absolutely perfect, mate. Thank you.
             | imsnif wrote:
             | Sure thing! Btw, plugins can also open these command panes,
             | this is how the multitask "mini-ci" plugin works.
       | Szpadel wrote:
       | I was checking it like a year ago and it was cool but lacked some
       | functionalities that i relied on daily basis (in comparison with
       | tmux). I'm sure that some of those could be already implemented
       | but plugins could probably fulfill rest of those.
       | For sure i see need for some kind of plugin "package manager"
       | here. on one hand this would help with discoverability of
       | plugins, but more importantly with updates. checking each of
       | plugin every so often isn't convinient and in such systems i
       | usually check once or twice a year if there is any update.
       | kibwen wrote:
       | Because it's not immediately obvious, Zellij is a terminal
       | multiplexer like tmux or GNU screen, whose distinguishing feature
       | is that it comes with more built-in functionality, has a more
       | discoverable UI, and a more opinionated/modern default
       | configuration while still being highly customizable (as
       | demonstrated in the OP).
       | https://github.com/zellij-org/zellij
         | interlinked wrote:
         | Too bad it isn't a drop in replacement for tmux because of
         | memory usage. There are memory leaks and even without that the
         | base memory uses is a couple hundred megabytes. Tmux on the
         | other hand, consumes only tens of megabytes of memory.
           | imsnif wrote:
           | Hey, there are no memory leaks that I'm aware of (there were
           | a few, but we plugged them in recent months). If you know
           | differently, I'd appreciate an issue report.
             | lfmunoz4 wrote:
             | [dead]
             | kseistrup wrote:
             | If you run e.g. btop or bpytop in a separate zellij tab,
             | zellij will eventually gobble up all your memory and die.
             | In the beginning I wa very entusiastic and switched from
             | tmux to zellij on remote machines, but as I usually have
             | btop running in a tab it would die in a day or two, so now
             | I'm back to using tmux on remote machines and reserve
             | zellij for local (and make sure I don't run btop in a tab).
               | imsnif wrote:
               | I'm like 90% sure this was fixed - if you'd be willing to
               | try with a recent Zellij version, that would be great.
               | Otherwise, I'll try your reproduction myself and will fix
               | if I can reproduce. Thanks.
               | kseistrup wrote:
               | I'm now running v0.37.2 on a remote machine with 3 tabs:
               | a shell, syslog spooled by lnav, and btop. To me it looks
               | like it grows by 2 kB RAM every minute. I am logging to a
               | file with timestamps, and we will see the results
               | tomorrow.
               | kseistrup wrote:
               | (Does HN have an indentation limit, I can't seem to reply
               | to imsnif...)
               | I'm always running the latest zellij, but I'll start btop
               | in a tab right away and see what happens.
               | I did mention it in https://github.com/zellij-
               | org/zellij/issues/1625#issuecommen... and noticed the
               | issue is still open, so I haven't tried btop in zellij
               | since v0.36.0.
               | imsnif wrote:
               | Keeping track is hard sometimes, I saw it again in the
               | issue as you mentioned. :)
           | maximilianroos wrote:
           | Yeah, and it does flicker a bit etc.
           | But I still use it all the time now -- I found it so much
           | easier to get up to speed with relative to tmux. And it's
           | getting better all the time, so I'm happy to invest in it...
           | v3ss0n wrote:
           | Yeah and sudden unexplained crashed made me stop using
           | [deleted]
         | forrestthewoods wrote:
         | With no support for Windows
           | aae42 wrote:
           | Works great in WSL in windows terminal....
         | david2ndaccount wrote:
         | I just tried it out and it apparently highjacks normal command-
         | line editing shortcuts like ctrl-n, ctrl-p, ctrl-h, etc.
           | imbnwa wrote:
           | Its not tmux, are you sure you're engaging its binding which
           | enables/disables its binding map, I belive Ctrl+G IIRC,
           | unlike tmux which prefixes its bindings with a customizable
           | chord
             | david2ndaccount wrote:
             | I see that now, but then you can't use the buffer
             | navigation hotkeys. I'll just stick with tmux.
         | Timon3 wrote:
         | HOT DAMN! Over the last few weeks I've wished almost daily I
         | was proficient in tmux, but it's annoying to get started in
         | because you have to look up EVERYTHING. I just tried Zellij
         | (they have a "try without installing" command on their website)
         | and it's exactly what I wanted Termux to be. Thank you so much
         | for this comment!
           | imbnwa wrote:
           | Indeed, for someone new to terminal multiplexing, its the
           | superior UX, its just missing some advanced things tmux does,
           | but which are being worked on
       | colordrops wrote:
       | Starting to look like a text based window manager from the early
       | 80s.
       | SpriglyElixir12 wrote:
       | Why do terminal applications need a WASM runtime? I feel like I'm
       | not really understanding something fundamental about WASM.
         | voigt wrote:
         | I do understand why people try this approach:
         | First: wasm is the perfect plug-in language, as it provides a
         | high level of isolation and therefore security for the host
         | app.
         | Second: the promise of wasm is that you can write it in any
         | language. I think this is compelling for any application that
         | seeks for extensibility.
         | Wether all this is worth the effort is probably the actual
         | question. Maybe we will be surprised by killer plugins that
         | wouldn't be possible with regular plug-in systems...
           | kibwen wrote:
           | _> Maybe we will be surprised by killer plugins that wouldn't
           | be possible with regular plug-in systems..._
           | It's less "this wouldn't be possible" and more the fact that
           | the existence of plugins that are sandboxed and access-
           | permissioned makes me far more likely to seek out and install
           | plugins in the first place, since it lowers the trust
           | barrier. It's the same reason why I browse random websites
           | freely while also being loathe to install random binaries on
           | my computer. Being language-agnostic is just icing on the
           | cake.
         | Already__Taken wrote:
         | Wasm has the promise to be a single target for your plugins
         | that could be written in node/rust/python and the consumer
         | won't have to have that specific version of python installed.
         | That and the possibility to sandbox a plugin so my repl
         | function can't also upload my ssh keys would be nice.
         | WASM doesn't mean this has to be true, but it could be.
         | da39a3ee wrote:
         | You might be missing the fact that WASM nowadays doesn't
         | necessarily have anything to do with web browsers. It was
         | initially designed for running in web browsers, but in the last
         | few years there's been a lot of activity surrounding embedding
         | WASM runtimes in processes other than web browsers. Mostly the
         | idea is for it to be a way to execute untrusted / customer code
         | (e.g. "plugins") with sophisticated sandboxing, etc.
         | baq wrote:
         | Terminal is just UI. It's completely orthogonal to WASM.
       | maximilianroos wrote:
       | Big fan of Zellij!
       | Here are my configs for anyone interested -- more modal than the
       | default: https://gist.github.com/max-
       | sixty/6be7225ddc0a9cecb7203d5f7f...
       | [deleted]
       | landr0id wrote:
       | I tried Zellij a while ago (year+?) and wasn't a huge fan. After
       | some major updates I tried it again and it's become my daily
       | driver.
       | Great application and I'm looking forward to seeing the plugin
       | ecosystem grow. Thanks to the maintainers and contributors for
       | their work.
       | tux1968 wrote:
       | It seems odd to distinguish between a plugin and a program
       | running in a terminal pane. This seems to imply you must
       | reimplement all such functionality as a new plugin, instead of
       | just running your preferred tool, as usual, in a terminal window.
       | For example, they have implemented a file explorer as a plugin.
       | But this means you can only use it when Zellij is available, and
       | not as a standard tool on another system. This reduces
       | flexibility and means you need different tools in different
       | contexts.
       | I'd love to be corrected, but I can't think of any good reason
       | why a special file explorer needs to exist, just to be coded to
       | this plugin standard, instead of as a normal terminal program.
         | mpalmer wrote:
         | Maybe you're focusing too closely on the specific example. It's
         | interesting to me in the large for sure.
         | For one, since plugin permissions seem to be on the roadmap,
         | users can expect to be able to write and run third-party code
         | with a bit more confidence than if it were just another unix
         | process.
         | Looking further down the line, imagine a pluggable web/native
         | frontend for Zellij. At its most basic level of operation, it
         | would still serve as a full terminal multiplexer, but it would
         | also have the potential to do anything the containing runtime
         | supports (render images, play video, render rich
         | inputs/controls).
         | I wasn't imagining this before, but I kind of am now...
         | imsnif wrote:
         | Good question!
         | A few reasons:
         | 1. Ease of distribution - distributing a precompiled wasm blob
         | is immensely easier than distributing an application
         | 2. Sandboxing - both on the fs level and regarding special
         | permissions, which brings us to
         | 3. Stronger capabilities - you can use the terminal workspace
         | around you by manipulating panes, tabs and other plugins,
         | creating a workspace experience rather than a single app
         | 4. More knowledge about the application - want to trigger when
         | the user enters a certain folder? When a certain pane is
         | focused? When certain text appears on screen?
         | 5. Composability - integrate with other plugins to render a
         | dashboard-like experience rather than a single app that a user
         | needs to manually compose
         | While some of these are also achievable with native apps, I
         | have found that if you give users (developers in this case)
         | opinionated defaults that make integration easier - you'll get
         | more people building more interesting things. Even if they
         | technically can implement them all on their own.
           | ReleaseCandidat wrote:
           | > 1. Ease of distribution - distributing a precompiled wasm
           | blob is immensely easier than distributing an application
           | The precompiled WASM blob could be the (console) application
           | (which runs in e.g. Deno/Node or Wasmedge/Wasmtime/...).
       | imbnwa wrote:
       | More interested in when they'll implement concurrent, switchable
       | sessions, one of the main reasons one would continue to use tmux,
       | but this is nice development
         | imsnif wrote:
         | Very soon! We want to implement it as a default plugin and
         | wanted to release this system first.
       | nilslice wrote:
       | Very cool! As a wasm fan, I'm excited to see this and really
       | appreciate the detailed write-up. As a maintainer of Extism[0] (a
       | wasm plugin system framework) I'm curious if our project came up
       | in your research for this, and if so, what is missing or kept you
       | from considering it as a solution?
       | https://github.com/extism/extism
         | imsnif wrote:
         | I'm pretty sure our plugin system predates your project (it's
         | been around since before our beta was released in 2021, we've
         | just given it the attention it deserved right now).
         | I'd definitely have wanted to outsource this though if we
         | didn't have the infrastructure in place already. Extism seems
         | solid.
       (page generated 2023-06-27 23:00 UTC)