[HN Gopher] Alt-F4 #65 - Factorio visualizer in Unreal Engine 5
       Alt-F4 #65 - Factorio visualizer in Unreal Engine 5
       Author : BlueTemplar
       Score  : 282 points
       Date   : 2023-07-02 14:34 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (alt-f4.blog)
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       | DDSDev wrote:
       | As a game dev, factorio has always been a title that I would
       | absolutely love to see the original source code for.
       | Also, for anyone who's first question was "how is this legal":
       | "When asked about the legality of this whole endeavour, they
       | showed great understanding and allowed the project to be
       | released, provided it won't be used for commercial purposes."
         | refulgentis wrote:
         | Naively, I had the inverse question after reading that, how
         | would this be illegal? Why must this be a labor of love? Use of
         | Factorio IP seems limited to visual inspiration and file format
         | parsing, and its clearly transformative (in the legal sense of
         | the word)
           | jrm4 wrote:
           | I mean, nothing is clear in terms of "transformative" and
           | never has been, but I absolutely agree with the overall
           | point.
           | jdlshore wrote:
           | "Visual inspiration" is generous. The models are a direct 1:1
           | copy of the in-game sprites, which sounds like a "derivative
           | work" to me. IANAL.
           | soneil wrote:
           | Sometimes I think we're far too obsessed with legal. The
           | developer is good to the community, the community is good to
           | the developer. This seems like a much more productive
           | relationship than arguing over what is legal.
           | nness wrote:
           | In this instance, it would be more than "look and feel" and
           | more "would a person assume this project is done by the
           | original Factorio developers" -- are they misleading the
           | audience. They copied much of the UI from the Factorio site
           | for instance -- so if they wanted you could make the argument
           | the intent is to mislead.
             | jdlshore wrote:
             | I think you're confusing trademark and copyright. Trademark
             | is about confusing the public. Copyright is about
             | derivative works. It seems pretty clear to me that this is
             | a derivative work, due to its direct copying of Factorio
             | sprites.
             | BlueTemplar wrote:
             | The website UI is by the Alt-F4 team, not the FUE5 team,
             | it's like seeing this discussion and then complaining that
             | FUE5 'copied' Factorio's colour scheme, thinking they are
             | also behind hackernews, lol.
         | amitp wrote:
         | There are some bits of Factorio source code on github --
         | https://gist.github.com/Rseding91
         | and
         | https://old.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/13bsf3s/technical...
         | is fascinating reading (things like: they used doubly linked
         | lists, and multiple inheritance)
         | TOGoS wrote:
         | The Factorio team is pretty chill about stuff, generally, which
         | is why they make the game so moddable in the first place. The
         | only time I remember them having to take any legal action was
         | to deal with someone reselling stolen keys or something. It's
         | understood that anything cool the community does is good for
         | Factorio.
         | > i would absolutely love to see the original source code for
         | As someone who's seen the source code, I'd say it's relatively
         | good code, but nothing particularly amazing. C++ with multiple
         | inheritance, game objects doing method calls to each other in
         | multiple phases, and a good dose of "maybe not the best way to
         | do this but it works and we're not changing it now" code. What
         | keeps it all running as well as it does is a comprehensive set
         | of automated tests, and Rseding getting on your case any time
         | you make a PR with less-than-optimal code. The interesting bits
         | are the algorithms, which are covered by the Friday Facts.
           | bilekas wrote:
           | > What keeps it all running as well as it does is a
           | comprehensive set of automated tests
           | "Let's game it out enters the chat"
           | Really though super cool to hear a perspective from someone
           | with inside knowledge!
       | Aardwolf wrote:
       | Wow how did they build so many 3D models in just 5 months, that's
       | amazing talent, perhaps 3D modeling tools are also just really
       | good now?
         | chefandy wrote:
         | > The remodelling process was a lot of fun, but next time we
         | should really ask for the original Factorio models to preserve
         | what's left of our sanity.
         | Some tools are a lot better-- Substance 3D for texturing, for
         | example, especially if you can get their auto UVing to make
         | something acceptable-- but fundamentally most straight-up 3D
         | modelling tools are roughly what they were a while ago. The
         | screenshot of their model seems to have tight topology, too, so
         | I'll bet it was pretty labor intensive.
       | redox99 wrote:
       | Why is the video 25fps? To make it more "cinematic"? It isn't
       | even 24fps cinematic. In either case, they both look awful in
       | your typical 60hz container because 60 isn't divisible by 24 or
       | 25.
       | Just make it 30 or 60fps. It looks awful like this.
         | Operyl wrote:
         | It doesn't look that bad, honestly.
         | reaperman wrote:
         | Most people over the age of 30 or so can't see the difference.
         | We didn't grow up with high frame rates and our brains didn't
         | train on them. It's entirely possible they have no idea this is
         | a thing.
         | I've seen some videos where different people try out gaming
         | trials on different Hz's and it seems like older gamers don't
         | get nearly as much performance improvement from high frame
         | rates that younger players do. They're also much less likely to
         | be able to tell which is which in a blind trial.
           | Sardtok wrote:
           | 60Hz video looks super weird to me. Looks like it's running
           | in like 2x FF, but everything syncs up with 1x audio.
           | Watching The Hobbit when it came out was a horrible
           | experience.
           | It's not a problem with games, though. Even if 60 fps was
           | quite rare to achieve for 3D games 20+ years ago. I was
           | usually happy if I could get stable 20-30 fps.
       | bombcar wrote:
       | Reminds me of the 3D visualization that you could get for Dwarf
       | Fortress. Some "painted" and others tried real-time updates.
       | un_montagnard wrote:
       | > When you don't know how to code, you just put these nodes
       | together, and if it doesn't work you just keep adding more and
       | more and become increasingly confused. Suspiciously similar to
       | this factory game I've been playing recently.
       | Cracked me up
         | andrewstuart2 wrote:
         | I loved that bit too. Especially because when you do know how
         | to code, you still do the same exact thing but some things are
         | probably less verbose. Still lots of spaghetti involved
         | occasionally.
           | flir wrote:
           | You never eliminate a bottleneck, you just move it somewhere
           | else.
           | This is something I knew, but Factorio taught me viscerally.
         | BlueTemplar wrote:
         | That's nothing - LabView even has a similar colour scheme !
         | https://physics.highpoint.edu/~bbarlow/courses/phy2100/docum...
         | (Orange. And Gray Tiles show up in the 'GUI' view.)
       | butz wrote:
       | I would like to see someone building visualizer of same quality
       | for good old SimCity 2000.
         | dividuum wrote:
         | Probably a whoosh moment, but in case people don't know:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SimCopter
         | netsharc wrote:
         | SimCopter made the cities 3d, but obviously not Unreal Engine 5
         | quality...
       | jokoon wrote:
       | Factorio is already quite CPU heavy so I don't want to imagine
       | how it would behave in 3D. The factory size might be much smaller
       | for this to be possible.
       | I don't really see the point of this, really, except a
       | misunderstanding about game design, UX and programming in
       | general. This thing might be possible with huge sacrifices,
       | though, but I'm not very interested in making something in 3D
       | "just because". I love 3D games, but a lot of games just don't
       | translate properly to 3D.
       | Factorio is popular because its hardcore players make immense
       | factories that usually reaches the limit of any CPU/GPU.
       | That's a bit why I dislike most of the gaming industry, because
       | there are way too many people who aims for high quality 3D
       | graphics without ever understanding software or hardware, and it
       | shows, and it's a big step back for the industry as a whole, but
       | GPU vendors are always happy for those people to push for high
       | end graphics, but not people who like good gameplay.
         | leetcrew wrote:
         | factorio isn't CPU or GPU bound though. memory bandwidth is
         | typically the bottleneck, at least according to the developers.
         | I'm glad the developers have prioritized game mechanics and sim
         | optimization over graphics, and I think the game looks good
         | enough for what it is. but I wouldn't mind if they improved
         | them either. they could do a lot before it meaningfully
         | impacted UPS for megafactories.
         | detaro wrote:
         | ... your comment doesn't particularly suggest that you have
         | understood what this is about, while complaining that its
         | authors don't understand things. For one thing, this is not the
         | game and doesn't attempt to be.
         | brucethemoose2 wrote:
         | I mean, Satisfactory and Dyson Sphere Program run well.
         | Also, hypothetically, I don't think a 3D client would impact
         | the simulation since Factorio (AFAIK) runs as a client +
         | server. The 2D simulation would be unchanged.
           | duskwuff wrote:
           | > since Factorio (AFAIK) runs as a client + server
           | It does not. Factorio runs as a single process encompassing
           | both simulation and rendering; the "headless server" just
           | omits the rendering bits.
         | gouggoug wrote:
         | Read the article.
         | This is just a fun pet project allowing you to visualize your
         | base in 3D. Nothing less, nothing more.
       | gigel82 wrote:
       | If you want to actually play a Factorio-like game in 3D, I
       | recommend Satisfactory.
         | spiderice wrote:
         | Also play satisfactory if you want days of your life to
         | disappear. Such a fun game. Just like Factorio.
         | brucethemoose2 wrote:
         | Or Dyson Sphere Program.
           | [deleted]
           | NelsonMinar wrote:
           | DSP is a really excellent game. Also it looks beautiful.
           | iliketrains wrote:
           | Or Captain of Industry (disclaimer: I am one of the devs)
       | AnotherGoodName wrote:
       | Briefly mentioned in this and rendered: space exploration is an
       | incredible factorio mod and the deepest game I've ever played.
       | In Factorio you launch a rocket and win. Space exploration takes
       | that and continues. You end up developing a base across multiple
       | worlds in the solar system. After developing the solar system
       | from the different unique resources on each planet you expand to
       | interstellar space and then other solar systems. The game has a
       | 'quarter of the way through' victory screen but there's another
       | victory screen as you explore a mystery that spans the known
       | universe and takes a reasonable amount of math knowledge figure
       | out.
       | It's 100s of hours of gameplay and really well done. They
       | modified the game so that you can fly spaceships between planets
       | with a star and solar system maps and it all works really well.
       | Just make sure to turn the biters way down. The mod requires a
       | level of patience and the intensity of combat runs counter to
       | that (in fact the mod itself has a popup telling you to turn
       | biters down on start).
         | Cthulhu_ wrote:
         | Yeah, but I'd only pick up Space Exploration if you've played
         | through the base game a few times and just want more. What I've
         | found is that it rebalances the game so the 'base' takes less
         | parts (i.e. for modules), but it goes harder on complexity.
         | Like, the number of factories / production lines you have to
         | build for the next stage just goes up and up.
         | I think I got to a point - probably nearly 100 hours in - where
         | I finally had two lines of products coming from other planets
         | to do the next tier of science.
         | Another tip that I'd add is that you should increase the
         | science cost, I found it easy to run out of things to research
         | while it still took hours to expand things for the next tier,
         | which in practice meant your factory just stops doing anything
         | because it doesn't need to do anything.
         | louwrentius wrote:
         | I'm playing Space Exploration right now and it is epic. But
         | beware, a professional YouTuber Dosh Doshington who seems to be
         | one of the best Factorio players in the world (in my opinion)
         | took 300 hours to complete SE with some help. I think SE is
         | amazing but it's an incredible time sink. I've gotten 3500+
         | hours in Factorio, I think I have a problem.
         | Anyway, seeing Factorio in 3D was amazing though, really cool
           | AnotherGoodName wrote:
           | Yes that's why I think you should turn biters waaaay down or
           | off for SE. It's a game that can take a few years to play
           | through if you have a full time job+other things. Still a
           | worthy distraction, just understand you'll be playing for
           | years.
         | newZWhoDis wrote:
         | I just absolutely despise the (lack of) visuals in Factorio.
         | Satisfactory might only be 80% as deep but it being in 3D and
         | gorgeous more than makes up for it.
         | If Factorio looked anything like this model visualizer I'd take
         | it seriously.
           | pests wrote:
           | I agree Factorio does not look the greatest. It looks like a
           | giant smear of muddy washed out colors. I've tried to watch
           | some content on YT and its so hard to tell whats going on or
           | to see anything as a newcomer.
           | concordDance wrote:
           | Try Dyson Sphere Program then.
           | Not as repayable as factorio but still good fun.
             | dmarinoc wrote:
             | Or add Shapez2 to your wishlist.
             | It hasn't been released yet, but the team is publishing a
             | highly interesting devlog:
             | https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2162800
             | 0cf8612b2e1e wrote:
             | I had such a fantastic time with DSP. Has some clunkiness
             | which will hopefully be refined with time, but absolute
             | blast in going from nothing to dominating a star. Count me
             | as one of those people who see zero need for the game to
             | incorporate the upcoming combat/enemy mechanic.
         | fermentation wrote:
         | I actually prefer to completely turn off biters. They'll still
         | be there on other planets, but the anxiety on the home world is
         | gone
           | candiddevmike wrote:
           | What's the best faster-start mod? I want to start with robots
           | instead of remaking my base midway through.
             | srgpqt wrote:
             | Haven't tried it, but this seems like something you can
             | customize ingame at any time with the builtin map editor.
             | See the "setting up research" on the editor wiki page:
             | https://wiki.factorio.com/Map_editor#Setting_up_research
             | Edit: you'd probably have to give yourself the necessary
             | modular armor, roboport and initial bots.
           | AnotherGoodName wrote:
           | Agreed. The difficulty creep that was demanded by vocal
           | experienced players has made Factorio much harder for
           | newcomers to get into.
           | Factorio is a brilliant Zen garden and an absolutely terrible
           | real time strategy game. Since the beta there's been more and
           | more biter types and a gradual ramp up in how frantic you
           | have to be to keep up. It's tremendously off-putting and
           | completely opposite to what makes Factorio what it is.
           | Hopefully the developers realize this at some point and knock
           | it off. Make a 'frantic mode' toggle for the experienced
           | players but don't make it the default. I can handle needed a
           | turret or two at key points but I can't handle needing to
           | race the tech tree to keep up. I don't get why they made the
           | defaults so hostile to new players. I'm not even that new to
           | Factorio but it's still waaaay too frantic with default
           | settings.
             | BlueTemplar wrote:
             | I'm not sure I agree. I gave up on my first sandbox game of
             | Factorio mid-way through, because I realized that biters
             | were a pushover against my new tank... (not realizing that
             | biter settings or mods existed)
             | xavdid wrote:
             | I mostly play for the engineering side of it, so in all my
             | bases over the years, I always _always_ play on  "peaceful"
             | mode. It makes part of the tech tree useless (no need for
             | better guns if there's nothing to shoot) but I find I enjoy
             | the game much more that way.
             | Aardwolf wrote:
             | Many of my fun memories of Factorio do involve biters
             | though, both defending against them, and attacking them by
             | building power lines and quickly building and then un-
             | building laser towers near their bases (and later just by
             | having super strong armor and a shotgun).
             | But I guess a toned down offense on your base, while still
             | allowing the same kind of attack, would work just as well.
             | Also, the biters are somewhat boring at end of game, it's
             | just the whole world map full of the exact same evolved
             | bases everywhere.
             | pram wrote:
             | IMO the bugs add some needed entropy. If you're not paying
             | attention your bases will eventually be demolished. Makes
             | me more thoughtful about my planning and design rather than
             | just plopping some half assed shit down.
               | leetcrew wrote:
               | they're also the entity that gives "bite" (pun intended)
               | to the pollution mechanic, which complicates lots of
               | tradeoffs in the game. with biters/pollution, trees are
               | both an inconvenience and a helpful pollution buffer.
               | it's not trivial to decide whether to build your starter
               | base in the open desert or nested between forests.
               | additionally, the tradeoffs between solar vs steam and
               | the effect modules are shallower when you ignore
               | pollution.
               | I understand some people just aren't really into the
               | tower defense side of factorio. that's okay, and it's a
               | good thing that the settings can be adjusted to suit a
               | wide range of playstyles. but if that's you, I'd
               | recommend at least trying a low pollution / efficiency-
               | focused playthrough. the game gives you a lot of tools to
               | manage pollution, and the biter threat can be pretty
               | minimal if you use them. imo this preserves the balance
               | better than just turning off biters.
             | pmoriarty wrote:
             | I actually liked having the biters on my first couple of
             | playthroughs of the game. It added a sense of urgency and a
             | feeling that this was a dangerous alien world.
             | After that I started playing mods that in and of themselves
             | increased the difficulty of the game, and having the biters
             | on top of that was just way too much.
             | Also, in a vanilla game, once you're more or less
             | invulnerable to the biters they become just an extra
             | annoyance, and I'd rather just focus on building.
             | On the other hand, without the sense of urgency that biters
             | give the game can become kind of boring...
               | z3c0 wrote:
               | I agree. It adds pacing, as you can't simply dive down
               | one branch of the technology tree. You're forced to
               | always be developing your offense and defense, pushing
               | you down branches you would have ignored otherwise.
             | evandale wrote:
             | My understanding is that the purpose of biters is to
             | prevent you from building too big too fast and also as a
             | resource sink to get rid of excess iron. There is a FFF
             | they wrote about it and Katherine of Sky has a great video
             | about why you should bet biters IIRC because she was
             | against them when they got buffed as well but changed her
             | tune. I can't seem to find either though.
           | Cthulhu_ wrote:
           | Same, but that's true for most base building and RTS games,
           | the base building / turtling is more fun than the attacking /
           | combat part.
         | naikrovek wrote:
         | > takes a reasonable amount of math knowledge figure out
         | hard pass. I do not enjoy when a video game makes me feel like
         | a failure because I don't know trigonometry or calculus.
           | remarkEon wrote:
           | Weirdly I actually like games that make me alt-tab and then
           | look up some equations and open excel for a bit.
           | (No, I will not try EVE)
           | freeone3000 wrote:
           | No trig or calc, every formula is linear. There's some very
           | non-integer factors in there, but if you take "time" as an
           | input you can do it all with algebra.
       | paxys wrote:
       | My graphics card cried just reading this post.
       | brucethemoose2 wrote:
       | To be clear, its a Factorio visualizer, not a client or anything.
       | But its still super cool.
         | samstave wrote:
         | What will be very interesting, as stated in the article, is to
         | see what the factorio creatives in the community figure out
         | what to hack together based on this...
         | I expect some sort of UE5 factorio-esque battle system...
         | Imagine a game where you run a factory, and you haveto maintain
         | it - while a bunch of PvP FPS shooter are running through your
         | factory battleing it out and keep dmaging your supply lines and
         | you have to fix them - you can choose to join the factory
         | maintenance team, or be a PvP player laying waste to your
         | enemies and fucking up the factory supply lines for the other
         | teams at the same time.
           | a_nop wrote:
           | Mindustry is like a PvP Factorio-lite
           | BlueTemplar wrote:
           | I mean, you can _already_ do this right now in MP (if not in
           | 3D) :
           | https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?p=560735#p560735
           | brucethemoose2 wrote:
           | Thats interesting, but I don't think the social dynamics of
           | such a game would work. The situation is unstable, where
           | either the builders can't keep up and quickly lose their
           | factory (and probably quit) or the PvPers get surpressed
           | and/or just ignore the factory.
           | This is kinda what happened in modded PvP Minecraft servers.
           | But there are already some team based "production line PvP"
           | games like Mindustry and Foxhole.
         | dang wrote:
         | Ok, we've put that in the title above. Thanks!
       | bloqs wrote:
       | Or play Satisfactory in the new Unreal 5 Experimental branch !!
       | lastangryman wrote:
       | Full disclosure didn't even read the article. But if you wanted
       | to know what programming as a game would look like, play
       | Factorio. Refactoring, decoupling, debugging, it's all there. I
       | played it intensely for 3 weeks then had to force myself to put
       | it down. It's a one of a kind game.
       (page generated 2023-07-02 23:00 UTC)