[HN Gopher] Sleeping through the technical interview (2022)
       Sleeping through the technical interview (2022)
       Author : xena
       Score  : 125 points
       Date   : 2023-07-07 17:46 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (xeiaso.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (xeiaso.net)
       | bmacho wrote:
       | Computer sorts require at least linear time, as you need to read
       | the input (if you don't know other things about the input, say it
       | has an uniform distribution). There are several linear time
       | sorts, sleepsort, postman sort, counting sort. (For a bounded set
       | of numbers or sortable keys.)
       | But there is an (almost) truly constant time sort, using an
       | abacus instead of a computer:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bead_sort
         | taeric wrote:
         | Sorting networks are a thing. I don't think it really changes
         | your point, of course. :D
       | enriquto wrote:
       | This blog has nice stories, but what really does it for me are
       | the cute interjections using random conlangs. Here it was a well-
       | known one, but I recall having seen some toki pona another day
       | (can't find it now).
       | humbleharbinger wrote:
       | Very cool but will the threads necessarily wake up
       | deterministically? One may wake up before another but not get cpu
       | before it correct? (forgive me if I'm misunderstanding the code)
         | colanderman wrote:
         | Yes, the algorithm suffers from a race condition. Time is not a
         | synchronization primitive.
           | greiskul wrote:
           | Yup. If we are being pedantic, and I am sure the author of
           | this loves being pedantic, any number of factors could cause
           | this algorithm to be incorrect. Put it in a slow enough cpu
           | for instance, and it will output the wrong answer.
           | And correctness is the single most important part of an
           | algorithm. We can do any problem in constant time if we don't
           | mind our answers are not correct.
             | MPSimmons wrote:
             | return(4)
       | [deleted]
       | xena wrote:
       | Hey all! If you like this, there's a sequel of sorts in Protos:
       | https://xeiaso.net/blog/protos
       | I'm working on more stories in this "universe" but it takes a
       | while for the satire juice to build up. Maybe the next one will
       | be on spatial computing.
       | fb03 wrote:
       | Super interesting on the sleepsort thing, amazing stuff! But for
       | some reason, the tone and the excessive acrobatics/"bragging"
       | kind of get the best of the article away for me.
       | Okay, if the interviewer had properly done _5 minutes_ of
       | research on this candidate, they would know know that the
       | candidate is  "way over their pay grade". I found all that dance
       | that the article author did a little bit... unnecessary? Kind of
       | how killer whales play with their prey before the kill. Overkill.
       | Sorry, my answer probably isn't productive, I am merely sharing
       | how I felt after reading it.
       | I am now off to educate myself on SleepSort :-)
         | wahahah wrote:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2657277
         | Archive (slightly NSFW text)
         | https://archive.tinychan.net/read/prog/1295544154
       | Arnavion wrote:
       | Actually, if the thread runtime maintains its own concept of
       | time, the algorithm doesn't even need to sleep in real time. Once
       | all the threads have been created, the thread runtime can notice
       | that all threads are idle and that the next thread to be
       | scheduled is the one at time N, so it can simply update the
       | current time to N and start executing that thread. Repeat for
       | each thread and you'll have your sorted array out without any
       | sleeps.
       | After all, all the sorting work was already done when the threads
       | _started sleeping_ , having registered themselves with the
       | orchestrator (timer wheel etc) that will eventually wake them up.
       | Actually performing the sleep is not necessary.
       | I don't know about Haskell, but with Rust the tokio runtime lets
       | you do this using start_paused (
       | https://docs.rs/tokio/latest/tokio/runtime/struct.Builder.ht... )
         | tikhonj wrote:
         | My understanding is that this is basically how discrete-event
         | simulations work under the hood. You have a frontier of future
         | events in an appropriate data structure (say, a heap) and then
         | alternate between adding future events into the heap and
         | pulling the next event off the heap.
         | So, modulo several layers of abstraction and a bunch of
         | implementation details I'm glossing over, using a scheduler
         | like this to sort values is just a heapsort :)
         | johnday wrote:
         | _Actually_ , if you start working out which one is the next to
         | run, you have reinvented selection-sort and you are no longer
         | linear time. (Hence why this is not a sensible sorting
         | algorithm in reality :) )
           | Arnavion wrote:
           | Which is why I wrote:
           | >After all, all the sorting work was already done when the
           | threads started sleeping, having registered themselves with
           | the orchestrator (timer wheel etc) that will eventually wake
           | them up.
       | hgomersall wrote:
       | It occurs to be that this might actually be a practical algorithm
       | on an FPGA. It would need a couple of refinements to handle
       | multiple of the same value, but for constrained length lists to
       | sort it could be a useful technique.
       | shae wrote:
       | I wasn't expecting lojban! "The drink of the gods"
         | colanderman wrote:
         | Esperanto, not lojban
       | barrenko wrote:
       | I used to think all this aphyr-like "jargon" about coding as
       | snatching stuff up from the void was a joke, nowadays I am not so
       | sure.
       | larperdoodle wrote:
       | I handed in an assignment in my C class in college that used this
       | algorithm for the sorting part of the assignment.
         | xena wrote:
         | That is incredible. What did the teacher say?
         | I actually got away with using SleepSort in an interview for my
         | current job. It got me the job.
       | draw_down wrote:
       | [dead]
       | mlazos wrote:
       | I mean, isn't spawning 1000 threads at least linear time? You
       | could get it to log maybe but I'm not sure that code does that
       | automatically.
         | bmacho wrote:
         | I don't think that sleepsort is any more constant time, than
         | any other sorting algorithm. For sleepsort to be constant time,
         | you must                  - have an upper bound on the input
         | (largest number)        - you must not count some arbitrary
         | things, like reading and processing the input, or spawning
         | threads
         | But if are allowed to do these things, all the other sorts will
         | became constant time. (I believe only one of them is enough.)
           | [deleted]
         | AshamedCaptain wrote:
         | Well they were indeed sleeping through the interview. Otherwise
         | I don't know how could one possibly claim that a program whose
         | first statement is a sequential loop over all values of the
         | input has "constant time" asymptotic complexity.
           | kadoban wrote:
           | As with everything in algorithm analysis, it depends on your
           | model of computation. That is, it depends what you're
           | counting.
           | For sorting (comparison sorts), one fairly typical model is
           | to just count how many comparisons you do. Which, this does
           | none (kind of, not really, they're really just implicit or
           | hidden in the OS).
           | It's just playing around with computational models, not a
           | serious proposal. It's either just a joke, a troll, or an
           | parable about the need to be careful about what metric you're
           | measuring. Or some combination of those.
         | jnwatson wrote:
         | It isn't really linear. Sleeping is a heap insertion which
         | takes O(log n).
           | bmacho wrote:
           | You still have to _read_ all the inputs at least, which is at
           | least linear time, in the size of the input.
             | QuadmasterXLII wrote:
             | Each sleep is log n for the heap insertion, so the overall
             | complexity is at least n log n
         | xena wrote:
         | Depends on what you mean by "time". Going by algorithmic
         | complexity time it's at least linear yes. Going by wall clock
         | time (the more important one for interview code) it's constant
         | time.
           | upon_drumhead wrote:
           | I don't understand how wall clock time is constant.
           | Sorting [5, 50] is faster wall time then [6, 60].
             | xena wrote:
             | The constant is the biggest number in the array
               | NotYourLawyer wrote:
               | If runtime depends on the input, it's not constant time.
               | addaon wrote:
               | It's constant with regards to the length of the input
               | array, which is the usual metric for sort algorithm
               | performance. That is, d(runtime)/d(len(input)) can be
               | constant, even though d(runtime)/d(max(input)) is not, if
               | you assume that len(input) is independent from max(input)
               | (which is inconsistent with input having uniformly
               | distributed random members, which is probably the more
               | common assumption).
               | recursive wrote:
               | It's constant with respect to the number of elements,
               | just not the maximum magnitude of those elements.
           | shimmy568 wrote:
           | The time to spawn the threads is just inconsequential
           | compared to the time to wait for the threads to exit for
           | small sizes of N. But by doubling the number of numbers to
           | sort you do double the time (actual wall clock time) that it
           | takes to spawn those threads. O(N + 10000000) is still O(N)
           | Not to mention for the OS to handle N threads would likely
           | take some kind of non-linear time, at least N^2 if I had to
           | take a shot in the dark. But I imagine it'd depend on the OS
           | and how the hardware handles interrupts. Even if the thread
           | is sleeping it still takes resources to schedule it
             | colanderman wrote:
             | Linux's CFS is O(log _N_ ) to insert; O(1) to switch tasks
             | ( _N_ being number of threads). [1] So O( _N_ log _N_ ) it
             | seems.
             | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Completely_Fair_Scheduler
             | #Algo...
       | 29athrowaway wrote:
       | Sleep sort is a meme.
       | If you pick a small unit of time you can make it faster but if
       | the values are sparsely distributed it gets slower.
         | [deleted]
       | Paul_S wrote:
       | Sleep sort - invented by 4chan.
       | The rest of the short story also reads like it came straight from
       | r9k
       | sleep_sort_ wrote:
       | sleep sort originated in /prog/ [0] . There's quite a few HN
       | lurkers that were active in the sleep sort thread. Perhaps xena
       | is also one of them? :)
       | [0]
       | https://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/fall13/cos226/l...
       | autumn-antlers wrote:
       | I keep a list of these sorts of creative-writing-programming
       | posts here[1] (forgive the bare and broken theme, i dont actually
       | post so work on the site has not been started, let alone
       | finished)
       | please let me know if you have any suggestions thet might fit in,
       | and I'd be glad to even include less mystical folklore like the
       | story of mel but clearly have a theme goin here
       | 1: https://www.illucid.net/posts/homages-to-aphyrs-technical-
       | in...
         | xena wrote:
         | I have another one here but it's not very good:
         | https://xeiaso.net/blog/voiding-the-interview-2017-04-16
       | thatcherc wrote:
       | As the author notes, this is very much in the style of the
       | aphyr's Interview series of stories like "Rewriting the Technical
       | Interview" - [0] - which are all great reads as well.
       | [0] - https://aphyr.com/posts/353-rewriting-the-technical-
       | intervie...
         | lvncelot wrote:
         | I never fail to re-read the entire series when it's brought up
         | and will do so right now.
         | metadaemon wrote:
         | I was going to link to this as it immediately rang similar in
         | my mind!
         | AceJohnny2 wrote:
         | In a very different writing style, but also mocking the
         | technical interview: "Fizzbuzz in Tensorflow" (2016)
         | https://joelgrus.com/2016/05/23/fizz-buzz-in-tensorflow/
         | To whet your appetite:
         | > interviewer: Um, you understand the problem is fizzbuzz,
         | right?
         | > me: Do I ever. So, now let's talk models. I'm thinking a
         | simple multi-layer-perceptron with one hidden layer.
       (page generated 2023-07-07 23:00 UTC)