[HN Gopher] Tech debt metaphor maximalism
       Tech debt metaphor maximalism
       Author : xena
       Score  : 99 points
       Date   : 2023-07-07 17:46 UTC (5 hours ago)
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       | c-linkage wrote:
       | My problem with the entire technical debt metaphor is that the
       | interest payments are invisible.
       | On an accounting sheet I can see my interest rate and how much
       | I'm paying monthly and make decisions. With technical debt, it's
       | all about people time, and people time is a sunk cost to your
       | finance department.
         | smif wrote:
         | I think this is close, but I'd go even further and say that the
         | problem is that with real debt anyone can see the money in
         | black and white, they require no special training to be able to
         | understand real debt and read the numbers off an account
         | summary. There's not much room for interpretation there.
         | With tech debt, you can ask several engineers and get very
         | different answers about how much tech debt there is on a
         | particular project. It's not well defined, subject to
         | interpretation, and so doesn't fit well with management wanting
         | quantify the objective value of doing something. I think this
         | is the real reason it's often disregarded.
         | It requires a degree of trust from management to the engineers
         | to properly address, and that trust can be abused. All sides
         | are aware of this and I'm sure I'm not the only one that has
         | used tech debt as an excuse for some minor padding here and
         | there.
       | Thrio499 wrote:
       | It is very exact text, but it is missing basic point:
       | People who develop and manage the code, most likely do not own
       | the debt. Code (and technical debt) belongs to stock holders. And
       | there is a huge separation from developers and management.
       | wpietri wrote:
       | This is a nice but very long exploration of the tech debt
       | metaphor, raising several excellent points. I especially like
       | comparing it with the business uses of actual debt.
       | The only thing I think I'd add to it is that like actual debt, a
       | lot of people do not behave sensibly with tech debt. One of my
       | big tests in any new job is the first time a product manager
       | wants to put something on credit. E.g., "We have to add feature X
       | right now so we can land a big client. Can we cut corners to get
       | this out the door? We'll sort out the mess later."
       | Despite things like this making my eyelid twitch, I'll always
       | tell a new product manager yes the first time they ask this. But
       | then I watch carefully to see if they're conscientious about
       | paying down the debt. Some of them are great about it,
       | prioritizing the deferred work. Others, though, always have a
       | next emergency. But in my view if it's always an emergency it
       | never is, and so I never again trust them with the tech-debt
       | credit card.
         | automatic6131 wrote:
         | Tbh, cutting corners to land new revenue, if it's sufficiently
         | big, sounds like the prime reason to take on tech debt. It's
         | arguably just like a loan to make a new factory line to expand
         | production for new sales or whatever.
         | For sure, if it's a small client or far from a sure thing, then
         | yeah it's bad. Like anything, a judgement call about where the
         | cost benefit ratio lies.
       | littlestymaar wrote:
       | One very similarly finance-oriented comparison that I like to
       | make is that every line code is a liability, in the financial
       | sense of that word[1]: that's what's on the right side of your
       | balance sheet, which enables your assets: that is _your product_.
       | Like there are many ways to finance your business, there are many
       | ways to make the same product, from coding it from scratch
       | yourself (which ranges from "from quick and dirty" to "using
       | formal methods") to customizing a open-source foundation, or even
       | a third party's white-label product. Which one is better
       | completely depends on the situation (like with equity vs debt).
       | [1]:in finance, "liability" isn't "bad", debt is a liability, but
       | so is equity, and even profit is a liability!
       | twic wrote:
       | Debt works like this:
       | 1. you take on debt to get hold of some cash
       | 2. at some point, you ought to repay the debt by giving up the
       | same amount of cash
       | 3. until you do, you have to spend a steady trickle of cash
       | servicing the debt
       | In the technical debt metaphor, cash stands for development
       | effort. But:
       | 1. taking on technical debt doesn't give you a load of
       | development effort out of nowhere (i suppose you could say that
       | shipping what should be a three week feature in two weeks is like
       | getting a week of effort from nowhere, but that seems dubious to
       | me - you haven't shipped the same feature!)
       | 2. repaying technical debt generally takes more work than it
       | saved, because by the time you repay it, it's infected other code
       | that was written afterwards BUT sometimes you end up being able
       | to delete the whole thing, because the feature was retired or
       | fundamentally rewritten, in which case you don't need to repay it
       | at all!
       | 3. sometimes, existing technical debt requires no extra work at
       | all (if it's in a part of the codebase you aren't touching), but
       | if it does, it's not a constant amount, it's proportional to the
       | amount of work you are doing on that code
       | So it doesn't seem like a brilliant metaphor, really.
       | Perhaps it's more like cleaning your bike chain after a ride
       | through the mud. If you don't do it, it saves you some time
       | today. But every time you ride your bike again, it's more effort
       | to pedal, and it's wearing your chain out faster.
       | xyzzy4747 wrote:
       | Good engineers don't create as much tech debt in the first place,
       | or if they do it's straight-forward code that's relatively easy
       | to refactor. The #1 fix to prevent most serious tech debt and
       | also get features done quickly is the quality of your engineers
       | (or yourself if you're the one coding). Someone knowledgeable
       | with several completed projects and up-to-date knowledge should
       | create the codebase.
       | Also it depends a lot on what stage your project is in. If you
       | have zero customers or money coming in, your focus should be on
       | creating a working product and getting customers. That means zero
       | tests for now, just a working product. It will also more quickly
       | validate if you're working on the right thing or not, or if you
       | need to pivot.
       | One problem I see is when engineers want to solve the tech debt
       | problem before even proving the product should exist. No, first
       | establish the demand, get real cash flow, then start focusing on
       | tech debt.
       | If you are an entrepreneur then tech debt is literally the last
       | of your concerns. If you grow enough where it is then it's a good
       | problem to have - the biggest problem is typically not enough
       | customers, not too much tech debt.
       | On the other hand if you are working at Google, and know for a
       | fact thousands or millions of people will use your code, then you
       | should "lock it down" right at the beginning, have all the
       | testing upfront, good documentation, etc.
       | twic wrote:
       | There's a classic Steve Freeman joint, "bad code isn't technical
       | debt, it's an unhedged call option":
       | https://www.infoq.com/news/2014/12/call-options-bad-code/
         | klysm wrote:
         | And that margin call might come at a bad time
       | sonofhans wrote:
       | I worked with Ward Cunningham for about a year, and he said once
       | that he regretted coining the phrase "technical debt." He said it
       | allowed people to think of the debt in a bottomless way: once
       | you've accumulated some, why not a little more? After all, the
       | first little bit didn't hurt us, did it?
       | The end result of this thinking is the feature factory, where a
       | company only ever builds new features, usually to attract new
       | customers. Necessary refactors are called "tech debt" and left to
       | pile up. Yes, this is just another view of bad management, but
       | still, Ward thought that the metaphor afforded it too easily.
       | He said he wished instead that he'd coined "opportunity," as in,
       | producing or consuming it. Good practices produce opportunity.
       | Opportunity can then be consumed in order to meet certain short-
       | term goals.
       | So it flips the baseline. Rather than having a baseline of
       | quality then dipping below it into tech debt, you'd produce
       | opportunity to put you above the baseline. Once you have this
       | opportunity, you consume it to get back to baseline but not
       | below.
       | I'm not convinced that the concept phrased thus would have the
       | same traction. Still, I love this way of looking at it, like I
       | love much of Ward's POV on the world.
         | dasil003 wrote:
         | Totally agree with that, but I don't think regret is warranted.
         | The power of "technical debt" is that it was actually catchy
         | enough to get a foothold with the MBAs and pointy hairs. That
         | alone is a victory. Any sufficiently good idea with a catchy
         | meme is subject to cargo culting and abuse. We need look no
         | further than The Agile Manifesto to see how thoroughly any
         | well-summarized wisdom, drawn from a well of deep expertise,
         | lovingly word-smithed with the utmost clarity, can be abused
         | and twisted into a hideous monstrosity that is, in fact, the
         | complete opposite of the original intent.
         | lumost wrote:
         | I've also found that the term can be used to describe anything.
         | Some folks would think of anything that isn't "shiny new
         | framework" as tech debt. Some folks think of unsupported
         | features as tech debt. Some folks think that the 2 million line
         | monolithic code base producing billions of profit per year is
         | tech debt.
         | After seeing a few too many tech debt reduction programs yield
         | even more tech debt than they started with... I simply don't
         | buy retrospective arguments any more. Decide what is
         | acceptable/unacceptable at design time, don't strangle yourself
         | on it after the fact.
           | wpietri wrote:
           | Sorry, but I don't understand this. Tech debt it any mess
           | that makes it harder to improve the product. You have to pay
           | cost without getting any new value; the benefit for the cost
           | was received previously. People may misuse the term, but it
           | has a pretty clear meaning.
           | I also don't understand what "design time" could mean these
           | days. 30 years ago, when release cycles were 18-36 months, it
           | was a real thing. But now? With modern release cadences, we
           | are always designing the system. Which is great, because the
           | quality of design is limited by our knowledge, and our
           | knowledge increases over time. Setting our standards early on
           | in a project, when we're most ignorant, guarantees we'll be
           | setting the bar wrong.
             | pydry wrote:
             | I get it. People feel the pain correctly but decide the
             | solution is some combination of write everything in shiny
             | new framework and start linting more strictly.
             | lumost wrote:
             | > Setting our standards early on in a project, when we're
             | most ignorant, guarantees we'll be setting the bar wrong.
             | This seems like an artificial constraint, there are obvious
             | basics such as
             | - Code should be reviewed by N people
             | - Testing should cover X core workflows/Y branches etc.
             | - Dev environments should be creatable in X
             | minutes/hours/days
             | - The system should perform specific tasks (if you don't
             | know what these are, then coding the system may or may not
             | be the best use of time)
             | - The system should support Y TPS at Z cost (all systems
             | have a maximum scale, estimate the scale that is required).
             | - Design should be signed off on by Y people, where Y may
             | be 1 person in a small team.
             | etc. You can find the right set of constraints for your
             | domain. However a system not doing something it wasn't
             | designed for isn't really tech debt in my opinion, it's
             | just a new use case which needs to be built for.
         | divbzero wrote:
         | Sticking with the balance sheet analogy, the phrase would be
         | "technical asset".
           | CSMastermind wrote:
           | I've always used the phrase "technical wealth" to explain the
           | opposite of technical debt.
           | But I agree your term works a little better since you can
           | have both assets and liabilities and ideally you want to be
           | wealthy not indebted.
         | m463 wrote:
         | Don't forget people use ambiguity as a tool all the time.
         | Politicians use words like "justice" or "freedom" to create
         | common ground with little controversy even when they define the
         | term in a way diametrically opposed to their constituents.
         | I think it can be the same with "tech debt".
         | I have a friend who figures when he sells his house it will be
         | a tear-down, so he has all kinds of "house tech debt" that he
         | just manages to live with until he literally moves on. it
         | basically means "I don't care about fixing that" or "I'm not
         | going to fix that ever".
         | brianpan wrote:
         | * * *
         | commandlinefan wrote:
         | Another problem with the analogy is that you can meaningfully
         | make a $0.01 payment on your debt. You can pick any arbitrary
         | percentage of your debt and pay it off right now, if you have
         | the money to do so. Programming tasks are not only more
         | (unpredictably) quantized than that, they're usually Sisyphean:
         | if you do a little but don't finish, you've wasted the time you
         | spent because the boulder rolls back down as soon as you stop
         | pushing.
           | xedrac wrote:
           | That is a good point. Tech debt is often, but not always,
           | harder to pay back in small amounts.
         | JJMcJ wrote:
         | Enough technical debt and your project is on "technical payday
         | loans". I've worked on such projects and it's no fun.
           | [deleted]
         | marcosdumay wrote:
         | > The end result of this thinking is the feature factory
         | I'm not sure how relevant this is, but a feature factory is the
         | result of people contracting software development, and
         | measuring it by features; nothing more.
         | Any other characteristic is a consequence, not a cause.
           | vinibrito wrote:
           | You just expanded my mind with that today. Well, so we can
           | raise above the status quo, how else would development be
           | contracted?
             | Jtsummers wrote:
             | Include in the contract "non-functional" requirements (the
             | distinction can be fuzzy with a good case to put some
             | requirement in both categories, but it's a useful
             | distinction nonetheless). These are things like how stable
             | it is (uptime requirements, perhaps), how secure it is. How
             | quickly can a new feature be delivered? This lets you
             | require an organizational capability, but not a system
             | feature capability. If it takes your contractor 6 months to
             | deliver an update with a color change to a page background,
             | something is wrong. Require more responsiveness, but also
             | offer more responsiveness on your side (like if you have a
             | QA/test team responsible for final sign-off or to answer
             | clarification questions, etc.).
             | You don't want to mandate their internal processes, at that
             | point they're not contractors they're your employees and
             | you are essentially taking over their management.
             | EDIT: Grammar
             | spacebanana7 wrote:
             | Any delegation of work from one person to another involves
             | a loss of context and distorts incentives. The only way out
             | entirely is to build your own software to solve your own
             | problems.
             | See the principal agent problem in economics.
             | Unfortunately subsistence software engineering isn't a
             | viable profession because the productive capacity of a
             | single engineer is limited. And we occasionally need
             | physical stuff like food/water.
             | marcosdumay wrote:
             | I am wary of formal offshoring of development at all.
             | Contractors can solve a few problems for small companies
             | when they are also small and you have a trusting long term
             | relationship. On any other context, contracting seems to
             | always fail.
             | But the specific format of specifying the software,
             | contract it away, and pay for feature size leads to the
             | specific kind of failure that we call "feature factory".
         | NoMoreNicksLeft wrote:
         | > I worked with Ward Cunningham for about a year, and he said
         | once that he regretted coining the phrase "technical debt." He
         | said it allowed people to think of the debt in a bottomless
         | way: once you've accumulated some, why not a little more? After
         | all, the first little bit didn't hurt us, did it?
         | I suspect that at the foundational level of this metaphor, the
         | true problem is that some/most people treat financial debt the
         | same, until they're evicted and the car has been repossessed
         | and they've got a warrant out for their failure to show in
         | court.
         | I want to be wrong about that. Someone tell me I'm wrong.
       (page generated 2023-07-07 23:00 UTC)