[HN Gopher] Meta releases Intermediate Graphics Library
       Meta releases Intermediate Graphics Library
       Author : pjmlp
       Score  : 264 points
       Date   : 2023-07-07 17:49 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.khronos.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.khronos.org)
       | Keyframe wrote:
       | so is this C++ only, no C?
       | Buttons840 wrote:
       | Is this a 1.0 release? Can we expect API stability?
       | ArtWomb wrote:
       | Thnx Meta! This is so cool that it's like a high-level Khronos
       | release. #1 priority is I believe getting USD / Hydra rendering
       | to WASM targets for browser use. But in the meantime, ray tracing
       | doom ii summer of fun! ;)
       | Also, TIL the Meta Quest 2 is running Android 12L??
       | jchw wrote:
       | Interesting. Since it does not include windowing integration at
       | all, it looks like you pretty much have to do the glue for each
       | platform you support. This isn't too bad, but it could be better
       | with adapters for common choices for windowing and context
       | management (SDL, GLFW, etc.) Speaking of which, it seems the
       | Linux path assumes X11 for now. Wonder if EGL/Wayland works at
       | all at the moment, but I'm not at a desktop computer to give it a
       | shot.
       | That said, all of this is relatively mundane, at the end of the
       | day. I'm curious to try it out and see how the
       | ergonomics/performance is. It honestly doesn't look too bad and
       | it's kind of a good sign that a large amount of the triangle
       | example is just windowing, because the actual rendering is
       | relatively simple and succinct for a modern graphics API. I'd
       | like to have an adapter for SDL2/3 and support for Wayland on
       | Linux but otherwise it looks promising. Compared to other
       | abstraction layers (like bgfx) it appears a bit more forward-
       | thinking in some superficial regards at the very least. (Seeing a
       | command queue abstraction in hello world makes me hopeful,
       | anyways.)
       | Buttons840 wrote:
       | I love the initial commit message: (tsuVVV)tsu IGL [?](*. *[?])
         | kvathupo wrote:
         | Another cheeky comment from Meta devs: The location for
         | pytorch's git repo is listed as "where the eigens are valued" :
         | ^)
           | tnecniv wrote:
           | That raises the question of where they are vectored, though!
       | [deleted]
       | gjstein wrote:
       | What sort of Docker support will this have? I have a very shaky
       | setup right now to run Unity headless that requires OpenGL and
       | VirtualGL. It feels like that pipeline won't work forever and am
       | looking for alternatives.
         | dagmx wrote:
         | This wouldn't help you since Unity wouldn't target it.
         | Unless you were to switch to a homegrown solution that would
         | make use of this
       | stevebmark wrote:
       | They claim to support WebGL as a compile target, it seems like a
       | pretty big missed opportunity that all of their demos don't link
       | to in-browser WebGL running examples!
         | TheRealPomax wrote:
         | To be fair, we don't want WebGL anymore, we want WebGPU now =P
           | Waterluvian wrote:
           | Speak for yourself. I'm preparing for WebGFX. Need to stay
           | ahead of the curve.
             | dqft wrote:
             | I prefer the minimalist WebG approach.
               | gAI wrote:
               | I like HTML. Wait, what are we talking about?
               | Waterluvian wrote:
               | Tangent you got me thinking about:
               | HTML clicked for me one day when I mentally decoupled the
               | hypertext from the actual browser rendering. So many of
               | us think HTML and imagine the point is to render a
               | webpage. But HTML describes the semantics, topology, and
               | content of a document. It's 100% valid to "render" HTML
               | in some other format like a PDF or an mp3.
               | turtleyacht wrote:
               | Is it kind of a compromise then to "tag" HTML with
               | classes for CSS?
               | CSS doing the "rendering," like laying out mobile-
               | responsive versus desktop.
               | I wonder how we would separate out explicit class names
               | from HTML, unless the tags themselves are <custom-names
               | />. (Micro frontends & web components?)
               | Then it sort of works out nicely, I think.
               | TheRealPomax wrote:
               | HTML is the semantics, CSS is the styling, but you need
               | both. Which is why browsers come with default CSS (which
               | you can unset) for everything. You get the element tag to
               | say "what it is", and you get the CSS classes to say
               | "what visual rules to apply".
               | abathur wrote:
               | This is mostly true, but the asterisks cause a little
               | chaos.
               | > HTML is the semantics ... the element tag to say "what
               | it is"
               | Maybe this is best framed as a perspective thing.
               | "Semantic HTML" is about HTML authors using HTML elements
               | in a way that is consistent with the definitions laid out
               | in the specs. These definitions try to specify element
               | semantics because user agents want to be able to do less-
               | dumb things (things that don't work as well if HTML
               | authors are constantly abusing tags for some
               | presentational effect even though the semantics are weird
               | or wrong).
               | The main consequence of this is that tag semantics (from
               | the UA's perspective) won't always square with what the
               | author assumes it means unless they go study the spec.
               | For example, it's probably not hard to go find cases
               | where the <address> tag is used for the obvious thing
               | from the author's perspective: marking up addresses. The
               | spec, however, explicitly contradicts this surface-level
               | reading:
               | https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/sections.html#the-
               | add... (i.e., it can be "correct" for pages to contain a
               | mix of addresses that do and don't have the address tag.)
               | abathur wrote:
               | We also have a lot of tooling that invites semantic abuse
               | for presentational effect (i.e., using markdown
               | blockquotes as notes, and even the fancy behavior
               | browsers attach to the <details> element).
               | Waterluvian wrote:
               | It's a purity question. You can assign any attributes you
               | want to an element. And some of them are formalized in
               | various ways.
               | gAI wrote:
               | I'm hoping we see a move to allow the rendering of the
               | webpage to be entirely up to the users. Just provide the
               | data, and let me decide how I want to interact with it.
               | But that would ruin SEO and Ads, so we're gonna get in a
               | buncha legal battles about web scrapers instead.
               | joshspankit wrote:
               | By then AI will have disrupted the ad-revenue model so
               | fingers crossed we get the clean data!
               | Waterluvian wrote:
               | "Reader Mode" is a successful example. I'm actually
               | shocked it exists because of how it impedes the things
               | you mention.
               | zokier wrote:
               | But reader mode is mostly bunch of heuristics with tons
               | of ad-hoc special cases and hacks instead of relying
               | documents to be well-structured. So in many ways it is
               | the opposite of successful example.
               | https://github.com/mozilla/readability/blob/main/Readabil
               | ity...
               | Waterluvian wrote:
               | Oh true. Which kind of demonstrates the penalty for
               | abusing HTML so much that it's no-longer semantically
               | reliable.
               | zokier wrote:
               | How long can it be called abuse if it is how html has
               | been used like almost entirety of its lifetime.
             | WrtCdEvrydy wrote:
             | WebRTX by Nvidia?
           | nwoli wrote:
           | WebGPU will take ages and ages to be fully usable across all
           | platforms (eg old androids)
           | smolder wrote:
           | Taking your comment too seriously... Webgl is the more
           | ubiquitous target, so I'd still prefer that when it's
           | sufficient.
           | astlouis44 wrote:
           | Any game/3D developers here be interested in
           | WebGPU/WebAssembly support for Unreal Engine 5? Along with an
           | asynchronous asset loading system, for dynamic fetching of
           | assets at runtime.
             | omeze wrote:
             | The asset stuff is the bottleneck here isnt it? We need
             | browsers that support cacheing assets that are gigs in size
               | astlouis44 wrote:
               | Asset delivery is one of the key aspects, no doubt. Keep
               | in mind that today, browsers support up to 4GB at the
               | moment - but that is a limitation that won't be an issue
               | eventually, and when it's lifted it will allow whatever
               | local storage the user's client hardware has to be
               | leveraged. This would enable AA and AAA desktop/console
               | games on the web.
         | zokier wrote:
         | I guess website is still wip, the docs definitely seem pretty
         | spartan atm
       | shmerl wrote:
       | Vulkan is supported.
       | tmccrary55 wrote:
       | Holy fuck that triangle renderer hello world example lol
       | tambourine_man wrote:
       | No mention of Metal
         | [deleted]
         | comex wrote:
         | IGL does support Metal, according to the README which is linked
         | at one point.
         | mknapper1 wrote:
         | Metal is supported, it's mentioned in the GitHub readme.
         | https://github.com/facebook/igl
           | topspin wrote:
           | "IGL is designed to support multiple backends implemented on
           | top of various graphics APIs (e.g. OpenGL, _Metal_ and
           | Vulkan) with a common interface. "
           | jauntywundrkind wrote:
           | It's a Khronos press release so not carrying water for the
           | opposing proprietary closed system makes sense. I wouldn't
           | mention that other thing either.
         | [deleted]
         | jwpalmer6 wrote:
         | Supported platforms from the repo README:                 -
         | Metal 2+       - OpenGL 2.x (requires
         | GL_ARB_framebuffer_object)       - OpenGL 3.1+       - OpenGL
         | ES 2.0+       - Vulkan 1.1 (requires
         | VK_KHR_buffer_device_address and VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing)
         | - WebGL 2.0
           | tambourine_man wrote:
           | But not in the linked article.
           | "It supports various graphics APIs, such as OpenGL(r), OpenGL
           | ES(tm), WebGL(tm), and Vulkan(r)"
           | Seems strange that's missing from one and showing in the
           | other.
         | zer0zzz wrote:
         | It supports Metal. In fact Metal is probably one of the reasons
         | they built an adapter like this in the first place since GL
         | became less of a supported thing on Darwin.
       | pyrolistical wrote:
       | Similar to https://dawn.googlesource.com/dawn in the sense that
       | both are solving the cross platform problem. But Facebook is
       | solving it at a higher level of abstraction
       | ironhaven wrote:
       | I hope this is a easy to use high level library that wraps Vulkan
       | apis. That would help solve one big complaint that Vulkan is too
       | low level for normal programmers.
       | max_ wrote:
       | How does this compare to Google's filament? [0]
       | [0]: https://github.com/google/filament
         | marcinignac wrote:
         | Filement is full blown renderer (with shadows, advanced
         | materials, effects like transparency, postprocessing) with
         | platform abstractions. IGL has only the platform abstractions
         | and the rest is left as an exercise for the reader.
       | chmod775 wrote:
       | That scene that says "Copyright (c)Meta" is actually a CC-BY
       | scene from Amazon Lumberyard.[1]
       | I'm not sure rendering it entitles you to slap your own copyright
       | notice on it while disrespecting the CC-BY. Further, the
       | interface shown is just plain ImGui. That'd be as if I made an
       | image viewer using off-the-shelf parts, displayed some other
       | artist's work in it, then pretended I own the copyright to what
       | my software now displays.
       | Obviously I don't. The very purpose of this software and image
       | viewers alike is to display _other people 's work_. What Meta
       | owns is software, not the output it may produce.
       | These corporations are way too eager to slap their copyright
       | notices on everything. It's definitely not a harmless mistake
       | when those same corporations own literal armies of lawyers who
       | protect their employer's "interests" while not necessarily
       | understanding processes happening in other parts of the company.
       | In general anyhow. In this case it's luckily just Goliath vs.
       | Goliath and not some poor indie developer getting shafted and
       | robbed of credit.
       | [1] https://developer.nvidia.com/orca/amazon-lumberyard-bistro
         | zokier wrote:
         | A rendering of a scene definitely is a work of its own has its
         | own copyright, which is held by Meta. The scene is also
         | attributed in the github repo license[1]. So the only problem
         | here is that the _Khronos_ post is missing the attribution.
           | didntcheck wrote:
           | I wouldn't be so certain. Under US law that may be false due
           | to it lacking originality. For example, a photograph of a
           | public domain painting is itself considered public domain
           | [1]. This is not the same in all countries though, e.g. not
           | the UK [2]
           | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridgeman_Art_Library_v._Co
           | rel....
           | [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Portrait_Gallery_a
           | nd_...
       | nu11ptr wrote:
       | Any ideas why it excluded Direct3D as a target? It seems to be
       | the only omission. Or is OpenGL/Vulkan support sufficient to
       | cover Windows perhaps?
         | edflsafoiewq wrote:
         | Probably. The OpenGL ES support also seems to use Google's
         | Angle, which can target DirectX.
       | genmud wrote:
       | Not trying to shit on anyone, but that screenshot reminds me of
       | 1990s/early 2000's games. I'm sure there has been a ton of work
       | that went into it, but having some better textures or
       | highlighting the usability would go a long way.
       | Just based on the screenshot, I am not sure that I would even
       | bother to dig too deeply into the library.
         | fsloth wrote:
         | "Just based on the screenshot, I am not sure that I would even
         | bother to dig too deeply into the library."
         | Adding any PBR materials as samples would have been the wrong
         | choice, since those are _not_ hardware or graphics api
         | dependent, and are always for the implementor to implment by
         | themselves.
         | You don't _want_ a graphics api to look nice at this
         | abstraction level.
         | You get access to device resources, shader API etc.
         | Once you get triangles in, it's up to you to make it nice using
         | the shaders you write - materials and GI model of your choice.
           | Animats wrote:
           | > Adding any PBR materials as samples would have been the
           | wrong choice, since those are not hardware or graphics api
           | dependent, and are always for the implementor to implment by
           | themselves.
           | That "bistro" image is all PBR materials, represented in
           | glTF. It's supposed to look the same for all standards-
           | compliant glTF renderers, and it pretty much does. I posted
           | the same scene in another renderer above. It's a brightly
           | sunlit scene with no environment shaders, so it looks rather
           | blah. glTF and Vulkan can do more than that, but this is all
           | the test example asked for.
             | n42 wrote:
             | the bistro: https://developer.nvidia.com/orca/amazon-
             | lumberyard-bistro
         | AtNightWeCode wrote:
         | You are too kind. Mid to late 90s game. What is up with those
         | shadows. I have written a 3D-engine with better image quality
         | than this like 20 years ago.
         | At least it is not a teapot.
           | nomel wrote:
           | > I have written a 3D-engine with better image quality than
           | this like 20 years ago.
           | Well good news, it's not a 3d engine at all! It's a nice
           | common API to cover all the existing graphics APIs.
         | PartiallyTyped wrote:
         | It's not texture, it's the lighting, it makes it feel very
         | flat, especially when contrasting with RTX'd stuff which we all
         | have in memory to some degree.
         | jayd16 wrote:
         | For better or worse, these graphics API shots are not the place
         | to show cool shaders. SIGGRAPH papers are usually the same dry,
         | boring test scenes. It's just the culture of it.
         | whalesalad wrote:
         | Counter Strike 1.6 energy
           | nickpeterson wrote:
           | Let's go go go!
         | edflsafoiewq wrote:
         | Whether you like the textures has nothing to do with whether
         | the graphics library is any good.
           | andai wrote:
           | This is a great example of a principle I heard from
           | CoderFoundry: "People are visual buyers. If it looks good,
           | people assume the code is good."
           | IshKebab wrote:
           | Sure but it has everything to do with whether I can easily
           | _tell_ that it 's good.
         | wetpaws wrote:
         | [dead]
         | smoldesu wrote:
         | The original Vulkan Demos were butt ugly too. Then 2 or 3 years
         | later that super flashy DOOM remake went all-in on it and shut
         | everyone up for a while.
         | failuser wrote:
         | Now look at real 1990s/early 2000's screenshots. You memory is
         | deceiving you.
         | This screenshot is far from current AAA games, but there is no
         | way to render such a scene in a game made for 2000 hardware.
           | easytiger wrote:
           | _Half Life 2: Lost coast_ from 2005 might be a fair
           | comparison for this droll hypothetical
           | https://youtu.be/j-Iykz0gb7Q (video uploaded 2006)
           | carlosjobim wrote:
           | Unreal and Quake engines handled light and textures far
           | better than that.
           | CuriouslyC wrote:
           | Half life 2 had better looking cityscapes, so early 2000s is
           | accurate.
           | belthesar wrote:
           | It looks about on brand with the static renders used in a lot
           | of Final Fantasy games of the PS1 era, albeit with higher
           | pixel density of course, so I can see the resemblance. That
           | said, this is definitely doing it in engine, so while I can
           | see how the GP's memory palace built that memory, you're
           | definitely accurate that no game from that era was doing
           | graphics like this in-engine.
           | dudeinjapan wrote:
           | Pre-rendered their were. Vaguely reminds me of Myst or FF7
           | quality.
             | failuser wrote:
             | Pre-rendered? Sure. In-game? No. I think the art direction
             | is half of the problem here. You can place lighting much
             | better and the textures are lacking.
               | n42 wrote:
               | there is no "art direction" by Meta or the people working
               | on this project; this is a reference scene for PBR
               | pipelines.
               | https://developer.nvidia.com/orca/amazon-lumberyard-
               | bistro
               | failuser wrote:
               | You are right, the lighting makes the original scene look
               | worse.
         | ajkjk wrote:
         | I like it. It manages to be on the healthy side of the uncanny
         | valley, so as to feel more like an actual inhabitable world
         | instead of a disconcerting knock-off of the real world.
         | wlesieutre wrote:
         | The textures are ok, but the lighting is super flat. People are
         | used to games making at least some attempt at global
         | illumination, whether it's prebaked light maps, or faking it
         | with SSAO, or anything to not have surfaces be a totally
         | consistent brightness across the whole thing.
           | joeld42 wrote:
           | Your rendering API is not going to implement GI for you, and
           | having it in a sample app is kind of misleading, that's not
           | really the point. It's probably a mistake to include that as
           | a sample scene as it creates the impression that it's trying
           | to be a game engine. A few material spheres and test meshes
           | would probably be a better example.
             | wlesieutre wrote:
             | Agreed, just pointing out why parent commenter gets the
             | "1990s/early 2000's game" impression from the screenshot
         | n42 wrote:
         | the screenshot could/should probably be better, but that
         | doesn't mean the library is incapable of producing higher
         | quality renders. I haven't dug in, but I am assuming this is
         | basically Meta's WGPU. if so, these sorts of libraries are low
         | level libraries abstracting different platforms that can be
         | used to build high quality render pipelines on top of that can
         | run anywhere. you could build an N64 quality rendering pipeline
         | with little effort, or something rivaling AAA studios with a
         | lot more knowledge and effort.
         | I guess, to make a poor analogy, your comment is sort of like
         | looking at a still frame of a poorly shot movie and complaining
         | that the codec is shit.
           | captainmuon wrote:
           | The problem is, it _implies_ that the library isn 't capable
           | of higher quality. I could imagine maybe because it is a
           | lowest common denominator. Or because the Metaverse is not
           | focussing on high end graphics, as their previous releases
           | looked poor. Or maybe this is something like VML. Designed to
           | be fairly barebones and people would use it for museum
           | websites and educational tools but not for graphically
           | intense games.
             | n42 wrote:
             | I always see this idea on HN that a library, website,
             | framework should be marketing itself for mass appeal and
             | adoption.
             | this is made for people building rendering engines on top
             | of. if you are the software engineer with the knowledge
             | necessary to do that, the screenshot is probably not going
             | to influence you, because you understand what this is for.
             | if you aren't, why should they be marketing to you with eye
             | candy?
           | Animats wrote:
           | It does seem to be Meta's answer to WGPU.
           | The picture looks like they didn't have automatic
           | tonemapping, the rendering equivalent of auto exposure
           | control. So the picture is too dim. I brought it into a photo
           | editor, saw that the top third of the intensity space was
           | empty, used "Levels", and it looked much better.
           | That's a standard glTF test scene, called "bistro". Here's
           | the same scene, rendered with Rend3/WGPU.[1] Here's the
           | source code for that example.[2] Rend3 is a level above WGPU;
           | it deals with memory management and synchronization, so you
           | just create objects, materials, transforms, and textures,
           | then let the renderer do its thing. Rust handles the object
           | management via RAII - delete the object, and it drops out of
           | the scene.
           | Looking at Meta's examples, there are too many platform-
           | specific #ifdef lines. More than you need with WGPU. Probably
           | because WGPU is usually used with something like Winit, which
           | abstracts over different window systems.
           | We'll have to wait for user reports about performance. Meta
           | didn't show any video. Here's a test video of mine using
           | Rend3/WGPU on a town scene comparable to the "bistro"
           | demo.[3] This is a speed run, to test dynamic texture loading
           | and unloading while rendering. The WGPU people are still
           | working through lock conflicts in that area. The idea with
           | Vulkan land is that you should be able to load content while
           | rendering is in progress. For that to be useful, all the
           | layers above Vulkan also have to have their locking problems
           | hammered out. Most open source game engines don't do that
           | yet. Unreal Engine and Unity do, which is why you pay for
           | them for your AAA title.
           | [1] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BVE-
           | Reborn/rend3/trunk/exa...
           | [2] https://github.com/BVE-
           | Reborn/rend3/blob/trunk/examples/scen...
           | [3] https://video.hardlimit.com/w/sFPkECUxRUSxbKXRkCmjJK
             | dralley wrote:
             | Why does Meta _need_ an answer to WGPU? How does the
             | existence of WGPU create problems for them, and how does
             | this new thing solve problems that anyone else has with
             | WGPU?
             | This just feels like sour grapes about the fact that WGPU
             | excluded Khronos when it was developed, so Khronos wants
             | their own, with maybe a bit of promotion-driven development
             | on Meta's part.
             | n42 wrote:
             | hi John! you know a lot more about this stuff than I do. is
             | it possible they just haven't implemented a full PBR
             | pipeline for this demo/screenshot, or do you think this
             | (the differences in the two screenshots) is more an
             | indication of what would likely be areas for future
             | development?
               | Animats wrote:
               | They seem to have implemented everything that the
               | "bistro" scene calls for. I don't know if those hanging
               | colored lights emit light, though. Rend3/WGPU doesn't
               | handle large numbers of light sources yet. But you
               | wouldn't see them in daylight anyway, because this is
               | high dynamic range rendering, and, as in real life, those
               | light are dim relative to the sun.
               | Here's the same scene in Godot.[1] This was modified a
               | bit, and has accurate values for the lamp illumination.
               | So they are totally washed out by the sun.
               | And here it is in several other renderers, with a
               | video.[2]
               | The original scene was in .fbx, from Amazon's
               | "Lumberyard" project. [3] That project started as the
               | Crysis engine, was bought by Amazon, spun off as open
               | source, was renamed Open 3D Engine, and is still getting
               | Github changes, so it's not dead.
               | There are many open source game engines. Most of them get
               | stuck at "mostly works, not ready for prime time". That's
               | where the problems get hard and fixing them stops being
               | fun.
               | [1] https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/74965
               | [2] https://www.ronenbekerman.com/orca-amazon-lumberyard-
               | bistro/...
               | [3] https://developer.nvidia.com/orca/amazon-lumberyard-
               | bistro
               | [4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Lumberyard
       | bsaul wrote:
       | who would benefit from using this ? People building 3D engines
       | such as unity or unreal ?
       | digdugdirk wrote:
       | Darn, I opened the link and saw it was using Python. Sadly that
       | seems to just be for the install process, for whatever reason.
       | Does anyone have any recommendations for an intermediate graphics
       | library that uses Python and supports compiling your code to a
       | WebGL target?
       | I'm interested in exploring SDF functions in a parametric CAD
       | context, but coming from a Mechanical Engineering background. Not
       | having to learn a new programming language for a side curiosity
       | would be ideal.
         | bmitc wrote:
         | Python has wgpu wrappers. Why do you want to use Python though
         | for such a heavy graphics program?
           | digdugdirk wrote:
           | Purely because I already know it well enough to be semi-
           | dangerous. My day job is designing physical goods, I don't
           | have the time to learn anything new just to satisfy my
           | curiosity with signed distance fields.
       | joeld42 wrote:
       | If you're looking for something like this, Sokol is a much
       | simpler alternative:
       | https://github.com/floooh/sokol
       | It doesn't support vulkan though, but if that's important to you
       | you're probably much better off just using vulkan directly since
       | it's supported on all the major platforms.
         | KRAKRISMOTT wrote:
         | What about
         | https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu
         | It is written in Rust
           | xpe wrote:
           | wgpu is great and worth considering
           | Narishma wrote:
           | It seems to not support as many back-ends as IGL, for example
           | GL ES 2.0 and OpenGL 2.x.
         | bogwog wrote:
         | Sokol also provides a solution for shader cross-compilation
         | (https://github.com/floooh/sokol-
         | tools/blob/master/docs/sokol...), so you only need to write
         | your shaders once no matter if you're targeting OpenGL, Metal,
         | or DirectX.
         | There are other tools you could use out there with IGL, but
         | Sokol's solution streamlines the whole process.
       | j1br wrote:
       | what does intermediate graphics library mean?
         | [deleted]
       | s1mon wrote:
       | I think this may be useful, but part of me immediately thinks of
       | this XKCD about standards: https://xkcd.com/927/
       | MikeTheRocker wrote:
       | Oh neat! I used this when I worked at Meta about a year ago. It
       | didn't support Vulkan at the time, so it's great to see they
       | added that. It's nice that IGL abstracts the CPU-side code, but
       | you still end up writing shaders for each platform.
       | [deleted]
       | junon wrote:
       | Any reason this is better over BGFX?
       | kkukshtel wrote:
       | Having to do a lot of your own switching at the implementation
       | level seems annoying, I'm surprised there isn't a more simple API
       | on top of that to give you the correct impl directly.
       | tppiotrowski wrote:
       | Can someone explain the significance of this? I do WebGL
       | development and I believe there is already an intermediate layer
       | called Angle that WebGL compiles to. The Angle layer decouples
       | the hardware from the software and allows hardware vendors to
       | develop drivers that run Angle and shader languages to target
       | Angle without the two needing to know anything about each other.
       | (Not sure if that's right?)
       | This seems like another intermediate decoupling layer?
         | komadori wrote:
         | ANGLE is a portability layer for Windows which provides the
         | OpenGL API on top of DirectX, since Windows clients aren't
         | guaranteed to have good OpenGL drivers installed. WebGL is
         | itself closely related to OpenGL so it makes sense to build it
         | on top of that.
         | monocasa wrote:
         | Angle is ultimately a OpenGL|ES implementation on top of other
         | APIs since webgl is pretty close to GLES, but desktops don't
         | typically implement GLES.
         | This (IGL) is more a layer sitting on top between your app and
         | the system provides API since pretty much every system has a
         | different blessed API these days: Browser:WebGL/WebGPU,
         | Windows:DirectX/Vulkan, Mac:Metal, Linux/Android:Vulkan,
         | Consoles: Proprietary APIs like NVN/GNM/AGC/DX12 with a lot of
         | extensions.
         | Just about every major cross platform 3D graphics app/engine
         | has a layer like IGL, this just seems to be an attempt to make
         | Meta's a standard.
           | cobertos wrote:
           | So then the full stack for using IGL in browser (on Windows
           | at least) would be App Code -> IGL -> WebGL -> ANGLE ->
           | DirectX -> Hardware device?
           | Owie
       | hgs3 wrote:
       | I understand why WebGPU defined a new API since it's primarily
       | intended for web browsers, however, in this case why create a new
       | API? Why not implement the OpenGL API? Essentially this could
       | have been an OpenGL wrapper over the lower-level API's, e.g. over
       | Vulkan, Metal, and Direct3D 12.
       | OpenGL has the advantage of being an open standard. Did Meta need
       | custom behavior? If so, OpenGL already has a well-defined
       | extension mechanism.
         | hoten wrote:
         | I think for the same reason WebGPU did-there are tons of cruft
         | in the opengl API and it doesn't really represent how the
         | hardware works anymore.
         | nine_k wrote:
         | OpenGL is not the most straightforward, not the most compact,
         | not the most ergonomic, not the most modern API. It's one of
         | the most widespread though.
         | Meta produced this library not for the benefit of general
         | public. They produced it to make their own development easier
         | and faster, and internally they are unlikely to benefit from
         | OpenGL's ubiquity or backwards compatibility. Then they
         | _released_ the library for the benefit of general public. This
         | is very nice, thanks! But we are not the main target audience.
         | ozarker wrote:
         | Abstractions over the low level apis (opengl, directx, vulkan,
         | metal) have gotten a bit popular in recent years. I think some
         | driving forces behind it are inconsistent support of some apis
         | on some platforms (i.e. opengl on macos) and maybe also a
         | desire to support some of the newer apis (Vulkan or dx12)
         | without going all in due to their complexity/verbosity.
         | I've been playing with wgpu-rs, bgfx, and a couple others in
         | the past and they work pretty well for the most part. At this
         | point I think I'd still rather choose just Vulkan for a new
         | project though.
         | kevingadd wrote:
         | Nobody wants to use OpenGL these days, it's a miserable API
         | with 30 years of baggage and complex vendor-specific behavior
         | TOGoS wrote:
         | Edit: I misread your question, so responded with a link to this
         | article answering "why WebGPU":
         | https://cohost.org/mcc/post/1406157-i-want-to-talk-about-web...
         | It does seem like kind of a mess. Unlike WebGPU, though, it
         | doesn't sound like Meta's thing is much of an improvement.
         | [deleted]
       | vitaminka wrote:
       | trying to build this rn, and the download scripts has already
       | pulled like a gigabyte of dependencies wth
       | edit: it's already like 2 gb
       | isodev wrote:
       | It doesn't seem to have Metal support unfortunately. Otherwise
       | looks nice, could be fun for small pet projects.
         | chunkyguy wrote:
         | https://github.com/facebook/igl/tree/main/src/igl/metal
         | calibas wrote:
         | Says it supports Metal 2+
         | https://github.com/facebook/igl
       | pavlov wrote:
       | For an intermediate library, it doesn't actually seem to be very
       | much backend-independent. At least the desktop sample [1] has a
       | disappointing amount of code paths with parallel implementations
       | for OpenGL and Vulkan, switched at compile time using "#if
       | I guess this means that this sample will use OpenGL rather than
       | Metal on macOS? They claim there's a Metal backend, but how would
       | one enable that for the "Tiny" sample? By manually adding a third
       | parallel implementation with "#elif USE_METAL_BACKEND"
       | everywhere?
       | [1]
       | https://github.com/facebook/igl/blob/main/samples/desktop/Ti...
         | bogwog wrote:
         | Those seem to be mainly platform-specific initialization
         | things, like creating a window and rendering context. That's
         | pretty normal for these types of rendering libraries which
         | don't include a full blown portable windowing API.
         | If you use something like SDL, you'll probably be able to
         | minimize the platform-specific stuff.
           | Jasper_ wrote:
           | Even outside of platform-specific stuff, I'm seeing it all
           | over the core rendering code. I'm not impressed. https://gith
           | ub.com/facebook/igl/blob/main/samples/desktop/Ti...
             | bogwog wrote:
             | You're right, that's weird. The particular snippet you
             | linked to isn't that egregious, it just creates a dummy 1x1
             | texture for some reason, and changes a hint. A lot of stuff
             | in that file though is branched on that opengl flag. The
             | `render` function is a huge mess, _and_ it doesn 't even
             | seem like that demo supports Metal at all.
             | But tbf also, I'm just skimming the code base. Maybe
             | they'll publish some better docs later that explain/justify
             | these things.
               | Jasper_ wrote:
               | It's a very weird one.
               | createRenderPipelines uses the branch to add #version 460
               | to the beginning of shaders (one would think the platform
               | backend could do that for you, also this won't support
               | GLES2 or GL3), and also makes the programmer build a
               | sampler/uniformblock mapping table.
               | That's... perhaps needed if you're on GL3 because you
               | don't have access to binding=N in the shading language
               | and you don't want to do any shader parsing in the
               | backend, but also, you're forcing it on GL 4.6, so...
               | huh? Just use explicit binding in the shader and the
               | binding index APIs.
               | The render function uses USE_OPENGL_BACKEND to adapt for
               | the -1...1 clip space. Sure, again, glClipControl is more
               | modern than your minspec, but you're _already_ forcing GL
               | 4.6, so WTF. Also, it 's not hard to write
               | device_->adjustProjectionMatrixForNativeClipSpace(); that
               | does a matrix mul.
               | It also makes the shadow render target have a color
               | attachment (wtf? depth-only targets are supported just
               | fine in GLES2/GL3 to my knowledge), and it also...
               | doesn't use an index buffer when rendering? (EDIT: This
               | is because it's using a 32-bit index buffer, which GLES2
               | doesn't support. But it's a much better idea to split it
               | into multiple 16-bit index buffer draws if required than
               | drop the index buffer entirely... also, you know, shaders
               | have 4.6). I give up trying to understand what's going
               | on. Oh, and despite building the uniformblock mapping
               | table from before, you still have to use
               | glPipelineState->getUniformBlockBindingPoint? What on
               | earth?
               | This does not impress me.
         | yazzku wrote:
         | Same impression here. The triangle example isn't better than a
         | raw Vulkan one. Then I thought maybe it'd have more value in
         | larger applications, but the Bistro demo is just the same kind
         | of leaky abstraction code all over the place. The GUI is also
         | just ImGUI. I don't know what value this library provides.
         | seertaak wrote:
         | I disagree. Most of what's platform specific is stuff like
         | shaders, and host window stuff. I definitely do NOT want a
         | graphics layer owning that - I may want to control the type of
         | os window (say, for an audio plugin). I already know gl
         | shaders, and metal is really similar, a new 'common
         | denominator' shading language would just be another language -
         | with less docs, stackoverflow posts, etc.
         | And on the other hand, you get abstractions for the stuff that
         | really is similar, like command buffers, camera control etc.
         | I think the API is well designed, and nails flexibility
         | together with performance, at the cost of requiring to have, at
         | least, expert knowledge in one library. After that I would get
         | chatgpt to convert my shaders to metal, Vulkan, etc.
           | pavlov wrote:
           | I think the documentation could be a lot clearer about this.
           | I can understand if the goal is for the abstraction to be
           | thin and unopinionated, and that means you have to be an
           | expert in each backend. But they don't seem to explain this
           | very well.
         | zokier wrote:
         | There is ios/Metal sample here that seems to support opengl:
         | https://github.com/facebook/igl/blob/main/samples/ios/snapsh...
         | Thr shaders are backend specific but rest is mostly generic?
         | fidotron wrote:
         | This looks like what happens when the "All abstractions are
         | leaky" crowd go too far. It's an absence of abstraction to the
         | point that the intermediary layer is not helpful enough, and
         | will simply end up hidden behind another layer of obfuscatory
         | gunk.
         | Graphics people need to face the fact that writing optimised
         | cross platform renderers is not something that can be solved by
         | divide/conquer into layers in this bottom up way anymore,
         | instead you need to architect the data flow of the renderer and
         | implement platform specific/optimal approaches for each sub
         | part of that, which are so specific that this sort of wrapper
         | would not help. This isn't exactly far removed from the
         | pyramids -> gothic cathedral comparison.
           | bmitc wrote:
           | I have been researching, and it is my current understanding
           | that this is the approach that WebGPU takes, specifically
           | wgpu.
           | Is that right? I have been thinking that wgpu is the best
           | choice available for intermediate cross platform graphics one
           | level below something like Skia and one level above Vulkan,
           | OpenGL, DirectX, and Metal.
           | usrusr wrote:
           | Reads to me like the usual collection of utility/glue that
           | people build for their own needs? Those usually don't get
           | open sourced, but it's also not wrong to do that. At least if
           | you can resist the urge to announce it as the graphics API to
           | end all graphics APIs...
             | nomel wrote:
             | > can resist the urge to announce it as the graphics API to
             | end all graphics APIs
             | Please quote the text that made you believe this. It's a
             | very negative take.
               | usrusr wrote:
               | I did not intend to imply that they did. Sorry if that
               | hasn't been clear. I was considering adding a few words
               | in that direction but went with brevity.
           | Jasper_ wrote:
           | You can build far better abstractions than what we have here.
           | A lot of games that support more than two platforms have
           | graphics abstractions that leak less than this.
       | PcChip wrote:
       | ImGui spotted, someone should tell ocornut to add it to the list!
       | https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Software-using-dear-im...
       | codelord wrote:
       | 385 lines for a triangle:
       | https://github.com/facebook/igl/blob/main/samples/desktop/Ti...
       | When you are trying to sell a wrapper you want your hello world
       | example as small as possible not as comprehensive as possible.
         | vitaminka wrote:
         | ye, it's approaching 50% of LOD of a vulkan hello triangle
         | shaunxcode wrote:
         | but its called tiny!
         | seertaak wrote:
         | ... for metal, gl, and Vulkan.
         | Sorry but this is simply par for the course for any of the
         | above.
         | You can certainly wrap a lot of that stuff, but you need to
         | make assumptions, and the person that uses likely is writing
         | demanding app, and they want full control over literally
         | everything - but they also would like to cut time to port to
         | Linux by half (say).
         | n42 wrote:
         | if you just want to draw a triangle, there's higher level
         | libraries for that purpose. this is a low level library built
         | to abstract (but map as close as possible to) modern backends
         | (Vulkan, DX12, etc). the idea with these backends is to give
         | precise control over the pipeline - that kind of precise
         | control does not lend itself to the higher level abstractions
         | you are looking for.
         | that said, it's not like this scales linearly so that 1,000
         | triangles is 385,000 lines of code. there's a lot of plumbing
         | to setup the pipeline for your application's specific use case.
         | again, if your use case does not require the flexibility, look
         | elsewhere.
       | terracottalite wrote:
       | Just noticed the installation command "python3 deploy_content.py"
       | installs the scene and not the library. Don't run that one if you
       | don't want do download 2G of stuff, just run the deploy_deps one.
       (page generated 2023-07-07 23:00 UTC)